Reviewer Chapter 3-4
Reviewer Chapter 3-4
Reviewer Chapter 3-4
• High-carbon steel.
CERAMIC Classification of advanced ceramics based on
chemical composition:
-are inorganic, non-metallic materials and
things made for them. • Nitride Ceramics
-are normally achieve heat treatment process • Silicate Ceramic
called firing.
• Carbide Ceramics
Classification of Ceramics
• Oxide Ceramics
Classification of advanced ceramics based on
1. Density application:
the strength of ceramics increased the density
become heavy and vice versa.
2. Porosity
Porosity or void fraction is a measure of the
void or empty space in material.
3. Mechanical Property
Elastic Behavior
Strength of Ceramics
Mechanism of Brittle fracture
4. Thermal Property Classification of advanced ceramics based on
Thermal Conductivity application:
Thermal Expansion Coefficient
5. Magnetic Property
Magnetic ceramics are prepared by sintering
technology from iron oxide and
barium/strontium carbonate with small amounts
of other metal oxides. These are called
6. Electrical Property
Superconductivity Biomaterials, defined as synthetic or natural
Electric Conductivity materials used in contact with biological
Piezoelectric Property systems.
Dielectric Property
Microelectromechanical System, mechanical
CHEMICAL PROPERTY parts and electronic circuits combined to form
Ceramics generally have good chemical miniature devices.
resistance to weak acids and weak bases. Amorphous, Atoms exhibit only short-range
Traditional and Advanced ceramics order.
Materials Crystalline, Atoms are arranged in a regularly
repeating pattern in 3-dimension.