FIDP Gen. Physics 2
FIDP Gen. Physics 2
FIDP Gen. Physics 2
COURSE Electricity and magnetism; the basics of special relativity, atomic and nuclear phenomena using the methods and concepts of algebra, geometry, trigonometry,
graphical analysis and basic calculus.
CULMINATING Visual and information literacies, media literacy, critical thinking and problem solving skills, creativity, initiative and self-direction.
Highest Enabling
Highest Thinking Skill to Strategy to Use in
Learning Competencies
Assess Developing the Highest
Most Thinking Skills to Assess
Content Performance
Content Essential
Standards Standards Flexible
Topics Flexible
RBT Level Assessment Enabling
Complete KUD Most Essential Activities General
KUD Strategy
Performance (FLS)
Solve problems
Solve problems involving electric
involving electric potential energy and Guided
potential energy and electric potentials in Practice
electric potentials in U contexts such as, but U Applying Connection
contexts such as, but not limited to, electron
not limited to, electron guns in CRT TV picture
guns in CRT TV picture tubes and Van de Graaff
tubes and Van de Graaff generators
Deduce the effects of
Deduce the effects of simple capacitors (e.g.,
simple capacitors (e.g., parallel -plate,
Capacit Capacitance parallel -plate, spherical, cylindrical) on Problem-
ance and capacitors spherical, cylindrical) on the capacitance, charge, based
and a. Capacitors in the capacitance, charge, U and potential difference U Applying learnig Connection
Dielectr series and and potential difference when the size, potential
ics parallel b. when the size, potential difference, or charge is
difference, or charge is changed
Energy stored
and electric -
field energy in Calculate the equivalent
capacitors Calculate the equivalent capacitance of a
capacitance of a network of capacitors
network of capacitors connected in
connected in series/parallel
2. Dielectrics series/parallel U U Applying Connection
Determine the total
Determine the total charge, the charge on,
charge, the charge on, and the potential
and the potential difference across each
difference across each capacitor in the
capacitor in the network network given the
given the capacitors U capacitors connected in U Understanding Boardwork Representa
connected in series/parallel tion
Solve problems
Solve problems involving magnetic
involving magnetic U fields, forces due to U Applying Problem
fields, forces due to magnetic fields and the Solving Connection
magnetic fields and the motion of charges and
motion of charges and current -carrying wires
current -carrying wires in contexts such as, but
in contexts such as, but not limited to,
not limited to, determining the
determining the strength of Earth’s
strength of Earth’s magnetic field, mass
magnetic field, mass spectrometers, and
spectrometers, and solenoids.
The learners The learners are Identify the factors that K Identify the factors that K Rememberin Multiple Representa Face-to-
demonstrate able to: affect the magnitude of affect the magnitude of g Choice tion Face
understanding the induced emf and the induced emf and Learning
Use theoretical the magnitude and the magnitude and
and, when direction of the induced direction of the induced
feasible, current (Faraday’s Law) current (Faraday’s Law)
approaches to
solve multi-
Magnetic concept,
induction richcontext Compare and contrast Compare and contrast
c electrostatic electric electrostatic electric Analyzing Venn Communic
problems using U U
Inductio concepts from field and non- field and non- Diagram ation
n, electromagnetic electrostatic/induced electrostatic/induced
Inducta Faraday’s Law waves, optics, electric field electric field
nce, AC, relativity, and
and LC atomic and
nuclear theory
Circuits Alternating
current, LC Apply ideas from Write-Pair- Connection
circuits, and atomic and Calculate the induced Calculate the induced Applying
U U share
other nuclear physics in emf in a closed loop due emf in a closed loop due
contexts such as, to a time-varying to a time-varying
applications of
but not limited magnetic flux using magnetic flux using
to, radiation Faraday’s Law Faraday’s Law
induction shielding and
inferring the
composition of
K K Quiz
Describe the direction Describe the direction Representa
Rememberin tion
of the induced electric of the induced electric
field, magnetic field, field, magnetic field,
and current on a and current on a
conducting/non- conducting/non-
conducting loop using conducting loop using
Lenz’s Law Lenz’s Law
Compare and contrast U Compare and contrast U Venn Communic
alternating current (AC) alternating current (AC) Diagram ation
and direct current (DC) and direct current (DC) Analyzing
Explain image formation Explain image formation
Thin lens as an application of K as an application of K Communic
reflection, refraction, reflection, refraction, ation
Geometric and paraxial and paraxial Analyzing
optics approximation approximation
effect Explain the K Explain the K
photoelectric effect photoelectric effect
Atomic spectra using the idea of light using the idea of light Understandi Essay Representa
quanta or photons quanta or photons ng tion
Atomic Radioactive
and decay
Phenom Explain qualitatively the Explain qualitatively the
ena properties of atomic properties of atomic
emission and emission and Understandi Representa
absorption spectra absorption spectra ng tion
using the concept of using the concept of Problem
energy levels energy levels
Prepared By:
Grophel L. Mesa
Subject teacher