Strategic Communication Advisory Unit

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Tfe adv-isory- ynits conglst

9f the following adv_iso1y positions and related terms of reference:

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ic comm I n ication Adviso rv Un
Terms of Reference
1 Coordinator of the The overall objective of this assignment is to coordinate (analyse,
Strategic plan, implement and evaluate) the strategic communication
Communication activities of the communication unit, more specifically, the
Advisory Unit assignment will require the completion of the following list of
1. Analyse current communication procedures, identify key
communication directions and develop of the specific
communication guidelines;
2. Provide advise on the communication experts to be
involved in the Communication Unit;
3. Support strategic communication of the presidency and the
president with the public in key communication directions;
4. Advise on the creation of a professional communication
structure and press service department of the presidency;
5. Advise on the structure of public events with the
involvement of the president, including how to ensure proper
media exposure;
6. Advise on the communication lines for public appearances
of the president: TV shows, public speeches;
7. Advise the press office on how to maintain the relationship
with the press, organise press conferences and briefings;
9. Advise on the directions to follow on social media outreach
of the presidency and of the president;

) Strategic rhe oveiiii objective of tiiffi$ifiment-6 ti;-piiiliae itritesic

Communication communication advise for the president and the presidency, more
expert specifically, the assignment will require the completion of the
following list of tasks:
1. Participate in the analysing process of the current
communication procedures, identification of the key
communication directions and development of the specific
communication guidelines;
2. Support strategic communication of the presidency and the
president with the public in key communication directions;
3. Monitor the media exposure and advise on the contents of
briefs for the president;
4. Provide support in the creation of a professional
communication structure and press service department of the
5. Advise on the structure of public events with the
involvement of the president, including how to ensure proper
media exposure;
6. Advise on the communication lines for public appearances
of the president: TV shows, public speeches;
7, Provide advice for the social media outreach of the
presidency and of the president;
B. Pgrform other work-related duties as required.
3 Strategic The overall objective of this assignment is to provide strategic
Communication communication advise for the president and the presidency, more
expert specifically, the assignment will require the completion of the
following list of tasks:
1. Participate in the analysing process of the current
communication procedures, identification of the key
communication directions and development of the specific
communication guidelihes;
Title of

No. Terms of Reference

2. Support strategic communication of the presidency and the
president with the public in key communication directions;
3. Monitor the media exposure and advise on the contents of
briefs for the president;
4. Provide support in the creation of a professional
communication structure and press service department of the
5. Advise on the structure of public events with the
involvement of the president, including how to ensure proper
media exposure;
6. Advise on the communication lines for public appearances
of the president: TV shows, public speeches;
7. Provide advice for the social media outreach of the
presidency and of the president;
B. Perform other work-related duties as required.
4 Communication The overall objective of this assignment is to piovioe strategic
Consultant for communication advise for the president in regard with Russian
Russian Speaking speaking audience, more specifically, the assignment will require
Audience the completion of the following list of tasks:
1. Participate in the analysing process of the current
communication procedures, identification of the key
communication directions for Russian speaking population
and development of the specific communication guidelines;
2. Support strategic communication of the presidency and the
president with the public in key communication directions;
3. Monitor the media exposure and provide short briefs for
the president;
4. Provide support in the creation of a professional
communication structure and press service department of
the presidency;
5. Advise on the public events with the involvement of the
president, including how to ensure proper media exposure;
6. Advise on the communication lines for public appearances
of the president: TV shows, public speeches;
7. Provide advice for the social media outreach of the
presidency and of the president;
B, Perform other work-related duties as required.
5 Social Media The overall objective of this assignment is to prwiae sociat
Management Expert management advise for the president and the president's office,
more specifically, the assignment will require the completion of
the following list of tasks:

1. Develop a concept for social media marketing of the

President and of the president,s office;
2, Develop a measurement mechanism for the main
performance indicators of presence on social media and
will guide and monitor its implementation;
3. Provide support in the instruments to publish data on the
current activity of the president, office on social media
4. Provide advice for the development of direct channels of
communication of the president,s Office via specific
applications (Telegram/Viber etc.);
5. Provide support in the development of techniques to tackle
personal messages directed to the president and the
President's office;
Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
6. Provide advice for the monitoring of the presence of the
President and of the President's Office on social media
7 Perform other work-related duties as required.
6 Graphic designer The overall objective of this assignment is to provide graphic
design services for the Strategic Communication Unit of the
president and presidency, more specifically, the assignment will
require the completion of the following list of tasks:
1. Conceptualize visual material based on requirements and
taking into consideration brand guidelines of the
2. Restyle the current brand of the presidency and online
presence, ensuring the implementation of the brand
guidelines on social media and printed materials
3. Prepare rough drafts of the materials and present creative
concepts to be approved by the strategic communication
unit leadership and amend designs according to the
4. Develop illustrations, logos and other designs and layout of
publications, presentations, reports and other
communication materials;
5. Ensure final graphics and layouts are visually appealing
and on-brand;
6. Provide support for the technical team of the presidency in
ensuring security of online communication;
7. Perform other work-related duties as required.
7 Senior Strategic The overall objective of this assignment is to provide strategic
Communication communication advise for the
Expert and Trainer president and the Presidential Administration, more specifically,
the assignment will require
the completion of the following list of tasks:
1. Support strategic communication of the President's office
and the President with the public in key communication
2. Participate in the analysis process of the current
communication procedures, identification of the key
communication directions and development of the specific
communication gu idelines;
3. Provide advice on the communication strategy of the
President, including messaging and media outreach;
4. Provide trainings/coaching for the President, the
Presidential Administration on communication and media
appearances as requested;
5. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Justice Reform Advisory Unit
1 Coordinator of the The overall objective of this assignment is to coordinate
Justice Reform development and monitor implementation of the justice reform,
Advisory Unit more specifically, the assignment will require the completion of
the following list of tasks:

1. Analyse current context of the justice sector, evaluate

progress of the justice institutions, evaluate past justice reform
efforts and adjust concept and objectives accordingly;
2. Propose legal solutions to advance reforms towards the
rule of law and an independent and accountable judiciary;
Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
3, Offer advice in the process of identifying and recruiting
justice and anticorruption experts involved in the Justice Reform
Advisory Unit;
4. Provide advice and approve documents drafted by the
experts of the Justice Reform Advisory Unit;
5. Offer expertise at the request of the President on key
issues related to justice reform;
6. Ensure advice and expertise for the Supreme Security
Council, and in monitoring the follow-up of the decisions taken by
the council
7. Analyse and draft decisions proposals on laws submitted
by the Parliament to be enacted;
B. Assist the presidency in developing a methodology to
evaluate candidates for judicial offices proposed by the Supreme
Council of Magistrates and to ensure proper background check of
the candidates;
9. Perform other work-related duties as required.
2 Senior Justice The overall objective of this assignment is to provide expertise as
reform local expert a justice reform expert for the president and the presidency,
more specifically, the assignment will require the completion of
the following list of tasks
1. Provide advice on priority draft laws in the field of justice
reform, including integrity, administration of judiciary and other
justice reforms related legal initiatives;
2. Provide advice on legal initiatives in the justice sector;
3. Provide advice to the president and the presidency on the
effective involvement of the agencies to ensure an effective
implementation of justice sector reform priorities;
4. Offer expertise at the request of the president and the
presidency on important issues related to justice and anti-
corru ption;
5. Perform other work-related duties as required.
3 Junior Justice The overall objective of this assignment is to provide support in
Reform local expert development of the justice reform, more specifically, the
assignment will require the completion of the following list of
1. Provide support in the assessment of past justice reform
efforts and the current context, adjust concept and objectives of
reforms accordingly;
2. Evaluate and advice in ensuring legal compliance of the
documents issued by the presidency;
3. Conduct in depth analysis of the available data and
documentation for the legislative initiatives of the president;
4. Offer expertise at the request of the president on key
issues related to justice and anti-corruption reforms;
5. Provide advice for the secretariat of the Supreme Security
oSrtlns ul_o follow-up monitorins;
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Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
6. Analyse laws proposed by the parliament to be enacted,
identify possible risks and draft written summaries;
7. Monitor decisions of justice institutions and provide legal
advice to formulate public statements of the president;
B. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Anti-Corru ption within the Justice Reform Advisory Unit, consult the president's
Local Expert office on effective measures, institutional and legislative reforms
to fight corruption and to facilitate implementation of the
Association Agreement with the European Union. The assignment
will require the completion of the following list of tasks:
1. Provide assessments on draft laws in the field of
fighting corruption, integrity of the justice sector and other legal
initiatives related to anti-corruption policies;
2. Offer advice and contributions to drafting a comprehensive
action plan on justice and anti-corruption reforms, aimed to
strengthen the rule of law and establish an independent and
accou nta ble jud icia ry;
3. Offer expertise at the request of the president on
important issues related to justice reforms and anti-corruption
4. Provide professional advice on existing legislation and
legislative initiatives of the President related to fighting
5. Provide advice on anti-corruption issues to the secretariat of
the Supreme Security Council;
6. Analyse and provide professional advice on draft laws
registered in the Parliament, related to anti-corruption and
interlinked sectors;
7. Monitor and assess decisions of the National Anti-Corruption
Centre and Anti-Corruption Persecutor's Office, as well as of
the Supreme Council of Prosecutors;
B. Provide legal advice related to the formulation of public
statements of the President;
9. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Senior Security The overall objective of this assignment is to provide expertise as
sector local expert a security expert for the president and the presidency, more
specifically, the assignment will require the completion of the
following list of tasks
1. Provide analysis of the security sector and formulation of
proposals and recommendations on the sector for the president
and the Presidential administration;
2. Provide advice to the President's advisor in the security
3. Provide advice to the president and the presidency on the
i laws that are promoted by stakeholders, including the ones in the
Parliament that have as object the national security;
Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
4. Provide advice on the structuring of legislative initiatives of
President in the security sector and on development of national
strategic documents in the security sector;
5. Provide proposals on subject of interest to be further
during the sessions of the Supreme Security Council;
6. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Profile Evaluation The overall objective of this assignment is to provide advice and
Expert professional expertise within the Justice Reform Advisory Unit,
consult the President's Office on effective evaluation of the
candidates for the positions of judges and other persons
suggested for public recognition. The assignment will require the
completion of the following list of tasks:

1. Development of a methodology of evaluation of

for the position of judges;
2, Support the process of evaluation of risks of corruptions
associated to candidates proposed by the Supreme council of
3. Provide support in the analysis of the data presented by
investigative journalism made public and provide short briefs on
the respective information;
4. Provide advice in the evaluation of proposed candidates
institutions to be offered state honorary tifles by the president,s
5. Provide support in the development and maintenance of a
strong relationship with investigative journalists to ensure
adequate data collection;
6. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Technical assistant The overall objective of this assignment is to coordinate the
project implementation and reporting, more specifically, the
ass.ignment will require the completion of the following iist or
1. Management of the project implementation according to
the agreed procedures, timeframe and scope of the initiative, and
local legislation;
2.. _ Provide support in the process of contracting experts for
the Justice Reform and Strategic Communication Unit; '
3. Prepare and sign timesheets for the contracted experts;
4. Document project outcomes;
of the project - experts, KAS office, presidential team;
9-. _ -Pgllorm other work--related duties as required,
Senior Economic
corrupt business interest on the judiciary. The assignment will
require the completion of the following list of tasks:
1. Provide analysis and advice oi ttre economic component
Title of the l

Advisor I Terms of Reference

I maj o i CJie; ffi o ilfi e-; i6A;tio n of ffi pti ffi ;1" ;";-Hl, n d;;i n s ;
I and undue judicial interference, including but not" limited to the
banking fraud and current investigations in the banking,
j insurance, and other sectors;
2. Provide analysis on major areas of corruption affecting the
economy and offer advice on prioritization of anti-corruption
policies and efforts;
3. Offer advice on and make contributions to drafting a
comprehensive action plan on justice and anti-corruption reforms,
in order to strengthen the rule of law and establishing an
independent and accountable judiciary;
4, Monitor and assess decisions of regulatory authorities,
including the National Bank of Moldova, the National Committee
on Financial Market, the Competition Council, the National
Authority for Dispute Resolution in public Acquisitions, and
provide advice on the impact of such decision on anti-corruption
policies and framework;
5. Offer expertise at the request of the president on
issues related to economic governance, anti-corruption policies,
and justice reform;
6. Provide professional advice on existing legislation and
legislative initiatives of the President related to economic
governance and fighting corruption;
Perform other work-related duties as
Sectoral Reform Advisory Unit
1 Junior Agricultural The overall objective of this assignment is to provide advice on
expert agricultural and environment aspects to the president and the
Presidential Administration, more specifically, the assignment will
require the completion of the following list of tasks:
1. Provide advice to the presidential administration on sectors
related to agriculture and food industry, as well as cross-
cutting sectors related to agriculture such as environment;
2. Provide support in the preparation of communication
documents such as requests for information, endorsement
papers/ recommendations, draft regulations and laws, as well
as other normative acts;
3. Preparation of justification documents and analysis on the
problems and shortcomings existent in the sector;
4' Provide advice on the directions to follow by the presidential
administration during official meetings;
5. Advice on the best directions to structure the existing
background and identify elements essential for the
presentation of concise summaries of the sectors specific
6. Support in the development of strategies to resolve sector
specific problems;
7. Participate in meeting with representatives of the sector
policy coordination expertise to the presidency (presidential administration of
and crisis Republic of Moldova) and other governmental authorities on inter-
institutional communication and coordination of policies, public
sector resilience and crisis management as well as the

Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
im p 6 me;[ition ieio rm-pf ioiirlei u n aei;isi;-Co ;d itionr. rn"
assignment will include the following list of tasks:
1. Support inter-institutional communication and coordination, in
particular on key reforms towards strengthening the rule of law,
fighting corruption and public administration reform;
2. Provide advice and expertise for the presidential
Administration on institutional communication and
coordination to promote sectorial reforms;
3. Monitor institutional changes that may impact the future
design and implementation of the reforms, provide advice on
adjustments required;
4. Provide advice on crisis management and on strengthening
public sector resilience, support the coordination of crisis
management measures with Parliament, Government and
other state agencies as required;
5. Support in mapping the risks and key challenges that may
affect the reform agenda and identification of the potential
6. Provide consultancy on the monitoring of effective
implementation of the EU conditionalities and reform
7. Perform other work-related duties as req u ired.

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