Micronutrients Influencing The Immune Response in Leprosy: Revisión
Micronutrients Influencing The Immune Response in Leprosy: Revisión
Micronutrients Influencing The Immune Response in Leprosy: Revisión
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium leprae, an intracellular bacillus of airborne
transmission. The disease affects the skin and peripheral
nerves and can cause neurological sequelae. The bacillus
multiplies slowly in the host and the disease probably
occurs due to malfunctioning in host immune response.
This review addresses the role of some specific micronutrients in the immune response, such as Vitamins A, D, E, C,
Zinc and Selenium, detailing their mechanisms of actions in
infectious diseases, and in leprosy. The immune response to
pathogens releases harmful substances, which lead to tissue
damage. This review discusses how a decreased level of
antioxidants may contribute to an increased oxidative stress
and complications of infectious diseases and leprosy. As the
nutrients have a regulatory effect in the innate and adaptative immune responses, a perfect balance in their concentrations is important to improve the immune response
against the pathogens.
WHO: World Health Organization.
SINAN: Information System and Reporting of
Health Problems.
IFN-: Interferon-.
TNF-: Tumor Necrosis Factor .
TL: Tuberculoid.
LL: Lepromatous Leprosy.
BB: Borderline.
BT: Borderline Tuberculoid.
BL: Borderline Lepromatous.
Correspondence: Amlia Ribeiro de Jesus.
E-mail: [email protected]
Recibido: 19-IX-2013.
Aceptado: 16-X-2013.
In different infections the malnutrition effect is variable and difficult to measure. In diseases as measles
and tuberculosis the nutritional deficiency presents a
relation with the increase in susceptibility and worsens
the disease prognosis.18 One of the consequences of the
infections from persistent pathogens is the generation
of autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases. Although
pathogens are the main trigger for the inflammatory
response, the hypothesis that nutritional factors can
have important contributions in the disease progress
cannot be excluded.19
The risk of leprosy is significantly associated with
poverty, poor education, dietetic inadequacy, related to
total caloric intake and reduced intake of vegetables,
fruits and fish.20
Studies conducted in India and Brazil demonstrated
dietetic inadequacies among individuals with leprosy
and their relatives, specially related to the lack of
vegetables and fruits intake. The observed unbalanced
diets were explained by inadequate feeding habits
mainly associated with the lack of knowledge about the
nutritional value of these foods. The economic status
was not the main predictor of the diet quality.21,22
Both low body weight and overweight individuals
are reported to have dietetic inadequacies regarded to
the quality of the foods. Overweight individuals from
Brazil and from other developing countries are
reported to have a diet based on empty calories foods.
In a study conducted in Brazil, 41.9% of individuals
with leprosy were overweight or obese, and only 3.6%
were underweight. The proportion of overweight or
obesity and underweight was similar among individuals with leprosy reaction and no reaction.23 Overweight and obesity among leprosy patients was also
reported in other studies in Brazil.22 Hipercaloric diets
seem not to protect individuals against the disease;
however, the low quality of the diet is associated with
higher risk of leprosy regardless the weight status,
mainly because the low intake of antioxidants
substances is associated with impaired immunological
defense against pathogens such as M. leprae.1,21,23,24
In a study of fifty-eight patients with leprosy
conducted in India, it was observed nutritional deficiency in different forms of leprosy, but mainly in the
lepromatous, the most aggressive clinical form. They
described a decrease of serum levels of substances with
antioxidant potential, such as retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), zinc,
magnesium and selenium.25
Endogen substances such as reactive species of
nitrogen and oxygen are the main mechanism of
destruction of intracellular agents.26-27 In M. leprae
infection macrophage activation is important for the
control of this microorganism in which the main mechanism of destruction is mediated by ROS and NO.
However these radicals have an oxidant activity and
can contribute to tissue damage, together with other
inflammatory substances produced by the immune
system. Dietary substances with antioxidant action can
Tabla I
Main function of micronutrients and their role in the immune system
Source food
Production of cytokine
IL-1 and IL-6.
Production TNF-
and inflammatory response.
Kim, 2011;
Sreekumar, 2001;
Demori, 2006;
Krause, 2002.
Component of hemoglobin
and myoglobin and important
in oxygen transfer.
Bogdan, 1999;
Wanasen, 2007;
Krause, 2002.
Component of glutathione
2011; Krause, 2002.
Koury, 2003;
Krause, 2002.
Vitamin C
Murray, 2002;
Krause, 2002.
Vitamin A
Sies, 1995;
Krause, 2002.
Vitamin E
Vijayaraghavhan, 2005;
Vanuucchi, 1998;
Krause, 2002.
Vitamin D
Maintaining homeostasis of
calcium and phosphorus.
Expression of antimicrobial
Santiago, 2008;
Liu, 2006;
Chocano-Bedoya, 2009;
are high oxygen concentrations, vitamin E can complement this antioxidant action.34 An increase in oxidant
stress is documented in leprosy-affected individuals.1
Vitamin A also has an important role in the regulation of several components of the immune response,
including both innate and acquired immunity (both
cellular and humoral).35,36,37 Regarding innate immunity, the deficiency of vitamin A is associated with a
decrease in phagocytosis and oxidative burst activities
of macrophages.16 A decrease in NK cells was also
reported under this condition.38 In acquired immunity,
studies evaluating the effects of vitamin A deficiency
are controversial, describing a decrease in IFN-
production, which represents the Th1 response and a
deficiency in Th2 or humoral response.13-39 In an
Indonesian study conducted in children with vitamin A
deficiency, a decrease in ex-vivo production of IFN-
was detected.13 Given the importance of IFN- for
exerting critical functions in Th1 type immunity, this
observation suggests the importance of vitamin A in
control of infections by intracellular microorganisms,
such as M. leprae. On the other hand, the addition of
retinoic acid in vitro induced the production of IL-10
and an anti-inflammatory response through the inhibition of IL-12 and TNF- production in mononuclear
umbilical cord and monocyte lineage cells. Since IL-12
is important for the induction of Th1 diferenciation, the
administration of this vitamin inhibits the Th1
response, described that vitamin A deficiency compromises also Th2 responses and decreases IgG1 and IgE
antibody production.13-39
In leprosy, a previous study reported a decrease in
serum concentrations of vitamin A, predominantly in
lepromatous leprosy (LL) patients, where there is a
depression of the Th1 immune response and replication
of M. leprae in macrophages, and a predominance of the
humoral response.1 A reduction in serum concentrations
of vitamin A was also seen in children with visceral leishmaniasis in northeastern Brazil, another intracellular
microorganism.40 These data support the findings of
Wieringa and colleagues13 that vitamin A deficiency has
more detrimental effects on the Th1 immune response. A
recent study shows that the induction of T regulatory cells
by an antigen from Schistosoma mansoni eggs, called
w1, is dependent on vitamin A. T regulatory cells can
down modulate both Th1 and Th2 responses, and are
important in the control of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.41 Additional studies to clarify the effects
of vitamin A in the immune response to infectious agents,
such as leprosy, appear merited. This is especially valid
in countries such as Brazil, where general or specific
nutritional shortages can be found in the context of many
infectious diseases. In this review we report the data of a
nutritional study in leprosy patients and observed that
over 50% of the individuals with leprosy and controls
living in the same house present with consumption below
recommended levels for vitamin A, evaluated by the food
consumption using food records and classifications of the
DRIs adequacy, 2006.
Fig. 1.Reactive Oxygen Species and vitamin E precursor action in the cell membrane. The interaction of ROS with cellular membranes breaks polyunsaturated fatty acids by the successive generation of free radicals. When ROS interact with fatty acid of the membrane frees a lipid radical, that interact with oxygen, generating peroxide radical, which interacts with other molecules of fatty acid, originating a hydroperoxide, and once more, breaking the lipid structure of the cellular membrane. The active form of vitamin E, the
-tocopherol, neutralizes this chain reaction (represented by the block sign in red) because it donates hydrogen atoms to the free radicals generated in this process. In Leprosy, it was observed an increase in the lipid peroxidation (LPO), and the treatment with vitamin
E associated with polychemotherapy reduced the LPO levels.
Fig. 2.Participation of the active metabolite of Vitamin D (1,25(OH)2 VD3) in the immune response against M. leprae. The 1,25
(OH)2 VD3 increases the expression of VDR, IL-1 and the peptide cathelicidin in macrophages, contributing for the bacteria clearance
mediated by the innate immune response. However, the dissemination of mycobacteria can be associated to the action of 1,25 (OH)2
VD3 in dendritic and T cells. The 1,25(OH)2 VD3 reduces the maturation of the dendritic cells by reducing the IL-12 expression, MHC
class II, CD 40, CD80, CD60, and increases the IL-10 production and FoxP3 expression in T cells, favoring the generation of the regulatory T cell. Regulatory T cells suppresses the Th1 response and interferes in the microbicidal functions of macrophages, contributing
to the persistence of the mycobacteria in the host.
Due to the complexity of clinical presentations, the
multitude of factors involved in the control of M. leprae,
and the complications that can occur, leprosy remains a
huge challenge for clinicians and scientists. Immunologically, leprosy is a spectral disease model that involves
components of both the innate and adaptive immune
response. These contribute not only to protection but
also to pathogenesis, with skin and neurological injuries
that can ultimately culminate in permanent disability.
Leprosy is still relatively understudied, particularly in
relation to the impact of various nutritional factors,
taking into account that the disease affects developing
countries. Leprosy patients, with different clinical
forms, but particularly in the lepromatous form, present
a reduction in potential antioxidant substances. Several
studies show familial aggregation and the influence of
genetics in disease outcome, which open the possibility
of an influence of a combination of genetic background
with environmental factors. The importance of nutritional status, specially related to micronutrients should
be investigated, mainly because the disease develops in
long term and the nutritional balance might reduce the
risk of acquiring the disease. It is also known that a
reduction in the level of antioxidant and immune modulatory nutrients can contribute for an increase in the
oxidative stress and complication in the disease and in its
treatment, since the decrease of these nutrients can be
one of the reasons for the increase of the skin and neurological injuries induced by immune response products
against the pathogen. Thus, further studies considering
the action of these antioxidant and immune modulatory
nutrients in patients infected with M. Leprae should be
designed to elucidate pathogenic mechanisms. This
knowledge is of great importance to give support for
dietary supplementation as an adjuvant for improvement
of the leprosy treatment.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare there is no conflict of interest in
the development of the study.
The research group is funded by Coordination of
Improvement of Education Personnel (CAPES) and
the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological