Khaji 1
Khaji 1
Khaji 1
Internship Report
Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of
Bachelor of Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Submitted by
This is to certify that the an internship report entitled “PASSWORD
2GB21EC035 a bonafide student of Government Engineering College,
Huvinahadagali in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering
in Electronics and Communication Engineering of the Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year 2023-2024.The
internship report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements
in respect of internship work prescribed for the said Degree.
Date :
Place :
Huvinahadagali hereby declare that the internship report titled “Password based door lock
system” has been prepared and presented by me and submitted in partial fulfillment of the
course requirements for the award of degree in Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and
year 2023-2024. Further the content of the report has not been submitted previously for the
Place: Huvinahadagali
The sense of contentment and elation that accomplishes the successful completion of our task
would be incomplete without mentioning the names of the people who helped in accomplishment
of this mini project, whose constant guidance, support and encouragement resulted in its
I would specially thank our external internship guide Mr. ABZAL NAWAZ for their expert
guidance, encouragement and valuable suggestions at every step.
I would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. Rajashekhar U, Head of the department of
Electronics and Communication for encouraging and inspiring us to carry out during internship
I would like to thank Dr. Nagaraj B Patil Principal, Government Engineering College,
Huvinahadagali, for continuous support and constant encouragement to carry out during
internship work.
I am extremely happy to acknowledge and express sincere gratitude to our friends who gave us
constant support and encouragement and well wishes for their help and co-operation and
solution to problems during the internship work.
List of Figures
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Services
1.3 Missions
1.4 Vision
1.5 Outcomes
2.1 Definition of Embedded System
2.1.1 Embedded System Hardware
2.1.2 Embedded System Software
2.1.3 Real time operating system
2.2 Characteristics of Embedded System
2.2.1 Applications of Embedded System
2.3 Introduction to ARM Microcontroller
2.3.1 ARM v7
2.3.2 Pin configuration of LPC2148
2.3.3 Features of LPC214X Series controllers
2.4 Steps to configure LPC2148
2.4.1 Keil Version
2.4.2 Flash Magic
3.1 LED Blinking
3.1.1 Interfacing LED Program to LPC2148
3.2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
3.3 DC Motor
3.4 Sensors
3.4.1 Type of Sensors
3.5 UART
3.5.1 Introduction of UART communication
3.6 Radio Frequency Identification
3.6.1 Interfacing RFID Program to LPC2148
3.7 Keypad
3.8 PWM
3.8.1 Calculations
3.9 GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)
3.10 Analog to Digital Convertor
3.10.1 ADC in LPC2148 ARM7 Microcontroller
3.10.2 Accelerometer
3.10.3 Temperature Sensor
3.10.4 Timer
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Components Required
4.1.3 Circuit Diagram
4.1.4 Applications
4.1.5 Advantages
4.1.6 Disadvantages
2.3.1 LPC2148 8
3.1.1 LED 15
3.2.1 LCD 16
3.3.1 DC Motor 17
3.6.1 RFID 20
3.7.1 Keypad 21
3.10.2 Accelerometer 25
Initially, the company Developed system software tools; these include C Compilers for micro-
controllers and other supporting tools such as assembler, linker, simulator and Integrated
The department is actively involved in acquiring latest technologies related projects in Low power
VLSI, wireless domain and these projects are well thought out and detailed implementations are
carried out. Projects are mainly done on Verilog, MATLAB platform (from math works) and may
also depend on NS2, NetSim and Xilinx platforms as per the requirements of the project in progress.
Current internship involves study implementation and analysis of High speed and Energy Efficient
Carry Skip adder (CSKA) with Hybrid model for achieving high speed and reducing the power
Study Requirements: Low power VLSI design and fundamentals of Digital circuits
Implementation Requirements: Verilog code / Modelsim tool
"To help our customers in achieving their time-to-market objective by being their dependable
technology partners and delivering our commitments on time and every time with quality."
“Technofly Softlab vision is to impart every new technology available in this smart world to the
needy corporates, engineers, scientists, and to the students, and contribute in making Indian
companies’ global leaders in technology
I have carried out my internship my in Technofly Solutions. I have learnt about Embedded
Systems, ARM LPC-2148 and Arduino microcontroller. Designed an embedded system to control
robotic motions using various sensors.
Outcomes of internship are
Enhancement the client interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.
Enhancements of clients to work on all types of clients.
I have learnt in a friendly environment and all my friends and mentors were supportive to me.
I have also learnt about interfacing of LED, LCD, Switch, DC Motor, Sensors, RFID card ,Wi-Fi,
GSM, Buzzer and UART.
I have also learnt to control speed of DC motor and to control brightness of LED using PWM.
I have done mini-project which involves the control of movement of Robot using LED, LCD,
Switch, DC Motor, Sensors, RFID card, Buzzer and 4X4 keyboard.
Introduction to Embedded Systems
2.1 Definition of Embedded System
An embedded system is one kind of a computer system mainly designed to perform several tasks
like to access, process, store and also control the data in various electronics-based systems.
Embedded systems are a combination of hardware and software where software is usually known
as firmware that is embedded into the hardware.
Form factor – many systems are light weight and low volume to be used as components in
host systems
Manufacturable – usually small and inexpensive to manufacture based on the size and low
complexity of the hardware.
control systems, wireless networking and sensors and automotive body system etc.
The ARM microcontroller architecture come with a few different versions such as ARMv1,
ARMv2 etc and each one has its own advantage and disadvantages.
2.3.1 ARM v7
ARM7 is one of the widely used micro-controller family in embedded system application. This
section is humble effort for explaining basic features of ARM-7.
LPC2148 is the widely used IC from ARM-7 family. It is manufactured by Philips and it in
preloaded with many inbuilt peripherals making it more efficient and a reliable option for the beginners
as well as high end application developer.
1. After this, a dialog box will pop-up on screen. This will ask you whether to copy startup code for
LPC2148. Click on Yes.
1. Now click on File menu and hit on New. Write code in C and FileName.c Save.
1 .Now right click on Target 1 and hit on Options for target “Target 1”.
8. In Options for target “Target 1”. In output tab, click on check box Create HEX File.
Then go to Linker tab. Click on Use Memory Layout for Target Dialog.
3.1 LED Blinking:
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source device used for
indicating the output status by making it ON or OFF. An LED is nothing but a p–n junction diode,
which emits light when provided with power supply. When voltage is applied to the leads of an
LED, it forces the electrons to recombine with electron holes within the device, emitting energy in
the form of photons. This effect of emitting energy in form of photons is called
electroluminescence. The colour of the light is determined by the energy band gap of the
semiconductor corresponding to the energy of the photon.
void delay(int i)
int j, k;
for(j=0;j<I;j++); for (k=0;k<35;k++);
3.2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays) are used for displaying status or parameters in embedded systems.
LCD 16x2 is 16 pin device which has 8 data pins (D0-D7) and 3 control pins (RS, RW, EN).
The remaining 5 pins are for supply and backlight for the LCD.
Since we are using LCD in 4-bit mode, we require only 4 Data pins.LCD Data pins D4-D7 are
connected to respective pins.LCD control pins RS, RW and EN are connected to their respective
3.3 DC Motor
DC motor converts electrical energy in the form of Direct Current into mechanical energy.
In case of a motor, the mechanical energy produced is in the form of rotational movement of the
motor shaft .The direction of rotation of the shaft of the motor can be reversed by reversing the
direction of Direct Current through the motor.
The motor can be rotated at a certain speed by applying a fixed voltage to it. If the voltage varies,
the speed of the motor varies.
Thus, the DC motor speed can be controlled by applying varying DC voltage; whereas the direction
of rotation of the motor can be changed by reversing the direction of current through it.
A flame detector is a sensor designed to detect and respond to the presence of aflame or fire,
allowing flame detection. Responses to a detected flame depend on the installation, but can include
sounding an alarm, deactivating a fuel line (such as a propane or a natural gas line), and activating a
fire suppression system.
3.5 UART
UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. A UART’s main purpose is to
transmit and receive serial data.
#include "Serial.h"
#include "Lcdtask.h" #include<string.h> unsigned char code[8]="02557698"; int i=0;
unsigned char buff[10]; int ret;
int main (void)
command_write(0x01); command_write(0x80);
putstring("valid user");
command_write(0x01); command_write(0x80);
putstring("invalid user"); delay(10000);
3.7 Keypad
A keypad is a set of buttons arranged in a block or "pad" which usually bear digits, symbols and
usually a complete set of alphabetical letters. If it mostly contains numbers then it can also be called
a numeric keypad. Here we are using 4 X 4 matrix keypad.
3.8 PWM
Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a powerful technique for controlling analog circuits with a
processor's digital outputs. PWM is employed in a wide variety of applications, ranging from
measurement and communications to power control and conversion.
3.8.1 Calculations
We know that, v=IR as the resistance decreases the voltage increases and vice versa,there we can
control voltage by varying resistance.
𝑓= ⁄𝑇
Vout = vmax*DC
The below figure shows how to interface the GSM with microcontroller. The GSM module is
communicate the microcontroller with mobile phones through UART. To communicate over
UART or USART, we just need three basic signals which are namely, RXD (receive), TXD
(transmit), GND (common ground).
GSM modem interfacing with microcontroller for SMS control of industrial equipment’s. The
sending SMS through GSM modem when interfaced with microcontroller or PC is much simpler as
compared with sending SMS through UART.
The transmit signal of serial port of microcontroller is connected with transmit signal (TxD) of the
serial interface of GSM Modem while receive signal of microcontroller serial port is connected with
receive signal (RxD) of serial interface of GSM Modem.
ADC operating frequency is 4.5 MHz (max.), operating frequency decides the conversion time.
There are several registers which will be used to setup and configure ADC feature in LPC2148. The
two registers we will be concerning about: ADCR (A/D Control Register) and ADGDR (A/D
Global Data register).
3.10.2 Accelerometer
Accelerometer is an electromechanical device that measures the force of acceleration due to
gravity in g unit.
The ADXL335 measures acceleration along X, Y and Z axes and gives analog voltage output
proportional to the acceleration along these 3 axes.
Microcontrollers can process these voltages by converting them to digital signals using ADC.
LPC2148 comes loaded with two 32-bit-Timer blocks. Each Timer block can be used as a
‘Timer’ (like for e.g. triggering an interrupt every ‘t’ microseconds) or as a ‘Counter’ and can be
In this project, we will learn how to make the Password-Based Security System Using Arduino &
Keypad. As thefts are increasing day by day security is becoming a major concern nowadays. So a
digital code lock can secure your home or locker easily. It will open your door only when the right
password is entered. The circuit of this project is very simple which contains Arduino, keypad
module, buzzer, Servo Motor, and LCD. Arduino controls the complete processes like taking a
password from the keypad module, comparing passwords, driving buzzer, rotating servo motor, and
sending status to the LCD display. The keypad is used for taking the password. The buzzer is used
for indications. Servo motor is used for opening the gate while rotating and LCD is used for
displaying status or messages on it.
4.1.2 Circuit Diagram & Connections
The circuit or the schematic of Password Based Door Lock Security System is fairly simple. You
can use the Fritzing Software to draw the schematic.
First of all, we will make a connection to the 4×3 Keypad. For connecting the keypad with the
Arduino we are using digital pins D1 to D7. Connect all seven pins of the keypad to analog pins D1
~ D7 of Arduino.
To connect the servo motor with the Arduino, use digital pin D9 of Arduino to output the PWM pin
of the servo motor. Now connect the positive wire of the buzzer to the pin D10 of Arduino and the
negative wire to the ground.
For my purpose, I used a random password like “1234” by using the keypad. The working
principle is so simple. You just need to enter the password through the keypad provided. If the
password is matched with the Arduino, it sends a signal to the servo and the servo rotate
180 degrees and then the door will open. Also, the LCD display shows a message “Access
Granted”. But if the password does not match. The Arduino does not send any signal to the motor
and the door remains closed. This time the LCD display shows “Password Incorrect, Dismiss”. The
alarm is beep when any of the keys are pressed. You can change all these messages anytime from
the code.
4.1.6 Applications of Arduino Based Door Lock System
o By any chance you forget the password, the door can not be opened.
o Can’t possible to manually reset the password using keypad. You need to reupload the
code with new password using Arduino IDE software.
In this article, I’ve shown you how to build a password security lock Utilizing Arduino
Keypad, Keypad, and Servo motor.
The upgraded password-based door lock system using Arduino provides numerous
benefits, including convenience, security, and peace of mind. With its integration with
smartphones, biometric authentication, cloud connectivity, voice commands, battery backup,
machine learning algorithms, and home automation systems, the door lock system is a worthwhile
for those looking to upgrade their home’s security and technology.
11th International Conference Posted: 2014
S Umbarkar , G Rajput , S Halder , P Har , S Mendgudle keypad based digital door lock security
T K Gannavaram , V , R Bejgam , S B Keshipeddi , S Sunkari , V K Aluvala Conversion of Sound
Energy into Electrical Energy in Highly Populated Areas 6th International Conference on
Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) , p. 32 - 36 Posted: 2021
T K Gannavaram , V , R Bejgam Brief Study and Review on the Next Revolutionary
Autonomous Vehicle Technology International Conference on Advance Computing and
Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) , p. 34 - 37 Posted: 2021