2021 Spring Web
2021 Spring Web
2021 Spring Web
S P R IN G 202 1 V O LU M E
96 , ISSU E 2
• — Nishan Panwar
Spiritual Astrology: Taurus “They say that love is more
I HAVE important than money, have
you ever tried paying your
Scenza pressing the negative terpretation of The Story bills with a hug?” What does
(receptive) aspects of of the Golden Calf, Taurus say about this?
T he second sign of
the zodiac is Taurus,
which translates as “the
Venus’ rulership. The key
phrase for Taurus is “I
Have.” Taurus extends
which forms the bulk of
his explanation of the
astrological symbolism of
• Venus, ruler of Taurus, re-
minds us of what love has to
do with wealth.
bull” (Merriam-Webster, from April 21st through the zodiacal sign of Tau-
2021). According to Hick- May 21st of each year. rus, it is worthwhile to • 2021—Sun Cycle Chart for
ey (1992), Taurus is ruled describe the general char- the United States. Get
by the planet, Venus. It is Before entering upon an acteristics of Venus, the ready!
a fixed, earth sign, ex- explanation of Zain’s in-
(Continued on page 6)
The Stellarian Honor Guard
For the period between October 1, and December
31, 2020.
Regular Contributors form the solid foundation
from which The Church of Light can grow. This
column honors those who financially support
the work of spreading the Religion of the Stars.
Guardian Angels contribute more than $500 in
a quarter. The Stellarian Honor Guard includes
those who contribute between $100 and $500
per quarter. We are grateful for your generous
contributions to The Church of Light.
Peg Joscher
I n this Spring issue we begin our examination of Taurus the Bull, the second
sign in the Zodiac and ruled by the planet Venus. After consuming a steady
diet of Western mythologies and religions, as a student astrologer I was surprised
Vicki Brewer
to learn of Taurus’s rulership. Surely the bull, revered as a symbol of virility, power
COPY EDITOR and fertility in Western culture, would be ruled by Mars. The bull as a deity was
represented in ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman reli-
Radine Ramsey
gions. In Mithraism, a Roman mystery religion popular with soldiers, the temples
PRODUCTION MANAGER depicted scenes of Mithras overpowering and slaughtering a bull. The wonderful
Minoan frescoes at Knossos in Crete show scenes of acrobats leaping over the
Yvette Fortin
backs of bulls. We still see that heritage today in the form of modern bullfighting.
Veiga O’Sickey
The Church of Light Quarterly is The Ox in the Chinese Zodiac is considered dependable, strong, patient and deter-
the official publication of the mined; qualities more in keeping with the bull as a draft or working animal but
Church of Light. It includes edu- also in line with Taurus as a fixed and receptive Earth sign. Oxen, though, are com-
cational and inspirational supple-
monly castrated to ensure placidity and make them easier to control.
ments to The Brotherhood of
Light Lessons.
And then there was Ferdinand. The Story of Ferdinand, by Munro Leaf, was pub-
DIRECTORS lished in 1936 and made into an animated film by Walt Disney in 1938. Ferdi-
nand the Bull would rather smell flowers than fight in the bullring. Because Ferdi-
Margaret Joscher, President CA
Veiga O’Sickey, Vice Pres., NM nand preferred peace over fighting was released soon after the start of the Spanish
Vicki Brewer, Secretary, NM Civil War and with Europe on the verge of conflict, this popular children’s tale
Dave Carrothers, Treasurer, NV was analyzed relentlessly – it was fascist or anti-fascist or subversive pacifism and so
Patrick Ramsey, NM on. The book was banned in Spain and Germany. Some fretted that Ferdinand’s
Neil Cantwell, MO
passivity would turn young boys into sissies. There it was – the idea that loving
Barbara Sibley, FL
peace and beauty was not a good message for men and certainly not in keeping
HONORARY DIRECTORS with Western standards of masculinity. A later short story by Ernest Hemingway in
1951 would extend the discussion of gender and masculinity since his bull was not
Paul Brewer, NM
Christopher Gibson, NM named Ferdinand, loved to fight and died courageously in the bullring.
Please address all communications Today we still struggle with gender stereotypes, although we are more than ever
to: aware of them and seek to change them. We are learning to accept all the diverse
The Church of Light
expressions of gender. As astrologers we know that a person with a prominent
2119 Gold Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106-4072 Mars will tend to be direct, courageous, and reckless regardless of gender. A person
[email protected] with a prominent Venus will tend to be affable, sociable, and easy-going. I only
have to walk into my Taurus neighbor’s home to be surrounded by comfort and
tel: 505 247-1338
beauty carefully curated for the season or holiday. Taurus may be a bull, but it is a
fax: 505 814-7318
gentle giant enthralled with the wonders of nature.
Email: [email protected]
Taurus: What’s Love Got to Do with It? (continued from page 1)
tion to this chapter, the first 4-5 pages on talents: knowing what they are; develop-
the Constellation Taurus itself; and what ing them to the best of our abilities; us-
it represents to us as we search for deeper ing them to improve ourselves; using our
meaning, the spiritual meaning of Tau- energies to help others. Knowledge Is
rus, the second sign and the first earth Power. Shakespeare says in King Lear,
sign of the natural zodiac. “To Thine Own Self Be True.” The tool
we have to know ourselves is in our natal
Zain begins by giving us the story of Mo- horoscope. Knowing and understanding
ses and the Golden Calf. Remembering this tool is a very important step in self-
that Arcanum XIV is The Alchemist, we actualization, the search for authenticity.
can see how the metaphor of the sacrifi- What are the strengths shown? What are
cial burning of that calf into its base ele- the challenges? Where does all the power
ment of gold plays right into spiritual reside? How may I turn any discord into
values. The Laws of God are broken, but the neutral energy needed to become the
instead of retribution and death, the spir- best manifestation of these energies possi-
itual gold attained through the sacrifice ble in order to fulfill my part in the Di-
of all the golden objects are gifted back to vine Plan? To do this brings joy and suc-
the Israelites in a beverage: “...it was cess which may be used for the benefit of
burnt with the fire of spirit, ground to others; to do less brings distress and des-
powder in the mortar of compassion, and pair, selfishness and depression.
strewn on the life-giving water from the
nearby river of affection. It was neither Taurus represents true love and affection,
ignored, nor despised, nor coveted; but finding bliss in life, looking for that
was made of spiritual use; for after thus which brings happiness to the soul. Mu-
“The truest riches of this life converting this symbol, constructed of sic, art, sculpture, love, children are all
material possessions into that which manifestations of Venus. Service to oth-
begin in our personal journey
could no longer be worshiped, it was giv- ers brings such joy, great feelings of wor-
toward self-knowledge.” en to the children of Israel in their thiness, and the true power of selfless
drink.” This is the purity of the Love of love. Best of all service opens the door of
Spirit which the God of Moses gave to spiritual values. Ask this question: “What
his children. Venus, ruler of Taurus, if is it I have that is of value that I am hesi-
applied to spiritual values, suggests that tant to share?” The answer may lead in
by using the alchemical principles of con- many directions. Perhaps it is love. May-
verting energy, wealth, possessions, power be it is the ability to make others laugh.
into more spiritual gold, the values of Is there a talent waiting for us to develop?
practicing kindness, honesty, true affec- Perhaps painting, singing, writing, teach-
tion, generosity, love of family and hu- ing, or simply sharing a smile, a phone
manity, and of course: the practice of call, or a cup of coffee with someone we
Contributing Our Utmost to Universal suspect may need a boost.
Then there is time. Time has great spir-
The truest riches of this life begin in our itual value when shared. Taking time to
personal journey toward self-knowledge. share ourselves with another is a great
Our greatest riches are our own natural (Continued on page 5)
“Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.”
—Kinky Friedman
Spiritual Astrology: Taurus — I HAVE
(continued from page 1)
planet which traditionally holds rulership warmth, affection, kindness, and focus
over this sign. If you wish to understand on love and relationships.
the influence of Venus, a very informa-
tive avenue is to consider its physical ap- The periodic movements (i.e., rotation
pearance, its physical properties, and its and revolution) of Venus are also remark-
periodic movements in the heavens. able. NASA (2019) reports that a day on
Venus takes 243 Earth days, lasting long-
If you have a moment, pull up a photo- er than its 225 Earth day year! Venus is
graph of Venus and gaze in wonder at its also one of only two planets in the solar
soft, delicate, otherworldly beauty. The system to rotate East to West, such that
planet is wrapped the sun rises in
in a mysterious the West and sets
swirl of white and in the East (the
yellow clouds, other is Uranus).
which form ever- This eccentric,
“...wealth, station, power, shifting bands of extraordinary be-
and other physical movement and havior is well suit-
possessions, all can be grace. Likewise, ed to the planet
Venus is the god- that rules the arts,
converted, as [Moses] dess of beauty, artists being
converted the golden calf, adorned in rich known for their
raiments which unconventional,
into a means of creating
fall every so lightly unpredictable be-
spiritual values.” on her soft, im- havior and man-
— C. C. Zain mortal skin. ner of thought,
which ever presses
Course 7, Spiritual Astrology Venus is also the hottest of the planets- forward the envelope of discovery and
hotter even than Mercury- though the innovation in this field.
latter is closer to the Sun. NASA (2019)
explains that owing to Venus’ thick at- We can further regard the uniquely long
mosphere, the planet experiences a runa- day of Venus as a sign of the sunny,
way greenhouse effect, causing surface bright, optimistic disposition of those
temperatures to soar to nearly 900 ℉! In under her influence. Venus literally en-
fact, the temperature on Venus is so ex- joys the longest day of any planet; in the
treme that even lead will melt on its sur- same way, Venusians are typically cheery,
face, a fact that plays well into Venus’ optimistic, exuberant, and ebullient.
alchemical role as the antidote to the
heavy, morose influence of Saturn, the Having described the general influence of
alchemical ruler of that metal (Zain, Venus, the planet that rules the zodiacal
1995). And just as Venus is known for sign Taurus, we can now turn our atten-
possessing the greatest physical warmth tion to The Story of the Golden Calf, the
in the solar system, those under her influ- tale which Zain most completely analyzes
ence are also known for their emotional (Continued on page 7)
(Spiritual Astrology: Taurus — I HAVE her consciousness, raising and elevating
Continued from page 7) her spiritually.
the first set addressing a human being’s
relationship with God, and the second I suppose the final question for each of
set addressing her relationship with other us is, then: “How will I worship today?”
people, so also we must apply the practi-
cality of Taurus and ensure that we are References:
properly ordering spiritual and material
Baker, D.L. (2021). Ten commandments,
needs in our lives.
two tablets: The shape of the decalogue. The
Zain explains in this section, as well as Gospel Coalition. https://
extensively in Spiritual Alchemy (1995), www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/
that it is not so much the material posses- article/ten-commandments-two-tablets-
sion as it is our relationship to it that the-shape-of-the-decalogue/
determines its effect on our character.
Hickey, I.M. (1992). Astrology: A cosmic
For example, if we own an expensive,
science. CRCS Publications.
valuable edition of The Holy Bible, and if
we are impressed rather with its casings
NASA. (2019, December 19). Venus: In
than the spiritual teachings within it,
Taurus has been given the Depth. https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/
then the spiritual impact of that item
Key phrase, I Have, could well be negative upon our con-
sciousness. Conversely, even the pursuit NASA. (2019, January 31). Venus: Over-
“...because the physical is so
and achievement of vast wealth could view. https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/
necessary in developing the conceivably have a positive spiritual effect planets/venus/overview/
spiritual.” on our psyches, if the money is earned
through methods that enable and em- Taurus. (2021). Merriam-Webster. Re-
power people, and the true and authentic trieved January 14, 2021 from https://
— C. C. Zain motivation for pursuing that wealth is www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/
Course 7, Spiritual Astrology the enrichment and betterment of our Taurus
world. The determination of the real met-
al from the dross, then, has to do with Zain, C.C., (1995). Spiritual alchemy: The
the impact of that object on the con- hermetic art of spiritual transformation. The
sciousness of the possessor. As interpret- Church of Light.
ed by Zain, the ultimate intention of The
Story of the Golden Calf is to describe Zain, C.C., (1997). Spiritual astrology: The
the proper relationship of the spiritually- origins of astro-mythology and stellar religion.
minded seeker with her material posses- The Church of Light.
sions. If she fixates upon those posses-
sions and pursues them for their own
sake, she is guilty of worshipping the
golden calf. If, however, she pursues own-
ership of the exact same items, but does
it with the consciousness of wanting to
serve others and enrich her capacity to do
so, it has a completely different effect on
America 2021
The situation in America in 2021 can be
viewed as a response to harmonious and
discordant astrological energies express-
ing in an environmental setting; and the
current state of affairs sets the scene for
future trends and developments as the “MUNDANE
nation responds to an ever changing as- ASTROLOGY is the
n 2021 corporate, economic and
trological environment.
political think tanks assess and ana- science of the influence of
lyze past and present data and current The difficulty and danger imposed or
trends to forecast the future. Hermetic the heavenly bodies as they
inflicted by current circumstance is a plot
astrology does it another way. It applies device that propels a country’s narrative affect the world, nations,
the science of mundane astrology to vari- until it’s vanquished or suppressed; and
ous astrological charts. These mundane – cities, communities and
on January 20, 2021 Joe Biden took the
global – charts are forecast models that helm of a crisis-ravaged nation riddled other groups of people. Any
operate in a here and now environmental with difficulties and dangers.
setting; and their assessment permits a
organization of individuals
general event forecast which clearly re- Two months later on March 20, 2021 at functioning under a
veals that national and international af- 9.37a.m. GMT, the Sun entered Aries
fairs travel an astrological timeline – as
common governing
signaling the start of the astrological year;
above, so below. and America’s Sun cycle chart reveals by authority constitutes an
the house positions of the planets the entity. As such it attracts
If you have a casual interest in mundane special trend given its mundane affairs
– global – astrology, you can enhance to itself fortunate and
from March 20, 2021 to March 20, 2022
your knowledge with Brotherhood of with its difficulties and problems on
Light course 13 – Mundane Astrology. It’s unfortunate events in a
March 19, 2021 – the coronavirus pan-
a complex study and easy to misunder- demic, recessed economic conditions, manner quite similar to
stand, but in 2021 the science provides rancorous political division, reactionary
forecasts that serve no useful purpose. It’s that in which like events
conservatism, truth decay, mistrust, in-
a no brainer that reliable information come, health and educational inequality, are attracted into the life
pertaining to your own future would be entrenched racism, racial violence, cli-
useful and that comes from your pro- of man.”
mate change and disrupted schooling etc.
gressed chart not a mundane astrology – defining the chart’s environmental set- — C. C. Zain,
chart. ting. Mundane Astrology
Fact-check: The prerequisite in all The Washington Sun cycle chart has the
branches of astrology including mundane Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in
astrology is – KNOW the PLANETS.
(Continued on page 10)
(Continued from page 9)
Sun Cycle, Washington DC
house 1 (the peo- March 20, 2021 4:37 AM EST (38N53; 77W01)
ple, their health
and disposition) so
the chart’s out-
standing focus is
America’s covid-19
health crisis.
Neptune, the planet of make believe, mys- In America’s Neptune cycle chart, Nep- "...individuals are thinking
tical folly and delusion, is square Moon – tune is in house 5 (entertainment, amuse- units within the body of the
planet of feelings, hunches and unrea- ment, movies, speculation, the (unreal)
soned judgments – the cusp ruler of house community. The community
stock market, gaming, sport, athletes, chil-
6 (sickness, drugs and medicines) in house dren, teenagers, schools and colleges) and birth chart indicates the
4. Mars, Saturn and Uranus are in house 1 character of the community
(public health issues). In 2021 progressed
A delusion is an idiosyncratic belief or Neptune transits house 11 (Congress). as a functioning whole."
impression that’s maintained despite it — C. C. Zain,
being contradicted by reality or rational Restriction and isolation
argument. It’s symptomatic of a mental Mundane Astrology
disorder, and with Neptune square Moon In America's Sun cycle chart, Jupiter, Sat-
in the 2021 Sun cycle, the delusion epi- urn and Pluto are in house 12
demic that infected many Americans in (unemployment, relief, hospitals, secret
2020 will morph into a major mental enemies, espionage and crime). It’s very
health crisis in 2021. active, and the restriction and isolation it
signs for can easily result in sensory depri-
In America’s Sun cycle chart, the two vation and emotional health problems.
mental planets – Moon and Mercury – are
involved in high-discord square aspects Jupiter – planet of finances, religion, com-
that directly impact house 1, so the men- merce, higher prices, hope and obesity –
tal health of many Americans will be stress there (conjunction ascendant and trine
-tested in 2021. Moon) forecasts financial assistance for
the unemployed, spending on hospitals
In America’s chart in April 2021, pro- and relief for families. But in times of
gressed ascendant (the people’s health and stress Jupiter overeats and seeks solace in
wellbeing) moves to form a high-discord food so America’s obesity epidemic is like-
square aspect with progressed Neptune. It ly to worsen.
forecasts major problems: phase 2 of the
opioid-painkiller crisis that claimed so
many lives in 2017-2019; and the after- (Continued on page 12)
Saturn – the planet of orthodoxy, conserv-
(Continued from page 11)
atism, recession, economy, cost-cutting,
lower prices, pessimism, fear, safeguards,
With Jupiter (religion) conjunction Sat- security measures, tariffs, protectionism,
urn (covid-19) in the sky throughout 2020 farmers, land, weather, storms, floods,
a Pew Research Center survey published droughts and despair – is very active in his
in January 2021 reported that nearly one- cycle chart in 2021. So, good and bad
in-three Americans (28%) say the corona- news stories involving his mundane agen-
virus pandemic bolstered their religious da will regularly lead the news queue.
faith. And with Jupiter in close conjunc-
tion with the ascendant in America’s 2021 In America’s Saturn cycle chart Saturn
Sun cycle chart restriction and isolation (covid-19) is in house 5 and social activity,
will see religion playing a prominent role entertainment, speculation, sport, sex,
in the lives of many Americans. children and schools were the matters
most impacted by the pandemic. Pluto is
Jupiter provides a ray of hope – a miracle in house 1 (the public’s health and wellbe-
“A nation, or a section of the or two would be helpful – but in 2021 ing); the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter,
country, responds so with Jupiter in the sky away on leave his Uranus and Neptune are in house 3
optimism is on the wane. (transportation, newspapers and the pub-
pronouncedly to Cycles and
lic’s state of mind.); and the Moon is in
current astronomical positions, Saturn – planet of disease, pandemics, house 8 (death). In 2021 progressed Sat-
that even when the birth chart poverty, suffering and hardship – is in urn transits house 3.
house 12 so his pain and despair will be
of the nation is known, these
felt by hospital workers. The hospital sys- Pluto – planet of crime – in house 12
should receive special tem will be stress-tested. He forecasts high scripts a non-stop crime show with more
consideration. But...if unemployment and more people depend- and more people ending up behind bars.
ent upon relief with his focus on a more He’s the planet of inversion, misinfor-
reliance had to be placed upon
economical approach to relief and its mation, division and coercive control and
only one type of influence...far proper distribution. division is used as a political strategy by
greater precision could be some politicians. In 2020 America experi-
Saturn is the planet of security. In your enced a golden age of misinformation;
obtained through...Major
birth chart he defines your security urge. and in 2021 Lower-Pluto is playing on
Progressions, Minor Security is all about feeling safe and na- your ignorance and twisting facts to mean
Progressions and Transits, tions have massive security systems to what they don’t so you had better watch
keep their citizens safe. Police (house 6), out.
than through the use of Cycles
soldiers (house 6) and spies (house 12) are
and current astronomical trained and employed to keep you safe. Saturn is square Uranus
Fact-check: More people equal more sick- Saturn in house 12 is square Uranus –
— C. C. Zain,
ness and disease (Saturn) and a need for planet of unforeseen events, disruption,
Mundane Astrology more doctors (Mars), more drugs social unrest and technology – in house 2
(Neptune) and now digital medicines (finances, the people’s money, prices, wag-
(Uranus-house 6). In 2021 sickness and es, economic policy and banks).
disease (Saturn-house 6) is a trillion dollar
industry (Jupiter) and the drug companies House 2 – the economic situation – is a
(Neptune) are keeping more and more discord hot-spot. Uranus there forecasts
people breathing.
(Continued on page 13)
(Continued from page 13) are a dangerous unknown. What if a fast
spreading new variant escapes the current
first wave of coronavirus around the batch of vaccines?
world – Mars conjunction Saturn.
The Sun cycle has a 12 month time frame
So, America’s challenge in 2021 is to and the major events and developments it
bring the coronavirus under control and scripts are easy to track in real-time. Just
get social and economic activity back to remember that most of the news given
some kind of normal. Success requires media attention is irrelevant in the
high numbers of vaccinations, mask wear- scheme of things.
ing and other preventative measures. Ef-
fective vaccines and successful vaccina-
tion drives are crucial. Virus mutations
USA Chart
July 4, 1776, 2:14:43 a.m. LMT Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 39N57 08; 75W09 51
Progressed to March 20, 2021 using Standard Progression Rate
In thought, religion and
philosophy. In business,
finances and commerce. In
politics, capitalism.”
— C. C. Zain
Course 13,
Mundane Astrology
In thought, orthodoxy. In
Saturn Cycle, Washington DC
business, land and basic February 16, 1997, 12:27 AM EST (5:27 GMT) Progressed to March 20, 2021
Capitol Building, 38N53 24; 77W00 34 Data Source: Table of Planetary Phenomena 2nd Edition
utilities. In politics,
conservatism, the farmer and
the miner.
In thought, the occult and
ultra progressive. In business,
invention and unusual
methods. In politics, the
radical element.”
— C. C. Zain
Course 13,
Mundane Astrology
In thought, spirituality or
inversion [turning upside
down], and the influence of
invisible intelligences. In
business, group activity, either
for the selfish advantage of the
group or for universal good. In
politics, compulsory
— C. C. Zain
Course 13,
Mundane Astrology
Stellarian Stories
Paul Bergner
By Radine Ramsey
All work and no play would not have
aul Bergner has a special relation-
been much fun for Lilikoi, so physical
ship with his daughter, Lilikoi, who
education was also part
is now eight years old
of every day. Bergner is a
and in third grade. They
former high-level soccer
were thrown into a
player, and with his
homeschooling situation
guidance Lilikoi greatly
last March when in-
improved her own soc-
person schools in Oregon
cer skills. There was also
were closed due to the
sword fighting, wres-
tling, and daily outings
The schools were com- on her bike or scooter.
“Just don’t give up trying to do pletely unprepared for
Bergner’s curriculum
the Covid-19 school clo-
what you really want to do. also included education
sures and only offered one weekly 30-
Where there is love and about nature, various stories about ani-
minute meeting with the teacher and a
mal and bird behavior, and a 1,000-piece
inspiration, I don’t think you suggested daily routine along with some
puzzle of the Evolutionary Tree of Life.
informal resources. As a result, Bergner’s
can go wrong.” Because their home is surrounded by
routine shifted from a 30-hour week in
— Ella Fitzgerald woods, the forest location provided op-
his office to being a primary home-school
portunities for plant identification, tree
climbing, feeding and watching birds,
Their home-schooling experience was and exploring the patterns of squirrel
amazing and rich for Bergner. “First of “highways” through the trees from
all, I got to spend so much more time branch to branch.
with my daughter, really getting to know
And there was also room for artistic en-
her,” he says. “And then I got to tailor a
deavors. Bergner and Lilikoi spent a part
real-life education built around her own
of each day, sometimes many hours,
talents, inclinations, and interests.”
drawing, painting and assembling Lego
Lilikoi was already an advanced reader, creations. He tried to be flexible and sen-
reading three grades above her third sitive to her interests and did his best not
grade level. His goal was for her to keep to interrupt her creative flow, even if it
reading things that interested her, some interfered with their generic schedule.
books at her advanced level, and then
One important thing missing from the
some kids’ mystery books at her grade
program, especially for a child of her Lili-
level. In addition, they studied math les-
koi’s age, was free play with a peer group
sons from an online source assigned by
of her friends. They solved this problem
her school.
(Continued on page 19)
(Continued from page 19)
have sufficient amounts of zinc, and es- hearing more from him about health, “Nature reveals to us a
pecially Vitamin C. He adds “You do naturopathic medicine, and Lilikoi.
beautiful part of ourselves
not need to take huge amounts of these
as if they were drugs, just the normal we could not find
amounts in standard supplements.” anywhere else.”
Paul Bergner has been a member of the ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Church of Light since 1986 and present- Rubin, Rita, Sorting Out Whether Vitamin
ed information about his new insights D Deficiency Raises COVID-19 Risk. JA-
into Medical Astrology at the last con- MA. Published online January 6, 2021.
vention in 2019. We look forward to
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Radine Ramsey — Quarterly Editor & Contributor
Bryn Maycot
Lenore Janusz
Dawn Toerien McGuire
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istered with a credit/PayPal account. It is recommended that the account be established prior to the auction date.
The auction is sponsored by and managed for the CofL by Michelle Cantwell’s eBay site, “alittlebiteverything.” The
CofL Auction will be listed under a search for “Brotherhood of Light,” “Church of Light,” “Rare,” “Occult,”
“Esoteric,” “Arcane,” “C.C. Zain,” and “Elbert Benjamine” in the “books” category.
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From time to time we receive a donation of the vintage black books from an estate. Although what is
pictured here is not the actual set to be auctioned, it is an example of what the winner will receive.