Quantum Engine of Vladimir Leonov

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Transportation Research Procedia 36 (2018) 352–357


Thirteenth International Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety Management in

Large Cities
Thirteenth International Conference (SPbOTSIC 2018)
on Organization and Traffic Safety Management in
Large Cities (SPbOTSIC 2018)
Aspects of traffic safety using vehicles with quantum engines
Aspects of traffic safety using vehicles with quantum engines
Jurij Kotikov*
Jurij Kotikov*
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 4 Vtoraja Krasnoarmejskaja St., Saint Petersburg, 190005,, Russia
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 4 Vtoraja Krasnoarmejskaja St., Saint Petersburg, 190005,, Russia

Modern physics advances outlined contours of quantum energetics including quantum engines. Prospects of using quantum
Modern in vehicles
physics are considered
advances outlinedatcontours
the conceptual level. Quantum
of quantum energeticsengines do not
including need any
quantum external
engines. energy of
Prospects sources.
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engines producing
in vehiclesan areimpulse of thrust
considered at thetransferred
conceptualdirectly to the frame
level. Quantum of a vehicle
engines makeany
do not need the external
power wheelenergydrive uunnecessary
sources. Quantumas
all wheels
engines are driven.
producing an A vertical
impulse ofcomponent of thrust
thrust transferred can ensure
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road performance) or
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Quantum enginesimproves off
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off-road performanceTheoflisted characte
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reduces require deep
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safety aspects
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suchquantum engines. Design
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of new traffic suchaspects
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of nowadays
vehicles withare predicted
quantum engines. Design features of cars with quantum
engines and differences between such cars and cars used nowadays are predicted predicted.
©2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2018
This The Authors.
is an accessPublished by Elsevier B.V. ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
©2018 Theopen
This is an Authors.
article under
by Elsevier
article under B.V.
the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This review
is an openunder responsibility
access article underof the scientific committee of the Thirteenth International Conference on Organization and
Peer-review under responsibility ofthe
scientific ND licenseof
committee (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
the Thirteenth International Conference on Organization and
Traffic Safety
review Management
Safetyunder in
in Large
Management Largeof Cities
Cities (SPbOTSIC 2018)
2018).of the Thirteenth International Conference on Organization and
Traffic Safety Management in Large Cities (SPbOTSIC 2018) 2018).
Keywords: theory of Superunification; vehicle; quantum engine; performance characteristics
characteristics; traffic safety.
Keywords: theory of Superunification; vehicle; quantum engine; performance characteristics
characteristics; traffic safety.

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, physics advances outlined contours of quantum energetics aimed at
using global
At the turnvacuum energy.
of the 20 21st centuries, theories
and Breakthrough ((Davies, 1985;
physics advances Konstantinov,
outlined contours of 2017;
quantumLeonov, 2002,aimed
energetics 2010a,
2010b; Parker,vacuum
using global 1986; Puthoff,
energy. 1989, 2010; Shawyer,
Breakthrough er, 2015;
theories White
((Davies, et al.,
1985; 2017, and others)
Konstantinov, 2017; are aimed 2002,
Leonov, at searching,
discovering and1986;
2010b; Parker, formalizing
the unified field, the
2010; Shawyer, existence
er, 2015; of which
White was predicted
et al., 2017, by Einstein.
and others) are aimedUnveiling the
at searching,
discovering and formalizing of the unified field, the existence of which was predicted by Einstein. Unveiling the

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +0-000-000-0000 ; fax: +0-000-000

000-0000 .
* E-mail:[email protected]
Corresponding author. Tel.: +0-000-000-0000 ; fax: +0-000-000
000-0000 .
E-mail:[email protected]
2352-1465© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open
2352-1465© access
2018 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC by
Published BY-NC-ND
Elsevier B.V. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Peer-review under
license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by
This is an openofaccess
the scientific committee
article under the CCof the Thirteenth
BY-NC-ND Interna
license Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety Management
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by under in
Large Cities (SPbOTSIC
responsibility 2018).
of the scientific committee of the Thirteenth Interna
International Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety Management in
Large Cities (SPbOTSIC 2018).

2352-1465  2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Thirteenth International Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety
Management in Large Cities (SPbOTSIC 2018).
Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 36 (2018) 352–357 353
2 Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

unified field comprises the key to mastering gravitational forces and the ability to draw energy from the global
vacuum. Such ability will result in a new technological paradigm naturally involving the transport sector as well.
One way or another, mankind will master vacuum energy. And then, maybe before we know it, quantum engines
will take over from internal combustion engines and jet engines.
The purpose of the study is to analyze what performance characteristics of vehicles with the quantum engine will
undergo changes and how its movement safety will change.The tasks of the study are the following: to review
achievements in physics regarding investigation of the structure of the physical vacuum; to present the framework
for development of quantum engines; to forecast future design features of cars with quantum engines and differences
between such cars and cars used nowadays.

2. Modern physics advances at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries

Modern energetics is based on the fundamental knowledge gained in the 19thand 20th centuries. Discoveries of
that period made it possible to use the energy of chemical fuel and energy of the atomic nucleus to produce
mechanical and thermal energy, perform conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy and deliver such energy
to the consumer (Kotikov and Lozhkin, 2006). At the present time, energetics stands at the threshold of a new
technological paradigm based on the latest achievements in physics (Leonov, 2010a).
Einstein introduced the concept of space-time field structure as the unified field in theoretical physics, but he did
not consider space as absolute emptiness (Parker, 1986). However, applied physics of the 20th century considered
space-time as absolute emptiness with no structure (Leonov, 2010b).
The Einstein's idea of the space-time field structure as the unified field (Parker, 1986), the Davies's idea (1985) of
"superforce" uniting everything in the universe and the Puthoff’s idea of great energy density of the physical
vacuum (Puthoff, 2010) were taken together and implemented by V. S. Leonov in his theory of the elastic quantized
medium (EQM) and the theory of Superunification after discovery of the space-time quantum (quanton) (Leonov,
The theory of Superunification considers the process of Einstein’s space-time quantization. Quantization is an
energy process related to space filling with quantons. Quanton is not an elementary particle. It has a complex
structure which includes four whole quarks: two electric (+1e+ and -1e-) and two magnetic (+1g+ and -1g-) quarks
forming a tetrahedron with two orthogonal force axes (dipoles) — electric and magnetic. In general, two dipoles
form an electromagnetic quanton quadrupole. Four mentioned quarks, that make up a quanton, combine electricity
and magnetism in the form of a unified electromagnetic substance, the carrier of which is a four-dimensional space-
time quantum (STQ) (Kotikov, 2018).
The global vacuum is densely filled with mobile quantons. Quantons interact continuously due to their proximity,
charge sign in adjacent quarks of neighboring quantons and orientation of dipole axes.
The equilibrium state of an STQ fragment implies that resultant vectors of axial forces of quark dipoles are zero
in any direction (zero vectors). Introduction of a real object (containing a lot of free quarks) into the fragment
perturbs the electromagnetic field, bending it relative to the initial equilibrium state (the resultant force zero vector
acquires magnitude and direction). Control of free quarks' introduction allows affecting changes in the vector.
As it is stated in the theory of Superunification (Leonov, 2010a), all known types of energy (chemical, nuclear,
electromagnetic, gravitational, mechanical, etc.) imply extraction of SEI (super-strong electromagnetic interaction)
global energy and its further transformation allowing opening up a new direction in energetics — quantum
Leonov experimentally ascertained a ponderomotive (power conversion) interaction between electromagnetism
and gravity. Actual anti-gravity effects were found. Experimental studies showed that external fields can interact
with the EQM structure, resulting in stable anti-gravity effects (Leonov, 2010a).
The outer space can be considered as an elastic energy-dense medium with overall support and sufficient energy.
All that is left for us to do is to learn how to interact with the medium and manage this interaction.
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3. Quantum engine framework

The operation principle of quantum engines is based on the interaction of the field of a rotating electromagnetic
quadrupole with the quantized medium. As a result of this interaction, thrust appears, which affects movement in
space (Leonov, 2010a).
In the STQ theory, the Lorentz force is of great importance. Its character is associated with space deformation in
a local region. This deformation can be created artificially as in a current circuit. Under the action of the Lorentz
force during rotation of an electromagnetic quadrupole, axial thrust appears. The quadrupole sort of screws into the
vacuum medium, pushes away from it and, as a result, moves forward like an air propeller.
Thus, if a quanton with its structure of the electromagnetic quadrupole is forced to rotate, then field thrust
appears, which can cause it to move in space (together with the structural enclosure of the working chamber in a
quantum engine) at a high speed.
In quantum engines, almost 100% of energy are converted into motion. In conventional chemical-fuel engines,
such conversion cannot be obtained: their conversion efficiency is extremely low.
The STQ deformation in the local region inside the operating unit (activator) of the quantum engine corresponds
to the energy which is spent by the body on its acceleration. In this case, we have the classical law of energy
conservation. De-formation of vacuum takes place in the body of the operating unit of the quantum engine which
actively interacts with the vacuum medium penetrating the body. The internal thrust force appears inside the body of
the operating unit. This is not external repulsion as in the jet engine, it is internal repulsion (Leonov, 2010a).
It should be noted that, during motion with acceleration, particular regimes form inside the STQ when energy
recovery is observed during deceleration, therefore, the consumed energy returns and can be used again. The
capacity of quantum engines for energy recovery during thrust generation provides economical power cycles in
quantum engines. It is necessary to compensate energy losses due to friction in engine mechanisms and ohmic losses
in electrical wires and windings of activators.
The efficiency of the quantum engine during thrust generation can exceed that of conventional engines 20 or
more times (Leonov, 2010b).

4. Quantum engines: prototypes of engineering designs and development models of machines with quantum

Prototypes of quantum engines were described in various works (Shawyer, 2015). The Leonov's quantum engine
is the most successful and promising as it has at least two laboratory models (Leonov, 2010b; Petrov, 2016). The
concept, method and design of the quantum engine are protected by patent No. 2185526 (priority date: 21.05.2001)
"A method of thrust generation in vacuum and a field engine for spaceships (options)" (Leonov, 2002).
Implementing an invention, Leonov managed to obtain thrust of 0.1 N (at the mass of a laboratory model of 50
kg) and then, in the course of development, increase it up to 500 N (Leonov, 2010b). In 2014, a prototype of the
Leonov's quantum engine (1 kW) produced thrust of 5,000 N in pulse (Petrov, 2016).
In general, there are no restrictions regarding thrust of quantum engines. Leonov developed a method for
calculating the design parameters of the quantum engine for any thrust, including 1,000 N, 10,000 N and more
(Leonov, 2010b).

5. Conceptual schemes and advantages of vehicles with quantum engines, pointed out by V. S. Leonov

The main direction of laboratory researches on quantum energy is related to the development of quantum engine
concepts for field space exploration. It also noted that air transport with field engines will be scarcely different from
space transport. Meanwhile, above-ground motor transport can undergo serious transformation.
Diagrams of quantum engine installation in cars are presented in Figure 1 (Leonov, 2010a). Propulsive engine 2
is in-stalled in the rear of the car (a). Motion is caused by propulsive field thrust R. It is reasonable to install engines
generating horizontal and vertical thrust in high-speed cars (b). In this case, the load on wheels decreases. It is
possible to install the engine at the front of the car (c), ensuring motion caused by pulling force R.
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a) b)


Fig. 1. Diagrams of quantum engine installation in cars.

A distinctive feature of cars with quantum engines is transmission removal. It allows for the installation of
flexible suspension. The car design includes the following components: a body, a quantum engine, and controlled
wheels. Despite the simple car design, implementation of quantum engines will require new cutting-edge
technologies. Production of quantum engines can be expensive, therefore, such cars will be more expensive than
those used nowadays (Leonov, 2010a).
The main advantages of the quantum engine compared to conventional engines, pointed out by V. S. Leonov, are
as follows:
1) no chemical fuel is required for quantum engine operation;
2) unlimited movement distance without refueling;
3) significant reduction in material costs for traffic infrastructure (filling stations, power transmission lines for
city transport, etc.);
4) high environmental friendliness and safety;
The quantum engine allows starting the car with fixed thrust, making maximum use of its power, avoiding losses
inherent in ICE under unstable conditions (ICE lose 80% power due to low efficiency at low engine speed during
starting, 50% power — during clutching; as a result, ICE use only about 10% power at the start of the car).

6. Future design features of cars with quantum engines and differences between such cars and cars used

Let us review possible design and operating features of the car with a quantum engine, affecting traffic safety, in
detail from the point of view of an expert road user.
1. Absence of drive shafts, final drive housings and differentials makes it possible to arrange a clad floor, which
will improve its off-road performance, reduce whirling and air resistance.
2. Wheels can turn around the vertical axis more easily and simultaneously on all axles. It facilitates
3. A controlled vertical (anti-gravity) component of thrust will allow "suspending" the vehicle, improving its
off-road performance.
4. It is possible to use two quantum engines: for horizontal and vertical thrust (Leonov, 2010a).
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5. According to the author’s opinion, it is possible to install one quantum engine with the transverse axis of
rotation (or with hinge mounting to the body) to regulate the magnitude and direction of the thrust vector. It will
improve controllability and off-road performance.
6. No wheel slippage (irrespective of roads and longitudinal forces).
7. The possibility of implementing significant accelerations (more than 1g), both negative and positive (the
maximum will be restricted by biomechanical limits of passengers and drivers).
8. Cars with quantum engines can still require an independent drive for wheels to facilitate maneuvering. In this
case, it will be easier to implement connection with the parking radar.
9. Automatic cruise control will be easier (no transmission is required (neither mechanical nor automatic); no
servo-motor drive for throttle or engine injector is required; no partial braking is required).
10. Cars with quantum engines will be able to climb steep hills (even without high-speed dynamics).
11. The emergency braking system will be more effective: a vertical force vector will put pressure on wheels to
maintain roadholding during corner braking, with optimization of weight distribution of vector components by axles
and wheels.
12. The danger of rollover is eliminated/reduced when the transverse force vector is used by an automatic control
system. Cars with quantum engines will be able to move over steep hills.
13. A vertical vector can put pressure on wheels on wet roads and in other conditions of insufficient adhesion.
14. Noise level: all wheels (used only in the driven mode) will make less noise, and the engine, probably, will
15. No vibration (therefore, noise) from the motor and transmission.
16. Less chemical emissions. The level and biological effect of high-frequency oscillations in quantum engines
are still unclear.
17. No need for regular refueling.
Changes in roads and traffic regulations for cars with quantum engines will be observed as well.

7. Discussion

Despite the lack of global experience in development of cars with quantum engines and their mass-production
models, it was possible to review aspects of their development and operation. The judgmental forecast allowed
distinguishing a number of certain advantages (as compared to modern cars): simplified design; higher level of
acceleration and braking dynamics, stability, controllability, chemical environmental compatibility, noise
compatibility; no need for regular refueling, automatic energy recovery, less tire wear, etc.
It is still unclear what noise and high-frequency characteristics will quantum engines have, what influence of
local de-formation of the gravity field on the human body and other innovations will be.
The outlined contours regarding the Quantomobile give reasons for planning studies of this advanced vehicle and
its practical application. Those issues are represented in one of the author's papers (Kotikov, 2018).

8. Conclusion

Obviously, mass production cars with quantum engines will lead to significant changes in the infrastructure,
transportation technology, and safety regulations related to such transportation.The transport industry shall prepare
to the new technological paradigm in advance: theoretical and conceptual developments shall be performed,
specialists shall be trained, engineering studies with regard to mass production of cars with quantum engines shall be


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