Engine Structure Poster 18x24

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Epic Development Debug DebugGame Test Shipping


Automated Testing Profiler Sessions Console Screen

Config Hierarchy Execute prepared tests and validate Live or captured session profiling. The active or available sessions of the Console and log access to whichever Comparison State
Build Version
The config files have a specific Build ID if they can pass. project running. active session on whichever Compares images for QA and
hierarchy - there is a second
hierarchy within these folders not
Configuration connected device. feedback purposes.
listed here.

Standard Engine Modified Engine Device Profiles

Server Client Editor Configure scalability and quality
Source Source HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ differently per device.
Local mirror of the code as provided The local changes are in a different
Engine \ Config \ Base*.ini by the Epic Perforce or Github. branch to ease future upgrading. SOFTWARE \ EpicGames \
UnrealEngine \ Builds

Engine \ *PlatformFolders* \ *.ini

GIT / SVN Perforce

Device Output Log Device Manager Session FrontEnd
Displays the log of the project running Handles running and managing Collection of tools related to running
on whichever connected device. the project on whichever a session of the project.
Project \ Config \ Default*.ini connected device. Target

Project \ *PlatformFolders* \ *.ini

Commandlets Project
All build/cook/package related
things can be run through
commandlets. Manages the build/cook/package
options and process.

Project \ Saved \ Config \ Launcher Source Control Unreal Game Sync

If the source code must not be Whatever source control solution Connects to Perforce and facilitates
Unreal FrontEnd Unreal Insights Configuration
*PlatformFolder* \ *.ini modified the launcher is the easiest used by the team. distribution and building of engine
Altogether are combined into the New profile and analyze tool.
way to get the engine. and project content.
Unreal FrontEnd.

Unreal Uneal FrontEnd Packaging

Automation Tool Holds several key tools.
Cook Server Responsible for executing the
various stage of the process.
Force include/exclude content.
Other inclusion options.
Compression. Packaging.

Material Skeletal Blueprint Sequencer Niagara Etc

Editor Mesh Editor
Cook On The Fly

Editor Build Cooking Staging Packaging

The editor itself. Compiles the executable Converts content to target Copies the executables Saved \ Cooked Packages the project into Deploy to target device
for the target platform. formats and strips what is and content to a a platform's native
YourPrject.uproject YourPrject.uproject Your Game.exe
not needed. staging area. distribution format.
The Engine
The engine itself - the same engine The Project Shipped Project
version could be used to author The project itself. The project ready for deployment
multiple projects - or could or distribution.
be unique to one project.





Asset Manager
Asset Manager can manage loading
of Primary Assets. Developers can
create a cutom Asset Manager.

Build ID
Optional Association

Asset Validation Secondary Assets

Engine Via C++ or BP set up rules to Assets that are loaded when Primary Assets Localization
Plugin verify assets. referenced by a Primary Asset.
The engine itself - as it loads. By default all other than maps.
Association Optionally - can sign and encrypt
content to fight data-mining.
Folder structure UProject Folder Structure
The most important folders as found Text based project file - holds limited The most important folders as found
in the engine. but vital information for the editor to in the project.
open the project correctly.
Module Custom
Association Maps
Primary Assets
Signing / Cooker Asset Audit
Strips out all shaders, Encryption Statistics Access the packed files-shows
what is contained within them,
DLL Modules Referenced Assets Binaries Binaries texture LODs, Optionally - can sign and encrypt CSV file with info on the including texture mip levels and
content to fight data-mining. cooked content. so on.
formats not needed

Config Config Translation Editor

Menu Level Referenced Assets Derived Data Cache
UAssets Stores versions of assets in the
Optionally - can sign and encrypt
content to fight data-mining.
Binary assets contain the format as used by the current/
uncompressed content along with target platform.
metadata and references.

Menu GameMode / Content Content

Framework DLC Plugins

Reference Viewer Size Map

Platforms Source View references between assets View references as well as a visual
Game Level Referenced Assets after cooking / packaging. representation of size on cooked /
packaged assets.

Asset Validation Shared DDC

Redirectors The DDC can be shared among team
Plugin Moved UAssets leave members to speed up iteration times.
Game GameMode / Shaders Saved hidden Redirectors.

Referenced Assets

Streamed Sub Levels Plugins Gauntlet

Plugins could exist at either engine Automated testing and
or project level. validation tool.
Blueprints Editor Mode Import Assets
Several types of editor assets cannot Assets must be imported to be Assets in whatever supported
be imported but are made by converted to UAssets. source format.
the editor.


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