Von Blastem
Von Blastem
Von Blastem
Flash (Evocation)
Range: 12 yards Components: V Duration: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Negates
Victims failing their saving throw are blinded for the next round due to a flash of light that appears in their eyes. All
to-hit rolls for the next two rounds are made at -2 due to spots in their eyes.
Second Level
Alpha's Moonlight Dreamoore's Explosive Missile Runetrue
Alpha's Rainbow Beam Dreamoore's War Disk Sanh's Improved Ray of Light
Alpha's Spark Shower Fellstar's Flamehand Sarius' Golden Squares of Protection
Alpha's Star Gaze Fire Dart Shocksphere
Anti "Anti Magic" Magic Shell Flying Fist Spellcrystal II
Bigby's Tickling Fingers Furball Spitfire
Boiling Globe Greysky's Improved Missile Stealth Missile
Carrion's Foul Stench Hailstones Sunscreen
Circle of Power Hair Growth (R) Transcribe Song
Constant Orgasm Improved Magic Missile Ty's Blades
Cyril's Attempted Surge Mastery Improved Magic Missiles Valdor's Vindicating Ladder
Cyril's Surge Mastery Jet of Steam Veschiul's Shadowbolt
Dancing Fire Light Käsemädchen's Improved Waterproof
Dardan's Dryness Reckless Dweomer Whisper's Mana Bolt
Darklight's Fishing Rod Kiri's Mystical Photographer Whisper's Minor Lightning Bolt
Darkray's Enhanced Daggers Lightning Blast Wizard's Voice
Decastave Mangar's Bloodfire Word of Power
Disposal Noska Trades' Blackfire Zhaida's Instant Stoneskin Remover
Dive (R) Powerful Blast of the Red Wizard
Alpha's Rainbow Beam (Evocation)
Range: 10 feet + 5 feet per level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell draws upon the power of the quasi-elemental plane of radiance and brings forth a beam of pure light.
The colour of the light making up the beam is normally randomly determined by a roll of a 1d8. However, the
wizard has a chance equal to 5% per level of being able to select the colour of the beam (the wizard may not select
a multi-hued beam. Such occurs only as the result of an aberration in the magic). The colours of the beams are as
D8 Roll Colour of Beam
1 red (cold)
2 orange (heat)
3 yellow (acid)
4 green (poison)
5 blue (electrical)
6 indigo (holy water)
7 violet (force)
8 multi-hued beam -roll twice, ignoring eights
The beam does a base of 2d6, plus an additional hit point of damage for each level of the wizard (eg., a 7th-level
wizard would inflict 2d6+7 points of damage). Any creature resistant to the attack form indicated by the colour of
the beam takes no damage, while a creature vulnerable to the specific attack form (such as heat versus a yeti) will
suffer double damage. A saving throw indicates that the beam has missed and the intended victim is unaffected.
Note that the beam may hit a target other than the one intended. Once the beam hits a solid object, it stops, even if
that object is transparent. Any creature suffering damage from the spell must make item saving throws if
appropriate. The material component of the spell is a small clear gem or crystal prism worth at least 50 gp.
Decastave (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By means of a piece of wood and the gestures and phrases of casting, a magic-user can create a temporary
"ten-foot pole" of force with this spell. The material component is instantly consumed, and from the caster's
forefinger a two-inch radius, ten-foot long, faintly glowing beam of force springs into being. It moves as the finger
is pointed, and lasts as long as the caster wills (or until the spell expires, whichever occurs first),or until the
spellcaster casts another spell. The pole cannot be cut - any metal which passes through it will cause it to
harmlessly wink out of existence - or bent, but will support any weight. It also cannot be shortened; if it strikes an
obstacle, the caster must move it, or the obstacle, or will it out of existence, to proceed. It cannot be removed from
the end of the caster's finger, although the caster (and other creatures) can grasp it.
The staff can be used as a weapon, for 1d6 damage, by sweeping it from side to side, or jabbing it forwards, by
movements of the caster's guiding finger. Normal to-hit rolls apply; it is considered a magical weapon with no
plusses. Note that no shock or blow felt by the magical staff is felt by the finger. A creature grasping the staff must
exert a total of 18 Strength to hamper its movements. Once only, if the caster wishes, a decastave can be used to
rob a target of 1d4 HP and transfer them to the wielder of the staff. The target must be touched by the end of the
staff (to-hit roll required) and the caster must will the staff to drain energy. It will vanish in a pulse of force,
draining 1d4 HP (no saving throw) and transferring them instantly to the caster. If the caster is uninjured, excess
hit points are lost after 1 turn. Any damage incurred by the caster during that time is first taken from these
phantom hit points; if the caster is at less than full hit points at the end of the turn and phantom hit points remain,
all remaining points are absorbed at that time as healing, any excess being lost. The excess hit points can never be
transferred to any other creature. Such phantom hit points do not confer any higher-level or hit-dice saving throw
bonuses on the caster.
Hailstones (Evocation)
Range: 10 yards per level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5-ft per level radius (maximum 60 ft) Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a rain of stones in the area of effect. The spell causes 1d3 points of damage per level of the
wizard to all within the area, to a maximum of 15d3. However, the wizard must make a normal to-hit roll versus
each creature in the area to see if they are hit by the stones. If the to-hit roll is unsuccessful, the creature takes no
damage. The material component is a handful of small stones.
Shocksphere (Evocation)
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards per level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 2-inch diameter sphere Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a small ball of crackly blue light which expands outwards when it contacts a solid object, hits its
target, reaches its maximum range or it reaches the point where the wizard wishes it to expand. When it does
expand, a large amount of electrical energy is given off, small lightning bolts arc from object to object inside the
sphere and blue light is given off in a 6-inch diameter sphere. All creatures within the area of effect must make a
saving throw versus spell or take 1d3 points of damage per level of the wizard (a successful saving throw means
damage is halved). If a particular creature was targeted for the spell then they take 1d4 points of damage per level
of the wizard and their saving throw is made at a -2.
If the area in which the shocksphere expands is not circular then the sphere will expand an conform to the volume
it can occupy. The shocksphere encompasses a volume of 4200 cubic feet. If a creature fails its saving throw
versus spell then all of his items must make a saving throw versus lightning or be destroyed. The material
component for the spell is a small chunk of dried flesh from an electric eel or any other creature that uses
electricity for an attack.
Otherwise, this spell is similar to a fireball spell in all respects.
Spitfire (Evocation)
Range: 3 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round per 5 levels
Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
The casting of this spell causes the victim to be surrounded by a swarm of small, popping, firecracker-like bursts
of fire. While these bursts do little damage (only 1 point of damage per round) and only 1 points of damage per
turn to anyone wearing armour other than a shield - they make it impossible to concentrate to the degree necessary
to cast any spell. This spell will do no damage at all to anyone who is thoroughly soaked in water, but the
concentration breaking effects of the spell still function. The material component of this spell is a pinch of sulphur.
Sunscreen (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: S, M Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Through the use of special oils applied to the skin, this spell negates the effects of sunlight on the affected creature.
Aside from blocking ultraviolet rays, it also dims the brightness of the light to an acceptable level (by drow
standards). The material components of this spell are exotic oils costing 100 gold pieces (more for larger