Water Scarcity and Sustainability in An Emerging Economy: A Management Perspective For Future
Water Scarcity and Sustainability in An Emerging Economy: A Management Perspective For Future
Water Scarcity and Sustainability in An Emerging Economy: A Management Perspective For Future
Water Scarcity and Sustainability in an Emerging Economy:
A Management Perspective for Future
Dianxi Zhang 1 , Muhammad Safdar Sial 2 , Naveed Ahmad 3 , José António Filipe 4 , Phung Anh Thu 5, * ,
Malik Zia-Ud-Din 6 and António Bento Caleiro 7
1 Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China; [email protected]
2 Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Islamabad 44000, Pakistan;
[email protected]
3 UCP Business School, University of Central Punjab, Lahore 54000, Pakistan; [email protected]
4 Departamento de Matemática, Iscte—Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISTAR-Iscte, BRU-Iscte,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal; [email protected]
5 Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 300 A Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, District 4,
Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
6 Faculty of Law, Islamia University, Bahawalpur 63100, Pakistan; [email protected]
7 Departamento de Economia, Universidade de Evora, Largo Dos Colegiais, 2, 7002-554 Evora, Portugal;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Water scarcity is rising as a global issue, because the planet earth is facing a global water
crisis, which is considered something that can destroy environmental sustainability of our planet.
The fact is that humanity’s demand is depleting natural resources faster than nature can replenish
itself; if human habits and unsustainable use of water resources do not change, water scarcity will
inevitably intensify and become a major cause of conflict among different nations of the world. The
water scarcity issue is a crucial issue but unfortunately it has not received due attention in past.
Pakistan, which once was a water abundant country, now facing a situation of water scarcity. Pakistan
has a poor irrigation system which results 60% loss of its water; Pakistan uses more water for crop
Citation: Zhang, D.; Sial, M.S.; production than other countries. Likewise, the country harvests water from rainfall, rivers, snow,
Ahmad, N.; Filipe, J.A.; Thu, P.A.; and glaciers. The country is facing a serious water crisis that is caused by different factors, such as
Zia-Ud-Din, M.; Caleiro, A.B. Water changing climatic conditions, rising population, poor irrigation system, poor political will, and rapid
Scarcity and Sustainability in an urbanization. The water crisis of Pakistan is expected to worsen in coming years. This is a drastic
Emerging Economy: A Management
situation which calls for emergency measures. With this background, the present study provides a
Perspective for Future. Sustainability
detailed view of the water situation in the country with challenges to water management. The study
2021, 13, 144. https://dx.doi.org/
also suggests some recommendations for policymakers to improve the water crisis situation in the
Received: 30 November 2020
Accepted: 21 December 2020
Keywords: water scarcity; sustainable development; emerging economy; environmental sustainabil-
Published: 25 December 2020 ity; surface water; groundwater; Pakistan
society, and the private sector, and defines the roles and responsibilities of different actors
in the development, management and use of water resources.
Pakistan faces water shortages that kill hundreds of thousands of people every year.
Out of the total population of 207 million, 21 million people do not have access to clean
water [3]. Water shortages have been a major obstacle to sustainable economic growth. The
widening gap between water supply and demand leads to the deterioration of resources
and increases disputes between stakeholders. Along with this widening gap, other issues
such as climate change, a rising population, poor political will, urbanization, and little
awareness among the general population is also a significant contributor towards water
issues. The main cause of the water crisis in Pakistan are two-fold: incidental and opera-
tional, incidental causes relate to the conditions associated with poor water management
policies; and operational causes relates to conditions associated with political issues (trans-
boundary, provincial) and society (poor water management). To solve these problems, new
knowledge and tools (technologies, policies and institutions) are needed, regarding social,
economic, political and environmental issues in water management [2]. Several studies
and reports by various agencies have confirmed that Pakistan is in a state of emergency in
terms of water resources. Pakistan, with a rapidly growing population, is facing a water
crisis and the threat of food security. The availability of surface water has decreased from
5260 cubic meters per capita in 1951 to 1000 cubic meters per capita in 2016. This figure
may fall to about 860 cubic meters by 2025, which means that Pakistan is moving from
“water pressure” in the country to “scarce water” [4–6]. Mainly, Pakistan faces water crises
due to the lack of management, droughts, reduced rainfalls, and pollution [7].
There have been different governmental systems in Pakistan, including a mix of
democratic structures and military rulers, but only one took serious step for devising a
clear water policy in Pakistan. The country is facing water problems due to water shortages,
climate change, increasing water demand and agricultural production. Many projects of
water resource management programs are available nationally and regionally; however,
none of them have been approved as a policy. The National Water Policy (NWP) project
was first drafted in 2005 following a World Bank policy, but that policy has not been
implemented fully. In 2010, it was decided to revise the NWP, considering developments
in the water sector in terms of growing impact of climate change on water resources. A
committee was set up to review water policy. In 2012, the committee submitted its final
report to the Minister of Law; this is a regional issue, therefore the constitution does
not provide for the provisions of the NWP. Reviewed in 2015 by the Prime Minister’s
instructions, the NWP is available to all participants for proper testing and evaluation.
Following negotiations between local and regional governments, in 2017, the NWP was
sent to the Council of Common Interests, which is a constitutional body to resolve different
issues related to power sharing between provinces of Pakistan—it was on the agenda, but
it received little attention. The main reasons not for achieving the objectives of the above
stated water policies lie in poor commitment, political will and climate change [8].
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has ranked Pakistan e3rd in the world among
countries which are facing water shortage, and it is estimated that by 2025 the country
will have very little clean water [9]. Taking into account the deaths of 1832 children in the
last four years due to droughts [10], the drying of lakes and rivers, declining water levels,
overuse of water, lack of storage facilities, population explosions, and climate change, there
are calls for emergency measures [5]. In addition, incorrect national water policy, lack of
public and provincial interests, Pakistan–India water conflict, deforestation, threats to the
country’s reserves, and poor water supply can adversely affect agriculture, ecosystems,
and regional biodiversity [11,12]. The above facts paint a bleak picture of the future and
highlight the urgency of the water scarcity issue in Pakistan.
Water in Pakistan is a political issue, and it requires a significant amount of time
to build consensus among federations and provinces in order to make decisions that
ultimately are acceptable to all provinces. Therefore, Pakistan needs to consider all sectors
of the country and understand the fundamental changes to preserve its water resources
Sustainability 2021, 13, 144 3 of 10
efficiently. Policies should be concise to set clear goals, objectives, implementation plans
and deadlines for achievement. Pakistan has an agricultural economy, which accounts for
20% of GDP. Pakistan’s highest growth rate per year during the years 2010–2020 was 5.28%,
with considerable development in the agricultural sector from 0.27% to 3.46%. According
to an estimate, a large amount of water in Pakistan is used for irrigation that contains
both surface water and groundwater. In Pakistan, the groundwater is heavily utilized—
it contributes almost 73% for irrigation use, whereas the remaining 27% of irrigation is
dependent on surface water [13]. Hence, water is a precious resource which is essential for
an agrarian-based country such as Pakistan. According to the Hisaar Foundation’s water
policy recommendations in Pakistan, water resources, if utilized efficiently, can generate
billions of dollars in terms of agricultural output [8]. The purpose of this article is to discuss
the complexities of Pakistan’s water resource management, to evaluate the effectiveness of
previous approaches, and to suggest future strategies, because these assets are important
in maintaining the agricultural environment to ensure food security and environmental
Sustainability 2021, 13, 144 per year for each person. If the situation continues and the country 4 ofreaches
10 the
of 500 cubic meters of water for each person, then by 2025, it will become lan
water. Eighty percent of the population in the 24 main cities of Pakistan do no
instance, in Karachi,cessibility
more thanto16cleanmillionwater, for instance,
of people do not in Karachi,
have accessmore thanwater
to clean 16 million
[22]. of peo
The unprecedented climatic conditions of Pakistan, which includes variation in monsoons of Pakis
have access to clean water [22]. The unprecedented climatic conditions
and the retreating glaciers variation
impact in monsoons
on major rivers suchandasthe retreatingcapacity
decreasing glaciersofimpact on major rive
the Indus
river, shrinkage of Mangla andcapacity of the Indusand
Tarbela reservoirs, river, shrinkagefloods
unexpected of Mangla and Tarbela reser
and droughts
continue to plague Pakistan, floods and
threatening droughts
food securitycontinue to plague lives,
and endangering Pakistan, threatening foo
and poors
families and displacing endangering
far from lives,
theirdisrupting families and
homes. Augmented displacing
rivalries poors and
for water far from the
food shortages, aggravated rivalries
by climate for water
change, are aand foodofshortages,
matter life and deathaggravated by climate cha
for deprived
communities [23]. Water of lifeare
andat death
its peak forindeprived
Pakistan,communities [23]. Water
because its amount crises are at i
of water
per capita has decreased drastically from 5600 cubic meter per capita in a year in 1947 to from
Pakistan, because its amount of water per capita has decreased drastically
1038 cubic meter per meter
2010, in a year
which in 1947
means to 1038 cubic
a decrease meter
of more per400
than capita in 2010, whic
It is unfortunate thatdecrease
Pakistan, of which
more than was 400once percent. It is unfortunate
recognized that Pakistan,
as a water-abundant which was o
nized conditions.
now faces water-stressed as a water-abundant
Figure 1 dealscountry,
withnowtwofaces water-stressed
specific conditions. Figu
issues, population
and water per capitawith twodescribing
usage, specific issues, population
the timeline andtwo
of these water per capita
issues from 1951usage, describing th
to 2050.
of these
In 2017, per capita water two issuesfurther
availability from 1951 to 2050.
reduced In 2017,
to 908 cubicper capitaper
meters water availability
capita from furthe
1038 cubic meters pertocapita,
908 cubic
whichmeters per capita
is a decrease of from
than cubic meters
12% cubic per capita,
meters which is a d
per capita
(Figure 1). Currently,more than 12%
per capita watercubic meters per
availability capita (Figure
is further reduced 1).from
908 cubicpermeter
capita water a
is further
per capita to 866 cubic meters reduced
per capita from 908 cubic
in 2020. meter
If this trendper capita tothen
continues, 866 cubic meters
by 2050, the per capi
If this
country will be in dire trend in
situation continues,
terms of then by 2050,
per capita the availability
water country will[24]. be inMainly,
dire situation
this in te
hugely water-stressedcapita water in
condition availability
Pakistan is[24]. Mainly,tothis
attributed hugely
a rapid water-stressed
increase condition in P
in population
along with inefficient utilization to of
a rapid
water.increase in population along with inefficient utilization of
Figure 1. Per1.capita
Figure water
Per capita in cubic
water meters
in cubic per per
meters yearyear
in Pakistan: the the
in Pakistan: above figure
above waswas
figure originally taken
originally from the w
Ikram Sehgal 2017 [25] and edited by the authors to show more recent trends.
from the work of Ikram Sehgal 2017 [25] and edited by the authors to show more recent trends.
will worsen, and more droughts will occur [26]. Likewise, in the context of Pakistan, rapid
urbanization along with a rising population, inefficient water usage in crop cultivation,
poor water management, and lack of interest from the government will remain the constant
reasons to further aggravate the water crises in Pakistan.
through individual tubewells, and the other 18 × 109 m3 came from public-owned tube-
wells. Mass abstraction and the use of groundwater in irrigated region of Pakistan began in
1961 with the introduction of salinity control and reclamation projects (SCARP). Thousands
of large tubewells had been installed in the system to facilitate groundwater and connect
irrigation equipment. This led to an increase in the number of farmers with individual
tubewells with a standard capacity of 0.03 m3 s−1 or less. The SCARP tubewells deepened
groundwater levels from 1.5 to 2 million hectares, and from 3 to 4 million hectares, thus
significantly influencing the problem of high congestion. This reduced salt-affected lands
from 7 to 4.5 million hectares [31]. Excess water produced through the SCARP tubewells
increased agricultural efficiency in many areas of SCARP from 80 to 120% during 1998,
as mentioned in the database of International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Insti-
tute [32]. The free use of groundwater has proven to be important for food security of
the poor, and a catalyst for economic prosperity in rural areas. In many water-deficit
settlements in Pakistan, it transformed the vision of a small and changing crop shift to safer
and more productive crops. Groundwater now provides more than 50% of the required
amount of water (although most of the groundwater is reused in the surface irrigation
methods, due to its flexibility and demand) [33]. The statistics around groundwater in
Pakistan are even more worrying: it is estimated that during 2019, the contribution of
groundwater for crop production increased to 60% which is an alarming figure. Similarly,
it is also estimated that groundwater level in Pakistan lowers by one meter every year.
The quality of groundwater is also depleting every year, with increasing bacteriological
contamination and rising levels of metals such as arsenic [34].
The contribution of groundwater to develop plant support is growing, and will be
further expanded in the future due to the increased burden to grow more foodstuffs, which
will increase the causes of drought in the region [35]. Qureshi et al. [33] showed that during
2014, more than 70 percent of farmers in the province of Punjab depended directly or
indirectly on groundwater to meet their needs. Without access to groundwater, farmers
not only in the Punjab but also across the country will face food shortages, because more
than 90% of wheat is produced in the Punjab province. To finance cultivated investment
in Pakistan, it is important to invest a lot of effort and money into making this important
resource sustainable. Over the past three decades, Pakistan has made some efforts to
address resource depletion, maintain groundwater quality, and address the serious problem
of land degradation due to water runoff. However, progress is limited [31].
The first effort to introduce a special environmental law in Pakistan was taken in
1977. In 1992, the country developed a National Conservation Strategy (NCS), and in
2001, the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) was sanctioned by the Pakistan
Environment Protection Council. NEAP addresses environmental concerns, including air,
water and sanitation, soil, and forestry issues, and it faced various challenges in addressing
climate change. The National Environmental Policy was developed under the NEAP and
published by the Environment Ministry in 2005, providing a comprehensive framework
for addressing environmental issues arising from water pollution. This policy is aimed at
protecting, preserving and restoring the national environment for sustainable development
by improving the lives of citizens; moreover, it provides guidance to different classes [36].
Environmental assessment (EA) is still in the infancy stage in Pakistan. In 1970, the
first set of EA rules and regulations were developed, but were not officially implemented
until the late 1990s. Whereas, in the global context, EA is the frontier of public recognition
and is more integrated. An important policy in Pakistan, including the EA as an important
tool of the environmental crisis, is the federal government’s program for sustainable
development (2005–2010). It calls for the promotion of EA as a means of integrating the
environment into policymaking. The International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN-Pakistan) 1994 established the environmental assessment services unit (EAS) in
1994 to implement Pakistan’s National Environmental Guidelines by strengthening and
supporting professionals and regulating institutional governance. Since its inception, the
EAS has developed a wide range of services, including EAs for core policies, plans and
Sustainability 2021, 13, 144 7 of 10
Table 1. Pakistan water security index in comparison to other countries source [37].
water so that water efficiency may be increased in different parts of the country. Likewise,
recycling seawater, using GIS technology to prepare an efficient water inventory, and moni-
toring and control of the actual water supply would be beneficial. Increased innovation
in the water sector should be encouraged as much as possible, including investment in
initiatives that promote the development of vision, demand management, and agricultural
Integrated water management (IWRM): Water management is moving from a secto-
rial approach to an integrated approach. In the context of Pakistan, an integrated water
strategy is required to deal with the issue of water scarcity in the long-term. To achieve this,
the integration of all water stakeholders is required, which may range from the efficient
utilization of water, conservation of water, and a national consensus to manage water for
future sustainability.
Fundamentals of integrated governance: The first effort to introduce a special envi-
ronmental law in Pakistan was taken in 1977. In 1992, the country developed a National
Conservation Strategy (NCS), and in 2001, the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP)
was sanctioned by the Pakistan Environment Protection Council. NEAP addresses envi-
ronmental concerns, including air, water and sanitation, soil, forestry issues, and it faces
various challenges in addressing climate change. The central government must play a key
role in formulating policies to ensure sustainable surface and groundwater use, industrial
use, and wastewater management. Food safety, water safety and energy security are closely
interrelated, and a proper management system must address all related issues, including
groundwater pollution, wastewater treatment, and emissions.
Agriculture sector: The agriculture sector is the largest user of water resources in
Pakistan, but unfortunately, water used by the agriculture sector is poorly managed. In this
regard, government needs to encourage farmers to adapt to modern irrigation technologies.
4.2. Conclusions
More than 70% of the rural population in Pakistan, including some of the most
disadvantaged in the country, rely heavily on natural resources for survival. Efficient
management is required if the precious resource of water is wasted on a daily basis. Aware-
ness of all possible environmental alternatives requires a high return rate and reduced
abstraction rate. The problem of water scarcity needs to be thoroughly studied, and a
viable solution should be developed and implemented. The increase in the density of cities
along river sides, has led to the abstraction of fresh water and it has a negative impact on
water quality of rivers. Therefore, water balance, water quality, and water statistics are
very important for a sustainable water supply. Likewise, the government should introduce
effective land reforms, because large land is more productive than small land, and land
ownership needs to be increased to address this issue. Effective and efficient policies for the
agricultural sector will undoubtedly enhance water management efficiency of the country.
Water policy is about promoting the sustainable use of water resources by improving water
efficiency. There is a strong possibility of increasing the water supply by increasing the
canal water efficiency (reducing leakages and illegal breaches of canals) from 33% to 90%,
comparably with developed countries. Suitable solutions to reduce water leaks, efficient
metering, and improving water efficiency should be encouraged. Pakistan uses only 10% of
its water flow from rivers per annum, as compared to the global average of 40% [38]. The
scarcity of these resources will offset huge financial costs. For example, repeated three-year
floods in 2010, 2011 and 2012 severely damaged the national economy along with other
issues such as the global financial crisis of 2009–2010, the devaluation of Pakistan currency,
and the trade deficit. halved potential economic growth. Instead of a growth rate of 6.5%,
the economy grew at an average rate of 2.9% per annum [8].
At the international level, the Indus Water Convention regulates Pakistan’s right to
access water in Indus basin. Although environmental and economic pressures across the
border are the significant contributor to water conflict, the agreement has endured. Water
policy does not include the impact of climate change on surface water use and water
Sustainability 2021, 13, 144 9 of 10
resources, therefore there is a need for further actions to be taken by the officials of water
policy. Provincial water management, from a regional perspective, should be adopted with
Water policy should strive to improve water quality for all purposes. In Pakistan,
the percentage of wastewater discharged to the rivers, without treatment is 82%. Priority
should be given to the development and adoption of cost-effective water treatment and
disinfection technology in the construction and operation of water treatment plants to
ensure safe water use. Contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause up to 40% of
all diseases in Pakistan, costing between PKR 25 billion to PKR 58 billion a year. This is
detrimental to economic growth, because this amount is 0.6–1.44% of GDP [39].
To reap the benefit from water resources, the entire water chain of Pakistan requires
fundamental adjustments. In addition, although Pakistan once was water abundant coun-
try, it could not develop proper human resources for efficient water management. The
country is now a water-stressed country, and there is urgent need for investment in human
resources, particularly water managers to solve problems in this sector through scientific
knowledge and research. As Pakistan approaches its 74th anniversary of independence,
the government must move beyond speaking on water issues in the context of national
climate change, environmental sustainability, and national water policy, to address the
water crisis the country faces.
Author Contributions: All authors have contributed equally to all sections of this manuscript. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data of present study, will be available on request from corresponding
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam for the support of time and facilities for this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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