Simulation Modelling of Mining Systems Massmin 2000
Simulation Modelling of Mining Systems Massmin 2000
Simulation Modelling of Mining Systems Massmin 2000
B E Hall1
This paper discusses the requirements for a successful simulation
modelling study, and the steps involved in the modelling process.
Advantages and disadvantages of simulation are described, and a case
study highlights how not to go about it. Two other case studies, for a
decline truck haulage and a block caving production operation, are used
to illustrate the types of variables whose impact may be investigated.
Typical results are presented to indicate the sorts of presentation styles
the author has found useful for conveying study results to project
sponsors. Standard spreadsheet charting techniques can be very useful in
this respect, but the possibilities are limited only by the imagination of
the study team.
Simulations of mining operations have been carried out for many
years. In many cases, end-users of simulation projects have been
disappointed with the results obtained. Often this is because the
strengths and weaknesses of the tool have not been fully
understood, and the aims of the simulation project were not
clearly defined.
This paper discusses the requirements for a successful
modelling study of any kind, but with particular reference to
simulations. It considers when simulation is and is not the
appropriate tool to use, looking at some of its advantages and
Examples of simulations of (a) block caving production
operations, from drawpoints to final delivery of ore, and (b)
operation of a truck haulage fleet in an underground mine, from
the source of the rock to its final destination, are described.
These illustrate the types of parameters which might be
investigated, and how results can be presented to facilitate
decision making based on sound engineering processes.
There are many types of models that can be built, such as
physical models, computer spreadsheet models, and animated
discrete event Monte Carlo simulation models. The last of these
is the main topic of this paper. This description indicates that this
type of simulation takes account of both random variation and
changes in the system being modelled over time, and can be
animated to provide a visual appreciation of the behaviour of the
All models have certain common features. They are
approximations of the real thing, and are built with a particular
purpose in mind. They should produce a good representation of
the particular aspects of reality relevant to their purpose, but are
unlikely to be good representations of other aspects of the
systems that have not been modelled.
The validity of a model is determined by the accuracy of its
outputs, not by the reality of its inner workings. A very accurate
representation of reality is a replica, not a model, and a lot more
time and effort than was necessary will have been expended to
obtain useful results. For example, in mining, linear elastic
models are often used to analyse rock stresses. Although in many
cases it is known that the ground does not in reality behave in a
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linear elastic way, the results are close enough not to alter the
decisions that would be made. Additional accuracy will not
change the outcome, so the added complexity of non-linear
calculations is not warranted. The crucial question to ask about a
model is not How accurately do its calculations mimic the real
interactions? but is rather If I feed in realistic input data, does
the model produce realistic outputs?
There is a problem here in identifying the boundaries and the
level of detail of the modelling project. If these are too wide or
too great, unnecessary work is done. But if they are not broad or
detailed enough, there is the risk of being lulled into a false sense
of security: work has been done and a result obtained, but a
feature not modelled may yet have an adverse impact. There is
often no easy way of identifying where the bounds should be.
For the sake of conservatism, it is this authors opinion that it is
better, and potentially less expensive in the long run, to err on the
side of doing too much than not enough (though one must be
careful to avoid paralysis by analysis).
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No allowance was made for the fact that the treatment plant
worked 24 hours a day, seven days a week, while the mine
had a weekend break in excess of 24 hours.
Though the report was being published with all the authority
of: A simulation study has determined that , the real
calculations in the model affecting the results could be fully
and accurately summarised as follows:
Shaft availability
x hours per month
x hoisting rate
= tonnes hoisted per month,
> target production per month
target is achieveable
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These two may at times be one and the same person. If not
they must both have such personal qualities and comparable
levels of seniority as are needed to ensure that each is able to
examine, understand and challenge the work of the other to
ensure the final result is reliable.
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FIG 4 - Proportion of the time various numbers of trucks are in the decline.
For each mining block, cases were run with varying numbers
of trucks, for production, development, and filling separately. For
each product hauled, a number of plots were generated. For each
mining block, typical plots were:
Study conclusions
The main conclusions of the study were as follows:
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FIG 6 - Truck fleet availability and utilisation - Block A - production ore only.
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FIG 9 - Trucking capacity as a function of fleet size and passing bay spacing.
and downstream conveying of the DOZ ore. The model was built
as a standalone model, but could also be incorporated into an
overall site ore flow model developed independently for PTFI.
Description of system
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The main features that were taken into account in the model
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Simulation is a powerful tool for the mining engineer. When used
in appropriate applications it is able to provide insights into
system behaviour in a way that few, if any, other techniques can.
However, if improperly used, serious mistakes can arise. This is
perhaps exacerbated by the fact that results are not always
intuitive, and can rarely be checked by random audits of reported
results only, or by a person not familiar with the intricacies of the
particular software package used.
FIG 12 - Block caving production potential as affected by drawpoints with wet muck.
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Pegden, C D, Shannon, R E and Sadowski, R P, 1995. Introduction to
simulation using SIMAN, 2nd edn, pp 8-24 (McGraw Hill: New
Sturgul, J R, 1997. Annotated bibliography of mine system simulation, in
Mine Simulation - Proceedings of the First International Symposium
on Mine Simulation. (Balkema : Rotterdam).
The author wishes to thank the management of Australian
Mining Consultants Pty Ltd for permission to prepare and
present this paper, and also the companys secretarial staff for
assistance in its preparation.
MassMin 2000