Vocabulary: Writing To Explain

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Choose the best term from the box.

• equation • product
• factors • round

1. A(n) ? is another word for a number


2. One way to estimate a number is to ?

the number.

3 Technology companies, like those

3. A(n) ? is the answer you get when you
located in California’s Silicon Valley,
design and build digital products.
How many images can a 32 MB 4. In the equation 9 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 45, 9 and 5 are
memory stick for a digital camera both ? .
hold? You will find out in Lesson 3-3.
Multiplication Facts

4 Find each product.

One man balanced 75 drinking
glasses on his chin. What was the 5. 3 ⫻ 9 6. 5 ⫻ 6 7. 4 ⫻ 8
capacity of the drinking glasses
he balanced? You will find out in 8. 6 ⫻ 9 9. 7 ⫻ 4 10. 9 ⫻ 8
Lesson 3-4.
11. 7 ⫻ 6 12. 8 ⫻ 8 13. 7 ⫻ 9


Round each number to the nearest hundred.

14. 864 15. 651 16. 348
17. 985 18. 451 19. 749

Multiplication Properties

Writing to Explain Write an answer to

the question.
20. How do you know that
(3 ⫻ 6) ⫻ 4 ⫽ 3 ⫻ (6 ⫻ 4)?

Topic 3 51

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3-1 Multiplication Properties

What are the properties of multiplication?
Do 2 groups of 5 beach balls equal 5 groups of 2 beach balls?
AF 1.3, Grade 6 Factors are numbers that are multiplied to get a product.
Apply algebraic order
of operations and the
commutative, associative, Commutative Property of Multiplication
and distributive The order of factors can be changed.
properties to evaluate
expressions; and justify The product stays the same.
each step in the process.

Guided Practice*
Do you know HOW? Do you UNDERSTAND?
In 1 through 5, write the multiplication 6. Using equations, give an example for
property used in each equation. each property of multiplication.

1. 65 ⫻ 1 ⫽ 65 2. 45 ⫻ 6 ⫽ 6 ⫻ 45
7. In the following equations, what
number should replace each ■?
3. 33 ⫻ 0 ⫽ 0 4. 11 ⫻ 9 ⫽ 9 ⫻ 11 Which property of multiplication
is used?
5. (6 ⫻ 20) ⫻ 5 ⫽ 6 ⫻ (20 ⫻ 5)
a 40 ⫻ 8 ⫽ ■ ⫻ 40
b 1,037 ⫻ ■ ⫽ 1,037

Independent Practice
In 8 through 19, write the multiplication property used in
each equation.
8. 537 ⫻ 1 ⫽ 537 9. 24 ⫻ 32 ⫽ 32 ⫻ 24 10. 400 ⫻ 0 ⫽ 0

11. 73 ⫻ 14 ⫽ 14 ⫻ 73 12. 5 ⫻ (40 ⫻ 9) ⫽ (5 ⫻ 40) ⫻ 9 13. 1 ⫻ 111 ⫽ 111

14. 0 ⫻ 1,247 ⫽ 0 15. 8 ⫻ (4 ⫻ 3) ⫽ (8 ⫻ 4) ⫻ 3 16. (9 ⫻ 3) ⫻ 5 ⫽ 9 ⫻ (3 ⫻ 5)

17. 1 ⫻ 90 ⫽ 90 ⫻ 1 18. 76 ⫻ 1 ⫽ 76 19. 0 ⫻ 563 ⫽ 0

Animated Glossary

52 *For another example, see Set A on page 74.

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Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property
of Multiplication of Multiplication of Multiplication
You can change When you multiply When you multiply
the grouping of any number by any number by 0,
the factors. The 1, the product is the product is 0.
product stays that number.
the same.

(2 ⫻ 5) ⫻ 3 ⫽ 2 ⫻ (5 ⫻ 3) 5⫻1⫽5 5⫻0⫽0

Reasoning In 20 through 25, use the multiplication properties to

determine the number that belongs in each box.

20. 1,037 ⫻ ■ ⫽ 1,037 21. 5 ⫻ (20 ⫻ 9) ⫽ (5 ⫻ 20) ⫻ ■

22. (635 ⫻ 47) ⫻ ■ ⫽ 0 23. 8 ⫻ (■ ⫻ 4) ⫽ (8 ⫻ 5) ⫻ 4

24. 75 ⫻ ■ ⫽ 42 ⫻ 75 25. (9 ⫻ 6) ⫻ 4 ⫽ 9 ⫻ (■ ⫻ 4)

Problem Solving

26. Writing to Explain Haley said that 27. Writing to Explain How can one of
she would always know her 0 and 1 the multiplication properties help you
multiplication facts. Explain why Haley evaluate (77 ⫻ 25) ⫻ 4?
would say this.

28. Last month 48,097 people visited the 29. Naomi ordered
zoo. The number 48,097 is how many 2 bottles of water for $1.00 each and
more than 25,000? 1 turkey sandwich for $3.00. Which
A 2,079 C 23,097 expression would you use to find how
much Naomi paid?
B 12,097 D 320,079
A (2 ⫻ $1) ⫻ $3
30. Compare. Write ⬎, ⬍, or ⫽ for each 䊊. B 2 ⫻ (1 ⫻ $3)
a 34,304 䊊 43,403 C (2 ⫹ $1) ⫹ $2
b 5.70 䊊 5.7 D (2 ⫻ $1) ⫹ (1 ⫻ $3)
c 21,978 䊊 21,789

31. Three hundred fifty 10-year olds 32. Critical Thinking Think of two
registered for a city-wide bowling numbers that will round to 14,000.
tournament. If 205 participants are
boys, how many are girls?
Lesson 3-1 53

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3-2 Estimating Products

How can you estimate products?
A store needs to take in at least
NS 1.1 Estimate, round, $15,000 in sales per month to
and manipulate very large
(e.g., millions) and very make a profit. If the store is
small (e.g., thousandths) open every day in March
and takes in an average of
$525 per day, will the store
make a profit in March? Does the
store make

Another Example What is another way to estimate products?

Estimate 24  39.

You can also use compatible numbers to estimate products.

It is easy to find 25  40, since 25 and 40 are compatible numbers. Remember that
25  4  100. So, 25  40  1,000, and 1,000 is a good estimate for 24  39.

Both numbers used to estimate were greater than the actual numbers.
So, 1,000 is an overestimate.

Guided Practice*
Do you know HOW? Do you UNDERSTAND?
In 1 and 2, estimate by using rounding. 5. Writing to Explain Susan used
Tell if your estimate is an overestimate or rounding to estimate 243  4
underestimate. and found 200  4. Jeremy used
compatible numbers and found
1. 58  6 2. 733  21 250  4. The actual product is 972.
Whose method gives an estimate
In 3 and 4, estimate by using compatible closer to the actual product?
numbers. Tell if your estimate is an
overestimate or underestimate. 6. Reasonableness In the example
3. 43  27  4 4. 38  69 above, why is it better to adjust
$525 to $500 rather than leave the
number at $525?

Animated Glossary

54 *For another example, see Set B on page 74.

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You can use rounding to estimate products. Both numbers used to estimate
were less than the actual
numbers, so 15,000 is an
$525 rounds to $500.
underestimate. The store will
31 rounds to 30. actually take in more than
Find 30  500. I know that
3  5  15.
30  500  15,000 So, the store will make a profit
in March.

Independent Practice
In 7 through 18, estimate each product.
7. 75  28 8. 3  118 9. 39  58 10. 97  15

11. 513  19 12. 64  55 13. 286  9 14. 11  83

15. 10  66 16. 26  29  41 17. 18  999,999 18. 3  1,029,000

Problem Solving

19. Reasoning Estimate 53  375. Is the 20. Kilauea has been active since 1983.
estimated product closer to 15,000 About how many cubic meters of lava
or 20,000? is discharged in one minute?

21. Writing to Explain Samuel needs to

estimate the product of 95  23  4.
Explain two different methods Samuel
could use to estimate.

22. Give two factors whose estimated

product is about 800.

23. Jacque uses 11 sheets of notebook

paper each day at school. If he has a
package of 150 sheets, will that be
enough paper for him to use for 3 weeks
at school? Use an estimate to find out.
Lava is discharged
from the volcano at
about 7 cubic meters
per second.

Lesson 3-2 55

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3-3 Multiplying by
1-Digit Numbers
How do you multiply by
NS 1.0 Students
compute with very large 1-digit numbers?
and very small numbers,
positive integers, How many beads are in 7 containers?
decimals, and fractions
and understand the Choose an Operation
relationship between
decimals, fractions, Multiply to join equal groups. 36 Beads
and percents. They
understand the relative
magnitude of numbers.

Another Example How do you multiply a 1-digit

number by a 4-digit number?
A sports arena has 9 sections with 1,237 seats in each section.
What is the total number of seats in the arena?

A 11,034 B 11,100 C 11,121 D 11,133

Choose an Operation Multiply to join equal groups.

Find 1,237 ⫻ 9.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Multiply the ones, and Multiply the tens. Add Multiply the hundreds
regroup if necessary. any extra tens. Regroup and thousands.
if necessary. Add any extra hundreds
and thousands.
Regroup if necessary.

6 36 2 36
1,237 1,237 1,237
× 9 × 9 × 9
3 33 11,133
9 ⫻ 7 ones ⫽ 63 ones 9 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 27 tens 9 ⫻ 2 ⫽ 18 hundreds
Regroup 63 ones as 6 tens 27 tens ⫹ 6 tens ⫽ 33 tens 18 hundreds ⫹ 3 hundreds ⫽
3 ones. Regroup as 3 hundreds 3 tens 21 hundreds
Regroup as 2 thousands
1 hundred.
9 ⫻ 1 ⫽ 9 thousands
9 thousands ⫹ 2 thousands ⫽
11 thousands

The arena can hold 11,133 people. The correct choice is D.


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One Way Another Way
Remember how to Step 1 Multiply Step 2 Multiply the
multiply using partial the ones. Regroup if tens. Add any extra tens.
products. necessary. Regroup if necessary.
4 4
36 36 36
× 7 × 7 × 7
42 76 2 252
+ 210 7  30 7 ⴛ 6 ones ⴝ 42 ones 7 ⴛ 3 tens ⴝ 21 tens
252 Regroup 42 ones as 4 tens 21 tens ⴙ 4 tens ⴝ 25 tens
2 ones. Regroup 25 tens as
The partial products are 42 2 hundreds 5 tens.
and 210. You add them to
find the product. There are 252 beads in
7 containers.

Guided Practice*
Do you know HOW? Do you UNDERSTAND?
In 1 and 2, follow the steps from above to 3. Writing to Explain In step 2 of
multiply. Another Example, why is it necessary
to regroup the 33 tens?
1. 63 2. 274
 8  3 4. In the example at the top, how many
beads would be in 9 containers?

Independent Practice
In 7 through 29, find each product. Estimate to check that
your answer is reasonable.

7. 62 8. 1,247 9. 921
 7  2  8

10. 438 11. 2,979 12. 73

 3  6  9

13. 18 14. 38 15. 1,218

 5  8  7

16. 55 17. 264 18. 873

 4  4  6

19. 237 20. 9,843 21. 627

 6  4  3

*For another example, see Set C on page 74. Lesson 3-3 57

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Independent Practice
22. 795 ⫻ 5 23. 227 ⫻ 3 24. 4,596 ⫻ 4 25. 25 ⫻ 9

26. 6,330 ⫻ 9 27. 41 ⫻ 8 28. 5,532 ⫻ 6 29. 69 ⫻ 7

Problem Solving

For 30 and 31, use the table below. 30. Ms. Martinez’s class collected three
times as many paper towel rolls as Mr.
Paper towels needed to be collected for a Green’s class. What is the total number
school science project. of paper towel rolls collected by the two
Mr. Green’s Class

Number of 31. Order the days of the week from least

Paper Towel Rolls paper towel rolls collected to greatest
Monday 8 paper towels collected.
Tuesday 6
32. Use partial products to solve:
Wednesday 5
89 ⫻ 6.
Thursday 3
Friday 4 33. Writing to Explain Why is it important
to regroup correctly?

34. A popular Mexican 35. A group of 24 students and 2 teachers

restaurant has 48 tables. Each table has went to a school fair. Each student
3 different types of salsa. In one day, all spent $8 on tickets and $3 on snacks.
of the tables are used for 9 different sets What information is not needed to find
of customers. Which of the following out how much the 24 students and
would be best to estimate how many 2 teachers spent for tickets?
containers of salsa will be needed for all A The number of teachers
the tables in one day?
B The price of snacks
A 50 ⫻ 9 C 50 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 10
C The price of tickets
B 48 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 9 D 40 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5
D The number of students

36. Hummingbirds eat simple syrup, which 37. A memory stick can be used to store
is a sugar and water solution. To make images from a digital camera. The first
simple syrup, you need 4 parts sugar memory stick was available in 1998.
and 1 part water. If you have 12 cups A 32 MB memory stick can hold up to
of water, how many cups of sugar do 491 images. How many images can
you need? 7 memory sticks hold?

38. Writing to Explain Paul needs to estimate the product of

87 ⫻ 23 ⫻ 4. Explain two different estimation strategies he can use.


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Newbery Medal Winners for Children’s Literature

Author Title of Book Year Pages

Jerry Spinelli
Maniac Magee 1991 184

Beverly Cleary
Dear Mr. Henshaw 1984 160

Nancy Willard
A Visit to William Blake’s Inn 1982 48

E.L. Konigsburg From the Mixed-Up Files of

1968 176
(1930–Present) Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

For 1 through 6, use the table above.

1. Which writer has lived the longest?

2. The first Newbery Medal was awarded in 1923. How many years
after this first award did Jerry Spinelli receive his award?

3. How old was E.L. Konigsburg when she published From the
Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler?

4. What is the difference in the number of pages between the

shortest and longest books in the table?

5. How much older is the author of Dear Mr. Henshaw than the
author of A Visit to William Blake’s Inn?

6. Strategy Focus Solve using the strategy Draw a

Picture and Write an Equation.

In the first quarter of the year, Paul has to write p pages in all
two book reports. He chose to read Maniac Magee
and Dear Mr. Henshaw. How many pages will Paul 184 160
have to read in all for his book reports? Let p ⫽ the
number of pages Paul has to read.

Lesson 3-3 59

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3-4 Multiplying by 2-Digit

How do you multiply by 2-digit numbers?
NS 1.0 Students
compute with very large Sammy’s Car Wash had 38 full-service
and very small numbers,
positive integers,
car washes in one day. How much CAR WASH
decimals, and fractions money did Sammy’s Car Wash make SERVICE
and understand the COST
relationship between in one day from full-service car washes?
decimals, fractions, EXTERIOR ONLY $8 00
and percents. They Choose an Operation
understand the relative Multiply to join equal groups. FULL SERVICE
magnitude of numbers. $12 00
Also NS 3.3 ,
Grade 4
VACUUM $5 00

Other Examples
In Lesson 3-3. you learned how to multiply by 1-digit numbers. In this
lesson you multiply by 2-digit numbers and have partial products to add.

2-digit by 2-digit 57 3-digit by 2-digit 982

 43  37
171 6874
2 280 29460
2,451 36,334

4-digit by 2-digit

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Multiply the ones. Multiply the tens. Use one zero Add the partial products.
Regroup. as a placeholder in your second
partial product. Regroup. 2538
2538 × 31
× 31 1 12 2538
2538 76 1 40
× 31 78,678
761 40

Explain It
1. Explain why the second partial product always has a zero in
the ones place.
2. Reasonableness How can you use compatible numbers
to determine if 78,678 is reasonable?


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Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Multiply the ones. Multiply the tens. Add the partial products.
Regroup. Regroup.
1 1 1
38 38 38
× 12 × 12 × 12
76 76 76 partial product

2 ⴛ 8 ones ⴝ 16 ones 380 + 380 partial product

Regroup 16 ones as 1 ten and 6 ones. 10 ⴛ 8 ones ⴝ 80 ones or 456
2 ⴛ 3 tens ⴝ 6 tens 8 tens
6 tens ⴙ 1 ten ⴝ 7 tens Sammy’s Car Wash
10 ⴛ 3 tens ⴝ 30 tens or
3 hundreds made $456.

Guided Practice*
Do you know HOW? Do you UNDERSTAND?
In 1 through 6, find each product. Find each 7. Reasonableness How can you
product. Estimate to check that your answer use estimation to decide if the $456
is reasonable. Sammy’s Car Wash made is reasonable?

1. 72  16  ■ 2. 843  21  ■
8. In the example at the top, what would
the car wash make if it charged $15 for
3. 253  13  ■ 4. 3,419  62  ■ each full-service car wash?

5. 38  95  ■ 6. 75  5,614  ■

Independent Practice
In 9 through 28, find the product. Estimate to check that your answer is reasonable.

9. 44 10. 115 11. 67 12. 984

 23  89  57  45

13. 56 14. 23 15. 127 16. 679

 37  76  45  21

17. 17  12 18. 263  18 19. 3,519  29 20. 7,227  51

21. 19  15 22. 838  47 23. 5,215  36 24. 77  18

25. 23  16 26. 442  11 27. 33  42 28. 1,236  12

*For another example, see Set D on page 75. Lesson 3-4 61

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Problem Solving

29. The principal of your school is buying 30. The 2001 record for balancing drinking
3 computers at $900 each. She can pay glasses on one’s chin was 75 glasses. If
$98 per month instead of paying the full the capacity of each glass was 20 fluid
price. Will she have paid for them by the ounces, how many total fluid ounces
end of 12 months? could all the glasses contain?

31. How much would 85 barrels of oil have

World Oil Prices
cost in 1984?
Year Price per Barrel
32. How much more would 65 barrels of oil
1974 $9
have cost in 2004 than in 1974?
1984 $29

33. Writing to Explain How can finding 1994 $16

the answer to 5 ⫻ 700 help you find the 2004 $38
answer to 5 ⫻ 789?

34. The label on Bonnie’s jigsaw puzzle 35. There are 21 classrooms at Pine
states that the puzzle had more than Elementary School. The classes range
1,000 pieces. After Bonnie and her friend between 27 and 33 students. Which is
put the puzzle together, they counted the best estimate of the total number
44 pieces across the top and 28 pieces of students in the school?
down the side. Estimate to determine if
A 300 C 500
the label was correct.
B 400 D 600

36. Which of the following is 8,004,231,900? 37. A teacher asks 11 students to help set
A eight billion, four hundred twenty up chairs for an assembly. Each student
three million, nine hundred can set up 3 chairs per minute. If the
students work for 15 minutes, will there
B eight billion, four million, two be enough chairs to seat 500 people at
hundred thirty-one thousand, nine the assembly? Explain.
C eight million, two hundred thirty-one
thousand, nine hundred four
D eight million, four thousand, two
hundred thirty-one

38. The Explorer Hiking Club has 64 members. How much

Camping Gear Prices
will it cost for all members to buy new Terrain backpacks?
Gear Price
39. The club also needs to buy 16 dome tents and 16 propane Dome Tent $99
stoves. Will they spend more or less on these items than Propane Stove $28
on the backpacks? How much more or less? Terrain Backpack $87


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Find the product. Estimate to check if the answer is reasonable.

1. 58 2. 355 3. 6,044 4. 5,137

 4  7  6  3

5. 236 6. 23 7. 117 8. 65
 17  25  33  29

9. 45  12 10. 1,001  25 11. 8  3,030 12. 6  3,373

Find the sum. Estimate to check if the answer is reasonable.

13. 76,095 14. 9,713 15. 888 16. 7,566 17. 27,444
 3,950  9,328  726  8,092  9,507

Error Search Find each answer that is not correct.

Write it correctly and explain the error.

18. 703 19. 348 20. 202 21. 19 22. 2,456

 88  17  15  18  73
11,248 5,916 1,010 344 179,288

Number Sense
Estimating and Reasoning Write whether each statement is
true or false. Explain your reasoning.

23. The product of 7 and 6,943 is closer to 42,000 than 49,000.

24. The difference of 15.9 and 4.2 is closer to 11 than 12.

25. The sum of 33,345 and 60,172 is less than 93,000.

26. The product of 43 and 5,116 is greater than 200,000.

27. The sum of 3.98  4.62 is 0.02 less than 8.62.

28. The product of 9 and 48 is 18 less than 450.

Lesson 3-4 63

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3-5 Estimating and Multiplying

with Greater Numbers
How do you estimate the product of greater
NS 1.0 Students
compute with very large numbers and then find the actual product?
and very small numbers,
positive integers, A team played 145 home games. They sold about the same number
decimals, and fractions
and understand the of tickets for each game. How many tickets did they sell in all?
relationship between
decimals, fractions, Choose the Operation Find 9,212  145.
and percents. They
understand the relative Estimate: 9,000  100  900,000
magnitudes of numbers.
Also MR 2.1

9,212 tickets
sold last night

Guided Practice*
Do you know HOW? Do you UNDERSTAND?
In 1 and 2, estimate each product. 5. In the example above, to what place
were the factors rounded?
1. 7,893  456 2. 5,083  923
6. Writing to Explain In the example
In 3 and 4, multiply to find the product.
above, would using the compatible
Check for reasonableness.
numbers 10,000 and 100 give a closer
3. 4,816 4. 2,152 estimate to the product? Explain.
 253  148

Independent Practice
In 7 through 10 estimate each product.

7. 5,691 8. 155 9. 4,449 10. 2,505

 451  989  723  118

In 11 through 19, multiply to find the product. Check for reasonableness.

11. 1,862 12. 4,726 13. 7,152

 561  907  283

14. 9,814 15. 6,479 16. 1,279

 509  362  445

17. 8,922 18. 2,311 19. 3,271

 290  875  231

64 *For another example, see Set D on page 75.

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Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Multiply Multiply Multiply Add the partial products.
the ones. the tens. the hundreds. 1 1
Regroup. Regroup. Regroup. 92 1 2
1 1 x 1 45
92 1 2 92 1 2 92 1 2 46060
x 1 45 x 1 45 x 1 45 368480
46060 46060 46060 + 92 1 200
368480 368480 1,335,740
92 1 200 Check: The answer is reasonable
because it is close to the estimate.
The team sold 1,335,740
tickets for all home games.

Problem Solving

20. An electronics store pays $2,876 for

each 42-inch LCD TV they sell. If the
store sells 32 of these TVs, how much 36 inch LCD TV $2,299
will the store have made? Use the chart 42 inch LCD TV $3,256
at the right. Stereo System $869

21. Geometry If each side of a hexagon 22. Estimation The fifth-grade class at
is 32 cm, what is the perimeter of the Monticello Elementary School sold
hexagon? more bags of popcorn than any other
class. They ordered 17 cases of popcorn.
A 128 cm
Each case had 242 bags. About how
B 160 cm many bags of popcorn did the class sell?
C 192 cm A 3,000 C 5,500
D 1,024 cm B 4,000 D 6,000

23. A dog’s heart 24. Estimation The

rate is about 100 beats per minute. A length of the Nile
rabbit’s is about 212 beats per minute. River in Africa is
Which expression shows how to find about 14 times
the total number of heartbeats in about the length of
307 mi.
1 hour for a dog and a rabbit? Lake Michigan.
About how many
A (100 ⫻ 1) ⫽ (212 ⫻ 1)
miles long is the
B 60 ⫻ 100 ⫻ 212 Nile River?
C (60 ⫻ 100) ⫹ (60 ⫻ 212)
D (212 ⫻ 100) ⫹ 60

Lesson 3-5 65

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3-6 Exponents
How can you use exponents to write
large numbers?
NS 1.3 Understand and A box of cubes has 5 layers. Each layer has
compute positive integer
powers of non-negative 5 rows, with 5 cubes in each row.
integers; compute
examples as repeated There are 5  5  5 cubes in the box.
You can use exponential notation to represent
repeated multiplication of the same number such
as 5  5  5.

Other Examples
Standard form Expanded form Exponential notation
Write 25 in standard Write 104 in expanded Write 4  4  4 in
form. form. exponential notation.

25  2  2  2  2  2 104  10  10  10  10 4  4  4  43

An exponent is also called a power. You can read 46 as “4 to the sixth

power”. The second and third powers have special names. Read 32 as
“3 to the second power,” or 3 squared. Read 63 as “6 to the third power,”
or 6 cubed.

Guided Practice*
Do you know HOW? Do you UNDERSTAND?
1. Write 35 in expanded form. 5. In 35, what is the base? The exponent?

2. Write 24 in standard form. 6. In the example at the top, how is

125 written in expanded form?
3. Write 7  7  7  7  7 using
exponential notation. 7. What is the standard form of
3 squared? For 6 cubed?
4. Write 54 in expanded form and
standard form.

Animated Glossary

66 *For another example, see Set E on page 75.

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The base is the number to be multiplied. Numbers involving exponents can be
written in three different forms.
The exponent is the number that tells how
many times the base is used as a factor. Exponential notation 53
Standard form 125
factors exponent
Expanded form 5⫻5⫻5
5 ⴛ 5 ⴛ 5 ⴝ 53

Independent Practice
In 8 through 14, write in exponential notation.

8. 10 ⫻ 10 ⫻ 10 ⫻ 10 ⫻ 10 9. 9 ⫻ 9 ⫻ 9 10. 81 ⫻ 81 11. 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5

12. 7 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 7 13. 13 ⫻ 13 ⫻ 13 ⫻ 13 ⫻ 13 ⫻ 13 14. 6 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 6

In 15 through 22, write in expanded form.

15. 175 16. 35 squared 17. 43 18. 76

19. 554 20. 116 21. 8 cubed 22. 19

In 23 through 30 write in standard form.

23. 54 24. 103 25. 4 ⫻ 4 ⫻ 4 26. 12 squared

27. 110 28. 26 29. 3 cubed 30. 94

Problem Solving

31. Writing to Explain Why is the 32. Number Sense Find the number that
standard form of 82 NOT equal to 16? equals 81 when it is squared.

33. Darnell earned $10 each week for 34. Which of the following, when written in
10 weeks walking a neighbor’s dog. standard form, is equal to the standard
form of 26?
a How much did he earn?
A 62 C 82
b Write the amount Darnell earned
using exponential notation. B 34 D 44

Lesson 3-6 67

27291_066-067_002 67 12/14/06 4:37:49 PM

Lesson Problem Solving

3-7 Multiple-Step Problems

Monica wants to buy all of the
fruit shown on this sign. She has
MR 1.1 Analyze coupons for $0.45 off the cost
problems by identifying
relationships, of one pint of blueberries, and
(3 lb) $1.29
distinguishing relevant
from irrelevant $0.35 off one watermelon. What
information, sequencing will Monica’s total cost be after (1 pt) $3.29
and prioritizing
information, and the discounts?
observing patterns.
Also MR 1.2, NS 2.0
(2 lb) $0.92

(each) $5.65

Another Example

A children’s news and talk show is broadcast for 2 hours each weekday.
On Saturday and Sunday, the show is an hour longer than during the
week. How many hours is this show broadcast each week?

What is one hidden question? ? total hours 5 ⫻ 2 ⫽ 10

How many hours of the 2 2 2 2 2 The show is

show are broadcast during on for 10 hours
weekdays? hours per weekday
during weekdays.

What is another hidden ? total hours 2⫻3⫽6

question? The show is on for
3 3
How many hours of the show are 6 hours during the
broadcast during the weekend? weekend.
hours per weekend day

Add the number of weekday and weekend hours.

10 weekday hours ⫹ 6 weekend hours ⫽ 16 hours

The show is on for 16 hours each week.

Check for reasonableness: I can estimate 2 hrs ⫻ 7 days ⫽ 14 hrs.

This is close to 16 hrs.

Explain It
1. Why do you find and answer the hidden questions before
solving the problem?


27291_068-070_001 68 1/18/07 12:39:17 PM

Read and Understand Plan and Solve
What do I know? Find and answer the hidden question or questions.
Monica wants to buy the fruit 1. How much does the fruit cost?
with prices shown on a store ? total cost
sign. She has coupons for
$0.45 and $0.35 off the price $1.29 $3.29 $0.92 $5.65
of one pint of blueberries $1.29  $3.29  $0.92  $5.65  $11.15
and one watermelon.
2. How much are the coupons worth?
What am I asked to find?
? total saved $0.45
The cost of all the fruit after  $0.35
$0.45 $0.35 $0.80
the discount
Subtract the total saved from the cost of the fruit.
$11.15  $0.80  $10.35
Monica will pay $10.35 for the fruit after the discount.

Guided Practice*
Do you know HOW? Do you UNDERSTAND?
Solve. 2. What are the hidden questions and
answers for Problem 1?
1. Nate has a $5 bill and a $10 bill. He
spends $2.50 for a smoothie and $2 for
3. Write a Problem Write a real-world
a muffin. How much money does he
multiple-step problem that can be
have left?
solved using addition and subtraction.

Independent Practice
In 4 through 6, write and answer the hidden question or
questions. Then solve.

4. Elias saved $30 in July, $21 in August, and $50 in

September. He spent $18 on movies and $26 on gas.
How much money does Elias have left? • What do I know?
• What am I asked to find?
5. Paige takes riding lessons 5 days per week for 2 hours • What diagram can I use to help
each day. Maggie takes guitar lessons twice a week understand the problem?
1 hours each day, and piano lessons three days
for 2__ • Can I use addition, subtraction,
2 multiplication, or division?
per week for 1 hour each day. Which girl spends more • Is all of my work correct?
hours on lessons? How many more hours? • Did I answer the right question?
• Is my answer reasonable?
6. Lonny planted 15 roses, 12 geraniums, and 6 daisies.
His dog digs up 4 roses and 2 daisies. How many
flowers are left planted?

*For another example, see Set F on page 75. Lesson 3-7 69

27291_068-070_002 69 12/6/06 12:25:21 PM

Independent Practice
For 7 and 8, write and answer the hidden
Driving Log
question or questions. Then solve.
Business Personal Use
7. At the right is a driving log that
Monday 48 mi 11 mi
Mr. Smith kept for the last three days of
Tuesday 59 mi 8 mi
his trip. How many more miles did he
drive for business than for personal use? Wednesday 78 mi 28 mi

8. The table at the right shows the amount of salad

Salad Inventory
a deli had on Monday morning. During the
morning, the deli served 5 lb of macaroni salad, Macaroni Salad 11 lb
16 lb of pasta salad, and 14 lb of potato salad. Pasta Salad 22 lb
How many total pounds of salad did the deli Potato Salad 15 lb
have left Monday afternoon?

9. At the craft festival, Tuan spent $12 for 10. Look for a pattern, and then describe it.
food, $19.50 for a small painting, and What are the missing numbers?
$6 for a straw hat. Tuan had $4 left.
0.39, 0.45, 0.51, ■, ■ , ■
How much did Tuan spend on the small
painting and the hat together? Draw a
picture and write an equation to solve.

11. Writing to Explain Pull-over shirts cost $24.95 each. Describe

how to estimate the cost of 4 shirts. What is the estimate?

12. A men’s store has 63 blue oxford shirts 13. Rita budgeted $250 to refurnish her
and 44 tan oxford shirts. The same store home. She spent $156 on two rugs and
has 39 red rugby shirts. Which hidden $205 on a new lamp. Rita wants to know
question needs to be answered to find how much more money she’ll need.
the difference between the number of Which expression can be evaluated to
oxford shirts and rugby shirts? answer this hidden question:
How much has Rita spent on the rugs
A How many oxford shirts does the
and the lamps?
store have?
A $156 ⫹ $205
B How many blue and red shirts does
the store have? B $250 ⫺ $156
C How many total shirts does the store C $156 ⫹ $250
have? D $250 ⫹ $205
D Why does the store sell oxford shirts?


27291_068-070_70 70 10/4/07 12:00:03 PM

Changing Words to Expressions
Remember that words can be translated to Numerical
numerical expressions. Sometimes there is more Word Phrase
than one word phrase for a numerical expression.
• twenty minus five 20 ⫺ 5
• five less than twenty
• the difference of
twenty and five

For 1 through 16, write a numerical expression for each word phrase.

1. ten more than thirty 2. twelve fewer than fifty

3. twice as many as ten 4. one less than thirty

5. three times twelve 6. four minus three

7. the product of two and four 8. the sum of one and two

9. thirty more than ten 10. fifty divided by ten

11. three times fifty 12. six groups of three

13. the quotient of four and two 14. fifty less twelve

15. the total of ten and twenty 16. six more than a hundred

17. A person’s height is x feet. Which expression represents the

height in yards?
3x x⫼3 x⫹3

18. A yard has 36 inches. Which expression represents the number

of inches in y yards?
36y y ⫼ 36 y ⫹ 36

19. A room is f feet long. Which expression represents the length

of the room in inches?
12f f ⫹ 12 f ⫼ 12

Lesson 3-7 71

27291_071-071_001 71 12/11/06 10:57:16 PM

1. Dr. Peterson works about 11 hours each 5. A CD costs $9. The table shows the sales
day. Which of the following can be used of that CD by a store. What was the total
to find the best estimate of the number value of the sales in September? (3-3)
of hours he works in 48 days? (3-2)
Month Number of CDs Sold
A 10 ⫻ 40
August 1,104
B 9 ⫻ 50
September 1,521
C 10 ⫻ 50
October 1,003
D 15 ⫻ 45 November 1,253

2. What number makes the number December 1,642

sentence true? (3-1)
A $9,589
(4 ⫻ 8) ⫻ 7 ⫽ 4 ⫻ (8 ⫻ ■)
B $9,689
A 3
C $13,589
B 7
D $13,689
C 28
D 56 6. Jason drives 21 miles to work and
21 miles back home each day. Which
3. At a garage sale, Josefina bought a TV of the following is the best estimate
for $34 and a couch for $79. If she of how many miles he drives in
used three $50 bills to pay for the 28 days? (3-2)
items, how many dollars in change A 1,200
did she receive? (3-7)
B 900
A $113
C 400
B $37
D 300
C $16
D $13 7. Rosemary reads 295 words per minute.
If she reads 3.5 hours a day for 5 days,
4. A small town newspaper prints she will read 1,050 minutes. Which of
8,250 copies each day. How many the following is the best estimate of
copies will the newspaper print in the number of words she can read in
365 days? (3-5) 1,050 minutes? (3-5)
A 115,500 A 300,000
B 301,250 B 200,000
C 2,565,750 C 30,000
D 3,011,250 D 20,000


27291_072-073_72 72 11/28/07 5:13:02 PM

8. Mt. Waialeale in Hawaii has an average 12. What is 48 ⫻ 2,375? (3-4)
rainfall of 460 inches per year. How A 114,000
much rain would this location expect to
receive in 5 years? (3-3) B 113,920

A 2,000 C 109,500

B 2,030 D 28,500

C 2,300 13. Which of the following is equal

D 2,305 to 45? (3-6)
A 4⫻5
9. A banana contains 105 calories. Last
week, Brendan ate 14 bananas. How B 5⫻5⫻5⫻5
many calories were in the bananas that C 4⫻4⫻4⫻4
Brendan ate last week? (3-4)
D 4⫻4⫻4⫻4⫻4
A 525
14. Four bags with 7 apples in each bag
B 1,450
is the same amount as 7 bags with
C 1,470 4 apples in each bag. Which property of
D 4,305 multiplication does this represent? (3-1)

10. Which of the following is the best 7 7 7 7

estimate of 4 ⫻ 26 ⫻ 7 using compatible
numbers? (3-2)
A 800
4 4 4 4
B 700
4 4 4
C 650
D 400 A Commutative
11. Monica bought a skirt for $15 and a B Associative
hat for $12. Which of the following is C Identity
a way to find how much change she
would get from $40? (3-7) D Zero

A Add 40 to the difference of 15 and 12 15. A cube with sides 2 inches long has a
B Add 12 to the difference of 40 and 15 volume of 23 cubic inches. Which of the
following is equal to 23? (3-6)
C Subtract the sum of 15 and
12 from 40 A 6

D Subtract 15 from the sum of B 8

12 and 40 C 9
D 36
Topic 3 Test Prep 73

27291_072-073_73 73 11/28/07 5:13:06 PM

Set A, pages 52–53

Recall the multiplication properties. Remember that properties of

multiplication can help you find
Property of products more easily.
Identify the multiplication property.
32  32 1. 625  1  625
(4  5)  6  4  (5  6) 2. 9  2  2  9
120  120
Zero 12  0  0
3. 2  (3  4)  (2  3)  4
Identity 919 4. 0  451  0
Complete the following equations.

5. 1  6,984 = ■
6. 78  4  4  ■
7. ■  (75  62)  (81  75)  62

Set B, pages 54–55

Estimate 37  88. Remember to either round the factors

or use compatible numbers when
Step 1 Round both factors. 37 is about 40 and estimating.
88 is about 90.
1. 7  396 2. 17  63

Step 2 Multiply the 40  90  3,600 3. 91  51 4. 70  523

rounded factors.
5. 32  400 6. 116  787

7. 4  24  91 8. 29  51  67

Set C, pages 56–58

Find 193  5. Estimate: 200  5  1,000 Remember that you can round to
estimate first.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Multiply. Check for reasonableness.
Multiply ones. Multiply tens. Multiply hundreds.
Regroup if Add extra tens. Add extra hundreds. 1. 672  6 2. 99  4
needed. Regroup if necessary. Regroup if necessary.
3. 1,074  9 4. 26  5
1 41 41
193 193 193 5. 1,306  9 6. 5,984  2
× 5 × 5 × 5 7. 9,511  6 8. 998  9
5 65 965

27291_074-075_001 74 12/14/06 4:37:59 PM

Set D, pages 60–62, 64–65

Find 425  38. Estimate: 400  40  16,000 Remember to regroup if necessary.

Estimate to check that your answer is
Step 1 Step 3 Step 3 reasonable.
Multiply the ones. Multiply the tens. Add the partial 1. 67  48 2. 81  19

24 1
3. 51  605 4. 32  871
425 425 425
× 38 × 38 × 38 5. 3,345  472 6. 192  2,497
3400 3400 3400
7. 9,413  162 8. 4,706  980
12750 + 12750

Set E, pages 66–67

Write 73 in expanded form and standard form. Remember that the exponent tells
how many times the base is used as a
The base is 7. factor.
The exponent is 3.
Write each in expanded form and
Expanded form: 7  7  7 standard form.
Exponential notation: 73 1. 172 2. 105 3. 26 4. 54
Standard form: 343

Set F, pages 68–70

Gene wants to buy a catcher’s mitt for $52.00 and a Remember to look for the hidden
pair of baseball shoes for $95.75. He has a coupon question or questions before solving.
for $8.50 off the price of the mitt. How much will
Write and answer the hidden question
Gene owe for his purchase?
or questions. Then solve.
What is the hidden question or questions?
1. Pedro earned $13.50 for mowing
What will Gene pay for the mitt after the coupon? lawns, $11 for raking leaves, and
$52.00 $14.75 for walking dogs. If Pedro
bought a magazine subscription
$8.50 ? Cost after Coupon for $16.95 from his earnings, how
much money did he have left?
$52.00  $8.50  $43.50

Now, add the discounted price of the mitt to the

price of the shoes to find Gene’s total.
$43.50  $95.75  $139.25

Topic 3 Reteaching 75

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