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Reviewer Chapter 3-4

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Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals  Cast Iron - a hard and wear resistant

metal that is widely used for items

 Ferrous metals are classification of
including cookware, machine tools,
metals that are primarily composed of
engines, manhole covers, pipes,
machinery, automotive industry parts.
Examples of Ferrous Metals  Wrought Iron - able to resist corrosion
and oxidation. It is typically used for
 Steel – A combination of iron and fences, railings and gates.
carbon in which the carbon content
ranges up to 2 percent. Properties of Ferrous Metals
steel is a composition of different
• High strength and durability
materials like Chromium, Aluminum,
Manganese, Iron, Phosphorus, Sulfur, • Excellent magnetic properties
Copper, Nickel, etc
• Low corrosion resistance
Processes of making Steel
• Good electrical conductivity
a. Smelting
• Recyclable
b. Steelmaking
c. Casting or Forming  Non-Ferrous Metals or alloys are
d. Heat Treatment defined as materials that are not iron
e. Surface Treatment based like their ferrous counterparts.
f. Finishing Common non-ferrous metals include
 Stainless Steel - an alloy steel made copper, aluminum, and lead.
with the addition of chromium to steel,
which provides resistance against rust. Examples of Non-Ferrous Metals

Types of Stainless Steel  ALUMINUM - tends to be light in

color although it can be polished to a
• Austenitic stainless steel mirror like appearance.
 COPPER - It is a ductile and malleable
• Ferritic stainless steel
metal. It is often red/brown in color.
• Duplex stainless steel  ZINC - It is very resistant to corrosion
from moisture.
• Martensitic stainless steel  TIN - It is a very ductile and very
Grades of Stainless Steel malleable metal.
 LEAD - It is soft, malleable metal. It
i. 200 series - This series is used for is also counted as one of the heavy
austenitic grades that contain metals.
manganese.  SILVER - A soft, white, lustrous
ii. 300 series - This series is used to name transition metal, it has the highest
austenitic stainless steels with carbon, electrical conductivity of any
nickel, and molybdenum as alloying element and the highest thermal
elements. conductivity of any metal.
iii. 400 series - These grades are available  GOLD - Gold is a dense, soft, shiny,
for heat treating and providing a good malleable, and ductile metal.
combination of strength and high wear  MAGNESIUM - a strong, silvery-
resistance. white, light weight metal (one third
 Carbon Steel - contains a high carbon lighter than aluminum) that slightly
content that is added to iron to create an tarnishes when exposed to air.
exceptionally hard metal that is used for
tools. Material Selection Considerations:

Types of carbon steel • Strength and Durability

• Low-carbon steel (or mild-carbon steel) • Corrosion Resistance

• Medium-carbon steel • Cost and Availability

• High-carbon steel.
CERAMIC Classification of advanced ceramics based on
chemical composition:
-are inorganic, non-metallic materials and
things made for them. • Nitride Ceramics
-are normally achieve heat treatment process • Silicate Ceramic
called firing.
• Carbide Ceramics
Classification of Ceramics
• Oxide Ceramics
Classification of advanced ceramics based on
1. Density application:
the strength of ceramics increased the density
become heavy and vice versa.
2. Porosity
Porosity or void fraction is a measure of the
void or empty space in material.
3. Mechanical Property
 Elastic Behavior
 Strength of Ceramics
 Mechanism of Brittle fracture
 Hardness
 Toughness
4. Thermal Property Classification of advanced ceramics based on
 Thermal Conductivity application:
 Thermal Expansion Coefficient
5. Magnetic Property
Magnetic ceramics are prepared by sintering
technology from iron oxide and
barium/strontium carbonate with small amounts
of other metal oxides. These are called

6. Electrical Property
 Superconductivity Biomaterials, defined as synthetic or natural
 Electric Conductivity materials used in contact with biological
 Piezoelectric Property systems.
 Dielectric Property
Microelectromechanical System, mechanical
CHEMICAL PROPERTY parts and electronic circuits combined to form
Ceramics generally have good chemical miniature devices.
resistance to weak acids and weak bases. Amorphous, Atoms exhibit only short-range
Traditional and Advanced ceramics order.
Materials Crystalline, Atoms are arranged in a regularly
repeating pattern in 3-dimension.

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