Reduction of Contamination From Water Using Rainwater

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Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Nsukka, Nigeria, 5 - 7 April, 2022

Reduction of Contamination from Water Using Rainwater

Filtration System in NCR, Philippines
Renier Dale D. Dalawampu, Joshua Benjamin R. Mabeza, Therese Marie C. Pimentel,
Catherine Therese L. Tolentino, Engr. Nestor R. Ong, MSIE, PIE, ASEAN Eng
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Santo Tomas
España Blvd., Metro Manila, Philippines
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Water shortage and the rising cost of water services have been a problem of communities around the world for
centuries. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) had reported that around one out of ten, approximately
eleven million people in the Philippines do not have access to improved water sources. Climate change is one of the
main contributing factors to this problem. UNICEF stated that climate change disrupts weather patterns, leading to
extreme weather events, unpredictable water availability, exacerbating water scarcity, and contaminating water
supplies. Such impacts can drastically affect the quantity and quality of water needed to survive. Considering the
occurrence of such abnormal phenomena, the aim of the study was to assess the quality of water sources in Metro
Manila (NCR) and create an effective water filtration system that can be used to help reduce the contamination of
water that Filipino households can utilize. The researchers gathered and analyzed data through comparative analysis,
together with the support of similar studies, to help determine the optimal amount of components that will be used
for the filter and establish if the filter is indeed effective in reducing contamination. The obtained results from the
tests conducted for the seven water quality parameters tests between the Filtered Rainwater and Unfiltered
Rainwater found that there was a reduction in the contaminants after the filtration of the rainwater using the filter

Rainwater, Water Quality, Rainwater Filtration System, Water Scarcity, Physico-chemical parameters

1. Introduction
The prevalence of water scarcity is a problem that is affecting different areas of the world, most especially those
residing in rural areas and those who belong in the poorest sectors of the society. This situation is evident in several
countries of the world, including the Philippines. Lee et al. (2019) mentioned that the country is ranked 33rd out of
the 48 countries in the Asian Development Bank (ADB) when it comes to water security. With this impediment,
people are left with no choice but to rely on unsafe and untreated water sources for their alternative water supply just
so they could suffice their water needs. However, utilizing such water sources poses serious threats in terms of
health of the people. Some of the potential risks include infections such as diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, and typhoid.
The rapid increase in global population also increases water consumption, thus further depleting water sources than
it normally should. Kummu et al. (2016) stated that “rapidly increasing populations and increases in total water
consumption resulted in a nearly 16-fold overall increase in the population under water scarcity within the 20th
century”. Because of this, safe alternative sources of water are starting to be explored by different sectors and
organizations as an attempt to alleviate and mitigate the effects of water scarcity. Among the different alternatives
available is the use of rainwater harvesting system, which Sendanayake (2016) noted to be a feasible supplementary
source of water especially to countries which have abundant rainfall.

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Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Nsukka, Nigeria, 5 - 7 April, 2022

1.1 Objectives
Considering the crucial role of water in different aspects of human life, other alternative sources of water must be
furthermore explored to help address the impending problem of water scarcity in different areas of the world,
including the Philippines. The aim of the study is to focus on coming up with an effective purification system that
can be used to reduce contaminants in rainwater and make this a viable alternative source of water for households in
Metro Manila. The findings of this study will contribute significantly not just to communities in, but to different
local communities across the world as well that experience water scarcity as one of its main problems. Rainwater
harvesting or the collection of rainwater in a proper way can be a permanent solution to the problem of the water
crisis in various parts of the world. Having a further study of this subject matter is essential for the improvement of
the project, so that appropriate steps will be taken.

General Objective: The overall objective of this study is to design a product that would enable people to treat, and
filter harvested rainwater and use this as their sustainable source of water for household usage.

Specific Objective:
● to integrate coconut shell activated carbon into the purification system
● to be able to reduce contaminants from water using the purification system
● to determine if the filtered rainwater complies with the water quality standards of the Philippines
● to determine if the water quality of rainwater significantly improved after going through the water filter

2. Literature Review
2.1 Global Water Crisis
Water scarcity may be a problem that is more evident to developing countries, but it is considered to be an issue that
the whole world is currently facing. A study by Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2016) found out that there are about 4
billion people who experience severe water scarcity during at least one month of the year (as cited in Sun,
2021). That is approximately two-thirds of the global population experiencing this problem in water scarcity.
Additionally, it is estimated that around 50 to 70 percent of the world’s natural wetland area has been lost over the
last 100 years (United Nations, 2019). National Geographic also stated that 3.3 million people around the world are
dying as a result of dirty water and lack of a toilet and proper hygiene, having most of them as children under five
years old (Manila Times, 2020).

The rapid growth of the global population is resulting in a continuous increase in water demand as well, putting the
limited global water reserves in a bind. While the human population has doubled in the last 50 years, there has also
been a corresponding growth in industrialization and economic development, which increases water usage, water
ecosystems transformation, and huge loss of biodiversity (Guarino, 2016). The lack of access to reliable and usable
water resources is a major issue not only because the global water demand cannot be accommodated, but also
because it leaves the people with no choice but to settle for unsafe water resource alternatives. Most of these
alternative sources pose several threats regarding the health and safety of the people who will be making use of it.
Around 827,000 people from low and middle-income countries die each year as a result of inadequate water,
sanitation, and hygiene, with around 432,000 of those deaths to be caused by poor sanitation (World Health
Organization, 2019). It is forecasted that half of the world’s population will already be living in water-stressed areas
by 2025, and around 700 million people are expected to be displaced from their homes or communities by the year
2030 due to intense water scarcity.

2.2 Philippine Water Crisis

The Philippines, despite being a tropical country abundant in water resources, is still no exception to the global crisis
brought about by water scarcity. As an archipelagic country surrounded by hundreds of bodies of water, only 36% or
148 of the country’s river systems can be used as sources of water supply, while only 42% of the groundwater is free
from contamination. Doctor Gundo Weiler, a WHO Representative in the Philippines, said, “Water is an extremely
important resource that we cannot live without. But there are Filipinos who are still being left behind in terms of
access to improved water sources.” Despite the access of some portion of the population to improved water, people
still rely on purchasing their water from commercial sources, thus accounting for a high percentage of average
Filipino’s monthly wage. This shows that even Filipinos are affected in an economical perspective regarding reliable
and sustainable sources of water and sanitation. A study on the demands and shortages in the Philippines was
conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, identifying nine major areas in the country that are

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Nsukka, Nigeria, 5 - 7 April, 2022

considered to be “water-critical areas.” These areas include Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, Davao, Baguio, Angeles,
Bacolod, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro, and Zamboanga (figure1).

Figure 1. National water security score among ADB members

The water security scores of different Asian Development Bank members as reflected in five (5) key dimensions are
shown in Figure 1. The five key dimensions identified are Rural Household, Economic, Urban, Environment, and
Water-Related Disasters, all of which are scored using a scale of 1-20. It can be seen from the figure that the
Philippines ranked 16th overall among 49 countries in terms of the overall national water security score. This score
indicates that the overall water security in the country is good. However, when looking at the key dimensions that
consist of the overall score, it can be observed that the water security in rural areas is still low, and that the great
disparity between water security among rural and urban areas is still present in the year 2020. The issue of poverty
in the nation furthermore aggravates the situation regarding water safety and accessibility. The disparities of socio-
economic status in the Philippines are evident when comparing how the urban areas are provided better access to
power, food, and water (Cayonte et al. 2019).

Water crisis is certainly not a new problem in the Philippines, and it worsens as a consequence of climate change.
The cities of the Philippines have been designated as some of the worst for water security in Asia. As a result of
climate change and global warming, the mean temperature of the Philippines is expected to rise by 1.8°C to 2.2°C in
2050 (PAGASA, n.d.). The increase in temperature during the dry season and extreme rainfall during the wet
season, this will undoubtedly affect water supply and quality. Tolentino (2020) mentioned that with the Philippines
continuing to experience high weather temperature, water rationing was being announced for some parts of Metro
Manila; thus, limiting the supply of water to households. According to the Global Climate Risk Index
(Germanwatch, 2020), the Philippines continuously rank among one of the most affected countries both in the long-

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Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Nsukka, Nigeria, 5 - 7 April, 2022

term index and in the index for the respective year. In addition to this, our population is expected to increase by
approximately 30% in 2050 as reported by the United Nations in their World Population Prospects (2019) which
will further deplete our freshwater resources.

Due to the uncertain occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon and the continuing high weather temperatures, the
water crisis affects more and more households throughout the year. Approximately 14 million residents that live in
Manila, Rizal, and Cavite are heavily reliant on Umiray-Angat-Ipo river systems as their main source for clean and
safe water (Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System, 2021). Last March 2019, around 52 barangays had no
water, and over six million customers were affected by the El Niño which is also drying up dams and other water
sources. This crisis affected more than 10,000 households as the water level in La Mesa Dam reached the critical
point. There are three main sources of water supply in Metro Manila: Angat, Ipo, and La Mesa dams. In an interview
with Vicente Manalo, an administrator in PAGASA, it would be alarming if the water level of Angat is below
normal because the main source of La Mesa dam is Angat dam. With the increase in population, water suppliers do
not have enough sources to cover the growing demand. This water crisis highlights the uncertainty of our water
supply even in the National’s capital (WHO, 2019).

2.3 Harmful Effects and Other Risks

The issue of water scarcity in the country is resulting in a lack of reliable water supply that can be used by the
people, opening opportunities for them to resort to unsafe and untreated water sources to suffice their needs for
water. According to the World Health Organization (2020), there are around 50.3 million Filipinos who do not have
access to safely managed sanitation services. Moreover, there are an estimated 6 million Filipinos who still practice
open defecation. Aside from these practices, another option that people do is storing more water in large drums or
containers when it is still present or available. This practice allows them to prepare in case there is an unexpected
water supply cutoff or water shortage in their area. However, this scenario is prone to mishandling and will open
more possibilities for mosquitoes to breed in these containers or storages, thus increasing the potential harm from
mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue.

Such unsafe habits and practices can pose serious problems with the availability of usable water resources in the
country due to the harmful and potentially contaminated water resource alternatives that people resort to. In Metro
Manila, only 15% of households are connected to sewerage systems, with only half of which receiving sewage
treatment (Jalilov, 2017). Abeyasinghe (2020) stated that untreated water waste from poor sanitation can bring
several negative effects both on the environment and human beings. Among the negative impacts to humans include
diseases that cause poor health and nutrition, loss of income, decreased productivity, and missed opportunities.

The need for accessible clean and usable water is even more significant than ever due to the surge of COVID-19
outbreaks that has hit the Philippines since January of 2020. Proper sanitation has been the go-to solution for most
Filipinos in attempting to prevent risks of further transmission of the disease. Hand hygiene is a widely accepted
principle in the prevention of disease transmission because it has a 24% to 31% likelihood of decreasing the spread
of transmissible disease (Rundle et al., 2020). Additionally, the IBON Foundation (2020) stated in their article that
the World Health Organization has emphasized the importance of frequent and proper hand hygiene as one of the
most important preventive measures against COVID-19 infection. However, this practice may not be widely
implementable in the country due to the great disparity of reliable water sources among the different regions. The
World Health Organization (2020) has stated that based on 2019 data, lack of handwashing facilities, water, and
soap has resulted in over 7 million Filipinos who are still unable to wash their hands. Among them are mostly from
those who live in the rural areas and those who belong among the poorest Filipino households.

2.4 Tropical Cyclones

There are more Tropical Cyclones (TC) that enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) than anywhere else
averaging 20 tropical cyclones per year with an annual rainfall ranging between 959.9 millimeters to 4,464.9
millimeters that varies from one region to another. According to the data provided by PAGASA (n.d.) that averages
over a 30-year period, Hinatuan station in Surigao del Sur receives the highest amount of rain with an annual rainfall
of 4,464.9 millimeters while General Santos City station in South Cotabato receives the least amount of rain with an
annual rainfall of 959.9 millimeters. The annual rainfall of the weather stations located in the National Capital
Region ranges between 1,767.8 millimeters to 2,103.6 millimeters.

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Engineer Bonifacio B. Magtibay, a WHO Environmental and Occupational Health Technical Officer, recommended
individuals to contribute in their own ways to converse water and avoid further water scarcity by recycling water
and different strategies such as rainwater collection systems. The Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) system is considered
as a viable supplementary source of water especially in countries with abundant rainfall like the Philippines
(Sendanayake, 2016).

2.5 Combating Water Shortages Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems

In the Philippines, a study was conducted by the engineering students of De La Salle University. Ignacio et al.
(2019) designed and manufactured a model for an Integrated Water System (IWS), which is composed of a
Rainwater Harvesting System (RWHS), Water Treatment System (WTS), and Eco-Toilet System (ETS). Their
system was inspired by similar papers that have designed and installed RWHS and IWS. The RWHS and WTS use
rainwater which can be used for domestic purposes. In their model, the ETS can be used for agricultural purposes,
promoting food security. This study was also done in support of UN’S SDG 6’ Clean Water and Sanitation, “Ensure
Availability and Sustainability Management of Water and Sanitation for All”.

This model was installed in Mulanay, Quezon Province, Philippines, one of the identified 331 waterless
municipalities in the country. The researchers discovered from the database of Mulanay that more than 80% of the
local inhabitants have a limited water supply and nearly 50% lack access to at least basic sanitation. They also took
in consideration the behavioral intention and perception of the users of the IWS, extending the study by conducting a
survey using The Combined Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior (C-TAM-TPB) to
measure the social acceptance of the installed technology.

2.6 Components of the Filter

Considering the current situation of the researchers, mainly limited mobility due to the pandemic, budget
constraints, limited communication, and limited knowledge of the procurement of necessary materials to make a
prototype that is comparable to those in the market, the researchers opted to make a filtration system that is simple
yet effective in filtering rainwater that is comparable to tap water. The components considered are chosen due its
abundant availability, which makes the filter easier to produce, its support to SDG 12 “Responsible Consumption
and Production for using natural materials, and the components’ performance in related studies. The table 1
summarizes both variable’s units of measurement and instrument/s to be used.

Table 1. Filter materials and instrument used for measurement

Filter materials refer to the different biofiltration components that the proponents utilized in the filtration system that
was used in this study. The researchers adopted the usual components of a biofiltration system together with the
integration of activated coconut carbon as an alternative to the usual activated carbon components that has been
utilized in previous studies. The main filter materials that were tested in this study are activated coconut carbon,
sand, gravel, and filter wool.

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The water quality parameters refer to the different chemical parameters, specifically physicochemical parameters,
that were assessed in determining the quality of collected water samples. These parameters include the pH level,
Chloride, Phosphate, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Nitrate (NO3-N), and Fecal
Coliform of the water samples. Each parameter will be evaluated based on their corresponding standard values for
water quality parameters. This will dictate the quality level of the water and will determine if it is safe for household
use, human consumption, and other possible uses.

3. Methods
The research design that was utilized for this study focuses on the reduction of water contamination analysis using
the newly designed rainwater filtration system by the researchers. Comparative analysis was conducted between the
water quality parameters of the filtered rainwater as compared to the unfiltered rainwater. The analysis was
conducted by gathering data samples of rainwater from Metro Manila and placing it into the activated coconut
carbon filtration system to test the properties and the performance of the filter.

The main target of the study was to provide an alternative source of water for residents in Metro Manila, therefore it
is necessary to collect rainwater samples from the vicinity to obtain more accurate results. Rainwater samples for the
study were obtained from one household among the proponents, who is currently residing in Metro Manila,
specifically in the city of Las Piñas. Afterwards, the collected water samples were brought to a testing laboratory
within the subject site to get its parameters tested within the holding time upon its collection. The laboratory is
located at Mach Union Building, Alabang Zapote Road, Las Piñas City, Philippines. The quality of filtered
rainwater obtained will be compared with the quality of unfiltered water to assess its potential as an alternative or an
emergency water source for households.

All water has some form of bacteria. However, the presence of bacteria does not mean the water is unsafe to use;
since, only disease-causing bacteria known as pathogens lead to disease (North Dakota State University, 2019).
Hence, a thorough process of water quality testing is a must for any potential liquid source to find out its
specification. In line with this, the dependent variables of the study are the data that will be coming from the water
quality results of the filtered rainwater and unfiltered rainwater. The volume (size) of the samples to be collected and
the identified water parameters to be tested will depend on the following:
1. The DENR Water Quality Standards
2. Requirements of the Water Testing Laboratory
3. Availability of Water Parameters that can be tested from the Water Testing Facility
4. The Cost to Test Each Water Parameters for Each Sample

To have ideal and reliable results, a total number of 15 trials of water tests were conducted, which were done
through the months of June - September of the year 2021. Evidently, it would have been ideal to take numerous
repeated samples in a specific community or model, obtaining excellent statistical data, but given the restricted
protocols brought by the COVID-19 situation, the proponents based the number of samples to be obtained from the
gathered data from existing journals. The model used in this study is presented below in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Conceptual framework

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The parameters used to assess water quality are pH level, Chloride, Phosphate, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),
Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Nitrate (NO3-N), and Fecal Coliform of the water samples. Each parameter will be
assessed based on their corresponding standard values for water quality parameters. The Water Quality Guidelines
(WQG) and General Effluent Standards (GES) of 2016 by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) was used to determine the quality of water samples. The DENR has stated that this guideline will be
applicable to all water bodies in the country, with different classifications provided depending on the water’s
intended beneficial use. The guidelines mentioned that water intended for sources of potable and domestic use
should adapt to the DENR Class A WQG except for the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Dissolved
Oxygen (DO) parameters, hence the Class A WQG was the basis of the standard values of the water parameters that
was used for assessment of the quality of the water samples.

4. Data Collection
The proponents were able to collect 15 samples of rainwater during the duration of the months of June – September
of the year 2021. The Sample of harvested rainwater was collected based on the details of location, date, and time.
Hence, the test for each water parameter besides the pH level was conducted within 24 HRS upon the collection of
rainwater to avoid any changes in the sample physically and chemically. Each sample was directly transported to the
Water Testing Laboratory having the precautions of the prescribed sample volume, container type, and preservation
details. The pH level parameter is required to be tested within 15 minutes; thus, the proponents personally conducted
a litmus paper test on the rainwater samples. To be assured of the data conducted for the pH level, the Water Testing
Laboratory still conducted a comprehensive test to compare to the data that was collected directly by the proponents.
As the pH level data were on par with each other, the proponents decided to use the collected results from the
laboratory to ensure the accuracy of the water analysis.

5. Results and Discussion

The Rainwater Filtration System with the activated coconut carbon was effectively conceptualized and actualized as
a prototype to filter rainwater samples obtained from the subject site. In line with this, the optimal mixed-ratio, and
the components inside the system, particularly the gravel, sand, and the newly integrated ingredient, activated
coconut carbon, as discussed in the previous section, were successfully derived and applied to the biofilter (figure

Figure 3. The optimal mixed ratio of the filter components

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5.1 Numerical Results

Table 2. Summary of the means for filtered rainwater vs. Unfiltered rainwater

Parameters Units DENR Class A Unfiltered Filtered Reduction of

Standards Rainwater Rainwater Contamination
Chloride mg/L 250 258 248 3.88%
Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) mg/L 60 71 58 18.31%
Phosphate mg/L 0.5 0.58 0.48 17.24%
Nitrate as N mg/L 7 9.9 6.9 30.30%
pH units 6.5 - 8.5 8.38 7.18 14.32%
TSS mg/L 50 51.78 47 9.23%
Fecal Coliform MPN/100mL < 1.1 126.75 1.80 98.58%

Shown in this table 2 are the means for each parameter under the Unfiltered Rainwater group and Filtered Rainwater
group alongside with its percentage of reduction in contamination. It can be seen that all of the parameters had
reduced amounts after filtering the rainwater through the filtration system. The results obtained by the proponents
have agreed with other similar studies done previously by other researchers. The use of activated carbon to remove
harmful impurities, whether in the treatment of water or air, is essential (Alves et al. 2021).

5.2 Discussion
It is better for the Chloride Parameter if the amount of the substance found in the water is less than or equal to 250.
Thus, the table shows that the means of the data of Filtered Rainwater is within the standards dictated by Class A for
Chloride. As for the Unfiltered Rainwater, it is shown here that it does not comply with the standards for Class A.
The analysis to find the decrease of the Chloride Parameter from the Filtered Rainwater compared to the Unfiltered
Rainwater resulted in a 3.88% reduction of contamination. The depletion of the Chloride Parameter in the Filtered
Rainwater made the sample comply with Class A Standards.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Based on the DENR Water Quality Standards, it is better if the number of COD found in the water is less than or
equal to 60. Furthermore, the table shows that the means of the data of Filtered Rainwater lies under the standards
dictated by Class A; thus, it shows compliance. As for the Unfiltered Rainwater, it is shown here that it does not
comply with the standards for Class A. The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Parameter Test conducted for the
Filtered Rainwater as compared to the Unfiltered Rainwater resulted in an 18.31% reduction of contamination. The
percentage for the COD Test is significant as the collected rainwater after the filtration process shows improvement;
hence, the study figured that it is now in compliance with Class A Standard.

The chart shows that the means of the data of Filtered Rainwater is within the range of the standards dictated by
Class A for phosphate. However, as for the Unfiltered Rainwater, it is shown here that it does not comply with the
standards for Class A. The table also displays the reduction of contamination percentage of the Phosphate Parameter
Test conducted for the Filtered Rainwater as compared to the Unfiltered Rainwater. In the study, it was computed
that the level of Phosphate from the Unfiltered Rainwater decreased by 17.24% using the Water Filter prototype.

Nitrate as N
For Nitrate, it is better if the amount of the substance found in the water is less than or equal to 7. With this, the table
shows that the means of the data of Filtered Rainwater is within the standards dictated by Class A. As for the
Unfiltered Rainwater, it is shown here that it does not comply with the standards for Class A. Moreover, it can be

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Nsukka, Nigeria, 5 - 7 April, 2022

observed from the table that the Nitrate Parameter Test conducted for the Filtered Rainwater as compared to the
Unfiltered Rainwater resulted in a 30.30% reduction of contamination.

Acidity & Basicity (pH)

For the pH level, it is acceptable if the level in the water is within the neutral case having a 6.5-8.5 result. Thus, the
table shows that the means of the data of Filtered Rainwater and Unfiltered Rainwater are within the standards
dictated by Class A. In line with this, the analysis to find the decrease of the Acidity and Basicity (pH) Parameter
from the Filtered Rainwater as compared to the Unfiltered Rainwater resulted in a 14.32% reduction of

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

The table shows that the means of the data of Filtered Rainwater is within the standards dictated by Class A. In this
case, it is better if the amount of the TSS substance found in the water is less than or equal to 50. With this, the
means of the Filtered Rainwater comply with the criteria; however, the Unfiltered Rainwater does not comply with
the standards for Class A. In the study, it was computed that the level of Phosphate from the Unfiltered Rainwater
decreased by 9.23% using the Water Filter prototype.

Fecal Coliform
For the Fecal Coliform, it is deemed acceptable if the data result is lower than 1.1. Thus, the table shows that the
means of the data obtained for the Filtered Rainwater is close to the acceptable range. However, as for the Unfiltered
Rainwater, it is shown here that it does not comply with the standards for Class A. The Fecal Coliform Parameter
Test conducted for the Filtered Rainwater as compared to the Unfiltered Rainwater resulted in a 98.58% reduction of
contamination. The percentage for the COD Test shows significant improvement; hence, the study figured that the
Filtered Rainwater is now in compliance with Class A Standard.

Overall, It can be observed that the fecal coliform had the most significant reduction among the parameters, having
the amount of 126.75 MPN/100 mL being reduced to 1.80 MPN/100 mL with a total of 98.58% reduction of
contamination. The huge decrease in the amount of fecal coliform can be attributed to the use of activated carbon as
one of the main components in the filtration system. Similar results have been observed by Nguema et al. (2020),
who has stated in their study that activated carbon based on coconut shells is effective in fixing bacteria in the
treatment of well-contaminated waters. The result of their study showed that 92.4% of fecal coliforms were fixed,
together with other bacteria, due to the activated carbon being used in the water treatment process.

5.3 Proposed Improvements

Considering the findings above, the following recommendations are forwarded:
1. The study enabled the researchers to come up with innovative ideas that could help enhance the Philippines
and even the world’s water quality and water sanitation practices. Thus, the research paper could be utilized
as a reference by present and future researchers studying the Water Filtration process and Rainwater
potentials to address more concerns in addition to the objectives presented.
2. The prototype's components were proven to be effective; thus, they could be further analyzed and referred
to for additional research of its benefits and usage.
3. The actualized prototype could also be applied to each Filipino household to have a sustainable clean water
supply. In addition, it can also be implemented in a large-scale setup to elevate concerns that could be
4. The initiative of creating a rainwater harvesting system could be intensified with the addition of
considering the measurements of the rooftop gutter, drainage piping system, and the application of the
components of the tested prototype for a wide-scale and complete design structure of the filtration system.
5. A pilot study is also recommended for enhanced and comprehensive community involvement. The ideals of
the project could help the country more if the local government and NGO units are willing to study the
results of the research and are willing to participate in its implementation.

6. Conclusion
Water scarcity involves water stress, shortage or deficits, and water crisis resulting from the consolidation of factors,
including the increase in population, urbanization, and climate change. Further, the Philippines, just like the tropical

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nations and countries with a large body of water source, are expected to have enough water to meet household,
industrial, agricultural, and environmental needs; however, resulting to not being optimized due to the lack of
sustainable means to provide it in an accessible manner to all its people. As the research led to an analysis that there
is truly a grave problem for a need for reliable and usable water resources, the proponents initialized the application
of an efficient rainwater harvesting and filtration system for the Filipino households.

The study found that collecting rainwater can be considered a sustainable source of household water that can adverse
the effects of water scarcity in the Philippines and address the volume of wastewater or stormwater runoff during the
rainy season. Moreover, the study also showed the effectiveness of coconut shells as an alternative material for
producing activated carbon in a rainwater filtration system, its effectiveness to reduce or eliminate contaminants in
rainwater, and its viability when adopted in the Philippines. The collection of rainwater could help as well in the
economical aspect of the nation to reduce costs for managing water collected by the Ipo, La Mesa, and Angat Dam
and will help the LGUs to prioritize water sanitation is considered to be a top essential to elevate the quality of

In line with this, the proponents successfully actualized a small-scale prototype of a Rainwater Filtration System
with the activated coconut carbon as an innovative integrated component to filter rainwater samples obtained from
the subject site. The formulated Filter prototype is an idea by the researchers to mitigate the effects of water scarcity
that could help Filipino households access a water source that could be used for industrial purposes. In addition, the
optimal mixed-ratio and the type of components inside the system, particularly the gravel, sand, and the activated
coconut carbon with a percentage ratio of +-33%: +-30%: +-16% were also figured and applied to the biofilter. The
Filter prototype was used to filter fifteen (15) rainwater samples that were analyzed through the seven (7) water
parameters to find if the results are on par with the Global Water Quality Standards and if there is truly a reduction
of contamination of the filtered rainwater as compared to the unfiltered rainwater.

6.1 Summary of Water Analysis

The researchers analyzed unfiltered and filtered rainwater by gathering necessary data through samples of rainwater
from Las Piñas, Metro Manila. Rainwater was collected during heavy rainy days and filtered through the activated
coconut carbon filtration system to test the characteristics and performance. The filtered rainwater then, along with
other sources of water and unfiltered rainwater, is then sent to the water testing laboratory to determine the water
quality from these sources.

In the analysis of the seven (7) water quality parameters between the Filtered Rainwater and Unfiltered Rainwater, it
was found that there was a reduction in the contaminants after the filtration of the rainwater, particularly in the TSS
parameter and the Fecal Coliform parameter.

The two groups are then compared to the Class A standards for freshwater and assessed if they comply with the
standards. It was found from the means of the Filtered Rainwater that it complies with the Class A standards for all
water quality parameters. However, from the means of the Unfiltered Rainwater, it was found that all the
parameters, except for the pH level, do not comply with the standards set for each water quality parameter.

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IEOM Society International 1164

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Nsukka, Nigeria, 5 - 7 April, 2022

Renier Dale D. Dalawampu is a student at the University of Santo Tomas taking up a Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering.

Joshua Benjamin R. Mabeza is a student at the University of Santo Tomas taking up a Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering.

Therese Marie C. Pimentel is a student at the University of Santo Tomas taking up a Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering.

Catherine Therese L. Tolentino is a student at the University of Santo Tomas taking up a Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering.

Engr. Nestor R. Ong, PIE, MSIE, ASEAN Eng is a full-time faculty member and is presently the Deputy Director
of the University of Santo Tomas’ Office of QS/THE Rankings. Previously, he served as Assistant Director of the
University of Santo Tomas’ Quality Management Office, chair of the IE Department and dean of the College of
Engineering of Lyceum of the Philippines-Laguna, and as senior manager of INTEL Philippines.

IEOM Society International 1165

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