Unity Certified Developer Courseware - Instructor Resources
Unity Certified Developer Courseware - Instructor Resources
Unity Certified Developer Courseware - Instructor Resources
Instructor Resources
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 2
Table of Contents
Chapter 17: Building the Camera and Player Selection System �������������������� 38
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 3
Chapter 01
Welcome to Unity!
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 4
Chapter 01: Rubric
Welcome to Unity!
Knowledge and Learners cannot list, define, Learners can list common Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding nor differentiate common video game development consistently list, define, consistently list, define, and
of video game video game development industry terminology, but and differentiate common differentiate common video game
development industry. industry terminology. definitions and delineations video game development development industry terminology.
of each term are minimal. industry terminology.
Learners can cite practical
examples of common industry
terminology (e.g. AR, VR) and
explain their significance in
contemporary media today.
Knowledge and Learners cannot list Learners can list video Learners can consistently Learners can consistently list and
understanding nor explain video game game production processes list and explain video game explain video game production
of video game production processes. with minimal explanations. production processes. processes. Learners can sequence
production pipeline. Learners can sequence some Learners can sequence production processes in linear
production processes in production processes in order, consistent with a typical
linear order. linear order, consistent game development pipeline.
with a typical game
development pipeline. Learners can state and explain
common challenges and
categorize industry standard
documents used in game
development productions
(e.g. Game Design Document,
Technical Design Document).
Knowledge and Learners cannot list Learners can list project Learners can consistently Learners can consistently list/label
understanding of nor explain project management practices and list and explain project and explain project management
project management management practices and terminology with minimal management processes. processes.
in video game terminology. explanations.
development. Learners can list and explain
project management terminology
(e.g. Source control, project ID).
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may was delivered on-time, delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. works as requested, and requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. includes no errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 5
Chapter 02
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 6
Chapter 02: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot identify, Learners can identify primary Upon request, learners Upon request, learners can
understanding of describe, nor differentiate Unity Editor features and can consistently identify, consistently identify, describe, and
the Unity Editor User primary Unity Editor terminology, but descriptions describe, and differentiate differentiate primary Unity Editor
Interface. features and terminology. and delineations of each are primary Unity Editor features and terminology.
minimal. features and terminology.
Learners can identify, describe,
and differentiate ancillary Unity
Editor features and terminology.
Ability to utilize the Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
Unity Editor User demonstrate efficient utilization of the Unity Editor demonstrate efficient demonstrate efficient utilization
Interface (e.g. navigate utilization of the Unity to achieve common tasks, utilization of the Unity of the Unity Editor to achieve
the UI, search & filter Editor to achieve common but some tasks are inefficient Editor to achieve common common tasks.
for project data, tasks. or could be achieved with a tasks.
manipulate project better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can demonstrate
data, organize scenes efficient utilization of the Unity
and assets). Editor to achieve specialized (i.e.
uncommon and more technically
challenging) tasks.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management.) unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 7
Chapter 03
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 8
Chapter 03: Rubric
Ability to create and Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
modify game objects demonstrate the ability to the ability to modify game demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
and assets. effectively and efficiently objects and assets, but some effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently modify
modify game objects and tasks are inefficient or could modify game objects and game objects and assets.
assets. be achieved with a better assets.
workflow (i.e. process). Learners can demonstrate the
ability to perform specialized tasks
involving the modification of game
objects and assets (e.g. building a
custom inspector).
Knowledge and Learners cannot define nor Learners can define Prefabs Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of explain Prefabs and scene and scene structure, but consistently define and consistently define and explain
Prefabs and scene structure. explanations of each are explain Prefabs and scene Prefabs and scene structure.
structure. minimal. structure.
Upon the analysis of Unity scenes,
learners can identify opportunities
for scene structure optimization
and explain how to achieve them.
Ability to import Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
assets into a project. demonstrate the ability to the ability to import assets demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
effectively and efficiently into a project, but some effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently import
import assets into a details are performed import assets into a assets into a project.
project. inefficiently or could be project.
achieved with a better Learners can anticipate technical
workflow (i.e. process). challenges with asset project
tasks and provide assistance to
their peers.
Ability to work with Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
sprites. demonstrate the ability to the ability to work with demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
effectively and efficiently sprites, but some tasks are effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently work
work with sprites. performed inefficiently or work with sprites. with sprites.
could be achieved with a
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can anticipate technical
challenges with sprite project
tasks and provide assistance to
their peers.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 9
Chapter 04
2. Managing Assets
• Using the Unity Asset Store (Reprise)
• Importing Offline Content
• Creating Project Structure Based on Assets
• Sorting the Zombie Toys Prop Model Assets
• Setting Resolution and Type of Texture Files
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 10
Chapter 04: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot identify Learners can identify project Upon request, learners Upon request, learners can
understanding project management management tools in Unity, can consistently identify consistently identify project
of game project tools nor explain but explanations of project project management management tools and
management in Unity. project management management methodologies tools and explain explain project management
methodologies in Unity. in Unity are minimal. project management methodologies in Unity.
methodologies in Unity.
Learners can anticipate project
management challenges within
Unity game projects and provide
assistance to their peers.
Ability to organize the Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
Zombie Toys project. demonstrate the ability to the ability to organize the demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
effectively and efficiently Zombie Toys project, but effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently organize
organize the Zombie Toys some results are obtained organize the Zombie Toys the Zombie Toys project.
project. inefficiently or could be project.
achieved with a better Upon analysis of various Unity
workflow (i.e. process). scenes, learners can identify
opportunities for organizational
optimization and explain how to
achieve them.
Ability to manage Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can demonstrate Learners can demonstrate the
file structure and demonstrate the ability to the ability to manage file the ability to effectively ability to effectively and efficiently
metadata files. effectively and efficiently structure and metadata and efficiently manage file manage file structure and
manage file structure and files, but some tasks are structure and metadata metadata files.
metadata files. performed inefficiently or files.
could be achieved with a Learners can anticipate technical
better workflow (i.e. process). challenges with file management
project tasks and provide
assistance to their peers.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 11
Chapter 05
2. Materials in Unity
• The Interaction of Lighting and Materials
• Discovering the Standard Shader in Unity
• Exploring other Material Types
• Analyzing the Benefits of Customer Shaders
• Creating the Materials for Zombie Toys Props
• Duplicating and Modifying Materials
• Case Studies in Material Creation
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 12
Chapter 05: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot recite nor Learners can recite Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of explain production best production best practices consistently recite and consistently recite and explain
best practices in practices in Unity. in Unity, but explanations of explain production best production best practices in Unity.
production (e.g. each practice are minimal. practices in Unity.
modeling, UV mapping Upon analysis of Unity game
and texturing, projects, learners can identify
animating, importing opportunities for implementing
and exporting). production best practices and
explain how to achieve them.
Knowledge and Learners cannot identify, Learners can identify and Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of label, nor differentiate label materials and textures consistently identify, label, consistently identify, label, and
materials and textures materials and textures in in Unity, but their ability to and differentiate materials differentiate materials and
in Unity. Unity. differentiate each is minimal. and textures in Unity. textures in Unity.
Ability to create the Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
materials and textures demonstrate the ability to the ability to create materials demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
for Zombie Toys. effectively and efficiently and texture for Zombie effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently create
create materials and Toys, but some tasks are create materials and materials and textures for Zombie
textures for Zombie Toys. performed inefficiently or textures for Zombie Toys. Toys.
could be achieved with a
better workflow (i.e. process). Applying their creativity, learners
can demonstrate how to create
interesting new materials and
textures for their game project.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 13
Chapter 06
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 14
Chapter 06: Rubric
Ability to create Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
branching and demonstrate the ability to the ability to create branching demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
manage hierarchies. effectively and efficiently and manage hierarchies, but effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
create branching and some results are obtained create branching and create branching and manage
manage hierarchies. inefficiently or could be manage hierarchies. hierarchies.
achieved with a better
workflow (i.e. process). Upon analysis of Unity game
projects, learners can identify
opportunities for improvements
with data hierarchies and
demonstrate how to achieve
Knowledge and Learners cannot list nor Learners can list physics Upon request, learners Upon request, learners can
understanding of define physics terminology terminology in Unity, but can consistently list and consistently list and define
physics in Unity (e.g. in Unity. definitions of each term is define physics terminology physics terminology in Unity.
Colliders, rigidbodies). minimal. in Unity.
Upon analysis of contemporary
Unity game projects, learners
can identify and explain the
significance that physics has
within the game.
Knowledge and Learners cannot describe Learners can explain the role Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of the level design in Zombie that level design plays in consistently describe the consistently describe the level
level design in game Toys nor explain the role game development, but their level design in Zombie Toys design in Zombie Toys and explain
development and that level design plays in ability to describe the level and explain the role that the role that level design plays in
Zombie Toys. game development. design in Zombie Toys is level design plays in game game development.
minimal or inaccurate. development.
Learners can list and detail
options for modifying the level
design in Zombie Toys in order
to produce a series of desired
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 15
Chapter 07
Lighting in Games
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 16
Chapter 07: Rubric
Lighting in Games
Knowledge and Learners cannot describe Learners can explain the Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of the lighting design in role that lighting plays in consistently describe the consistently describe the lighting
lighting in game Zombie Toys nor explain game development, but their lighting design in Zombie design in Zombie Toys and explain
development and the role that lighting plays ability to describe the lighting Toys and explain the role the role that lighting plays in game
Zombie Toys. in game development. design in Zombie Toys is that lighting plays in game development.
minimal or inaccurate. development.
Learners can list and detail
options for modifying the lighting
design in Zombie Toys in order to
produce desired results.
Ability to place and Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
adjust lights in a demonstrate the ability to the ability to place and demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
scene. effectively and efficiently adjust lights in a scene, but effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently place
place and adjust lights in lighting results are obtained place and adjust lights in and adjust lights in a scene.
a scene. inefficiently or could be a scene.
achieved with a better Upon the analysis of Unity game
workflow (i.e. process). projects, learners can identify
opportunities for improvements
in lighting (e.g. placement and/
or quality) and explain how to
achieve them.
Ability to cast and Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
modify shadows in a demonstrate the ability to the ability to cast and modify demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
scene. effectively and efficiently shadows in a scene, but effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently cast and
cast and modify shadows shadow results are obtained cast and modify shadows modify shadows in a scene.
in a scene. inefficiently or could be in a scene.
achieved with a better Upon the analysis of Unity game
workflow (i.e. process). projects, learners can identify
opportunities for improvements
with shadows (e.g. placement
and/or quality) and explain how to
achieve them.
Ability to develop the Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
lighting for Zombie demonstrate the ability to the ability to develop the demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
Toys. effectively and efficiently lighting for Zombie Toys, but effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently develop
develop the lighting for some tasks are performed develop the lighting for the lighting for Zombie Toys.
Zombie Toys. inefficiently or could be Zombie Toys.
achieved with a better Applying their creativity, learners
workflow (i.e. process). can demonstrate how to create
compelling new lighting design
modifications for their game
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 17
Chapter 08
3. Baking Lighting
• Continuous and Manual Light Baking
• Placing Light Probes for Moving Objects
• Creating Reflection Probes
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 18
Chapter 08: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot describe Learners can explain the Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of light the light baking process role that light baking plays consistently describe the consistently describe the light
baking in Unity game nor explain the role that in Unity game development, light baking process and baking process and explain the
development (e.g. role, light baking plays in Unity but their ability to describe explain the role that light role that light baking plays in Unity
process, advantages). game development. the light baking process is baking plays in Unity game game development.
minimal or inaccurate. development.
Upon the analysis of Unity game
projects, learners can list and
detail options for improving light
baking (e.g. setup and/or quality)
and explain how to achieve them.
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
light baking within a demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement light demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
scene. effectively and efficiently baking in a scene, but results effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
implement light baking in are obtained inefficiently or implement light baking in implement light baking in a scene.
a scene. could be achieved with a a scene.
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can anticipate technical
challenges with light baking
project tasks and provide
assistance to their peers.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 19
Chapter 09
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 20
Chapter 09: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot state Learners can state animation Upon request, learners Upon request, learners can
understanding of animation terms nor terms in game development, can consistently state consistently state animation
animation in game explain animation but their ability to explain animation terms and terms and explain animation
development (e.g. role, processes in game animation processes is explain animation processes in game development.
types, terms, process , development. minimal. processes in game
advantages). development. Upon analysis of Unity game
projects, learners can identify
opportunities for animation
improvements (e.g. setup and/
or quality) and explain how to
achieve them.
Ability to create Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
animation within a demonstrate the ability to the ability to create animation demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
Unity scene. effectively and efficiently within a Unity scene, effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently create
create animation within a but results are obtained create animation within a animation within a Unity scene.
Unity scene. inefficiently or could be Unity scene.
achieved with a better Learners can anticipate technical
workflow (i.e. process). challenges with animation project
tasks and provide assistance to
their peers.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 21
Chapter 10
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 22
Chapter 10: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot identify Learners can identify best Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of nor describe best practices practices for importing consistently identify and consistently identify and describe
best practices for for importing animated animated characters in describe best practices best practices for importing
importing animated characters in Unity game game development, but their for importing animated animated characters in Unity
characters (e.g. rig development. descriptions are minimal. characters in Unity game game development.
types, animation clip development.
management). Upon analysis of Unity game
projects, learners can identify
opportunities for character data
improvements (e.g. configuration,
clip naming) and explain how to
achieve them.
Ability to create an Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
Animator Controller demonstrate the ability to the ability to create an demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
within a Unity scene. effectively and efficiently Animator Controller within effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently create
create an Animator a Unity scene, but tasks are create an Animator an Animator Controller within a
Controller within a Unity performed inefficiently or Controller within a Unity Unity scene.
scene. could be achieved with a scene.
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can anticipate technical
challenges involving Animator
Controller project tasks and
provide assistance to their peers.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 23
Chapter 11
5. Looping
• Introduction to Looping
• The “while” Loop
• The “for” Loop
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 24
Chapter 11: Rubric
Understanding of Learners cannot describe Learners can describe the Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
scripting in Unity the role of scripting in Unity role of scripting in Unity describe the role of describe the role of scripting in
game development. game development. game development, but scripting in Unity game Unity game development.
description is minimal. development.
Learners can cite examples of
(and explain) scripting advantages
in contemporary Unity game
development projects.
Knowledge and Learners cannot Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can Upon request, learners can
understanding of data enumerate, identify, define, consistently enumerate, consistently identify, define, consistently identify, define, and
types in Unity (e.g. nor provide examples identify, define, and provide and provide examples provide examples (within code)
int, float, bool, string, (within code) of at least examples (within code) of (within code) of at least of at least seven (7) data types in
Vector3, Quaternion, three (3) data types in at least five (5) data types in seven (7) data types. Unity.
Transform). Unity. Unity.
Learners can enumerate, identify,
define, and provide examples
(within code) of additional data
types not covered in the Unity
Certified Developer Courseware.
Ability to evaluate Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can demonstrate Learners can demonstrate the
conditional demonstrate the ability to the ability to correctly the ability to correctly ability to correctly evaluate
statements in C#. correctly evaluate more evaluate at least five (5) evaluate at least seven (7) at least ten (10) conditional
than three (3) conditional conditional statements in C#. conditional statements statements in C#.
Instructor will provide statements in C#. in C#.
statements for
learners to evaluate
and answer.
Ability to evaluate loop Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can demonstrate Learners can demonstrate the
cycles. demonstrate the ability to the ability to correctly the ability to correctly ability to correctly evaluate at
correctly evaluate more evaluate at least five (5) evaluate at least seven (7) least ten (10) statements.
Instructor will provide than three (3) statements. statements. statements.
code snippets for
learners to evaluate
and answer,
e.g. Given the
following code
snippet, how many
times will the
message be printed to
the console?
void Update()
int counter = 35;
for(int i = 25, i < 100;
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 25
Chapter 11: Rubric
Ability to complete Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
programming demonstrate the ability the ability to complete the demonstrate the ability demonstrate the ability
assignments. to correctly complete programming assignments, to correctly complete to correctly complete all
the programming but some code is unclear or all programming programming assignments.
Instructor will provide assignments. inefficient. assignments.
programming Learners can provide technical
assignments for guidance to peers, increasing
learners to complete. their likelihood and/or ability to
complete their programming
(e.g. <<Write a assignments.
script that scales a
gameobject 10 units
larger than its current
size, then scales the
gameobject back to its
original size>>)
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 26
Chapter 12
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 27
Chapter 12: Rubric
Knowledge of Learners cannot list nor Learners can list at least Learners can consistently Learners can consistently list and
navigation and define at least three (3) three (3) navigation and list and define at least define all pertinent navigation and
pathfinding concepts navigation and pathfinding pathfinding terms, but three (3) navigation and pathfinding terms.
and terminology (e.g. terms. definitions of each are pathfinding terms.
NavMesh, NavMesh minimal. Learners can also explain
Agent, NavMesh additional navigation and
Baking, Obstacle pathfinding concepts (e.g.
Avoidance). pathfinding algorithms).
Navigation Navigation project is not Navigation project is Navigation project is Navigation project is complete
Assignment complete or does not complete and functions complete and functions as and functions as planned.
function as planned. as planned, however the planned.
Instructor should ask environment is simple or Additional features and/or
learners to make a lacks individuality. Additional features and/ more characters are included in
simple game project, or more characters are the navigation project, adding
with assets provided included in the navigation complexity and individuality.
from Zombie Toys. project, adding complexity
(e.g. create a maze and individuality. Production best practices are also
with primitive objects implemented in the project, such
and make the sheep as naming conventions for assets.
character navigate
and solve the maze).
Assignment Creativity The navigation project The navigation project is The navigation project is The navigation project is highly
is not creative. The somewhat creative, offering creative, offering new ideas creative, offering multiple
Instructor should project does not offer some new ideas. However, and approaches to change alternative approaches to
assess the creativity new approaches or most approaches or ideas the game in a unique way. changing the game from its
displayed in the ideas beyond the original presented are typical (i.e. The navigation project original design. Familiar methods
navigation project. concept. industry standard) in nature. takes some risks in ideas and approaches have been
suggested for the revision. combined to generate new and
innovative results.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 28
Chapter 13
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 29
Chapter 13: Rubric
Ability to create a Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
player within a Unity demonstrate the ability to the ability to create a demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
scene. effectively and efficiently player within a Unity scene, effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently create a
create a player within a but tasks are performed create a player within a player within a Unity scene.
Unity scene. inefficiently or could be Unity scene.
achieved with a better Learners can anticipate technical
workflow (i.e. process). challenges involving player
creation project tasks and provide
assistance to their peers.
Ability to create a Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
Game Manager within demonstrate the ability to the ability to create a demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
a Unity scene. effectively and efficiently Game Manager within a effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently create
create a Game Manager Unity scene, but tasks are create a Game Manager a Game Manager within a Unity
within a Unity scene. performed inefficiently or within a Unity scene. scene.
could be achieved with a
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can anticipate technical
challenges involving Game
Manager project tasks and provide
assistance to their peers.
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
the Zombie Toys demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement the demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
character allies. effectively and efficiently Zombie Toys character allies, effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
implement the Zombie but tasks are performed implement the Zombie implement the Zombie Toys
Toys character allies. inefficiently or could be Toys character allies. character allies.
achieved with a better
workflow (i.e. process). Learners can implement
modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 30
Chapter 14
1. Creating an Enemy
• Designing the Enemy Behaviors
• Creating the First Enemy Character
• Creating the Enemy Animator Controller
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 31
Chapter 14: Rubric
Ability to create an Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
enemy within a Unity demonstrate the ability to the ability to create an demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
scene. effectively and efficiently enemy within a Unity scene, effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently create
create an enemy within a but tasks are performed create an enemy within a an enemy within a Unity scene.
Unity scene. inefficiently or could be Unity scene.
achieved with a better Learners can anticipate technical
workflow (i.e. process). challenges involving enemy
creation project tasks and provide
assistance to their peers.
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
enemy behaviors demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
within a Unity scene. effectively and efficiently enemy behaviors within a effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
implement enemy Unity scene, but tasks are implement enemy implement enemy behaviors
behaviors within a Unity performed inefficiently or behaviors within a Unity within a Unity scene.
scene. could be achieved with a scene.
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can implement
modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Ability to spawn Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
enemies within a Unity demonstrate the ability to the ability to spawn enemies demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
scene. effectively and efficiently within a Unity scene, effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently spawn
spawn enemies within a but tasks are performed spawn enemies within a enemies within a Unity scene.
Unity scene. inefficiently or could be Unity scene.
achieved with a better Learners can anticipate technical
workflow (i.e. process). challenges involving enemy
spawning project tasks and
provide assistance to their peers.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 32
Chapter 15
1. Intro to the Particle Systems in the Unity Editor 5. Case Study: Developing the Stink Bomb Attack
• Examples of Unity Particles in Video Games • Introduction to the Stink Bomb Attack
• The Role of the Effects Artist in Video Games • Creating the Stink Bomb Hit Effect
• Comparing Game Effects with Other Media • Creating the Stink Bomb Attack Reticle
• Building the Stink Bomb Attack Emitter
2. Production Best Practices for Particle Systems • Building the Stink Projectile
• Introduction to Unity’s Particle System • Integrating the Stink Bomb into the Game
• Analyzing Existing Particle Effects
• Setting Up the Interface for Effects 6. Case Study: Developing the Slime Attack
• Introduction to the Slime Attack
3. Case Study: Developing the Lightning Attack • Creating the Slime Hit Effect
• Overview of the Lightning Attack • Creating the Slime Debuff
• Building the Lightning Attack Hit • Creating the Slime Attack Reticle
• Building the Lightning Attack Emitter • Building the Slime Attack Emitter
• Building the Lightning Bolt • Building the Slime Projectile
• Integrating the Lightning Attack into the Game • Integrating the Slime Attack into the Game
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 33
Chapter 15: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot list nor Learners can list at least five Learners can consistently Learners can consistently list and
understanding of define at least five (5) (5) particle system terms in list and define at least five define at least five (5) particle
particle systems particle system terms in Unity game development, (5) particle system terms in system terms in Unity game
in Unity game Unity game development. but definitions of each are Unity game development. development.
development (e.g. minimal.
emission, shape, Learners can also list and define
inherit velocity, line additional particle system
renderer, duration). terminology (e.g. emitters, speed,
force, color, collision).
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
the lightning attack demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement the demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
within the Zombie effectively and efficiently lightning attack within the effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
Toys game project. implement the lightning Zombie Toys game project, implement the lightning implement the lightning attack
attack within the Zombie but tasks are performed attack within the Zombie within the Zombie Toys game
Toys game project. inefficiently or could be Toys game project. project.
achieved with a better
workflow (i.e. process). Learners can implement
modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
the freeze attack demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
within the Zombie effectively and efficiently the freeze attack within the effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
Toys game project. implement the freeze Zombie Toys game project, implement the freeze implement the freeze attack within
attack within the Zombie but tasks are performed attack within the Zombie the Zombie Toys game project.
Toys game project. inefficiently or could be Toys game project.
achieved with a better Learners can implement
workflow (i.e. process). modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
the stink bomb attack demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement the demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
within the Zombie effectively and efficiently stink bomb attack within the effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
Toys game project. implement the stink bomb Zombie Toys game project, implement the stink bomb implement the stink bomb attack
attack within the Zombie but tasks are performed attack within the Zombie within the Zombie Toys game
Toys game project. inefficiently or could be Toys game project. project.
achieved with a better
workflow (i.e. process). Learners can implement
modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 34
Chapter 15: Rubric
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
the slime attack within demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
the Zombie Toys effectively and efficiently the slime attack within the effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
game project. implement the slime attack Zombie Toys game project, implement the slime attack implement the slime attack within
within the Zombie Toys but tasks are performed within the Zombie Toys the Zombie Toys game project.
game project. inefficiently or could be game project.
achieved with a better Learners can implement
workflow (i.e. process). modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 35
Chapter 16
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 36
Chapter 16: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot list nor Learners can list at least five Learners can consistently Learners can consistently list and
understanding of define at least five (5) (5) audio terms in Unity game list and define at least five define at least five (5) audio terms
audio in Unity game audio terms in Unity game development, but definitions (5) audio terms in Unity in Unity game development.
development (e.g. development. of each are minimal. game development.
sources, listeners, Learners can also list and define
reverb zones, doppler additional audio terminology (e.g.
effect). Audio Profiler, audio clips, Audio
Mixer, ducking).
Ability to import and Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
control audio in the demonstrate the ability to the ability to import and demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
Zombie Toys game effectively and efficiently control audio in the Zombie effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently import
project. import and control audio Toys game project, but tasks import and control audio and control audio in the Zombie
in the Zombie Toys game are performed inefficiently in the Zombie Toys game Toys game project.
project. or could be achieved with a project.
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can anticipate technical
challenges involving audio project
tasks and provide assistance to
their peers.
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
audio effects within demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement audio demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
the Zombie Toys effectively and efficiently effects within the Zombie effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
game project. implement audio effects Toys game project, but tasks implement audio effects implement audio effects within
within the Zombie Toys are performed inefficiently within the Zombie Toys the Zombie Toys game project.
game project. or could be achieved with a game project.
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can implement
modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 37
Chapter 17
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 38
Chapter 17: Rubric
Ability to duplicate a Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
player within a Unity demonstrate the ability to the ability to duplicate a demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
scene. effectively and efficiently player within a Unity scene, effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently duplicate
duplicate a player within a but tasks are performed duplicate a player within a a player within a Unity scene.
Unity scene. inefficiently or could be Unity scene.
achieved with a better Learners can anticipate technical
workflow (i.e. process). challenges involving player
creation project tasks and provide
assistance to their peers.
Ability to integrate Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
character selection demonstrate the ability to the ability to integrate demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
within the Zombie effectively and efficiently character selection within the effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently integrate
Toys game project. integrate character Zombie Toys game project, integrate character character selection within the
selection within the Zombie but tasks are performed selection within the Zombie Zombie Toys game project.
Toys game project. inefficiently or could be Toys game project.
achieved with a better Learners can implement
workflow (i.e. process). modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Ability to implement Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
camera animation demonstrate the ability to the ability to implement demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
into the Zombie Toys effectively and efficiently camera animation into in the effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently
game project. implement camera Zombie Toys game project, implement camera implement camera animation into
animation into the Zombie but tasks are performed animation into the Zombie the Zombie Toys game project.
Toys game project. inefficiently or could be Toys game project.
achieved with a better Learners can anticipate technical
workflow (i.e. process). challenges involving audio project
tasks and provide assistance to
their peers.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 39
Chapter 18
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 40
Chapter 18: Rubric
Knowledge of User Learners cannot list nor Learners can list at least five Learners can consistently Learners can consistently list and
Interface design define at least five (5) (5) UI terms in Unity game list and define at least five define all pertinent UI terms in
in Unity game UI terms in Unity game development, but definitions (5) UI terms in Unity game Unity game development.
development (e.g. GUI, development. of each are minimal. development.
Rect Transform, UI Learners can also detail additional
Button, UI Image, UI UI concepts (e.g. designing for
Text). multiple resolutions, creating UI
elements from scripting).
Ability to create the Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
User Interface in the demonstrate the ability to the ability to create the UI demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
Zombie Toys game effectively and efficiently in the Zombie Toys game effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently create
project. create the UI in the Zombie project, but tasks are create the UI in the Zombie the UI in the Zombie Toys game
Toys game project. performed inefficiently or Toys game project. project.
could be achieved with a
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can implement
modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 41
Chapter 19
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 42
Chapter 19: Rubric
Knowledge and Learners cannot list key Learners can list key terms in Learners can consistently Learners can consistently list
understanding of the terms nor describe the Unity game development, but list key terms and describe key terms and describe the
build process in Unity build process in Unity their description of the build the build process in Unity build process in Unity game
game development game development. process is minimal. game development. development.
(e.g. terminology,
procedures, Learners can also detail additional
challenges). build considerations (e.g. graphics
optimizations, version control
options, Unity Cloud Build).
Ability to build the Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
Zombie Toys game demonstrate the ability to the ability to build the Zombie demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
project. effectively and efficiently Toys game project, but tasks effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently build the
build the Zombie Toys are performed inefficiently build the Zombie Toys Zombie Toys game project.
game project. or could be achieved with a game project.
better workflow (i.e. process). Learners can implement
modifications to the project that
adds creativity, complexity, and/or
Knowledge of the Learners cannot list the Learners can list the available Learners can list and Learners can consistently identify
available Unity available Unity Services, Unity Services but not describe each of the Unity and categorize the Unity Services,
Services, and their nor describe their adequately differentiate Services, including Cloud and describe access requirements
access requirements. functions. them. Build, Ads, Analytics, for each.
Multi-Player, Everyplay,
Certification, and Learners can show how to access
Performance Reporting. Unity Services, and demonstrate
Additionally, learners implementation of Ads and Cloud
can list the access Build.
requirements for each
where applicable.
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 43
Chapter 20
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 44
Chapter 20: Rubric
Understanding Learners cannot explain Learners can provide Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
of mobile game mobile game deployment an overview of mobile explain mobile game explain mobile game deployment
deployment preparation processes and game deployment deployment preparation preparation processes and
preparation in Unity considerations in Unity. preparation processes and processes and considerations in Unity.
(e.g. processes, considerations in Unity, but considerations in Unity.
considerations, some explanations lack detail Learners can provide technical
challenges). or are inaccurate. details and considerations that
are specific to popular mobile
platforms (e.g. iOS, Android).
Ability to prepare the Learners cannot Learners can demonstrate Learners can consistently Learners can consistently
Zombie Toys game demonstrate the ability to the ability to prepare the demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to
project for mobile effectively and efficiently Zombie Toys game project effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently prepare
deployment. prepare the Zombie Toys for mobile deployment, prepare the Zombie Toys the Zombie Toys game project for
game project for mobile but tasks are performed game project for mobile mobile deployment.
deployment. inefficiently or could be deployment.
achieved with a better Learners can implement technical
workflow (i.e. process). modifications to the project that
adds complexity,
Chapter assignment Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was Chapter assignment(s) was
project completion not delivered, was delivered delivered on-time, but may delivered on-time, works as delivered on-time, works as
(e.g. guidelines, late, is sloppy, and/or include minor errors. requested, and includes no requested, contains no errors,
deliverables, time includes many errors. errors. and contains additional,
management). unique features designed and
implemented by the learner (e.g.
gameplay, assets, etc.).
Copyright 2016 Unity Technologies Unity Certified Developer Courseware: Instructor Resources 45