Kair Profile DressCompany
Kair Profile DressCompany
Kair Profile DressCompany
Kair is a leading brand in children’s clothing, focuses its
attention on continuous innovation, quality and design. Our
brand caters to parents and children, ensuring that each of KAIR IS A
our products has long lasting quality and comfort woven into
its DNA. Famous for its childrenswear, Kair is the number
one choice for mothers and expectant mothers, and its CUSTOMER
products are available in stores, as well as online.
Kair is here to serve parents who expect high levels of
quality, comfort and service, all at an affordable price. The
Kair brand is dedicated to honesty and transparency, not ECO-FRIENDLY AND
only at all levels of production, but also through our
branding, in order to maintain the deep trust that exists RESPONSIBLE
between Kair and its customers. FASHION BRAND
We are committed in delivering market leading fashion and WITH A
quality at prices that will always exceed the expectations of
our customers. All the way from the design process to the
shopping experience, Kair understands customer needs ITALIAN STYLE.
and places them at the core of everything that we do.
The Kair brand is conceived to offer products
parents can rely upon. Our brand begins its
Kair diversifies from baby clothing and
baby clothing revolution in 1998 focusing on
brought our vision to bear upon kids
kidswear, under the Fine Fair Group.
2006 2010
Kair launches its collection for teens, and
After seeing steady growth in popularity and
starts investing in R&D to develop natural
turnover, Kair opens its first exclusive retail
fibres, from pineapples, for baby clothing.
store in City Centre Mall, Bahrain.
2011 2012
Kair expands its range,
This year sees major expansion of Kair’s
to include baby accessories and toys.
online shopping offering, starting in United
Arab Emirates. Kair also introduces its Kids
2013 Home collection.
Kair makes a strategic brand decision to
design the Kair collection in Florence, Italy, 2014
in Kair’s own design studio: Kair Italy SRL. Kair launches its customer loyalty program,
as well as its Kair 2 Care division devoted to
2015 CSR initiatives. Kair’s incentive program for
Kair is proud to introduce a new concept all employees, Kair Giver, is also initiated.
store to its customers, designed by leading
Italian architect Massimo Dei, from
Studio 63, Florence.
Kair launches its first franchise store.
Today we are a popular brand, going strong around the world and stimulating robust growth. Offering both
physical retail stores and online stores, Kair continues its exciting journey as it branches into new markets,
introduces new concepts and innovations and pursues its boundless love of fashion with attention to detail.
Kair believes that mothers and expectant mothers around the world should have access to the
highest quality of basic clothing and childrenswear. It is our mission to bring these, and other
essential items, to them at an affordable price that represents good value for not only our
products, but also for our detail-oriented customer service.
Dedicated to continual innovation, Kair is also committed to providing our customers with
safety, comfort and good value. Through our range of communication channels, both in-store
and elsewhere, the Kair brand connects with every parent’s caring instinct, leading them to
recognise and trust the Kair concept to deliver high quality at a great price that reflects true
Kair Central, Kair Expressive, and Kair Instrumental are values at the core of what we offer.
Each employee fuses these values, with our policies and guidelines, into their daily actions.
1. Kair Instrumental represents quality and comfort.
2. Kair Central represents the simplicity of our clothing range.
3. Kair Expressive reflects the caring instincts of every parent, which is displayed in the way
we treat our customers, employees and suppliers.
At Kair we have three key brand philosophies that shape our activities, from design to the
overall experience.
AIR refers to Kair's vision of making its retail spaces a calm and soothing environment that is easy on the
eyes and ears, where mothers can easily browse and make purchases in a pleasant atmosphere. AIR also
refers to the comfort that our garments provide for active children.
Our drive for innovation is one thing that sets us apart from other kidswear brands, making Kair a global
brand. Innovations mean customers recognise Kair’s uniqueness, both in terms of value as well as quality.
We invest in new ideas at all stages, from design to the retail experience, constantly improving the brand.
As a global company we believe that brand innovation is essential, especially within the challenging
childrenswear market. Kair’s innovation enhances the perception of the Kair brand, creating long term trust
that will continue from one generation to another.
Kair goes beyond the mass production of fast fashion. We have developed a Kairing brand, producing
quality goods that last longer, are good for customers and environmentally sustainable.
With long-lasting quality being one of our key selling points, the Kair brand instils the perception that our
garments may be handed down to younger siblings, just as before. Generations that grow up in the Kair
world, wearing Kair and experiencing our Kairing philosophy, will become long standing supporters of the
brand for generations to come.
Kair takes much care for maintaining it’s brand identity instore and product level. The in-store
experience is created by Italy’s renowned branding specialist Danilo Venturi.
Kair vision refers to the visual identity in Kair stores. With an in-store environment stimulating all the senses,
customers are invited to explore the Kair store. Customers are stimulated by the enhanced lighting, interior
finishings, colours, images, and the architecture of each store.
Lighting is important to our stores as it not only illuminates, but also conveys Kair’s vision as soon as the
customer enters the store. Our stores convey a feeling of safety and calmness, aided by the minimalist
layout that helps parents and children to navigate the store.
Kair strategically uses a very subtle soft scent in the stores through a vaporizer to enhance the multi-sensory
experience. The scent adds to the calming atmosphere that is intended to stimulate parents.
Kair's development and use of natural fabrics that are soft on the skin and provide comfort throughout the day
demonstrate our attention to detail. Parents and children are not only delighted with the gentle comfort our
products provide but they also enjoy the feeling of protection that our fabrics provide against other elements.
As an oasis of calm, Kair stores offer soothing silence, allowing parents to escape the harsh realities of the city
while they browse our products and shop in peace and quiet. Each store is a space that allows calm thoughts,
contemplation, freedom and relaxed communication between each parent and their child.
Toys and Gaming 8%
Early Baby, Tiny Baby
Newborn Girls Newborn, 0/3m, 3/6m
Maternity 4%
Fashion Accessories 10%
6/9m, 9/12m and one size
Boys Baby Accessories
Girls 0/3m, 3/6m, 6/9m, 9/12m
Footwear 8%
Baby 12/18m, 18/24m, 24/36m
Boys and one size
Our business concept is based on the objective of being a global player in delivering affordable fashion to
quality-conscious families across regions. This passion is the foundation of everything that we do, and has
led us to introduce highly integrated operations that extract maximum benefits from vertical structures.
Garments, fashion accessories, toys, footwear, nursery items, baby essentials and maternity
Retail Stores
BY 2025
Kair continues to grow successfully in its existing markets, as well as in new territories. Kair’s
long-term expansion will continue across all its brands, via both new stores as well as its online
CUSTOMER DRIVEN Kair is a company that takes action for its long
term benefit and invests in its future. In 2012 we
Our customers are central to Kair’s activities and
opened our online store in the United Arab
we aim to be the best in understanding, engaging
Emirates. Since then our online services have
and serving our customers, both online and in
expanded to take in more countries. As a brand
stores. At Kair we are cultivating a culture of
focused on both parenthood and childhood, Kair
continually improving our customer-facing
continues to invest in e-commerce to make the
initiatives and services. Our online and in-store
lives of parents easier. Kair aims to expand its
innovations work together to create a seamless
online presence to 15 countries by 2025.
experience wherever customers encounter
our brand.
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Each Kair employee contributes full fledged commitment, creating an open and dynamic
workplace where everyone works together to take Kair further.
We believe that our values - that resonates among Kair Group, regardless of their salary, role, or the
the entire team - create positive energy and country in which they work.
commitment. By providing a fun, creative and
dynamic workplace where teamwork is essential,
we all grow together. Everyone working for Kair is Teamwork is an essential part of our culture at Kair.
an ambassador for the company, and everything We are driven by our values and we lead by
that each team member does and says, internally example. Our leaders are aware that they are role
and externally, matters. models and should set a good example in
everything they do. At Kair, leadership is about
INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE inspiring others with positive motivation and
constructive feedback.
Our success depends upon our people, and we
are committed to maintaining an inclusive
workplace. Here, human rights are recognised and YOU GROW, WE GROW
we treat each other with integrity, respect, humility At Kair we all grow together within a fun, creative
and dignity, whilst promoting diversity and equality. and dynamic workplace where great opportunities
At Kair we are committed to following all applicable are available via internal recruitment and work
labor and employment laws, wherever we operate. rotation. Here, everyone utilizes their talents and
that makes Kair a better company.
Kair’s employees are the key to its success, and in HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK
2011 the Fine Fair Group established a unique We are committed to maintaining a consistently
incentive programme to show its appreciation for pleasant working environment at each of our
them. Known as Kair Giver, the programme facilities, and this includes making sure that
acknowledges the daily commitment of our employees have a safe workplace. Kair takes
employees, as well as their long-term participation. preventative measures to ensure the long-term
Kair Giver works the same way for everyone in the safety and good health of our employees.
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10 countries
100 stores
3000 employees AND growing...
KAIR 2 CARE sustainable approach, conducting its business with
Kair readily acknowledges the fact that we have this philosophy in mind. We apply our core strengths
responsibilities beyond our business. At the local and zeal for innovation to seek out sustainable
level, our efforts are focused on building skills to practices, creating winning solutions for the good of
succeed. This enables us to apply the same the society.
worldclass skills that benefit our customers as well
as communities in need of them the most. We want COMMUNITY
to constantly create value, wealth and jobs. It is our responsibility to apply our collective
knowledge, talent and energy to overcome the
We don’t just want to give something back to challenges we all face in our workplace, our
society, we want to give back as much as we can communities and our environment. Kair actively
so that our efforts will be genuinely worthwhile. For encourages social advocacy and collaborates with
us the first step towards corporate social numerous social initiatives.
responsibility is treating each other with dignity. Here
are the focal points of our CSR initiatives. As another example of its community work, Kair has
undertaken significant measures to improve the lives
CUSTOMERS of struggling pineapple and dairy farmers, as well as
All our products are created with the environment making agricultural investments in the areas and
in mind. Our garments are made from the finest communities where they operate.
fabrics, using colourfast and eco-fast dyes. We
keep the toxic contents of our end products to the The work we undertake in developing communities
absolute minimum, while ensuring our customers is the most valued element of our CSR activities, as
are never limited in terms of the greatest range of we sincerely believe that altruism can and will lead to
colours. a better world.
Sustainability is not optional, rather, it is essential to
good business. Kair has always adhered to the
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Location & Contacts
Regional Headquarters - MENA
PB No: 20745, Ajman, UAE
Tel: +971 6 7439335
Email: info@finefairgarments.com
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Fine Fair Trading LLC
P.O. Box 20745, Ajman, UAE
Tel: +971 6 7439335
Email: [email protected]