The Role of Microorganisms in Atopic Dermatitis: B. S. Baker
The Role of Microorganisms in Atopic Dermatitis: B. S. Baker
The Role of Microorganisms in Atopic Dermatitis: B. S. Baker
B. S. Baker Summary
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common, fluctuating skin disease that is often
associated with atopic conditions such as asthma and IgE-mediated food
allergy and whose skin lesions are characterized by a Th-2 cell-mediated
response to environmental antigens. The increasing prevalence and severity of
atopic diseases including AD over the last three decades has been attributed to
decreased exposure to microorganisms during early life, which may result in
an altered Th-1/Th-2-balance and/or reduced T cell regulation of the immune
response. Patients with AD exhibit defects in innate and acquired immune
responses resulting in a heightened susceptibility to bacterial, fungal and viral
infections, most notably colonization by S. aureus. Toxins produced by S.
aureus exacerbate disease activity by both the induction of toxin-specific IgE
and the activation of various cell types including Th-2 cells, eosinophils and
keratinocytes. Allergens expressed by the yeast Malazessia furfur, a compo-
nent of normal skin flora, have also been implicated in disease pathogenesis in
a subset of AD patients.
Microorganisms play an influential role in AD pathogenesis, interacting
Accepted for publication 14 October 2005 with disease susceptibility genes to cause initiation and/or exacerbation of
E.mail: [email protected] disease activity.
© 2006 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 144: 1–9 1
B. S. Baker
2 © 2006 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 144: 1–9
The role of microorganisms in atopic dermatitis
that common viral and bacterial childhood infections were increased susceptibility to infection [28]. Indeed, IgE has
positively associated with an increased risk of AD expression been shown to inhibit neutrophil adhesion, phagocytosis
[20]. However, a protective effect was associated with endot- and respiratory burst, which may affect clearance of micro-
oxin exposure in a farming environment, day care atten- organisms from the skin [32]. A major factor in increased S.
dance or having a dog during infancy, situations in which aureus colonization of AD skin is a defective cutaneous
chronic (nonpathological) microbial stimulation may take innate immune response, involving decreased production of
place. Thus it is possible that the effects of infections in early antimicrobial peptides and the expression of functional
childhood on the development of AD may depend partly variants of the TLR and Nod/CARD receptors for microbial
upon the nature and degree of exposure, rather than components (Fig. 2).
infection per se. Clearly further research into the early prim-
ing of a child’s immune system by microorganisms is neces-
sary in order to establish the factors required to induce the
Defective innate immunity in AD: antimicrobial
development of AD.
The innate immune system of the epidermis is the first line of
Microbial colonization of AD skin
defence against invasion by microorganisms, which gain
Patients with AD are highly susceptible to certain cutaneous entry after the skin is damaged. Anti-microbial peptides
bacterial, fungal and viral infections [24]. AD patients have form part of this defence system, three of which are triggered
an increased incidence of warts caused by the human papil- by injury or inflammation of the skin: the β defensins HBD-
lomavirus, and of cutaneous fungal infections such as that 2 and HBD-3, and a cathelicidin, hCAP18/LL-37 [33]. HBD-
caused by Trichophyton rubrum. They are particularly sus- 2 shows microbicidal activity against predominately Gram-
ceptible to severe infections caused by herpes simplex type 1 negative organisms such as E. coli and P. aeruginosa, and
virus (eczema herpeticum or Kaposi’s varicelliform), vac- yeasts, but is relatively ineffective against Gram-positive bac-
cinia virus (eczema vaccinatum) coxsackieA virus and teria such as S. aureus [34]. In contrast, HBD-3 and hCAP18/
molluscum contagiosum virus. These viral infections can LL-37 are more potent, broad-spectrum antibiotics that kill
represent serious complications in AD, and if not treated both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms and the
promptly have the potential to be life threatening. However, yeast C. albicans [35,36]. In addition, HBD-2 can enhance
bacterial colonization with Staphylococcus aureus is the most the innate immune response of the epidermis, and provide a
common skin infection in AD (> 90% of patients compared link with the acquired immune response by inducing up-reg-
to 5% of normal individuals) and occurs on both lesional ulation of costimulatory molecules and the maturation of
and, to a lesser extent, nonlesional AD skin [25,26]. Further- immature dendritic cells in a TLR4-dependent manner [37].
more, there appears to be a causative relationship between Beta-defensins can also act as chemoattractants for imma-
the numbers of bacteria present on the skin and the severity ture dendritic cells and memory T lymphocytes via the
of disease in AD patients, whilst treatment-induced removal chemokine receptor CCR6 [38].
of the bacteria is associated with improvement in skin lesions Immunostaining, measurement of specific mRNA by real-
in most cases [27,28]. Various factors are involved in the time reverse-transcriptase-PCR or GeneChip microarray
altered skin colonization by S. aureus in AD including an analysis for HBD-2, HBD-3 and hCAP18/LL-37 in acute and
altered epidermal barrier, increased bacterial adhesion, chronic lesions from patients with AD showed a significant
defective bacterial clearance, and decreased innate immune decrease in expression as compared to that of psoriasis
responses. patients [39,40]. IL-4 and/or IL-13, has been shown to sup-
S. aureus are tightly attached to the uppermost corneo- press the TNF-α or IFN-γ-induced up-regulation of HBD-2
cytes, and can penetrate the epidermis via the intercellular and HBD-3 mRNA in keratinocytes and normal skin
spaces probably as a result of lipid deficiencies in AD skin. explants suggesting that the reduced levels of antimicrobial
In AD, the average pH of the skin is slightly more alkaline, peptides may be explained by the predominance of Th-2
and sphingosine levels are decreased in both lesional and type cytokines in AD skin lesions [40]. Clinical isolates of S.
nonlesional stratum corneum [29,30]. In addition, the dry- aureus from AD patients can be killed by a combination of
ness and cracking of AD skin, as a result of transepidermal HBD-2 and hCAP18/LL-37 at the concentrations found in
water loss caused by altered lipid content, may facilitate psoriatic lesions, but the levels present in AD skin are too low
bacterial colonization. Furthermore, Th-2 cytokines such as to be effective.
IL-4 in atopic skin increase expression of fibronectin and The innate skin defence system of patients with AD is
fibrinogen, receptors that mediate the adhesion of S. aureus further compromised by a deficiency of dermcidin-derived
to stratum corneum [31]. In a proportion of AD patients antimicrobial peptides in sweat, which correlates with infec-
who respond poorly to anti-inflammatory treatment, per- tious complications [41]. Dermcidin, a peptide with no
sistent S. aureus colonization is associated with higher total homology to other antimicrobial peptides, is specifically and
IgE levels suggesting that IgE may contribute to an constitutively expressed in sweat glands in the dermis of skin,
© 2006 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 144: 1–9 3
B. S. Baker
Low levels of
molecules Altered PRR expression
HBD 2/3
IL-8, iNos
Fig. 2. Defective innate immunity in AD duct
skin.Altered intracellular and extracellular PRR IL-4 IFN-γ
expression, and decreased antimicrobial mole- IL-13 TNF-α
low dermcidin
cule production (partly due to inhibition by Th- low IgA
2 cytokines) results in an impaired innate
immune response to microorganisms, which gain
entry to the epidermis as a result of an altered
barrier function. HBD-2/HBD-3, human β-
defensin-2/3; LL-37, a member of the cathelicidin sweat
family; iNos, induced nitric oxide synthetase. gland
secreted into sweat and transported to the epidermal surface ines, antimicrobial peptides and inducible enzymes in the
[42]. In common with HBD-3 and hCAP18/LL-37, dermci- skin, via activation of transcription factors, activator protein
din has a broad spectrum of activity against a variety of patho- (AP)-1 and nuclear factor (NF)-κB [47]. Two single
genic microorganisms. In healthy individuals, a significant nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been described for
reduction in viable bacterial cells on the skin surface occurs each of the receptors, which result in changes in amino acid
after sweating, but this is not the case in patients with AD [41]. sequences. One of the TLR2 polymorphisms (Arg753Gln),
Furthermore, the rate of sweat production, and the secretion which is located within the intracellular part of the receptor
of IgA in sweat are reduced in AD patients contributing to the and has been particularly associated with S. aureus infec-
impaired innate immune response [43,44]. tions, was found to be present in a higher frequency in AD
The expression of the innate immune response genes, IL- patients compared to controls [11]. The subgroup of AD
8 (CXCL8) and induced nitric oxide synthetase (iNos) was patients carrying this polymorphism had increased disease
also decreased in AD compared to psoriatic skin [40]. IL-8 is severity characterized by markedly elevated IgE antibodies to
a chemokine that attracts polymorphonuclear leucocytes S. aureus superantigens and HDM allergens. In addition, a
into the skin where they phagocytose and kill bacteria, whilst further subgroup of AD patients expressed a higher fre-
iNos can kill viruses, bacteria and fungi through production quency of the two TLR4 polymorphisms, Asp299Gly and
of nitric oxide. In common with the antimicrobial peptides, Thr399Ile, than controls [11]. These cosegregating polymor-
production of IL-8 and iNos is also inhibited by Th-2 phisms, located in the extracellular domain of the receptor,
cytokines. have previously been reported in patients with septic shock,
particularly that induced by Gram-negative bacteria, and are
linked to LPS hyporesponsiveness [48].
Defective innate immunity in AD: TLR and
Intracellular PRRs are represented by the Nod (nucle-
Nod/CARD proteins
otide-binding oligomerization domain) family, which
Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4 are members of a includes Nod2/caspase recruitment domain containing pro-
family of PRRs that recognize various conserved microbial tein (CARD) 15 and the closely related Nod1/CARD4
components or PAMPs. TLR2 recognizes components of protein. Both proteins detect peptidoglycan, the major
Gram-positive bacteria and yeasts, such as lipotechoic acid, component of the bacterial cell wall, although the specifici-
peptidoglycan (although recent evidence suggests that this ties of the two receptors are distinct and nonoverlapping
may be contaminating lipoteichoic acid [45]), lipoproteins [49]. Polymorphisms in the Nod2/CARD15 gene that result
or zymosan, whilst the PAMPs detected by TLR4 include the in changes in peptidoglycan recognition have been reported
Gram-negative bacterial component, LPS [46]. Recognition to be associated with susceptibility to Crohn’s disease, a Th-
of PAMPs by TLRs initiates a signalling cascade that results 1-mediated inflammatory disease of the bowel [50,51].
in the production of proinflammatory cytokines, chemok- Three of these Crohn’s-associated Nod2/CARD15 polymor-
4 © 2006 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 144: 1–9
The role of microorganisms in atopic dermatitis
phisms have been investigated in children with asthma and response, which is largely mediated by the release of staphy-
allergy by PCR-based restriction enzyme assays [10]. Chil- lococcal enterotoxins (SE), such as SEA, SEB and toxic shock
dren with the polymorphic C2722 allele had a more than 3- syndrome toxin (TSST)-1, also referred to as ‘superantigens’
fold risk to develop allergic rhinitis and an almost 2-fold risk [53] (Table 1). SEB applied to intact normal skin or the non-
for AD. More recently, an association of Nod1/CARD4 poly- lesional skin of patients with AD can induce erythema and
morphisms with AD have been reported in a study that dermatitis, and, in some AD patients, a flare of their disease
examined the effects of 11 SNPs, covering the complete gene, in the elbow flexure of the same arm to which the toxin was
on atopy phenotypes [9]. One Nod1/CARD4 haplotype and applied [54]. Furthermore, 14 of 68 patients recovering from
three polymorphisms (rs2907748, rs2907749, rs2075822) toxic shock syndrome caused by TSST-1, but no patients
were significantly associated with AD in a population-based recovering from Gram-negative sepsis, developed chronic
cohort, case-control population, and/or family–based asso- eczematous dermatitis [55]. These findings suggest that
ciation analysis. These polymorphisms were also associated superantigens can initiate, exacerbate and maintain inflam-
with asthma and total serum IgE levels, but not with allergic mation associated with AD.
rhinoconjunctivitis or specific sensitization. The major effects of staphylococcal superantigens in AD
Peptidoglycan from S. aureus has been shown to induce are likely to be mediated via the polyclonal activation of
the production of various keratinocyte-derived mediators superantigen-specific TCR Vβ families of T cells. T cells
including GM-CSF, a cytokine that is overproduced in AD expressing Vβ chains specific for the superantigen accumulate
skin lesions [52]. It remains to be established whether this selectively in superantigen-treated skin, but not in skin
occurs via PRR stimulation; however, keratinocytes are treated with sodium lauryl sulphate, supporting this
known to express several members of the TLR family [47], hypothesis [56]. In the peripheral blood of AD patients whose
and intracellular Nod/CARD receptors may also be present skin is colonized by superantigen-secreting S. aureus, a rele-
in these cells. vant skewing of superantigen-reactive Vβ families was
Thus the reduced production of antimicrobial peptides observed in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells coexpressing cutaneous
and other innate immune factors, together with an impaired lymphocyte antigen (CLA), a skin homing receptor [57].
recognition of microbial antigens as a result of functional Superantigens up-regulate CLA expression by T cells via stim-
polymorphisms in the genes coding for PRRs, are major fac- ulation of IL-12 production, thus promoting their homing to
tors contributing to the susceptibility to infection and result- the skin [58].
ing exacerbation of disease activity in patients with AD. T cell activation by superantigens may be further aug-
mented by an inhibitory effect (at least by SEB) on the
immunosuppressive activity of circulating CLA+CD4+ CD25+
Cellular activation by staphylococcal superantigens
regulatory T cells, which, surprisingly, are increased in
The main consequence of increased colonization of AD skin patients with AD [59]. Furthermore, SEB-reactive (Vβ3+,
by S. aureus is exacerbation of the inflammatory immune Vβ12+ or Vβ17+) CD4+ T cells producing Th-2 cytokines in
© 2006 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 144: 1–9 5
B. S. Baker
AD patients are more resistant to SEB-induced apoptosis Conversely, a subgroup of patients with AD showed a defi-
than corresponding SEB-reactive Th-1 cells from healthy ciency in the production of IgG2, but not of IgG1 or IgG4
individuals [60]. antibodies against toxin SEC1, which was associated with a
In addition to T cells, superantigens can also mediate severe disease phenotype [71]. This appeared to be specific
effects on other cell types such as eosinophils, Langerhans for SEC1 as levels of IgG2 antibodies against SEB, or another
cells, macrophages and keratinocytes. During flares of AD, bacterial antigen, pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide,
eosinophils are recruited to the skin by chemoattractants were normal in these patients. IgG2 antibodies are poor com-
such as RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T plement activators, but can effectively mediate polymorpho-
expressed and secreted) and eotaxin, where they are acti- nuclear leucocyte phagocytosis of S. aureus via the FcγRIIa
vated and undergo degranulation and cytolytic degenera- receptor on the cell surface [72]. Although the functional
tion, the products of which promote inflammation and role of anti-SEC1 IgG2 antibodies in AD pathogenesis
tissue damage [61,62]. It has been demonstrated that SEB in remains unclear, it is possible that such a selective decrease in
AD skin lesions is localized predominately to eosinophils in some patients with AD may contribute to the persistence of
the dermis, as well as to a lesser extent on Langerhans cells SEC1-producing S. aureus on lesional skin and the resulting
and IgE-bearing cells [63]. Superantigens modulate the exacerbation of disease activity.
effector function of eosinophils, and probably the course of
AD, by inhibiting eosinophil apoptosis, increasing expres-
Malassezia-induced IgE- and Th-2 cell-mediated
sion of activation antigens on the eosinophil surface, and
enhancing oxidative burst of eosinophils in vitro [64]. They
also bind to HLA-DR on Langerhans cells and macrophages Malassezia (formerly known as Pityrosporum orbiculare/
and stimulate them to produce IL-1, TNF-α and/or IL-12. ovale) is part of the normal human skin flora and is most
These cytokines either up-regulate the expression of adhe- abundant at sites of high sebum production such as the scalp,
sion molecules on endothelial cells, or increase CLA expres- chest and back where it colonizes the stratum corneum.
sion on T cells, respectively, thus facilitating the recruitment Most healthy individuals have developed IgG antibodies to
of CLA+ memory T cells to the skin. In addition, kerati- Malassezia, but in 30–80% of AD patients, IgE and/or T cell
nocytes that have been induced to express MHC Class II reactivity to the organism is present [73]. Patients with AD
molecules by stimulation with IFN-γ can interact with affecting mainly the head and neck region appear to be more
superantigens, resulting in transient intracellular Ca2+ likely to produce Malassezia-specific IgE antibodies, coincid-
mobilization and the release of proinflammatory TNF-α ing with the higher levels of yeast colonization in these areas,
[65,66]. HLA-DR+ keratinocytes can also present superanti- than patients with AD located elsewhere on the body [74].
gens to T cells; because KCs do not synthesize IL-12, this Malassezia-specific IgE antibodies are rarely produced by
results in the activation of Th-2 rather than Th-1 cells [67]. atopic patients whose skin is unaffected [75,76]. This,
Two other S. aureus products, staphylococcal protein A and together with the high prevalence of type I hypersensitivity
α-toxin also induce the production of TNF-α by kerati- to Malassezia as compared to other fungi in AD suggests that
nocytes, with additional cytotoxic effects exerted by the lat- Malassezia-specific antibodies are pathogenically significant
ter [68]. [77,78]. Histamine release tests have confirmed the biologi-
cal activity of circulating Malassezia-specific IgE antibodies
in approximately 70% of AD patients, supporting a role for
Superantigen-specific IgE and IgG2 antibodies
these antibodies in the disease process [78].
Superantigen-secreting S. aureus have been isolated from The defective skin barrier in AD may allow the whole
over 50% of AD patients, and many of these patients produce Malassezia yeast cells and their allergens, nine of which have
IgE antibodies specific for the toxins found on their skin been isolated and cloned so far, to enter the skin and be taken
[69,70]. In contrast, although SEA, SEB or TSST – secreting up by Langerhans cells. In vitro studies have shown that the
S. aureus have also been isolated from the lesional skin of process of internalization of Malassezia causes maturation of
psoriasis patients, their sera did not contain IgE antibodies dendritic cells and the production of proinflammatory and
to the toxins [69]. Basophils and mast cells from AD patients immunoregulatory cytokines, but not IL-12, thereby favour-
with antitoxin IgE antibodies release histamine on exposure ing the induction of a Th-2 type response [79]. Indeed,
to toxins, but only those toxins against which they have higher blood and skin Th-2 type responses to Malassezia
raised specific IgE antibody [69]. Furthermore, there is a cor- have been demonstrated in vitro in AD patients compared to
relation between the presence of IgE antibodies specific for that of normal controls [80]. Furthermore, it has been dem-
staphylococcal superantigens and both the severity of AD, onstrated that a positive atopy patch test to Malassezia in vivo
and total serum IgE levels [71]. Thus toxins produced by S. correlates with a Th-2-like peripheral blood mononuclear
aureus also exacerbate AD by activating mast cells, basophils cell response in AD patients in vitro [81].
and other Fcε-receptor bearing cells carrying the relevant Malassezia also exerts other proinflammatory effects such
antitoxin IgE antibody. as activation of the alternative complement pathway, and the
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