Seminar (RCS851) REPORT (1) 0000000000000

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A Seminar Report on

“Finger Print Authentication”

Name of Subject (Code): Seminar (RCS851)


Ajit Raj Shekhar (1764110005) Mr. Arvind Kumar
(Assistant Professor & Head)
Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Ashoka Institute of Technology and Management

(A constitute of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University)
Varanasi -221007

August, 2021

This is to Certify that Ajit Raj Shekhar has carried out the Seminar work presented
in the Seminar Report entitled “Finger Print Authentication” for the award of
Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering) from Ashoka
Institute of Technology & Management, Varanasi in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of degree of B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering,
is a record of the candidate’s own work carried out by them under my supervision.
The matter embodied in this report is original and has not been submitted for the
award of any other degree.

Supervised by
Mr. Arvind Kumar
Assistant Prof. & Head
(Computer Science & Engineering)


We hereby declare that the seminar entitled “Finger Print

Authentication” submitted by me in the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
(Computer Science & Engineering) of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical
University, Lucknow is record of our own work carried under the supervision
and guidance of Mr. Arvind Kumar.
To the best of our knowledge this seminar has not been submitted to any
other University or Institute for the award of degree.

Name: Ajit Raj Shekhar
Roll No.: 1764110005

In performing our seminar, we had to take the help and guideline of some
respected persons, who deserves our gratitude. The completion of this seminar
gives us much pleasure.
I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude and deep regard to my
guide Mr. Arvind Kumar, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of
Computer Science & Engineering, Ashoka Institute of Technology &
Management, Varanasi, for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and
encouragement throughout the course of this project. And he is also our
Internal Guide for helping us to complete out this project work successfully.

I am thankful to our entire faculty member for their cooperation, invaluably

constructive criticism and friendly advice during the project. I also thankful to
our colleague and classmate who helped me in compilation of this seminar
Finally, yet importantly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my
beloved parents for their blessings. I perceive as this opportunity as a big
milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained skill and
knowledge in the best possible way, and will work on their improvement, in
order to continue cooperation with all of you in the future.


This biometrics project focuses on fingerprint recognition and how such a system would be
implemented. If implemented in our laboratory, this system would confirm or deny the identity
of each individual attempting to gain access to the lab area with a given amount of precision. The
scanner that will be used in this project is the Microsoft Fingerprint Reader. The primary
problem in using this particular scanner comes from the security features Microsoft incorporates.
The signal caring all the information from the fingerprint scan is encrypted, and the biggest
challenge will come from deciphering this signal. Another major challenge of this project will be
understanding the methods used to analyze the information from the scan. There are several
different methods including Fourier Exponential Series and Principle Component Analysis, but
cutting edge systems rely on information stored with wavelets to analyze and compare scans. If
this project is a success, the lab will benefit from the security and understanding of modern
fingerprint recognition.
The goal of our project is to design and assemble a biometric
access control system that uses fingerprint scanning and recognition to authenticate the user.
Upon successful authentication, the user will be allowed to access the safe. On the other hand, if
the access is denied, it will be reported to the center administrative console for audit purposes.
The fingerprint scanning device utilizes serial communication. This device will be connected to
our microprocessor using the UART ports. The system will consist of an Atmel Atmega32
microprocessor, LCD display, fingerprint sensor, electronic door strike, and MCU to USB PC
interfacing. Software will be written for the PC that allows the owner to register and delete
fingerprints and monitor door entry. LCD’s and LED’s will be used to display whether or not
access was granted or denied. The biggest challenge that will be faced is figuring out how to
interface the Atmega32 with a PC via USB and writing software that allows the owner to manage
fingerprint access. If time permits a cell module will be used to alert the owner of a possible
break-in attempt.








6. GSM QUAD BAND 800 16




MATLAB MATrix LABoratory







1. OBJECTIVE …………………………………………………………………….. 9

2. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………... 10


2.2 FINGERPRINT FORMATION …………………………………………………………..10-11

2.3 FINGERPRINT SENSOR ...……………………………………… ……………11
3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...…………………………………………………11

3.1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS .……………………………………………………12-13

3.2 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ……………………………………………………………13-14

4. IMPLEMENTATION ………...………………………………………………...14

4.1 ALGORITHMS ……………………………………………………………………………...15

4.2 FLOWCHART………………………………………………………………………………..15

5. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS...………………………………………………..16

6. APPLICATIONS ..…………………………………………………………….17-20

7. REFERENCES ..………………………………………………………………..20-21


The objective is to implement fingerprint recognition algorithm. The Region of Interest (ROI) for
each fingerprint image is extracted after enhancing its quality. The false minutiae are eliminated.
An alignment based matching algorithm is then used for minutia matching.

The specific objectives of this research are:

• To study the importance of fingerprint recognition in the current biometric
authentication systems.
• To determine the factors affecting the fingerprint recognition system.

• To investigate the factors affecting the fingerprint recognition rate.

• To develop an effective algorithm for fingerprint recognition.

• To collect standard database of fingerprints.

• To develop MATLAB code for the effective fingerprint recognition algorithm.

• To determine the percentage of recognition from the developed code.

• To compare the recognition percentage with previous recognition rate of other


• To discuss the results with experts/guide.


The biometric access control system we are designing is beneficial for a number of reasons. It
provides high identification performance, low power consumption, and can easily be integrated
into a wide number of applications such as a door lock system, safe box, simple access
controller, vehicle control, and ATM. Our device will differ from other devices out on the market
due to our systems ability to be interfaced with a PC via the USB cable. This feature will make
setting up and securing the system easy.


Fingerprint Authentication is the act of verifying an individual’s identity based on one or more of
their fingerprints. The concept has been leveraged for decades across various efforts including
digital identity, criminal justice, financial services, and border protections.
Fingerprint authentication or scanning is a form of biometric technology enables users to access
online services using images of their fingerprint. The biometric scan commonly relies on mobile
and other device native sensing technology, as this has all but eclipsed software, third-party
biometric algorithms. Some fingerprint scan solutions are architected in a decentralized model
such as FIDO that ensures a user’s fingerprint template is secured on the user’s device. Here, a
user’s fingerprint scan is verified locally against itself, a token is sent to the service provider, and
access is granted. The biometric authentication takes place locally, and the biometric data itself is
not stored at the service provider (true secret).

Other fingerprint scan solutions are architected in a legacy centralized scheme in which user
templates are stored at the service provider, and matching is done against a library of all other
users’ biometrics (shared secret). These systems are commonplace in criminal justice, border
protection, and national security settings. Lastly, some fingerprint scan systems (e.g. in
government) rely on specialized hardware found at the point of care, access, or sale


 Fingerprints are fully formed at about seven months of fetus development and finger
ridge configurations do not change throughout the life of an individual except due to
accidents such as bruises and cuts on the fingertips (Babler, 1991).
 Unrelated persons of the same race have very little generic similarity in their fingerprints.
 Parent and child have some generic similarity as they share half the genes.
 Siblings have more similarity.
 The maximum generic similarity is observed in monozygotic (identical) twins.


• Optical
• Silicon Based Capacitive Sensors
• Ultrasound
• Thermal


 Computer with x86 compatible processor running at 1 GHz or better

 Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 operating system
 A fingerprint scanner that is supported by Free Fingerprint Verification SDK
 Microsoft .NET framework 4.5 (for .NET components)
 One of following development environments for application development:
o Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2012 or newer
o Java SE JDK 8 or newer



2.Finger Print Sensor




Protect your business from cyber-threats, without compromising ease of use.

LastPass Business empowers employees to generate, secure, and share credentials seamlessly,
while providing valuable insight and control to Admins and ensuring protection through
LastPass’ zero-knowledge security infrastructure. Gain additional access and authentication
features, such as single sign-on for simplified access to up to three cloud applications and multi-
factor authentication (MFA) that secures the LastPass vault and single sign-on applications.

2. RSA

Ensure users have convenient, secure access—from any device, anywhere—to the applications
they need, whether in the cloud or on-premises. RSA SecurID Access is an enterprise-grade
multi-factor authentication and access management solution that lets organizations consistently
and centrally enforce dynamic risk-driven access policies aimed at providing continuous,
seamless authentication. It protects all of your resources with a wide range of authentication

methods, including push notification, biometrics, OTP, SMS, and traditional hardware and
software tokens.

3.PYTHON 2.7

Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming

language.Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers
to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or
Java.The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and
large scale.

Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and

functional programming or procedural styles. It features a dynamic type system and automatic
memory management and has a large and comprehensive standard library.Python interpreters are
available for installation on many operating systems, allowing Python code execution on a wide
variety of systems. Using third-party tools, such as Py2exe or Installer, Python code can be
packaged into stand-alone executable programs for some of the most popular operating systems,
allowing the distribution of Python-based software for use on those environments without
requiring the installation of a Python interpreter.

CPython, the reference implementation of Python, is free and open-source software and has a
community-based development model, as do nearly all of its alternative implementations.
CPython is managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation


If you can do exactly what you want with Python 3.x, great! There are a few minor downsides,
such as slightly worse library support1 and the fact that most current Linux distributions and
Macs are still using 2.x as default, but as a language Python 3.x is definitely ready. As long as
Python 3.x is installed on your user's computers (which ought to be easy, since many people
reading this may only be developing something for themselves or an environment they control)
and you're writing things where you know none of the Python 2.x modules are needed, it is an
excellent choice. Also, most Linux distributions have Python 3.x already installed, and all have it
available for end-users. Some are phasing out Python 2 as preinstalled default.


The project work is concerned with the implementation of biometric fingerprint authentication
system which is an automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints for
validating identity. The modern computer security is a battle between high security and low
friction. Developers want users to use unique, complicated passwords for their apps to increase
security. Employee Automation System is designed to ensure that the organization is equipped
with the right level of human resource tracking for each separate department of the organization.


The minutiae based algorithm is widely used for fingerprint authentication. One of the
significant parts of this algorithm is the classification of fingerprints which allows minimizing
significantly the number of fingerprints referenced for each identification procedure.
INSPEC Accession Number: 10057592
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 30 May 2008




We are well aware that there is no availability of internet access throughout our country.
Currently, India is nowhere near meeting the target for a service which is considered almost a
basic necessity in many developed countries. In such cases this project may not function,
therefore we have enhancing this project to work even without internet using recognition toolkits
such as CMU Sphinx.

Fig 13. Internet Connection Problem

2. GSM Module for voice activated calling

Raspberry PI SIM800 GSM/GPRS Add-on V2.0 is customized for Raspberry Pi interface based
on SIM800 quad-band GSM/GPRS/BT module. AT commands can be sent via the serial port on
Raspberry Pi, thus functions such as dialing and answering calls, sending and receiving messages
and surfing on line can be realized. Moreover, the module supports powering-on and resetting
via software.

Fig 14. GSM Quad Band 800


1.      Airport Security

Biometric technology has been present in airports for some time. Making the journey through
airports more seamless is a goal shared by airports around the world.

Using biometric technology to verify passenger identity has been used in some of the major
airports around the world for several years and the use of the technology is now becoming more

Delta Air Lines, in partnership with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Transportation
Security Administration and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, launched the first
curb-to-gate biometric terminal in the U.S. at Atlanta’s Terminal F.

Travelers flying to an international destination on Delta or its partner airlines can now choose to
use face recognition technology to check in at the self-service kiosks, drop bags at the check-in
counters, move through the TSA checkpoint and board a flight at any gate on Concourse F.

This new option leverages NEC’s NeoFace Express, which allows rapid identification and real-
time screening of passengers, thus making travel through the airport easier. Airports are one of
the largest adopters of biometric security systems and it is expected that similar systems will be
rolled out across a much broader range of industries.

2.      Law Enforcement

Biometrics is widely used across law enforcement with agencies such as the FBI and Interpol
utilising biometrics in criminal investigations. Here at NEC, we have been working with law
enforcement agencies around the world, including here in New Zealand, to deliver biometric
solutions for identifying criminals, for over 30 years.

An article by Wired reported that U.S. law enforcement agencies have the facial recognition data
of 117 million Americans. The UK’s Home Office announced £26m investment in police
innovation with biometric technology. The most common biometric technologies they use are
fingerprints, iris and facial recognition, gait, and voice recognition.

3.      Mobile Access and Authentication

Perhaps one of the most common uses of biometric technology is smartphone security. Apple
were the first to introduce the Touch ID solution – using fingerprint recognition technology –
and since then, mobile phone security has evolved to utilise a number of biometric technologies
including facial recognition, iris recognition and voice recognition.

All new mobile phones are now integrating some form of biometric modality as a way of
securing your device or specific applications such as banking apps and it is expected that
biometrics will be used alongside traditional password and PIN options as a form of two-factor

4.      Banking

The banking sector is another embracing biometrics across a range of services in order to deliver
a more seamless experience for customers.

Seven Bank in Japan is rolling out a trial of Facial Recognition at ATMs. Facial Recognition will
be used as an additional level of security to authenticate that the owner of the card is the person
using the card.

As global financial entities become more digitally based, banks are also implementing biometric
technology to improve customer and employee identity management in an effort to combat fraud,
increase transaction security, and enhance customer convenience.

Customers are also worried about identity theft and the inconvenience associated with constantly
having to prove their identities. As a result, more and more customers are looking for banks that

have biometric authentication in place prompting banks to research the technology for

5.      Home Assistants

Anyone who is familiar with Google Home, Alexa and Siri will already be accustomed to using
voice recognition as a biometric identifier. Google Assistant that powers Google Home as well
as the assistant on Android devices is compatible with a wide range of IoT (Internet of Things)
devices including light bulbs, door locks, security cameras, security lights and more.

Of course, when linking your home assistant with any of these connectable devices, security is
imperative. You wouldn’t want them controlled by just anyone. That’s why Google Assistant’s
ability to recognise the voice of authorised users is critical.

6.      Building Access

Whether it is your home or the workplace, biometric technology is now used commonly as a
means of allowing access to buildings, or specific areas within a building.

Biometrics bring many advantages when it comes to access control. The technology can provide
a frictionless entry experience when utilising facial or iris recognition to control access secure
areas within a building.

Fingerprint recognition is the most widely utilised biometric used for accessing buildings and it
provides an extra layer of security for building managers. Whereas a key, access card or a PIN
number can be stolen, it’s much more difficult to steal a biometric identifier, making it a much
more secure way to secure buildings.

7.      Schools

The US, UK, Belgium, and other countries already implement biometric technology on school
premises. It is also a growing technology in U.S. education sector. Biometrics enhance the
security and make the enrolment process more efficient.

As well as ensuring that only pupils and authorised adults gain entry to school buildings,
biometric data is also used for activities such as recording attendance, checking out library books
or even paying for meals. Due to the sensitivity surrounding children and privacy; schools
require full, written permission from the parents of pupils to use the system.

Fingerprint recognition technology is the most widely used biometric modality in schools.
However facial recognition can be used to detect “unknowns” who may be on school grounds or
in school premises.

8.      Public Transport

Biometric adoption within public transportation is still in its early phases, however the potential
uses within public transport are wide ranging and include security and enhancing customer

Early adopters of biometric technology include the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), the
largest municipal transit agency in North Texas. DART implemented facial recognition
technology cameras in its trains. These cameras integrate biometrics for several purposes
including keeping track of train capacity, medical emergencies and allowing the police to know
when a wanted person is on board.

Other applications of biometric technology include the use of smart ID cards and smart ticketing
to match a person using facial recognition in order to access transit systems, allowing for safer
travel and simplifying the process of ticketing and passenger management.

9.      Blood Banks

When it comes to giving blood, identity is extremely important. In the past, donors were issued
with cards containing all the information required. However, this data is now frequently being
stored digitally – with donors using fingerprint or iris recognition to access their vital details.

The use of biometric identifiers eliminates the risk of duplication, data entry issues and the need
to carry national identification cards, making the process more secure as well as improving the
customer experience of giving blood.

[1] Ayyüce M. Kizrak , Figen Özen “A new median filter based fingerprint recognition
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[3] Pratibha Sukhija, Sunny Behal and Pritpal Singh,” Face Recognition System Using Genetic
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[4] Subba Reddy Borra, G. Jagadeeswar Reddyb and E. Sreenivasa Reddyc, “An Efficient
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[11] A.M. Bazen and S.H. Gerez, "Directional Field Computation for Fingerprints Based on the
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Farah Dhib Tatar

Specialty: Electrical Engineering (Embedded Systems) Education:

o 2010: Engineering Degree from sfax College of Engineering, ENIS, Tunisia

o 2012: Master degree from Sfax College of engineering, ENIS, Tunisia

o In progress: Ph.D. degree from Tunis College of engineering, ENIT, Tunisia

Experience: o 2010-2016: College of Higher Studies and Technologies ISET, Tunisia


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