Corporate Communications Strategy and Action Plan Eia

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Equalities Impact Assessment

Corporate Communication Strategy

and Action Plan
Date: March 2009
Equality Impact Assessment & Policies
De'ining the policy
1. Why is the policy necessary? What are its aims and objectives? What outcomes is the policy
designed to achieve and for whom?
#he policy is necessary to set out the principles 'or all communication acti(ity across the
Council) It aims is to ensure that all communication underta*en +y the County Council is
as inclusi(e and accessi+le as possi+le to all people in "eicestershire, i)e) that all
residents and communities are a-are o' the Council.s ser(ices and decisions /including
ser(ices pro(ided in partnership -ith other agencies0 and are a+le to 'eed+ac* their (ie-s
to help the Council shape ser(ices to meet local need)
2. How have these aims, objectives and outcomes been determined? What research and
consultation/engagement/involvement has been undertaen/used to inform the design and
delivery of the policy? How have needs based on race, gender, disability, age, religion/belief
or se!ual orientation been taen account of?
#he Corporate Communication Strategy is a high&le(el strategy -hich sets out the
+asic principles 'or the Council.s communication acti(ities and processes 1including
communication acti(ity underta*en across all departments and deli(ered +y a range o'
people -ho -or* to these corporate principles)
Accessi+ility o' in'ormation to all, clarity and user&'riendliness 'or the (arious
audiences, consideration o' languages, t-o1-ay communication etc) are principles to
ma2imise equality in communication)
#itle o' policy +eing assessed:
Corporate Communication Strategy3Action
Department and Section:
Chie' E2ecuti(e.s
Pu+lic 4elations
%ames and roles o' o''icers completing
this assessment:
5ead o' Pu+lic 4elations
Contact #elephone %um+ers:
0667 809 72:2
Date assessment completed:
March 2009
;y stating that accessi+ility o' in'ormation and communication to all people is a
'undamental principle, the consideration o' all equalities strands /i)e) race, gender,
disa+ility, age, religion3+elie' and se2ual orientation is there'ore implicit and e2plicit)
Although o(erarching, the Strategy and its related Action Plan -ere de(eloped and
updated a'ter consideration o' equalities requirements and consultation -ith rele(ant
section heads /-ho are responsi+le 'or areas such as di(ersity and community
engagement0) It -as also endorsed +y the Corporate Management #eam, +e'ore going
to Ca+inet 'or appro(al)
#he Action Plan includes proposed actions to +e underta*en +y corporate sections)
Each corporate section should +e underta*ing EIAs 'or these acti(ities) #hese
acti(ities are in areas including Di(ersity, Consultation, Community Engagement and
Partnership <or*ing) #he acti(ities should impro(e the e''ecti(eness o'
communication, in order to meet the needs o' audiences -ithin the County.s di(erse
=eneral, corporate pu+lic relations acti(ity is underta*en in accordance -ith the
Strategy and Action Plan) >unctions -ithin this acti(ity include media relations,
"eicestershire Matters production, language ser(ices commissioning, design and
creati(e ser(ices) Decisions ta*en are in'ormed +y a range o' ad(ice, e2perience and
(ie-s, to ensure equalities issues are appropriately addressed) Consultation has +een
underta*en, in order to 'eed into the de(elopment o' the Strategy and includes the
'ollo-ing e2amples:
A pro'essional understanding o' readers. (ie-s and needs 1 'rom ?ournalists,
-riters, community engagers, language commissioners, designers etc)
Consultation -ith, and ad(ice 'rom, the Disa+ility Issues Co&ordinator
Pro'essional perceptions o' the ma*e&up o' the County
4e'erence to the census and population trends, along -ith other rele(ant
demographic statistical in'ormation
In'ormation 'rom the Citi@ens. Panel
Mar*et research
>eed+ac* 'rom users o' the ser(ice, e)g) readers, interpreters etc)
>eed+ac* on Equality issues recei(ed +y the section3department
Aie-s e2pressed +y Citi@ens. Buries 'or disa+led people and ethnic minority
Discussions at Community Cohesion -or*shops, along -ith any other rele(ant
". #a$ Who is responsible for implementing the policy? What processes, procedures and/or
criterion will be critical to deliver the policy? %eview these against the access needs that
various e&uality groups of people have and consider if they result in barriers which
prevent these groups of people from either finding out about the policy or benefiting from
it? #'ee 'ection ( for e!amples$
#b$ )onsider what barriers you can remove, whether reasonable adjustments may be
necessary and how any unmet needs that you have identified can be addressed. *or
disabled people, as defined under the +isability +iscrimination ,ct, this could mean
treating them more favourably to ensure that there is e&uality of outcome.
#c$ When you are deciding priorities for action you will need to consider whether the
barriers result in an adverse impact or discrimination that is illegal. -hese will
constitute your top priority. -he other priorities will be dependent on such issues as
whether a group is particularly e!cluded or connected to the core business of the
service, whether there are adjustments that would mean several groups benefit.
.nsure that the actions you identify are put into the attached e&uality improvement plan)
#he Council.s 5ead o' P4 -ill +e primarily responsi+le 'or implementation and
coordination o' the Communications Strategy) 5o-e(er, as it is designed to
underpin all Council communication, all departments and sections across the
Council -ill contri+ute through their o-n communication acti(ities)
Success and progress is dependent on o''icers communicating in accordance
-ith the policy and its principles and the a(aila+ility o' ad(ice and guidance on
issues such as disa+ility and language trends)
#he Positi(e %e-s Management =roup /P%M0 meets regularly to discuss
elements o' communication and progress pro?ects related to the Strategy3Action
Plan) #he P%M =roup includes the Policy Manager 'or Equalities and Di(ersity
and the #eam "eader 'or Community Engagement)
4equirements /e)g) the need 'or the authority to achie(e "e(el 8 o' the Equality
Standard0 also impact on the Strategy and Action Plan)
; Discussion /including progress monitoring0 at P%M meetings on the need to
ensure the ma2imum equality o' access to communication as -ell as re'lecting
the di(ersity o' the population in pu+lications etc) -ould help to remo(e any
remaining +arriers in this area)
C At present, the identi'ied priorities 'or action /related to the Chigh&le(el principles.
element o' the Policy0 do not require a response to any +arriers -hich ha(e a
signi'icantly ad(erse /or illegal0 impact, in terms o' discrimination) 5o-e(er, one
o' the principles -hich needs to +e o+ser(ed and applied is that communication
is legitimate and in accordance -ith requirements /e)g) the =o(ernment.s Code o'
Practice on Pu+licity and disa+ility and data protection legislation0)
/. What measures and methods have been designed to monitor the application of the policy,
achievement of intended outcomes and identification of any unintended or adverse impact?
How fre&uently will the monitoring be conducted and who will be made aware of the analysis
and outcomes? 0ist your answers below.
#he progress o' the Communication Action Plan is monitored regularly as part o' the
corporate per'ormance monitoring process as -ell as (ia the P%M =roup and rele(ant
corporate and departmental sections. Dutcome3output measurements 'or the (arious
sectional acti(ities are, once more, the responsi+ility o' the rele(ant
corporate3departmental sections underta*ing them & and these acti(ities should ha(e
their o-n EIAs)
1. )onsider the answers given in &uestions 1, 2, " and / and assess whether the policy and
its implementation results, or could result in adverse impact on or discrimination against
different groups of people. 2f you consider that there is adverse impact or discrimination, or
the potential for either, please outline below and state whether is it justifiable or legitimate
and give your reasons for this.
%ot discriminatory 1 #he main principles o' the Communication Strategy include
e''ecti(e and appropriate access to in'ormation 'or all, as -ell as promoting
e''ecti(e t-o&-ay communication, in order to ena+le the Council to shape ser(ices
-hich are rele(ant to the needs o' its communities) #he strategy is there'ore
designed to ensure that communication is inclusi(e 'or all) ;y its (ery nature, its
implementation -ill see* to ensure the elimination o' any potential discrimination
in communication acti(ity)
(. #a$ 2f you have identified adverse impact or discrimination that is illegal, you are re&uired to
tae action to remedy this immediately.
#b$ 2f you have identified adverse impact or discrimination that is justifiable or legitimate, you
will need to consider what actions can be taen to mitigate its effect on those groups of
people. -his arises out of the duty to promote good relations between people of
different groups and is in eeping with the )ouncil3s approach to social cohesion. ,lso,
the new 4',11 e!plicitly re&uires councils to address disadvantage across all si!
e&uality strands.

Ensure that these actions are listed in the attached equality impro(ement plan)
;E#<EE% DI>>E4E%# =4D!PS D> PEDP"E
5. 'ocial cohesion is a priority for councils. 4rogress made towards building more cohesive,
empowered and active communities is now being measured through national 4erformance
2ndicators. .ssentially social cohesion is about promoting a sense of connection, trust and
belonging both within and across communities and groups. %eview all the actions and
targets that you have identified as a result of this e&uality impact assessment to identify
what social cohesion issues could arise, for e!ample6
#a$ ,re there ways in which the policy development process could bring different groups of
people together, for e!ample to monitor its impact or develop its future shape?
#b$ )ould the implementation of the policy result in different groups of people being brought
together? Has the capacity of the policy to bring different groups together been fully
#c$ +oes the implementation of the policy have the potential to lead to resentment between
different groups of people? How can you compensate for perceptions of preferential or
differential treatment? ,re these implications or decisions being e!plained to those
#d$ 2f the .2, improvement plan identifies addressing a gap in the service for a particular
group of people, has this also addressed the potential for perceptions of preferential
treatment for the group? #*or e!ample, if you give priority treatment to disabled people,
how will you manage the negative attitudes that non7disabled people may develop as a
#e$ How can the policy e!plicitly demonstrate the council3s commitment to promote e&uality
across race, gender, disability, age, religion/belief and the 089- communities?

"ist your ans-ers +elo-. Ensure that the actions you identi'y are put into the attached
equality impro(ement plan)
: #he Corporate Communications Strategy pro(ides the +asis 'or all Council
communication and outlines the high&le(el principles -hich should apply 1 including
accessi+ility o' communication to all)
Its pu+lication and a(aila+ility demonstrates the Council.s commitment to promoting
equality 'or all indi(iduals and across all communities)
#he o(er&arching strategy is applied through communication acti(ities at corporate,
departmental and sectional le(els, (ia a range o' ser(ice policies and plans) #hese
communication acti(ities are su+?ect to their o-n indi(idual EIAs) Should any gaps in
ser(ice pro(ision, or representation +e identi'ied 'or any acti(ities as a result o' these
EIAs, action should +e ta*en to address these gaps +y the rele(ant section or
4lease list all the e&uality objectives, actions and targets that result from the .&uality 2mpact ,ssessment #continue on separate sheets
as necessary$. -hese now need to be included in the relevant service plan for mainstreaming and performance management purposes.
Equality D+?ecti(e Action #arget
;y -hen
#o ensure that the
Strategy.s principle o'
equality o' access to
communication is
em+edded in all
communication acti(ity
across the Council.
Ensure that Equalities issues
are raised and discussed
regularly at the P%M =roup and
that the Policy Mem+er 'or
Equalities has a slot at one o'
the meetings to re'er to
representati(es de(eloping
appropriate EIAs 'or their o-n
Discuss separately -ith
corporate P4 #eam mem+ers to
ensure that the principles o'
equality and rele(ant actions are
em+edded into communication
-or* underta*en +y them)
All corporate, departmental
and sectional -or* policies
and plans relating to
communication ha(e ro+ust
and appropriate EIAs)
#here is 'ull understanding o'
equality and di(ersity issues
and the need to em+ed this
into -or* acti(ity and plans)
5ead o' Pu+lic
4elations, (ia
Equality F
Manager, P%M
=roup mem+ers
and P4 #eam)
April 2009
Assess -hether the ne2t update
o' the Corporate
Communications Strategy
requires more 'ormal input in
relation to equality and di(ersity
issues, e)g) 'rom rele(ant
organisations and groups. I' it is
5ead o' Pu+lic
April 2009
Equality D+?ecti(e Action #arget
;y -hen
considered an appropriate
approach, ensure that this is
underta*en -hen the Strategy is
ne2t updated
Authorised signature /EIA "ead0 G5ead o' Pu+lic 4elationsGGGGGG Date: March 2009
Authorised signature /Mem+er o' DM#0 GG5ead o' Pu+lic 4elationsGGGGGGG) Date: March 2009
Dnce completed and authorised, please send a copy o' this 'orm to the Equality and Di(ersity #eam in the Chie'
E2ecuti(es Department)

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