A Guide To Effective Political Communication in Cameroon: Running For Office
A Guide To Effective Political Communication in Cameroon: Running For Office
A Guide To Effective Political Communication in Cameroon: Running For Office
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Mirko Herberg
Resident Representative,
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Cameroon and Central Africa
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
How do I use the Guide? Usage Instructions.................9
Module I : The Voters and the Constituency....................13
Analysis of the Constituency...............................................13
Topics and Target Groups...................................................15
Who are my Competitors?.................................................18
Module II : The Message.....................................................21
The Election Campaign Pledge Card..................................24
Enthuse People ..................................................................25
Conveying Messages............................................................26
Tell Stories............................................................................27
Target Groups.......................................................................31
Additional Target Groups....................................................34
Module III : People to Work With....................................37
Who is my Team?..............................................................37
Organise Advocates and Supporters.................................40
The Chiefs and traditional rulers.......................................42
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
So before you read this Guide and plunge into the practical
preparation for your campaign, you should think through
why you want to stand as candidate. It may be helpful to
take out a sheet of paper and jot down all of the reasons
why you think standing for election is a good idea and why
it is not. Examine your thoughts closely and honestly! Look
at this sheet of paper every now and then and think about
whether the arguments in favour of outweigh the rea-
sons against. Discuss the reasons for a candidacy with your
family and friends! They might have additional ideas which
are important in making your decision. You will need a lot
of support from them. That is why you should make sure
you include them in your decision-making.
Before you stand for election, you should speak with women
and men who have already served as candidates (success-
fully or unsuccessfully) in your region in the past. They can
report on their experience at firsthand and you will see
how valuable this is.
It is also good that you read the various laws and decrees
regulating elections in Cameroon in general, and political
communication in particular. Your understanding of the
legal environment will help you navigate safely across your
How do I use the Guide ?
This Guide will provide you with a lot of tips and ideas on
things you need to take into account in a candidacy and in
a campaign. It is based on plenty of experience in the con-
ception and organisation of electoral campaigns.
Again, planning is no
doubt important, but
you will recognise in
the course of the cam- Always keep a small notebook
paign that there are a with you in which you can record
lot of things you had your experiences in the campaign
not thought about and every day. Jot down what you have
you will learn more learnt on the particular day. A
and more with every crucial prerequisite for success in
passing day. Planning any election campaign is the ability
and flexibility will be of the strongest individual in your
important elements for campaign to learn. And that indivi-
dual is you the candidate!!!
you in every campaign
you do.
This Guide has a modular structure. You can read it from the
beginning to the end. Each of the module is structured the
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
We hope that this Guide will help you in making your decision
to stand for elections (or perhaps sometimes not to stand),
that it will support you in your campaign organisation and
that it will also be fun for you to read sometimes.
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Module I :
The Voters and the Constituency
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
nature, roads and paths, villages and towns very closely and
go over it in your mind again and again. You will encounter
voters who expect you to know these things. Moreover, pre-
cise knowledge of local conditions is an important prerequisite
in the logistic planning of your campaign.
The Voters and the Constitution
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
The Voters and the Constitution
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
The Voters and the Constitution
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Your competition
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Module II :
The Message
You want people to vote for you. You want them to place
their trust and confidence in you. They give you part of their
power and energy for a period of time so that you can be at
decision-making level and do something relevant for them.
They send you off on a mission. They trust you. They hope
and expect that you will not forget them, that you will get
things moving for them and then return to them, report
honestly and not leave them alone. They, the citizens living
in your constituency, are the most important for you. Never
forget them and they will support you, lift you up and help
you along when the going gets tough!
That is the way things should be. That is what you want to
achieve and you can achieve it, but it is a long path with
much hard work. Where do I stand now? Where do I want
to go? Write down your goals!
Voters are curious. They will want to know a lot about you,
about your family, how you grew up, about your education,
what you like to eat and what hobbies you have. Above all,
however, they will also want to know why you want to be a
politician. What can you do for them and what do you want
to change and improve?
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Think about all this and write it down! You will be asked
about these things again and again and it is a good idea
to use your answers so that your future voters can better
understand you and so you can gain their support.
Your party has a platform which you know and which you
can discuss in detail.
The Message
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
The Message
Enthuse People
The entire world was impressed with the energy, vitality and
enthusiasm which Barrack Obama instilled in his campaign
in 2008.
But all this was not the key to the success of Barack Obama.
The key was that he filled people with enthusiasm and was
above all able to convince them to become part of the cam-
paign themselves.
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Conveying Messages
The Message
Tell Stories
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Here are some examples of how you can embed the topics
which are important to you in a story. You will always have
to find your own method and tune it to your respective audi-
ence. The following three points are always decisive:
Your voters must know what you want and what you
consider to be wrong and right.
Your voters must notice that your conviction is not feigned,
and rather that you have developed it based on your
personal experiences and encounters.
The Message
Example 1 - School
This is how not to do it:
The schools in our constituency are in a deplorable
condition. If you elect me, I will make sure that more
is invested in our educational system. If I become your
deputy, I will energetically support the 15-point plan of
my party for better schools in Cameroon.
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Example 2 - Health
This is how not to do it:
The health system is priority number one for me! I will make sure
that three new clinics are built in our constituency and in a few years the
health care here is as good as in the capital.
Example 3 - Employment
This is how not to do it:
Vote for me. I will create new jobs for us and will not
forget anyone who supports me. The candidate of the
other party only provides jobs for his supporters. I will
put an end to that.
The Message
Target Groups
Once you have developed your platform, and your main mes-
sage, it is important to adapt it to the various target groups.
Take each of the 5 main topics you intend to address, and
ask yourself:
What does this mean for the market women?
What does this mean for farmers?
What does this mean for people with disabilities?
Illustration I
A market woman showing her support for a candidate
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Geographic targeting
o where the candidates live or work
o past voting behavior in various parts of
the district
o turnout in part of the district
Demographic targeting
o look at candidates demographic charac-
teristics (age, gender, profession)
o compare with voters in the district
o can also be issue-based
o are several candidates vying for the
same groups?
Ideological targeting
o Look at the major trends in political
o Compare with voting habits in the district
The Message
Youth Campaign
When you have formed such a team you should start off by
carrying out a planning and strategy workshop with them.
You should address the following questions there:
What is the situation of young people in my constitu-
What are the topics and projects which are particularly
important to young people?
What is your message for the young people?
Are there certain organisations, associations, projects
and persons who are important to young people in your
constituency and whose support you should therefore
attempt to gain?
At what places and times can young people in your con-
stituency be addressed about politics?
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
The Message
Your message
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Module III :
People to Work With
You want people to vote for you. You want them to give you
the powers so that you can fight for them. And you need
to convince voters during the campaign. But you cannot do
this all by yourself.
Who is my Team?
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
People to work with
A person who can support you in coordinating the mo-
bilization of voters in the constituency.
A person who can support you to prepare and manage
the budget for the campaign.
It is important to remember that you cannot recruit your
team members as in a private firm. Most people you will
work with are people that spontaneously came to you because
they are interested in your platform and they are willing to
support. Try to identify what they have to offer with regard
to their competencies, their jobs, their areas of interest, and
give them responsibilities in the team accordingly.
If Paul is working as an accountant, you may want him
to support for the budget.
If Jane has studied in a communication school, you can
suggest that she helps you in preparing communication
materials and press releases.
If Ibrahima likes being with people, talking to them and
has a lot of energy, you may want him to support in
mobilizing voters on the field.
When you have put your team together, always remember:
your team can only work well if you inform it regularly. The
best method is to have times, for example once a week, in
which everybody gets together. At this meeting you can then
inform them how your week was and what appointments
are coming up the following week. You can discuss together
what appointments are very important for you and you can
delegate various tasks. This takes time, but when everybody
is always informed about everything it will save you time in
the end as well. These meetings should be an opportunity to
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Illustration II
Campaign Team strategising
You must trust your team as individuals and you must also
be convinced that they can perform the tasks assigned to
them. If you find that individual members or parts of your
team make mistakes, you must talk to them and intervene
to correct things. You should always be aware that there is
no overtime in a campaign.
People to work with
If you are not doing any online campaign, you can ask your
supporters to come to rallies or to help out in your street
campaign every now and then.
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Your team
a. Write down what tasks your team must perform.
b. Write down who you would like to have on your team
and what they have to be able to do.
c. Think about whether there is a place where you can
d. Obtain T-shirts for your team so that people will always
recognise them.
Your supporters
a. Together with your team make a list of your possible
b. Make a list of supporters and think about which suppor-
ters can do what for you.
c. Appoint someone in your team to be responsible for
assisting supporters during the campaign.
Running your Campaign
Module IV :
Running your Campaign
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Campaign methods
You and your campaign team must think about how to create
as many repeated contacts to voters as possible with the
available resources. You have your message. You have your
plan. Now you have to apply resources in a clever way and
make sure that people notice you!
Be noticed !
When voters see a flyer or a newspaper, when they
see a poster or look at an Internet site which has been
made by your campaign team, they must be able to
recognise at a first glance that it is from you.
Always use the same layouts! Decide what the
corporate identity of your campaign should look like
in the campaign team
Use catchy slogans so that voters will immediately
understand and recognise your message and arguments
during a discussion in which you or your supporters
take part. This can be successful if you have thought
intensively about and decided on the slogan for your
Street Campaign
Running your Campaign
Our Party
Illustration III
Candidate addressing voters in a public place
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Street Tango
Running your Campaign
Illustration IV
Street tango with dancer wearing a partys T-shirt
You should have music or perhaps even a singer with you and
sing or play music and spread good cheer with the banner
when you cross the intersection. You do not necessarily have
to be there yourself for this form of campaign the banner
with your name, your photograph, your message/slogan and
your request for people to vote for you can also be presented
by your team itself. (See illustration IV)
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Running your Campaign
Telephone Campaign
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Example of a SMS
Youths employment, for better living conditions,
for improved security, for economic empowerment
,for sustainable development. On June 22nd, make the
choice for a bright future for our town, choose the Our
Party !!!
Ngu Stephen, Candidate Our Party Garoua II
Running your Campaign
Online Campaign
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Running your Campaign
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
with you know the region and roads so that you do not
needlessly lose time by taking the wrong routes. Perhaps
your supporters can also speak the local language and
help you in translating.
You should check to make sure that you have enough
financial resources for a campaign bus. You can then
equip this bus with sufficient material and also use it
as advertising platform. The campaign bus can be your
travelling office.
It is helpful to have the bus equipped with loudspeakers
or megaphones. This will allow you to stop on route and
deliver brief campaign speeches.
In rural constituencies it is all the more important to have
well-known and recognised supporters. They can speak
on your behalf, solicit support and exercise considerable
influence in smaller village communities.
Think carefully whether there are certain times and places
in your constituency where many people always gather
together (markets, festivals, bus stops and stations) and
use these locations regularly over a long period of time
in order to make yourself known.
Think about what the differences are compared to a city
and how you can take advantage of these! One example:
many voters in your constituency spend many hours every
day going to and from their work. That is why they are
more interested in the issue of roads and traffic in rural
than urban areas. Maybe you have an idea on this topic
and can turn it into a campaign message.
Find out in detail what people in your constituency do
for a living and what you can do as their future repre-
sentative make their life easier.
Running your Campaign
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Running your Campaign
Estimate how much you will spend for what you need to
accomplish. You should include overhead (office, space, etc.)
and costs of voter contact. Be realistic. You can put together
several budgets, based on how much you are able to raise.
The budget is a highly effective way to track how you are
doing in the campaign on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
The types of things to put in a budget are :
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
o advertising
o event costs
o transportation costs
o food, water for volunteers, etc.
a. Together with your team think about whether you will
have a certain colour for your campaign.
b. Think with your team about a slogan.
c. If you still need a logo, think about whether you can
make it yourself or whether you need help. If this is too
difficult, a claim will suffice.
d. Appoint someone from your team to be responsible for
the layout of your campaign. You may need to check other
parties layouts to make sure that yours in different. The
website of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and
Decentralization in Cameroon presents the list of political
parties with their logos
The media
a. Together with your team think about what the most
important media in your constituency is.
b. Make a list of the names of the most important journal-
c. Think about which journalists you or members of your
team already know.
d. Think about which journalists it would be good to intro-
duce yourself to.
Running your Campaign
The budget
a. Make a financial plan. How much money do you have at
your disposal?
b. How great will your expenditure be?
c. How much in donations do you need?
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Running your Campaign
Module V :
On the D-Day
You have prepared this day for months, sometimes for years.
Here we are, it is the D-day. You will see the materialization
of your efforts. You may think this is the end of the road,
but there is still a lot to be done.
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
On the D-Day
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
The next election is in five years. Then at the latest they will
ask you what has become of your promises. If you cannot
explain your successes and why you were not able to achieve
certain things, then your voters may become upset. It is better
to directly approach voters and say to them: I promise this
to you, but we are not able to finance this at present/the
other side outvoted me ..., etc.
On the D-Day
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
Ngu Stephen
Our Party
Garoua II
Illustration V
Candidate giving out a pledge card to a voter
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
There are two variants here: the first one is that your party
has its own corporate identity and makes available both the
layouts and advertising to its candidates.
Lets assume that you have decided to use black, grey and
white as your colours and your slogan is Employed Youth for
the Development of Cameroon and your logo is a landing
eagle. Your layout could then look like this:
Development for Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
One Week
Before Elec-
tion Day
Two Weeks
Before Elec-
tion Day
Three Weeks
Before Elec-
tion Day
Five Weeks
Before Elec-
tion Day
Eight Weeks
Before Elec-
tion Day
T h r e e
M o n t h s
Before Elec-
tion Day
Five Months
Before Elec-
tion Day
Six Months
Before Elec-
tion Day
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
3. Clear language
Here as well, the task is to use clear language with short,
easy-to-understand sentences.
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon
A Guide to Effective Political Communication in Cameroon