1293 CPR 0637 - SensoMAG S30

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NOTIFIED BODY No. 1293 CERTIFICATE OF CONSTANCY OF PERFORMANCE No. 1293 — CPR - 0637 | compliance with Regulation (EU) No 305/201 of the European Parliament and of the Council ‘of 9 March 2011 (the Construction products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the ‘construction product Conventional fire alarm optical-smoke detector SensoMAG S30, Precise S30, Herald S30, RunwayLeo S30 For specifications soe Annex to this caricate placed on the market under the name or trade mark of Teletek Electronics JSC 14A Srebarna Str., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria and produced in the manufacturing plant Teletek Electronics JSC 414A Srebarna Str., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria This cerlficate attests that all provisions conceming the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standards EN 54-7:2000 :2000/A1:2002 1000/A2:2006 under system 1 for the performance set out in this certificate are applied and that the factory production control conducted by the manufacturer is assessed to ensure the constancy of performance of the construction product. te was first issued on March 19%, 2019 and will remain valid as long as neither the standard, the construction product, the AVCP methods nor the manufacturing conditions, in the plant are modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the notified product certification body. Nové Dubnica, March 19", 2019 053393, EVPO as, Trendlonsha 18, SK 0185 Novd Dubie, Slovak Republi, sizsk Annex to Certificate No. 1293 - CPR - 0637 from March 19", 2019 General information ‘The detector SensoMAG $30 and derived variants are compatible with any conventional Fire Panel with fire alarm threshold between 10mA and 15mA (between 10mA and 30mA with B24RD fire base). ‘The detector can be used with 4 base types: B12L/U- Base with relay output (not covered by ENS4-7): B24 - Standard base; 824D - Standard base with Schottky diode: ‘B24RD - Standard base with Schottky diode and increased alarm state current, Technical specifications Operating voltage range 9-30 VDC (Nom. 12/24vDC) ‘Average current consumption in quiescent state < SOA ‘Alarm state current = with base type B24 and 8240 20 ma/12+30V with base type B24RD ‘33 mA/ 12V; 49mA/24V; 57mA/30V with base type B12UU 418 mA/9V; 2omA/12V; 32mA/15V ‘Output in alarm state at terminal Rt 20mA (max) /-3.3V Operation temperature “10°C = +60°C Relative humiity (9383)% @ +40°C Degree of protection 1P30 Dimensions © 102mm h 42mm ‘Weight (incl base) 160g Essential charactorlics “Test specification | Harmonised technical ‘specifications Nominal activation condiions /Senstiviy, -¢, 46,52, 53,54, | EN S4-7:2000 response delay (response rime) anc se87.g18 [EN 547:200011:2002 Performance under fre condone ee EN 54-7-2000/42:2006 ‘Operational reliably €.4.21045, 4.66NA, | EN54-7:2000 EN 54-7:2000/A1:2002 A EN 54-7:2000/A2:2008 Tolerance to supply volage 255 eon EN 4.7:2000/81:2002 EN 54-7:2000/A2:2006 Durability of operaional elabityand | sy EN54-7-2000 be EN 54-7-2000/a1:2002 EN 54-7.2000/A2:2006 Durabiliy of operational relaBIRy | a oa ag EN 4-7-2000 vipration resistance oe EN 54-7-2000/a1-2002 EN 5-7:2000/A2:2006 Dorabiliy of operational reliably een EN 547.2000 humic resistance | EN 547-2000/a1:2002 EN 54.7:2000/A2:2006 ‘Durabiy of operational reliably "EN 6#-7:2000 Ccontosion resistance ie EN 54-7-2000/A1:2002 EN 67 20002208, ‘Durabily of operational relabiy ‘EN 54-7 ‘electrical stably este EN §4-7-2000/a1-2002 EN 54.7:2000/A22006, Nova Dubnica, March 19", 2019 EVPU as. Tronéianska 10, SK 01951 Nové Dubie, Slovak Republic, ww.avouk Page 2!2 FcO425-13 Rev

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