I. Genres and Elements of Literature: ST ND

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21st Century Literature Reviewer

Midterms 2nd Semester

January 29, 2018

I. Genres and Elements of Literature

Three Genres of Literature:

a. Novel, This is long narrative divided into chapters. The events are taken from to life
stories…and spam long period of time.
b. Short-Story, It is a narrative involving one or more characters, one plot and one single
c. Drama, the theatrical dialogue performed on stage, it consists of 5 acts.

Elements Of Literature:
a. Characters, Protagnist and Antagonist (Type of Characters)
Flat and Dynamic (Ways Character are Portrayed)

Ways Characters are Revealed:

1. What other characters say about the other
2. What the character says about himself
3. What the narrator says about the character
4. What the character does

b. Setting, Integral Setting (Vivid Description)

Backdrop Setting (Vague Description)

c. Point of View, First Person (Internal)

Omniscient (All Knowing)
Limited or Third Person (Witness)

d. Plot, Series of interconnected Events

All about establishing connections, suggesting causes, and showing relationships

4 Types of Plot Structure:

1. Dramatic or Progressive:
Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, then Resolution
2. Episodic: Many Progressive or dramatic plot with different subjects
3. Parallel: Many Progressive or dramatic plot linked by a common character/s
and similar theme
4. Flashback: an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the
current point in the story.

c. Conflict, Man Vs Man (two individuals, varied personalities)

Man Vs Society (government or cultural tradition, societal norms)
Man Vs Nature (natural disaster, dangerous situation)
Man Vs Self (within and individual, experience takes place in mind, making

d. Theme, Underlying idea of a piece of literature

e. Tone, the author’s mood and manner of expression in a work of literature
II. The Bus Driver who Wanted to be God
Author: Etgar Keret, Israel’s most radical and extraordinary writer

About the book: Daring and Provocative

Characters: The Bus Driver, he will not wait for those who do not make it to the bust in time
for the sake of preserving the time of the people in the bus
Eddie, Persistently late to all occasions but meets a woman and believed her as
his soulmate, arranges a date, and prepares to keep the date.

Setting: Backdrop

Point of View: Third Person

Plot: Progressive or Dramatic,

a. Introduction of Characters
b. Eddie meets Happiness
c. Eddie chased the bus
d. Eddie realizes that happiness wont come anymore
e. Bus driver waits for Eddie

Conflict: Man Vs Self

Tone: Objective

Theme: Principles/Rules can be set aside for us to give way for chances; to being
Your pursuit for happiness starts with a decision to chase for it and happens only
if you make the first move.

a. Issues: Rigidness and Stiffness

Loss and Lack of Motivation

b. Dillemas: To break the principle or not

To pursue desire or not

III. Tonight
Author: Ladan Osman, Somalian
About the Poem: Rough edges of life, then greets us with a hopeful wave
Theme: unsubstantial moment in the life (Unstable, Unsteady, Unusual)
Tone: Loneliness and Insignificance
• express a burdened sense of loneliness and solitude.
• One of the first things to note concerning Tonight is that the stanzas are very minimal in
size, and that smallness can be seen as a reflection of the lack of importance the
narrator seems to feel in regard to her connections to the world around her.
• Tonight is a drunk man, his dirty Shirt: Negative Mentality. There’s no discussion of the
beauty of stars or the cool of the night air
• no couple chatting by the recycling bins: loneliness
• “unload plastics,” the lack of company forces her to go about this business on her own.
• This combined notion speaks to how easily this narrator finds herself without company,
but also to the idea that people can be uninterested in the problems of others. Because
no one is approaching to help, there’s a solitary quality to the scenario that leaves her
helpless—maybe bitter.
• too-small pajama pants: This connects to the overall smallness that she feels, like she’s
being trapped in a situation that doesn’t fit. She doesn’t like that no one is assisting her
or that no other living being seems to be present, and this description of how her clothes
fit is a representation of that discomfort.
• A water bottle rolling under a car: she isn’t claiming responsibility for an action—making
her again unreliable—and that she isn’t doing anything to pick up that stray “water bottle”
to tend to her own mess.
• No couple chatting by, No cat balances on the lip of the dumpster: Symbolism of

IV. Blood of a Mole

Author: Zdravka Eutimova, Australian
Tone: Grim
Theme: Greed
Subtheme: kindness, charity
• Old woman accepted the blood because of Kindness
• Other people brining bottles and knifes symbolizes greediness
• Blood of a Mole symbolizes Life
• Pet shop was dark and damp like a tunnel that a mole would make underground

V. Like Hercules (wala koy analysis)

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