Persuasive1 Outline
Persuasive1 Outline
Persuasive1 Outline
a. HAND OUT BIBLES Attention-getting strategy: Imagine a world where everything
exists for a purpose and was designed by an intelligent, all-knowing creator. You are in
that world.
b. Reasons to listen:
i. VA Creationism vs. evolution is a very important subject matter for all people, as
the origins of the universe apply to every single human on the planet.
ii. Credibility: I have been exposed to this argument for a long time, as have most of
c. Thesis: I am here to explain to you why there is more supporting evidence for
creationism than evolution
i. Preview: Today, I am going to talk about the definition of the argument of
creationism vs. evolution, the complexity of the Earth that points directly to the
idea of an Intelligent Designer, and the flaws in the theory of evolution.
a. VA Whats the real question here?
i. VA The question is not if evolution is a part of life, because it is.
ii. VA Were species created by creation or evolution?
iii. VA Creationism: the idea all things were created by an omnipotent creator.
1. VA That creator is the God described in the Christian Bible.
2. VA The Bible is credible because it was written over 1500 years by 40
people, but it has a constant theme throughout.
a. I have tabbed 2 verses that talk about how evidence everywhere
is screaming the story of an Intelligent Designer who created this
world to function in harmony.
b. Feel free to reference these verses after my presentation and take
the bible home for consideration.
3. VA This is Richard Dawkins, a well-known scientific professor and
a. VA We have seen that living things are too improbable and too
beautifully designed to have come into existence by chance
Dr. Richard Dawkins.
i. He believes that evolution is the designer, and many
scientists agree with him.
iv. Transition: BUT it takes more faith to believe in evolution than intelligent design,
and here is why.
b. VA The complexity of our world
i. VA Irreducible Complexity: Evolution said it happens step-by-step, but
molecular machines are too complex for that (
1. An eyeball needs all of its parts to function, so it couldnt have
developed step-by-step.
a. VA Now that you know the real argument surrounding evolution vs. creationism, the
complexity of the universe that points towards an Intelligent Designer, and the flaws in
evolution, you can correctly deduce what the origin of the universe really is.
b. VA In the words of Albert Einstein himself, I have deep faith that the principles of the
universe will be both beautiful and simple. Albert is right, the theory of an Intelligent
Designer is both beautiful and simple.
Creation Vs. Evolution. All About, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.
Driskell, Robert. 7 Scientific Findings That Support Creationism Over Evolution. What Christians
Want To Know RRS. N.p, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.
Ham, Ken. The New Answers Book 1: Over 25 Questions on Creation/evolution and the Bible. Vol 1.
Green forest, AR: Master, 2006, Print. The new Answers Books.
Strobel, Lee. The Case for Christianity Answer Book. Grand Rapids: Zondewan, 2014, 2014. Print.
Keller, Timothy. The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. New York: Riverhead, 2009. Print.