Cebeci Et Al 2019
Cebeci Et Al 2019
Cebeci Et Al 2019
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Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 34367, Maçka, İstanbul, Turkey, 2Faculty of Business
Administration, Gebze Technical University, 41400, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey. *Email: [email protected]
Developments in information and communication technologies disrupt the traditional media ecosystem. New media has led to the emergence of many
digital platforms such as Netflix. Netflix has become very popular nowadays all over the world. Hence, this paper aims to reveal the determinants
of intention to use Netflix based on the technology acceptance model. For this purpose, a survey of 251 respondents in Istanbul was conducted. The
findings indicate that (i) self-efficacy and knowledge is positively related to perceived ease of use (PEOU), (ii) knowledge and PEOU is positively
associated with perceived usefulness (PU), (iii) PU predicts attitude, (iv) attitude predicts intention to use, and (v) technology anxiety attenuates the
positive effect of PU on attitude.
Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Digital Platforms, Netflix
JEL Classifications: C42, M31
This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
is complex and difficult. Moreover, self-efficacy determine the easily, they will be able to perceive the benefits it will provide to
people perceptions about their adoption to use technology and them and develop a positive attitude towards it. Therefore, we
also about their using it effectively (Reychav et al., 2019). In hypothesized that:
this respect, people with self-efficacy of using Netflix perceive H4: PEOU of Netflix is positively related to PU of Netflix.
that Netflix is user-friendly and using it is easy. Therefore, we H5: PEOU of Netflix is positively related to attitude toward using
hypothesized that: Netflix.
H3. Self-efficacy of using Netflix is positively related to PEOU
of Netflix. 3.4. PU and Attitude
TAM assumes that PU is antecedent of attitude toward a
3.3. PEOU, PU, and Attitude specific technology (Davis et al., 1989). PU of Netflix is
According to TAM, PEOU affects the PU and attitude the extent to which a person perceives to get more benefits
(Davis et al., 1989). Any technology which is difficult to use is (unlimited viewing, commercial-free, original content, low
not possible to consider as useful (Park et al., 2014). Because it price) by using Netflix instead of utilizing other technologies
is seen as a waste of time (Davis et al., 1989). Furthermore, users that provide similar services. If the user believes that one or
do not have a positive attitude towards it. Because instead of this more features and services offering by Netflix are beneficial,
time-consuming technology, the equivalent of this technology that the evaluations of the user about using Netflix will be positive
gives the same output with less effort is preferred. Namely, it is manner. Because PU is an outcome expectancy (Huang and
claimed that the technology, which is easy to use, will be accepted Liaw, 2005) and it is a key factor in personal evaluations.
more than other technologies if all conditions are equal (Davis, Therefore, we hypothesized that:
1989). Therefore, if the users perceive that Netflix can be used H6: PU is positively related to attitude toward using Netflix.
Figure 2: Moderating effect of technology anxiety 3.5. Attitude and Intention to Use
Attitude is opinions about whether a behavior favourable or
unfavourable and how the user perceives the outcomes of this
behavior (Verma and Sinha, 2018). Furthermore, it is the main
antecedents of intention to use based on TAM (Davis et al., 1989).
Namely, the positive thinking and evaluations of people about
Netflix lead to the desire to use Netflix. On the contrary, negative
assessments about Netflix cause them not to use it. Because if the
attitude is positive, behavioral intention is likely to be positive
(Verma and Sinha, 2018). Therefore, we hypothesized that:
H7: Attitude toward using Netflix is positively related to intention
to use Netflix.
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