DLA TLE 8 Week 6
DLA TLE 8 Week 6
DLA TLE 8 Week 6
Week 6
Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: __________________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Maintain the quality of tools and equipment use in the drafting.
Learning Targets:
References Title: https://www.britanica.com
Author: Page No.
Main Idea:
Hazards in the Workplace There are many things that affect the health of a person, such as his environment, his lifestyle,
etc. Work is an important determinant of health. It can influence health in a positive or in a negative way. A place that is
safe, healthy and work-conducive entails more productivity. In fact, with a healthy workplace you will be doing more
work with less effort.
Hazard is a term used to describe something that has the potential to cause harm.
Risk on the other hand, is a measure of the possibility of a specific harmful effect in given circumstances. It is very
important to know the difference between a hazard and a risk.
Types of workplace hazards include:
Safety hazards - Inadequate and insufficient machine guards, unsafe workplace conditions, unsafe work practices.
Biological hazards - Caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Chemical hazards - Solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous chemicals, dust, fume or mist.
Ergonomic hazards - Anatomical, physiological, and psychological demands on the worker, such as repetitive and
forceful movements, vibration, extreme temperatures, and awkward postures arising from improper work methods and
improperly designed workstations, tools, and equipment.
Physical hazards - Noise, vibration, energy, weather, electricity, radiation and pressure. Psychological hazards -
Those that are basically causing stress to a worker. This kind of hazard troubles an individual very much to an extent that
his general well-being is affected.
Biological hazards - Caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Directions: Read and identify the following. Write the correct answer on the space provided.
__________1. Inadequate and insufficient machine guards, unsafe workplace conditions, unsafe work
__________2. Solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous chemicals, dust, fume or mist.
__________3. is a term used to describe something that has the potential to cause harm?
__________4. It is a measure of the possibility of a specific harmful effect in given circumstances.
__________5. Those that are basically causing stress to a worker.
Table 1 Examples of Hazards and Their Effects
Workplace Hazard Example of Hazard Example of Harm Caused
Thing Knife Cut
Directions: Write the cause or effect in work place hazard.
Table 1 Examples of Hazards and Their Effects
Workplace Hazard Example of Hazard Example of Harm Caused
Thing Knife Cut
Substance Benzene
Material Asbestos Mesothelioma
Source of Energy Electricity
Condition Wet floor Slips, falls
Process Welding
Practice Hard rock mining Silicosis