Vibration Chart
Vibration Chart
Vibration Chart
Evaluationstandard for vibration monitoring The effectivevalue of the vibrationvelocityis used for assessing the machinecondition. This valuecan be determined almostallconventionalvibration by measurement devices. DIN ISO 10816-3 separates machines groupsand takesthe type of installation the into different intoaccount. ft Green:ZoneA just valuesfrom machines put intooperation. Vibration I Yellow:Zone B Machines can run in continuous operation withoutany restrictions n Orange:ZoneC Vibration valuesin yellowindicate that the machine condition not suitable is for continuous operation, onlyfor a limitedperiodof time.Corrective measures should be takenat the nextopportunity. il Red:Zone D Dangerous vibration values- damagecouldoccurto the machine.
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