Multiple-Choice Test False-Position Method of Solving A Nonlinear Equation
Multiple-Choice Test False-Position Method of Solving A Nonlinear Equation
Multiple-Choice Test False-Position Method of Solving A Nonlinear Equation
Chapter 03.06
False-Position Method of Solving a Nonlinear
1. The false-position method for finding roots of nonlinear equations belongs to a class
of a (an) ____________ method.
(A) open
(B) bracketing
(C) random
(D) graphical
2. The newly predicted root for false-position and secant method can be respectively
given as
f ( xU ){xU − x L }
x r = xU −
f ( xU ) − f (x L )
f ( xi ){xi − xi −1 }
xi +1 = xi − ,
f ( xi ) − f ( xi −1 )
While the appearance of the above 2 equations look essentially identical, and both
methods require two initial guesses, the major difference between the above two
formulas is
(A) false-position method is not guaranteed to converge.
(B) secant method is guaranteed to converge
(C) secant method requires the 2 initial guesses xi −1 and xi to satisfy
f ( xi −1 ) × f ( xi ) < 0
(D) false-position method requires the 2 initial guesses x L and xU to satisfy
f ( x L ) × f ( xU ) < 0
03.06.2 Chapter 03.06
Iteration xL xU xr
1 1 4 ?
2 ? ? 1.500
Iteration xL xU xr
1 1 4 ?
2 ? ? 2.784
03.06.3 Chapter 03.06
IterationxL xU xr | ∈a | %
1 1 4 ? ?
2 ? ? ? 6.11
Iteration xL xU xr | ∈a | %
1 1 4 ? ?
2 ? ? ? 5.14
Iteration xL xU xr | ∈a | %
1 1 4 ? ?
2 ? ? ? 4.15