Apologetics Press - Atheists Admit Things Look Designed
Apologetics Press - Atheists Admit Things Look Designed
Apologetics Press - Atheists Admit Things Look Designed
For instance, Richard Dawkins stated: “Living things are not designed, but Darwinian natural selection
licenses a version of the design stance for them. We get a short cut to understanding the heart if we
assume that it is designed to pump blood” (2006, p. 182, emp. added). Did you catch that? He said
that things weren’t designed by any intelligence, but we can understand them more readily if we
assume they were.
University of Chicago professor Jerry Coyne, in his book Why Evolution is True, wrote: “If anything is
true about nature, it is that plants and animals seem intricately and almost perfectly designed for
living their lives” (2009, p. 1, emp. added). He further stated, “Nature resembles a well-oiled
machine, with every species an intricate cog or gear” (p. 1). On page three of the same book, he wrote:
“The more one learns about plants and animals, the more one marvels at how well their designs fit
their ways of life.” Atheist Michael Shermer, in his book Why Darwin Matters, stated: “The design
inference comes naturally. The reason people think that a Designer created the world is because it
looks designed” (2006, p. 65, ital. in orig.).
Consider another example. Kenneth Miller is an evolutionary biologist at Brown University and co-
author of a biology textbook published by Prentice Hall that is used widely in high school classes
across the country. In his book, Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America’s Soul, he admits
that structural and molecular biologists, as they study the natural order, routinely mention the
presence of design in their explorations. He, himself, admits that the human body shows evidence of
design, pointing out examples like the design of the ball and socket joints of the human hips and
shoulders, as well as the “S” curve of the human spine that allows us to walk upright (2008). So
powerful is the design inference, Dawkins was forced to grudgingly admit: “So compelling is that
illusion [of design—KB] that it has fooled our greatest minds for centuries, until Charles Darwin burst
onto the scene” (2009, p. 416).
The irony of the situation is that each of these writers contends that such design is a product of
naturalistic, mindless factors. But their telling statements underscore the obvious conclusion. If an
Intelligent Designer really did create the world, what would it look like? Answer: Exactly like the one we
Brown University (2008), “There is ‘Design’ in Nature, Biologist Argues,” ScienceDaily,
Dawkins, Richard (2006), The God Delusion (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin).
Dawkins, Richard (2009), The Greatest Show on Earth (New York: Free Press).
Shermer, Michael (2006), Why Darwin Matters (New York: Henry Holt and Company).
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