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File No.Z.


 F. No. Z.28016/133/2021-DM Cell

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
(DM Cell)
 Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.
   Dated the  27th May  2021.
Sourav Bysack
Saradapally Mathurdingi, Mrigalal,
Tantipara Haspu, Dankuni, Pin:712311
[email protected]
Subject: Request for information under RTI Act 2005.
          With reference to your online RTI application bearing registration no.
MOHFW/R/E/21/01528dated 15/04/2021 for providing information on the above-mentioned subject.
The point wise reply is as under:-

S No. Question Answer

1.  Is face Masks  Use of mask/face cover has been advised to all in various SOPs/Guidelines
are mandatory issued by MoHFW. However as per these guidelines/SOPs its use has not
for everyone. been explicitly made mandatory.
2.  what are the No such information is available in records of DM Cell, MoHFW
side effects of
face mask.
3.  how long use Mask has to be worn for a maximum of 8 hours of use or earlier if it becomes
of face mask wet or visibly soiled.
is safe.
4.  if a person  No such information is available in records of DM Cell, MoHFW.
feel very
while using
face mask
then what
he/she should
5.  Is face masks  As per MoHFW's Guidelines on Preventive Measures to Contain Spread of
lower the COVID-19 in Yoga Institutes & Gymnasiums issued on 1st March 2021
oxygen (available at:
saturation https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/GuidelinesonPreventiveMeasurestoContainSpr
level in blood. eadofCOVID19inYogaInstitutes&Gymnasiums.pdf), use of mask (in
particular N-95 masks) during exercise may cause difficulty in breathing. No
further information is available in records of DM Cell, MoHFW.
6.  Is government  No such information is available in records of DM Cell, MoHFW.
of India
conducted any
trial/study on
using face
mask and face
mask side
effects .
7.  what type of  No such information is available in records of DM Cell, MoHFW.
mask is
File No.Z.28016/133/2021-DMCell

effective and
why with

          If you are not satisfied with the above reply, you can prefer an appeal to Appellate Authority
i.e.  Shri. Govind Jaiswal, Director PH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Room No. 205 “D”,
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi, as per the provision of RTI Act, 2005.
 Yours sincerely
Tel. No. 011- 23060777

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