"Ha-Meem Group and Supply Chain Management": An Internship Report On
"Ha-Meem Group and Supply Chain Management": An Internship Report On
"Ha-Meem Group and Supply Chain Management": An Internship Report On
Submitted by
ID: 14304016
Brac Business School
Submitted To
Dr. Md. Mamun Habib
Associate Professor
Brac Business School
Brac University
Submission Date:
December 12, 2018
“Ha-meem Group and Supply Chain
Letter of Transmittal
Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Ha-meem Group and Supply Chain management”
ID: 14304016
Program: Bachelor of Business Administration
Major: Operations and Supply Chain Management
Letter of Endorsement
Dr. Mamun Habib
Assoc. Prof.
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Firstly I would particularly show gratitude to our faculty for giving me the opportunity to have his
vicinity and allowing me to submit me an official internship report on “Ha-meem Group and
Supply Chain management”
I would like to thank my honorable Instructor for providing me guidelines on completing this
report from time to time.I would also like to give a big thanks to Evan bhaia, without his help I
don’t think I would be able to finish this internship paper so smoothly. Furthermore, I am really
grateful to Ha-meem Group family for helping me during my internship and providing me a
favorable and friendly working environment.
At the end I would like to mention the names of a special people I will always remember for his
support and advice. Actually, Fazley Rabby (Procurement Officer, Ha-meem group) helped me
to gain a very peaceful work environment looking after all my needs whenever I presented him.
Executive Summary
In Bangladesh ready-made garments (RMG) is huge prospect especially in exporting. Almost 80%
of total export covers from this ready-made garments sector. Garments sector also is a great
empowerment for the women as 80% of the garments worker are women. . From early 1990
inwards the RMG industry has become the largest ·foreign exchange earning sector in the economy
of our country. In 2013-14, Bangladesh earned nearly $ 20 billion by exporting garment products
and RMG cover 75 percent of the total export of the country, having the lion 's share of the
country's exchange. Ha-Meem Group, a leading garment manufacturer, is going for massive
expansion to double its export receipts to $1 billion in the next six years, said its chief. At present,
Ha-Meem Group's annual exports stand at $535 million, and it counts retail giants like Gap, Esprit,
American Eagle Outfitters, H&M, Abercrombie & Fitch, Kohl's, Tommy Hilfiger, JCPenney,
Mango, Zara, Next, Tom Tailor and Oshkosh as its major buyers. Currently, the group produces 3
million yards of denim fabric in a month, so with the two new units the total production capacity
would reach 6 million yards. Ha-Meem chose to boost its denim production as the demand for the
fabric is rising fast around the world. The group employed 50,000 workers in its different units
and is looking for more workers for the expanded units.
I’ve joined at Ha-meem group as an Intern from 3rd September 2018 and I’ve joined in the
procurement and supply chain management department. I’ve worked both in the accessories and
chemical part. I tried my best to make this report as per my work and the companies working
environment and different activities. This report is ultimately very informative which heavily an
overview on the supply chain management of Ha-meem group. Apart from the report’s main topic,
there is also opportunity for knowledge about the entire process of supply chain management of
this company. There’s also mentioned some problems that this department is having and based on
this problems I have tried my best to give a proper solution.
I have conducted a survey on a topic “Survey on Ha-meem Groups Procurement and supply chain
management” and showed the problems and results with the justifications. The survey was
conducted by probability sampling technique because the exact population size was known.
Lastly there is detail explanation and result of the survey and based on that I have mentioned the major
problems and also given its solutions in the recommendation parts.
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Organization Overview: ...................................................................................................... 8
2. Methodology of the study: .............................................................................................. 9
3. Analysis and Interpretation of the data ........................................................................... 9
3.1 Ha-meem Groups Different business fields includes: ..................................................................9
3.2 Company Address .....................................................................................................................9
3.3 Production ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Units of HA-MEEM GROUP ............................................................................................. 11
Woven: ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Denim Mills:................................................................................................................................. 11
Washing Plant: ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.5 Major Products .............................................................................................................. 13
3.6 Buyers ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.7 Specialty ................................................................................................................... 13
3.8 Organogram of Supply chain Management Department................................................. 15
3.9 Areas of Responsibility (Machineries, spare parts and heavy power utilities): .......................... 15
3.10 Areas of Responsibility (Dyes, Chemicals, Accessories): .......................................................... 16
3.11 Areas of Responsibility (Cotton, yarn and thread): ................................................................. 16
3.12 Total Employees working here: ............................................................................................. 17
4. Survey on Ha-meem group supply chain management: ................................................. 18
5. Summary of the survey: ................................................................................................ 24
6. Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 25
7. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 26
8. Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 27
8.1 References ............................................................................................................................. 27
8.2 Appendix: ............................................................................................................................... 27
1. Introduction
The business activities of Ha-Meem Group have been growing day by day under their energetic
leadership. Thus we became a pioneer in wholesale apparel manufacturing in Bangladesh. Also
Ha-Meem Group is very renowned for its wholesale apparel manufacturing in both Europe and
Today Ha-Meem Group employs around 50,000 workers and the company has 26 garment
factories consisting of 300 production lines and 7 washing plants to produce 7 million pcs/month.
The slasher dyeing and rope dyeing denim production is 4 million meters per month.
I’ve basically worked here on procurement and supply chain department and found felt like there
some problems that this department is having, that is why I have conducted a survey and basically
this report is about this survey , the departments problems and some of my personal solutions
regarding the problems.
2. Methodology of the study:
Both primary and secondary data has been used in this report. For conducting survey google form
was used and the survey was only among the people who are working in the procurement and
supply chain management department so the no of respondents was very few.
3.3 Production
Denim Mills:
Denim mills, a dream project of Ha-meem group located in a serene surrounding of 100 acres of
greenery is just one and half an hour drive from the city. It is equipped with all state-of-art
machinery like sucker muller slasher dye from Germany, picanol Omni plus loom from Belgium
and finishing line from Morison USA. It produces all type of premier Denim including stretch like
Ring slub corss hatch, Dark denim, Sulphur dye, coated fabric, colored Denim etc. Presently Ha-
meem is using their own denim fabric for Gap, JC Penny, KOHL’S , PVH, NEXT in their different
Washing Plant:
Ha-meem has 6 big washing plants and can wash 1, 50,000 pcs of garments per day. All the
washing plants have dry process capability with required equipment and can perform all kinds of
fashion wash like hand brushing, sand blasting. Whisker including 3 dimensional and Laser
whisker, PP Spray tearing, Grinding, Oven curing, over dying, Tinting etc. The entire washing unit
has ETP plant to purify chemically polluted water for taking care of environment.
3.5 Major Products
There are some Major Products of Ha-Meem Group. They are given below:
3.6 Buyers
Ha-Meem group deals with some world class buyer of USA and Europe. Those are:
American Eagle
Gap / Old Navy
JC Penny
H&M etc.
3.7 Specialty
There are some reasons which make this organization different from others.
They are:
3.9 Areas of Responsibility (Machineries, spare parts and heavy power utilities):
1. Garments machineries and spare parts
2. Washing machineries and spare parts
3. New projects expansion machineries
4. Accessories machineries
5. Racking system, lift , lab, material handling equipment’s etc
6. Heavy power utilities (Generator, motor, pump, Inverter, lift etc.) sourcing and regular
7. Machine and spare parts sourcing from in-house to cope up with factory production.
8. Planning, co-ordination with management, commercial, factory, suppliers and shippers.
9. Spare parts and accessories for denim and spinning factory
10. Import processing and documentation
11. Ensuring on-time supply
Designation Manpower
Manager/Ass. Manager 3
Officer 11
Asst. Officer 6
Total 22
4. Survey on Ha-meem group supply chain management:
I was curious how long the employees in this department want to stay here, And the result was interesting
too. 45.5% wants to stay for less than 5 years 18.2% leaving soon 27.3% as long as company keeps9.1%
less than 10 years.
The working environment is very important for any organization. For Ha-meem group procurement and
supply chain department 63.6% employees are satisfied while 36.4% are not important with the
environment they are working on.
First of all Ha-meem group already doing well not only in our country but worldwide. However
there are many internal factors that the company should improve. Based on the survey result I will
only give recommendation on Ha-meem group procurement and supply chain department.
1. Without a question Procurement and supply chain management department is one of the
most important department of this this company. But this department is not as strong as
other departments or I can say it’s been neglected in many ways. Management to need to
keep an on it and fulfil all the requirements to make this department work smoothly.
2. From the survey it seems most employees here are new, only 1 or 2 employees stayed here
for a long time and rest of the employees are new. It’s important that management takes
initiatives to keep the old employees because old employees have more experience and
they know how the company’s system works, they can perform way better than how a new
employee will perform.
3. Employee’s satisfaction is very very important for any company, their performance reflect
on how satisfied they are with working here. Satisfaction depends on many factors such as
salary, working environment, working pressure etc.
4. Technologies are important is this era whether it’s for day to day life activities or office
activities. Ha-meem group use technologies too to make life easier for the employees
however the technologies they use are not up to date, they are still using old model pc,
scanner, photocopy machines etc. which sometimes doesn’t even work. So I strongly
recommend that management should take a look on this matter.
5. Now although this department is one of the most important department in the company but
there’s not enough people working here. So the very less amount people working here have
to take lots of pressure most of the time. This hampering company’s performance as well
as demotivating the employees. So as soon as possible they should hire more people to
work here.
6. Salary is very important, it motivates the employees to work harder but the most employees
working here are not satisfied with the salary. And the amount of work and pressure they
have to go through comparted to that salary is really low. So the salary should be increased
for the employees working in supply chain management department.
7. Conclusion
Without a doubt Ha-meem group is world’s as well as Bangladesh’s one of the top Garments factory. I feel
proud to complete my Internship here, I have learned many things from here which I believe will help me
in the rest of my life. There are many other garments factories that growing faster and bigger. No doubt it
will be a tough challenge for Ha-meem group to compete with them in the future. However if they keep
improving themselves and work on their weak point then I believe Ha-meem group will grow even bigger
and better. The bigger and better Ha-meem group will be the better it will be for our whole country and its
economy. Many unemployed people will be employed, many other small organizations will be motivated
from the success of Ha-meem group. So wish success to Ha-meem group from the bottom of my heart. And
I hope the survey I have taken and from it what I’ve given recommendation will help Ha-meem group
somehow to get even better.
8. Bibliography
8.1 References
Muhammad Helal, M. R. (2016, December 03). The Daily Star - Bangladesh Garments Factory.
Retrieved from The Daily Star: https://www.thedailystar.net/op-ed/bangladeshs-itindustry-
Muhonen, T. (2017). Forming Digital Marketing Plan for a Start-up. Metropolia: Media
Engineering, Metropolia University Of Applied Sciences.
CONSUMER GOODS WORLD? New York: Nielsen Holdings.
Qualman, E. (n.d.). Socialnomics & Digitalization. (CMM, Interviewer)
Taher, M. R. (2017, February 23rd). Drivers of economy. Retrieved from The Daily Star:
About Ha-meem Group (January, 2018) Retrieved from http://www.hameemgroup.net/
8.2 Appendix:
1. How long you have been working at procurement and supply chain department?
i. 2-3 years ii. More than 1 year iii. Less than 1 year
2. Is this department important for the company?
i. Yes ii. No
3. Are you satisfied working here?
i. Yes ii. No
4. Proper technologies and devices being used here?
i. Yes ii. No
5. Which medium mostly being used for communication?
i. Email ii. Phone iii. Both
6. The amount of people working here is enough?
i. Yes ii. No
7. Are you satisfied with the salary?
i. Yes ii. No
8. How long do you want to stay here?
i. Yes ii. No
9. Are you satisfied with the working environment here?
i. Yes ii. No
10. Any other information you want to share about Ha-meem group’s procurement and
development department?