Body Matched Antennas For Microwave Medical Applications: Xuyang Li
Body Matched Antennas For Microwave Medical Applications: Xuyang Li
Body Matched Antennas For Microwave Medical Applications: Xuyang Li
Xuyang Li
Band 72
Body Matched Antennas for
Microwave Medical Applications
Xuyang Li
Dissertation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2013
Herausgeber: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Dr.-Ing. E.h. mult. Werner Wiesbeck
Fortführung als
"Karlsruher Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik
und Elektronik" bei KIT Scientific Publishing
(ISSN 1868-4696)
Karlsruher Forschungsberichte aus dem
Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik
(ISSN 1868-4696)
Dipl.-Ing. Xuyang Li
geb. in Zhejiang, China
Xuyang Li
1. Introduction 1
1.1. State-of-the-art microwave medical applications . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Telemedicine using microwaves and its challenges . . . . . . 5
1.3. Goal and organization of this work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Bibliography 177
Acronyms and Symbols
AUT Antenna Under Test
BW Bandwidth
CIR Channel Impulse Response
Co-pol Co-polarization
CPW Coplanar Waveguide
CST Computer Simulation Technology
CT Computed Tomography
DAS Delay and Sum
EM Electro-Magnetic
E-field Electric Field
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FIR Finite Impulse Response
ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
IF Intermediate Frequency
IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation
IMDs Implanted Medical Devices
IR Impulse-Radio
IR-UWB Impulse-Radio Ultra Wideband
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
MAMI Multistatic Adaptive Microwave Imaging
Matlab MATrix LABoratory
MedRadio Medical Device Radio
List of Symbols and Acronyms
Lower case letters
List of Symbols and Acronyms
Capital letters
List of Symbols and Acronyms
Greek symbols
˛ Attenuation constant
˛n Distribution parameter in the Cole-Cole equation
ˇ Phase constant
ı Loss tangent
ıp Penetration depth
" Magnitude of the dispersion in the Cole-Cole equation
T Change in temperature
t Time period
" Permittivity
"r Relative permittivity
List of Symbols and Acronyms
List of Symbols and Acronyms
1. Introduction
It was in 1840 that the pioneers Recamier and Pravaz experimentally demon-
strated the use of the electric current at sub-microwave frequency to generate
heat for the destruction of uterine cancer [Guy84]. However, the interest in
using microwaves with a short wavelength for medical applications only be-
gan in World War II. Hollman proposed the use of microwaves at 1.2 GHz to
heat the deep tissues for therapeutic applications in Germany in 1938 [Hol38].
In 1939, Hemingway and Stenstrom reviewed the short-wave diathermy in
the United States, which is a method of applying heat using microwaves for
therapeutic purposes in medicine [Ste23]. However, the development and
clinical trials of these concepts were strictly limited to low frequencies (be-
low 100 MHz) at that time, since the technologies for radio frequency (RF)
hardware had not been developed. Today, thanks to the rapid development in
semiconductor technology and various signal processing techniques, there is
a growing interest in the research and development of medical applications
based on microwave techniques.
1. Introduction
Data telemetry
Data telemetry in this work refers to wireless data transmission using mi-
crowaves between implanted medical devices (IMDs) and external devices.
Due to the rising quality of life and a growing market for health care prod-
ucts, IMDs have gained much interest for healthcare providers in the recent
1.1. State-of-the-art microwave medical applications
The applications for medical diagnosis are in the detection of breast cancer,
stroke, water accumulation in human body, etc. Among these, one of the most
important applications of medical diagnosis is the detection of breast cancer,
which is the most prevalent form of cancer among women [FABC 07]. Ap-
proximately one million women around the world suffer from breast cancer
[MJ13]. Therefore, technologies with high accuracy and sensitivity to detect
the presence of tumors are required. An almost pain-free examination with
a short examination time and a portable apparatus is especially desirable for
the detection of early-stage breast cancer.
1. Introduction
Stroke detection is the third leading cause of death in the world and is re-
garded as a challenging issue in the medical world [RFFea07]. In general,
stroke causes the loss of brain functionality due to a disturbance of the blood
flow to the brain. It is classified into two major categories of ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke, where both require very different medical treatment (ther-
apies) [Lan09, TP08]. Since the diagnosis and determination of the stroke
categories must be done within a few hours, flexible and portable devices that
are accessible to the public are strongly in demand.
The spectrum of applications of medical diagnosis is extended to the detec-
tion and localization of water accumulations in the human body [1]. This
application is crucial for people with diseases such as pulmonary edema due
to heart failure [FG95] and urinary incontinence. For example, by monitoring
the urine in the human bladder, a permanent catheterization can be avoided
and the quality of life of these patients can be significantly improved. Portable
and low-cost device is required to enable each patient to be equipped with this
Microwave signals provide high potential for the imaging of the breast, the
bladder or the brain [KCLC 09, ARTN11, GJR10]. This is due to the fact that
microwaves feature non-ionizing radiation, high range resolution and high
penetration ability, which have been discussed and compared with conven-
tional medical imaging techniques at the beginning of this chapter. Moreover,
a low system complexity of the microwave system, which enables the real-
ization of a portable apparatus, is emphasized after reviewing the different
medical applications.
Microwave medical diagnosis is based on the concept of observing the scat-
tered signals caused by the dielectric contrast, which is the difference of
the dielectric properties between the malignant tissues and the surrounding
healthy tissues [FLHS02, LBVVH05]. In microwave medical diagnosis, most
researches are focused on two main approaches: radar (Radio Detection and
Ranging) imaging and microwave tomography. In radar imaging, wideband
antennas for high range resolution are applied for synthetic aperture (SA)
based operation or multistatic operation based on fixed array [20] [Nik11,
KCLC 09]. Microwave tomography is based on the reconstruction of the dis-
tribution of the complex permittivity by solving the inverse electromagnetic
1.2. Telemedicine using microwaves and its challenges
1. Introduction
Figure 1.2.: Vision of the telemedicine for nursing home residents using mi-
crowaves and the goal as well as organization of the work to re-
alize these applications.
In the data telemetry of this healthcare system, the physiological data (temper-
ature, blood pressure, glucose concentration) or vital signs (such as respira-
tion, heart beating, etc.) are monitored by sensors integrated on the implants.
The implants are wirelessly powered by an antenna at a certain frequency
(usually very low frequency in the MHz range). The wireless data transmis-
sion between implants and external medical devices is performed at a high
frequency (in the GHz range). However, the wireless transmission system
is normally in low-power stand-by modus and can be awaken by an external
signal for operating data transfer at full power at the frequency band licensed
for medical devices. At the medical center, the received data is forwarded to
the healthcare practitioner to evaluate the patient’s status. In the case where
1.2. Telemedicine using microwaves and its challenges
1. Introduction
tennas. The implantable antennas are used for the data transmission between
IMDs and external devices, while the on-body matched antennas are used in
diagnosis applications (such as cancer, brain diseases, etc.).
For wireless data transmission of IMDs with external devices, the implantable
antennas are located together with IMDs in the human body and surrounded
by different human tissues depending on the applications (refer to skin, fat,
muscle, etc.).
Different from the on-body matched antenna, antennas can be built for mi-
crowave medical diagnosis, which are placed at a distance from the body
(termed as off-body antenna). In the case of off-body antenna, a strong re-
flection of the incident waves on the air-skin interface occurs and more than
50% of the energy is back scattered, since the relative permittivity of skin is
very large (around 40 at 1 GHz) compared to free space. Furthermore, the
distance between antenna and human body introduces additional free space
attenuation. Therefore, the energy penetrating into the human body is lower
than 10% of the total energy of the incident waves. Moreover, the reflections
from the air-skin interface are dominant, which overlap the weak useful re-
flection. Thus, for medical diagnosis, the antenna is required to be matched to
the human body. Matching the antennas on the human body (refer to human
skin for the on-body matched antenna) has the purpose of reducing the strong
reflection on the air-skin interface and to allow more energy to be radiated
into the human body for obtaining a stronger signal for processing.
Though the implantable antennas and on-body matched antennas are used
for different medical applications, their common ground is that they are both
matched to the human body and are termed as body-matched antennas in
this thesis. Therefore, the body-matched antennas refer to both the implantable
and on-body matched antennas. Many challenges arise for the body-matched
antennas in terms of the design, characterization, fabrication and verification,
which are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.
The design of body-matched antennas differs from that for the regular an-
tennas for free-space operation. This is because it suffers from the problems
of lossy human tissues and their different permittivities resulting in totally
different wave propagation behavior. The geometry and dielectric properties
of the human body must be considered for the optimization and character-
1.3. Goal and organization of this work
1. Introduction
tion and to achieve low profile as well as low-cost devices. The miniaturiza-
tion techniques of the antenna design in this thesis relies on the optimization
of the feeding- and antenna structures as well as regulation of the current dis-
tribution on the radiating elements. With these achievements, it is expected
that these antennas will significantly enhance the performance of the IMDs
as well as imaging systems for diagnosis and thus contribute very positively
to the future microwave telemedicine systems.
With this goal in mind, the organization of this work is outlined (referring to
Figure 1.2) as follows:
Before the design of the body-matched antennas is introduced, the dielec-
tric properties of the different human tissues and human model are studied
in chapter 2. Based on the dielectric properties of human tissues, the mi-
crowave propagation in the human body is then investigated with respect to
their reflection, attenuation and transmission. A model of the human bladder
with different tissue layers including frequency dependent dielectric prop-
erties is applied for the estimation of the required SNR and dynamic range
of the imaging system. In the following chapter, different characterization
methods of the body-matched antennas are described. For the verification of
the body-matched antennas, two antenna measurement systems with tissue-
simulating liquid are given, which allow the measurements of the near-field
and far-field radiation pattern of the body-matched antennas. Chapter 4 pro-
vides the design and the miniaturization concepts of implantable antennas for
IMDs. That is followed by on-body matched antennas for microwave imag-
ing at different operational frequency bands in chapter 5. The main focus
is the miniaturization of the antennas without the significant degradation of
the antenna performance. The applicability of the on-body matched antennas
for microwave imaging is shown in Chapter 6, by means of a measurement
demonstrator for the detection of the hemorrhagic stroke. Finally, Chapter 7
gives conclusions of this thesis to microwave medical applications.
2. Analysis of microwave propagation
in a multilayer human body
In the modeling of the human body for microwave medical applications, the
human body must be considered as a multilayer model consisting of different
lossy human tissues. The human tissues are in general frequency dispersive,
meaning that they distort the signal when it propagates through them. There-
fore, it is of great importance to analyze the microwave propagation in the
human body taking into account the frequency dependent dielectric proper-
ties of different tissues.
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
where "00 and 00 describe the dielectric loss and magnetization loss, respec-
tively. 00 is not considered in this thesis (assumed to be 0), since it does not
exist in biological tissues. Furthermore, assuming that the human tissues are
non-magnetic [VRK06], the permeability can be written as D 0 .
With regard to the permittivity, there are the loss due to dielectric damping of
vibrating dipole moments and the conductive loss (or Joule loss) [Poz, ZL07].
However, it is impossible to distinguish between these losses. Since the con-
duction current is dominant in most biological tissues, the dielectric damping
is assumed to be 0 and hence the loss is specified only by the effective con-
ductivity loss.
Assuming that the medium has a conductivity , a conduction current density
JE exists and together with dielectric flux density D,
E can be written as
E (2.3)
E D "0 "r E;
D E (2.4)
where E is the electric field intensity, "0 and "r is the permittivity of free
space and the relative permittivity of a lossy medium, respectively. Taking
into account the time varying nature of the electromagnetic waves, the electric
field (E-field) intensity is described as
2.1. Microwave propagation in a lossy medium
D j!"0 "r EE C EE
D j!"0 "r j E: (2.6)
r EE D D j!0 HE ; (2.9)
assuming that the medium is source-free, the wave equation for EE can be
obtained by modifying (2.9) as follows:
r r EE D r j!0 HE D j!0 r HE
r r EE r 2 EE 2
D ! 0 "0 "r j EE
2 E
r E C ! 0 "0 "r j EE D 0: (2.10)
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
Having the wave number k, the complex propagation constant for the medium
can be then determined by
D ˛ C jˇ D j k D j! 0 "0 "r j ; (2.12)
where ˛ and ˇ are respectively the attenuation constant and phase constant.
Separating the real and the imaginary part of the complex propagation con-
stant yields two terms:
v " #
u r 2
! t "r
˛ D c0 2 1 C !"0 "r 1 ; (2.13)
v " #
u r 2
! t "r
ˇ D c0 2 1 C !"0 "r C 1 : (2.14)
It can be seen that the conductive loss results in a non-zero attenuation con-
stant and also modifies the phase constant.
After introducing the attenuation constant ˛ and phase constant ˇ, the fol-
lowing terms will be discussed with regard to a lossy medium.
Penetration depth
2.1. Microwave propagation in a lossy medium
1 c0
ıp D D v " #: (2.16)
˛ u r 2
! t "r
1C2 !"0 "r 1
Assuming that the waves propagate in the +z direction, the attenuation of the
E-field (in the z direction) can be written as
jE .z/j jE .0/j e ˛z
Da D D De ; (2.17)
jE .0/j jE .0/j
where the attenuation in dB is:
Da jdB D 20 log10 .e / D z ˛ 20 log10 .e/ D 8:686 ˛ z: (2.18)
Wave impedance
Since wideband signals are in the scope of this thesis, the frequency disper-
sion cannot be neglected. The complex permittivity of a lossy medium from
(2.7) can thus be modified to
" .!/ D "0 "r .!/ j ; (2.20)
where the "r .!/ and .!/ are the frequency dependent relative permittivity
and conductivity, respectively.
In conclusion, the attenuation constant ˛, the phase constant ˇ and the wave
impedance can be determined if the complex permittivity (dielectric property)
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
is known. Since the complex permittivities of different human tissues are the
basis for the analysis of the microwave propagation in the human body, they
will be introduced in the following sections.
where "1 and "s are the permittivity at ! ! 1 (highest frequency) and
! ! 0 (lowest frequency), respectively. 0 is the relaxation time, which is
the required time for a stimulated dipole to return to its original state. It must
be emphasized that only a single relaxation time (first order approximation of
different relaxation regions, which will be mentioned in the next paragraph)
is considered in this equation. Thus, the Debye equation is not sufficient to
2.2. Dielectric properties of human tissues
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
skull (cortical bone) and bone. At 5 GHz, the skull has a relative permittivity
of 10, while that of the bone is around 18.
The "r of white matter, skin, grey matter and muscle are between 30 and 50.
They have a large relative permittivity due to the high water content present
in these tissues. Grey matter exhibits a slightly higher relative permittivity
than white matter. Those with the relative permittivity of above 50 are blood,
urine and distilled water. Water and urine show similar relative permittivity
between 70 and 80. It can also be seen that the frequency dependency of
the relative permittivity of tissues with high water content varies very signifi-
cantly over the 1 to 10 GHz range.
From Figure 2.1 (a), it can be concluded that the blood in the human brain
and the urine in human bladder have high relative permittivity compared to
their surrounding tissues. This high contrast of relative permittivity to the
surrounding tissues provides the potential for detecting the position or volume
of the blood and urine accumulation in the human body.
The losses of the respective materials are related to the conductivity as shown
in Figure 2.1 (b). Fat, skull, bone and white matter exhibit a low conductiv-
ity, while the respective quantities for water, urine, blood and muscle show
larger values. Urine and blood have high conductivities of 7.5 and 5.5 S/m
at 5 GHz, respectively. Therefore, a large attenuation of the EM signals in
water, urine and muscle is expected. The conductivity of urine is higher than
that of distilled water. This is because urine contains more ions and electrons
than distilled water and this results in a higher conductivity. Furthermore, it
must be noted that the frequency dependency on the conductivity of the tis-
sues with high water content is very strong from 1 to 10 GHz. This is because
the vibrating distance of ions becomes shorter with increasing frequency and
hence the conductivity is improved.
2.2. Dielectric properties of human tissues
70 urine
60 bone
Relative permittivity εr
50 skull
white matter
grey matter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
12 skin
Conductivity σ in S/m
white matter
grey matter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
(b) Conductivity
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
2.2. Dielectric properties of human tissues
20 skin
Attenuation constant α in dB/cm
white matter
grey matter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
15 dis.water
10 urine
5 bone
Penetration depth δp in cm
4 fat
3 skull
2 white matter
grey matter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
160 muscle
Wave impedance |Z | in Ω
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
2.3. Analysis of microwave propagation in the human bladder
cance in medical fields and has been discussed in the introduction. It can be
achieved by detecting the reflected microwave signals from the boundaries of
human tissues such as fat and bladder muscle. Thus, the microwave signals
have to penetrate different tissues of the abdomen. Due to the high attenua-
tion and frequency dispersion of the microwave signals in human tissues, the
detection possibility of the reflected signals is strongly degraded. Therefore, a
quantitative investigation of the microwave propagation in the human body is
significant for the prediction of performance of microwave medical systems
also to help design more effective antenna systems to counter the propagation
Based on the dielectric properties of the different human tissues introduced
in the last section, the propagation characteristics of microwave signals are
investigated with respect to their reflection, attenuation and transmission. A
model of the human bladder with different tissue layers including the fre-
quency dependent dielectric properties is used. Furthermore, a system con-
cept of the UWB radar for the detection of water accumulation in the human
bladder is introduced. The UWB pulse attenuation and distortion in different
human tissues are then investigated and evaluated.
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
Table 2.1.: Typical thicknesses of tissues in the human abdomen (full bladder)
based on adults between 20-60 years old.
tissue thickness (mm)
skin 0.3
connective tissue (fat) 10
muscle 10
fat 2
bladder muscle 2
urine 30
bladder muscle 2
2.3. Analysis of microwave propagation in the human bladder
by the author. It has been found that the impulse-radio (IR) approach has the
lowest system dynamic range of the three radar systems, but it also has the
lowest system complexity [Vat10]. Using the frequency sweep approach with
VNA and the Pseudo-noise (PN) approach a high system dynamic range can
be achieved [Sch10].
To obtain the characteristics of microwave propagation in the human ab-
domen, the analysis both in the time and the frequency domain (for the IR
approach and the frequency sweep approach, respectively) is considered in
the following section.
With regard to the IR approach, the UWB pulse with a frequency range from
3.1 to 10.6 GHz is used. The block diagram of the proposed Impulse-Radio
Ultra Wideband (IR-UWB) radar system is shown in Figure 2.5. The trans-
mitter consists of a trigger, a pulse generator and a transmit antenna. The
signal is received by a separate antenna, which is connected to a sampling
unit. The reflected signal is sampled by a device with a high sampling rate
and a data acquisition unit. In this IR-UWB concept, a correlation analysis
in the time domain is performed to enhance the SNR of the received signal.
For that purpose, the received UWB signal is correlated with the reference
signal from the transmitter. Since the human tissues are dispersive materi-
als, the received signal is distorted as it propagates through the tissues, which
results in a degraded correlation function between transmitted and received
pulses. The degradation of the received UWB pulse can be evaluated in terms
of distortion and fidelity. The distortion dp is mathematically defined as the
variation of the received signal uR .t/ with respect to the transmitted signal
uT .t/ [LS94]:
ˇ ˇ2
ˇ ˇ
C1 ˇ
uR .t C / uT .t/
Z ˇ
dp D min i1=2 ˇˇ dt: (2.23)
ˇ ˇ
ˇ hR
ˇ C1 i1=2 hR
1 2 C1 2
ˇ 1 ju R .t/j 1 juT .t/j
Based on the distortion, Fp quantifies the fidelity of the received pulse com-
pared to the transmitted signal and is determined by the peak of the cross-
correlation function as
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
Figure 2.5.: Block diagram of the IR-UWB radar system for urine detection
in the human bladder (dA : distance between transmitting and
receiving antennas; r: distance between antennas and bladder
uR .t C / uT .t/
Fp D max hR i1=2 hR i1=2 dt: (2.24)
1 C1 2 C1 2
1 juR .t/j 1 juT .t/j
Since the sign of the correlation can be usually neglected, the absolute value
of Fp is used. It can be concluded that the minimum distortion is obtained
when the fidelity between the two signals is maximum.
With the introduction of the model of the human abdomen and the related
radar concepts, the characteristics of microwave propagation can be analyzed
as shown in the following sections.
2.3. Analysis of microwave propagation in the human bladder
be written as
p p
"1 "2
Dp p : (2.25)
"1 C "2
100 100
90 90
Transmission coefficient in %
Reflection coefficient in %
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 air / skin 30 air / skin
skin/ fat skin / fat
20 20
fat / muscle fat / muscle
10 muscle / urine 10 muscle/ urine
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
The signal attenuation, the penetration depth and the attenuation constant of
4 human tissues (skin, fat, muscle and urine) in the frequency range from 1 to
10 GHz are shown in Figure 2.2. In the fat tissue the signal has a penetration
depth of 9.3 cm at 3 GHz, while a penetration depth of around 1.9 cm in
skin tissue is identified. In urine, an extremely low penetration depth (0.95
cm at 3 GHz) is observed. The value, as expected, decreases with increasing
frequency. At 8 GHz a penetration depth of 2.6 cm in the fat tissue is noted.
In Figure 2.2 (a) the attenuation constant of different tissues is shown. It pro-
vides an estimate of the amount of the signal attenuation during propagation
through the tissues. The results show that e.g. urine has an attenuation of 9.1
dB/cm at 3 GHz, which increases up to 25.6 dB/cm at 8 GHz. The signal
attenuation in the skin and muscle tissue are also very high (at 4.6 dB/cm and
4.8 dB/cm at 3 GHz, respectively). The fat tissue causes relatively low signal
attenuation while its attenuation constant is 0.91 dB/cm at 3 GHz. The reason
for this is the low water content in fat.
2.3. Analysis of microwave propagation in the human bladder
the reflection at the boundary is not considered. The transmitted signal (pulse)
has the frequency bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. Different human tissues
are investigated separately. The signal is fed directly to the surface of the hu-
man tissue, which has a size of 5050100 mm3 . Several probes, which are
placed in the tissue, are used to obtain the pulses at different distances to the
feed port in the tissue.
Figure 2.7.: Diagram of the simulation configuration with plane wave and
Figure 2.8 (a) shows the attenuation of the transmitted pulse in human tissues.
To calculate the attenuation of the pulse, the amplitude of the pulse (frequency
range from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz) is evaluated. The amplitude of the pulse in the
fat tissue decreases slightly as the thickness increases. A thickness of 10 mm
of fat tissues causes an attenuation of 2.75 dB, while in the case of muscle
and urine the resulting attenuation is 13.7 dB and 19.7 dB, respectively. It
agrees with the analysis for a single frequency that the tissue with a higher
water content causes higher signal attenuation. Moreover, the curves are not
completely linear, since the surface waves cannot be completely eliminated in
simulation. Since the presence of the surface waves must be also considered
during the microwave propagation in the human body in the realistic scenario,
this effect can be tolerated in this analysis.
The fidelity and distortion of the UWB pulse are shown in Figure 2.8 (b)
and (c). The pulses propagating through urine, skin and muscle exhibit a
strong decrease of the fidelity and an increase of the distortion with increasing
thickness of the tissue. However, at a thickness of 10 mm, the fidelity of the
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
70 fat
Attenuation in dB
50 urine
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Distance d in mm
(a) Attenuation
0.4 fat
0.3 muscle
0.2 skin
0.1 urine
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Distance d in mm
(b) Fidelity
1.6 fat
1.4 skin
1.2 urine
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Distance d in mm
(c) Distortion
2.3. Analysis of microwave propagation in the human bladder
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
of the signal attenuation caused by human tissues. With this assumption the
obtained transfer function of the whole system Hs .f / can be written as
Y .f / e j!r=c0
Hs .f / D D j! HTx .f / S HRx .f / ; (2.27)
X .f / 2 rc0
where S is the reflection characteristic of the human abdomen model with
multiple tissue layers.
It must be noted that in medical scenarios, the antennas are the critical ele-
ments of the overall system and they directly affect the recovered signals in
terms of SNR and distortion. To demonstrate the best performance of the
simulation model, typical Vivaldi-antennas are applied, which are matched in
free space (off-body antenna). The antenna features a size of 78 75 mm2 ,
fed by aperture coupling and optimized for the frequency range from 2.5 to
12.5 GHz [SW05]. The transfer function of the antenna in main beam direc-
tion in the H-plane is shown in Figure 2.9. The drawbacks of the off-body
antennas will be given together with the results, which will motivate the de-
sign of the on-body matched antennas in chapter 5.
H(f) in dB
2 4 6 8 10 12
frequency f in GHz
Figure 2.9.: The transfer function H.f / of the used Vivaldi antenna in main
beam direction, H-plane, co-polarization.
In the system concept, two identical Vivaldi antennas are used at the collo-
cated transmitter and receiver side. The main beam of the antennas is oriented
perpendicularly to the surface of the bladder model and vertical polarization
is applied. The antennas are placed at a distance of 50 mm from the human
abdomen model [20].
2.3. Analysis of microwave propagation in the human bladder
The transfer function of the whole system Hs in the considered scenario in-
cluding the antenna performance, free space propagation, attenuation, reflec-
tion and transmission in human tissues at different frequencies is depicted in
Figure 2.10. The initial attenuation value of lower than 0 dB results from
the implementation of the term j! HTx .f / e 2c0 HRx .f / at the starting
point (d = -50 mm; antenna transfer function in the main beam direction is
used). The different attenuations at the starting point at different frequen-
cies are caused by the frequency dependency of the antenna transfer func-
tion. Furthermore, three important reflections from the boundaries between
fat, bladder muscle and urine are taken into account.
At 2 GHz, the attenuation of the reflection from the boundary between fat
and bladder muscle is at the level of 58 dB. The reflection from the boundary
between bladder muscle and urine is estimated to 76 dB. Due to the high
attenuation caused by the urine, the attenuation of the reflection from the
boundary between bladder and bladder muscle (at the rear side of the bladder)
is 120 dB. At 3 GHz, the reflection from the boundary between fat and bladder
muscle and boundary between bladder muscle and urine are at the level of
50 dB and 70 dB, respectively. The reason for this is the higher amplitude
of the antenna transfer function at 3 GHz (the antenna is optimized for the
frequency range from 2.5 to 11 GHz). It must be noted that the attenuation
increases strongly with increasing frequency above 3 GHz (note the scale in
the case of 7 GHz). The attenuation of the reflection from the boundaries
between bladder muscle and urine at 7 GHz is estimated to be 95 dB. At this
level of attenuation, the reflection is difficult to be detected due to the limited
sensitivity at the receiver.
The reflection from the boundaries between urine and bladder muscle (at the
rear side of the bladder) in the whole frequency range is not detectable, since
the attenuation is larger than 100 dB from 2 to 7 GHz. However, the reflection
from the boundary between urine and bladder muscle (at the front side of
the bladder) before the transmission through urine can be detected from 2
to 7 GHz. The variation of the front bladder muscle can be also utilized to
estimate the volume of urine in the human bladder.
It can be also seen that a strong reflection exists at the boundary between air
and skin, which introduces a reduction of 6.5 dB (incident and back-scattered
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
(a) f = 2 GHz
(b) f = 3 GHz
(c) f = 7 GHz
Figure 2.10.: Signal attenuation (system transfer function) of the different re-
flections from the boundaries in the human abdomen model (re-
fer to Figure 2.4) at different frequencies.
2.4. Summary
wave) in the system transfer function. This indicates that 75% of the transmit-
ted energy is scattered from the skin. The free space attenuation at a distance
of 50 mm introduces a decrease of 6 dB in system transfer function. Further-
more, the problem of the mismatch of the antenna placed close to the human
body has not yet been considered. Therefore, the off-body antenna causes a
high decrease (> 12.5 dB) of the system transfer function.
From these results it can be concluded that a very high system dynamic range
(larger than 80 dB) is needed to capture the weak reflections for the detection
of urine of the human bladder, since the reflected signals after transmission
through the human tissues are very weak and hardly detectable. For that
purpose, the frequency sweep approach can be adopted, since a high system
dynamic range can be obtained using large input power and low the noise
level (using small intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidth). However, the IR
approach is not suitable for this detection due to the system dynamic range
being strictly limited by quantization resolution of sampling unit [Vat10].
2.4. Summary
The dielectric properties of human tissues predicted from Cole-Cole equation
showed that the high water-content tissues such as muscle and urine exhibit
high relative permittivity, very high signal attenuation and low penetration
depth. On the other hand, the EM waves in tissues with low water-content
(e.g. fat and connective tissue) undergo a low attenuation. Moreover, be-
cause of the high dielectric contrast between tissues with high and low water-
content, strong reflections occur at their boundary, which can be utilized for
the detection purpose.
After the quantitative study of the dielectric properties of human tissues, the
performance of a microwave medical system for the detection of the urine in
the human bladder, using an IR-UWB concept, has been investigated. The in-
troduced model predicts that for a typical human body the distortion is small
enough for the reception of the signal. Furthermore, the predictions of the
presented model can be applied for the calibration in the radar signal pro-
cessing, which further increases the performance of the system and detection
2. Analysis of microwave propagation in a multilayer human body
In the concept for the analysis of the system dynamic range for urine detec-
tion in the human bladder, two Vivaldi-antennas matched in free space are
used. The results show that there will be a decrease of at least 12.5 dB of
the received signal level, using the traditional antennas matched in free space.
Considering this drawback, a concept of the on-body matched antennas men-
tioned in the introduction arises, which can improve the microwave system
performance for the medical diagnosis. More advantages of on-body matched
antennas will be given in chapter 5. By using an antenna array, which will
be discussed in chapter 6, the detection ability of weak reflections in such a
system can be significantly improved.
With the knowledge of this feasibility study based on the model of the hu-
man abdomen for the detection of urine in the human bladder using a realistic
model and parameters, the required system dynamic range and suitable fre-
quency range can be quantitatively predicted. It has been shown in signal
attenuation of reflections from the abdomen model that the UWB band from
3.1 to 10.6 GHz licensed for communication according to [FCC02] is not an
optimal frequency range for microwave medical diagnosis due to the high
signal attenuation in human tissues at the higher frequencies. Nevertheless,
the higher frequencies are needed to enlarge the bandwidth to achieve a fine
range resolution. A system dynamic range of 80 dB below 5 GHz is needed
for the detection of the weak reflections at the boundary between bladder
muscle and urine and is still achievable. However, the reflected signals above
7 GHz are not detectable and hence not usable. Therefore, the highest opera-
tional frequency of about 7 GHz can be considered. On the other hand, lower
frequencies are preferred to be applied due to their good penetration ability.
A big challenge at the lower frequencies is the large wavelength and hence
large antenna size. This leads to the challenge of miniaturizing the on-body
matched antennas, which will be given in chapter 5.
Regarding the suitable frequency band for on-body matched antennas in imag-
ing systems for diagnosis, frequency bands such as 1-7 GHz or even 0.5-
2 GHz for different applications are proposed (see chapter 5). For medical
data transmission using microwaves, low frequencies (low signal attenuation)
for implantable antennas are desirable (see chapter 4), since a long opera-
tional range is required for the wireless communication with the external de-
2.4. Summary
vices. However, the band is constrained to be very narrow (within 100 MHz)
according to the spectrum regulation of the government.
Since the body-matched antennas (on-body matched and implanted antennas)
are directly in contact or embedded in the human tissues, special character-
ization methods and measurement systems with tissue-simulating liquid are
required and will be, before the developments of different antennas, intro-
duced in the following chapter.
3. Characterization methods and
measurement systems of
body-matched antennas
This chapter deals with the methods for the characterization and measurement
verification of body-matched antennas. In the first section, different charac-
terization methods of body-matched antennas are introduced to evaluate the
performance of the to-be-designed antennas. Taking the lossy medium into
account, the important terms of body-matched antennas are discussed.
The second part of this chapter provides the verification systems of the body-
matched antennas. Since the antennas are matched to the lossy human body,
the antennas have to be surrounded by a tissue-simulating liquid for the mea-
surement verification. Due to a high signal attenuation in the tissue-simulating
liquid and the increasing signal attenuation with frequency, the measurement
distance and highest frequency are both limited. Therefore, two special an-
tenna measurement systems are introduced to experimentally verify the ra-
diation pattern of the body-matched antennas. The E-field probe based an-
tenna measurement system allows the direct measurement of the pattern of the
body-matched antennas at a short distance (< 60 mm). The far-field pattern
of the antennas can be obtained by near-field to far-field (NF-FF) transforma-
tion of the electric near-fields, which can be measured by a planar-rectangular
near-field measurement system.
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
where RL and Rrad are the loss resistance and the radiation resistance of the
antenna, respectively. XA is the reactance of antenna.
3.1. Characterization methods of body-matched antennas
SL si n r 2 dd'
Rrad D 2 D ; (3.2)
I I2
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
With the radiation resistance and reactance of the body-matched antenna, the
antenna efficiency and the reflection coefficient can be determined as
D ; (3.4)
Rrad C RL
Z A Z0
D : (3.5)
Z A C Z0
3.1. Characterization methods of body-matched antennas
from the antenna, the radiated E-fields and H-fields are not affected by the
charges and currents. This range is called far-field (Fraunhofer zone) and
the corresponding distance is termed as Fraunhofer distance Rff . In the far-
field, the radiated wave of the antenna can be considered as a plane wave.
E-fields and H-fields are in phase and the antenna pattern at this region does
not depend on the distance. These three different ranges can be determined
by the dimension of the antenna DA and wavelength m as follows:
Reactive near-field: rA ; (3.7)
m 2DA2
Radiating near-field: rA ; (3.8)
2 m
Far-field: rA : (3.9)
As discussed in the previous section, the radiated EM waves from the antenna
in the far-field consist of two orthogonal components: the electric and mag-
netic field vectors, which oscillate harmonically. The polarization of the EM
waves describes the time varying direction and relative magnitude of the EM
waves (normally referred to as the E-field).
Polarization can be classified as linear, circular or elliptical. In this thesis
only linear polarization is considered. The field is linearly polarized, when
the electric field vector always along a certain axis.
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
SAR D : (3.11)
The former technique has the drawback that most temperature sensors do not
have the required sensitivity to promptly evaluate the minimal temperature
gradient in a short exposure time, which is desired to minimize thermal dif-
fusion effects. Therefore, the electric field measurement is preferred. The
parameters required for the calculation are shown in equation (3.11), where
jEj is the magnitude of the RMS E-field and is the mass density.
Typically, the 1 g or 10 g SAR is used, which is the averaged SAR value over
a volume of a mass of 1 or 10 g tissue [Com01].
In this section, it has been discussed that the body-matched antennas can be
characterized in terms of reflection coefficient, efficiency and radiation pat-
tern. Additionally, the near-field pattern of the body-matched antennas in
lossy medium and the SAR value in human tissues are of interest. More char-
acterization methods of body-matched antennas (i.e. penetration efficiency
and front-to-back ratio) will be discussed together with antenna configura-
tions in chapter 5. Regarding these antenna terms, two measurement systems
for the validation of the radiation pattern are introduced in the following sec-
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
Tissue-simulating liquid
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
PEG 40%
60 PEG 50%
PEG 60%
Relative permittivity ε
50 PEG 100%
averaged tissue
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
PEG 40%
5 PEG 50%
PEG 60%
Conductivity σ in S/m
4 PEG 100%
averaged tissue
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
(b) Conductivity
dipoles and the related polarization process, which can also be observed in
the increasing conductivity resulting in attenuation. Moreover, the solutions
indicate a slight difference of their attenuation constant in the frequency range
from 1 to 3 GHz, while a large difference is present at high frequencies. In ad-
dition, the 60% solution indicates 5.8 dB/cm attenuation constant at 5 GHz,
which results in a 23.2 dB attenuation at this frequency at the distance of
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
PEG 40%
Attenuation constant α in dB/cm
PEG 50%
15 PEG 60%
PEG 100%
averaged tissue
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 3.4.: Signal attenuation constant of the PEG-water solutions with dif-
ferent water content over frequency (averaged tissue: averaged
dielectric property of skin and fat predicted by Cole-Cole equa-
The measurement setup is shown in Figure 3.5. All equipment such as the
VNA and the motors are controlled by a laptop via USB interface. Two linear
stages with step motors with an accuracy in the m range are applied to adjust
the position of the E-field probe in x and y directions. A rotary table with
a step motor (M-062) serves to rotate the Antenna Under Test (AUT) for
measurement of the radiation pattern, hence a 360ı rotation in xz-plane can
be performed.
To increase the dynamic range of the measurement system, (to counter the
high signal attenuation in the liquid phantom), a power amplifier (Hittite)
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
(a). The sensitivity of the probe can be improved by increasing the length
or the diameter of the inner conductor [BLM06]. However the geometry of
the E-field probe influences the spatial resolution as well as the accuracy of
the measurement system therefore the following measurement was taken to
obtain an optimal geometry. The S11 of the probes with different lengths of
exposed inner conductor in Figure 3.6 (b) shows that the E-field probe is not
matched in air but an acceptable impedance matching is achieved in PEG-
water solution from 1 to 8 GHz. The S11 at low frequencies is improved by
increasing the length of exposed inner conductor. With a longer exposed inner
conductor, the probe is more sensitive to capture the radiated E-fields from
AUT. However, the measurement accuracy in terms of spatial resolution can
be degraded due to the large size of the probe antenna, which is comparable
to the measurement distance. A length of 4 mm is used to achieve a high
sensitivity of the probe, while a high accuracy of the measurement due to
spatial resolution can be also provided. Its impedance matching is sufficient
for capturing the E-field of the radiated wave of the AUT.
The E-field probe is inherently sensitive to the polarization of the radiated
waves according to the orientation of the inner conductor. The Ey component
is measured based on the configuration as shown in Figure 3.5. Therefore, the
AUT can be characterized with the E-plane and H-plane patterns by rotating
the AUT in the xy-plane. Since the probe is fixed during the measurement,
the pattern of the probe does not effect the measurement results and an ad-
ditional calibration with pattern compensation of the probe is not required.
A comparison of the results between the different frequencies is extremely
difficult, since the signal attenuation in the tissue-simulating liquid cannot be
calculated exactly [33]. Therefore, for different frequencies, the measured
S21 is normalized to its maximum, respectively.
The parameters of the antenna measurement system are summarized in Ta-
ble 3.1. To achieve a maximum dynamic range of the measurement system,
the transmitting power of the VNA is set to its maximum 5 dBm and the IF
bandwidth to 100 Hz. This configuration results in a dynamic range of 100
dB. However, the frequency, at which the complete pattern in 360ı of E-plane
or H-plane can be measured, is still limited up to 4 GHz (at the measurement
distance of 40 mm) due to the signal attenuation in PEG-water solution.
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
S11 in dB
−8 4 mm, in air
1.5 mm, in PEG
4 mm, in PEG
10 mm, in PEG
15 mm, in PEG
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 3.6.: Photo and measured S11 of the E-field probes with different
lengths of exposed inner conductor (a: photo; b: S11 in air
and the PEG-water solution of the E-field probes with different
lengths of exposed inner conductor).
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
Table 3.1.: Parameters of the E-field probe based antenna measurements sys-
Transmitting power 5 dBm IF bandwidth 100 Hz
Frequency range 0.5 to 4 GHz Number of frequency points 751
Motors in use 3 Angular step 4ı
Figure 3.8.: Photos of the prototype of the stepped-slot antenna (see in chapter
5). (a: antenna with Styrofoam to maintain the free space region;
b: antenna with absorber material; c: antenna with pine tar for
isolation to the liquid and d: antenna with copper foil).
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
co−pol, 20 mm
co−pol, 40 mm
co−pol, 60 mm
x−pol, 40 mm
S21 in dB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 3.9.: Measured S21 at different distances between AUT and probe
(main beam direction).
Figure 3.10 (a) and (b) show the simulated normalized pattern of the planar
stepped-slot antenna at a distance of 40 mm from the antenna immersed in
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
0 0
−5 −5
Normalized pattern in dB
Normalized pattern in dB
−10 −10
−15 −15
0 0
−5 −5
Normalized pattern in dB
Normalized pattern in dB
−10 −10
−15 −15
Figure 3.10.: Simulated and measured normalized radiation pattern of the pla-
nar stepped-slot antenna in the E-plane and H-plane at a distance
of 40 mm.
Though the body-matched antennas are used for near-field range operation,
the far-field pattern and gain of the antennas can be characterized as a mea-
sure of the antenna performance. In simulation, the far-field pattern and gain
of the antennas can easily be calculated by excluding the conductivity of the
medium. In this way, the signal attenuation caused by the lossy medium is not
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
included. However, in most cases, the pattern in the far-field cannot be mea-
sured directly, since the tissue-simulating liquid (PEG-water solution) causes
a high signal attenuation and thus, the measurement distance is strongly lim-
To counter this limitation, a different measurement setup is required. A
planar-rectangular near-field antenna measurement system is designed to ob-
tain the far-field pattern of the body-matched antennas. The electric near-field
of the AUT immersed in the PEG-water solution is measured and the far-field
pattern is processed through NF-FF transformation. The principle of the NF-
FF Transformation and the planar-rectangular near-field measurement system
setup are provided as follows.
The planar NF-FF transformation is based on the plane wave spectrum ap-
proach using Fourier transform. The E-field in the far-field region can be
determined by
1 1
E y; z/ D 1
j kE rE
E.x; FE .kx ; ky /e d kx d ky ; (3.12)
4 2 1 1
where FE is the plane wave spectrum, kx and ky are the wave numbers of
the plane wave spectrum in x and y directions, respectively [Bal05]. rE D
rE.x; y; z/ is the distance to the origin of the coordinate system.
In the framework of the proposed near-field antenna measurement, a planar-
rectangular scanning for the acquisition of the E-field in the near-field region
of the AUT is applied. According to the coordinate system for the antenna
measurement setup (refer to Figure 3.12), two components of the E-fields
in the x and y directions can be obtained from the measurements. Assuming
that Ex0 and Ey0 are the measured tangential electric near-fields over the plane
scanned by the beams .z D 0/, the aforementioned plane wave spectrum (Fx
and Fy in x and y directions) can be written as [Bal05] [GMP07]
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
Z 1 Z 1
Fx .kx ; ky / D Ex0 .x; y; z D 0/e j.kx xCky y/ dxdy; (3.13)
1 1
Z 1 Z 1
Fy .kx ; ky / D Ey0 .x; y; z D 0/e j.kx xCky y/ dxdy: (3.14)
1 1
With the known plane wave spectrum, the E-field in the far-field region can be
obtained. To present far-field pattern in terms of spherical angles, the E-fields
for two planes (E-plane and H-plane) can be modified to
ke jkr
E .r; ; '/ ' j ŒFx cos' C Fy si n'; (3.15)
2 r
ke jkr
E .r; ; '/ ' j cosŒ Fx si n' C Fy si n': (3.16)
2 r
Taking the medium with high permittivity into account, the wavenumber can
be written as
nq o
Re "r j !" 0
k D 2f ; (3.17)
The imaginary part of the wave number is ignored and the signal attenua-
tion is not considered in the transformation algorithm, since the results are
normalized in spherical coordinate system at each frequency.
Moreover, in the planar-rectangular scanning, the dimension of the scan area
is limited by the real size of the measurement system and the strong signal
attenuation in the tissue-simulating liquid, in which the antenna is immersed.
Therefore, the missing information outside the scan area limits the maximum
achievable angle max after NF-FF Transformation [GMP07]. Furthermore,
the truncation error for the given size of the scanning area restricts the max
[DFGC 08]. The maximum achievable angle max is illustrated in Figure 3.11
(a), where the DA1 and DA2 are the apertures of the AUT and the probe an-
tenna in one direction (x or y), L is the length of the scan area. max can be
estimated by (3.18). In Table 3.2, different max are provided with respect to
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
the L and rA (assuming the aperture of the measured antenna DA1 = 35 mm,
DA1 D DA2 ) [Sam12].
max D arctan : (3.18)
To achieve a large max , a very large scan area and huge tank with PEG-water
solution are required, which is difficult to be realized. Therefore, planar-
rectangular scanning is more suitable for antennas with high gain and small
Table 3.2.: Maximum achievable angle max in the far-field pattern depending
on L and rA .
L in mm 104 104 112 112 120 120
rA in mm 15 20 15 20 15 20
max in degree 48.57 40.36 54.46 46.40 59.04 51.34
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
simulation (see chapter 5). The reactive near-field and far-field range of the
antenna are given in Table 3.4. The measurement should be performed in
the radiating near-field range of the antenna [32]. Regarding the Rnf (Fresnel
distance) and the Rff (Fraunhofer distance) in the frequency range from 1 to
8 GHz, a measurement distance of 15 mm between the AUT and the probe
antenna is chosen.
Table 3.4.: Reactive near-field and far-field range of the measurement antenna
at different frequencies based on a frequency independent "r D 20.
f (GHz) 1 3 5 7 8
Rnf (mm) 10.68 3.56 2.13 1.53 1.34
Rff (mm) 56.67 170.03 283.52 396.03 453.15
Moreover, the scan steps in the x (x) and the y (y) direction both are
chosen to be 4 mm so that a maximum uniform sample spacing m =2 is main-
tained. The scanning area is set to be 104104 mm2 . A planar stepped-slot
antenna with a size of 2635 mm2 is used as AUT for the antenna measure-
ment. This configuration results in maximum achievable angles of 60ı and
48.6ı in the E-plane and H-plane, respectively.
For the NF-FF Transformation, the E-fields in both the co- and cross-polariza-
tion of the AUT are required. The measured raw data at different frequen-
3.2. Measurement techniques for the characterization of body-matched antennas
cies are shown in Figure 3.13. Since the maximum magnitude of S21 in Co-
polarization decreases strongly with the frequency due to the increase of the
signal attenuation over frequency, the near-field pattern is normalized at each
frequency, respectively. Moreover, for a better comparison between co- and
cross-polarization, the magnitude of S21 is normalized to the maximum of
co-polarization at each frequency.
It can be observed that at 1 GHz the maximum magnitude of S21 in co-
polarization is normalized to be 0 dB, where the receiving antenna is placed
in the center of the scan zone. On the edge of the scan area, the S21 drops
to -49 dB. However, the measurement in cross-polarization indicates -30 dB
of S21 in the center of the scan area and the value increases to a maximum
(-15 dB) at (x=12 mm, y=12 mm). At 1 and 4 GHz, 4 maximums can be seen
in cross-polarization. Moreover, these results show that the AUT exhibits a
very good cross-polarization suppression [32].
Furthermore, the raw data at the lower frequencies show a wider beamwidth
than at the higher frequencies, which must result in a wide pattern in far-
field at the low frequencies after NF-FF transformation. This agrees with the
theoretical analysis that at the low frequencies the antenna provides a wide
pattern due to the small electrical dimensions of the antenna.
In Figure 3.14, the normalized patterns processed by the NF-FF transforma-
tion are provided in the E-plane and H-plane. The results are compared with
the simulated pattern at different frequencies. In simulation, the dielectric
property of the PEG-water solution is also implemented. The scan area, scan
step and antenna distance remain as in the measurement setup for the verifi-
It can be seen that the far-field radiation pattern at the higher frequencies
(i.e. 6 and 8 GHz) could also be obtained using this planar-rectangular near-
field antenna measurement system and NF-FF transformation, which cannot
be measured directly in the E-field probe based measurement system due to
the extreme high signal attenuation (in the far-field range). The processed far-
field patterns based on the simulated and measured data agree with each other
at 1 and 4 GHz. At 6 and 8 GHz, differences between simulated and measured
results are observed, which are caused by the different boundaries of the lossy
medium in the simulation and measurement. However, a remarkable similar-
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
Figure 3.13.: Measured raw data S21 at different frequencies over the whole
scan area: (a) in co-ploarization and (b) in cross-polarization.
3.3. Summary
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
3.3. Summary
Different characterization methods for the evaluation of the body-matched
antennas have been discussed in this chapter. The body-matched antennas
can be characterized like the antennas for free-space operation in terms of
impedance matching, antenna gain and radiation efficiency. Regarding the
radiation pattern, the near-field and far-field patterns can be used. For the
body-matched antenna, in particular the near-field pattern is of significance,
since the body-matched antennas are used at a short distance to the target. In
3. Characterization and measurement systems of body-matched antennas
addition, the SAR value is a special characteristic of antennas for medical ap-
plications and required to be evaluated to guarantee the safety for the human
body with regard to the RF radiation.
To verify the characteristics such as impedance matching and radiation pat-
tern of the body-matched antennas, two special antenna measurement sys-
tems are developed: the E-field probe based measurement system and the
planar-rectangular near-field measurement system. To approximate the di-
electric properties of human tissues (surrounding medium of body-matched
antennas) in the measurement, tissue-simulating liquid (PEG-water solution)
is used. The body-matched antennas must be immersed into the liquid in the
measurement. The results show that the E-field probe based antenna mea-
surement system enables a measurement of the radiation pattern at a short
distance to the body-matched antennas. However, the measurement distance
is limited (40-60 mm) in terms of SNR of the received signal due to the high
signal attenuation in tissue-simulating liquid. To obtain the far-field pattern of
the antennas, the planar-rectangular near-field measurement system is applied
to measure the electric near-fields. Then the far-field pattern is obtained by
using a NF-FF transformation. The verified results (compared to the simula-
tion results) confirm that these measurement systems are feasible to measure
the radiation far-field pattern of the body-matched antennas in the E- and
H-plane. In the following chapters, the emphasis will be on the near-field
pattern of these antennas, since the antennas will be operated at a short dis-
tance. Therefore, the E-field probe based antenna measurement system will
be used for the verification of the to-be-designed antennas.
After considering the characterization methods of body-matched antennas
and the development of the measurement systems, the implantable antennas
for data telemetry and on-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis will
be introduced in the following two chapters.
4. Implantable antennas for wireless
communication of IMDs
This chapter deals with one of the major microwave applications in the med-
ical field: data transmission between implanted and external devices. Based
on this application, this chapter focuses on the design of implantable antennas
in terms of their small size, high efficiency and robust performance. First, an
overview of the state-of-art research and challenges for the wireless commu-
nication of the IMDs are given. Based on these challenges and requirements
for the implantable antennas, the design of the stripline-fed double-layer slot
antennas is then provided together with miniaturization techniques to opti-
mize the antenna structures. The proposed antennas are intended to be im-
planted in the muscle tissues in the human body. The simulation results are
validated in the measurement using sugar-water solution, which emulates the
muscle tissues. This chapter is concluded with a performance comparison of
the three antennas with regard to their bandwidth, size, efficiency and sensi-
tivity against permittivity variation of the muscle tissues.
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
maintenance cost of devices), lowers the risk of infection due to the wires,
which leads to the increase of comfort for the patients. Furthermore, such
telemetry systems of IMDs have the possibility of monitoring the patient’s
physical state as well as controlling the functionalities of the devices at a cer-
tain distance between the external devices and the patient. The data can then
be transfered immediately to the medical center. In emergency situations,
it allows the immediate detection and treatment of physical abnormalities,
which results in time saving and eliminating hospitalization costs by home
care monitoring [SSC94].
To limit the radiation of RF devices and to guarantee a safe level of human
exposure to RF emissions, regulations are set up by the Federal Communica-
tions Commission (FCC) with regard to the operational frequency bands and
power limitations, which will be discussed in the following sections. Then,
the challenges of wireless performance for IMDs will be described.
Table 4.1.: Frequency bands and power limitations for medical devices ac-
cording to the FCC.
Band Frequency Maximum EIRP
MedRadio 401-406 MHz -16 dBm
ISM 2.4-2.5 GHz 20 dBm
As established by the FCC, the operational frequency bands for medical appli-
cations are mainly the Medical Device Radiocommunications Service (MedRa-
dio) from 401 MHz to 406 MHz and the Industrial, Scientific and Medical Ra-
dio (ISM) band from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz. The MedRadio band is used by a variety
of devices in and near the human body to extend the previously established
4.1. Overview of wireless communication of IMDs
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
4.2. Design of stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
addressed in the literature. For devices to be placed between skin and muscle,
for instance, a shorted pin on a spiral structure to the ground is introduced
[KRS04]. A smaller size of the proposed antenna was achieved compared to
the microstrip antenna. A four layer stacked triple band antenna was intro-
duced in [HLCC 11]. The electric path of the surface current has been length-
ened by the design of a meandered structure in [KHT08] and the antenna size
was significantly reduced. However, the antenna suffers from a limited band-
width of several tens of MHz. Moreover, a lower radiation efficiency of the
many implantable antennas have to be tolerated.
The goal of this chapter is to design a miniaturized implantable antenna with a
high efficiency, omni-directional radiation properties and robust performance
with the slight changing of the dielectric properties of tissues. To be able to
design a small-sized antenna, the ISM band (2.4 to 2.5 GHz) is chosen instead
of the MedRadio band. For the operation of the antenna in the ISM band,
the antenna must have a bandwidth larger than 100 MHz. In the following
section, the details of the design principles will be given.
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
4.2. Design of stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
In the case of a stripline configuration as shown in Figure 4.1 (b), the feed is
enclosed by two ground planes. No surface or leaky waves occur and hence
the crosstalk to the muscle tissues is prevented, i.e. no distortion of the radia-
tion pattern is introduced by the feed line. Furthermore, the wave impedance
of the stripline is independent of the dielectric property of the surrounding
tissues, since the electric fields are totally enclosed between the two ground
planes. This results in the elimination of dispersion and the propagation of
pure transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves.
For a size reduction of the antenna, a simple method is to increase the relative
permittivity "r and the thickness hs of the substrate. However, the increase
of "r;sub decreases the achievable bandwidth [KKYP01]. With increasing hs ,
fringing fields are enforced, leading to extension of the electric field lines over
the actual antenna geometry. The antenna appears electrically larger, resulting
in a shift of resonance frequency into the lower frequency range. However, for
large hs , the surface waves dominate. A part of the input power is converted in
surface waves instead of being radiated. In addition, reflection and scattering
at the substrate’s physical boundaries increase the cross-polarization level,
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
thus reducing the gain and the radiation efficiency. Also, the radiation pattern
is distorted. Therefore, "r and hs must be chosen carefully.
Another technique for size reduction is to increase the electrical length of the
radiator by introducing slots or fractal structures. Two planar implantable an-
tennas with meandered strips have been presented in [KHT08] and [KRS06].
In [KKYP01] the rectangular stripline-fed meandered slot antenna is investi-
gated. A significant reduction of the size of the antenna is obtained. However,
the antenna features a very narrow band. A slight frequency shift caused by
the change of the dielectric properties of tissues lead to the impedance mis-
match of the antenna and thus a reduced antenna efficiency. In this chapter, a
slot antenna combined with a meandered structure is proposed to maintain a
certain bandwidth of the antenna and to reduce the antenna size at the same
In the following sections, three different stripline-fed slot antennas are intro-
duced with the consideration of the challenges and problems mentioned in
section 4.1.2. The antennas are designed and characterized at the ISM band.
Among these antennas, the basic model is the antenna with equal-sized mean-
dered strips. The size of this antenna is then reduced by optimizing the shape
of the meandered strips and the ground, respectively, which results in two
miniaturized antennas. All three antennas are validated in the measurements
and discussed in the final section of this chapter.
4.2. Design of stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
(c) Side view of the whole structure (d) Perspective view of the whole
Figure 4.2.: Layout of the antenna M3-1 (Grey color denotes the metal).
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
at 2.45 GHz. The effective electrical length of the meandered strips can be
calculated by
Lsp D ksp D ksp p ; (4.1)
"r;eff f
where ksp is the fraction of the resonant wavelength (in this case is 34 ) and
f is the resonance frequency. The real electrical length of the meandered
strips is slightly different from the predicted one, since the parasitic effects
between the strips must be taken into account. The lumped circuit model
shown in Figure 4.3 aids the comprehension of the meandered antenna’s non-
ideal electric behavior [ESSK00]. In this model, each strip is represented by
the inductance of its magnetic field. The magnetic field lines rotate around
the metallic strips. At the edges of meandered strips charges accumulate to
induce a capacitive effect. Cascading each meandered segment results in the
final equivalent circuit. The open ended meandered strip is represented by
capacitances in order to model the fringing fields with the substrate. As the
structure is symmetrical to the xy-plane, Figure 4.3 depicts one half of the
equivalent circuit.
Figure 4.3.: Equivalent lumped circuit model of the antenna M3-1 with ca-
pacitances and inductances.
4.2. Design of stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
The resonance frequency of the slot antenna is related to the size of the slot (ls
and ws ), on which the size of whole antenna is dependent. Furthermore, by
optimizing the parameters of the meandered strips, the resonance frequency
can be also decreased. Therefore, the size of the slot can be reduced by in-
troducing the meandered strips while the resonance frequency is maintained.
Furthermore, increasing the length of the meandered strips le and decreasing
ld leads to a low resonance frequency, since the electrical length of meandered
strips is elongated. Moreover, the simulation results show that a large w2
leads to a low resonance frequency. Since the coupling within the meandered
strips is reduced by their increased distance (w2 ), the electrical length of the
strips is hence increased. The impedance matching becomes also better and
a strong resonance is obtained. However, the bandwidth is slightly reduced.
Therefore, a compromise has to be made between the resonance frequency
and bandwidth. The resonance frequency of the antenna shifts according to
the change of the dielectric properties of the muscle tissues (different individ-
uals). Therefore, a large bandwidth of the antenna enables the robustness of
the impedance matching (to be under -10 dB) of the implantable antenna at
the ISM band despite of a slight shift of the resonance frequency.
Observing the current distribution of the antenna in the simulation, the ground
size (wg , lg and the thickness of the slot edge) can be reduced without sig-
nificant modification to the antenna characteristics, since the strong surface
current is concentrated around the slot edge.
A semi-rigid coaxial cable (Farnell, RG402U) is used, which has an inner
diameter of 0.9 mm and an outer diameter of 3.58 mm, as the antenna feed.
The simulation result in Figure 4.4 (a) shows that the antenna fed by the
coaxial cable with a length of 5 cm has a similar impedance matching with
the one fed by a waveguide port in CST.
Now that the antenna characteristics have been determined, the conductivity
of muscle tissue (=1.73 S/m) is considered in the simulation to include the
losses caused by the phantom. From the result in Figure 4.4 (b), the change of
S11 and the resonance frequency is indistinguishable. Therefore, only a slight
optimization of some parameters is required to obtain a resonance frequency
at 2.45 GHz.
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
0 0
waveguide port σ= 0 S/m
−5 coaxial cable −5 σ= 1.73 S/m
−10 −10
S11 in dB
S11 in dB
−15 −15
−20 −20
−25 −25
−30 −30
−35 −35
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
(a) (b)
After the optimization procedure of all parameters, the final optimized pa-
rameters are given in Table 4.3. The M3-1 antenna has an overall size of
14:5 12:5 2:54 mm3 . The final version of this antenna has a relative band-
width of 19.5%, ranging from 2.16 to 2.68 GHz in simulation.
Though a compact size of the M3-1 antenna has been achieved, an even
smaller antenna size is of significance for the IMDs. Based on this model,
two further miniaturization techniques are introduced in the following sec-
tions. It has already been discussed that the coupling between the meandered
strips and the ground is essential for the radiation of the E-fields. To optimize
this coupling, the slot in section 4.2.2 and the meandered strips in section
4.2.3 are modified. The goal is to lower the resonance frequency by optimiz-
4.2. Design of stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
ing the electrical coupling between meandered strips and slot. In this way,
a small-sized antenna can be achieved, while maintaining the resonance fre-
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
a way that the strips are approximately above the middle of one meandered
segment, i.e. at xs D3.8 mm, the strip is located above the first short upper
meandered strip, continuing with xs D2.7 mm, where the strip is above the
second long meandered strip. The results in Figure 4.6 show a decrease of
the resonance frequency with a smaller xs . Furthermore, regarding the im-
pact of the additional metal structures on the radiation pattern, the radiation
maximum is split in two maximums in the xz-plane in the case of a large
xs D3.8 mm in simulation (see in Figure 4.7). It is because the intensity of
the surface current in the center of the meandered structure decreases. With
decreasing xs , however, the surface current on the inner two meandered arms
and on the ground layer (see in Figure 4.8) increases, thus forcing the peaks
to converge.
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
−15 −15
S11 in dB
S11 in dB
−20 −20
xs=3.8 mm es=2 mm
−25 −25
xs=2.7 mm es=4 mm
−30 −30
xs=2.3 mm es=6 mm
−35 xs=1.3 mm −35 es=8 mm
−40 −40
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
4.2. Design of stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
0 −2 −4 0 −2 −4 0 −2 −4
±180° −6 0° ±180° −6 0° ±180° −6 0°
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
As can be seen from the parameters in Table 4.5, the optimized M3-3 antenna
has an overall size of 12.9 10.15 mm2 , i.e. a size reduction of 27:8 % has
been achieved compared to the M3-1 antenna.
4.3. Verification of the stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
S11 in dB
S11 in dB
−15 −15
w4=1 mm w5=0.1 mm
−20 w4=2 mm −20 w5=0.2 mm
w4=3 mm w5=0.3 mm
−25 −25
w4=4 mm w5=0.4 mm
−30 −30
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
weight ratio (> 1:1) of sugar is required, which is not completely soluble in
water at room temperature.
To approximate the dielectric property of muscle tissues at 2.45 GHz, the
sugar content is finally experimentally determined (40.9%). Table 4.6 depicts
the weight ratio of the sugar-water solution for the tissue-equivalent phan-
tom. As can be seen in Figure 4.11, the approximation of the sugar-water
solution to muscle is sufficiently precise [GGC96, GLG96a]. Furthermore,
an attenuation constant of 4.89 dB/cm at 2.45 GHz can be determined.
Table 4.6.: Recipe for the sugar-water solution to emulate muscle tissues.
Ingredient weight ratio in %
Water 59.1
Sugar 40.9
70 10
Conductivity σ in S/m
Relative permittivity ε
40 6
30 4
10 muscle muscle
sugar−water solution sugar−water solution
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
Figure 4.11.: Dielectric properties of the sugar-water solution vs. muscle tis-
The antennas have been fabricated by etching the two substrates separately
and then bonding them with glue. To minimize the influence caused by the
additional dielectric (glue) between the substrates, the effect of the glue is
also examined in the simulation. Figure 4.12 shows the simulation results
4.3. Verification of the stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
of the M3-1 antenna in the case of a 0.2 mm thick adhesive layer placed be-
tween the two substrates. The conductivity of the muscle tissues is taken into
account in the simulation. The blue curve illustrates the S11 of the antenna
with a homogeneous distribution of the glue between the two substrates. Dis-
tributing the glue only along the borderline of the substrate with a width of
2 mm, the S11 (red color) is strongly degraded due to the presence of the air
gap between two substrates. The green curve shows S11 of the antenna, while
the glue is distributed only near the boundary of the rectangular substrate. In
this case, its influence on S11 is very slight. Thus, the last method is chosen
for gluing the substrates together.
The antennas are fed by a semi-rigid coaxial cable, which has an inner diam-
eter of 0.9 mm and an outer diameter of 3.58 mm, respectively. Figure 4.13
shows the prototypes of stripline-fed slot antennas. The size reduction of the
M3-2 and M3-3 can be clearly seen from the photos. In Figure 4.13 (a), the
substrates in the upper row have the Structure 1 (refer to Figure 4.2) on one
side and are free of copper on the other side, while the substrates in the lower
row are soldered with both Structure 1 and Structure 2. The fabricated proto-
types with semi-rigid cables are shown in Figure 4.13 (b). The antennas are
immersed in the sugar-water solution to measure the impedance matching of
the antennas.
Figure 4.14 provides the measured S11 compared with the simulated results.
The measured S11 of the three antennas agrees very well with the simulated
results. The resonance frequency of the measured S11 of the M3-1 antenna
is the same as the simulated one. However, a strong shift of the resonance
frequency of the measured S11 of the M3-2 antenna is identified. The S11 in
the whole ISM band from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz is not sufficiently good (under -10
dB), though the simulated antenna is matched in this frequency range. After
fabricating four prototypes, M3-2 indicates very high sensitivity of the perfor-
mance to the manufacturing tolerance. This is due to the displacement of the
two strips placed on the upper edge of both ground layers, which influences
the S11 and the radiation pattern. Moreover, the shift of the resonance fre-
quency of the antenna M3-3 is acceptable, since the antenna is still matched
from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz.
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
S11 in dB
1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 4.12.: Simulated S11 of the antenna M3-1 with different glue distri-
butions between substrates: homogeneous distribution between
the substrates (blue), along the borderline of the substrates with
a width of 2 mm (red), near the boundary of the substrate (green)
and without glue (black).
In the next step, the radiation patterns of the antennas are investigated. It is
assumed that the distance between the implantable antenna and the external
receiver is more than 50 mm. The radiation pattern of the antennas are charac-
terized at a distance of 70 mm (due to the geometrical limitation for the 360ı
rotation), which corresponds to the far-field of the antennas (Rff = 18 mm).
The experimental setup for antenna pattern measurements is illustrated in Fig-
ure 4.15. For the measurements, the coaxial cable is bent (see Figure 4.13) to
4.3. Verification of the stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
S11 in dB
S11 in dB
−15 −15
−20 −20
−25 −25
S11 in dB
−30 simulated
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 4.14.: Simulated and measured S11 of the three stripline-fed slot an-
position the antenna on the platform with motors. The antennas are suspended
vertically into sugar-water solution. The used cables are wrapped with tape
and polythene foil to waterproof them. The dimensions of the sugar-water
container are 406010 cm3 . Based on the respective antenna configura-
tions (see Figure 4.2, 4.5 and 4.9), the E-plane corresponds to the yz-plane,
whereas the H-plane is located in the xz-plane.
It can be observed in the measurement that the measured results are strongly
influenced by the accuracy of the location of the probe and AUT. The mis-
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
alignment of the probe and AUT can result in a shift of phase and amplitude,
thus further distorting the radiation pattern.
The measured radiation patterns in the E-plane and H-plane of three antennas
are shown in Figure 4.16, for co- and cross-polarization. It can be seen that
the main beam of the radiation pattern is normal to the surface of the antenna
structure (in ˙z directions).
In the H-plane, omni-directional patterns of all the three antennas can be iden-
tified. A cross-polarization suppression of 10 dB can be estimated. Different
main lobes at multiples of 45ı can be observed in cross-polarization. This is
because of the surface current existing at the corners of the slotted ground,
which causes radiation in cross-polarization in H-plane (xz-plane).
4.3. Verification of the stripline-fed double-layer slot antennas
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
0 −10
0 −10 −20 −30 −40
90° −20 −30 −90° 90° −90°
0 −10 0 −10
−20 −30 −40 −20 −30 −40
90° −90° 90° −90°
0 −10
0 −10 −20 −30 −40
90° −20 −30 −90° 90° −90°
4. Implantable antennas for wireless communication of IMDs
4.4. Summary
4.4. Summary
5. On-body matched antennas for
medical diagnosis
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
5.2. Design procedure
Reflection between air and human skin Since the antenna should be
optimized for operation directly on the skin, a good contact between the
antenna and skin is needed. The sensitivity of the antenna performance
regarding imperfect contact must be investigated. In the case of a non-
flat surface such as the skin on head with hairs, matching materials
should be used.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
Step 2: The antenna is simulated with the free space region on one side
and a realistic tissue-simulating phantom including its frequency dis-
persion and conductivity. A parameter tuning is performed with the ex-
perience from the parameter study in step 1. The impedance matching
and radiation pattern of the antenna are investigated. The parameters
of the antenna are then updated.
Step 3: A further study (i.e. SAR) of the antenna together with a com-
plicated multilayer human phantom shown in Figure 5.1 (b) is per-
formed. In this configuration, the realistic permittivities of different
tissues and the multi-reflections of different layers are taken into ac-
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
The final optimized parameters can be imported into the models in step 1 and
2 to obtain different characteristics of the antenna (gain, radiation pattern,
etc.). After the optimization steps, the antennas are fabricated for the verifi-
cation by measurement with respect to the impedance matching and radiation
pattern in the tissue-simulating liquid. The tissue-simulating liquid emulates
the dielectric properties of the human tissues. A slight modification of the
antenna dimensions can be made after the analysis of the measured results.
After introducing of the challenges and the design principle of the on-body
matched wideband antennas, different concepts of developing these antennas
are described in the following sections. The antennas are characterized in
different operational frequency bands with the focus on the miniaturization
of the antennas.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
antennas suffer from the problem of the beam width and main beam direction
varying over frequency as well as over the changing permittivity of the hu-
man tissues. To achieve a stable main beam direction in the whole frequency
range, symmetrical radiating element with differential feed is adopted. The
goal is to obtain a sufficiently large bandwidth and high radiation efficiency
as well as a good penetration into human tissues.
In this section, the design of UWB slot antennas based on the concept in
[ABWZ09, Ada10] using a new design procedure and miniaturization tech-
nique, is investigated. The antenna is characterized from 1 to 7 GHz (lower
frequencies refer from 1 to 3 GHz, while higher frequencies are from 3 GHz
in the later discussion). Due to the large wavelength at 1 GHz, three different
slots for the miniaturization of the antenna size are investigated and verified
both in simulation and measurement: double elliptical slot, sector-like slot
and stepped slot, which are discussed in succession in the following sections.
Then, an optimized feed network is introduced to reduce the overall size of
the antennas.
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
(a) Elliptically shaped monopoles (top (b) Double elliptical slot (bottom view)
cal radiation pattern, which can be optimized to be very stable over the op-
erational frequency range. In this way the phase center (whose position is
frequency independent) of the radiation is located exactly in between the two
monopoles at the center of the structure due to the symmetry of the current
distribution [ABWZ09]. This indicates that the radiating impulse of this an-
tenna features a low distortion and a high fidelity.
The lowest operational frequency of the slotted wideband antenna can gener-
ally be written as
fL D p (5.1)
Cs "r;eff
where Cs is the circumference of the slot and "r;eff is the effective relative
permittivity of the substrate. Therefore, to achieve a low operation frequency,
either a large circumference of the slot or a high-permittivity substrate should
be used.
Compared to a single elliptical slot with the same dimensions, the double-
elliptical slot on the ground plane with the same length and width increases
the circumference, thus lowering the operation frequency without changing
the overall size of the antenna. As a result, the lower operational frequency is
further decreased and the overall bandwidth is increased.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
reducing the size of the slot and the distance of the two elliptically shaped
monopoles in the y direction. Overall, the slot width is increased only in
the x direction so that a small distance between two monopoles and the slot
edges can be maintained. In this way, the grating lobes are suppressed at the
higher frequencies and a desirable radiation pattern can be realized for a wide
frequency range.
Figure 5.3.: The arrangement of the double-elleptical slot antenna and phan-
In practice, two differential signals must be fed to the two ports of the an-
tenna. Two RF cables for two ports must also be exactly the same to maintain
their 180ı phase difference. To eliminate this feeding issue, an additional
differential feed network is desirable to be connected directly to the antenna
element. The differential feed network [ABWZ09] is a wideband divider with
differential outputs applied to excite the differential signals. It is made from
the same substrate as the antenna to minimize the attenuation caused by the
interconnection between the feed network and the antenna. The feed network
with a size of 52261.27 mm3 is shown in Figure 5.4 (a) and is optimized
for the operation from 1 to 10 GHz.
To connect the feed network with the antenna element, the ground plane of
the antenna element is moved to the top side as shown in Figure 5.4 (b). The
connection of the feed network and the antenna is in such a way that the ports
2 and 3 in Figure 5.4 (a) are connected to the respective port of the same label
in Figure 5.4 (b). For the differential feed setup, the microstrip line at port 2
is connected to the monopole while the ground of port 3 is connected to the
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
(a) Feed network (top and bottom sides superimposed) (b) Radiator element on top side
Figure 5.4.: The layout of the double elliptical slot antenna and differential
feed network (condcutors are grey; unit: mm).
monopole. The feed signal is channeled into the feed network from port 1.
Figure 5.5 illustrates the perspective view of the slot antenna together with
the feed network.
The arrangement of the antenna element and feed network is illustrated in
Figure 5.3 (b). With this configuration, the signals are radiated perpendicu-
larly to the surface of the underside of the antenna (without the ground plane)
into human body. The overall size of the antenna is 263552 mm3 .
Figure 5.5.: The perspective view of double-elliptical slot antenna with feed
network (circular points indicate the electrical connections be-
tween feed network and radiating element).
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
S11 in dB
S11 in dB
−15 −15
−20 −20
simulated in PEG
−25 −25 measured in PEG
measured on skin
−30 −30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
p D ; (5.2)
Pbody C Pair
where Pbody and Pair are the total radiated power into the human body and in
free space region (refer to 5.3 (b)), respectively.
The ratio of the radiation energy into the human body can be also described by
the front-to-back ratio. The front-to-back ratio indicates the ratio of radiated
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
in dB
ε =15
−20 ε =20
ε =25
−25 r
ε =30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 5.7.: Simulated S11 of the double-elliptical slot antenna with varied
relative permittivity "r of phantom ( =0 S/m).
power between the front and rear of a directional antenna (the front side of
the antenna points to the human body), which is defined as
F=B D : (5.3)
It can be seen from (5.3) that a high penetration efficiency yields a high front-
to-back ratio.
The penetration efficiency of the double-elliptical slot antenna with varying
relative permittivity of the phantom is investigated. The results (see Figure
5.8) show that, in case of "r D 1, a penetration efficiency of only about 50%
is obtained. Increasing the relative permittivity of the phantom to 10, p is
mostly above 80%. However, p increases slightly with the increasing relative
permittivity (from 10 to 40) of the phantom. The reason is, as discussed in the
last paragraph, that the radiator is placed between free space region and the
substrate with "r;sub D 10:2 and thus the dielectric contrast of materials placed
on the two sides of radiator cannot be changed significantly by the relative
permittivity of phantom. At 7 GHz, the radiation into free space increases at
the higher "r (e.g. 30). On the other hand, p for a relative permittivity of
the phantom from 10 to 40 is relatively high (> 0.7) in the whole operating
frequency range. It can be concluded that the high p is achieved due to
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
the configuration of the antenna in direct contact with the human body. The
relative permittivity of tissues (larger than 20) will not affect strongly p of
the proposed slot antenna.
With "r D 20, 80% of the radiated energy (refer to Figure 5.9) is coupled into
the phantom, which indicates a front-to-back ratio of larger than 6 dB. From 3
to 6 GHz, the antenna has a p of about 0.9 (F/B >9.5 dB). It can be therefore
noted that the double-elliptical slot antenna in direct contact with human body
features a high penetration efficiency and front-to-back ratio.
40 1
Relative permittivity of phantom εr
25 0.6
1 ηp 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz
Although the radiation gain (far-field) cannot be achieved in the real scenario
due to the presence of lossy human tissues, this is a measure of the designed
antenna regarding its radiation efficiency and directivity. The simulated max-
imum gain of the antenna in the main beam direction with the phantom is
shown in Figure 5.9. The results show that the antenna has a relatively high
and very constant gain (> 8 dBi) from 2 to 8 GHz. A smaller gain is observed
at the lower frequencies. It is due to the antenna being electrically small
in terms of wavelength at the lower frequencies, which results in a broad
beamwidth of the radiation pattern without a high directivity. On the other
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
hand, the radiation above 7 GHz is not applicable, since the reflection from
the targets is too weak to be detected due to the very high signal attenuation.
Yet for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz, the antenna features a very high
radiation gain compared to conventional wideband antennas in free space.
15 1
Penetration efficiency ηp
Gain in dBi
Gain 0.1
Penetration efficiency
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz
Since the antenna is in direct contact with the human body, it is of significance
to characterize the near-field pattern. However, the standard free space an-
tenna measurement cannot be used and hence the measurement is performed
in the PEG-water solution with a similar dielectric property as the human
body. For the measurement, the antenna has to be watertight (shown in Fig-
ure 3.8) so that the free space region on the top side will not be affected by
the tissue-simulating liquid.
The simulated and measured near-field (Rff =63 mm at 1 GHz, r= 40 mm) pat-
tern in the E-plane and H-plane in PEG-water solution at different frequencies
are shown in Figure 5.10 and 5.11, respectively. This distance corresponds to
the average thickness of fat and muscle tissues of the human abdomen. The
results are limited to 4 GHz due to a high signal attenuation in PEG-water
solution at the higher frequencies in the measurement and the VNA used for
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
measurement has a limited dynamic range. From the results, it can be ob-
served that the differential feed and the symmetry of the antenna geometry
provide a good symmetrical near-field pattern of the antenna. The radiation
direction of the main beam is found to be very stable over a broad frequency
range due to the phase center being in the middle of the antenna.
Slight differences (e.g. directivity and side lobes) between simulated and
measured results are caused by different boundary condition. To reduce the
simulation time, the calculated volume is strongly reduced using open bound-
ary (reflections at the boundary are not considered) in CST compared to the
measurement scenario. Moreover, an automatic interpolation of the frequency-
dependent permittivity of the medium must be tolerated in the simulation tool
to enable the convergence of the solver. However, the similar run of the curves
between simulated and measured results is used for the verification purpose.
In the E-plane (yz-plane), a narrow beam is identified with increasing fre-
quency. At 3 GHz and 4 GHz, the pattern features sidelobes as expected in
the analysis mentioned in the design principle of this antenna. A wider pat-
tern is observed in the simulation than in the measurement. This is because
the measured scenario is not exactly the same as the open boundary in the
simulation. It is also due to the high sensitivity of the measured results to the
geometrical arrangement of the AUT as mentioned in 3.2.1. In the H-plane
(xz-plane), a very similar shape of the near-field patterns can be seen at dif-
ferent frequencies. The beamwidth of the near-field pattern becomes wider
with increasing frequency.
It can be concluded that the double-elliptical slot antenna in direct contact
with human body exhibits a very good impedance matching from 1.35 to
9 GHz. This antenna features good impedance matching, very high gain,
front-to-back ratio and hence very good penetration ability into human body
based on the simulation results. Observing the near-field pattern of the an-
tenna, a stable main beam direction is expected due to the symmetric radiat-
ing structure. Regarding the simulated gain and pattern, the operational band
of the antenna is limited to 7 GHz due to strong sidelobes and grating lobes at
the higher frequencies. Based on the analysis in chapter 2, the reflections at
the higher frequencies above 7 GHz are too weak to be detected. Hence, the
double-elliptical slot antenna with a size of 263552 mm3 can be operated
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
Figure 5.12.: Layout and photos of the sector-like slot antenna (conductors
are grey).
The parameter s2 in Figure 5.12 is important for the radiation at high frequen-
cies since a strong surface current at high frequencies is observed at the two
steps being closed to the monopoles. The impedance matching of the input
port in the whole frequency band is achieved by optimizing e1 , e2 , ˛, s1 and
s2 . The optimized values of the parameters are given in Table 5.1. The steps
between the two sectors are introduced to suppress the high mode current
distribution at high frequencies that result in significant sidelobes and grating
lobes in the radiation pattern as mentioned in the previous section. By using
these steps, the distance between two monopoles s1 can be reduced (maintain
the radius of the slot), which leads to suppress the sidelobes and grating lobes
at the higher frequencies [Yan11] [34].
The two monopoles are fed by the same differential feed network from the
previous section. The arrangement of the antenna and the feed network is
shown in Figure 5.12 (b) and (c). The arrangement of antenna, feed network
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
in dB
11 −15
simulated in PEG
−25 measured in PEG
measured on skin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
15 1
Penetration efficiency ηp
Gain in dBi
Gain 0.1
Penetration efficiency
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
Figure 5.17.: Layout and photos of the stepped-slot antenna (conductors are
grey, unit: mm).
The sidelobes and grating lobes at high frequencies (especially in the yz-
plane) can be minimized by reducing the size of the slot and the distance
of the two elliptically shaped monopoles in the y-direction. Furthermore,
due to the structure of the stepped-slot, the surface current is concentrated at
the edges of the steps (see in Figure 5.18 at different frequencies). Hence
the size of the ground area can be significantly reduced (reducing the dis-
tance between the slot and the edge of the ground) without influencing the
impedance matching of the antenna input port, since the current distribution
on the ground at different frequencies is not significantly changed. The final
size of the antenna is optimized to be 263552 mm3 .
The S11 in Figure 5.19 shows that the simulated antenna is matched to the
phantom of the human body from 1 to 9 GHz. The measured result in PEG-
water solution shows the S11 is under -10 dB in the frequency range from 1.07
to 9 GHz. At high frequencies, a lower S11 is observed in the measurement.
The simulated maximal gain of the antenna in contact with the phantom is
shown in Figure 5.20. The results show that the antenna has a relatively high
and constant gain (> 10 dBi) from 3 to 9 GHz. A small gain is observed at
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
in dB
simulated in PEG
−25 measured in PEG
measured on skin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 5.19.: Simulated and measured S11 of the stepped-slot antenna over
the lower frequencies due to the antenna being electrically small in terms of
wavelength at the lower frequencies. Moreover, the simulated penetration
efficiency confirms that more than 80% of the radiated energy can penetrate
into the phantom (human body).
The simulated and measured near-field patterns at a distance of 40 mm from
the antenna at different frequencies are shown in Figure 5.21 and 5.22. Sym-
metrical patterns both in the E-plane and H-plane are observed with a stable
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
15 1
Penetration efficiency ηp
Gain in dBi
Gain 0.1
Penetration efficiency
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency f in GHz
main beam direction due to the phase center being constant over the whole
frequency range. It can be seen that the pattern in the E-plane at 3 and 4
GHz features lower sidelobes compared to that of the sector-like slot antenna
in Figure 5.15. The reason is that the distance of the two steps (y-direction)
near the two monopoles is reduced but the lower frequency is maintained
from the miniaturization technique used in this design.
The simulated and experimental results have shown that the stepped-slot an-
tenna is able to radiate in the frequency range from 1 GHz to at least 7
GHz when placed on the human body. The lowest operational frequency
of 1.07 GHz is achieved while the antenna size of 263552 mm3 maintains
compared to the double-elliptical slot antenna.
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
A further size reduction of the feed network using microstrip lines (see in
Figure 5.4) is limited by the /4 impedance transformer and tapered ground.
Moreover, the connection between the feed network and the radiator intro-
duces further impedance mismatch and loss. Therefore, a new concept of
using aperture coupling and a slotline is developed as shown in Figure 5.23.
The signal is fed to the microstrip line and transmitted to the slotline through
an aperture coupling. The orientation of the E-field along the slotline illus-
trated in Figure 5.23 (a) causes a differential feed to the monopoles of the
radiator. The antenna using this concept is shown in Figure 5.23 (b) and (c).
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
The Koch-shape (fractal structure) [KGAC 09] on the ground plane of the
feed network is applied to prevent the radiation of the feed network at the
lower frequencies. Since the feed network is connected to the stepped slot
radiator, the Koch-shape between the slotlines and monopoles become a loop,
which excites unwanted radiation. The direction of this unwanted radiation
is normal to the surface of the feed network and the excited frequency is
dependent on the circumference of the slot edge. The Koch-shape enables
the increase of the circumference within a small area of the ground and hence
decrease its resonance frequency down to 1 GHz. A small l2 and hence small-
sized feed network can be achieved.
(a) E-field distribution (b) Photo of the antenna (c) Photo of the antenna
along the slotline (left side) (right side)
Figure 5.23.: Design of the stepped slot antenna with the slotline feed network
((a): top and bottom sides superimposed).
The layout of the slotline feed network is shown in Figure 5.24. The rect-
angular shapes (with dimensions of w3 and l3 ) at the right upper and lower
corner on the top side must be soldered together with the slotted ground of
the antenna. In this way, the feed network can be fixed stably together with
the stepped slot antenna. The width of the slotline on the boundary of the
feed network is exactly the same as the distance between monopoles and the
slotted ground in the middle of the radiator structure. Therefore, this con-
cept allows for a stable connection between the feed network (slotline) and
radiator. The important design parameters are given in Table 5.2.
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
Figure 5.24.: Layout of the slotline feed network (top and bottom sides super-
imposed, conductor is grey).
From the simulated and measured S11 as shown in Figure 5.25, it can be ob-
served that a good impedance matching is achieved from 1 to 7 GHz. The
measured result in PEG-water solution shows that the lowest operational fre-
quency is 1.25 GHz, while that of the measurement on the skin is 1.1 GHz.
The impedance matching around 7 GHz is about -7.8 dB (measured in PEG-
water solution), affected by the impedance matching of the slotline feed net-
work. This is because the slotline feed network exhibits a relatively smaller
bandwidth compared with the microstrip feed network (matched from 1 to
10 GHz) [Shu88]. However, the impedance matching of this antenna up to
7 GHz has fulfilled the requirement for microwave medical diagnosis based
on the analysis mentioned in chapter 2.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
in dB
11 −15
simulated in PEG
−25 measured in PEG
measured on skin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 5.25.: Simulated and measured S11 of the stepped slot antenna with
slotline feed network over frequency.
5.3. Differentially-fed slot antennas for the operational band from 1 to 7 GHz
15 1
Penetration efficiency ηp
Gain in dBi
Gain 0.1
Penetration efficiency
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency f in GHz
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
Figure 5.27.: Simulated and measured near-field pattern of the stepped slot
antenna with slotline feed network (r= 40 mm), E-plane (yz-
plane) for co-polarization (normalized in dB).
In conclusion, by introducing the new slotline feed network, the antenna size
is reduced to 263536.5 mm3 compared to the antenna with microstrip feed
network (263552 mm2 ). The characteristics of the new antenna maintain
the desirable operational frequency range from 1 to 7 GHz.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
Figure 5.28.: Simulated and measured near-field pattern of the stepped slot
antenna with slotline feed network (r= 40 mm), H-plane (xz-
plane) for co-polarization (normalized in dB).
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
In the literature, there are only a few contributions about antennas with very
low operational frequency (< 1 GHz) for medical diagnosis. In [TP08], a tri-
angular microstrip antenna with a resonance frequency at 0.7 GHz was pro-
posed for stroke detection using an electromagnetic time-domain inversion al-
gorithm. However, the antenna has a large size of 4046 mm2 . A small-sized
antenna is regarded as a major challenge for very low operational frequency,
since a large number of elements in an array for improving the imaging result
are required.
Therefore, the goal of the further antenna development is to design anten-
nas having the lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz for a deep penetra-
tion into human tissues (e.g. brain or heart) and with an antenna size of not
larger than 3535 mm2 (the largest dimensions of the differentially-fed slot
antennas). For that reason, two antenna concepts are introduced in the follow-
ing sections. First, a dual-band slotted Bowtie antenna with microstrip feed
and aperture-coupling is described. It is followed by a Bowtie antenna using
folded structures with meandered lines and a coaxial-feed. Both of these two
antennas provide a lowest operational frequency of about 0.5 GHz.
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
Considering the radiation mechanisms, the EM waves are coupled from the
microstrip line to the slotted Bowtie and are radiated. To achieve a broadband
impedance matching, the spline curve and the tapered section of the slotted
Bowtie are used in addition. Moreover, in Figure 5.31, the E-field distribution
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
between the slotted Bowtie is illustrated, which also indicates the polarization
of the radiated waves.
Regarding the first operational band, a resonance of the surface current along
the slotted Bowtie is excited, which enables the radiation of the E-fields. The
central frequency of this band is determined by the circumference of the slot:
fL D p ; (5.4)
Cs "r;eff
where Cs is the circumference of the slot and is determined as:
Cs D 2 ds1 C 2lx1 C 2lsp :
At the second band (high frequencies), the radiation of the traveling waves
along the slotted Bowtie occurs. The EM waves propagate from the center
point of the slotted Bowtie to the left and right side, respectively. Therefore,
the radiations along the slot at the both sides have to be taken into account.
With a large aperture of the slot in the x direction, grating lobes at the higher
frequencies can be observed. The main pattern in the xz-plane is split into
different maximums. This can be minimized by reducing the size of the slot
in x-direction. In the optimization procedure, the slot widths (ds1 and ds2 )
are increased in y-direction so that the same circumference for the first band
is maintained. In this way, the grating lobes are suppressed at the higher
frequencies. The substrate Rogers RT 6010 and thickness of 0.635 mm is
chosen for the antenna design and fabrication.
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
S11 in dB
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
measured on skin
−5 measured in PEG
simulated in PEG
in dB
0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency f in GHz
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
to the surface of the antenna. In the H-plane, the patterns are very similar at
0.6 GHz, 1 GHz and 2 GHz.
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
balun (on structure 2 and 3) using a microstrip line is used to convert the un-
balanced coaxial feed to symmetrical (balanced) feed for the Bowtie structure.
The inner conductor of the coaxial cable is connected through the microstrip
on structure 2 to the left triangle on structure 1, while the outer conductor of
coaxial cable is connected to the right triangle. Two vias allow the connection
between different structures.
Regarding the current distribution as shown in Figure 5.37, a strong current
exists around the two feed points on the Bowtie structure and flows further
to the two sides. At 0.5 GHz (lower frequency) the current is concentrated
along the meandered line at the top side. A long electrical length at this
frequency can clearly be identified. At the higher frequencies (e.g. 1.5 GHz),
as expected in the analysis, the current flows along the Bowtie structure with
higher intensity and lower current density on the meandered line is observed,
which results in a low influence of the meandered structure with regard to the
impedance matching at high frequencies [Bar12].
Details of the parameter study regarding the impedance matching are de-
scribed in the following paragraphs. All relavant parameters are shown in
Figure 5.36. Increasing w1 , the impedance matching at high frequencies is
improved and hence the bandwidth of the antenna is increased significantly
(see in Figure 5.38 (a)). However, the S11 degrades at the higher frequen-
cies when the value of w1 becomes too large (e.g. 14.8 mm) due to the bad
impedance matching at the feed points of the Bowtie structure. Furthermore,
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
is because the feed points are too close to the middle of the Bowtie structure
resulting in very high input impedance between the two feed points at the
higher frequencies. The impedance mismatch is caused by the connection at
the higher frequencies from the coaxial cable to the Bowtie structure by vias.
Since the antenna is matched to the human skin and the dielectric property of
human skin differ among people, the sensitivity of the antenna to the permit-
tivity of the human skin is investigated. The simulations are performed with
4 different permittivities of the phantom (see Figure 5.35). The simulated S11
in Figure 5.39 shows that the curves shift slightly to the low frequency region
with higher permittivity of phantom since the wavelength in the phantom with
high relative permittivity becomes smaller. The frequency shift at the lowest
operating frequency is weaker than that at the highest operating frequency.
This is due to the current distribution on the meandered line, which mostly
contributes to the radiation at low frequencies, being not strongly affected
by the change of the relative permittivity of the phantom. Furthermore, the
bandwidth remains almost the same. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
impedance matching of the antenna is not degraded strongly, when the dielec-
tric property of human skin changes slightly. Therefore, the antenna shows
low sensitivity to the permittivity of human skin and is applicable for diag-
nostics on different parts of human body or different patients.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
S11 in dB
S11 in dB
−15 −15
w1=10 mm w2=4 mm
−20 w1=13.2 mm −20 w2=8 mm
w1=14.5 mm w2=10 mm
−25 −25
w1=14.8 mm w2=14 mm
−30 −30
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
Figure 5.38.: Simulated S11 of the double-layer folded Bowtie antenna with
different widths w1 and w2 .
For the purpose of the comparison with regard to the size reduction, the
double-layer folded Bowtie antenna and a reference antenna (regular Bowtie
antenna) are shown in Figure 5.40. The designs of these antennas having the
same operational frequency band (0.5 to 2 GHz in this work) are based on the
configuration shown in Figure 5.35.
in dB
ε =30
−20 ε =35
ε =40
−25 r
ε =45
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 5.39.: Simulated S11 of the proposed antenna with different Permittiv-
ities (r ) of the phantom (=0 S/m).
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
Figure 5.40.: Layout of the reference antenna (regular Bowtie antenna) and
the doubled-layer Bowtie antenna.
After the initial optimization of the antenna with the phantom ("r =35, =0
S/m), a further optimization of the antenna is performed using realistic di-
electric properties (PEG-water solution) to include the conductivity and fre-
quency dispersion. The final optimized parameters of the antenna are given
in Table 5.5. The size of the optimized antenna (30 30 mm2 ) remains.
The fabricated antenna is shown in Figure 5.42. Figure 5.43 shows the simu-
lated S11 in PEG and the measured S11 in PEG-water solution and on human
skin. The antenna is finally optimized in PEG-water solution with S11 below
-10 dB from 0.5 to 2 GHz with a relative bandwidth of 120 %.
The simulated and measured results in PEG-water solution have very similar
run of the curves. The simulated S11 is below -10 dB in the whole frequency
range from 0.5 to 2 GHz, while the measured S11 indicates a slightly lower
operational frequency of 0.45 GHz. The difference at around 1 GHz of S11
could be caused by leaking of PEG-water solution into the free space region
at the top of the antenna. However, this problem can be avoided in a real
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
folded Bowtie antenna
reference antenna
in dB
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 5.41.: Simulated S11 of the proposed antenna and the reference an-
tenna with the phantom (r =35, =0 S/m).
measurement scenario on the human body, since the antennas are in contact
with the human body and tissue-simulating liquid is not required.
The measured S11 on the human skin shows a better S11 in a realistic sce-
nario. Two very strong resonances can be observed due to the presence of
multi-reflections between the multilayer tissues. The S11 of -10 dB, ranging
from 0.44 GHz to at least 2 GHz, shows a bandwidth of more than 1.5 GHz.
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
(a) Front side (b) Back side (c) Antenna with cavity
Figure 5.42.: Photos of the fabricated antenna with coaxial cable and cavity
of Styrofoam.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
simulated in PEG
−5 measured in PEG
measured on skin
in dB −10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Frequency f in GHz
Figure 5.43.: Simulated and measured S11 of the double-layer folded Bowtie
50 1
Relative permittivity of phantom εr
20 ηp 0.5
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Frequecy f in GHz
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
8 1
Penetration efficiency ηp
Gain in dBi
4 0.5
Penetration efficiency 0.1
0 0
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Frequency f in GHz
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
and feeding structures. In the E-plane, minor sidelobes can be seen. The
beamwidth in the H-plane is wider than in the E-plane and the pattern are
very similar at different frequencies.
0° 0°
30° −30° 30° −30°
5.4. On-body matched antennas with a lowest operational frequency of 0.5 GHz
The radiated E-fields in different tissues in the simulation are recorded and the
corresponding SAR values are calculated by (3.11). The density of different
tissues according to [BBH70] are used. As results, the 10 g averaged SAR
distribution of the cross section in skin and grey matter are depicted in Figure
5.49 and 5.50 at different frequencies, respectively. The input power of 1 mW
is used to calculate the SAR.
As can be seen in these results, the distributions at different frequencies
are similar but however with different intensity. At the higher frequencies
(e.g. 2 GHz), the SAR values are higher than at the lower frequencies. This
is due to the higher penetration efficiency and gain at the higher frequen-
cies, which result in stronger E-fields in tissues. Moreover, a large con-
ductivity also contributes to higher SAR values at the higher frequencies.
In the grey matter, the SAR values decrease compared to in the skin layer,
since the E-fields are attenuated during the propagation from the skin to grey
matter. Overall, the maximum value in the model is 0.06 W/kg (10 g tis-
sue), which fulfills the requirements for general public exposure according to
[oNiRPI98, Com01, CLC95].
Figure 5.48.: Simulation model of the human head with the double-layer
folded Bowtie antenna for evaluation of the SAR.
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
Figure 5.49.: Simulated SAR distributions in the human head for an input
power of 1 mW: slices of SAR at z D 0:5 mm in the skin layer.
5.5. Summary
Figure 5.50.: Simulated SAR distributions in the human head for an input
power of 1 mW: slices of SAR at z D 5 mm in the grey matter
high gain, efficiency and front-to-back ratio will improve the SNR of radar
imaging system.
5.5. Summary
In reviewing the design challenges of on-body matched antennas, the general
design principles of these antennas were established with the aid of promoting
the optimization procedures and guaranteeing the simulation accuracy. The
efficiency of the proposed design procedure for on-body matched antenna is
reflected significantly in the development of the proposed antennas in this
5. On-body matched antennas for medical diagnosis
A short overview of the developed on-body matched antennas are given in Ta-
ble 5.6 with respect to the different characteristics in simulation and measure-
ment. Regarding the operational frequency band, the developed antennas can
be divided into two categories. The differentially-fed slot antennas belong to
the first category, which exhibits impedance matching in the frequency range
from around 1 to 7 GHz. These antennas can be used for microwave medical
imaging, where high range resolution and hence a large bandwidth are desir-
able. The studies of different concepts of slotted ground and feed networks
showed that the lowest operational frequency was improved slightly. How-
ever, the size reduction of the antenna was of great significance for the overall
size and performance of the imaging system based on these antennas.
All of these four slot antennas indicated a stable phase center over the whole
operated frequency range and a high front-to-back ratio. Among these, the
stepped-slot antenna with slotline feed network features the smallest antenna
size (263536.5 mm3 ) and lowest operational frequency of 1.1 GHz, which
shows a high potential for medical imaging systems (e.g. radar imaging)
for the detection of breast cancer, stroke in human brain and other relevant
medical diagnosis.
For a deeper penetration of EM waves into human tissues (e.g. brain or
heart), two modified Bowtie antennas with a lowest operational frequency
of 0.5 GHz were designed. The dual-band aperture coupled Bowtie antenna
5.5. Summary
6. Body-matched antennas based
microwave medical imaging
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
6.1. Measurement setup for microwave medical imaging
The phantom can be produced in three steps: in the first step, the water and
sugar are mixed in a pan at room temperature and heated to 60ı C. Then, the
gelatin is added into the mixture. The mixture must be stirred for it to be ho-
mogeneous at around 60ı C. In the final step, the mixture is carefully poured
into a container (to avoid/remove any air bubbles in the mixture or on the sur-
face) and quickly cooled to 8ı C in a refrigerator to avoid any inhomogeneity
that might be caused during the cooling process.
Since the measurements with phantom can take a long time and must be re-
peatable (after a few days), the mixture must be stable with regard to the
dielectric properties for a long period. For this purpose, a test phantom (sugar
45%, gelatin 10%, water 45%) was measured three times after different time
periods and its dielectric property is plotted in Figure 6.1. It can be observed
that a stable dielectric porperty is guaranteed during a period of one week
and the conductivity decreases slightly after 3 weeks due to the reduced water
content in the mixture. In conclusion, the dielectric property of the phantom
based on this concept is very stable for the period of one week. Furthermore,
the homogeneity and fixed shape of the whole phantom can be guaranteed.
Based on this concept, the brain phantom including blood and averaged brain
tissue can be constructed. The ingredients with weight ratio for the blood and
averaged brain tissues, based on the concept discussed before, are provided
in Table 6.1 [Gee12].
The shape of the blood and brain phantoms are shown in Figure 6.2. The
blood phantom is enclosed within a thin latex bag with a length of 3 cm and
radius of 0.5 cm. The averaged brain tissue consists of a cylindrical section
(length of 20 cm and radius of 7.5 cm) and a half spherical section as shown
in Figure 6.2 (c). The blood phantom is then placed inside the averaged brain
tissue. The exact location of the blood phantom will be given later. The
presence of the latex between the blood and averaged brain tissue affects the
reflection behavior only very slightly thanks to the low thickness of the latex
(less than 0.1 mm) compared to the wavelength in the operation frequency
Figure 6.3 provides the measured relative permittivities and conductivities of
the blood and averaged brain tissue of the constructed phantom. In compar-
ison, the references of the dielectric properties of blood and averaged brain
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
60 9
on the first day 8 on the first day
50 after one week after one week
Conductivity σ in S/m
after three weeks
Relative permittivity εr
Figure 6.1.: Comparison of the relative permittivity (a) and (b) conductivity
of the test phantom, measured on the first day, after one week and
three weeks.
Table 6.1.: Ingredients of blood and averaged brain tissue for the brain phan-
tom with their weight ratios.
Tissue Gelatin in % Sugar in % Distilled water in %
Blood 11 15 74
Averaged brain tissue 6 47 47
(a) Phantom of blood (b) Top view of whole phan- (c) Side view of whole
tom phantom
Figure 6.2.: Photos of the brain phantom for hemorrhagic stroke detection.
6.1. Measurement setup for microwave medical imaging
tissue according to the Cole-Cole equation are also plotted. The reference
of averaged brain tissue is the average of the permittivity of the skin, skull,
grey and white matter. Both the relative permittivity and conductivity of the
blood phantom agree very well with the reference. The relative permittiv-
ity and conductivity of the averaged brain tissue indicate a slight difference
compared to its reference. The conductivity of the averaged brain tissue is
larger than that of the reference in almost the whole frequency range from 1
to 7 GHz. It increases the signal attenuation and makes the detection more
difficult (considered as a worse case). The large difference of the relative per-
mittivity between blood and averaged brain tissue can be clearly seen and can
be utilized for the detection of the blood phantom due to the large contrast of
the dielectric properties at their boundary.
70 12
blood phantom
60 blood reference
phantom (averaged brain tissue)
Relative permittivity εr
20 blood phantom
blood reference
10 2
phantom (averaged brain tissue)
reference (averaged brain tissue)
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency f in GHz Frequency f in GHz
Figure 6.3.: Relative permittivities and conductivities of the blood and aver-
aged brain tissue compared with references from the Cole-Cole
equation (averaged permittivity of skull, grey matter and white
To detect the existence and position of the blood within the brain tissue, an
antenna array is required to be placed around the phantom to capture the
reflections, which will be introduced in the following section.
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
6.1. Measurement setup for microwave medical imaging
The single antenna configuration is shown in Figure 6.5. To reduce the cou-
pling between adjacent antennas, each antenna is wrapped with absorber ma-
terial with Styrofoam in between. Vertical polarization is used. The charac-
teristics of the antenna element can be seen in 5.3.4.
(a) Radiator, top and bottom (b) Slotline feed network (c) Antenna (d) Antenna
side with feed wrapped with
network absorber
Figure 6.5.: The fabricated stepped-slot antenna with slotline feed network
for the construction of the array.
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
points). It is because the signal attenuation in the brain phantom is too high
above 5 GHz and thus the reflections will be too weak to be detected.
The frequency band is divided into many frequency points and a small IF
bandwidth is used, which leads to a better SNR. Due to the high SNR, a high
measurement accuracy is achievable by using this frequency sweep approach.
Otherwise, the decrease of the IF bandwidth increases the whole sweep time
and a real time measurement requires large IF bandwidth. Therefore, a com-
promise between sweep time and SNR must be found for different applica-
tions. In the following measurement, an IF bandwidth of 150 Hz is used and
the measured time of a whole sweep is in the millisecond range, which is still
acceptable for the real time process. The input power of the NWA is set to be
5 dBm and a power amplifier (discussed in 3.2.1) is used.
The overall measurement setup is illustrated in Figure 6.6. The signal is radi-
ated by one antenna (Tx) and the other antennas (Rx) receive the reflections.
This is repeated with different antennas as the Tx. With 10 antennas in an
array, 10 .10 1/=2 unique pairs of antennas and hence 45 signals can be
obtained (Tx and Rx are reciprocal). The S21 of the VNA is recorded for each
transmission pair. For the signal analysis, Si;j is used to denote the measured
S21 with the i th antenna as Tx and the j th antenna as Rx. In the demon-
strator, the response (S21 ) of the different channels is achieved by manually
switching the different antennas.
The signals are recorded for further image processing. For successful image
reconstruction, the exact location of each antenna has to be known to deter-
mine the corresponding time delay of the useful reflection. Then, based on
the recorded data and geometrical arrangement of the antenna array, the mi-
crowave image of the detection scenario can be generated using a microwave
reconstruction algorithm. With regard to the microwave reconstruction algo-
rithm, a beamforming algorithm will be described in the following sections.
6.2. Image reconstruction with beamforming algorithm
Figure 6.6.: Measurement setup of the medical imaging system for hemor-
rhagic stroke detection.
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
tude than the reflections from the target. Thus, before the imaging recon-
struction algorithm is performed, calibration methods to remove unwanted
responses are first discussed to enhance the response from the target.
6.2. Image reconstruction with beamforming algorithm
9 −50
Antenna index
6 −60
2 −75
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Antenna index
Figure 6.7.: Antenna coupling between different antenna elements of the ar-
ray (peak value of the CIR in dB).
Figure 6.8.: Illustration of the antenna array configuration together with blood
phantom before and after rotation.
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
Averaging calibration
The antenna array configuration with the antenna index and the exact position
of the blood phantom is shown in Figure 6.8 (a). The blood phantom is placed
in front of antenna 4 and 5 at a distance of around 20 mm. Figure 6.9 shows
the photos of the measurement setup of the brain phantom and antenna array.
Figure 6.9.: Measurement setup with the antenna array and the gelatin phan-
Before the averaging calibration is performed, the signals (Si;j ) are trans-
formed into the time domain using the IFFT to obtain xij .t/, which denotes
a signal transmitted from the antenna j and received by the antenna i . The
signal is measured from 0.5 to 5 GHz and then zero-padding is applied in the
frequency domain to increases the time resolution of the signal in the time
The calibration can be mathematically expressed as
where xij ;cal .t/ and xij ;ref .t/ are the calibrated and reference signal, respec-
The reference signal xij ;ref .t/ is generated by averaging all signals separately
for the channels with the same space between Tx and Rx, since their coupling
is very similar. Therefore, 5 different groups of reference signals are needed
for the calibration of all signals ( 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 antennas between Tx and Rx).
6.2. Image reconstruction with beamforming algorithm
After that the reference signals for 5 groups are obtained, each signal xij .t/
is subtracted by its reference signal.
In comparison, a rotation calibration will be introduced in the following sec-
Rotation calibration
where xij ;rot .t/ are the recorded reference signals after rotation.
For the rotation calibration, the overall array is rotated 15ı anti-clockwise
around the center point of the array as shown in Figure 6.8 (b). Altogether two
measurements must be performed based on the original arrangement (origi-
nal signals xij .t/) and the arrangement after the rotation (reference signals
xij ;rot .t/). For each channel, the background reflection and antenna coupling
are calibrated with its reference signal (the same transmission pair after ro-
tation). Since the antennas and antenna distance remain the same, the back-
ground reflection and antenna coupling can be successfully calibrated. Oth-
erwise, the response from the target changes slightly with array arrangement
before and after rotation in terms of time delay and amplitude and hence the
calibrated signal still represents the response from the target.
Though the rotation calibration requires two measurements, the antenna cou-
pling can be completely calibrated, since the reference signal is obtained for
each channel, respectively.
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
time domain signals, which are obtained from the wideband measured data in
the frequency domain (using IFFT).
Considering that the signal radiated from the Tx (antenna index i ), propagates
to the target, the response from the target can be received by the Rx (antenna
index j ) (i and j could be any single antenna of the array), the output of a
DAS beamformer is given by:
X X X X dij
y.t/ D wij xij .t ij / D wij xij .t /; (6.4)
j Di C1 i D1 j Di C1 i D1
where ij is the time delay of the propagation, which is determined by the
total distance dij from Tx to target and from target to Rx with regard to the
propagation velocity of the waves in medium cm . Including ij in the beam-
forming, the different time delays are then compensated and hence the signals
can be coherently added to reconstruct the target as shown in Figure 6.10.
wij is the beamformer apodization weights (window function), which is of
significance for the optimization of the shape of the peak and the suppres-
sion of the sidelobes of the signals. A Hamming window is also used in the
The DAS beamformer described above has several benefits and drawbacks.
From (6.4), it can be observed that the DAS beamformer is carried out on
each received signal independently. Moreover, the DAS beamformer features
simplicity and robustness of the signal processing. However, its performance
is limited in terms of the artifact removal and the resolution of the image [19].
To improve the artifact removal effect and the resolution of the image, a co-
herence factor (CF) is introduced. The coherence factor coefficients are de-
fined as the ratio of the coherent sum of the signals and the non-coherent sum
of the signals. This can be written as
ˇP ˇ2
2ˇ N
i D1 xij .t ij /ˇ
ˇ ˇ
j Di C1
CF .t/ D ˇ2 : (6.5)
N.N 1/ N
P PN ˇ
j Di C1 i D1 xij .t ij /ˇ
The CF coefficients are multiplied directly to the output signal y.t/ of the
DAS beamformer. By taking these coefficients into account, the directivity of
6.3. Analysis of calibrated signals and 2D imaging results
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
4 2
x x
3 12 1.5 12
x x
23 23
2 1
x x
Amplitdue in mV
Amplitude in mV
34 34
1 x 0.5 x
45 45
0 0
−1 −0.5
−2 −1
−3 −1.5
−4 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time t in ns Time t in ns
Figure 6.11.: Received signals before and after averaging calibration of the
channels of adjacent antennas (antenna index: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
in the time domain.
The width of the pulse refers to the signal bandwidth, which is determined
by the bandwidth of the antennas. Weak ringing effects can also be observed,
which are caused by the non-linearity of the antenna and additional multi-
reflections in the phantom. Using these results in the time domain, the signals
are processed using the beamforming algorithm.
The processed microwave image (xy-plane refer to Figure 6.8) is shown in
Figure 6.12(a). For a better comparison with the real setup, the microwave
image together with the antenna array is shown in Figure 6.12(b). The posi-
tion of the blood can be clearly identified, which agrees with the real location
of the blood in the brain phantom. However, different clutters are also visible
in the microwave image and can be regarded as ghost targets caused by the
averaging calibration. A very strong reflection is observed in the calibrated
x78 in the time domain, which results in the strong clutter in the image in
front of antenna 7 and 8.
6.3. Analysis of calibrated signals and 2D imaging results
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
From the imaging result (see Figure 6.12(a)), it can be observed that the aver-
aging calibration has a low SCR level, since strong clutter signals are caused
by the nonideal calibration.
To perform a better calibration of the background reflection and antenna cou-
pling, the rotation calibration is introduced based on an additional measure-
ment with a rotation (15ı ) of the antenna array (see Figure 6.8 (b)). The
calibrated signals of some channels in Figure 6.13 using rotation calibration
show that reflections in x57 and x58 contribute to the final imaging results.
The processed microwave image with the rotation calibration is shown in
Figure 6.14(a). A strong reflection is observed at (x D 2 cm, y D -3.5 cm),
which is estimated to be the blood phantom. The blood phantom appears in
the image with better contrast and its position is estimated with good accuracy
compared to the result using averaging calibration. The image together with
the array configuration in Figure 6.14(b) demonstrates that the blood phantom
is clearly represented in the right location in the brain phantom. Otherwise,
some weak clutters are still identified. The SCR of the image is estimated to
be 6 dB, which allows the detection of the target (the blood).
It can be seen that the SCR of the processed image using the rotation calibra-
tion is improved significantly, compared to the result using averaging calibra-
tion. The image result indicates also lower sensitivity to the position error of
the antennas between measured signals and reference signals.
The benefit of the averaging calibration procedure is that only one measure-
ment is required compared to the rotation calibration. However, it must be
assumed that the signals recorded from different channels in the same group
exhibit similar background reflection and antenna coupling. In practice, how-
ever, this cannot be achieved and a slight difference of the coupling between
adjacent antennas introduces clutter after calibration, which results in the in-
accuracy of this calibration method. The reason for the different coupling
is that the fabricated antennas cannot feature exactly the same impedance
matching and radiation properties. On the other hand, a not 100% uniform
arrangement of the antenna in a circular configuration also causes inaccu-
racy of the antenna position and slight differences of the antenna spacing.
This results in different antenna coupling in the same group and hence the
difference is averaged and included in each reference signal. Due to this dif-
6.3. Analysis of calibrated signals and 2D imaging results
0.15 0.15
x x
24 58
0.1 x 0.1 x
35 69
x x
Amplitude in mV
Amplitude in mV
0.05 46 0.05 7,10
x x
57 81
0 0
−0.05 −0.05
−0.1 −0.1
−0.15 −0.15
4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Time t in ns Time t in ns
(a) With one antenna between Tx and Rx (b) With two antennas between Tx and Rx
Figure 6.13.: Received signals calibrated with rotation calibration in the time
ference, ghost reflections are caused in the calibrated signal and cannot be
distinguished from the realistic reflections. To reduce this effect, the anten-
nas should be fabricated very carefully to assure almost the same performance
and the antennas should be placed uniformly.
Due to the better performance of the rotation calibration, this calibration
method will be used for further investigation of the microwave imaging sys-
To demonstrate the influence of the signal bandwidth on the microwave im-
age, the bandwidth of the received signals using the rotation calibration are
limited to 2.5 GHz (0.5-3 GHz). From the processed imaging result in Figure
6.15, the degradation of the imaging result in terms of SCR and resolution
can be clearly identified. This result confirms that the contribution of higher
frequencies (between 3 to 5 GHz) to the imaging result is significant, though
the signal attenuation in lossy medium (brain phantom) at the higher frequen-
cies is considerably higher compared to lower frequencies. Therefore, the
designed on-body matched antennas must feature, besides very low opera-
tional frequency, a large operational bandwidth, which has been discussed in
chapter 5.
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
Figure 6.14.: Processed microwave image together with antenna array (rota-
tion calibration).
6.3. Analysis of calibrated signals and 2D imaging results
6.3.1. Summary
A feasibility study of the detection of the human hemorrhagic stroke using
microwave imaging is provided, which is based on an on-body matched an-
tenna array characterized from 1 to 7 GHz and a brain phantom (consisting
averaged brain tissue and blood phantom). In the image processing, the DAS
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
6.3. Analysis of calibrated signals and 2D imaging results
Table 6.2.: The dynamic range of the images based on different process pro-
Process procedure Antenna number Frequency range Dynamic range
Averaging calibration 10 0.5 to 5 GHz 36 dB
Rotation calibration 10 0.5 to 5 GHz 31 dB
Rotation calibration 5 0.5 to 5 GHz 29.1 dB
Rotation calibration 10 0.5 to 3 GHz 28.7 dB
6. Body-matched antennas based microwave medical imaging
7. Summary and conclusions
7. Summary and conclusions
signal or data telemetry with narrow band signal) and location of sensors in
the human body, an optimal operational frequency can be arranged in the
consideration of the SNR of the system and the radiation regulations. Fur-
thermore, with this knowledge, the design requirements and specifications
of on-body matched and implantable antennas have been specified for mi-
crowave medical systems.
In chapter 3, characterization methods were introduced to evaluate the perfor-
mance of body-matched antennas. For the verification, two antenna measure-
ment systems with tissue-simulating liquid for the characterization of body-
matched antennas are provided, whose characterization of the radiation can-
not be performed in an anechoic chamber due to the presence of the lossy
human body. The E-field probe based measurement system allows the direct
measurement of the antenna pattern at a short distance (40-60 mm), while the
planar near-field system is designed to obtain the far-field antenna pattern by
applying the NF-FF transformation. High measurement accuracy can be as-
sured by the use of a precise positioning system with a high precision stepper
motor. Such antenna measurement systems allow the validation of the sim-
ulation results of on-body matched and implantable antennas with respect to
the impedance matching, near-field and far-field pattern.
The body-matched antenna designs for data transmission of IMDs and diag-
nosis are provided respectively in chapter 4 and 5. All of the antennas are
matched to different human tissues depending on the location of the devices
and optimized together with the tissue model for the highest performance
with respect to impedance matching, radiation efficiency and radiation pat-
tern. Miniaturization techniques contribute significantly to the reduction of
the antenna size. Furthermore, the design was focused on optimizing the an-
tenna structure and the current distribution at different frequencies.
In chapter 4, three stripline-fed implantable slot antennas at the ISM band
were designed. The antennas have an omni-directional pattern especially in
the H-plane, that allows a robust wireless connection between implants and
external devices, independent of the location and orientation of the patients to
the base station. Based on optimization of the antenna structure, the antenna
(M3-3) was miniaturized to a size of 10.45 12.9 mm2 , with a size reduction
of more than 40% compared to the original one (M3-1), allowing a signifi-
cant size reduction of the IMDs. Due to the stripline-fed configuration and
good impedance matching (under -10 dB) in muscle tissues, the implantable
antenna features a high radiation efficiency (94.2%) and gain (4.3 dBi), which
enable data telemetry between implants and external devices with high effi-
For medical diagnosis, different on-body matched antennas operating at dif-
ferent frequency bands were proposed in chapter 5. By matching the antennas
directly to the human skin, very high front-to-back ratio of the radiation pat-
tern is achieved, which significantly improves the SNR of the antenna system.
The small-sized differentially-fed slot antenna characterized from 1 to 7 GHz
enables the construction of a microwave medical imaging system with high
resolution for the detection of e.g. breast cancer. To achieve deeper penetra-
tion of the microwave signals into the human body, a dual-band slotted Bowtie
antenna and a wideband folded double-layer Bowtie antenna were designed.
By applying a folded structure and meandered microstrip lines at the bottom
of the Bowtie antenna, a small size of 30 30 mm2 with a size reduction of
40% is achieved, compared to the reference antenna (regular Bowtie antenna
at 50 50 mm2 ). These antennas can either be used in radar-based imaging or
tomography. The small-sized antennas with the lowest operational frequency
of 0.5 GHz, high radiation efficiency, high front-to-back ratio and relatively
high gain improve the penetration depth and the SNR of received signals,
which showed a high potential for microwave medical diagnosis.
In chapter 6, the applicability of the on-body matched antenna for medical
diagnosis was confirmed. The measurement demonstrator using a tissue-
simulating phantom and an array of 10 stepped slot antennas show the high
detection capability for stroke thanks to the low operational frequency, high
front-to-back ratio and small antenna size. The blood phantom was success-
fully detected with good SCR, although very weak reflected signals were re-
ceived due to a strong signal attenuation in the brain phantom during the prop-
agation. Without the aforementioned features, the off-body antenna cannot
detect the weak reflection. The results confirmed that the on-body matched
antenna significantly improved the SNR of the reflections compared to the
off-body antenna. Furthermore, the small-sized differentially-fed slot antenna
allows for a large number of elements for the array in a limited space, which
7. Summary and conclusions
also improves the image quality with respect to the resolution and SCR. It
has been confirmed that the miniaturization techniques, which have been ap-
plied to the body-matched antenna design, contributed very positively to the
performance of the microwave medical imaging.
In conclusion, the following considerable contributions of this thesis can be
The quantitative investigation of the wave propagation in human tissues
was studied, which allows the specification of the required antennas in
terms of the lowest operational frequency, bandwidth, directivity and
etc, depending on the applications and the location on/in the human
For the first time in the literature, two antenna measurement systems
were developed, which facilitate the validation of both near-field and
far-field patterns of the on-body matched and implantable antennas im-
mersed in a tissue-simulating liquid.
Miniaturization techniques of the antennas based on extending the elec-
trical length and regulating the current flow in the antenna structure
at different frequencies were developed. Multiband resonances, inde-
pendent surface current regulation at lower and higher frequencies for
wideband antenna as well as fractal structure for miniaturization also
for suppression of unwanted radiation are proposed, by which signifi-
cant size reductions of the antenna operated at 1 GHz and even 0.5 GHz
were achieved.
Design methods (such as introducing slotted ground, stripline-feed and
aperture-coupling) for the prevention of radiation loss caused by sur-
face and leaky waves due to the surrounded lossy tissues. High radia-
tion efficiency and a stable pattern have been achieved.
The applicability of the on-body matched antennas is successfully veri-
fied with a microwave imaging system for the detection of hemorrhagic
stroke, where a deep penetration of the microwaves are required.
The proposed design principles of the various antennas as well as the minia-
turization techniques can be extended to the general design of antennas for
medical applications in the presence of the human body, or even for anten-
nas in free space. The achieved small-sized antennas at different frequency
bands contribute directly to compact medical sensors (i.g. portable sensors
for diagnosis or IMDs). Moreover, the promising results of the detection of
hemorrhagic stroke using a simplified brain phantom with the proposed an-
tenna array encouraged further research to be conducted including the use
of even lower frequencies for high penetration ability and advanced imag-
ing algorithms. All these contributions enable an extension of the medical
applications using microwaves with the objective to obtain more advanced
healthcare systems.
A. Parameters of tissues based on
Cole-Cole equation
[XGXC 06] Y. Xie, B. Guo, L. Xu, J. Li, and P. Stoica. Multistatic Adap-
tive Microwave Imaging for Early Breast Cancer Detection.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53(8):1647–
1657, August 2006.
Own publications
Journal publications
[1] X. Li, G. Adamiuk, E. Pancera, and T. Zwick. Physics-Based Propaga-
tion Characterisations of UWB Signals for the Urine Detection in Human
Bladder. Int. J. Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, 2(2):94–
103, December 2011.
[2] X. Li, M. Jalilvand, Y. L. Sit, and T. Zwick. A Compact Double-
Layer On-Body Matched Bowtie Antenna for Medical Diagnostics. IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (accepted), 2013.
[3] X. Li, Y. L. Sit, L. Zwirello, and T. Zwick. A Miniaturized UWB
Stepped-Slot Antenna for Medical Diagnostic Imaging. Microwave and
Optical Technology Letters, 55(1):105–109, January 2013.
Conference publications
[4] X. Li, M. Janson, G. Adamiuk, C. Heine, and T. Zwick. A 2D Ultra-
Wideband Indoor Imaging System with Dual-Orthogonal Polarized An-
tenna Array. In COST 2100, Athens, February 2009.
[5] J. Schmid, E. Pancera, X. Li, L. Niestoruk, S. Lamparth, W. Stork,
and T. Zwick. Ultra-Wideband Detection System for Water Accumu-
lations in the Human Body. In 11 th International Congress of the
IUPESM-Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering World Congress
- WC2009, Munich, Germany, September 2009.
[6] H. Wu, X. Li, and T. Zwick. Motion Compensation of Automotive SAR
for Parking Lot Detection,. In International Radar Symposium (IRS),
Hamburg, September 2009.
Own publications
[11] E. Pancera, X. Li, T. Zwick, and W. Wiesbeck. UWB Antennas for Med-
ical Diagnostics Purposes. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
International Symposium, Toronto, Juli 2010.
[14] H. Wu, X. Li, and T. Zwick. Motion Compensation for Landmine De-
tecting Vehicle-borne SAR. In International Radar Symposium (IRS),
Vilnius, June 2010.
Own publications
Own publications
Own publications
Own publications
Karlsruher Forschungsberichte aus dem
Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik
Herausgeber: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick
ISBN 978-3-7315-0147-3
ISSN 1868-4696
978-3-7315-0147-3 9 783731 501473