Unit Bryophyta (Paper Code 502)
Unit Bryophyta (Paper Code 502)
Unit Bryophyta (Paper Code 502)
The antherozoids liberated from antheridia, swim in a film of water and reach
the archegonia. They are attracted into the archegonia to bring about
fertilization. The zygote develops into the sporophyte.
Fig. Moss Life Cycle
Sporophyte: Zygote represents the first cell of the sporophytic phase. It
divides and develops into a sporophytic plant body called sporogonium. It is
neither independent of the parent gametophyte nor passes into the resting
phase. In both respects differs from the zygote of green algae. Further
development of zygote into embryo occurs within venter of the
archegonium. Zygote undergoes segmentation without a resting period into
multicellular, undifferentiated structure called embryo. Embryo by further
segmentation and differentiation finally develops into full-fledged
sporophyte called sporogonium. The wall of venter forms a protective
covering to the sporogonium, called calyptra. Sporogonium in bryophytes is
leafless and rootless. Most often, the sporogonium is differentiated into a
foot, a seta and a capsule. It remains attached throughout its life to the
gametophytic host with the help of foot. It absorbs nutrients directly from
the gametophyte. In some bryophytes the foot is much reduced and its
function is performed by haustorial collar which develops from the junction
of reduced foot and seta.
Seta conducts the absorbed food to the capsule. The terminal capsule is
considered equivalent to fern sporangium is mainly concerned in the
production of spores which are nonmotile and wind disseminated.
The sporogonium produces haploid spores (meiospores) which get
released from the capsule. Spores are highly specialized cells
differentiated from the diploid spore mother cell by meiosis. They are
thus haploid cells. The spores represent the first cells of gametophytic
generation. They germinate under suitable condition to produce new
gametophytes either directly or through a juvenile stage called
Another remarkable feature in the lifecycle of bryophyte in which they
differ from thallophytes is the complete absence of asexual spores called
the mitospores in the life cycle. Asexual reproduction takes place only by
the vegetative method of fragmentation and gemmae.
Bryophytes reproduce only by vegetative and sexual means. Asexual reproduction is
absent in these.
1. Without resting period, the zygote undergoes repeated divisions to form a multicellular
structure called the embryo.
2. The first division of the zygote is always transverse and the outer cell develops into embryo.
Such an embryogeny is called exoscopic.
3. Embryo develops into a sporophyte or sporogonium.
4. The sporophyte is usually differentiated into foot, seta and capsule. In certain cases it is
represented only by capsule (e.g., Riccia) or by foot and capsule (e.g., Corsinia).
5. Sporophyte is attached to parent gametophytic plant body throughout its life. It partially or
completely depends on it for nutrition.
6. Foot is basal, bulbous structure. It is embedded in the tissue of parent gametophyte. Its main
function is to absorb the food material from the parent gametophyte.
7. Seta is present between the foot and capsule. It elongates and pushes the capsule through
protective layers. It also conducts the food to the capsule absorbed by foot.
8. Capsule is the terminal part of the sporogonium and its function is to produce spores
9. All Bryophytes are homosporous i.e., all spores are similar in shape, size and structure
10. Capsule produces sporogenous tissue which develops entirely into spore mother cells it
e.g., Riccia) or differentiated into spore mother cells and elater mother cells (e.g.,
Marchantia, Anthoceros).
11. Spore mother cells divide diagonally to produce asexually four haploid spores which are
arranged in tetrahedral tetrads.
12. Elater mother cells develop into elaters (e.g., Marchantia) or pseudo elaters (e.g.,
Anthoceros which are hygroscopic in nature. Elaters are present in liverworts and absent in
13. Venter wall enlarges with the developing sporogonium and forms a protective
multicellular layer called calyptra (gametophytic tissue enclosing the sporophyte).
Young Gametophyte:
1. The meiospore (spore formed after meiosis) is the first cell of the gametophytic phase.
2. Each spore is unicellular, haploid and germinates into young gametophytic plant (e.g.,
Riccia or Marchantia) or first germinates into a filamentous protonema on which buds are
produced to give rise to a young gametophytic plant, (e.g., Funaria).
ALTERNATION OF GENERATION: The life-cycle of a bryophyte shows
regular alternation of gametophytic and sporophytic generations. This process of
alternation of generations was demonstrated for the first time in 1851 by Hofmeister.
Thereafter in 1894 Strassburger could actually show the periodic doubling and halving
of the number of chromosomes during the life-cycle.
The haploid phase (n) is the gametophyte or sexual generation. It bears the sexual
reproductive organs which produce gametes, i.e., antherozoids and eggs. With the result
of gametic union a zygote is formed which develops into a sporophyte. This is the
diploid phase (2n). The sporophyte produces spores which always germinate to form
During the formation of spores, the spore mother cells divide meiotically and haploid
spores are produced. The production of the spores is the beginning of the gametophytic
or haploid phase. The spores germinate and produce gametophytic or haploid phase.
The spores germinate and produce gametophytes which bear sex organs.
Ultimately the gametic union takes place and zygote is resulted. It is diploid (2n). This
is the beginning of the sporophytic or diploid phase. This way, the sporophyte
generation intervenes between fertilization (syngamy) and meiosis (reduction division);
and gametophyte generation intervenes between meiosis and fertilization.
Fig. Bryophytes life cycle (Graphic Representation)
Bryophytes are of great ecological importance due to following reasons:
(a) Pioneer of the land plants. Bryophytes are pioneer of the land plants because they
are the first plants to grow and colonize the barren rocks and lands.
(b) Bryophytes prevent soil erosion. They usually grow densely and hence act as soil
binders. Mosses grow in dense strands forming mat or carpet like structure.
They prevent soil erosion by:
(i) Bearing the impact of falling rain drops
(ii) Holding much of the falling water and reducing the amount of run-off water.
(c) Formation of soil- Mosses and lichens are slow but efficient soil formers. The acid
secreted by the lichens and progressive death and decay of mosses help in the formation of
(d) Bog succession- Peat mosses change the banks of lakes or shallow bodies of water into
solid soil which supports vegetation e.g., Sphagnum
(e) Rock builders- Some mosses in association with some green algae (e.g., Chara) grow in
water of streams and lakes which contain large amount of calcium bicarbonate. These
mosses bring about decomposition of bi-carbonic ions by abstracting free carbon dioxide.
The insoluble calcium carbonate precipitates and on exposure hardens, forming calcareous
(lime) rock like deposits.
Economic importance
1-Formation of Peat:
Peat is a brown or dark colour substance formed by the gradual compression and
carbonization of the partially decomposed pieces of dead vegetative matter in the bogs.
Sphagnum is an aquatic moss. While growing in water it secretes certain acids in the water
This acid makes conditions unfavorable for the growth of decomposing organisms like
bacteria and fungi. Absence of oxygen and decomposing microorganisms slows down the
decaying process of dead material and a large amount of dead material is added year by year.
It is called peat (that is why Sphagnum is called peat moss).
2-As Packing Material:
Dried mosses and Bryophytes have great ability to hold water. Due to this ability the
Bryophytes are used as packing material for shipment of cut flowers, vegetables, perishable
fruits, bulbs, tubers etc.
3- As Bedding Stock:
Because of great ability of holding and absorbing water, in nurseries beds are covered with
thalli of Bryophytes.
4. In Medicines:
Some Bryophytes are used medicinally in various diseases for e.g.,
(a) Pulmonary tuberculosis and affliction of liver—Marchantia spp.
(c) Acute hemorrhage and diseases of eye—Decoction of Sphagnum.
(d) Stone of kidney and gall bladder—Polytrichum commune.
(e) Antiseptic properties and healing of wounds—Sphagnum leaves and extracts of some
Bryophytes for e.g., Conocephalum conicum, Dumortiera, Sphagnum protoricense, S.
strictum show antiseptic properties.
5. In Experimental Botany:
The liverworts and mosses play an important role as research tools in various fields of
Botany such as genetics. For the first time in a liverwort, Sphaerocarpos, the mechanism of
sex determination in plants was discovered.
6. As Food:
Some Bryophytes e.g., mosses are used as food by chicks, birds and Alaskan reindeer etc.
The term Bryophyta was first introduced by Braun (1864); however, he included algae,
fungi, lichens and mosses in this group. Later, algae, fungi and lichens were placed in a
separate division Thallophyta and liverworts, mosses in division Bryophyta.
Eichler (1883) was the first to divide Bryophyta into two groups:
Group I. Hepaticae
Group II. Musci.
Engler (1892) recognised Hepaticae and Musci as two classes and divided each class
into the following three orders:
Division- Bryophyta:
Class I. Hepaticae: Divided into three orders:
Order 1. Marchantiales
Order 2. Jungermanniales
Order 3. Anthocerotales
Class II. Musci: Divided into three orders:
Order 1. Sphagnales
Order 2. Andreaeales
Order 3. Bryales
International code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) suggested in 1956-that the suffix-
opsida should be used for the classes and such usage had already been proposed by
Rothmaler (1951) for the classes of Bryophytes. He changed the class names as:
Class I. Hapaticae as Hepaticopsida.
Class II. Anthocerotae as Anthoceropsida
Class III. Musci as Bryopsida.
All these 6 orders have their characteristic features and all these are described
here. The important features of these orders are:
1. Order- Calobryales (2 genera- Calobryum (8 spp.) and Haplomitrium (1 spp.):
The characteristic features are as follows:
1. They possess erect leafy gametophytes with leaves in three vertical rows.
2. The leaves are dorsiventrally flattened.
3. They have a pale, subterranean, sparingly branched rhizome from which arise erect
leafy branches.
4. Erect branches bearing sex organs have the uppermost leaves close together and in
more than three rows.
5. They are devoid of rhizoids.
6. The antheridia are ovoid, stalked, and borne at the apex of the stem.
7. The jacket of the neck of archegonium has only four vertical rows of cells.
8. The sporophyte bears an elongate capsule whose jacket layer is only one cell in
thickness except at the apex.
9. The number of chromosomes is-n=9.
Since there is single family Calobryaceae the characters are similar to that of the order.
Two genera - Calobryum and Haplomitrium.
Muller (1940), Proskauer and Reimers (1954) divided the order Anthocerotales in two
Family 1. Anthocerotaceae (e.g., Anthoceros)
Family 2. Notothylaceae (e.g., Notothylas).
Family-Anthocerotaceae (4 or 5 genera; important genus Anthoceros):
1. The capsule is linear and vertical.
2. The stomata are present on the wall of capsule.
3. The archesporium develops from amphithecium.
4. The elaters are four-celled, smooth or thick-walled; thickening band may or may not
be present.
I. Sub-class: Sphagnobrya:
The sub-class has a single order, the Sphagnales and a single family, the Sphagnaceae.
(Single genus Sphagnum with 326 species). The characteristic features are as follows:
1. They are called 'bog mosses' or 'peat mosses'.
2. The protonema is broad and thallose; it produces one gametophore; the leaves or
gametophores lack mid-rib and usually composed of two types of cells-(i) the narrow
living green cells and (ii) large hyaline dead cells.
3. The branches arise in lateral clusters in the axis of the leaves borne on the stem.
4. The antheridia are borne in the axis of leaves on the antheridial branch.
5. The archegonia are terminal and formed acrogenously.
6. The sporogenous tissue of a sporophyte develops from the amphithecium.
7. The sporogonium remains elevated above the gametophyte due to elongation of a
stalk of gametophytic tissue, the pseudopodium.
Characteristic features:
1. The gametophyte is perennial and tall.
2. The leaves are narrow and possess longitudinal lamellae on the upper surface of the
3. The capsule is terminal.
4. The single annular series of cells gives rise to a peristome in the inner zone of the
5. There are 32 to 64 pyramidal teeth in peristome; the tips of the peristome teeth
remain joined above to a thin membrance, the epiphragm covers the mouth of the
6. There is a single family, the Polytrichaceae in this order; the important genera of this
family are — Polytrichum and Pogonatum.