Design and Analysis of Remotely Amphibious Drone

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Design and Analysis of Remotely Amphibious Drone

Article  in  International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering · March 2020

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.E2137.039520


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Jeyasimman Duraisamy
Periyar Maniammai University


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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020

Design and Analysis of Remotely Amphibious

R. Suresh, A. Ahamed Jasim, O. R. Amal Nagdev, B. Binny Sabin, V. Nagaraj, D. Jeyasimman

 one of the common drone existing today are unmanned

Abstract: The amphibious drone is the drone that is capable to underwater vehicles. This the drone that can operate
travel in both air and water. In order to move through water, underwater as well as air by human, a drone with this
buoyancy force needs to be balanced and it challenges the capability can relate various fields and carry out dangerous
structural integrity, it must have a better communication system mission, UUVs are classified into two remotely operated
with more penetration and less attenuation of the signal. To
vehicle (ROVs) autonomous underwater vehicle(AUVs),the
overcome that challenge the radio signal and Acoustic
communication are widely used in the amphibious drone. In difference between these two are ROV works in an operator
underwater, we have difficulty to get a clear view of positioning, command and AUV operates on independently, the ROV is
for that there will be a mini system installed on the drone that will widely used for underwater research and seabed
automatically calculate and sets their tracks to find the position, cleaning[1-3].
depth and time of the system. To achieve better communication an The promising technology in this field was
extra ground station will be installed. For controlling the motions introduced by a Dutch engineer by developing an ambulance
of the drone in an effective manner the microcontroller is used as drone [4] with webcam and loudspeaker to aware doctors. In
a flight controller for transmitting and resaving the user data. the
the marine field, oceanographic observation has been limited
aluminum alloy is used in the amphibious drone to avoid
structural damage. Based on the above consideration the due to technology and the cost of operating ships. The
amphibious drone has been developed and measuring their surveying tends to be in a short period, and it is not long
efficiency in both air and water, after experimentation this enough to resolve the problems [5-7].
amphibious drone may be used for coastal rescue, surveillance, The researchers try to come up with combining the
oceanographic research etc. The entire design and development of aquatic and aerial medium. Therefore, remotely amphibious
amphibious drone are in progress and testing to be done in the vehicle (RAV) starts used to indicate drone that able to guide
future. and operate on both mediums. in order to travel the in both
Keywords: Amphibious drone; design; microcontroller. mediums quite challenges need to face by engineers during
design stage, engineers need to solve those limitations such as
I. INTRODUCTION design of the body waterproof ability, thrust required to move
in both medium and controller capability. However, experts
In this modern era, technologies are advancing from manage to eliminate and overcome the limitation one by one,
the product will available in the market. But this very recent
day to day basis. The availability and usage of the unmanned
not much prototype cannot be seen nor any practical
aerial can be seen worldwide. Many developed countries are
application yet [8].
and already started to utilize their drones for various purposes
This RAV can be deployed in marine areas for any
like surveying, monitoring and home delivery etc. drones are
aircraft crash occurs and also provide situational awareness to
very handy in many situations and lots of experts are already
police and coastal guards, the technical challenge of the RAV
in the fields of upgrading their performance and functions,
includes high thrust to weight ratio necessary for the
propulsion system. An endurance long enough to perform the
Revised Manuscript Received on February 18, 2020.
operation is also important. The batteries and electronic
* Correspondence Author components are needed to be treating with caution, this will
R. Suresh*, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Periyar Maniammai have to be sized to carry necessary payload [9].
Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur-613403,
Tamil Nadu, India.. Email: [email protected], [email protected]
A. Ahamed Jasim, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Periyar
Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Based on the literature study, an amphibious drone has
O. R. Amal Nagdev, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Periyar to consider both air and water medium. In order to perform
Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, under this medium, the electrical components need to
Thanjavur-613403, properly scaled and work under this medium, by utilizing the
B. Binny Sabin, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Periyar thrusters the drone will able to ascent and descent, the level of
Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam,
ascending and descending is controlled by changing the
V. Nagaraj, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Periyar Maniammai rotation speed of the thruster[10-14] in this case motor paring
Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur-613403, aerial, the working concept of the motor is same as the normal
Tamil Nadu, India.. Email: [email protected], quadcopter, but in aquatic the high density of the water need
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
D. Jeyasimman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Periyar
more thrust, so motor has to produce more thrush then the air,
Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, thus we proper manageability
Thanjavur-613403,Tamil Nadu, India.. Email: [email protected] , is possible[15].
[email protected]

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E2137039520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.E2137.039520 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of Remotely Amphibious Drone

By changing the motor speed, the drone can perform yaw, 3Ah * 40C = 120 A which is greater than 72 A, hence battery
roll, and pitch operation, the lit and torque produced by this is sufficient.
motor can be adjusted to get a better experience [16].
D. Flight Control Board
Based on literature the design prototype needs to be in
low volume so that transition between medium will be easier, The KK 2.1.5 microcontroller has an incredibly
in order to study the outcome, several simulations will be sensitive MPU 6050 system, making the drone a more stable
carried out for both aerial and aquatic medium the ability to and auto-level function it contains an Atmel Mega 64PA 8 bit
withstand the water pressure is also simulated. To take the AVR RISC-based microcontroller with the memory of 64k
control of motor speed the KK 2.1.5 microcontroller is used [17].
because of wide availability and the coat is quite low, the E. Modeling of Frame and Casing
KK2.1.5 microcontroller can adjust the PID function inside
A computer-based system is used for analyzing
the computer and the PID values depend upon the motor
creating and modifying the drone, the detailed design process
characteristics [17].
was done in Autodesk Fusion 360.
The propeller is a fan that transmits power by
converting rotational motion of the motor into thrust, a
pressure difference is produced between rare and forward
surface of the blade, it is like an airfoil shape that produces
The communication part is quite challenging and
complicated for comparing freshwater and seawater, for the
freshwater 0.04 s/m is the conductivity and 400 s/m for
seawater, which is 100 times greater than the freshwater, the
signal will be reflected during seawater propagation. Here the
normal quadcopter transmission can also be used for an
amphibious drone for the larger distance an extra floating
body can be used for modulation and demodulation. [6, 18].
During the development of a prototype, software plays
a vital role; design a body frame is easy for a normal drone.
But design a body frame that can easily transition between
both mediums is difficult and challenging, by using Figure 1 Design of the UAV casing
computer-aided drawing software Autodesk fusion 360 and
CATIA. Based on Figure 1 design is done by AutoCAD
This software makes quickly sketched out the ideas for fusion 360 software. The design consists of blended shape in
designers and also provides a detailed drawing. Generally, the forward and backward which makes easier to transition in
Autodesk fusion 360 and CATIA provide an easy operation to both medium and also provides space for electronics
create models and assembly, the drafting of the prototype is components and payload. This casing is only for electronic
done of Autodesk fusion 360 and assembly on CATIA components except for brushless dc motor which is
software. It is a very challenging practice that the prototype waterproof. The design has two parts top and bottom and
needs to satisfy the requirement in both medium [9]. This connected with screws and silicone water sealant.
draft is comprised of many other parts such as base platform,
arms, top cover and propellers every part of the drone is
sketched by part by part, after getting all parts assembly
feature is used to assemble and combine the parts.


A. Total Weight Estimation

Approximate payload 500 g
Approximate weight of 1 Kg
Approximate electronic component weight 900 g
Total weight of 2.4 Kg
B. Selection of Electronic Components
The estimated total weight of the drone was around
2.4 Kg keeping the factor of safety as 1.75. the total thrust
required to the drone is 4.8 kg, and the thrust should be Figure 2 Design of the propeller
provided by each motor. From Figure 2 the propeller parameters are taken
C. Motor from an existing amphibious drone. The design contains a
small tip and the chord is increased in the middle section and a
The amphibious drone required a much powerful small root.
battery compared to the normal one,
4(motor)*18A= 72 A
For 3000mAh 40C

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E2137039520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.E2137.039520 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020

Thus, it can push air and water when needed and also able to
produce thrust.
From Figures 3 and 4 the stress analysis is simulated by using
CATIA software, in both analyses, the pressure is
withstanding when 500N of force is applied on the frame for
better results. The maximum stress that can withstand is
13.8KPa. From these results, pressure withstands when the
transition between medium occurs.

Figure 5 Displacement test in aluminum alloy

Figure 3 Stress analyses in aluminum alloy

Figure 6 Displacement test inn steel alloy

As a conclusion, the high density with low volume body will
help to reduce the time for transition in mediums, the
buoyancy force is low in the low volume high-density body,
and thus the drone model is aimed designed to minimize total
volume, to increase the speed movement of the vehicle in both
Figure 4 Stress analysis in steel alloy medium. The mechanism and drone design are taken into
account. To attain better maneuverability, the drag that is the
From Figures 5 and 6 gives the displacement resistance faced by the drone has to be minimized, large
analysis, during the analysis 500N force is applied. Aluminum surface area leads to more drag that will affect the total speed
shows 18.66mm and steel shows 6.15mm.both values are and consume more power, for that the blended cylindrical
expected and fulfilled the objective for the selection process. body is designed, besides, the quadcopter concept is also
In this analysis, steel provides a better result by giving low implemented, which give low resistance, high-pressure
displacement. While the transition between the medium operation and compact. At this stage design concept and
occurs, the density changes drastically and thereby frame planning of the prototype are done. To testify this some
should not break down. simulation, virtual teat and real-time tests have to be done. By
the help of computer-aided technology, stress test and
deflection of the frame is carried out. The results from that
give a satisfying outcome.

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Published By:
Retrieval Number: E2137039520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.E2137.039520 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of Remotely Amphibious Drone

3. Drews, P. L., Neto, A. A., & Campos, M. F. (2014, September). Hybrid

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R.Suresh, is Assistant Professor of Department of

Aerospace Engineering at Periyar Maniammai Institute of
Science and Technology, Thanjavur with over 6 years of
teaching and research experience. He has published more
than 5 papers in International Journals and made 3
International, 2 National conference presentations. He also attended more
than 5 workshops and more than 4 faculty development programme. His
areas of specializations are Design, Analysis & Fabrication of UAV,
Material Engineering and Aero structures.

A.Ahamed Jasim, Student of Department of

Aerospace Engineering at Periyar Maniammai
Institute of Science and Technology, Thanjavur with
over 1 year of researching experience. He has
attended various events such as workshops, seminars
and conferences. His areas of specializations are UAV
Design and Drones.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E2137039520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.E2137.039520 & Sciences Publication
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