M Mo Od de Ell 4 49 9C C O O A An Na Allyyzze Err: U.V. Photometric Gas Analyzer For Ambient Air Monitoring of Ozone
M Mo Od de Ell 4 49 9C C O O A An Na Allyyzze Err: U.V. Photometric Gas Analyzer For Ambient Air Monitoring of Ozone
M Mo Od de Ell 4 49 9C C O O A An Na Allyyzze Err: U.V. Photometric Gas Analyzer For Ambient Air Monitoring of Ozone
To maintain optimal product performance, you need immediate access to experts worldwide, as well as priority status when your
air quality equipment needs repair or replacement. Thermo Electron offers comprehensive, flexible support solutions for all phases
of the product lifecycle. Through predictable, fixed-cost pricing, Thermo services help protect the return on investment (ROI) and
total cost of ownership of your Thermo Electron air quality products.
The Model 49C features a symmetric dual cell UV Photometric design whereby a simultaneous zero and sample measurement
result in increased ozone specificity.
A real-time cancellation of potential interferant species occurs via the cyclic process illustrated in the diagram above. In the
beginning of the cycle, sample enters one cell and reference air (sample with the ozone removed) enters the second cell.
Detectors then measure the light intensity transmitted through each cell. During the second half of the cycle, the roles of the two
cells are interchanged by appropriate switching of the solenoid valves.
Hence, any absorption of UV energy by chemical species other than ozone are cancelled out. Additionally, this balanced optical
system serves to correct for fluctuation in lamp intensity and improve response time.
Specially designed flow sensors monitor sample/reference flow rates prior to Cell A and Cell B. Temperature and pressure correc-
tion provide more precise ozone concentration measurements. Additionally, a temperature regulated lamp environment minimizes
zero drift and maintains a high level of signal stability.
This specification sheet is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Thermo makes no warranties, expressed or implied, in this
product summary. © 2004 Thermo Electron Corporation. All rights reserved. Thermo Electron Corporation, Analyze. Detect. Measure.Control are trademarks of Thermo Electron
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