Unit 5 - Metals and Alloys
Unit 5 - Metals and Alloys
Unit 5 - Metals and Alloys
Fabrication of Metals
Ductile (or nodular) Iron – formed by adding • Process of fabricating and producing
magnesium and or cerium to the gray iron before structures from raw metal materials.
casting. • Includes cutting, burning, 3d printing,
machining, forming, etc.
• Metal fabrication techniques are
normally preceded by refining, alloying
and heat-treating processes.
Forming Operations
Lost-Foam Casting – polystyrene beads are Welding - two or more metal parts are joined to
expanded in an aluminum tool and bonded form a single piece.
together to form complete patterns or sections
that are assembled into a foam pattern. • Similar and dissimilar metals may be
welded together
• Includes gas and arc welding, soldering,
3d Printing – also called additive manufacturing. Stress Relief - Internal residual stresses may
develop in metal pieces in response to the
• It is a process of making three
dimensional solid objects from a digital
1. Plastic deformation processes such as
• It is created by the addition of raw machining and grinding
material incrementally, often in a layer 2. Nonuniform cooling of a piece that was
like fashion, one layer at a time, from processed or fabricated at an elevated
computer-aided design (CAD) data. temperature, such as a weld or a casting
3. A phase transformation that is induced
upon cooling in which parent and product
phases have different densities.
Distortion and warpage may result if these
residual stresses are not removed.
Annealing Process