Essay Questionnaire

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Essay Questionnaire

Torres Sánchez, Miguel Ángel ID:112869

1. Please describe why you believe that you should be recipient of this scholarship
(Do not include financial reasons).

I believe that it would be a valuable opportunity to continue my formation for the ministry to which God
has called me, the only desire of my heart is to be able to do the will of my Lord and King, I believe that
if in his plans and purposes it is that I continue forming in CFNI, He will also allow the scholarship to be
possible, and during my stay there I can continue to serve him and also be a blessing wherever he puts
me. We always have to continue learning above all the word of God and continue to grow in communion
with our brothers and sisters.

As for my person, I can only say, that I understand that the best and most clear presentation and
testimony is that which only God and his Spirit can give about our lives. The formation that only God
gives us is the most important to serve in the place that God wants to use us.

I therefore manifest my response to the call that is in me from God:

I am called to be a servant of God, to live and share the Truth of the Gospel by manifesting in my life the
Kingdom and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be His witness through His Grace, living each day by faith
and being thus full of the fullness of His Glory.

I am called to be a true worshiper, to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, to glorify God bearing much
fruit as a disciple of Christ; being transformed in His image; trusting and depending on Him every day,
growing in the Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the work and power of His
Word and His Holy Spirit.

The Grace of God is faithful and gives us spiritual, doctrinal, ministerial and musical preparation; under
the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, through the word of God that teaches us, reproves, corrects
and instructs; so that we may be perfected and prepared by God for every good work.

2. Describe your financial need.

Logically he would need to pay the costs of study, maintenance and housing. I know that if the
scholarship is given, God will also supply my passages and expenses for visa procedures.
I am currently engaged in a relationship for marriage, I ask for God's direction because if the
scholarship results I would like to travel already married and better still be able to have my
future wife with me; but all this is something that in my heart I submit to the will, time and forms
of God and I know that He will guide me to understand and make the best decision about it.
3. What are your plans after you graduate from Christ For the Nations Institute?

What God has put in my heart is to be able to return to my country and serve God by teaching and
preaching the word throughout the country traveling through the churches and working in Proskunia.
Proskunia is a Christian School that was born to train the musicians who are to serve God in the Ministries
of Adoration, Praise and Music in Lima and all of Peru, contributing to their spiritual, doctrinal, ministerial
and musical preparation; under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, through the word of God
who teaches us, reproves, corrects and instructs us so that we may be perfected and prepared by God
for every good work. The term Proskunía refers to one of the basic functions that every disciple of Christ
must develop: Adoration.

Music is God's creation and it is clear to all that it has an important role in the church and also in the life
of each society and culture. We can define that the reasons that give it that value lie in intrinsic
components that God himself arranged and that are part of his natural essence, because we are sensitive
to it, capture our attention and touch our soul affecting our spirit. Music as a language offers us
communication without borders, as art, it is a way in which we express what is in the soul, as a science,
it commits our intellect and we require its knowledge for its realization, as a gift, it is given by God with
clear purposes and as a manifestation of his Grace for worship and praise, service, edification, evangelism
and discipleship. The work of salvation in Christ our Lord is manifested to transform man in his image,
filling him with the life of God and the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, the Christian musician is
first and foremost a disciple of Christ, someone who is being transformed and experience a change of
nature. It is only in the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that we can be used by Him,
according to His purposes and plans; using music in all its dimension as God's creation. That is why it is
necessary to have men and women trained and trained by God as disciples of Christ, from whose hearts
true adoration springs. This is how PROSKUNIA was born; in response to God's call to those who make
up this school; In order to carry out this task, together with a team that prepares and works daily to fulfill
the mission of this ministry, seeking the glory of God, his provision and help in the midst of much need.

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