330 8001004 Certificat PS-128

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‘ny adc Epitésiigyi Mindségellen6rzé Innovaciés Kht. Npe for Quality Control and Kézponti Laboratorium Innovation in Building Aktiv Tiizvédelmi Eszkizéket Vizsgalé Laboratériuma _| Fire Testing Laboratory Central Laboratory: 1113 Budapest, Active Fire Protection Laboratory: 2000 Szentendre, Dézsa Gviray iit 26. jidszegi ut 37. Phone: (36-1) 372-6113 Phone: (36-26) 310-526 No.: TMT-88a/2006 CERTIFICATE on the FIRE SAFETY CONFORMITY ofa technical product This Certificate is issued by EMI Kht. as an attestation body by appointment No. 1-A/10 14/2004 (16 December 2004) of the Minister of Interior, at the request of TRIODA BIZTONSAGTECHNIKA ZRT. H-1191 BUDAPEST, ULLOI UT 206. ‘This Certificate of Conformity is based on the test results outlined in the attached TEST REPORT. Identification marking of technical product (brand name, type, marking): SIGNAL PS128 SOUNDER SIGNAL PS128F FIRE ALARM SOUNDER This CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY (FIRE SAFELY) is valid until 15" of January 2012. or Ths 3 Budapest, 3” of August 2007. EMI's Central Laboratory, Fie Testing Laboratory hhas been accredited under No. NAT-1-1100/2006 by the National ‘Accreditation Body, in accordance with Hungarian Standard MSZ EN ISOMEC 17025:2005; and + itis full rights member of EGOLF (European Group of Organisation for Fire Testing, Inspection and Certification). KBIA-X-1,1-2006.05.11. a -2/2- TMT-88a/2006 Product manufacturer: Tridda Biztonsigtechnika Zrt. H-1191 Budapest, Ull6i dt 206. Hungary Distributor: Triéda Biztonségtechnika Zrt. H-1191 Budapest, Ull6i tit 206. Hungary Identification of testing facilities: EMI Kht. Central Laboratory (H-1113 Budapest, Didszegi iit 37) Active Fire Protection Laboratory (H-2000 Szentendre, Dézsa Gydrgy it 26) Standards observed in testing the product: - MSZ EN 54-1:2002 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 2: Introduction, - MSZ EN 54-3:2003 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Sounders, = 2/2002.(1.23.) BM — Decree of Minister of the Interior Brief description and technical data of the products: Outdoor fire alarm sounder with flashing, which itis flashing together with sound signal. The housing is impact resistant plastic, inside in a steal box. Sabotage switch give signals to fire control equipment. Regular self- testing, continuous battery-, lamp,- and sounder test. [295 x 200 x 100 [mm] {3.0 [ke] Operating voltage: |Battery: jimal battery voltage: Fi Power of flash: ‘Current consumptior Maximum battery charging current. | Average working current: [Color (housing/lens): | Sound intensity _ 2h aaa Frequency range: 900 Hz - 2400 Hz Field of application of the product (96/577/EC): Fire alarm devices — Sounders Identification marking of technical documents: M-780/2006 Technical conditions of applying the product safely: The technical conditions are identified in section M-780/2006 of the relevant No. 2™ part Test Report. No. TMT-88a/2006 Certificate of Conformity (Fire Safety) covers a product which fully complies with the data and technical characteristics featuring in the Test Report marked 2 Part and dated 15-12-2006, provided that the other conditions of application identified in section 2" Part of the Test Report are met. During the life of this Certificate of Conformity, EMI Kht. is entitled to inspect the product in the manufacturing and/or distribution process, with expenses paid by the customer. — DANO - Antalné Lérik Noémi Head of Laboratory KBiA-X-1.1-2006.05.11,

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