Design and Implementation

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Design and Implementation of

Quadcopter for Surveillance Application
Dr. Nagesh K N 1, Professor and HOD M. Kiran mayee2, Student
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India

Shaik Altaf 3, Student Siddaram jagadi 4, Student

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India

D Vaishnavi 5, Student
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology
Bengaluru, India

Abstract:- The main purpose of the project is to design propel the aircraft. By changing the speed of the motors,
and implement a system that will be useful for the scheme of controlling a Quad-copter is done with
surveillance applications. Surveillance is the process respective to each other, also the forces of the Quad-copter
where a particular object or place or a thing is closely wants real time movement of the motors. To obtain a
observed. Quad-copter, an unmanned aircraft system balanced flight, integration of the control system is needed
consisting of Camera, Brushless DC motors, and a kk controller board will give the control algorithm
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Propellers, controller and will be able to receive and send commands. Till 1996
together form an Ariel vehicle, which is used for the UAV Quad-copter was used only in military applications.
surveillance work. This Quad-copter is also used in the When the improvement of advanced capable electronics,
military reconnaissance, Commercial usage, Civilian which ranged very powerful, very less weight
application and in many more industrial and rescue microcontrollers to very small sensors with better required
missions. In this project we are designing and accuracy and precision, we can design a quad-copter with
developing a semi-autonomous quadcopter capable of requires sizes and can be used for different applications.
self-sustained flight via wireless communication while Several advantages are there for A Quad-copter when
using a micro-controller board and controlling the compared to the other unmanned aircrafts such as its
motions of the quadcopter remotely by observing the quality of moving freely even in the stiff wind and its
streaming video along with joystick. The project functionalities and the power in controlling the speed of the
designed with low complexity, hence cost effect would motors for the required one. Also, these aircrafts make less
be minimized. harm to the humans, as we added protective frames to cover
the exposed propellers. By these aircrafts we can even
Keywords:- KK Multicontroller Board, DC motors, ESC’s, eliminate many fire accidents, explosions and electrical
Propellers, Sensors. based incidents. These aircrafts also used to avoid criminal
activity and others.
A quad-copter is an unmanned aerial vehicle capable
of flying autonomously. These can be controlled remotely M. Alwateer, S. W. Loke and N. Fernando [1], As
via a remote-control system (RC), though controlling drones are way more useful in civilian applications these
aircraft autonomously or semi-autonomously is constantly are mostly networked, enabling their remote programming
monitored. This movement of the aircrafts without any setup and in the control of humans. However, drones are
interference of a person inside it can be done through the limited to their capable carriage weight and battery power
pre-programmed flight, which uses global positioning is limited too. With use of nearby devices (i.e. with
system, it also depends on it and it can be achieved by additional smart resources other than drones’ abilities) and
combination of ultrasonic sensor. Various UAV sizes and controlling multiple drones is more convenient method to
shapes can be chosen. Most benefited application is in overcome these limitations in advance. With the study
Military, but these unmanned aircrafts are also programmable crowd-powered drones, involving two key
implemented in various applications. A unique kind of concepts for combining drones and smartphones or a smart
UAV's which uses four-fixed rotors is Quad- copter, per device as a crowd-powered resource cloud is detailed. In
axis two rotors are used (each axis is aligned orthogonally particular, this study focuses on crowd-sourcing for drone
with the other), the lift is powered by four motors and computations which are complex, and multi-drone data

IJISRT20APR625 833

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
processing management using an advanced scripting range is low detailed study of automated drone control is
language for coordinated flight paths of multiple drone’s useful. Study of multiple drone data processing and sensor
technology. calibration is obtained for secured flight control. The study
of performance evolution is done. This drone has the ability
J. Engel, J. Sturm and D. Cremers [2], Low cost to recognize the patterns using its built-in camera and by
quadcopter builds and which can be controlled through the processing the captured image. A study on frame rate of
smart devices from the ground is studied in this paper, 100 msec per frame is done.
which features autonomous navigation in unknown GPS
environments. They have used three major components in J. R. Cauchard et al [4], Studied all the various tasks
the system, to navigate using simultaneous localization and offered to the people using drone technology such as
mapping all the components are calibrated and set for photography, surveillance and increase the social context.
detecting accurate data. Kalman Filter for data processing Studied about the interface design that is used by the user
and error correction, for data fusion and for state with ease and without any complexity in a natural manner.
estimation. For generation of commands proportional– This was the first drone which has general graphical user
integral–derivative controller. A PID controller is used for interface which is used by normal person. Studied the
which it calculates an error value e(t) continuously. design process of drone inputs and outputs. The full-
Mapping all the data we can obtain a scale of generated fledged functional prototype in guiding scenario is studied.
visual map with all the altitude measurements. We studied The simple user training technique is also studied in this
the system which is able to navigate in unknown paper. The way of human robot interaction is clearly
environments with proper scale and it is obtained without studied in this paper.
the use of external sensors. Its robustness in
communication, use of SLAM tech, accurate navigation is I. Bae [5], The study of replacement of person with a
studied. machine is done. The mobility factors are referred in
detailed. The telepresence platform that resembles the
N. Yamamoto and N. Uchida [3], High performance social humans of drone piolet design is studied. The
drone technology is studied. Which are having high vision extensions for the drome capabilities are detailed.
cameras and all the flight control sensors like gyroscope, IR Portability and compatibility are mainly focused. Easily
sensors, Global positioning system and a video processing manurable drone designs are studied in in this. Adding head
unit. Stable Flight is obtained by manual operations by and arms to the quadcopter design is explained clearly in
human control. As the human sight is not so accurate and this paper


Fig 1:- Layout of Surveillance quadcopter

The layout of the surveillance quadcopter in fig 1 shows the algorithm in which overall working of the quadcopter is shown.
As of first when the user inputs or directions are given, they are received by flight control board through transmitter. All the
information will be transmitted to the ESC’s (Used to run the motors in the required speed), and from there to the DC motors. The
rotation of motors and the propellers make the quadcopter to hover. The sensors present in the KK board, Accelerometer and the
gyroscope (used to know the tilt of the drone).

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2:- System Architecture

The KK multi-controller, connected by the receiver and transmitter through the wireless remote controller. All the four
electronic speed controllers are connected to the KK board, which are used for controlling the speed of the DC motors ,which are
connected to the ESC’s, When we want the drone to fly for surveillance work, first we have to send information to the KK board,
through the transmitter and then controller sends the information to propellers, esc’s and the motors through the sensors used like
gyroscope and the accelerator. The user, who is using the remote can send the directions, in which drone have to move and all the
operations will be performed manually by wireless remote.

Fig 3:- Data flow diagram

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. WORKING [4]. J.R. Cauchard et al, " A Gestural and Visual
Interface for Human-Drone Interaction,"2019 14th
The combination Electronics, Mechanical will make ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-
the Quadcopter work and mainly depends on the principle Robot Interaction (HRI), Daegu, Korea (South), 2019,
of Aviation. As stated, its main intention is to take care of a pp.153-162.
plane on the wing, these four forces operate the plane on [5]. I. Bae, "Avatar drone: Drone as telepresence platform
the wing are arranged. The motion of the air is compared to with 3D mobility," 2016 13th International
the generated plane two types of these forces. lift is the first Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient
one. The force which is produced will be directed towards Intelligence (URAI), Xi'an, 2016, pp. 452-453.
up and can act at right angles to the movement of the plane.
The plane is maintained within the air. is the Drag being the
second one. It is applied in the opposite direction to the
movement of the traditional plane. This is because of
opposing breaking action of the air on the horizontal and is
against the advance of the plane. As this maintenance of the
horizontal is by the action of the air due to the displacement
of the aircraft, the lift and also the drag are referred to as
aerodynamic forces. This force is due to gravity, the load of
the plane, is meant to the lift. The balance of the lift and
also the load results in constant altitude within the plane.
To confirm that the plane continues to maneuver forward, it
is necessary to produce a opposite force that compensates
for the force called drag. This force is termed as the thrust.
System of propulsion of the planes will generate thrust, the
engines. Within the case of the flight is at cruising speed,
the role of the engine is thus to make amends for the force
of drag, but not to make the plane mount. On the opposite
side, at the time of take-off, the altitude of flight is obtained
by the employment of engine power.


The “Surveillance Quad-copter” is a highly helping

system with the help of the wireless remote controller And
we can the live video over the areas which ever we want to
observe. It can also able to take the pictures by the camera,
whenever user gives the commands. This also helps to keep
a record of details of the incidents that happened at the
wanted areas. It will give us the live video and audio
transmission from the areas where we cannot go and access
the information. Overall specifications tell that all
approaches will be trying to provide better result in terms
of quality of the video and picture detection.


[1]. M. Alwateer, S. W. Loke and N. Fernando, "Enabling

Drone Services: Drone Crowdsourcing and Drone
Scripting," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 110035-
110049, 2019.
[2]. J.Engel, J.Sturm and D. Cremers, "Camera-based
navigation of a low-cost quadrocopter," 2012
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, 2012, pp. 2815-
[3]. N. Yamamoto and N. Uchida, "Improvement of Image
Processing for a Collaborative Security Flight Control
System with Multiple Drones," 2018 32nd
International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA),
Krakow, 2018, pp. 199-202.

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