FIDP Gen. Physics 2

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GRADE 12 SEMESTER 2nd Semester

NO. OF HOURS: 80 hours PREQUISITES (If needed): None

COURSE Electricity and magnetism; the basics of special relativity, atomic and nuclear phenomena using the methods and concepts of algebra, geometry, trigonometry,
graphical analysis and basic calculus.

CULMINATING Visual and information literacies, media literacy, critical thinking and problem solving skills, creativity, initiative and self-direction.


Highest Enabling
Highest Thinking Skill to Strategy to Use in
Learning Competencies
Assess Developing the Highest
Most Thinking Skills to Assess
Content Performance
Content Essential
Standards Standards Flexible
Topics Flexible
RBT Level Assessment Enabling
Complete KUD Most Essential Activities General
KUD Strategy
Performance (FLS)

Electric The learners Coulom The learners are The learners:

Charge, demonstrate an b’s Law able to:
Coulom understanding Describe using a K Describe using a K Remembering Multiple Representa Face-to-
Static Use theoretical diagram charging by diagram charging by Choice tion face
b’s Law, of:
and and experimental rubbing and charging by rubbing and charging by learning
Electric induction induction
Fields, 1. Electric Electric approaches to
and charge Charges solve multi- Representa
Explain the role of Explain the role of
concept and rich-
Electric 2. Insulators Current context problems electron transfer in U electron transfer in U Understanding Expository tion
Flux and conductors Voltage involving electrostatic charging by electrostatic charging Essay
and electricity and rubbing by rubbing
3. Induced Resistan magnetism
charges Describe experiments Describe experiments to Representa
ce to show electrostatic show electrostatic Peer tion
4. Coulomb’s charging by induction U charging by induction U Remembering Discussion
Law l Safety State that there are
5. Electric positive and negative
forces and charges, and that
Electro charge is measured in
fields magneti coulombs
6. Electric field c
Waves, Predict charge
the distributions, and the
7. Charges on resulting attraction or
repulsion, in a system of
conductors magneti
charged insulators and
c conductors
8. Electric flux
and Gauss’s
m and Calculate the net Calculate the net Qiuz
Law electric force on a point electric force on a point Connection
charge exerted by a U charge exerted by a U Applying
9. Electric
Calculati system of point charges system of point charges
charge, dipoles,
ng half-
force, field, and Describe an electric Describe an electric Representa
life U U Remembering
flux problems field as a region in field as a region in P-E-O tion
Geomet which an electric charge which an electric charge
rical experiences a force experiences a force
Draw electric field
and patterns due to systems
Polariza with isolated point
tion charges.

Photoel Use in calculations the

ectric relationship between
effect the electric field and the
electric force on a test

Calculate the electric Calculate the electric

field due to a system of field due to a system of
point charges using U point charges using U Applying Quizlet Connection
Coulomb’s law and the Coulomb’s law and the
superposition principle superposition principle

Predict the trajectory of

a point charge in a
uniform electric field

Calculate electric flux U Calculate electric flux U Applying Problem- Connection

Use Gauss’s law to infer Use Gauss’s law to infer Project/
electric field due to D electric field due to D Creating Problem
uniformly distributed uniformly distributed solving
charges on long wires, charges on long wires,
spheres, and large spheres, and large
plates. plates

Solve problems Solve problems

involving electric involving electric Connection
charges, dipoles, forces, U charges, dipoles, forces, U Applying
fields, and flux in fields, and flux in Performan
contexts such as, but contexts such as, but ce/Peer
not limited to, systems not limited to, systems
of point charges, of point charges,
classical models of the classical models of the
atom, electrical atom, electrical
breakdown of air, breakdown of air,
charged pendulums, charged pendulums,
control of electron and control of electron and
proton beams, proton beams,
electrostatic ink-jet electrostatic ink-jet
printers printers
Relate the electric Relate the electric
Electric Electric potential with work, potential with work,
Potenti potential potential energy, and potential energy, and
al energy electric field U electric field U Analyzing P-E-O Communic

Determine the electric Determine the electric

Electric potential function at potential function at
potential any point due to highly any point due to highly Representa
K K Understanding Open - tion
symmetric continuous - symmetric continuous -
charge distributions charge distributions ended
surfaces infer the direction and infer the direction and
strength of electric field strength of electric field
vector, nature of the vector, nature of the
electric field sources, K electric field sources, K Understanding ended
Electric field as Question Representa
and electrostatic and electrostatic
a potential tion
potential surfaces given potential surfaces given
gradient the equipotential lines the equipotential lines

Calculate the electric Calculate the electric

Electric field in the region given field in the region given
potential a mathematical function a mathematical function Demons-
describing its potential describing its potential Connection
U U Applying tration
in a region of space in a region of space

Solve problems
Solve problems involving electric
involving electric potential energy and Guided
potential energy and electric potentials in Practice
electric potentials in U contexts such as, but U Applying Connection
contexts such as, but not limited to, electron
not limited to, electron guns in CRT TV picture
guns in CRT TV picture tubes and Van de Graaff
tubes and Van de Graaff generators
Deduce the effects of
Deduce the effects of simple capacitors (e.g.,
simple capacitors (e.g., parallel -plate,
Capacit Capacitance parallel -plate, spherical, cylindrical) on Problem-
ance and capacitors spherical, cylindrical) on the capacitance, charge, based
and a. Capacitors in the capacitance, charge, U and potential difference U Applying learnig Connection
Dielectr series and and potential difference when the size, potential
ics parallel b. when the size, potential difference, or charge is
difference, or charge is changed
Energy stored
and electric -
field energy in Calculate the equivalent
capacitors Calculate the equivalent capacitance of a
capacitance of a network of capacitors
network of capacitors connected in
connected in series/parallel
2. Dielectrics series/parallel U U Applying Connection
Determine the total
Determine the total charge, the charge on,
charge, the charge on, and the potential
and the potential difference across each
difference across each capacitor in the
capacitor in the network network given the
given the capacitors U capacitors connected in U Understanding Boardwork Representa
connected in series/parallel tion

Determine the potential

Determine the potential energy stored inside the
energy stored inside the capacitor given the
capacitor given the geometry and the Representa
geometry and the U potential difference U Understanding Homework tion
potential difference across the capacitor
across the capacitor

Describe the effects of

Describe the effects of inserting dielectric
inserting dielectric materials on the
materials on the capacitance, charge,
capacitance, charge, K and electric field of a K Remembering Representa
and electric field of a capacitor tion
capacitor Graphic
Solve problems
Solve problems involving capacitors and
involving capacitors and dielectrics in contexts
dielectrics in contexts such as, but not limited
U U Applying
such as, but not limited to, charged plates,
to, charged plates, batteries, and camera Problem Connection
batteries, and camera flashlamps. Solving

Coulom Distinguish between

b’s Law Distinguish between conventional current
Current, Current, conventional current U and electron flow U Applying
Resista resistivity, and Static and electron flow Connection
nce, resistance and Graphic
Apply the relationship
and Electric Organizer
Apply the relationship charge = current x time
Electro Charges charge = current x time to new situations or to
motive Ohm’s law to new situations or to U solve related problems U Applying
force solve related problems Project Connection
Describe the effect of
Energy and Voltage
Describe the effect of temperature increase
power in and temperature increase on the resistance of a Representa
K K Remembering tion
electric circuits on the resistance of a metallic conductor.
metallic conductor. Graphic
Describe the ability of a Organizer
Describe the ability of a material to conduct
Electrical safety l safety material to conduct current in terms of
current in terms of K resistivity and K Remembering
Light Refelec- Representa
resistivity and conductivity.
Electro conductivity. tion tion
magneti Prompts
c waves, Apply the relationship
Apply the relationship of the proportionality
the of the proportionality between resistance and
electro between resistance and the length and cross -
magneti the length and cross - U sectional area of a wire U Applying Connection
sectional area of a wire to solve problems.
c Problem
to solve problems.
spectru Solving
m and Differentiate ohmic and
photons Differentiate ohmic and non -ohmic materials in
non -ohmic materials in terms of their I -V
terms of their I -V curves.
U U Evaluating Reasoning
Calculati Compariso and Proof
ng Half- Differentiate emf of a n
Line Differentiate emf of a source and potential
source and potential difference (PD) across a
difference (PD) across a U circuit . U Analyzing Compariso
circuit . Connection
Geomet n
rical Given an emf source
Optics Given an emf source connected to a resistor,
and connected to a resistor, determine the power
determine the power U supplied or dissipated U Analyzing
supplied or dissipated by each element in a Problem Connection
by each element in a circuit.

Photoel Solve problems

Solve problems involving current,
ectric Connection
involving current, U resistivity, resistance, U Analyzing
resistivity, resistance, and Ohm’s law in Graphic
and Ohm’s law in contexts such as, but Organizers
contexts such as, but not limited to, batteries
not limited to, batteries and bulbs, household
and bulbs, household wiring, and selection of
wiring, and selection of fuses.

Operate devices for

Operate devices for D measuring currents and D Applying Problem- Connection
measuring currents and voltages. Solving

Draw circuit diagrams

Draw circuit diagrams with power sources (cell Problem
Devices for with power sources (cell D or battery), switches, D Creating Solving Problem
measuring or battery), switches, lamps, resistors (fixed solving
currents and lamps, resistors (fixed and variable) fuses,
voltages and variable) fuses, ammeters and
ammeters and voltmeters.

Evaluate the equivalent

Evaluate the equivalent resistance, current, and Reasoning
resistance, current, and U voltage in a given U Evaluating Peer and proof
voltage in a given network of resistors
network of resistors connected in series
connected in series and/or parallel
Resistors in
and/or parallel
series and
Direct- parallel Calculate the current
Current Calculate the current and voltage through Discussion
Circuits and voltage through U and across circuit U Applying Connection
and across circuit elements using
Kirchhoff’s Responses
elements using Kirchhoff’s loop and
rules Kirchhoff’s loop and junction rules (at most 2
junction rules (at most 2 loops only)
loops only)
R -C circuits
Solve problems
Solve problems involving the calculation
involving the calculation U of currents and U Applying Fist to five
of currents and potential difference in
potential difference in circuits consisting of
circuits consisting of batteries, resistors and
batteries, resistors and capacitors.
Differentiate electric
Differentiate electric interactions from
interactions from magnetic interactions.
magnetic interactions. U U Applying One Connection
Evaluate the total qui
Evaluate the total magnetic flux through
magnetic flux through an open surface .
Magnetic fields an open surface . U U Evaluating Reasoning
Instruction and proof
Force Describe the motion of
due to Describe the motion of a charged particle in a
Lorentz Force a charged particle in a magnetic field in terms
magnetic field in terms of its speed,
c Fields of its speed, K acceleration, cyclotron K Understanding Write-pair- Communic
and share ation
acceleration, cyclotron radius, cyclotron
Sources Motion of radius, cyclotron frequency, and kinetic
of charge particles frequency, and kinetic energy .
Magneti in electric and energy .
c Fields magnetic fields
Evaluate the magnetic
Evaluate the magnetic force on an arbitrary
force on an arbitrary U wire segment placed in U Evaluating Reasoning
Fist to five
Magnetic wire segment placed in a uniform magnetic and proof
forces on a uniform magnetic field.
current -
carrying wires Evaluate the magnetic
Evaluate the magnetic field vector at a given Fist to five
field vector at a given U point in space due to a U Evaluating Reasoning
point in space due to a moving point charge, an and proof
moving point charge, an infinitesimal current
infinitesimal current element, or a straight
element, or a straight current -carrying
current -carrying conductor
Biot -Savart
Law Calculate the magnetic
Calculate the magnetic field due to one or more
field due to one or more U straight wire conductors U Applying Peer Connection
straight wire conductors using the superposition Instruction
Ampere’s Law using the superposition principle

Calculate the force per

Calculate the force per unit length on a current
unit length on a current carrying wire due to the Peer
U U Applying Instruction Connection
carrying wire due to the magnetic field produced
magnetic field produced by other current -
by other current - carrying wires
carrying wires

Evaluate the magnetic

Evaluate the magnetic field vector at any point
field vector at any point U along the axis of a U Evaluating Reasoning
Fist to five
along the axis of a circular current loop and proof
circular current loop

Solve problems
Solve problems involving magnetic
involving magnetic U fields, forces due to U Applying Problem
fields, forces due to magnetic fields and the Solving Connection
magnetic fields and the motion of charges and
motion of charges and current -carrying wires
current -carrying wires in contexts such as, but
in contexts such as, but not limited to,
not limited to, determining the
determining the strength of Earth’s
strength of Earth’s magnetic field, mass
magnetic field, mass spectrometers, and
spectrometers, and solenoids.
The learners The learners are Identify the factors that K Identify the factors that K Rememberin Multiple Representa Face-to-
demonstrate able to: affect the magnitude of affect the magnitude of g Choice tion Face
understanding the induced emf and the induced emf and Learning
Use theoretical the magnitude and the magnitude and
and, when direction of the induced direction of the induced
feasible, current (Faraday’s Law) current (Faraday’s Law)
approaches to
solve multi-
Magnetic concept,
induction richcontext Compare and contrast Compare and contrast
c electrostatic electric electrostatic electric Analyzing Venn Communic
problems using U U
Inductio concepts from field and non- field and non- Diagram ation
n, electromagnetic electrostatic/induced electrostatic/induced
Inducta Faraday’s Law waves, optics, electric field electric field
nce, AC, relativity, and
and LC atomic and
nuclear theory
Circuits Alternating
current, LC Apply ideas from Write-Pair- Connection
circuits, and atomic and Calculate the induced Calculate the induced Applying
U U share
other nuclear physics in emf in a closed loop due emf in a closed loop due
contexts such as, to a time-varying to a time-varying
applications of
but not limited magnetic flux using magnetic flux using
to, radiation Faraday’s Law Faraday’s Law
induction shielding and
inferring the
composition of

K K Quiz
Describe the direction Describe the direction Representa
Rememberin tion
of the induced electric of the induced electric
field, magnetic field, field, magnetic field,
and current on a and current on a
conducting/non- conducting/non-
conducting loop using conducting loop using
Lenz’s Law Lenz’s Law
Compare and contrast U Compare and contrast U Venn Communic
alternating current (AC) alternating current (AC) Diagram ation
and direct current (DC) and direct current (DC) Analyzing

Characterize the Characterize the Oral

properties (stored U properties (stored U Assessment
energy and time- energy and time- Connection
dependence of charges, dependence of charges,
currents, and voltages) currents, and voltages)
of an LC circuit of an LC circuit
synthesis of
Light as electricity,
an magnetism,
Electro and optics Relate the properties of Relate the properties of Oral
magneti EM wave (wavelength, U EM wave (wavelength, U Assessment Connection
c Wave EM waves and frequency, speed) and frequency, speed) and
light the properties of the properties of Applying
vacuum and optical vacuum and optical
Law of medium (permittivity, medium (permittivity,
Reflection permeability, and index permeability, and index
Open -
of refraction) of refraction)
Law of ended
Refraction Question
Explain the conditions Explain the conditions Representa
(Snell’s Law) K K
for total internal for total internal tion
Polarization reflection reflection
Understandi Open -
(Malus’s Law) ng ended
K K Representa
Applications of Explain the Explain the Question
phenomenon of phenomenon of tion
reflection, Problem
dispersion by relating to dispersion by relating to
refraction, Understandi
Snell’s Law Snell’s Law solving
dispersion, and ng
Calculate the intensity Calculate the intensity
of the transmitted light U of the transmitted light U Connection
after passing through a after passing through a
series of polarizers series of polarizers
applying Malus’s Law applying Malus’s Law

Solve problems U Solve problems U Connection

involving reflection, involving reflection,
refraction, dispersion, refraction, dispersion, Applying
and polarization in and polarization in
contexts such as, but contexts such as, but
Reflection and not limited to, not limited to,
refraction at (polarizing) sunglasses, (polarizing) sunglasses,
plane and atmospheric haloes, and atmospheric haloes,
spherical rainbows and rainbows
ric surfaces
optics Recitation

Explain image formation Explain image formation
Thin lens as an application of K as an application of K Communic
reflection, refraction, reflection, refraction, ation
Geometric and paraxial and paraxial Analyzing
optics approximation approximation

Relate properties of Relate properties of

mirrors and lenses (radii mirrors and lenses (radii Connection
of curvature, focal U of curvature, focal U
length, index of length, index of
refraction [for lenses]) refraction [for lenses]) Applying
to image and object to image and object
distance and sizes distance and sizes
Determine graphically Determine graphically
and mathematically the and mathematically the
type (virtual/real), U type (virtual/real), U ation
magnification, location, magnification, location,
and orientation of and orientation of Analyzing
image of a point and image of a point and
extended object extended object
produced by a plane or produced by a plane or
spherical mirror spherical mirror
Determine graphically Determine graphically
and mathematically the and mathematically the
type (virtual/real), type (virtual/real),
magnification, location/ U magnification, location/ U Communic
apparent depth, and apparent depth, and ation
orientation of image of orientation of image of Analyzing
a point and extended a point and extended
object produced by a object produced by a
lens or series of lenses lens or series of lenses


Apply the principles of Apply the principles of

geometric optics to U geometric optics to U
Huygens’ discuss image formation discuss image formation Connection
Principle by the eye, and by the eye, and Applying
correction of common correction of common
Interfer Two -source vision defects vision defects Recitation
ence interference of
and light
diffracti U U
Intensity in Determine the Determine the
on Communic
interference conditions conditions
patterns (superposition, path and (superposition, path Analyzing ation
phase difference, and phase difference,
Interference in polarization, amplitude) polarization, amplitude)
thin films for interference to for interference to
occur emphasizing the occur emphasizing the
Diffraction from properties of a laser as a properties of a laser as Quiz
single - slits monochromatic and a monochromatic and
coherent light source coherent light source

Relate the geometry of Relate the geometry of

the two -slit experiment U the two -slit experiment U Connection
set up (slit separation, set up (slit separation,
and screen -to -slit and screen -to -slit Applying
distance) and properties distance) and properties
of light (wavelength) to of light (wavelength) to
the properties of the the properties of the
interference pattern interference pattern Quiz
(width, location, and (width, location, and
intensity) intensity)

Relate the geometry of Relate the geometry of

the diffraction the diffraction
experiment setup (slit experiment setup (slit
Applying Connection
size, and screen - to -slit size, and screen - to -slit
distance) and properties distance) and properties
of light (wavelength) to of light (wavelength) to
the properties of the the properties of the Quiz
Postulates of diffraction pattern diffraction pattern
Special (width, location, and (width, location, and
Relativity intensity of the fringes) intensity of the fringes)
Relativity of solving
Relativit times and State the postulates of K State the postulates of K
y lengths Special Relativity and Special Relativity and
their consequences their consequences Rememberin Representa
g tion
velocity Apply the time dilation, Apply the time dilation, Problem
addition length contraction and U length contraction and U solving
relativistic velocity relativistic velocity Applying Communic
Relativistic addition to worded addition to worded ation
dynamics problems problems

Relativistic Calculate kinetic energy, U Calculate kinetic energy, U

Doppler effect rest energy, rest energy, Connection
momentum, and speed momentum, and speed
of objects moving with of objects moving with
speeds comparable to speeds comparable to
the speed of light the speed of light

effect Explain the K Explain the K
photoelectric effect photoelectric effect
Atomic spectra using the idea of light using the idea of light Understandi Essay Representa
quanta or photons quanta or photons ng tion
Atomic Radioactive
and decay
Phenom Explain qualitatively the Explain qualitatively the
ena properties of atomic properties of atomic
emission and emission and Understandi Representa
absorption spectra absorption spectra ng tion
using the concept of using the concept of Problem
energy levels energy levels

Calculating radioisotope Calculating radioisotope

activity using the U activity using the U
concept of half-life concept of half-life
Applying Connection

Prepared By:
Grophel L. Mesa
Subject teacher

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