Univ.-Prof. Dr. Habil. Dr. H.C. Oliver Grau, MAE

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Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. h.c.

Oliver Grau, MAE

E: [email protected]
Web: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oliver-grau-9429665/
ORCID: 0000-0002-1945-2838

MAIN AREAS OF RESEARCH: Digital Art, Media Art History, immersion, digital humanities, documentation
and conservation strategies of born-digital media art

Since 2005 Chair Professor for Image Science and Head of Department, Danube University Krems
(DUK) and Member of Academia Europaea
2005 Visiting Professor in Media Studies, University Siegen
2002-2005 Project Leader, Immersive Art (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
2002-2003 Visiting Professor, University of Art and Design Linz
2003-2004 Advisor, MA program “Art History and Cultural Studies”, University of Leeds
1998-2002 Research Lead, DFG Project Art and Media History of Virtual Reality, Humboldt

2004 Habilitation in Media Studies (Venia Docendi), Art University Linz
1999 PhD in Art History: Dissertation on Immersive Art (H. Bredekamp, F. Kittler),
Humboldt University Berlin
1994 Master of Arts (Magister) in Art History (Supervisor Martin Warnke), University of
a) Books
Oliver Grau, Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion (translation Gloria Custance), Cambridge/Mass.:
MIT-Press (4th edition) 2003. Translations appeared in China (2006) and in Brazil (2007), Serbia
(2008) and will appear in Korean and Polish.
Oliver Grau, Virtuelle Kunst in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Visuelle Strategien, Berlin: Reimer Verlag
b) Edited Volumes
Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in Digital
Humanities, Edited by Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth and Eveline Wandl-Vogt, tredition press,
Edition Donau-Universität, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Hamburg/Krems/Vienna 2019.
Museum and Archive on the Move: Changing Cultural Institutions on the Digital Era. Edited by Oliver
Grau, Wendy Coones and Viola Rühse. Berlin: De Gruyter 2017.
Oliver Grau, On the Visual Power of Digital Arts. For a New Archive and Museum Infrastructure in the
21st Century. Editiones de la Universitad, Castiiia-La-Mancha 2016.
Oliver Grau, Imagery in the 21st Century (Ed.), Cambridge/Mass.: MIT-Press 2011.
Oliver Grau, MediaArtHistories (Ed.), Cambridge/Mass.: MIT-Press 2007. Translations appeared in
Portuguese (Brazil 2009) and Macedonian (2010). (Russian, Korean and French forthcoming.)
c) Refereed Journal Articles
Oliver Grau, Sebastian Haller, Janina Hoth, Viola Rühse, Devon Schiller and Michaela Seiser.
“Documenting Media Art: A Web 2.0-Archive and Bridging Thesaurus for MediaArtHistories.”
Leonardo Journal, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2019.
d) Book Chapters
Oliver Grau. “Telepräsenz. Zu Genealogie und Epistemologie von Interaktion und Simulation.” In Lars
Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, Norbert Schmitz (eds.) Immersion – Design – Art: Revisited.
Oliver Grau CV• 2

Transmediale Formprinzipien neuzeitlicher Kunst und Technologie, Marburg: Büchner-Verlag

2018, pp. 26-43. https://www.buechner-verlag.de/buch/immersion-design-art-revisited/.
Oliver Grau. “O vizualni moci digitalnih umetnosti. Za novo arhivsko in muzejsko infrastrukturo v 21.
stoletju / On The Visual Power of Digital arts. For a new archive and museum infrastructure in
the 21 century.” In Likovne beside/Artwords, Vol. 110, 2018, pp. 4-8.
Oliver Grau. “Digital Art’s Complex Expression and Its Impact on Archives and Humanities: For a
Concerted Museum Network of Expertise and Preservation.” In Oliver Grau, Wendy Coones,
Viola Rühse (eds.) Museum and Archive on the Move: Changing Cultural Institutions in the
Digital Era, Berlin: De Gruyter 2017, pp. 99-117.
Oliver Grau. “Introduction: Museum and Archive on the Move: Changing Cultural Institutions in the
Digital Era. In Museum and Archive on the Move, Berlin: De Gruyter 2017, pp. 9-22. With
Wendy Coones and Viola Rühse.
Oliver Grau. “Alguma vez nos vamos habituar à imersão? Histórias da Arte dos Media & Ciência da
Imagem - Will we ever become used to Immersion? Media Art Histories & Image Science.” In
Victor Flores (ed.) A terceira Imagem - A Fotografia Estereoscópica em Lissabon: Documenta
Portugal, pp. 39-62. https://www.sistemasolar.pt/pt/produto/253/pt/a-terceira-imagem-a-
Oliver Grau. “The Complex and Multifarious Expression of Digital Art & Its Impact on Archives and
Humanities.” In Christiane Paul (ed.) A Companion to Digital Art, New York: Wiley-Blackwell
2016, pp. 23-45.
Oliver Grau. “New Media Art.” In Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Art
History, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016, pp. 1-18.
Oliver Grau. “The Complex Expression of Digital Art MediaArtHistories and its Impact on Archives and
Humanities.” In Ekmel Ertan (ed.) Histories of The Post Digital, Istanbul: Amber 2015, pp. 103-
119. https://www.scribd.com/document/320460835/Histories-of-the-Post-Digital.
Oliver Grau. “Our Digital Culture threatened by Loss.” In Valentino Catricala (ed.), Media art: Towards
A New Definition of Arts in The Arts in The Age of Technology, Rome: Gli Ori 2015, pp. 39-43.
e) Conference Proceedings
Oliver Grau. “Resisting a Total Loss of Digital Heritage. Web 2.0 – Archiving & Bridging Thesaurus for
Media Art Histories.” In Vito Capellini (ed.) Proceedings EVA conference Florence, Florence:
Firenze University Press 2018, pp. 119-128. http://digital.casalini.it/9788864537078
Oliver Grau. "The Living Archive" of Digital Arts. Web 2.0 & 3.0 and the Bridging Thesaurus.” In Eva
Emenlauer-Blömers, Andreas Bienert, James R. Hemsley (Eds.) Conference Proceedings 25th
EVA Berlin, Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net 2018, pp. 230-237.
Oliver Grau. “On a Political Iconography of Information Societies.” In Bhatnagar (ed.), International
Conference on Humanities and Education (ICHSSE-17), Bangkok 2017, pp. 54-58.
Oliver Grau. “Documenting Media Art: Towards a social WEB 2.0 - Archive for MediaArtHistories and
an integrative Bridging Thesaurus.” In Newest Art History - Wohin geht die jüngste
Kunstgeschichte?, Wien: Verband österreichischer Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker
(VöKK) 2017, pp. 201-222. With Sebastian Haller, Janina Hoth, Viola Rühse, Devon Schiller and
Michaela Seiser. http://www.kunsthistoriker-
Oliver Grau. “Documenting Media Art and beyond. Challenges and Opportunities of Online
Exhibitions.” In Andreas Bienert (ed.) Proceedings Eva Konferenz Berlin (Electronic Media and
Oliver Grau CV• 3

Visual Arts) 2016, pp. 203-211. With Janina Hoth.

f) In preparation
Retracing Political Dimensions: Strategies in Contemporary New Media Art. Edited by Oliver Grau, Inge
Hinterwaldner, Berlin: de Gruyter (to be published in 2020).


 Elected Member of Academia Europaea, 2015
 Doctor h.c. in recognition for my research by University of Oradea, 2014
 Opening lecture of the international Dongkuk Humanities Series for Nobel Prize laureates at
POSTECH, South Korea, 2011
 Invitation to lecture at G-20 summit/ “tech+ forum 2010 by Ministry of Knowledge Economy of
the Republic of Korea (MKE).
 Invitation to the official cultural program of the XXIX Olympic Summer Games in Beijing, China,
exhibition Synthetic Times - Media Art China, lecture at Tsinghua University, 2008.
 Media Award of the Humboldt University Society (Berlin, Germany), 2004.
 Fellow at Villa Vigoni German-Italian Center for European Excellence, Italy, 2003.
 Scientific American Book of the Month Award for monograph Virtual Art: From Illusion to
Immersion, 2003.
 Elected as the first art historian into the Young Academy, founded by the Berlin-Brandenburg
Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the German Academy of Natural Scientists
Leopoldina, 2001.

Research Projects
Lehr- und Forschungsinfrastruktur für Digitale Künste an Hochschulen (LeFo), Federal Ministry for
Education, Science, and Research (Austria, BMBWF), 2020 – 2024, € 1,200,00
Interactive Archive and Meta-Thesaurus for Media Art Research (AT.MAR), FWF – Austrian Science
Fund, 2013 – 2016, € 375,192.27
Erasmus+, Visual/video literacies, 2016 – 2018, € 155,080
Media Arts Cultures, Erasmus+ (EU) Joint Master Degree Program, 2014-2022, app. € 5,500,000
Reconsidering Australian Media Art History in an International Context (PI), Australian Research
Council (ARC) Linkage Grant, 2011-2013, 220,000 AUS$.
Imagery in the 21st Century, Conference and Publication, Federal Ministry of Science and Research
(Austria, BMWF) and Country of Lower Austria, 2008-2010, € 15,000.

Teaching Activities (curriculum development)

 Media Art Histories MA (since 2005, first graduates 2007)
 Image Science MA (new field since 2005, first graduates 2007),
 Digital Collection Management CP, Exhibit Design CP, Visual Competencies CP.
 Media Arts Cultures MA Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) (since 2015, first
graduates 2017)
Organization of Scientific Meetings (last 10 years)
 Conference Co-chair (with Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner): Re:Trace, 7th International Conference
for Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Vienna, 2017.
 Founding Chair of the Steering Committee: Media Art Histories Conference Series (Berlin 2007,
Melbourne 2009, Liverpool 2011, Riga 2013, Montreal 2015).
 Conference Chair: On the Edges of Aesthetic Theories and Practices, 16th Meeting of the
Association of Austrian Art Historians, Göttweig, Austria, 2011.

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