Noel Merengeni COM/001/17 Comp 423: Simulation and Modelling Assignment

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What are some of the areas of application of simulation?

A major application of simulation has been in the analysis of queuing systems. Yhe
assumptions required to solve the operating characteristic formulas are relatively
restrictive .For the more complex queuing systems (which result from a relaxation
of these assumptions), it is not possible to develop analytical formulas, and
simulation is often the only available means of analysis.
Inventory Control
Most people are aware that product demand is an essential component in
determining the amount of inventory a commercial enterprise should keep. Most
of the mathematical formulas used to analyze inventory systems make the
assumption that this demand is certain .However, demand is rarely known with
certainty .Simulation is one of the few means for analyzing inventory systems in
which demand is a random variable, reflecting demand uncertainty.
Capital budgeting problems require estimates of cash flows, which are often a
result of many random variables. Simulation has been used to generate values of
the various contributing factors to derive estimates of cash flows.
Marketing problems include random variables, such as market size and type, and
consumer preferences. Simulation can be used to ascertain how a particular
market might react to the introduction of a product or to an advertising campaign
for an existing product.
Environmental and Resource Analysis
Simulation models have been developed to ascertain the impact on the
environment of projects such as nuclear power plants, reservoirs, highways, and
dams. In many cases, these models include measures to analyze the financial
feasibility of such projects. Other models have been developed to simulate
pollution conditions.
Production and Manufacturing
Simulation is often applied to production problems, such as production
scheduling, production sequencing, plant layout, and plant location analysis. It is
surprising how often various production processes can be viewed as queuing
systems that can only be analyzed using simulation. Because machine
breakdowns typically occur according to some probability distributions,
maintenance problems are also frequently analyzed using simulation
Medical field
Doctors also use simulation to test different medicines and to detect different
diseases in patients. This is mostly done with a computer screen and the tiny
device inserted into the patient body. As computers are used in all the fields of
life so it is making our life easier and it is also very useful for simulating and
testing different aspects of our life.
In video games, we can see images of people that look similar to real people. This
is done with animation software. In games, all the characters are made and then
are simulated so that it looks and behave exactly like in reality.

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