Hill Church Newsletter April 2011
Hill Church Newsletter April 2011
Hill Church Newsletter April 2011
Hill united Presbyterian church
There is no more important time of year for our 2/12 14 2/13 117
Christian faith than the celebration of Holy 2/19 18 2/20 109
Week with the culmination of that “Great-
Getting-Up-Day,” the resurrection from the dead 2/26 100 2/27 106
of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! 3/05 17 3/06 115
3/12 12 3/13 148
Jesus’ resurrection from death is the “linchpin”
3/19 18 3/20 119
and “foundation” of Christian faith.
Take a few moments and share Jesus’ love by
St. Paul, in Chapter 15 of I Corinthians, said it
inviting and bringing a friend, neighbor, or
this way:
relative to one of our gatherings for worship,
study, fellowship, service or outreach. That
If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile
person will experience a wonderful blessing
and you are still in your sins. 18Then those also
from God and so will you! Thank-you very much!
who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we Please come and join us for Holy Week:
are of all men most to be pitied.
Palm Sunday Worship Service on Palm Sunday,
But in fact Christ has been raised from the April 17th with the Chancel Choir singing.
dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen
asleep. 21For as by a man came death, by a man Maundy Thursday Service at 7:30 P.M. on April
has come also the resurrection of the dead. 21 with Lord’s Supper, Instrumental Ensemble
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all and Chancel Choir singing.
be made alive. 23 But to each his own order:
Christ the first fruits, then at His coming those Good Friday Community Presbyterian Service at
who belong to Christ. 24Then comes the end, when St. Andrews from 12:00 noon to 1:00 P.M. on
He delivers the kingdom to God the Father after April 22nd.
destroying every authority and power. 25For He
must reign until He has put all His enemies under Great Vigil of Easter from 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. on
His feet. 26The last enemy to be destroyed is April 23rd with Lord’s Supper.
Easter Fellowship Breakfast from 9:15 A.M. to
The Christian Faith is a resurrection faith—a 10:15 A.M. on April 24th.
faith filled with eternal life, light and love!!
Easter Festival Service from 10:30 to 11:30
A.M. with the Chancel Choir and an Easter
message on April 24th.
“Christ is Risen!”
“He is Risen Indeed!”
Pastor Clark
3 Rev. Clark Sawyer
Morning Evening
1 Judg. 13, 14, 15 Luke 6: 27-49
2 Judg. 16, 17, 18 Luke 7: 1-30
3 Judg. 19, 20, 21 Luke 7: 31-50
4 Ruth 1, 2, 3, 4 Luke 8: 1-25
5 I. Sa. 1, 2, 3 Luke 8: 26-56
6 I. Sa. 4, 5, 6 Luke 9: 1-17 SESSION HIGHLIGHTS
7 I. Sa. 7, 8, 9 Luke 9: 18-36 MARCH 14, 2011
8 I. Sa. 10, 11, 12 Luke 9: 37-62
9 I. Sa. 13, 14 Luke 10: 1-24
10 I. Sa. 15, 16 Luke 10: 25-42 It was with great joy that the Session
11 I. Sa. 17, 18 Luke 11: 1-28 received Mrs. Helen Knauer and Michael and
12 I. Sa. 19, 20, 21 Luke 11: 29-54
13 I. Sa. 22, 23, 24 Luke 12: 1-31 Mary Waggoner into the Family of Faith at
14 I. Sa. 25, 26 Luke 12: 32-59 Hill Church upon their Reaffirmation of Faith
15 I. Sa. 27, 28, 29 Luke 13: 1-22 in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It is a
16 I. Sa. 30, 31 Luke 13: 23-35
17 II. Sa. 1, 2 Luke 14: 1-24 wonderful blessing to welcome these new
18 II. Sa. 3, 4, 5 Luke 14: 25-35 members and our prayers are with them!
19 II. Sa. 6, 7, 8 Luke 15: 1-10
20 II. Sa. 9, 10, 11 Luke 15: 11-32
21 II. Sa. 12, 13 Luke 16 Upon a motion by Stewardship and Mission
22 II. Sa. 14, 15 Luke 17: 1-19 Support the Session approved the move of
23 II. Sa. 16, 17, 18 Luke 17: 20-37 $325.00 from the Hill Fund to pay for the
24 II. Sa. 19, 20 Luke 18: 1-23
25 II. Sa. 21, 22 Luke 18: 24-43 parking lot snow plowing over the winter
26 II. Sa. 23, 24 Luke 19: 1-27 months.
27 I. Ki. 1, 2 Luke 19: 28-48
28 I. Ki. 3, 4, 5 Luke 20: 1-26
29 I. Ki. 6, 7 Luke 20: 27-47
Clark Sawyer, Moderator
30 I. Ki. 8, 9 Luke 21: 1-19
All are invited to our annual Easter Breakfast at
9:15 am on Easter morning in the dining room. Rev. Young will repeat his seminar on THE SKILL
Reservation forms are available in your Sunday OF LISTENING. This time, the course will be
bulletin, or you can reserve by calling the Church completed in just three sessions, which will take
office. place on Wednesdays March 30th, April 6th, and
April 13th.
A sign-up sheet is on the Deacon’s table to help
with the Easter Breakfast. Volunteers are There will be two time slots - 1:00 P.M., and
needed to set-up, clean-up, and work in the then the session will be repeated at 7:00 P.M. -
kitchen. Also, donations of food, milk and each Wednesday. They will each be 1 1/2 hours
orange juice are needed. long and cover the same material that he
presented last fall.
“I think I know
What I think you think I said,
But I don’t think I think you heard
Author Unknown
This is the time of the year when
Do you think of “listening” as an art, a skill, or
the Nominating Committee
something you just do with your ears? In these
solicits your help in nominating
seminars, Rev. Young challenges us to be better
people for Church Officers as
listeners, for he believes that the greatest
Elders, Deacons, and Nominating
listener was Jesus. We will reflect on some of
Committee members.
the passages of scripture that might help us see
this, think about how listening affects our
If you have someone in mind, please list their
relationships, and even how some of what we
name on the Nomination Insert included with
study may be applied to our times of prayer.
your Church bulletin in April, and return it to
the Church office.
SESSION 1—March 30, 2011
What is COMMUNICATION? What are
Hazel McCaw
On Sunday, June 26,
2011, we will have a
at St. Andrews
Presbyterian Church May 8—Mother’s Day
at 201 East Jefferson
Street to begin our Centennial Year May 15 - Confirmation Class Received
May 22—Usher and Greeter Recognition
St. Andrews is the “mother” Church of the
Hill Church. St. Andrews was at one time the June 5—The HYC sings is commissioned for its
First United Presbyterian Church, and felt ministry trip to Washington, D.C. and High
God’s leading to establish the “Second United School Graduates Recognized
Presbyterian Church.” That is how the Hill
Church was born. June 19—Father’s Day with the Praise Team
The Sanctuary of the Hill Church was built in June 26—Joint Service with St. Andrews
1911 with the cornerstone laying taking place Church kicking off our Centennial year!
on Thursday, June 29, 1911 at 7:00 P.M. The
Butler Eagle says that nearly one thousand
Rev. and Mrs. Clark T. Sawyer
people attended!
Cordially invite
All Members and Friends of
Eight months later, on March 6, 1912, the The Hill United Presbyterian Church
Session of the First United Presbyterian To the Marriage Service of
Church, having been appointed a commission Emily Joy Mueller
by Presbytery to organize the Second to
Michael C. Lyons
Presbyterian Church of Butler, met in the
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Church building at 7:30 P.M. 4:30pm
Heinz Memorial Chapel
One hundred forty-five names of the on the campus of
members from the roll of First Church were The University of Pittsburgh
placed on the roll of the Second Church, they
to constitute the nucleus for the future Hill
Church congregation.
We regret that space limitations do not allow the entire
That is how God gave birth to the Hill Church! congregation to also be invited to attend the reception, and
request no gifts.
See you at our joint worship service at St.
If you cannot join us for the wedding service, we would
Andrews Church on June 26, 2011! greatly appreciate your prayers for Emily and Michael
as they begin their married life together.
Clark Sawyer, Pastor
Blessings to you!
FLASHBACK: Church Minutes (The following is taken from hand written
copy & original spelling.) I am returning to Trustee Minutes from 1915
due to the mention of the basement in this report.
Trustees meeting of Second United Presbyterian Church of Butler, Pa. held at the
house of T. M. Black Sept. 13, 1915. Present Rink, Weihe, Sutherland, and Black with
Cornelius in the choir.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Moved by Black seconded by
Sutherland that Frank Eakins bill for labor helping to remove the ashes from the
basement of the church amounting to $3.20 be referred to John Campbell for an
explanation from Eakin as to why so much labor was necessary in doing this work, and
John Tack’s bill amounting to $3.30 for hauling the ashes and a load of lumber from
John Campbells shop to the church be paid. Carried.
Moved by Sutherland seconded by Rink that Miss Parker be paid $2.00 the
amount paid by her to Miss Harfrer for playing the organ for her one day while she was
away. Carried.
Moved by Rinnk seconded by Weihe that permission to give lessons on the pope
organ in the church be refused. Carried. Secretary was instructed by the chair to
notify Miss Parker, who had made the request, of this action.
Weihe was appointed a committee of one by the chair to look after the repairing
of the spouting on the church. The verbal resignation of the Janitor Frank Eakin was
presented by Rink, said resignation to take effect as soon as his successor is elected.
This matter was discussed informally but no action was taken and on motion the meeting
adjourned to meet at the same place Sept. 20th for further discussion and definite
action if possible.
T.M. Black, Secretary
Meeting of the Trustees of the Second United Presbyterian Church held at the
house of T. W. Black Sept. 20, 1915. All members with the exception of Weihe were
present. Moved by Campbell seconded by Black that Forest Byers be elected Janitor.
Susan Kelly
Catanzarito Provident Barb
APR Ladies’ Dennis Carol Corah
Bishop /
3 Team Jack Lynda Randy Gadsby Hawk
Bea Welch
Lavorini Kruger
Jim Marcia
Kamerer McCaw MaryBeth/
APR Junior Lorma & Candi Emily
10 Team Geoff Hill Barbara Peter Gibson Selfridge
Kamerer McElhaney
Kerry Anne
Bob McElhaney Miller Deacons—
APR Anne Jim Julia
Scott’s Becky
17 McCaw Pat Michael Kamerer Gibson
Team Plymale
McCafferty Miller
Cheryl Gwil
Don Milanovich Price No
APR Audrey Tyler
Lane’s Lois Minich Fellowship
24 Nossokoff Terre Maryanne Pesci
Team Hour
Patterson Puente
Can you help? Volunteers are needed to host the Sunday morning coffee hour.
There are many available openings for the coming months. A light snack is all that
needs to be provided. If you are willing to host, please sign your name on the coffee
hour sign-up sheet on the Deacon’s table.
Donated in memory Donated in memory of Donated in memory of Donated by Dr. and
of Wilbur Dumbaugh Ed Weichey by Jane Ruth Brookhart Mrs. Robert McKee
Weichey, children and
APRIL 2011