Strategic Communication Advisory Unit
Strategic Communication Advisory Unit
Strategic Communication Advisory Unit
Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
6. Analyse laws proposed by the parliament to be enacted,
identify possible risks and draft written summaries;
7. Monitor decisions of justice institutions and provide legal
advice to formulate public statements of the president;
B. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Anti-Corru ption within the Justice Reform Advisory Unit, consult the president's
Local Expert office on effective measures, institutional and legislative reforms
to fight corruption and to facilitate implementation of the
Association Agreement with the European Union. The assignment
will require the completion of the following list of tasks:
1. Provide assessments on draft laws in the field of
fighting corruption, integrity of the justice sector and other legal
initiatives related to anti-corruption policies;
2. Offer advice and contributions to drafting a comprehensive
action plan on justice and anti-corruption reforms, aimed to
strengthen the rule of law and establish an independent and
accou nta ble jud icia ry;
3. Offer expertise at the request of the president on
important issues related to justice reforms and anti-corruption
4. Provide professional advice on existing legislation and
legislative initiatives of the President related to fighting
5. Provide advice on anti-corruption issues to the secretariat of
the Supreme Security Council;
6. Analyse and provide professional advice on draft laws
registered in the Parliament, related to anti-corruption and
interlinked sectors;
7. Monitor and assess decisions of the National Anti-Corruption
Centre and Anti-Corruption Persecutor's Office, as well as of
the Supreme Council of Prosecutors;
B. Provide legal advice related to the formulation of public
statements of the President;
9. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Senior Security The overall objective of this assignment is to provide expertise as
sector local expert a security expert for the president and the presidency, more
specifically, the assignment will require the completion of the
following list of tasks
1. Provide analysis of the security sector and formulation of
proposals and recommendations on the sector for the president
and the Presidential administration;
2. Provide advice to the President's advisor in the security
3. Provide advice to the president and the presidency on the
i laws that are promoted by stakeholders, including the ones in the
Parliament that have as object the national security;
Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
4. Provide advice on the structuring of legislative initiatives of
President in the security sector and on development of national
strategic documents in the security sector;
5. Provide proposals on subject of interest to be further
during the sessions of the Supreme Security Council;
6. Perform other work-related duties as required.
Profile Evaluation The overall objective of this assignment is to provide advice and
Expert professional expertise within the Justice Reform Advisory Unit,
consult the President's Office on effective evaluation of the
candidates for the positions of judges and other persons
suggested for public recognition. The assignment will require the
completion of the following list of tasks:
Title of the
Advisor Terms of Reference
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assignment will include the following list of tasks:
1. Support inter-institutional communication and coordination, in
particular on key reforms towards strengthening the rule of law,
fighting corruption and public administration reform;
2. Provide advice and expertise for the presidential
Administration on institutional communication and
coordination to promote sectorial reforms;
3. Monitor institutional changes that may impact the future
design and implementation of the reforms, provide advice on
adjustments required;
4. Provide advice on crisis management and on strengthening
public sector resilience, support the coordination of crisis
management measures with Parliament, Government and
other state agencies as required;
5. Support in mapping the risks and key challenges that may
affect the reform agenda and identification of the potential
6. Provide consultancy on the monitoring of effective
implementation of the EU conditionalities and reform
7. Perform other work-related duties as req u ired.