Sap June 2021
Sap June 2021
Sap June 2021
v o l u m e 9 7 : 3 . 9 6 6
Onderstepoort cancellation is
inscribed PARCELS at the base, but
Unique entire from Cape Town addressed to the Treasurer General, Natal was applied on a postcard to the USA.
franked with 4d Cape triangular.
ISSN 0038-2566
The SA Philatelist, June 2021 .
J U N E 2021 Vo l 9 7 Nu m b e r 3 Wh o l e No 9 66
72 PFSA Update - Federation News
by C.O.O. André du Plessis
72 NOTE changes to the event in Bloemfontein: now postponed the A ndré du Plessis RDPSA : a n d r e d u p f s @gm a i l .c o m
83rd PFSA Congress, Vrijstaat 2021 National Philatelic Exhibition Peter van der Molen RDPSA, FRPSL : [email protected]
& Junass. The Savpex 2021 Virtual Exhibition results in July
David Wigston: s p e e d b i r d [email protected]
by Joof van der Merwe
Robin Messenger: [email protected]
75 Obituary: Pierre Erasmus Janice Botes Production Editor: [email protected]
75 New International Exhibition Dates: Cape Town and London Alan Rose: [email protected]
76 Protea Definitive Series: Reversed Perforations on the 4c Stamp
by Dr Vic Sorour
77 Tapling Medal of the Royal Philatelic PS of J Newsletter
Alex Visser RDPSA : [email protected]
77 South African exhibitors at CANPEX 2021 Virtual One Frame Exhibition Michael Wigmore RDPSA : [email protected]
80 Official Mail Sent by or Received in Natal from ‘Overseas Countries’ Chris Mobsby RDPSA, FRPSL : [email protected]
by Roger Porter RDPSA Gerhard Kamffer RDPSA : [email protected]
85 Collectors Save St Helena Archives Press release ABPS CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER of the PFSA
86 Suid Afrikaanse Poskantoor Interne Takposgeleibrief André du Plessis RDPSA : [email protected]
(Branch Post Office Waybill) deur Johan Joubert Tel: +27 (0) 83 399 1755
88 House Numbering with thanks to ‘The Archive Team at The Postal Museum, London P R O D U C T I O N & L AYO U T
89 In Memoriam: HRH The Prince Philip, Duke Of Edinburgh Janice Botes: [email protected]
Tel: +27 (0) 11 454 5940
90 The Functioning of the Postal System - Part 3: Airmail postal services A l l S o u t h A f r i c a n s ta m ps
and postal rates applicable over the period 1961 - 1971 a r e r e p r o d u c e d w i th the
p e r m i s s i o n o f S A PO
by Dr Gerhard Kamffer RDPSA
94 Stopped by Censor by Andrew Briscoe
96 Error Corrected Material from the files of the late Jan Bakker RDPSA
97 The King is dead, long live the Queen by Sean Burke
70 Filat AG
77 John & Mark Taylor
79 Johnson Philatelic
89 Doreen Royan & Associates
100 Spink
To avoid late delivery, please note; Publication closing dates for FINAL submission of
Advertising Material for The SA Philatelist. ARTICLES should be submitted in the month prior:
• AUGUST 2021 - Volume. 97: 4. 967. 9 July 2021 • OCTOBER 2021 - Volume. 97 : 3. 966. 9 Sept 2021
or by email: [email protected] The selling price will be
US $17 plus Postage and Packaging of US $8.
(Local is R230 plus pp R20). Payment may be made by
Correspondence to THE SA
EFT to the account of: Philatelica 2021NPC
SA PHILATELIST should ABSA Wealth Account. Branch Code: 632 005
be addressed to the Account Number: 40 9528 4108
Editorial Board. Material or to PAYPAL account: [email protected]
received is most welcome Please support our endeavour.
and will be reviewed.
Articles, letters and
items of interest may be
published and stand the
chance of being rewarded
with a writing gift.
Poor Mar y
O Mary found a little stamp,
What a tour de force the April issue is. But what about putting the
A rarity, conceded.
e-mail address next to the name of each author, so a reader may
In fact ’twas just the very one
correspond directly with him/her? David Mordant.
Ed comment: We will request permission from the authors to do just that.
Her dear old daddy needed.
It also chanced, this wondrous stamp,
The Covid effect continues... That Mary did discover a
Rare Patriotic Cover
Now, Mary knowing that her dad
Liked stamps found in a garret,
Made haste to yank from envelope
Said stamp, as well as tear it.
And thus she brought it to her dad
In ecstasy to show him,
But, from his look of seething rage,
She found she didn’t know him.
A fortune he had won and lost
Through his beloved daughter,
Because to leave old stamp intact
He ne’er before had taught her.
And thou, O stamps - collecting sire,
Take this advice from me:
While in their youth, and ere too late,
Teach kids Philately.
As per the request in The SA Philatelist, (p55 of the April 2021 issue) please - G. M. McCracken, “Poor Mary,”
see the above postal item returned to me due to there not being any flights Originally appeared in the
available. Mervyn Elliott (29.3.21) Washington Post 1933
2.a 2.b
Fig.2: Large registration marks from Cape Town and Durban.
1.a 1.c The 58 mm registration mark from Durban complete on piece
is clearly an item of beauty. How long will we enjoy the
pleasure of such postmarks? In a recent weekly Newsletter
by an Australian dealer it was reported that the German post
office started issuing stamps that you can track, even on
normal letter mail. Every stamp is sold with a printed unique
Matrix Code. All German mail centres and post offices have
moved to pale blue ink cancellations from 4 February 2021
1.e (Fig.3), so that the code can be machine-read. Interestingly
Fig.1(a-f): Examples of broad classification of different parcel cancellations.
the machine cancel is in light blue, but the weak hand stamp
impression at the bottom of the stamp is still in black ink.
74 The SA Philatelist, June 2021 .
Does this spell the end of postmarks as we have known them, even the
beautiful parcel cancellers?
R.I.P. Pierre Erasmus 1952 - 2021
The Cape Town 2021 International Exhibition has been postponed and now
scheduled to be held from the 8-12 November 2022.
– Organising Committee of the Cape Town International Exhibition.
The new IREX has been finalised and approved by the FIP. A Social Media presence on both Facebook and
Twitter has been created. The latest London 2022 newsletter is now available at
19 to 26 February 2022 Frank Walton RDP FRPSL
Chairman, London 2022 Organising Committee
An important collection of
autograph letters, documents
and more, from the records of
Leopold Stern, relating to the
NOTE: The following stamp issue became available from Philatelic Services 20 April 2021.
The issue date shown below is that appearing on the sheet margin and on the canceller.
The above information was collated
from SAPO’s Philatelic e-mailed newsletter
WHAT’S NEWS, dated April 2021 and personal
Die vervoer van pos het deur die jare baie aandag geniet en is alles in “1114. Die Poswet maak voorsiening vir strawwe
die stryd gewerp om die aflewering daarvan te beveilig en te beskerm. in gevalle waar persone hulle met die vervoer van
Hierdie nougesetheid het aanleing gegee tot ‘n handstelsel om die pos inmeng of dit belemmer en wanneer n drywer
aflewering van posstukke te volg en na te speur. Die Poskantoor se of enigeen wat vir ‘n posbesending verantwoordelik
interne vorm P13/122 is spesifiek vir hierdie doel ontwerp. is, beskonke is of onnodig sloer. Daar word van elke
Die alombekende elektroniese skanderings metode van ‘Trek en amptenaar van die Departement vereis om sulke
Volg’ (Track and Trace), wat in 1994 deur die Poskantoor in gebruik gevalle wat onder sy aandag kom, spesiaal aan sy
geneem is, is gegrond op die ondervinding wat opgedoen is met die senior beampte te rapporteer.”
handstelsel. ‘n Takposgeleibrief moet deur die Poskantoor van
Hoewel dit beslis meer tyd in beslag geneem het, word die vertrek voorberei word waarin die hoeveelheid
doelteffendheid daarvan aan die hand van ‘n Takposgeleibrief uit possakke en hul bestemmings aangedui word.
die 1970s geïllustreer. Die geleibrief is op die roete vanaf Mamre na Die tyd en vertrek moet op die Takposgeleibrief
Milnerton en terug na Mamre gebruik (Figs.1 en 2). aangebring word met die bestemmings Poskantoor
Wikipedia beskryf ‘n Geleibrief (Waybill) as ‘n “dokument wat se datumstempel asook die handtekening van
uitgereik is deur die kontrakinstansie wat besonderhede uitreik en die posbeampte. Dit volg dat die possakke
voorskrif instruksies gee vir die vervoer van die besending van goedere. dienooreenkomstig genommer is.
‘n Geleibrief is soortgelyk aan n koerier se gedetaileerde bewys van Possakke bestem vir Poskantore op die terugreis is by
die versender, die ontvanger, punt van vertrek en aankoms by die die possentrum, in hierdie geval Milnerton, opgelaai.
eindbestemming”. Besonderhede daarvan is op die voorgeskrewe wyse
Posregulasies rakende die Takposgeleibrief P13/122 en motorpos op die keersy van die takposgeleibrief aangebring.
vervoerstelsel Met beide die heen en terugreis is daar slegs by
Die volgende regulasies is as riglyn in die poskantoorgids vervat: Poskantore aangedoen waar possakke afgelewer
“1110. Possakke wat per poskar of motorvoertuig moes word. (Fig.3)
vervoer word, moet op so wyse opgepak word dat die HEEN TERUG
Aan Aan
inhoud veilig is en die sakke nie kan afval nie. As hulle Poskantoor komstyd Tyd Km Poskantoor komstyd Tyd Km
aan die kante van of bo-op ‘n rytuig, of op die agterskot, Mamre 07:15 Milnerton 9:00
wat aan alle poskarre moet wees, gepak word, moet Katzenberg 07:30 15minute 8.4 Melkbosstrand 09:30 30minute 27
bokseile oor die possakke getrek en aan die voertuig Philadelphia 07:55 25minute 25 Philadelphia 10:10 40minute 19
vasgemaak word. Drywers moet die sakke voortdurend Melkbosstrand 08:05 15minute 19 Katzenberg 10:50 20minute 25
nagaan om seker te maak dat hulle nie kan verloor of Bloubergstrand 08:40 45minute 12 Mamre 11:05 15minute 8.4
dat daar nie aan gepeuter kan word nie. Sakke moet nie Milnerton 09:00 20minute 11
van die voertuig afgegooi word nie en daar mag nie op Fig.4: Beide Mamre en Katzenberg is Morawiese sendingstasies, elk met sy eie
hulle getrap of gesit word nie.”
“1111. Daar word van ‘n Posmeester verwag om dikwels op te Die bostaande tabel toon die aankoms-
let hoedat posstukke op n voertuig gelaai word ten einde seker te en vertrektye asook die afstand tussen die
maak dat die sakke versigtig gehanteer en behoorlik gepak word; verskillende Poskantore op die roete aan:
nogtans moet hy hom hoegenaamd nie bemoei met possakke wat (Fig.4)
in die sorg van ‘n kontrakteur is nie, tensy dit in belang van Die reis is gedoen met ‘n posbakkie wat deur
hulle veiligheid is, of as instruksies ontvang is dat die sakke van die SA Poskantoor gekontrakteer is. Die rit
die voertuig afgelaai en die pos opnuut opgemaak moet word.” vanaf Mamre na Milnerton en weer terug na
“1112. Daar moet gesorg word dat die juiste tyd van aankoms by en Mamre, ‘n totaal van 154,8km, het 4 uur en 10
vertrektyd van elke Poskantoor deur die Posmeester op die posgeleibrief minute geneem om te voltooi.
ingeskryf word. Tydsverlies moet op die posgeleibrief aangeteken
Alles dui daarop dat die handstelsel, met
word en die oorsaak daarvan verduidelik word. As n poskontrakteur
slaafse nakoming van voorgeskrewe reëls,
meer as 15 minute laat by sy bestemming aankom, moet die geval
baie effektief en doeltreffend toegepas is en
deur die posmeester, wat vir die nagaan en liaseer van die geleibrief
verantwoordelik is, aan die streeksbeheerbeampte gerapporteer word. kompeteer dit baie goed met die hedendaagse
Die posgeleibrief moet saam met die rapport aangestuur word.” elektroniese stelsel.
“1113. As ‘n posbesending nie ‘n poskar haal nie, moet die Poskantoor Die afdruk in Fig.5 is gemanipuleer en verbeter
van bestemming per dienstetelegram daarvan verwittig word as so n om die datumstempels beter aan te toon.
kantoor ‘n telegraafkantoor is.”
86 The SA Philatelist, June 2021 .
Fig.1: SA Poskantoor Pospapier Takposgeleibrief P13/122. Begin Fig.3: Keersy van die takposgeleibrief (P13/122). Let op
van posroete afwaarts, vanaf Mamre tot in Milnerton en weer dat Milnerton nie hul datumstempel aangebring het nie.
terug. Begintyd 07:05 met elke Poskantoor se vertrektyd. Bloubergstrand se datumstempel verskyn ook nie bloot
omdat daar geen possakke vir die Poskantoor bestem was nie.
Fig.5: Al die datumstempels bevat die
Mamre Katzenberg syfer ‘A’ voor die jaartal wat beteken
Pellz dat die transaksie in die oggend (A-
Advance Midday) plaasgevind het
Philadelphia Bronne:
Melkbosstrand › wiki › Waybill 2021-
Robben Island
Bloubergstrand 2.
Tableview Poskantoor Handboek, Deel II, Voorskrif
CAPE TOWN aan Posmeesters met opgedatteerde
regulasies tot 1984, Staatsdrukker 1952.
Fish Hoek Fig.2: Kaart met die Poskantore wat
Simonstown bedien is op die roete van Mamre na
House Numbering
with thanks to ‘The Archive Team at The Postal Museum, London’
Tel: +27 (0)11 706 1920
[email protected]
S P E C I A L I S T I N R A R I T I E S , E R R O R S A N D VA R I E T I E S
Fig.12: Posted air mail from the RSA to England on 13 December 1963 but routed
via surface mail as underpaid. The air mail letter rate to the UK was 12½c per
½ oz and the 2nd Class airmail rate was 5c per ½ oz (both from 14 Feb 1961); the
surface mail letter rate was 5c per oz (from 1 April 1962, following SA’s departure
from the Commonwealth). This has been taxed double the deficiency of 2c (whether
the PO regarded this as a 2nd Class air mail item or an ordinary letter), the 4c The author would like to thank Hugh Amoore RDPSA
penalty was converted at the prevailing SA exchange rate to 16 centimes, which from Cape Town for his assistance with this article.
the UK taxing office converted to a fine of 4d.
M a t e r i a l f r o m t h e f i l e s o f t h e l a t e J a n B a k k e r RDPSA - edited by Alan Rose
Southampton to pick
up British passengers
When travelling on big for Egypt, Aden, Ceylon
passenger ships, one could and Singapore. At
still write letters or postcards. Southampton all mail
Such ships usually had a postal collected so far was
agent on board who would bagged and handed in at
carry a stock of stamps of the a British post office.
country from which the ship As printed matter to
departed which covered the a foreign destination,
most popular postal rates. At the cover was correctly
each port of call, he would franked with 5c. In
hand over a bag of mail to Southampton the post
the company agent who in office official obviously
turn would hand it in to the thought this was a letter
local post office. Such mail which required a 12c
would be considered to be stamp and marked it
from the country of origin of the ship. This could at times with a cachet of a ‘T’ in a circle, as being under-franked.
result in unusual but collectable covers with interesting This was an alert to the office of destination that the
cancellations. item was under-franked and would require a Postage
The cover here was posted on a Dutch ship and franked Due penalty.
according to Dutch postal rates with a Dutch stamp. It was (It is standard practice to add this cachet to an item to
classed and franked as printed matter and posted on the alert the office of destination which then decides what
Dutch liner Oranje where the postal agent on board cancelled Postage Due, if any, is to be charged). In this instance,
the stamp with the ship’s date cachet ‘11IV 54, POST AGENT the postal office at Prestbury in Cheshire realised that the
A/B M.S. ORANJE” cover was printed matter and correctly franked and so
The Oranje’s regular passage was between Holland and the did not charge Postage Due. It is good to know the Post
Dutch East Indies / Indonesia with the first port of call being Office can recognise and correct its own mistakes.
President: Werner Barnard;
email: [email protected] Contact for details: Aubrey Katzef
Secretary: Reanie de Villiers; 0825670353 (a.h.); <[email protected]>
email: [email protected] +27 (21) 4615134 President of CASPIP.
Website: FOUNDED 30 APRIL 1909
Contact the Secretary for Programme details.
P O Box 528, Florida Hills, 1716 EAST LONDON
for further information 082 722 7604.
SOCIETY OF CAPE TOWN President : David Preston
9 June 2021 Favourite Cover/s 082 7742090.
14 July 2021 PowerPoint Presentation by Email: [email protected]
email<[email protected]
Heinz Wirz President: Ida Potgieter
Secretary: Carlos Da Fonseca
11 August 2021 Grand Challenge Match email: [email protected]
082 334 7603.
8 Sept 2021 One-Frame Evening cell: 074 333 4646
13 October 2021 Second Competitive Evening Secretary: Victor Millard 0828028882
10 November 2021 Invited Exhibitor or email: [email protected] ZIMBABWE - BULAWAYO
Persons dining before the meetings at both Website:
Auckland Park and Woodmead should Royal Philatelic Society of Zimbabwe
meet in the restaurant at 18h30. PAARLSE FILATELISTE email: [email protected]
WOODMEAD Sedert 1951
Informal Study Group kontak gerus vir: Gawie Hugo: 083 956 2410 E D E N VA L E
This study group has changed its name PHILATELIC SOCIETY
and continues meeting - please send all [email protected] of
communication to [email protected] Riaan Crafford: 082 876 7608 Our Facebook page allows club activities
Next Meeting: Wed. 30th June 2021 n/u [email protected] to continue 24/7; search for Edenvale
starts at 19h30 Philatelic Society. Contact: Colin Bousfield
082 309 8656
These meetings provide a superb learning experience.
Bring along a few philatelic items and be surprised at
how much additional information can be gained from STAMP CIRCLE EAST RAND
comments received from other attendees. Programmes for meetings include PHILATELIC SOCIETY
displays, talks by visiting speakers and
SANDTON ‘Show & Tell’ exhibits. An Exchange
David Wigston - Acting President
PHILATELIC SOCIETY circuit and auctions from time to time.
The society has an active exchange packet circuit Visitors always welcome! Contact: email: [email protected]
and members with a wide range of philatelic Marilyn Crawford at 021 689 5050 Secretary: Paul Hammerton
interests. For further information contact: email: [email protected] [email protected]
Chris Carey 083 6622150 / 011 673 2229
[email protected] GEORGE WEST RAND
PHILATELIC SOCIETY President: Nick Zerbst 0836255804,
Contact: Andries Nel, 083 269 9374.
Monthly newsletter, active exchange section and Secretary: Rob Sinclair-Black 044 8746337.
loads of expertise on traditional philately and email: [email protected] ChairmanorSecretaryIanWalker.Tel:011472 1161
email: [email protected]
President and Society Secretary: Alex Visser. FISH HOEK
Box 36473, Menlo Park 0102; cell 082 922-2927 Founded in 1954 and still promoting Society meets every 4th Friday monthly, (except
DI E P O SB OOM philately in the ‘Deep South’ of the December), at 19h15 at the museum of the Boer
FIL AT E L I E V ER ENIG IN G Cape Peninsula. President: Dave Young Republics in Memorium Road, Bloemfontein.
email: [email protected] President: Dr Neil Cronjé and Vice president:
Sekretaresse: Gerrie Conradie Secretary: Volker Janssen.
082 952 6700. Garry Osthoff email: [email protected]
Tel / Faks 044 698 1074.
epos: [email protected] P O RT ELI Z AB ET H HIGHWAY
AFRIKAANSE President Francois Friend, The Committee encourages past and new visitors to
F I L AT E L I E V E R E N I G I N G 082 554 8900, francois@ join and get involved in this social hobby of Kings.
VA N PRETO RI A; or Vice president, German Restaurant open for lunch.
Vergader elke 3de Saterdag van die maand om David Brown 041 360 4025; President: Leigh Hen-Boisen,
10:00 by die NG Kerk Queenswood in Garretweg, or Secretary / Treasurer Rodney [email protected]
Queenswood. Aangename en aktiewe groep wat Maclachlan 072 619 5409. Secretary: Bronwen Edwards,
gereeld bywoon. Nuusbrief ‘Die Posduif’ verskyn Meetings for 2021 held in the daytime [email protected]
maandeliks. Voorsitter: Dr. Louwrence Erasmus. - 10h30/11h00 to 13h00 at same venue Membership: Bev Chittenden,
Sekretaris: Ronel Erasmus. Kontak: Herman van dates: 7.6; 5.7; 2.8; 6.9; 4.10; 4.11; No meeting for [email protected] or
Niekerk by [email protected] of 072 446 2501 December reserved for President’s Christmas party. Barry Livsey, [email protected] o . z a