Men's Fitness - July 2021 UK

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F I T N E S S & A D V E N T U R E

FEEL Torch fat and build
full-body muscle
Hot-weather hydration tips SHOES

How to create
an effective CORE TRAINING
routine (P96) Gymnast Joe Fraser’s
go-to exercises


Editor Isaac Williams
JULY 2021

Art Director Xavier Robleda

Editorial postal address: oll out the factor 50. Fire up the barbecue. Summer is
Kelsey Publishing Ltd, The Granary, Downs
finally here! And this issue of MF is your blueprint
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for looking and feeling your best as the mercury
ADVERTISING rises. From fat-loss strategies, to strength
TANDEM MEDIA LTD training advice – including how to create
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Our lead feature offers 14 ways to fire up your
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fitness for the sunshine months ahead, with science-
Ad Production Manager Andy Welch backed methods for getting in shape in double-quick
01233 220245 time. Elsewhere, we dig up the mind and body benefits
[email protected] of gardening – which is experiencing unprecedented
popularity after the year just gone – and go jogging
MANAGEMENT with the Running Punks: the club sticking two fingers
Managing Director Phil Weeden
up to the traditional running scene. We’ve also got
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Chairman Steve Annetts interviews with Joe Fraser – the rising star of GB
Finance Director Joyce Parker-Sarioglu gymnastics – and rugby legend Brian O’Driscoll.
Publishing Director Kevin McCormick You’ll find in-depth reviews of the latest fitness
Subscriptions Director Gill Lambert kit and nutrition products, too, including the ten
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Eleanor Brown, Steve Brown
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Senior Subscriptions Marketing Manager
Nick McIntosh
and a look at the ‘clear protein’ powders shaking up
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Tel: 0330 390 6555 Isaac Williams, Editor
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PRINTING William Gibbons & Sons Ltd
COVER Model: Parker Cote is a journalist is a regular is a fitness expert is a comedian
fascinated by contributor. This and founder of and writer who
Photography: Garreth Barclay unique people. issue he looks at Wild Training. rages against
This issue he catches up with the fitness lessons we can learn Read his new strength training the machines (health apps)
Kelsey Media 2020 © all rights reserved. Kelsey the Running Punks (p38). from Tour de France riders (p50). column on p96. on p98.
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JULY 2021 3


09 15 Mins With 30 Fit for Summer
Rugby player Maro Itoje Your blueprint for reaching peak condition
for the sunny days ahead
10 News
Discover the power of pink and pints 38 Running Punks
14 Mind The group sticking two fingers up to the
traditional running scene
Body image and the need to veg out

16 Cover Star 44 Gardening Gains

Meet this issue’s frontman, Parker Cote Bolster body and mind by joining the green-
fingered revolution

50 Tour de France
PERFECT FIT Elite endurance insights from the leading
21 Running contenders at this year’s race
Ten of the best 56 Joe Fraser
for 2021 We talk strength, mobility and going for gold
with the rising star of GB gymnastics
26 Tech Talk
Portable kit to keep fit 60 Andes Adventure
away from home What trekking 1,000 miles taught this MF
contributor about endurance and fortitude

4 JULY 2021
ISSUE 255 JULY 2021

68 Nutrition News
Facts and findings from the world of food

70 Clear Protein
The new type of powder shaking up the industry

72 Hydration
How to hydrate effectively to beat the heat

76 Recipes
Nutritious meals from health app Oro



44 81 Six-Pack Secrets
How to unveil the abs that lie beneath

82 Brian O’Driscoll
09 The rugby legend’s mission to get people moving

84 Band Workout
Build beach-ready muscle with this routine

86 Chest, Arms, Core

The gym-based session to blitz your upper body

90 Train Wright Workout

Scorch fat with this bodyweight blast

96 Give Me Strength
How to create an effective training programme
98 Final Thought
A comedian rages against the machines

JULY 2021 5


Scientists have developed a simple new three-minute
exercise formula that has been proven to extend the DURING THE WORKING DAY, TRY THE
length and quality of your life FOLLOWING LIFE-LENGTHENING CIRCUIT
hree minutes is not long kind in the world, featuring data from

T enough to boil an egg, or

to make it through most
songs on Spotify, but new
more than 130,000 people.

research suggests it is more than “We wanted to find out what the 1a. JUMPING JACK X 50 SECS
enough time to save your life. perfect cocktail of physical activity (Rest x 10 secs)
A global team of scientists, led throughout a day was for maximum
by Glasgow Caledonian University, health, in terms of the time spent
found that performing three minutes sitting, exercising, just moving
of moderate exercise for each hour of around, and sleeping, and how
the day you spend sitting down could these all work together,” explained
Words: Mark Bailey | Photography: Getty Images

cut your chances of an early death Professor Sebastien Chastin. “Our

by 30 per cent. Although guidelines new formula found that three minutes 1b. PRESS-UP X 50 SECS
suggest we do 30 minutes of exercise of moderate to vigorous exercise per (Rest x 10 secs)
per day, the experts found that did not hour of sitting will get the balance
correlate with a reduced mortality right and help you live a longer,
risk for anyone who spends extended healthier life.”
periods sitting down. However, when Given that most of us spend
those people did three minutes between 50-70 per cent of our time
of exercise for every hour spent sitting down, this is important news.
sitting, their odds of an early death It suggests a regular sprinkle of
were slashed. The four-year study, exercise during the day could be 1c. BODYWEIGHT SQUAT X 50 SECS
published in the British Journal of more important for your health than (Rest x 10 secs)
Sports Medicine, is the largest of its one longer workout.

6 JULY 2021

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At just 26, Maro Itoje is one of the first With fitness it’s all about how you A lower-body session might look like this:
names on the team sheet for both club package it. At times, it might not • 5 x 5 on the trap bar
(Saracens) and country (England). He’s be the most fun thing in the world, but it’s • Weighted concentric jumps
even a nailed-on starter for that precious necessary to play and perform at a certain • Romanian deadlifts
pinnacle of northern hemisphere rugby: level. If I wasn’t a rugby player, I wouldn’t • Prowler sled finisher
the British and Irish Lions. have been exposed to this type of training,
Having recently signed with Under so I would train in a slightly different way. I try to eat little and often, rather than
Armour – a partnership that will see UA But if I were to stop being a rugby player having massive meals. But it’s really just
donate £1 million of performance sports today, there are definitely a lot of aspects I about sticking to a balanced diet. Obviously
apparel to KIT US OUT – Itoje is also would keep up – and maybe some I wouldn’t. you need to get your protein and your greens
leading the way off the field as one of the few in, as well as a necessary amount of carbs.
rugby players who truly transcends the sport. We’re always [as rugby players] exposed And then it’s about making sure you don’t
MF grabbed 15 minutes with Itoje to new ways of conditioning and different overindulge too often – which can be easier
at the end of UA’s ISO-CHILL product training stimuli. But the fundamentals of said than done.
launch. Here’s what he had to say… strength and conditioning haven’t really
changed for quite a while. You still need your I want to be a very, very, very successful
Photography: Under Armour

compound lifts, and to load your legs and rugby player. I want to win. I want to
back for strength and injury prevention. be part of teams that are dominant and
always competing for trophies. I want to
Trap bar deadlifts are my go-to. The trap experience the highs that rugby can give me.
bar takes the load off the back a bit, but Competition, passion, and the ability to get
still allows you to get the work in. better are what really motivate me.

JULY 2021 9

t h e n e x t t i m e yo u’re s h o p p i n g f o r e n e r g y d r i n k s o r
f l a vo u re d w a t e r. A n e w s t u d y, p u b l i s h e d i n
t h e j o u rn a l Fr o n t i e r s i n Nu t r i t i o n , l e d b y t h e
C e n t re f o r Nu t r a c e u t i c a l s a t t h e Un i ve r s i t y
o f We s t m i n s t e r, f o u n d t h a t p i n k d r i n k s
i n c re a s e e xe rc i s e p e r f o rm a n c e b y 4 . 4 p e r c e n t
– m u c h h i g h e r t h a n c l e a r d r i n k s . It’s n o t t h a t
the colour pink has any magical nutritional
properties, but bright colours trigger a
‘f e e l - g o o d’
effect that
can make
e xe rc i s e s e e m e a s i e r. T h e re s e a rc h e r s c h o s e p i n k a s i t
i s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h s w e e t n e s s a n d t h e re f o re m a k e s t h e
brain think of sugar intake. The subjects who consumed
p i n k d r i n k s e n j oye d e n h a n c e d f e e l i n g s o f p l e a s u re , a n d
a c h i e ve d h i g h e r r u n n i n g s p e e d s a n d l o n g e r d i s t a n c e s .

Quick Question:

When you feel stressed
If you’re still nervous about If you think you need to lift heavy to see results, think
returning to the gym this out, the hormone cortisol
again. “There is a misconception that bodyweight
summer, don’t be. The exercises will not build muscle,” says Ben Camara,
surges through your body,
average Covid-19 infection founder of Remote Coach ( “But look causing you to retain more
rate at health clubs across at some the world’s best gymnasts and calisthenics body fat. But a study by the
Europe has been just masters – you won’t see a lack of muscle there.” University of Sussex found
1.12 per 100,000 visits, Bodyweight drills can be effective muscle-builders, that reading a book can
according to a ThinkActive because of the enhanced volume you can achieve through help to reduce that kind of
regular repetition of these home-friendly exercises. (And belly-building stress by up
report, suggesting gyms
when you take into account that the average weight of a
are much safer than you UK man is 84kg, that’s plenty to work with.)
to 68 per cent. To double
think. The data was based down on stress-relief, re-
“The volume of your bodyweight workouts are the real
on more than 115 million read one of your favourite
driver to create a stimulus for hypertrophy,” explains
visits to 4,360 health clubs Camara, who recommends chin-ups and pistol squats. old books: Washington’s
across the UK and other “Increasing the volume of your workouts, alongside the American University found
Words: Mark Bailey | Photography: Getty Images

European nations. range of motion and the time you put your muscles under that doing so for just six
tension, will also produce a progressive overload to minutes promotes enough
stimulate real growth.”
therapeutic self-reflection
to slash unwanted stress.

you’re planning on squeezing in a few beach runs this summer, you’ll
joy some bonus fitness benefits. A study in the Journal of Experimental
ology found that running on soft surfaces burns 1.6 times more energy
an running on concrete pavements, because your muscles have to work
tra hard to conquer the soft, uneven terrain. This calls for a holiday.

10 JULY 2021

It’s t h e n e w s yo u’ve b e e n w a i t i n g f o r : a d r i n k i n
yo u r l o c a l b e e r g a rd e n i s o f f i c i a l l y g o o d f o r yo u .

A n e w s t u d y p re s e n t e d a t t h e A m e r i c a n C o l l e g e o f
Ca rd i o l o g y’s 7 0 t h A n n u a l S c i e n t i f i c Se s s i o n f o u n d

t h a t m o d e r a t e a l c o h o l i n t a k e – d e f i n e d a s n o m o re
than two drinks per day for men – is associated
w i t h a l ow e r r i s k o f d y i n g f r o m c a rd i ov a s c u l a r
According to researchers
d i s e a s e w h e n c o m p a re d t o t e e t o t a l l e r s . “ We f o u n d
t h a t s t re s s - re l a t e d a c t i v i t y i n t h e b r a i n w a s h i g h e r at Johns Hopkins
i n n o n - d r i n k e r s w h e n c o m p a re d w i t h p e o p l e w h o Medicine, listening to
d r a n k m o d e r a t e l y, ” s a i d Dr K e n e c h u k w u Me z u e , music represents a
t h e l e a d a u t h o r. “ T h e t h o u g h t i s t h a t m o d e r a t e ‘total brain workout’ for
a m o u n t s o f a l c o h o l m a y h a ve e f f e c t s o n t h e b r a i n your grey cells. Their
t h a t c a n h e l p yo u re l a x , re d u c e s t re s s l e ve l s a n d , research has shown that
p e r h a p s t h r o u g h t h e s e m e c h a n i s m s , l ow e r t h e listening to music helps
i n c i d e n c e o f c a rd i ov a s c u l a r d i s e a s e . ” It’s n o t a n to slash anxiety and
e xc u s e t o d r i n k . Bu t i t i s g o o d re a s o n n e ve r t o f e e l
blood pressure, improve
guilty after a post-work pint.
mental alertness and
memory, and strengthen
neural pathways and

3 Ways To...
A man’s testicles are outside the body to keep them cooler
for optimal sperm production. Sperm and its production
are damaged by excessive heat, so don’t sit with your
laptop on your lap, avoid wearing overly restrictive pants, MIRROR ON
STOP and keep hot baths to a minimum.
As the UK’s first interactive fitness
The use of plastics is a growing problem, not only for the
environment but also for male fertility as they can act like
mirror, the VAHA acts like a virtual
personal trainer, streaming directly
Your phone addiction is wrecking into your home like a hologram to
your health – even when you try oestrogens. Make a particular point to cut down the use
deliver more than 200 different
to relax. Researchers at Kent of products containing BPA or phthalates. It’s been proven
workouts for every type of training
State University found that an that these chemicals are hormone disruptors and can
goal and exercise preference. Live
Words: Mark Bailey | Photography: Getty Images

increased level of smartphone use negatively impact sperm quality.

classes are also provided around
is associated with a diminished
the clock and, if you like a more
experience of daily leisure time, 3. OPTIMISE YOUR DIET
personalised experience, you
leading phone addicts to feel Research has shown that replacing meat with fish
can even book individual training
uptight, stressed and anxious, improves sperm count and morphology. White fish
even when they’re doing other sessions with real trainers, who then
improves sperm morphology, while dark fish improves
things, like seeing friends or connect live to your mirror at a time
sperm count. Consuming two servings of fish a week
watching sport on TV. On the that suits you. Two sizes of VAHA
in lieu of two servings of processed red meat has been
other hand, people who use their mirror are available, with prices
associated with a 60 per cent higher total sperm count.
phone for less than three hours a starting from £1,150, while a monthly
day enjoy their leisure time much membership to access the workout
more, and subsequently suffer less platform costs £39.
boredom and distress. Visit to find out more.

12 JULY 2021

Research by Duke University has found that even adults in
their twenties and thirties vary wildly in their biological
age, with those of an older biological age already
suffering a premature decline in their physical and
c o g n i t i v e h e a l t h . T h e r e ’s o f t e n a s i m p l e c a u s e , a s a n o t h e r
American study suggested people who have less than
five hours’ sleep per night had an ‘excess hear t age’ 5.1
years beyond their real age. If you struggle to get enough
shuteye at night, napping during the day can help, with
new research published in BMJ Psychiatry showing that
regular siestas prevent cognitive decline.

Instagram photos of ripped fitness
influencers have a detrimental
effect on the mental health of young

Virtual reality can make you lose your
men, according to Campaign
Against Living Miserably (CALM),
which has launched its own Insta
sense of time, say experts who advise feed to try and encourage positive
that designers should incorporate clocks male body image. The charity
into the design of VR environments found that nearly half of British men
to prevent problems such as have struggled mentally because
disrupted sleep patterns in they’re unhappy with the way they
habitual gamers. Research look. CALM CEO Simon Gunning
has shown that gamers told the BBC, “Body image issues
who enter immersive VR are massively prevalent in women
spaces experience ‘time and girls. The same pressures
compression’, but the apply to men, but we don’t discuss
simple addition of clocks them in the same way.”
could prevent the
negative effects
taking hold.

Pile on the
Pounds 470g fruit & veg =
1 sweet potato (125g)
Weigh your fruit and veg 1 apple (70g)
to cut your stress. A high Inhaling lavender can be a safe,
Words: Simon Cross | Photography: Getty Images

intake is known to help 2 carrots (110g) cost-effective way to soothe

lower stress levels, and now anxiety. The famous purple
a study published in Clinical flowering plant comes from the
Nutrition reports that the Mediterranean, but now grows
key is to have about half a across Europe and beyond,
kilo every day. Researchers and people have been using its
found that those who ate 65g blueberries 100g broccoli aromatic petals and oil to help
at least 470g of fruit and themselves get off to sleep for
vegetables daily had ten centuries. Now researchers
per cent lower stress levels suggest that physicians should
than those who consumed make more use of the herb’s
less than 230g. calming properties.

14 JULY 2021

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On the cover this issue is PT and fitness
model Parker Cote. Originally from
Rhode Island, the 34-year-old now lives
in Boston, and in 2015 he set up his own
personal training studio, Parker Cote
Elite Fitness. His English bulldog, Tuco, is
his trusted training partner, and when it
comes to fitness he preaches consistency
over extremes (Parker, not the dog).

16 JULY 2021
Men’s Fitness: Parker, how Gym too busy? Simply squat Rapid
would you describe your training with your British bulldog
philosophy? (20-25kg) instead Responses
Parker Cote: It’s best summed up with
two words: avoid extremes. It pains me FAVOURITE BIT OF
to see people spending a lifetime going Cables: they’re so
in and out of shape using silly, extreme versatile.
methods. My approach has always
been longevity-based. I started out as
a skinny teenager and gradually built
lean muscle over the years. Because my
results came very gradually, I was able

Photography: Chris Fanning

to keep them. BEST CHEAT MEAL?
Buffalo chicken
Too many people look for quick pizza.
fixes. In fitness, quick fixes simply
don’t exist. Yes, you have to be
disciplined, diligent and consistent,
but you also need to have balance.
I personally enjoy the strategy of
training one muscle group per day.
I love incorporating supersets for their time-saving, fat-
burning benefits, and I utilise a variety of compound and “In fitness, quick fixes WORKOUT MUSIC?
Hip hop, indie

simply don’t exist”

single-joint moves to make sure the body is balanced in & 50s.
all ways: top to bottom, left to right, front to back.

MF: How often do you work out? MF: What’s the biggest learning curve you’ve
PC: Five to six days per week, depending on my schedule. experienced in relation to your fitness?
I don’t see it as work, though; I use workouts as a way to PC: When I was younger, I was so eager for results that BEST TIME TO
clear my head and set a positive tone for the day. I became impatient. But my dad had the simplest advice: TRAIN?
he said that anyone who was in the shape I wanted to First thing in the
MF: Do you pay equal attention to your nutrition? be in had just been doing it for longer – meaning, the
PC: Absolutely! Nutrition knowledge and application is guys with physiques that inspired me just had more
essential for fitness success. You can do the best workouts years of training under their belts. If I stayed consistent,
in the world, but if your nutrition is poor you will never I too would achieve the results I wanted to. That advice
see long-term results. My diet consists primarily of lean allowed me to ease back and thoroughly enjoy the process
meats, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and nuts. I make sure of getting in shape.
to have a cheat meal once a week for a mental break from HATE?
eating clean, but also to boost my metabolism. I believe Poor form.
cheat meals are essential for longevity in fitness. I’ve
been eating healthily for 20 years, and cheat meals have
allowed me to adhere to a smart plan in a balanced way.



leg raise.
Parker Cote on the benefits of bands

“I love resistance bands, because they provide

progressive resistance, meaning the weight
increases as the concentric portion of the move
Photography: Jon Malinowski

occurs. That provides a different stimulus to the

muscles, leading to growth. Also, they are versatile HARDEST
and portable, taking up next to no space when Weighted
you’re on the move.” pull-ups.



JULY 2021 17
GB’s Joe Fraser competes in the Men’s
Parallel Bars Final during day ten of
the FIG Artistic Gymnastics World
Championships in October, 2019.
Fraser’s flawless routine was enough
to win gold, making him the first
British gymnast ever to bag top prize
on the apparatus at the World Champs.
Pirouette to page 56 to read our
interview with Fraser, in which he reveals
PICTURE the dedication, discipline and physical
PREVIEW prowess required to be an elite gymnast.
Photography: Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images

In the market for a new pair of running
shoes? We’ve got you covered
very runner’s biochemistry is unique, which

means certain shoes will be perfect for some
and terrible for others. That said, there are three
key things everyone needs to consider when
trainer shopping. Firstly, the shoe should fit your
foot snugly, without having to do the laces up
tight. Secondly, the shoe should naturally flow with your stride
(and make you want to run faster). Finally, the shoe should fit
your running mechanics, meaning if you start to feel irritation in
areas that have bothered you in the past, that’s a sign you’re not
wearing the right pair. To help you put your best foot forward, we
put a selection of the latest running shoes through their paces –
here are the ten that came out on top.


Double down: The Cloudultra is the first outdoor trail
shoe to feature On’s Helion superfoam, with two
layers of Clouds for boosted impact absorption and
Speedy boarding: The Cloudultra’s Speedboard plate is
wider in the middle of the shoe to improve efficiency
and comfort over longer trail miles. 
Wrap star: The upper features a two-layer, durable
and breathable sandwich mesh made from
100 per cent recycled Polyester, with a wrap-fit
construction and integrated tongue for sock-like fit. 

The Cloudultra is a max-versatility shoe built for

long days and high miles on the trails and mixed
terrain. It’s just as happy on the road as it is the
riverside, gravel paths, quick bursts through forest
glades, or rocky routes on steeper mountain slopes.
A double layer of On’s clouds work with a trail-tuned
Speedboard – and 4mm lugs – for a comfortable
and responsive ride that’s just the right side of firm.
A closed outsole also fixes the annoying stone-
catching habit that’s plagued past iterations of On
Words: Kieran Alger and Isaac Williams

shoes. A shoe well worthy of your attention.

Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★

Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★
Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★

JULY 2021 21



Soft centred: Nitrogen-infused EVA foam cushions
every step, with just enough bounce to maintain
energy return.
Budget buy: OK, £100 is hardly cheap as chips, but it
is significantly more affordable than most new-
release runners.
One for all: The Velocity Nitro is light enough for
speed play, but durable and cushioned enough for
going slow and steady.

A true all-rounder, Puma’s Velocity Nitro is as at

home flying around a track as it is plodding out slow
Sunday long runs. If the brand hasn’t quite set the
road-running world alight to date, this shoe lays
down a real marker. The Nitro Foam cushioning
provides a nice amount of spring for picking up the
pace, with enough cushioning to maintain comfort
when the distance increases. A TPU heel piece
Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wraps around the heel to add a touch of stability, too.
All in all, this is a seriously impressive shoe suitable Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★
for all manner of distances and running styles – and
for significantly less money that most other new- Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★
releases on the market. OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★



Wide boy: The Infinity’s sole is wider under the mid-
forefoot to provide a more stable ride. 
Rocker fellas: The Hoka-like curved rocker midsole is
designed to help improve the efficiency in your foot
strike cycle.   
Easy going: At 300g, the Infinity is on the heavier side
and is definitely better for easy recovery than up-
tempo training miles.
Great for casual runs and easy recovery efforts,
this second-gen update of Nike’s popular everyday
training shoe comes with the same soft and
responsive React midsole foam and a wide base that
gives stable and cushioned landings. A new Flyknit
mesh upper – and a padded tongue and heel – also
improves the all-round comfort and lockdown fit.
This shoe is plush, roomy and flexible, though at a
heavier 302g the Flyknit 2 is best laced up for slower
miles and those exploratory ambles where you’re
running without much time-focused intent.

Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★

22 JULY 2021

As light as a 199g feather, this shoe – including the Energy Surge proprietary foam,
KEY FEATURES proving a touch of bounce for next to no weight.
is a shoe built with fast times in
Fast and light: This is a shoe that Here’s the but…if you’re either new to running, tend
mind. Salomon is best known as
feels even lighter than its sub- to heel strike, or are simply heavy set, you’re likely
a rugged trail brand, but in recent
200g weight. to want something with a little more protection.
years it’s stepped onto the road
Weld done: The stitch-free upper
and the Phantasm represents
melts around your foot for a
its most stripped-back, speed- Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barely-there feel.
first product to date. If you’re a
Above the curve: A curved midsole Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★
seasoned runner, with sound
lends itself to a natural running
biomechanics and a well-tuned Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
style, allowing you to touch down
running style, chances are you’ll
and toe-off in one fluid movement. OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★
love the barely-there feel of this



to mid-intensity miles. The big midsole stack

of FreshFoam X is slightly firmer than some
Joy of socks: The one-piece mesh upper
heavily-cushioned shoes, but strikes a good
with integrated tongue hugs your foot
balance between soft landings and energy-
for sock-like comfort, but without limiting
saving response. The one-piece mesh
your foot’s freedom to flex.
upper, meanwhile, adds a touch of sock-like
Running up that heel: The 1080 V11’s
snugness that feels supportive but also
cupped ultra-heel design keeps the foot
leaves plenty of wiggle room for your toes.
nicely cradled without blister-inducing
This is one of those versatile shoes you’re
slippage or movement.
always happy to lace up.
Flex appeal: The V11’s outsole has carefully
placed grooves that allow the sole to flex,
helping the shoe to move with your foot for Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a softer, smoother feel.
Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★
With excellent step-in comfort and a
Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
disappearing feel on the foot, this 263g,
midweight, daily trainer screams reliable OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
comfort and performance for those easy



KEY FEATURES A wardrobe staple among fashion Veja, it also looks

Post-petroleum: The Marlin is aficionados for some time, eco- the part, and if
made from 62 per cent bio- conscious trainer brand Veja has running isn’t your
based or recycled materials. branched out into the crowded thing it makes
Comfort king: It may be named world of running shoes – with for a comfy,
after the fastest fish in the impressive results. Following fine-looking
ocean, but the Marlin’s main the award-winning Condor, the gym trainer.
perk is its next-level comfort. Marlin is made from recycled and
Stick it on and you won’t want sustainable materials, but how
to take it off. does it perform? In a word: well.
All-rounder: Lightweight, Though probably a little heavy
Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★
breathable and dynamic, but for anything too quick, the shoe’s
complete with stylish good ample cushioning, breathability Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
looks, this is a shoe equally and foot-hugging comfort make
it perfect for lower-intensity Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★
suited to Sunday strolls as jogs
round the park. outings. As you’d expect from OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

JULY 2021 23



Smart choice: Sensors embedded in the midsole
track your runs and running form, and fire data
via Bluetooth to MapMyRun, unlocking real-time
coaching and post-run tips.
Go with the flow: The new 8mm drop of Flow midsole
foam provides cushioning, durability and traction. 
Warp speed: Zonally structured uppers provide
support in the right places, while saving weight
elsewhere in the shoe.
Bucking the Under Armour trend for bulkier shoes,
the 241g Velociti Wind is by far the brand’s lightest
and best to date. The first to feature a new lighter
and springier Flow midsole foam, it’s agile and
nimble, albeit with a firmer feel that makes it ideally
suited to shorter, faster training miles or racing half
marathons. There are bonus tracking and coaching
skills, too, with built-in sensors that sync easily with
the MapMyRun app to track distance, pace, cadence
and stride length, as well as offering coaching
feedback during and after your runs. 

Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★
Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★
OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Plate it safe: The full-length carbon plate is less
highly sprung than some carbon inserts, which
makes for a more subtle response that’s good for
longer runs.
Metarocker and roll: The Carbon X’s curved sole helps
improve efficiency and smooth your transition from
foot down to toe. 
Get your kicks: The extended heel kick-back is
designed to spread the impact if you strike more on
your medial or lateral side.

At 234g, Hoka’s second-generation endurance

racer is lighter than the original but oddly feels
more clunky underfoot. That’s largely down to the
‘swallow tale’ protruding heel that adds more heft
to the shoe. There is a punch to the Carbon X2 at
faster paces – just don’t expect a Nike Vaporfly kick.
The high stack of bouncy, responsive midsole foam
runs slightly softer than the original Carbon X, while
the more subtle-running carbon plate works with
Hoka’s trademark rocker, to roll your foot through to
a springy toe-off. A fun, lively ride with ample room in
the toe box – good for going long.

Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★

24 JULY 2021

Sweet sensation: The carbon-negative SweetFoam
EVA midsole has a 7mm drop and a Nike Infinite-
style wide base for good stability.
Lighter footprint: The Mizzle’s carbon footprint comes
stamped inside the shoe – starting at 10.4kg CO2e,
which is as much as 30 per cent less than a regular
running trainer.   
Rinse and repeat: Unlike most running shoes, the
Mizzle is designed to survive a spin in the washing
Most high-performance running shoes are made
from nasty petro-chemical-based materials. That
makes them great for setting parkrun PBs, but
less good for the planet. Allbird’s water-repelling,
eco-friendly Dasher Mizzle is different. It looks and
runs like a firmer version of the popular Nike React
Infinity Run, but swaps plastics for more sustainable
alternatives, like sugarcane-derived midsoles. All in
all, a good option if you run shorter distances a few
times a week for fitness, and you care more about
Planet Earth than chasing Strava segments.

Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★


Feel the PWR: Saucony’s trademark PWRRUN
cushioning provides a super-soft ride.
On FORM: Engineered mesh in the FORMFIT upper
provides breathability and a comfortable fit.
Gain traction: The rubber outsole is durable and
grippy on the wet, while providing just enough
resilience over rocky terrain.

The latest addition to Saucony’s line of super-soft,

distance-oriented running shoes, the Ride 14
offers plush cushioning with a surprising amount
of snappy responsiveness. It’s not a stability shoe,
per se, but that soft yet firm cushioning does offer a
sense of security for anyone who tends to over or Comfort ★ ★ ★ ★
underpronate. There are plenty of high-performance Cushioning ★ ★ ★ ★
specs – including the engineered mesh upper for
lightweight breathability – but the sense is this is a Responsiveness ★ ★ ★ ★
shoe tailor-made for beginners or anyone who wants
OVERALL ★ ★ ★ ★
to prioritise comfort over picking up the pace.

JULY 2021 25

Suitcase-friendly fitness gadgets to
help you stay in shape wherever you are

olidays are edging

H back onto the agenda.

If that means lying on
a sun lounger, sipping
weekly training summary screen
that shows how your workouts
from the past seven days spread
cocktails and pressing pause on
out across the different intensity
your regular fitness routine, then
With built-in GPS and heart-rate monitoring, plus zones – so it’s easy to spot when
we’re right beyond you. After
a 20-hour GPS battery life, the Ignite 2 packs all the you’re doing too much of a good
all, quality rest is what keeps us
required fitness watch skills to track your regular thing. All your info is brightly
physically and mentally primed to
holiday cardio sessions. Indoor and outdoor runs, presented on an always-on
pursue our goals. But with more
rides and swims are covered with the usual features colour touchscreen display with
time and less pressure, holidays
and real-time insights such as heart-rate-zone an ambient light sensor for OK
can also be the perfect time to
training, and pace and distance tracking. FuelWise readability in most light. The
train. So whether you wind up in
provides feedback on your carb, protein and fat fuel Ignite is also waterproof to 30m,
a Spanish villa or on a Cornish
usage for every session, and you can now broadcast offers linked-smartphone music
campsite, we’ve lined up the best
your heart stats to gym cardio machines.   controls and basic notifications.
travel-friendly fitness tech to
At 35g, it’s on the lighter side for
keep your training – and resting All that makes the Ignite a great all-round fitness
a fitness tracker, though fans of
– on track. tracking tool way beyond a two-week getaway, but
more robust timepieces might find
what really boosts the Ignite’s travel-companion
the stripped back design a little
creds is the FitSpark workout recommendations
too minimal.  
tool. The watch serves up daily cardio, strength
and mobility workout suggestions, all tied to your However, if you’re looking
recent training load and your current recovery for a simple, reliable and well-
state – based in part on your sleep and how well featured fitness tool, to keep your
your autonomic nervous system has bounced back work rate ticking over without
overnight. Each workout comes with basic but easy- the stress of training plans or the
to-follow animated drills on the watch, that guide need for additional kit, this has a
you step-by-step through your sessions without the lot going for it. (Not least that sub-
need for a phone or tablet.  £200 price tag.)
Polar has also added a wonderfully simple OVERALL ★ ★★ ★

26 JULY 2021
£9.99 per month,

A recent newcomer to the growing line-up of remote-training options, Apple’s

fitness platform offers a familiar package of video-guided, trainer-coached
workouts on your iPhone, iPad or Apple TV. Sessions last anything from five to 45
minutes, with HIIT, strength, core and yoga you can do anywhere, plus a range of
cycling, rowing and treadmill running workouts – ideal for the kit you’ll find in most
hotel gyms. All sessions also come with a handy trainer preview of the fate that
awaits you.
What makes this different, though, is the
Apple Watch. Partly because you’ll need a
Watch Series 3 or later to use the service,
but also because all your vital watch-tracked
metrics are beamed onto the screen for
added live insights and motivation. You can
customise the on-screen stats and choose
to watch your Apple Rings close, or battle
the Burn Bar, comparing your effort to others
who’ve done the same workout. If you
already own an Apple Watch you can also
tuck into a free month-long trial.
OVERALL ★ ★★ ★


£12.99 per month, From £10 per month,

You don’t have to own or have access to a Peloton bike or Fiit was one of the early pioneers to make boutique-style,
treadmill to make the most of Peloton’s live and on-demand trainer-led sessions mobile. It pairs an app with a rep-
coached training sessions. The digital-only membership counting chest strap to deliver on-demand, expert-coached
gets you access to all the  indoor cycling, running, walking, fitness sessions on your tablet, phone or TV. The strong
bootcamp, strength and outdoor (audio-only) classes on selection of classes range from strength and cardio, to
phone, tablet or beamed to a TV. You can pair a heart-rate mobility with pilates and yoga. Difficulty ratings, along with a
monitor to track your stats, jump on any stationary bike or breakdown of the drills you’re about to do, make it easy to see
treadmill, or just follow strength and conditioning sessions what you’re signing up for before you start sweating. And the
wherever you’ve laid your beach towel. simplicity of firing up an app, sticking on a strap and smashing
OVERALL ★ ★★ ★ ★ out a workout pretty much anywhere offers ideal holiday
OVERALL ★ ★★ ★ ★

JULY 2021 27


£140, £79.95,

The first EGC-style chest strap and optical arm strap in one, Fast-feet rope sessions make for brilliant low-impact
the Switch’s unique versatility makes it perfect for packing workouts that test your cardio engine and improve
on holidays, where your fitness pursuits might range from coordination and balance. In fact, studies show that ten
HIIT sessions in the hotel gym, to open-water swims. For minutes of skipping is as effective as half an hour’s running
motivation, MyZone’s app gamifies workouts by quantifying – plus you can do it poolside. This lightweight, stashable
your heart-rate capacity and assigning you a golf-style smartrope takes rope jumping to the next level. Embedded
handicap. During each session, your work rate is converted LEDs and the motion of the rope float your jump stats in the
into points to propel you up (or down) a range of leaderboards air in front of you, in real-time, like a holograph. You can track
and competitions with friends, family or total strangers. sessions, set targets and follow guided interval workouts, too.
OVERALL ★ ★★ ★ OVERALL ★ ★★ ★


£19.99 per month or £10 per

You can stick a TRX in a

backpack and use it anywhere
trees grow – so unless you’re
holidaying in the Arctic, it’s
a very useful travel fitness
tool. Having said that,
putting together an effective
suspension session can be
a tad daunting if you’re new
to this training method. The
new Training Club solves that
problem. A bit like Peloton, you
get access to live daily classes
and a library of on-demand
sessions, guiding you through
the routines that’ll. You can
also pay extra for one-to-one
personal training, or just enjoy
a seven-day free trial.
OVERALL ★ ★★ ★

28 JULY 2021
From £76,

At just 360g and not much bigger

than a drink can, this travel-friendly,
three-speed portable massage gun
provides over six hours of portable
percussive muscle therapy. You get
two attachments, a gentler flat head,
and a thumb-style add-on that’s ideal
for getting into tricky knots and tight
places. It kicks out 3,000 percussions
per minute, with less than 40 decibels
of working noise, so it’s pretty quiet,
too. And it conveniently charges via
USB-C, so there’s no need to save
space in your bag for a bulky charger.
OVERALL ★ ★★ ★★


Whether you’re shooting for quality

shuteye or dozing on a lounger,
banking sleep in strange – and
sometimes noisier – places can
prove tricky. Bose’s Sleepbud can
help you silence the hubbub and
secure some much-needed rest. The
earphone-like buds play preloaded,
soothing sounds that mask up to ten
hours of unwanted noises, helping
you nod off faster and stay asleep
longer. They bring happy silence to
planes and trains, too.
OVERALL ★ ★★ ★★
Words: Kieran Alger

JULY 2021 29


30 JULY 2021
Forget the bench press: for all-round
strength and muscle, the pull-up
should be your exercise of choice. Not
only will it build your shoulders and
back, but it will also aid your posture
and fire up your forearms. Aim for two
pull-up sessions a week, consisting
of 2 x 6-10 reps followed by a third
set to failure.

• Grip the bar with your hands just
wider than shoulder-width apart.
• Brace your abs and pull yourself
up until your whole head is above
the bar.
• Lower your body under control until
your arms are straight.
• Keep your shoulders engaged and
don’t sag at the bottom.

JULY 2021 31


We’ve officially entered t-shirt season, so it’s time
to prepare for the gun show. But while biceps
exercises might be you go-to sleeve-filler, if
you really want head-turning arms, your
triceps – which account for 70 per cent
of overall arm mass – deserve at least
equal attention. “Start with a cable
triceps extension and really focus on
the eccentric phase – when the cable
is returning up high – for extra time
under tension,” says fitness coach
Ben Camara. “Aim for 3 x 15
reps, or try doing supersets with
some tight diamond press-ups
(with your hands held together
in a diamond shape) for an
extra hit. End with 3 x 15 reps
of hammer curls and single-arm FORM CHECK
preacher curls.” Keep your elbows locked
in to your sides during
diamond press-ups, or you
will recruit your chest and
delt muscles and reduce
triceps activation.

Whether dozing on a sun lounger, or
relaxing in the garden, you’ll spend a lot
of time lying down this summer. But
why not put those lazy, horizontal hours
to good use with some posture-boosting
exercises? Doing just a couple of yoga
poses every day can reduce back pain by
a remarkable 42 per cent (according to
research in the journal Spine), keeping
you injury-free all summer long. And
aside from making you physically
stronger, the process of focusing your
breathing can also alleviate anxiety and
contribute to a calmer state of mind.

HOW: Strengthens shoulders and arms.
Keep your hands in line with your shoulders. Strengthens the spine.

DO THE Lift your chin 45 degrees while keeping your

neck lengthened.
Improves flexibility and decreases
stiffness in the lower back.

COBRA Relax your shoulders down your back.

Engage your legs and glutes.
Opens up the chest.
Stretches the abdominal muscles.

32 JULY 2021
Even if you’re swapping out one of your gym If fat loss is your goal,
sessions for an outdoor workout as the weather fasted training in the
picks up, keep leg day locked in – and don’t be morning might be the
shy with the weight you’re shifting. Research ticket. “Morning cardio is
in the European Journal of Applied Physiology a great way to burn fat,”
and Occupational Physiology found that heavy says Camara. That’s because
resistance training delivers ‘striking changes’ training before breakfast
to your testosterone levels, which will help conditions your body to burn body fat for fuel. “Keep it steady and
maintain muscle mass and protect your energy above 30 minutes, and you’ll soon notice the difference,” he adds.
levels. Heavy squats (within the bounds of There are also other benefits to making the most of your summer
perfect form) are best, but box jumps should mornings. Scientists at Brigham Young University found that 45
also be added to your workout armoury. While minutes of moderate exercise in the morning reduces overeating
box jumps alone aren’t going to give you legs later in the day. And research by Appalachian State University has
like Chris Hoy, performing them regularly shown that morning runs are ten per cent more effective at lowering
– and even as a warm-up exercise before you blood pressure than lunchtime or after-work outings.
get into your heavy lifting – will fire up your
nervous system and stimulate the fast-twitch
muscles neglected with low-intensity lifting.
The result? You’ll not only be able to lift more, SADDLE UP
but you will also stimulate more muscle growth Summer is the best season to clock up more cycling miles and
during each workout. Before your next lower- explore new terrain. But is your body primed for longer rides?
body workout, kick things off with 2-3 sets x 5 “Making sure you’re well prepared is essential to providing the
reps of box jumps – on a box that’s around knee best experience for long summer days in the saddle,” advises
height (or a height that’s going to fire up your Tom Davis, a professional triathlete and coach for INCUS
legs without completely exhausting you). Performance ( “I recommend hill sessions
as a great way of improving your fitness in a short period of
time.” Not only will they build leg strength and cardiovascular
fitness, but a study in the
TRY THIS Journal of Physiology found that
this kind of interval training
Find a local hill that takes you induces adaptations in skeletal
three to four minutes to cycle up, muscle and exercise performance
and knock out 4-5 hill reps. “Go
pretty hard,” says Davis, “but
that are comparable to the
with a nice easy recovery as you improvements made from longer
go back down. Try to increase endurance training. “They will
the amount of reps you do each also help you get over hills and
week, or move to a slightly
longer hill.”
improve your power on the
flats,” adds Davis.

Stand just in front of a box with your feet
shoulder-width apart.
Swing your arms and hinge your hips back with
a tall chest, flat back and engaged core.
Swing your arms forward, using momentum to
jump up and slightly forward, landing softly with
both feet completely on the box.
Stand up, locking out your knees and extending
your hips.
Carefully step back down to the ground.

JULY 2021 33


Dedicated core training will benefit every aspect of your fitness, from strength,
to stamina, to general injury prevention. But before you jump into another
set of high-rep sit-ups, heed the advice of fitness coach Luke Goulden. “Your
core muscles exist to resist excessive motion in the spine. As such, it pays to
train them to get better at doing just that,” he says. “Pay attention to your
hips – maintain a partial posterior pelvic tilt, or slight tuck of your tailbone,
throughout – and focus on your breathing: inhale and exhale down into your

abdominals. Maintain a neutral spine position at all times, too.”

3 BEST CORE MOVES Your forearms will be on show all

summer, so build them up by adding
some Fat Gripz to your barbell
(30-45 SECS) workouts. These pads thicken the
Lie down and fix your lower size of the grip to about the width
back to the floor – keep it in of a drinks can, to help recruit more
contact throughout.
Reach to the sky and pull
muscles in your wrists and forearms.
your shoulder blades apart Finish with some wide press-ups, and
(protraction). spread your fingers out while you do
Lightly touch your toes on the them: the wider, unbalanced grip will
floor with bent knees, and hold.
The deeper and longer the
work your arms as well as your pecs.
breath, the better.
Remember: toes just lightly
on the floor and don’t let your
shoulders drop.


REACH (45-60 SECS) Whether you’re still working from
This exercise will bring home, or returning to the office, bag as
balance and length to your body.
Keep the supporting arm many short walks throughout the day
below the shoulder, keep the as you can. Research by the University
hip elevated away from the of Missouri found that even short,
floor, and again that slight tuck ten-minute strolls can reverse the
of the tailbone.
I prefer not to stack my feet vascular dysfunction – such as reduced
on top of each other, but do blood flow and increased stress on the
what works for you. artery walls – caused by sitting down
Reach overhead with your for long periods of time during the
arm and hold.
working day. Use the summer months
to nurture a new routine of short,
3. SINGLE-ARM HIGH PLANK daily walks to deliver long-term gains
(30-45 SECS) for your heart health.
Start in your high plank position
– the main difference here is to go
wider with your feet to help with
a more stable base.
Once you feel stable, lift the
arm and extend it down the side
of your body.
With the supporting arm, push
away from the floor. Again, keep
that tailbone slightly tucked, and
remember to breathe.

34 JULY 2021
for your buck as they can
be sped up or slowed Summer is a time for enjoying the great outdoors, but it
down to challenge your also forces you to run the gauntlet of ice cream vans and
After a year of gym closures, it’s legs and lungs in different
good to be back in the weights ways,” says Ben Camara.
fish and chip shops. Arm yourself against cravings with
room, but on hot days you some chewing gum, a clenched fist and some… plums.
will still want a go-to outdoor 1b. BEAST PRESS-UP A study in Physiology & Behaviour found that chewing
(3 X 15) gum slashes your cravings for sugary snacks by ten per
workout you can knock out “This is my go-to exercise
in the park, without having when I want a solid
cent, while research in the Journal of Consumer Research
to venture indoors. In that bodyweight workout,” found that clenching
regard, bodyweight drills are says Camara. “You’ll get your fist for 30 seconds
your heart racing and can help you to control
surprisingly potent: a Japanese your chest pumping.”
study found that bodyweight After you press-up, bend
any impulses, such as
training can increase maximum your knees and shift your fighting off the urge to
force by 15 per cent and power weight back until your buy a Magnum every
hips are almost over your time you walk past the
by 13 per cent. Start with this heels, before driving
simple three-move circuit. Once forwards into the next
corner shop. Elsewhere,
you’ve completed one exercise, press-up. research by the University
move straight to the next, of San Diego’s School
1c. SQUAT JUMP (3 X 15) of Exercise and
with minimal rest. And once “Always add something
one round is complete, rest as explosive,” says Camara.
Nutritional Sciences
needed then repeat the whole “These will hit your lower showed that snacking
thing, adjusting reps and sets body hard.” Drive up at the on plums suppresses
end of the squat so that hunger and keeps you
according to your fitness level/ your feet lift off the ground.
time at hand. feeling full.

JULY 2021 35


Resistance bands are effective warm-up and
mobility tools, but they’re also much more than
that. There are two principal ways in which the
body builds muscle: mechanical tension and
metabolic stress. The first, which sees muscles
contract strongly when loaded with heavy
weight, is less applicable for band training.
The focus with bands, therefore, is on metabolic
stress: the burning you feel when a muscle is
working hard for a long time. Resistance bands
work particularly well for higher reps, and
one study published in the Journal of Strength
and Conditioning Research showed that using
a combination of bands and weights is more CALF IT UP
productive than using weights exclusively. “They Your lower legs are going to be on show a lot more over the
are a fantastic tool for training at home and are coming months, so it’s time to pump up your calf muscles with
incredibly versatile,” says strength coach Jack some targeted exercises. “If you’re looking to increase the strength
Hanrahan (, who and size of your calf muscles, introduce some isometric work,”
recommends 15 to 30 reps, with between recommends Camara. “Start with some seated calf raises and go for
60 and 90 seconds of rest between each set.   3 x 10 reps, but with holds of up to 20 seconds to help with muscle
recruitment and hypertrophy. You can also work your calves on
3 BEST BAND MOVES your summer bike rides, by pedalling more with your forefoot and
doing heavy sprint intervals.”   
Loop one end of the band
around the base of your

feet. Cross your hip crease
with the middle of the band.
Loop the other end over
your shoulders. A healthy body is nothing without a healthy mind, but there is
Squat down, keeping an easy way to protect your mental health this summer: book
your core braced. in a weekly pub or café catch-up with friends. German research
Driving through your heels, raise and tuck your hips.
has shown that socialising with other men significantly reduces
2. BAND the amount of stress hormones in the body, while an Australian
OVERHEAD PRESS study found that people with close friends outlive those who feel
Loop the band under isolated and lonely. So amidst the fitness drive, don’t neglect your
your feet and take a
shoulder-width grip. social life.
Hold tight with the band
in contact with the heels of
your hands. Your elbows
should be under your hands.
Press the band overhead. Lock your elbows.
Pull the band back down, keeping your elbows
Words: Mark Bailey | Photography: Getty Images

tucked in.

Loop the band under
your feet.
Grip the other end of the
band with your hands at
Hold the band with
arms extended.
Curl the band up to
chest height, squeezing your biceps at the top.
Lower with control.

36 JULY 2021
Geraint Thomas

Watch here

Ever wondered how many Welsh cakes Tour de France

winner Geraint Thomas could eat – if he was allowed –
during a week of training? From the unexpected to the
outrageous, take a look at some of the numbers in the
Grand Tour winner’s life.

We provide maximum grip for cyclists and motorists

with our Black Chili technology in our high-
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800 m ind oor cha mp ion ,

Jim my Wa tki ns, for me r We lsh
an alte rna tive to
fou nde d Th e Ru nni ng Pun ks as
tra dit ion al r unn ing clu bs

38 JULY 2021
When musicians and
runners Jimmy and
Rhodri realised ther
e I was inflicting on myself through

wasn’t a club that alcohol was my way of avoiding being

the man I was born to be,” he says.

w o r ke d fo r t h e m o n
“I drank so I could hide away from

taking those brave first few steps
needed to fully express myself.”

traditional running s When his wife, Gloria,

cene, gifted him with a framed photo

they decided to make

of the Moscow finals on his 36th
birthday, Watkins realised he
needed to make a serious change

their own, with a ha and reconnect with his former

rd self. At the turn of 2019, he set

s t a n c e a g a i n s t fo r m s
himself some new running goals,
with a less intense approach.

, “In my early 20s, I’d often

fe e s a n d c o m p e t i t i ve run myself into the ground,” he

says. “These days I stop as soon as I want to
go home to read a book or eat five chocolate
bars in the bath. The biggest change in
attitude I’ve had is that I no longer think
n 2006, Jimmy Watkins was musicians are the coolest people on the
one of the fastest men in the planet. I realise the coolest people on
UK. He broke the Welsh record the planet are runners who like music!”
for the indoor 800m with
a time of 1:47.23, and was the THE ORIGINAL RUNNING PUNKS
first Brit in 25 years A year in Watkins began taking music
the World Indoor A cial media and
Championship final imself bolting
held that year in Moscow. Llanelli, South
Watkins crossed the finish lin passionately
just 1.41 seconds behind the gold ng the tunes
medal winner in the finals, but it rried him through
enough of a difference to place hi ometres. “I know
in last. The event was over, and g is my self-expression,
Watkins felt his athletic career wa t my daps on and
also coming to an end. out to be me,” he
Tired of the rules and constra f I was to play a gig
of competitive running, he hung y band and the venue
up his trainers 18 months later to rappy PA, or the stage
pursue his second passion: music nky, I wouldn’t worry
Swapping the track for the road, t. I’d remind myself
Watkins left athletics behind in t ssion and energy are
dust of his tour bus as he becam e, no matter where
the frontman of rock band Futu ay. I feel that way
of the Left. The isotonic drinks w running.”
swiftly replaced by free beer at g low musician Rhodri
the stadium crowds swapped for n hadn’t seen his old
mosh pits, and DOMS exchang and former bandmate
for heavy hangovers. When Wat in a long time, but
retired from the band in 2015 a ossed paths when
performing around the world, h n was running his first
Rh odr i Mo rga n, for me r ban dm
was five stone heavier and drast ate of Wa tki ns, pro per ly arathon while Watkins
got int o r unn ing wh en he rea lise
out of shape. d how sim ple it can be: ned to be cruising
stic k on a pai r of tra ine rs and
“I now see that the self-destr you ’re goo d to go osite way during his

JULY 2021 39

own half-marathon event. They

instinctively high-fived in a moment
of mutual appreciation.
It took Morgan some time to
make his start in running, as he
admits to over-complicating the
process. “I had a list of things in my
head that I had to buy or do before
I started running,” he says, “and as
I ticked something off that list, I also
added another thing. I was basically
putting it off. Then one day, I just
went for it and quickly realised you
don’t need all the stuff that you read

Photography: Paul Grace

online, you just need your legs and
a fairly comfy pair of trainers.”
He found that music helped
him through his runs, deliberately
shuffling through genres to keep him
focused. “When your playlist switches
from Slayer to Radiohead and then to
Run the Jewels, it certainly keeps your mind
active during a run,” he says – noting how
punk music is particularly handy if you want
to go fast, with a beats per minute (bpm) of
170-200. “I tried your traditional running
clubs, but they weren’t for me. They were all
way too serious and ‘peacocky’,” he adds. “I
just wanted to run with a smile on my face,
listen to some great music, in a setting where
my Metallica t-shirt didn’t offend anyone.”
Morgan and Watkins realised there was
an opening for a group that would cut away
the complications of running – one that
embraced a care-free punk attitude, without

“It’s about
sticking the
middle finger
up to the stuffy
running scene
that can be
and intimidating
to new runners”

40 JULY 2021
forms, fees and egos. “It was Rhodri’s
Th e Pe r fec t idea and I said yes because everything he
Pla yli st said made sense!” Watkins says. “I liked
the idea of something bigger than me
Acco rdin g to Cost as keeping me accountable on my journey says. He also points to the
Kar ageo rghi s, towards becoming the best version of physical support within
Prof esso r of Spor t & myself possible.” the community, how the
Exe rcis e Psyc holo gy They put out a call online to see if there Running Punks embrace
was a demand for this kind of running the pace of those at the
at Br unel Univ ersi ty,
environment. “We simply asked the back: “If some people are really fast they
Lon don, rese arch question: are there more people like us?” slow down for the people who are slower and
show s liste ning to Morgan says. “And guess what? It turns out move them along, in a very positive way. It’s
mus ic can prov ide there are loads.” about running as a group.”
seve ral sign if ican t Pre-pandemic, the Running Punks
bene f its for exer cise rs NO ONE LEFT BEHIND met outside Cardiff-based rehearsal space
and athl etes alik e. Throughout the pandemic, product manager MusicBox Studios, owned by keen musician
In the 202 0 revi ew, Gavin Jones worked six days a week as a key and fellow runner Andrew ‘Bernie’ Plain,
Ef fect s of Mus ic in worker making Covid test kits. He says the who helps plan the Sunday routes. “I was
Exe rcis e and Spor t , workload had been an intense challenge, really nervous about planning the route,
Kar ageo rghi s look ed but he found support in his weekly Sunday especially the first couple that I did. It’s
runs with the Running Punks. “In terms of really difficult to know what people were
over the f indi ngs of
the mental side of it, it’s nice to have people going to be comfortable with,” Bernie says.
139 stud ies that took who you can talk to about those things if “We run at the pace of whoever is kind
plac e betw een 1911 you struggle,” he says. “Not everyone’s been of taking it easiest. And if we have to stop
and 2017, invo lvin g through some kind of mental health issues for a few people to catch up, then that’s
3,59 9 par ticip ants , but it’s quite an open discussion about that fine as well.”
and foun d liste ning sort of stuff. During lockdown, as soon as The course included shortcuts for any
to mus ic “inc reas ed we were able to run together, I found the runners who wanted to cut across and re-join
phy sica l per for man ce, Running Punks really, really helpful.” the group, ensuring they could move as one
redu ced perc eive d During his previous seven years of unit, no matter their ability. Bernie says that
exer tion , and running, Jones had tried joining various while some other running clubs may separate
imp rove d oxyg en clubs, but couldn’t find one that worked themselves by skill level or event brackets,
for him. “They were all just a bit too stiff the Running Punks move as one. “Everyone
cons ump tion ef f icien cy
and not really what I wanted to do,” he just waits for each other,” he says. “The
acro ss a broa d rang e
of exer cise .”
Fast -tem po mus ic

Photography: Paul Grace

set betw een 120 -140
bpm seem s to yiel d
a bett er per for man ce
whe n exer cisin g,
whic h is som ewh ere
betw een ‘It’s My Life ’
by Bon Jovi (121
bpm ) and ‘You R eally
Got Me’ by The Kink s
(142 bpm ). For post -
wor kout liste ning ,
Kar ageo rghi s poin ts
to the bene f its of
clas sica l mus ic,
whic h can help brin g
your body back to its
rest ing stat e.

JULY 2021 41

unifying thing is the love of running

and the love of music.”


Since the pandemic shut the world

The music icons

down, the Running Punks have taken
their Sunday meet-ups online with
a virtual running club. Members
are invited to take selfies during
their run to post on social media, w i t h a p e n c h a n t fo r
p ave m e n t p o u n d i n g
which was how assistant headteacher
Nita discovered the community.
“I simply followed the Running Punks
account on Instagram and Twitter,
and started posting about my runs
and tagging them,” Nita says. “My
posts were shared very quickly. Other
punks responded, following, liking
and commenting on posts and so the
conversations began.”
“It’s getting pretty big,” Morgan
adds. “If you’re talking numbers, then
over the three social media platforms
that we use we’re up to just over
10,000 people, and it’s going up daily.
It seems to have really struck a chord.”
Nita found the guidance she
gained from fellow punks was just as
beneficial as the running itself. “Being
able to speak to others about how
good, bad, easy or hard your run was
can be really cathartic, and the punks
are incredibly supportive,” she says.
“The Running Punks have inspired
me to revisit albums and bands
that I loved as a teen, as well as
discovering bands that I have never
listened to before.”
When restrictions lift, Watkins
says they’ll be looking to start running
clubs all over the world, with an open
invite to all who want to get involved.
While the music they blast on their
runs is an important element of the
Words: Andrew Lloyd | Photography: Getty Images

group, Morgan stresses that it’s the

punk attitude that really matters.
“It’s about not caring what others

M ic h a e l ‘F le a ’
think, or the gear you’re wearing.
Not caring if you aren’t the fastest
or the fittest. It’s about sticking the
middle finger up to the stuffy running B a lz a r y
s ba ss ist
scene that can be unwelcoming and Th e R ed Ho t Ch ili Pe pp er
ge les
intimidating,” he says. “You don’t co mp let ed hi s f irs t Lo s An
in g in
need to be the best, just do it with
ma ra th on in 2011 . F in ish
ve s
a tim e of 3: 41 , he no w be lie
a smile on your face and don’t give
ma ra th on er s ar e th e mo st
a damn what anybody thinks.”
r th .
un de r ra te d at hl et es on ea

42 JULY 2021
In 19 8 2 , T h e C la sh
Joe Str ummer
fr on tm an ab sc on
ba n d an d ra n th e de d fr om th e
P ar is m ar at h on .
pr ep ar e? B y dr in H ow di d h e
k in g te n pi n ts of
be fo re – at le as t th be er th e n ig h t
at w as th e an sw er
h e ga ve to
S te pp in ’ O u t m ag az
in e in 19 9 9 .

D a v id L e e R o th
It to ok th e Va n Ha len fro nt
ma n ov er six
ho ur s to co mp let e th e Ne w
Yo rk Ma ra th on
in 2010 , pr ov in g it’ s no t al
wa ys sp ee d th at
ma tte rs . Cr os sin g th e f in
ish lin e mu st ha ve
fel t ‘J us t Li ke Pa ra di se ’.

Photography: Jesse Wild forTota

l Guitar Magazine via Getty Imag

Johnny Ma rr
n , th e
h T h e G u a rd ia
te rv ie w w it

In a 2 014 in v e a le d h e ’d b e e n u si
it a ri st re
le g e n d a r y g u se lf h y p e d u p fo r g
ig s in
g e t h im
r u n n in g to lo n g -d is ta n c e r u n s
m in g h is
re c e n t y e a rs , ti b e fo re h e ’s d u e o n st a g
u te s
e n d 2 0 m in

44 JULY 2021

JULY 2021 45

fter over a year of loss, lockdowns outside Melbourne with his wife and one-year-old
and global restrictions, one positive daughter. The other, of course, is Covid-19, which for
outcome has been a massive uptake him – like millions of other people around the world –
in grow-your-own gardening. meant enforced lockdown and long periods of time spent
Confined inside, many people have at home.
been discovering the mind-clearing,
body-strengthening power of ENERGY INVESTMENT
getting some dirt under their For most of us, binge-watching Netflix and interminable
fingernails. Zoom calls quickly became the new normal, but Miles
One such person is extreme found fresh opportunities to remain busy. Instead of
athlete and filmmaker Beau going into hibernation, the self-proclaimed ‘poly-jobbist’
Miles. “Planting trees and spent his time further testing out an unusual (and, it must
growing greens are part my shtick,” says the Australian, be said, unfounded) philosophy about the wastefulness
who has made a name for himself on YouTube of conventional exercise, and maximising his usage of
completing gruelling sporting challenges. “I grew up in personal energy.
a household that embraced the dirt,” he says. “My mum’s “I was once told that most mammals share a similar
a horticulturalist, my dad is a veggie gardener and my sister number of heartbeats during a lifetime,” he explains. “Take
has just written a book about permaculture. But despite a mouse and an elephant. The mouse doesn’t live very long,
being around my whole life, it’s only been recently that I’ve but its heart beats very fast, whereas the elephant lives for
had more time to really focus my energy on it.” longer with a very slow heartbeat. That got me thinking
One reason for that is because Miles recently moved to about my own energy: how do I get the best bang for
a small farm with five acres of land in the lush countryside my buck with the limited amount of energy I’ve got in

46 JULY 2021
“It gives
time a
my lifetime? Should I go Research points to other areas, too, such as how the
about expending energy low-impact nature of gardening can help with injury
on a treadmill or in the recovery, as well as the myriad other benefits that come
as well as gym, or should I be using
that to do something more
from eating fresh, nutrient-rich produce. An international
team of experts, led by Newcastle University, has shown
some space purposeful?”
That way of thinking
that organic crops are up to 60 per cent higher in a number
of key antioxidants than crops that are conventionally
to think” led Miles to take on all
manner of new activities as
grown. Those higher antioxidant quantities are believed to
help reduced the risk of chronic illness and certain cancers.
he sought to put his energy to good use. Amid the many
wild and diverse projects he has since taken on, his award- MENTAL RELEASE
winning film A Mile an Hour is probably the best way to The mental health benefits of gardening are equally
sum things up. powerful, and something that vegetable growing expert
“The concept is simple: I wanted to look at a marathon Huw Richards eagerly advocates. For the 22-year-old,
in a different way,” he says. “Instead of beating the clock, I tending to his plants represents a much-needed break from
decided to try and do all manner of interesting things that fast-paced modern life.
I couldn’t seem to fit in elsewhere. It was the perfect way to “Gardening is the perfect escape,” he says. “The world
show the potential of what you can achieve in a day if you is busy and noisy, so making space for a hobby as your
maximise it. I planted trees, weeded the veg patch, read refuge is essential. It’s similar to why lots of people – myself
books, chopped wood, picked up rubbish on the roadside, included – play sport. It gives time a different cadence, as
played music, played scrabble, made a scrap-wood canoe well as some space to think.
paddle, cooked meals, did odd-jobs, ran 26 miles and gave “Growing vegetables also tests your patience. We
my mental slate a clean wipe, too.” expect instant gratification these days, but with gardening
While Miles admits his films are set up as stunts to you’re forced to be patient. It’s refreshing to have a long,
capture people’s imagination, he still believes the lessons
he learned are very real. He also thinks viewers can achieve
great results through simple day-to-day applications.
“Gardening is a perfect example,” he continues. “It’s BECOME
a way to create food for yourself and others, while working
up a good sweat and doing some physical exercise. It’s also
got the added benefit of a head-clearing change of pace and Compassion and altruism still exist, with
more precious time spent outside.” groups like GoodGym shining lights in
an often gloomy world. Back in 2009, the
group’s founder Ivo Gormley wanted to
find a way to keep fit and ‘do something
useful’. He realised an elderly acquaintance,
recently made housebound, lived close
enough to run to. After the first visit, the old
man asked Gormley if he could bring him
a paper round next time, and so began a
weekly run-delivery service which satisfied
both Gormley’s wish to find a useful form of
fitness, and his old friend’s need for news.
A few weeks later, Gormley got some mates
nvolved in his charitable running idea, and
GoodGym was born.
“It became a really nice way to convince
myself to get out and do a run twice a week,”
says Gormley. “It’s an exciting thing to do:
to have that little adventure to go and do
something useful for someone else.”
Now, thousands of GoodGym volunteers
perform their good deeds across the UK,
with 57 groups spread from Brighton to
Newcastle. Activities range from sprucing up
communal gardens, to painting community
centres, or simply checking in with local
pensioners – anything and everything to
provide a lift for the area in question.

Find your local group at

JULY 2021 47

extended project, where everything is slowly changing and

evolving as the days pass by. It keeps you grounded, more
in tune with the seasons and the food you want to eat.”
The medical world, too, is picking up on these
positive side effects, and some doctors are even proscribing
gardening for people who suffer with depression or other
mental health issues. ‘Ecotherapy’, in particular, is an
approach that rests on the principle that people have a
deep connection to their environment and to the earth
itself. In this same line of thinking, failing to nurture
that connection can take a toll on your wellbeing. One
recent study by the University of East Anglia even revealed
that exposure to the outdoors reduces the risk of type 2
diabetes, heart attacks, premature death, stress and high
blood pressure.


Despite the science, though, Richards puts his real passion
down to something else. “My main focus is growing tasty
food,” he explains. “When you grow your first tomato and
eat it, I’m sorry to say but every other tomato you ever

YOU WILL NEED: buy in a supermarket will be a little

bit disappointing. I love cooking,
more ambitious, there are plenty of
ways to get a little patch of land if you
and whether someone’s making raw don’t have any to garden.”
SPADE AND TROWEL smoothies or full-blown meals, the In addition to locally-run
To dig the holes for your plants. single biggest impact they can have schemes, there are national websites
in terms of taste is growing their own dedicated to this type of thing. Lend
FORKED TROWEL food. It adds a burst of freshness and and Tend ( is
For basic weed maintenance,
unlocks flavour. It’s something you an online garden-sharing platform
allowing you to uproot invading
plants with minimal effort. can never buy.” that puts landowners in touch with
To achieve the best results, wannabe gardeners for free. While
PRUNING SHEARS Richards uses a mix of modern AllotMe ( is a paying
To cut back plants and bushes, gardening techniques, some time- platform that offers a similar thing.
as well as to maintain their saving hacks, and a decent amount
health by cutting off dead of common sense. “I’m interested in MAKE A START
flower heads and branches. ideas such as no-dig gardening and “Whatever space you end up working
regenerative agriculture,” he says. with, the biggest lesson is to start
For breaking up clumps of soil or
“Both of these methods try to reduce simple,” adds Richards. “I would
removing old plants and weeds. negative impacts on the soil, as well recommend a really simple crop you
as considering gardening as a full can grow in a container: peas, beans,
METAL RAKE cycle. But that doesn’t mean I make potatoes, lettuce, beetroot are all very
For levelling the soil and removing things overly complicated – quite simple but also highly rewarding. And
stones from plant beds. the opposite. I try to garden in ways for those who worry about not having
that require the least amount of time, enough time, peas can be ready to eat
WATERING CAN effort and money.” in as little as three weeks.”
The UK may be rainy, but you’ll
His mantra has proved successful So if you’re bored of your weekly
still need to do a bit of watering
– particularly in summer. Try to online, where Richards shares practical jog around the block, tired of the
find one with a rose attachment. step-by-step video guides to nearly tasteless tomatoes, or simply need a
500,000 subscribers. It has also led to bit more fresh air and sunshine, give
the young Welshman publishing two gardening a go – it might just grow
books, with a third on its way. “It’s on you.
funny,” he says, “but very few people
realise you don’t need any space or THE BACKYARD ADVENTURER BY BEAU
money to grow your own food. You MILES, AND GROW FOOD FOR FREE BY HUW
can get great results in a single pot RICHARDS ARE AVAILABLE NOW. YOU CAN
on your windowsill and, if you’re

48 JULY 2021
Combine basic gardening movements for a full-body workout

TARGET AREAS: Quads, lats, shoulders, biceps,
triceps, core
Bend from the knees, not the back.
Keep the shovel close to your centre of mass.
Hold near the head of the shovel to lift.
Keep your core tight throughout.

TARGET AREAS: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs
Stand with feet hip-width apart.
Put your weight on your heels.
Work your legs by squatting down each time
you grab a weed.

HOME TARGET AREAS: Traps, shoulders, lats, core
Keep your shoulders square.
SPINACH Stay upright – no leaning.
Just 30g raw spinach provides Fill the watering can to the brim and get a good
56 per cent of your daily vitamin grip to work your forearms.
A needs, plus your entire daily
vitamin K requirement.

Packed with vitamin A, carrots
also contain beta-carotene, an 4. COMPOST BAG LIFT
antioxidant that gives them their
TARGET AREAS: Quads, lats, glutes,
orange colour and could help with traps, legs, biceps, triceps
cancer prevention.
Words: John Silcox | Photography: Getty Images | Illustrations: Peter Liddiard

Centre the bag.

Get a good grip.
BROCCOLI Keep a straight back and
100g raw broccoli provides 120 tight core.
per cent of your daily vitamin K Squat down and lift with
needs, 140 per cent of the daily your legs.
vitamin C requirement and a good
amount of folate, manganese and

Several studies have shown
garlic can regulate blood sugar
and promote heart health.


70g raw kale contains plenty of B TARGET AREAS: Quads, glutes
vitamins, potassium, calcium and Start with feet hip-width apart.
copper. It also fulfils your entire Step forward into a lunge.
daily requirement for vitamins A, Incorporate a Russian twist to plant seeds
C and K. on one side.
Step back and repeat on the other side.
Photography: Jeff Pachoud/Getty Images

50 JULY 2021




he Tour de France is one of the This high-volume, low-intensity the body, so we are just trying to train
world’s toughest, and certainly most approach triggers adaptations within the body to utilise that fat, because
iconic, endurance events, with over the riders’ cardiovascular, metabolic carbohydrate can only be stored in
180 elite riders covering 3,383km and neuromuscular systems, which relatively small quantities. A cyclist
and tackling 30,000m of vertical ascent. help them better endure longer rides. with high efficiency will always use
During the three-week race, which is divided “One of the primary adaptations is less oxygen than a cyclist with poor
into 21 stages across June and July, each rider that our riders become more efficient,” efficiency, when they both cycle at the
will burn more than 140,000 calories. explains Taylor. “At that intensity and same given power output or speed.”
This summer, Britain’s 2018 Tour winner volume, you’re predominantly using
Geraint Thomas is hunting his second victory fat, instead of carbohydrate, as a fuel STICK TO REAL FUEL
with INEOS Grenadiers (formerly Team source. We’ve all got ample fat stores in To fuel up for this huge volume
Sky), the all-conquering British team that has won seven
of the last nine Tours. But in order to get race-ready, the
Team INEOS on a
squad has endured months of hard training, backed up by
training ride before the
smart nutritional plans and intelligent sports science. Here Tour starts on 26 June
INEOS Grenadiers’ coach Conor Taylor and nutritionist
Javier Gonzalez reveal how the riders arrive at the start line
in peak condition.

To build an elite endurance engine, pro riders prioritise
low- to moderate-intensity training. “Around 75-85 per
cent of our riders’ total training time is spent doing long,
continuous, low- to moderate-intensity cycling,” explains
Taylor. “Only 20 per cent of their training is of a high-
intensity nature. Those low-intensity rides are typically at
65-70 per cent of their maximal heart rate and can last four
to seven hours.”

52 JULY 2021
of training, the riders take a ‘food-
first’ approach, relying mainly
to digest and easy on the stomach.”
A post-ride lunch is typically tuna steak with quinoa “One of the
on nutritious ‘real’ food, with
supplements used sparingly. Breakfast
and tomato salad. And dinner might be salmon and rice
with an Asian broccoli salad. “During training periods the key training
is usually a protein-rich omelette with
a portion of energy-dense rice.
riders eat more veg, too, as the nutrients support health
and immunity,” adds Gonzalez. principles
“The amount of carbohydrate in
something like porridge is relatively MIX IT UP
we work to
low compared to rice,” explains
Gonzalez. During rides, the cyclists
Riders begin their winter training in October and
steadily accumulate volume as the weeks go by. “It is very
is variation.
fuel up with homemade rice cakes
flavoured with cream cheese or
individual, but as a guide if you increase your weekly
volume by ten per cent that is a good starting point to
We all adapt
cinnamon. “They are not the kind of
crispy rice cakes you buy in shops,
safely progress your training programme and ensure
overload,” explains Taylor. As the riders get closer to
very quickly
they are more like a solidified risotto,” races, they start layering on higher-intensity work. “You to a training
stimulus, so
explains Gonzalez. “Rice is very easy don’t need many high-intensity sessions to get the desired
training effect,” he adds. “It’s about doing high-quality
A breakaway group
tackles the ascent of
work to develop the power and speed that could enable
a race-winning move. you need a
Bisanne during the
2018 Tour de France
“A typical high-intensity session might be four lots
of eight-minute efforts at 90 per cent HRM, with four constantly
minutes’ recovery. But we are constantly playing with the
duration and the intensity and the recovery. One of the novel
key training principles we work to is variation. We all
adapt very quickly to a training stimulus, so you need a stimulus to
constantly novel stimulus to keep the body guessing.”
keep the body
Power to weight ratio is hugely important for endurance
athletes, with Geraint Thomas stripping down from
74kg, when competing in the team pursuit on the track The secret is to be good at food
Photography: Jeff Pachoud/Getty Images

at the London 2012 Olympics, to 67kg when racing over maths. “The great thing about cycling
mountains at the Tour de France. But what is the optimal is we can quantify the energy our
way to lose weight without compromising your training? riders burn and consume,” explains
“One of the key factors is slow and steady weight loss, Gonzalez. “Of course, to lose weight,
and a general rule of thumb is 0.5 per cent of bodyweight we need a small energy deficit, but
per week as a maximum,” explains Gonzalez. “So six you can track that relatively easily.”
months out before the Tour, we will start the rider on Some riders weigh their food. Others
a nutrition plan to gradually achieve their optimal body use the LIBRO app by Nutritics – a
composition at the Tour, rather than suddenly trying to bit like MyFitnessPal – which helps
achieve it two months before.” them to track their daily calories,
protein and sugar input to improve
their body composition over time.


One of the challenges for endurance
athletes is working out how to lose
weight while maintaining lean muscle
mass. The key is to drip-feed protein
into your body.
“Our riders are aiming for an even
distribution of protein throughout the
day,” explains Gonzalez. “Typically,
that is 30g of protein at each eating
occasion, for breakfast, lunch,
dinner and for an extra snack. That
helps the riders to retain muscle

JULY 2021 53

mass, even as they’re losing weight. But protein also SUPP SMART A TDF RIDER
facilitates the reconditioning of the muscles after training. When elite riders need to perform 60-67kg 5-15%
Studies on endurance athletes show that protein helps the with high-intensity efforts, they the average body fat
mitochondria – the parts of the muscle where the energy often supplement with sodium weight percentage
is generated – to better adapt to training.” bicarbonate. “High-intensity exercise
typically generates a lot of hydrogen
70-90 30-50
typical V02 resting heart
HIT THE GYM ions, which are acidic,” explains max score rate
Endurance riders may be super lean, but they still lift Gonzalez. “They’re produced in
weights. “The use of resistance training at INEOS has the muscle and they enter the 4,500-9500
calories burned per day
grown,” explains Taylor. “It improves efficiency on the bloodstream, so your blood and your
bike, it may improve bone mineral density, which can be muscles both go slightly acidic.”
low in non-load-bearing sports like cycling, and it can help That can affect your muscle
with your maximal power output.” performance and cause fatigue. But sodium bicarbonate – which is alkaline
However, riders need to build raw strength without – can reverse the process. “We have bicarbonate in our blood normally,”
packing on unwanted bulk to carry around the mountains. explains Gonzalez, “which buffers some of that acidosis, but by taking sodium
“Cycling can be seen as a weight-making sport, in a similar bicarbonate you can increase that store of bicarbonate in the blood, so you get
way to boxing,” says Taylor. The secret is to stick to low less of an increase in the acid level when you’re exercising at a high intensity.”
repetitions (3-6 reps), low volume (3-5 sets), and low
frequency (2-3 sessions per week), but with maximal intent RECOVER FASTER
in each session. “This helps to increase the rate of force At the end of hard training days, riders recover quickly using a nutrition-first
development and power, but limits muscle hypertrophy approach. “Recovery involves a post-ride shake and a pre-prepared mini meal,
to keep the riders light but powerful,” adds Taylor. “The which is usually rice, potatoes or pasta in a pot with some salmon or chicken,”
exercises mainly consist of single and double leg presses, says Gonzalez. Although riders have massages and perform stretches, their main
split squats, glute bridges and lunge variations: so lateral, recovery protocol involves quality sleep.
forward and reverse lunges.” “We provide them with as much good sleep hygiene advice as possible,” says
Taylor. “Everything from going to bed and waking up at a set time, to trying
GET SPIKY to refrain from looking at bright lights and blue lights in the hour before bed.
“‘Spiked sessions’ – essentially undulations in power during Massage balls and yoga can aid recovery, but for endurance athletes nothing
training – create additional metabolic stress within the beats a quality night’s sleep.
muscles that the body needs to deal with,” explains Taylor.
“As a result, they drive specific adaptations within the
muscle and cardio-respiratory system that help to buffer
and accelerate the clearance of this additional stress.”
These sessions can therefore help you to cope
with any ‘spikes’ – or changes in pace
and power – during races.
Spiked sessions
can be completed in
different ways. “You
can include spikes or
sprints within your
longer rides, such as
15-20-second maximal
sprints every 20-30 minutes,”
suggests Taylor. “Or they can
be included within a longer
effort, such as short, out-of-
the-saddle accelerations within a
sustained seated effort. For example,
performing five to ten-second
accelerations every two minutes within
Photography: Jean Catuffe/Getty Images

a longer ten to 20-minute sustained,

hard effort.”

54 JULY 2021




56 JULY 2021
espite injury setback in 2018 – damaging ligaments in
his ankle after a fall from the high bar, meaning he was
unable to compete in the 2018 Commonwealth
Games – Fraser bounced back to make history at the World
Championships just one year later: becoming the first ever
British gymnast to triumph on the parallel bars.
The past year has thrown up setbacks of a different nature,
with Olympics delays and lockdown-adapted training
regimes, but Fraser is convinced the added time has made
him a stronger athlete, better prepared for taking a serious
shot at the most coveted prize of all. At just 22, he hopes his
best years are still ahead of him, but away from the bright
lights of competition it’s the long hours of training – six to
seven every single day – that make all the difference.
Following the recent announcement that he’s been
selected to team up with Max Whitlock et al at the postponed
Tokyo Games, he took time out to talk MF through the physical
and mental prep that makes him the gymnast he is.

Men’s Fitness: How did you first get into gymnastics?

Joe Fraser: My parents took me to my local club when I
was five or six, because I was doing somersaults off the sofa
and bed at home, and they thought I was either going to
hurt myself or break something in the house. One thing
led to another, and ever since then I’ve loved it.
At the beginning I wasn’t necessarily the best kid in the
group, but if you ask my coach now he’ll say the one thing
that stood out was my want to do more and my want to do
better. I had the drive to push myself to try things others
maybe wouldn’t.

MF: Can you remember when you thought you might

be able to make a career out of it?
JF: I was on the way to the gym – my mum was dropping
me off. I was only about 12 years old and she said, “Joe,
I’ve got a surprise for you.” I thought I was getting a
PlayStation 3, but I got to the gym and my coach told me
I had made the national team. I didn’t even know there was
a national team at that point, so it was a huge shock, but
that was a turning point. It made me realise I was actually
pretty good at this and made me more determined to give
it my all to see what I could achieve.

MF: And did you get the PlayStation?

JF: Unfortunately not!

MF: Who were your sporting heroes growing up?

JF: For me it was Louis Smith, who was winning multiple
World Championship and Olympic medals. He was
someone you would see on the telly, then go to a national
centre and actually see him training. Being able to watch
these people train made me think, if I train equally hard,
the potential is there for me to achieve similar things.

JULY 2021 57

Gymnasts have cast-iron cores
and a level of bodyweight
strength most of us struggle to
comprehend, but Fraser insists
MF: How have you found the last thing you want to do. You need to make every day his core-specific training is no
the adjustments of the last year, count. There’s the quote, ‘Don’t count the days, make the different to most people’s. “Dish
particularly with regards to the days count,’ and that’s very true. You also need consistency: rocks, dish-ups and v-sits are
rescheduled Olympics? you can’t give 110 per cent one week and the next give it three of my favourite exercises,”
JF: At first I was struggling, because 50, because that’s not going to get you anywhere. he says, “along with arch-up
holds (also known as supermans)
I always had that one date in my head If you really want to do it, you can definitely turn your
and planks.”
of when the Olympics would be. hand to it. Like I say, I wasn’t necessarily the most naturally However, rather than doing
Then obviously it got postponed, then gifted gymnast as a child, but I definitely wanted it and hundreds of bodyweight reps,
changed, and that was hard to deal was willing to put in the hard work to be the best I could Fraser ups the resistance
with at first, but I took some time to be. If I said to myself then, “I’m not the best now, so I’ll wherever possible. “In
refocus and see how I could use the never be the best,” I never would have achieved anything. gymnastics,” he says, “we’re
extra time to my benefit. I focused on always holding up our own
bodyweight, so it’s important to
making my routines harder, cleaner, MF: Most men aspire to have the body of a gymnast, condition in a way that makes
and getting everything to the best but few would be willing to put in the amount of the baseline bodyweight stuff
possible standard. Looking at it now training you have to go through – what does your feel easy – and that often means
it’s actually turned into a positive. weekly routine look like? training with added weight.”
I had 13 weeks of training at JF: I usually get to the gym around half nine. In my first
home and in the garden. I set up a session I’ll do conditioning and tend to touch on three
pommel horse in my mum and dad’s apparatus: floor, pommel, and rings. Then I’ll have an hour or so lunch, then two or three hours
bedroom! After June, luckily, I was more training, probably on the other
able to get back to the gym. “I had 13 weeks of training three apparatus: vault, parallel bars,
and high bar. At that point I go home
MF: What are the key attributes it at home and in the garden. I to recover, and it’s back again for the
takes to succeed as a gymnast?
JF: Discipline: getting to the gym on
set up a pommel horse in my next session. Wednesday is my half
day, so I only have one session, but
time, even when you’re tired and it’s mum and dad’s bedroom!” that pattern is repeated most days.

58 JULY 2021
MF: Do you ever have days where motivation wanes?
If so, how do you push through?
JF: I’m lucky enough to have some great training partners
who are on the same mission as me. So whenever I’m
struggling, one of them will pick me up and vice versa.
So even though one of us might not be feeling up to it one An anxious wait
day, we’ve got such a tight team that we’ll drag each other for results at
up. We’ve also got countdowns to the Olympics up in the the 2019 World
gym – seeing that each day we’re getting closer makes you Championships
want it even more.
“In sport you don’t get too many
MF: How do you fuel all this training?
JF: Protein is key for me, because I’m training so much opportunities to show the world what
I need to give my body everything it needs to stay strong
and prevent injury. Being a GB ambassador for Whole
you’re capable of ”
Earth peanut butter is great – I have it on my porridge in beginning – and tried to enjoy myself. and the pinnacles of their career. But
the morning so I can get that quick source of protein and I performed a routine that’s one of what you don’t see are the times in the
energy just before I train. the hardest in the world, and to walk gym when they’re failing, falling on
away as world champion was a dream their heads, and generally struggling
MF: Talk us through your history-making moment back come true. to hit the standard. My coach and
in 2019. I try to show that we make just as
JF: In sport you don’t get too many opportunities to show MF: What’s the secret to staying many mistakes as anyone who is
the world what you’re fully capable of. You work so hard both focused and calm going into starting out.
to get to these pinnacle moments in you career that if you a competition like that?
don’t enjoy them you’ll look back with regrets. I just went JF: I’m a very positive person, so I’ll JOE FRASER IS AN AMBASSADOR FOR WHOLE
out there with my coach – who’s been with me since the be cracking jokes and having some EARTH, THE OFFICIAL PEANUT BUTTER
fun. Like I say, you don’t get the
Fraser is hoisted aloft by opportunity to compete on the world
stage very often, so I try to relish the
Photography: Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images

teammates after making

history in 2019 moment and make the most of it.

MF: Your coach has said gymnastics

is 90 per cent about overcoming
failure – does that ring true?
JF: Definitely. That’s the one thing
people don’t really see, and I try to
make an effort to get that side of the
sport out there. Young athletes only
ever see GB gymnasts on the TV, and
at that point they’re at peak fitness

TRY THIS AT HOME: The five-move circuit from Max Whitlock’s book The Whitlock Workout
• 30-45 secs per move • 10 secs rest between moves • 3-4 rounds • 1 min rest between rounds
1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 1e.
Single-Leg Sofa Squat Hip Bridge Single-Leg Lift Decline Plank Sofa Leg Lift Handstand Dip
Photography: Dan Jones

JULY 2021 59

60 JULY 2021


hen I left university, I flew to Argentina,
spent my savings on a horse, and rode
it into the high Andes. A friend rode
alongside me, but we didn’t want a guide:
we wanted a test. Two months later, we spilled back out
through the foothills, dazed and bedraggled, about 1,000
miles north of where we’d set off.
Along the way, we both vacated the saddle and began
to walk – fearful that, at over 4,000 metres above sea level,
our horses were struggling for breath. So our horseback
adventure was really a long string of high-altitude
endurance walks, threading for miles between ancient
volcanos and across blinding salt pans in search of water
to keep the four of us alive.
I now accept that it was a feckless journey into a
lifeless wilderness. But the experience revealed to me the
limits of my own endurance, and offered a glimpse of what
motivates people when they set themselves a challenge that
will take pain and hardship to overcome.


When we first planned the trip, I didn’t think I had much
more to learn about endurance. In my school days,
I’d been a good long-distance runner, captaining my
cross-country team, representing my county and winning
a handful of big races. And though at university my running
trainers worked their way to the back of my cupboard,
I still reckoned that endurance lingered in my makeup,
imprinted there after years of hell-for-leather training runs.

JULY 2021 61

But as a student, clocking marathon stints in experience – it was psychological.

Pancho contemplates
the library was no substitute for the special thrill of And anyway, in this vast sepia void,
the vast nothingness
finishing a race. I found the endless studying banal and where the only sign of life was the
meaningless, which fed an impulse to do something occasional clump of tumbleweed
radically different as soon as I graduated. By the final spinning across our path, stopping
term of our final year, my friend Marc and I had booked wasn’t really an option.
one-way tickets to Buenos Aires, inspired by a photo
of galloping gauchos I’d seen in a travel brochure. DIGGING IN
It took us a month to find suitable horses. We pulled our reins to the right
Argentina didn’t seem to be as abundant in equine and began heading north. We had
resources as the travel brochure had led us to believe, maps, and they foretold villages and
but the weeks we spent criss-crossing the country on rivers – even a hot spring or two
night buses, and chasing after rural contacts we’d been – somewhere beyond a horizon it
offered by incredulous city folk, gave us enough time cook up our nightly wok-full of rice. would take several days to reach.
to buy equipment, pick up a smattering of Spanish, But we were climbing towards In the meantime, we’d rely on tiny
and learn how to look after a large animal. an altogether less hospitable place. springs, signalled by little clumps of
The last name on our list was Javi, a no-nonsense Somewhere between three and four grass on the hillsides before us, to
gaucho who owned a sprawling ranch in the lap of the kilometres above sea level, the water our horses and fill our bottles.
Andes. Javi didn’t even pretend to have faith in our creases of the low Andes spat us With the howl of the wind
practical skills, but he must have had faith in our out into a series of gigantic desert rendering attempts at conversation
determination. After some deliberation he sold us Garry, plateaus that know only the ferocity futile, Marc and I sank into quiet
a towering grey horse with a gentle soul, and Pancho, of the sun and the relentless shriek of contemplation – and neither of us
a squat brown colt without one. We were ready to enter the wind. Our brief spell of serenity gave voice to the nagging feeling
the wilderness. was shattered by a constant face full that perhaps we ought to turn back.
of dust, and for the first time I felt In spite of the conditions, Pancho
SADDLING UP myself dipping privately into my was still sprightly beneath me, and
Our first week in the saddle, covering 15 or 20 miles reservoir of resolve. I actually came to enjoy the solitude.
a day, went off without a hitch. Weaving through It wasn’t long before I was I thought about university, about
the foothills, berets tilted against the sun, the gentle a regular at the reservoir. This felt friends and lovers, and about
clip-clop of progress lulled us into a kind of trance. both familiar and unfamiliar. I’d
Every time we reached a summit, a new, more been here before on painful runs,
spectacular panorama was there waiting for us. Then and I knew how to slap away the
we’d plunge into the next valley, lush with grasses for temptation to slow or stop. But this
the horses and scattered with firewood we could use to was not yet a physically painful

62 JULY 2021
Faces full of dust: Alex,
Marc, Garry and Pancho

whatever I was going to do after all this was over.

And there were highlights to the first month.
We did find a thermal bath, where we soaked in
blissful joy for a full 24 hours. Each village we
passed through meant corn for Garry and Pancho,
and Malbec for Marc and I. It felt important to
extract as much relaxation from these stops as
possible: they were crucial short-term goals, and
we desperately needed these pitstops to recharge
us for the road ahead.


The second month was different. Motivated by
a perverse desire to push ourselves still further, we
climbed another kilometre into the heavens and
entered a region of the Andes known as the Puna. The
villages here were abandoned, the rivers largely dry.
This was no longer a wilderness to romanticise; it was
a vision of a world parched by a malevolent sun,
deformed by the tumultuous forces of plate tectonics.
At this new altitude, and with water sources now
spread 50 miles apart, we decided to stop riding our
horses, leading them on foot instead. Pancho had
started huffing harder, hoofing the ground with
the air of an exhausted runner. And the few people we
now met had never set eyes on such an animal. This
was what their Inca ancestors had called the kingdom
of the mountain gods – but it was clearly no kingdom
for a horse.

“The creases of the low Andes spat us out

into a series of gigantic desert plateaus
that know only the ferocity of the sun
and the relentless shriek of the wind”

JULY 2021 63

We were now regularly walking me for the Puna, which made a mockery of the an oasis village – when with a crack
two marathons a day at an altitude long-distance runner’s mental strength I thought I could our feet broke through the razor-sharp
three times that of Ben Nevis, a feat always rely on. salt crystals and into the squelching
that felt somehow unimpressive: we Marc and I began to give each other a wide berth. We mud that lay beneath. It took us hours
just didn’t have a choice. The last time were no longer a team. This seems to be what full survival to work back towards terra firma, and
my feet had carried me anywhere near mode does to you: it shifts your entire psyche, making you days for the gashes on our legs to heal.
that far, I was collapsing on the Mall selfish and suspicious. Even at sundown, once we’d set up The three weeks we spent in the
at the end of the London Marathon. our tent and cooked our rice, we were too exhausted to toss Puna were unsafe and unwise, and
Whether from the fatigue of more than a few mumbled observations at each other for me will always represent what
walking, the fear of finding no water before crawling into our tent to pass out. can happen when bloody-minded
in prophesied rivers, or the sheer dedication mutates into unhealthy
violence of the landscape, my ON THE EDGE devotion. Endurance athletes may be
thoughts quickly assumed a darker And yet we endured – though not without incident. We fanatical, with a unique perspective
tint. I felt a dull and undirected fury did end up going a day without water, which would have on the merits of putting themselves
that I couldn’t find a way to channel been a lot more terrifying if our wits hadn’t been blunted through pain, but most know which
into anything useful. Nothing in my by mile upon mile of walking. On another day, we were side of the line to toe. I descended
running experience could have readied halfway across a salt pan – a promisingly flat shortcut to from the Andes guilty that my pursuit

64 JULY 2021
of the extreme had overstepped that Javi’s ranch munching on regular truckloads of carrots, I think we can develop a certain
line, endangering four lives. were in some way enriched by the trip – carrying self-sufficient confidence, borne
That’s not to say that the trek was themselves like decorated veterans when they’re drafted in of the knowledge that you can rely
a failure. In many ways, it fulfilled its to take tourists on two-mile loops of the countryside. But on yourself in a crisis.
function: I arrived back in the UK maybe that’s just because I flew back to London feeling I journeyed 1,000 miles through
feeling ready to start the next phase I finally understood what it is that makes endurance such the Andes, I think, to rediscover
of my life, rejuvenated after those a powerful force in people’s lives. myself after the dizzying tumult of
long months in the library. I took university. I’m sure there are other
up running again, having proven WHY WE ENDURE ways – who knows, better ways – to
to myself that even the most humble I don’t think endurance has a great deal to do with fitness, have an honest and compassionate
reward can justify a painful trial. though you’ll need both in spades to compete at the top conversation with oneself. But the trip
And I know myself better, including level. Being forced to endure, it seems to me, requires reminded me of something I had
those darker, more ruthless parts that you to communicate with yourself, choosing to speak to forgotten after leaving school: that
are usually kept at bay by the comforts yourself positively while ignoring the inner voice that only mental strength is a skill built on the
of civilisation. offers bad advice. In the process of that communion, boundaries of what seems possible.
I like to think that even Garry
and Pancho, who are now back on

1 day without water.
4 worn-out shoes
– two pairs for Alex,
two sets for the horses.

6 the furthest distance,

“Endurance in miles, that Pancho
wandered from
camp at night.
requires you to 12 times questioned
ignore the inner by police.

voice that only 56 miles walked on

the longest day.
offers bad advice” 64 days in and
out of the saddle.

1,090 miles
covered in total.

4,656 metres
above sea level – the
highest point.

8,000 Argentinian
pesos (£60) paid for two
gaucho’s berets.

JULY 2021 65

Reawakening the wild in you.


Prioritise these vitamins and minerals for optimum health and fitness
Feeling your best, and fulfilling bone fractures and breaks, so as it has been shown that
your performance potential, if you play a high-impact sport magnesium supplementation,
depends not just on how you regularly it’s critical you keep or increased intake of dietary
train your body, but what you on top of your intake. Although magnesium, can improve
put into it. In fact, working UVB radiation in sunlight exercise performance. Get
out religiously is going to get triggers its production in the your blood levels monitored
you nowhere unless you’re body, in the UK that radiation is for an accurate view of your
also putting the right mix of not strong enough in winter, so magnesium status.
macro (protein, carbs, fats) the government recommends
and micronutrients (vitamins, supplementing with 10ug/day. Iron helps transport oxygen
minerals and other essential around the body, making it
molecules) into your system. Zinc is another micronutrient fundamental for both recovery
Chances are, you know that’s essential for anyone and muscle function. Anyone
all about the big three who trains consistently. Zinc following a plant-based
macronutrients, but on the bolsters the immune system diet need to pay particular
micro level things can seem and can speed up recovery attention to their sources of
a little more complicated. between workouts. However, iron, because while it’s readily
To put it simply, vitamins are as it’s a mineral lost through available in animal products,
organic substances that sweat, if you play high- the main non-animal sources
act in tandem to keep your intensity sport you need to up are leafy green vegetables,
body’s cells working normally. your intake. Research by the soy, legumes, quinoa and
Minerals, meanwhile, are University of Otago found that pumpkin seeds. 
inorganic, chemical elements athletes have lower levels
– including calcium, zinc and of zinc than non-athletes, so Calcium, like vitamin D, plays
sodium – that aid everything the scientists recommended a key role in maintaining
from bone health to metabolic a low-dose zinc supplement strong muscles and bones.
function (turning the food you in addition to a balanced diet. Dairy products, dark-green
eat into energy). Natural food sources include vegetables and soft-boned
While there are 13 meat, milk, fish and eggs, as fish like salmon and sardines
essential vitamins, some well as spinach, oatmeal and are rich sources of calcium. 
should be sought out more wholemeal foods.   
than others. Minerals, on the Vitamin B12 is a crucial
other hand, number in their Magnesium is an important vitamin for energy production.
thousands. So, to cut through mineral involved in numerous It also aids the synthesis
the confusion, make this list processes that affect muscle of fatty acids, making it
your priority. function, including oxygen particularly useful for
uptake, energy production and anyone trying to shift some
Vitamin D is vital for strong electrolyte balance. Strenuous weight this summer. As it’s
bones and a healthy immune exercise results in an most commonly found in
system, as well as increasing increased loss of magnesium animal products, vegans
absorption of other crucial through sweat and urine, and vegetarians should take
vitamins. Athletes deficient in so it’s worth adding it to your a supplement to prevent
vitamin D are more at risk of supplement list – particularly weakness and fatigue.
Photography: Getty Images

JULY 2021 67

The way you metabolise food strongly affects your subsequent food choices.
A King’s College study gave over 1,000 participants a standardised breakfast,
and found those who experienced big dips in blood sugar levels several hours
after eating ended up feeling hungrier, eating sooner and consuming on average
312 more calories during the day than people with a more controlled blood sugar
response.1 That could lead to several pounds of weight gain each year. As well

5. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 6. Journal of Applied Psychology 7. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 8. Nature Human Behaviour 9. Appetite
as genetics, your sleep, physical activity and food choices all affect metabolism,
so don’t underestimate the effect these lifestyle choices have on your weight.

Words: TJ Waterfall | Photography: Getty Images | 1. Nature Metabolism 2. Advances in Nutrition 3. British Journal of Nutrition 4. BioMed Research International
FUN GUYS Next time you make a salad, stir-fry,
or even a barbecue, you might want to consider adding
some mushrooms to the party. That’s because higher
mushroom consumption is linked with a significantly
lower risk of cancer.2 According to the biggest review
to date on their health effects, people who ate 18 grams
of any type of mushrooms daily had a 45 per cent lower

CRESS IS MORE risk of cancer compared to those who didn’t eat any.

As well as the refreshing, peppery flavour,

watercress is a powerhouse of nutrition, with GO NU T S
Pist ac hio s are p ar t ic ul arl y hig h in p ro t e in , v it amin B6, fibre an d man y
an extremely high antioxidant content. So much
an t iox idan t s, an d p o un d fo r p o un d c o n t ain aro un d t hre e t ime s mo re
so, in fact, that eating watercress regularly has p o t assium t han ban an as. De spit e be in g re l at ive l y e n e rgy -de n se , st udie s
been shown to protect against exercise-induced show n ut s c an be o n e o f t he mo st we ight -l o ss-frie n dl y fo o ds, t han ks
oxidative stress, 3 which can minimise symptoms t o t he ir high fibre an d p ro t e in c o n t e n t . But p ist ac hio s might j ust be
t he be st c ho ic e , be c ause t he ac t o f she l l in g t he m he l p s yo u t o e at mo re
like muscle soreness, inflammation and reduced
m in dful l y, an d t he l e ft ove r s he l l s give yo u a v isual c ue o f how man y
muscle function – helping you get back to n ut s yo u’ve e at e n – re sul t in g in 22 p e r c e n t fe we r c al o rie s c o n sume d. 4
training faster after a heavy workout.

Countless websites and influencers
tout the fat-burning power and other
health-promoting properties of acetic
acid, found in
most vinegars.
However, a recent
large review study
showed that while
vinegars have a
small effect on
lowering blood
sugar and triglycerides, they have no effect
on cholesterol levels or weight loss.5

68 JULY 2021

Recent research shows that
copper concentrations are
lower in men who regularly
exercise than in inactive
men, despite similar
intakes.6 That’s likely
because some copper is lost

in sweat, and it’s used in
the elevated activity of the
antioxidant defence
systems. Copper is an
essential trace mineral
required for growth, the
immune system, energy
metabolism and bone
mineralisation – among
many other roles – so it’s
important to avoid
deficiencies for peak health
and performance.

SOURCES Programmes that focus on diet and exercise might be effective for short-term weight loss, but
mindfulness-based interventions help people to keep that weight off.7 It’s thought that increasing
your sense of present-moment, non-judgemental awareness might help you recognise and alter your
responses to emotions that might otherwise go unnoticed. This heightened awareness can help
Shiitake interrupt the common reaction to overeat when under emotional stress.

The most underrated part of your full Secure your three-month membership to
English could be the humble baked Smart Protein by heading to
bean. As superfoods go, they’re one and using the code MENSFITNESS
of the cheapest and best sources of
nutrients. In fact, research shows they Smart Protein delivers premium products, advanced
Nuts even help us live longer: a review formulas and the best ingredients – all accessible
showed those eating more legumes at up to 85 per cent less than the standard industry
(beans, lentils, chickpeas and soy) prices. From whey isolates to power-boosting
had on average seven per cent lower pre-workouts, all your sports nutrition and wellness
risk of dying from any cause.8 supplements are covered, without paying for
Leafy middlemen, retail margins and brand mark-ups.
It’s well known that sleep and exercise
can affect how you feel and perform
Seeds at work, but now research has also
shown how you eat affects workplace
performance. The study showed that
unhealthy eating in the evening led to
people feeling less helpful and more
withdrawn the following day at work.9
So cook up a healthy dinner if you
chocolate want to fire on all cylinders tomorrow.

JULY 2021 69

The best clear protein powders offering an alternative to traditional shakes
If you struggle to stomach traditional squash than chocolate milkshake, on offer, but to help you make the right
protein powders, clear protein is the these powders are easy to mix, light choice we’ve rounded up five of the
new innovation shaking up the world and refreshing. It’s still an emerging most effective options on the market
of post-workout recovery. More fruit product, so you won’t find a huge range right now.



Quite simply the best clear protein we tested,

PhD’s refreshing Smart Clear Whey is high in
protein (20g per serving) but low in both sugar
(less than 1g) and calories (85kcals). Try the
Orange Margarita flavour for a dose of great-
tasting hot-weather recovery. NATURECAN CLEAR WHEY
Texture: H H H H H OVERALL: H H H H H £39.99,

From a company committed to high-

quality ingredients, Naturecan’s clear
protein contains nothing but natural
goodness in the form of 21g protein per
serving, zero sugar, zero fat and just 85
calories. The juicy Tropical flavour gets
MF’s seal of approval.
Taste: HHHHH Protein: HHHH
Texture: H H H H H OVERALL: H H H H

£21.99, Three cocktail-inspired recipes make quality hydrolysed
up TPW’s clear protein range, with whey protein
A competitive 20g protein per serving each providing 16g protein per serving, isolate, My Protein’s offering comes in
means Bulk’s offering stands up to most along with BCAAs and energy-boosting 11 flavours and packs 20g protein per
whey powders, and each of the fruity green tea extract. For anyone trying serving, as well as 4g performance-
flavours (Cherry Bomb gets the nod to trim down for summer, there’s also boosting branched-chain amino acids
from us) are perfectly suited to the heat an impressive return of less than 70 (BCAAs) and 3g immune-boosting
of summer. calories. glutamine.
Taste: HHHH Protein: HHHH Taste: HHHH Protein: HHH H Taste: HHHHH Protein: HHHH
Texture: H H HH OVERALL: H H H H Texture: H H H H H OVERALL: H HH H Texture: H H H H H OVERALL: H H H H H

70 JULY 2021

A selection of healthy soft drinks for cooling off when the heat is on
As the mercury rises, effective cylinders. Now, nothing hydrates quite for. That’s no excuse to reach for a can
hydration – though important at all like good old H20 (if you need some of sugary fizz, though, because these
times of year – becomes critical convincing, head to page 72), but days there are just as many soft drinks
for keeping your body firing on all sometimes a little more flavour is called geared towards healthy lifestyles.


£25 (pack of 12), WATER £17.99 (pack of 12),
A so-called ‘SuperLiquid’,
the Naked Collective’s Endorsed by a
range of subtly satisfying roster of high-
and near-instantly effective profile athletes,
Mude drinks are WOW Hydrate has
created from grains established itself
of barley bursting as a big brand in
with polyphenols, sports hydration. Its
vitamins, and Electrolyte Water
minerals. Immune- comes in bottles equipped with
boosting beta glucane Push Cap technology, which
is then added to the mix, delivers fresh vitamins – including
along with organic mood- energising vitamin B6 and
enhancing botanicals. Each immune-boosting vitamin C – and
drink in the five-product powerful flavour as soon as the
range – including Mude cap is pressed.
Work and Mude Sleep –
contains different additional Taste: H H H H H Health: H H H H H
ingredients based on OVERALL: H H H H H
the intended outcome. Mude Work, for instance,
contains ashwagandha, an ancient medicinal herb
thought to calm the brain, lower blood pressure and ACTIPH WATER
reduce inflammation. £19.99 (12 x 1L),
KOMBUCHA Actiph is ionised
£19.99 (pack of 12), water, brought to the UK by seven-time
Guinness World
You’re probably aware of the Record holder Jamie
benefits of kombucha: the VIRTUE CLEAN ENERGY Douglas-Hamilton. His
crew drank diluted
fermented green tea drink that’s £11.97 (pack of 12),
a potent source of gut-friendly sea water when
probiotics and cell-strengthening Launched in 2016, Virtue’s rowing across the
antioxidants. The trouble is, in all-natural energy drinks are Indian Ocean and discovered it
its simplest form it’s not always zero sugar and zero calories, gave them greater power and
to everyone’s taste. The GUTsy providing a noticeable boost sustained energy. Produced by
Captain has found a way to straight away. Each can adding essential electrolytes,
take kombucha to the masses, provides the equivalent natural then supercharging it through
with eight tasty flavours – from caffeine to one cup of coffee ionisation to pH 9 or higher,
Watermelon & Mint to Cayenne (80mg), with two flavours on studies suggest ionised water
Pepper – made from 100 per cent offer: Berries, or our favourite, hydrates quicker and faster than
natural ingredients. Lemon & Lime. the stuff out your tap.
Taste: H H H H H Health: H H H H H Taste: H H H H H Health: H H H H H Taste: HHH H Health: H H H H H

JULY 2021 71


Photography: Getty Images

72 JULY 2021
ater is an essential component of the your body. If you’re dehydrated,
human body, helping with everything your body will be going haywire
from the transportation of nutrients, to trying to fix the problem, and
the elimination of waste products, the as dehydration gets worse you’ll
maintenance of blood circulation and feel thirsty, dizzy and irritable
healthy digestion. – and have a banging headache.
Insufficient water intake causes Without water, at this point
dehydration, and dehydration reduces the your condition will worsen into
body’s ability to regulate those processes fatigue, exhaustion and poor and you’re working out at
in varying degrees – all of which can motor function, so you’ll become a high intensity then you will
have profound and detrimental effects. For example, dehydration clumsy and uncoordinated. need more, and you may need
may reduce absorption of nutrients in the gut, resulting in less electrolytes, too…
effective bodily processes due to the lack of micronutrients (such HOW DOES DEHYDRATION
Even a one per cent decline in ELECTROLYTES?
fluids as a percentage of total Sweating is your body’s defence
bodyweight can negatively system against overheating.
WHY DO YOU NEED WATER? intake doesn’t actually come impair performance, according Unfortunately, though, when
There’s a reason humans can go from drinking plain water, but to research from the California you sweat you lose some
weeks without food, but only instead from the food you eat University of Pennsylvania, while important minerals known as
a few days without water. Every and other drinks. For example, a decline of three per cent or electrolytes, including sodium
single one of the trillions of cells a banana contains 90ml of water, higher significantly increases the and potassium. Electrolytes
in your body depends on good as does 100g of tomatoes. The risk of heat exhaustion or heat support a number of bodily
hydration to function effectively, US National Research Council stroke. Dehydration of two per functions, including energy
and research out of the California advises a total daily water intake, cent impairs mental performance production and fluid balance.
University of Pennsylvania has which includes water from food in tasks that require attention, If you’re training for
shown that even a one per cent and all other sources, of 3.7 litres psychomotor and immediate less than an hour in average
decline in fluids (per percentage for men. memory skills, according to temperature and humidity,
of bodyweight) can negatively
impair performance.
The male body is 69 per
cent water, meaning you’re
“Every single one of the
more H2O than anything else.
It plays a crucial role in – among trillions of cells in your body
other things – protecting and
cushioning the brain, spinal
column and other tissues;
depends on good hydration to
regulating body temperature;
lubricating joints; and
function effectively”
removing toxins through
perspiration and excretion. Research has also shown that a study published in the you’ll be fine to rehydrate with
consuming 500ml of water prior American Journal of the College water, but when training is
HOW MUCH WATER DO to food reduces caloric intake of of Nutrition. longer, more intense or in hotter
YOU NEED? meals and leads to greater weight The more activity you do conditions, taking on around
The general rule of thumb is loss. To avoid dehydration, and the higher the temperature, 1.7g to 2.9g of electrolytes per
eight medium glasses a day, consume approximately 0.04L the more your daily fluid litre of water helps your body
but that’s a very loose guideline water per kg body mass. So if intake must increase to avoid absorb fluids more quickly,
(how big’s a glass?) and exactly you weigh 75kg, aim for 3L dehydration. Research in the according to research in the
how much will depend on body water a day. journal Nutrition advises journal Sports Medicine.
size, activity level, temperature, drinking 200ml to 285ml of Another study, published in
humidity, diet and myriad other WHAT HAPPENS WHEN water for every ten to 20 minutes the Journal of the International
factors. Most of your daily fluid YOU’RE DEHYDRATED? of moderate exercise. If it’s hot Society of Sports Nutrition,
The less water in your body, the found that pure coconut water
thicker your blood. That forces and coconut drinks made from
your heart to pump harder to concentrate were as effective
deliver oxygen to your brain, as sugar-based sports drinks at
organs, muscles and every cell in aiding rehydration.

JULY 2021 73


74 JULY 2021
MEET THE EXPERT Sports nutritionist Will Girling has worked with Commonwealth Games
athletes and elite Tour de France riders. Visit or follow him on Instagram @WillGirling

ot weather means more KEEP SIPPING blood sodium) which can have a significant

runners, cyclists, and How much liquid you need to drink during detrimental effect on your health and even
gym-goers battling to look your workout will depend on what exercise cause death. So during extended exercise take
good for tops-off season. you’re doing. “Always take a bottle with you on an electrolyte source once an hour. Around
However, the heat also puts and hydrate as much as you can, but if you’re 400mg of sodium – or one electrolyte tablet
athletes at risk of dehydration, which going to the gym your workout will probably – should cover most people.”
increases cardiovascular strain, glycogen be under an hour, so drinking ad libitum
utilisation and muscle lactate to make – drinking to thirst – is fine,” says Girling. KNOW YOUR OWN BODY
exercise feel much harder than it should. For longer endurance exercise, however, One of the best ways to navigate hydration
“Hydration matters,” says sports you need a stricter strategy. “The general issues is to get to know the symptoms. The
nutritionist Will Girling. “Research suggests recommendation is 500-600ml per hour of quicker you spot them, the easier they are to
dehydration of just two per cent of your activity. Anything more than two hours and correct. “The common signs of dehydration
bodyweight causes a significant drop in you really need to stick to that 500-600ml are dry mouth and thirst, but if you start
performance. So if a 100kg athlete loses 2kg rate, which is roughly one bottle per hour.” to get into a two per cent bodyweight loss
of water, that will be very detrimental.” Use a watch or bike computer to set or greater, you will experience headaches,
The good news is that with smart reminders to drink, and plan your route to nausea and dizziness,” says Girling. “Being
hydration strategies you can manage your allow you to refill your bottles or buy extra low on electrolytes can cause nausea, too.”
fluid loss to ensure you enjoy the benefits of water en route. React quickly to any warning signs to make
the hot weather, without succumbing to the sure you don’t deteriorate further.
hazards. With that in mind, here are five DON’T FORGET ELECTROLYTES
strategies for staying hydrated this summer. As mentioned in the previous pages, electrolytes HYDRATE AT HOME
play a vital role in key bodily functions, such Your hydration protocols shouldn’t stop when
GET THE PRE-DRINKS IN as muscle contractions and fluid balance. Salt, you get home. “Keep drinking when you’re
Whether you’re doing a sweaty indoor gym for example, binds to the water in your body finished to replace fluids lost during exercise,”
session, or a run or bike ride outside, your to help you retain fluids. “It’s very important insists Girling. Aim for around one bottle per
hydration plan should kick in early. “Always to replace the electrolytes lost when you hour until your urine has returned to its pale
hydrate before you do your workout,” sweat,” explains Girling. “At best, you will see colour. Remember, you'll continue to lose
explains Girling. “Drink 400-600ml of water an unwelcome decline in your performance. fluids through sweating and urination at home,
two hours beforehand. The simple test to see At worst, you can get hyponatremia (low so keep sipping long after you finish.
if you’re hydrated or not is to go to the
bathroom and examine your urine: if it is
dark in colour, have another 400-600ml
before your class or bike ride.”
That is especially important if you’re
exercising in the morning. “It can be really
hot in the summer, but people wake up and DIY
go straight out,” says Girling, “even though
they’ve suffered water loss from sweat
overnight, so they’re not in a hydrated state.”

Many sports science companies

and nutritionists offer affordable
Words: Mark Bailey | Photography: Getty Images

sweat tests, but for a simple home

DID YOU KNOW? test, do the following…

Every athlete sweats at a different rate, so 1. Go for a wee. weight of the bottle
2. Weigh yourself, then you drank.
it’s worth taking a bespoke approach to your
do a one-hour race- 4. The number you
hydration strategies. “If you are a heavy pace or high-intensity are left with will be
sweater,” says Girling, “which you can easily workout, during which your estimated sweat
realise based on the salt lines on your you drink one 500ml rate. “To refine your
clothing after exercise, it may be worth bottle of water. hydration strategy, aim
3. Weigh yourself to replace every one
taking on a bit more sodium, or getting
post-workout and kilogram of sweat loss
a personal sweat test ahead of, say, a work out the weight with one litre of fluid,”
marathon in hot weather.” difference – minus the says Girling.

JULY 2021 75



Developed by the coaches of Olympic athletes and world champions, Oro is the personalised health and fitness app featuring
food-first nutrition plans and a ‘smart programming’ system based on simplicity and flexibility. The following recipes are
meat-free but full of flavour, providing a small taste of the quality meals you can expect to find on the app


Preheat your oven to 180°C and line
Once pulsed, put the mixture into a mixing
bowl and add the flour. Using your hands
(FROM GAZ OAKLEY) a baking tray with greaseproof paper. lightly, work the mixture together. Again, if
Add spring onion, red pepper and you over mix you’re going to have a mushy
INGREDIENTS (SERVES 2) mushroom to a blender, then blitz the burger, so gently work it together.
- 1 tbsp olive oil mixture until everything is finely chopped. Add a little more flour if your mix feels too
- 1 red pepper Preheat a large non-stick frying pan over wet. If not, go ahead and form the mixture
- 2 spring onions a low heat, add a little oil, then when the into patties. Lightly flour your hands to form
- 4 shiitake mushrooms pan is hot add the chopped red pepper mix. the burgers.
- 120g chickpeas Sauté everything for two to three minutes Once you’ve formed your burgers, place
- 120g black beans or until softened. them onto the lined baking tray. You can
- 2 tbsp shelled hemp seeds Meanwhile, put the chickpeas and bake them straight away, but I like to get
- 2 handfuls fresh coriander black beans into a mixing bowl and give them golden in a pan first. Add a touch of oil
- 2 tbsp barbecue sauce them a pat dry with kitchen paper as to a non-stick pan placed over a medium
- Squeeze of lime juice best as you can. heat and fry the burgers on each side for
- 30g buckwheat flour Add the chickpeas and beans to the two to three minutes.
- 2 vegan brioche buns blender with the sautéed red pepper Once coloured, place the burgers onto
- 10g cress mixture, hemp seeds, coriander, barbecue the tray, then place the tray into the oven
- 2 handfuls lettuce sauce, lime and seasoning. for 15 minutes.
- 1 tomato Pulse the blender no more than three Prepare your garnishes while the burgers
- 50g crispy onions times – if you over-blend the mix you are in the oven. I serve my burgers in
- Salt will turn it into a purée, resulting in a toasted bun with lettuce, cress, tomatoes,
- Black pepper a mushy burger. extra barbecue sauce and crispy onions.

PER SERVING Kcals: 756, Protein: 24g, Fats: 29g, Carbs: 86g

76 JULY 2021
JULY 2021 77

- 50g tempeh
- ¼ tsp chilli powder
- 2 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp paprika
- ¼ tsp garlic powder
- ¼ tsp chilli flakes
- ¼ tsp oregano
- Salt
- Black pepper
- 4 tsp olive oil
- 420g cauliflower
- 6 taco shells
- 1 avocado
- ¼ red cabbage
- 2 handfuls fresh coriander
- 4 tsp lemon juice
- 1 green chilli
- 30g dairy-free cheese

Start by marinating your
tempeh by combining all
of the spices and oil. Save
half of the paprika for the
cauliflower. Add tempeh
pieces and coat evenly.
Place in the fridge, ideally
overnight, but you can just
cook straight away if time
is limited.
Preheat oven to 180°C,
and line two baking trays.
Season cauliflower florets
with paprika and a drizzle
of oil, before scattering on
one of the baking trays.
Scatter tempeh cubes on
the other, and place both
trays in oven to bake for
25 minutes.
Meanwhile, mash the
avocados, and add salt
and juice from the lemon.
Load tacos by smothering
with the smashed avocado,
then cauliflower and
tempeh pieces.
Add some sliced red
cabbage, and crumble
cheese on top.
Season with chilli flakes,
sliced green chilli and
fresh coriander.

PER SERVING Kcals: 616,

Protein: 18g, Fats: 40g,
Carbs: 43g

78 JULY 2021
WITH PEARL BARLEY Cook the pearl barley to packet instructions.
Finely chop the chilli pepper and red
(FROM GAZ OAKLEY) onion, and mince the garlic cloves.
Preheat a saucepan over a medium heat
INGREDIENTS (SERVES 2) and add the oil followed by the onion, garlic,
- 240g black beans chilli and salt. Sauté until softened.
- 3 tsp vegetable oil Add the dried herbs and spices (coriander,
- 1 red onion thyme, cinnamon, cumin, oregano). Then
- 2 garlic cloves cook for three to four minutes, stirring often.
- 1 red chilli pepper Add the chipotle paste, black beans and
- Salt chickpeas, followed by the water, tomato
- 1 tsp ground coriander purée, soy sauce and half the lime juice.
- 2 tsp chipotle paste Place a lid on the pan and allow the beans
- 1 tsp ground cumin to simmer for around 20 minutes, or until
- ½ tsp cinnamon the liquid has thickened up.
- 1 tsp oregano Once the pearl barley is cooked, simply
- 1 tsp thyme mix through the rest of the lime juice, lime
- 3 tbsp chickpeas zest, and season with salt and pepper.
- 240ml water Chop the chocolate into small pieces and
- 2 tsp tomato purée chop the fresh coriander.
- 2 tbsp soy sauce Just before serving, stir the chocolate into
- 4 tbsp lime juice the stew with half of the chopped coriander.
- 10g dark chocolate Serve up the stew with the pearl barley.
- 2 handfuls fresh coriander I like to garnish with a drizzle of vegan yogurt,
- 150g pearl barley fresh coriander and cherry tomatoes.
- 2 tsp lime zest
- 150g dairy-free yogurt PER SERVING Kcals: 544, Protein: 21g,
- 10 cherry tomatoes Fats: 17g, Carbs: 64g


Preheat oven to 180°C, and line a baking
(FROM WHAT tray with parchment paper or tin foil.
LUCE EATS) Scatter your cauliflower florets and
drizzle with 1 tbsp of oil. Place in the oven
INGREDIENTS (SERVES 2) to roast for 20 minutes.
- 3 tsp olive oil In a large saucepan of boiling water on
- 1 white onion a medium heat, boil your diced potatoes
- 2 cloves garlic for 15 minutes.
- ¾ tsp cumin While your potatoes are boiling,
- ¾ tsp garam masala begin to cook your rice, according to
- ¾ tsp paprika the packet instructions.
- ¾ tsp ground coriander In another large saucepan on a medium
- ¼ tsp cayenne pepper heat, add 1 tbsp of oil, diced onion and
- ¼ tsp turmeric crushed garlic cloves. Simmer until the
- Salt onion starts to brown.
- Black pepper Next, add your cumin seeds, garam
- 2 tsp tomato purée masala, paprika, ground coriander, cayenne
- ¾ can coconut milk pepper, salt, pepper, turmeric and tomato
- 200g chopped tomatoes purée. Combine and cook for one minute.
- 300g new potatoes Pour in your coconut milk and tinned
- 200g courgettes tomatoes, and leave to simmer for
- 300g cauliflower five minutes.
- 40g spinach Next, drain your potatoes and add
- 36g cashew nuts them to the sauce along with the roasted
- 2 handfuls fresh coriander cauliflower florets and courgettes.
- 10g coconut yogurt Combine and turn to a low heat. Let it
- 130g wholegrain rice simmer for ten minutes further, before
adding your spinach and letting it wilt.
Serve over rice with a dollop of coconut
yogurt, and sprinkle with cashew nuts
and fresh coriander.
PER SERVING Kcals: 853, Protein: 23g,
Fats: 38g, Carbs: 97

JULY 2021 79


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Want six-pack abs for summer? Here’s your four-step plan
irst, a disclaimer: six-pack disciplined in the kitchen. And if trimming you’re more of a steady-paced jogger, that

F abs are not the secret to

endless happiness. Single-
digit body fat will not make all
down is the goal, it all comes down to one
simple equation: calories in vs. calories out.
Maintain a slight (emphasis on the slight)
also works – as long as you’re consistent.


your wildest dreams come true. And even calorie deficit for a few weeks or more and Your abs, like all muscle groups, need to
if visible abs were the Holy Grail, some you will reduce body fat. be worked through different angles to
people’s genetic makeup makes them While individual calorie needs vary recruit as many muscle fibres as possible.
difficult to achieve. In short, don’t pin all greatly (work yours out using a calorie To work all the muscles that make up your
your hopes on a washboard midriff.  calculator), four to five meals per day abdominals, include exercises that require
However, ask 100 men what part is optimal. The regular intake of macro your torso or legs to move not just up and
of their body they would most like to and micronutrients will ensure continual down or back and forth, but also side to side
improve, and most will likely point to muscle protein synthesis and keep your and resisting spinal movement (planks and
their stomachs. The six-pack remains a metabolism burning through the food you hollow body holds). The more you ask your
highly coveted physical attribute – even eat. One study in the International Journal abs to do, the greater the benefit.
though, it must be said, visible abs have of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical
no functional benefit. But if you’re still after Activity also found that eating on small 4. STAY TIGHT
those abdominals, the days of endless sit- plates can trick your brain into feeling full. When you train your abs, you need to
ups are long gone. Instead, cardio, calorie ensure there’s tension in your entire core
control and smart training are your tickets 2. KEEP UP THE CARDIO – to recruit more muscle fibres and also
Photography: Getty Images

to toned… High-intensity interval training is the time- to protect your spine – before starting
efficient method for fat loss, but lower- the set. Fully contract your abs at the top
1. BURN BODY FAT intensity cardio can be just as effective. It all of each rep, and lower slowly and under
The truth is, it doesn’t really matter how comes back to calorie burn and what form complete control. For static holds, keep
smart you train in the gym, because you’ll of training you can stick to. If lung-busting your core tight throughout (as if bracing to
never have visible abs if you’re not as burpee sessions are your thing, great; but if be punched in the stomach).

JULY 2021 81

In a long and decorated career, O’Driscoll
played 133 times for Ireland, and eight for the
British and Irish Lions. He is widely regarded
as one of the best rugby players of all time

With a shocking 20 million Brits

c l a s s e d a s ‘ p h y s i c a l l y i n a c t i v e ’,
Brian O’Driscoll has teamed
up with EXi: an award-winning
app that provides personalised

exercise prescription to those
suffering from any number
of 23 long-term conditions
(including diabetes, heart

disease, hypertension, obesity,
cancer and long-Covid).
Here, O’Driscoll talks MF
through his partnership with
EXi, and how he manages his
Rugby legend turned pundit Brian O’Driscoll own relationship with exercise
is on a mission to get the UK moving post-retirement.

82 JULY 2021
Men’s Fitness: Why have once they realise the benefits of staying I trained quite hard for about six or seven months after
you partnered with EXi? active, they won’t stop. I retired, because I’ve got a ‘big person’ in me, for sure!
Brian O’Driscoll: Since I retired, I’ve I work out with a personal trainer So a few of the lads were saying, “I can’t wait to see you
looked at getting involved in things friend of mine every now and then, in a year’s time, you’re going to be as big as a bus.”
that can add real value to people’s and he said something to me the other I thought, I’m not having that.
lives, and when I came across EXi day that made so much sense. He But after a while, I realised it was both boring and
I felt as though it was the perfect app said, “What about, if after every one unsustainable. Then I found more of a balance with it and
for combatting the obesity epidemic of your three meals, you went for made it part of my daily routine, to the point that it’s now
and getting people moving. a ten-minute walk?” Who doesn’t have the non-negotiable in my day.
So many people don’t know ten minutes to spare after eating?
how to start. Sometimes you need That’s three-and-a-half hours of MF: And why do you work out these days?
something that’s very tailored to your exercise a week. BOD: It’s a complete mood-changer. Mental happiness
own individual needs, especially if Sometimes people have is more important to me than anything else. I don’t live
you’ve got some chronic issues that themselves fooled that they don’t have to work; I live to live. Every single day I walk my kids to
need to be taken into account. EXi time for exercise or they can’t fit it in, school, and I walk the dog, so I get my steps up, and then
offers specific, tailored advice based but if you take it in bite-sized chunks, I allocate another hour to working out. For me, the
on those individual needs. you will eventually get there. psychological benefits of that are significant.
You need to enjoy it: if you’re slogging it out every
MF: What sets EXi apart from MF: As a former elite athlete, how do day and hating it, you’re eventually going to stop. For
other exercise apps? you manage your relationship with me, what works is a bit of weight lifting, followed by five
BOD: It’s NHS-approved, for a start. exercise now it’s no longer your job? minutes of HIIT on the assault bike at the end. That’s me
But it’s also prescribing exercise as BOD: It was a real challenge initially. sorted.
medicine for people with chronic
conditions or sedentary lifestyles.
For a lot of people, there is too much
information too soon and it’s almost
all-consuming, but EXi builds things
slowly and steadily.
So many other apps are designed
for people who are familiar with
exercise, or they’re straight into the
main programme, whereas this is very
much holding your hand through
the early stages of reintroduction to
exercise, which many people need.

MF: This app should help, but

how else do you think the some 20
million sedentary people in the UK
can be won round to the benefits of
regular exercise?
BOD: We’re not targeting the
CrossFitters of this world – they’re
already ‘captured’ – this is about
helping people who don’t realise the
benefits that exercise can bring to
their lives.
Photography: Getty Images

I always say, the hardest bit about

exercise is putting your trainers on.
You will never, ever regret going for
that walk, run or workout. EXi can
help people get to that start point, and FOR EXI: THE NHS-APPROVED, SPORT-ENGLAND

Build your best body for beach season with this full-body banded workout
Resistance bands offer one of the most should still be an integral part of any the go, or whenever you need to switch
effective ways to get a workout in anywhere, workout plan) bands provide progressive things up.
anytime. Banded workouts like this one resistance, meaning the weight increases “I find bands to be great for
can give your body a much-needed break during the concentric portion of the move, maintenance when you either don’t have
from weights, while targeting the muscles forcing the muscles to grow and adapt. time to get to the gym or you’re on the
in a unique way. Unlike free weights (which Incorporate this workout when you’re on road,” says cover star Parker Cote.


REPS: 25 REPS: 15-18
REST: 45 secs REST: 45 secs, then repeat 2a
SETS: 4 SETS: 3-4
Step on the band with feet slightly wider Bend at the waist and keep your back flat
than shoulder-width. throughout.
Loop the bands over your upper arms. Loop the band around both feet and cross
Proceed to squat normally, dropping your the band over to form an ‘X’ shape.
hips back then lowering, while keeping your Keeping a slight bend at your elbows,
chest up and looking straight ahead. raise both ends of the band until your arms
Squeeze the quads and glutes as you are parallel to the floor.
return to standing. Return to the start.


REPS: 15-18
REST: Straight into 2b
Step both feet on the centre of the band.
Begin with the band in front of you, and
with a slight bend at your elbows, raise the
band away from your body until you form
a ‘T’ with arms parallel to the floor.
Lower to the start.

84 JULY 2021
REPS: 12
REST: 45 secs
Stand in the middle of the band with both feet, then loop the band
behind your body, with palms facing forward.
Keeping the abs engaged, press the band overhead.
Return to the start.


REPS: 12
REST: Straight into 4b
Step over the band, but only allow a small part
of the band to be outside of your feet due to the
shorter range of motion on this move.
Bend at the waist, keeping your back flat and
head down.
Squeeze your shoulder blades together to row
the band up, with your elbows tucked in and hands
stopping at chest height.
Return to the start under control.


45 secs
With a staggered stance, step in the middle of the band with
your back foot.
Grasp the handles (or just both ends of the band, depending
on what you’re using) with a palms-up grip.
With a slight bend at the elbows, use your upper chest and
shoulders to bring the band handles together – finishing at
face height.


REPS: 18
REST: 45 secs
Photography: Jon Malinowski

With a close stance, step over the middle of the band to lock
it in place, then grasp the handles overhead with your palms
facing upward, and your hands at the base of your neck.
Allow the elbows to flare out naturally.
Extend your arms fully overhead, then return to the start.

JULY 2021 85

This workout will help
you build a broader,
stronger chest, wider
shoulders, impressive
arms and a solid core

You’re going to start off

with a classic compound REPS: 10-12 REST: 60 secs SETS: 4
chest move: the dumbbell Lie on a flat bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
bench press. While you’re Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back against the bench.
unlikely to be able to shift Press the weights directly above your head, but don’t lock your elbows at the top.
as much weight with the Slowly lower the weights back to the start, flaring your elbows out to the sides as you do so.
dumbbell variation, it allows
for greater range of motion
and potentially more muscle
activation across your pecs.
Once you’ve completed
four sets on the bench, you’ll
hit your entire upper body
– with a particular focus on
the lats and biceps – with
eight-rep sets of chin-ups
(keep those shoulders pinned
back and pull with your
back), before moving onto
the supersets...
Each a/b pairing is to
be performed as one set:
so taking the close-grip
bench and triceps dips as an
example, you’re going to do REPS: 8
your 10-12 reps on the bench, REST: 60 secs
then immediately move over SETS: 3-4
to the parallel bars/dip station Grab the bar with
and pump out your 10-15 reps an underhand grip,
on there. so your hands are
Then you’re going to rest shoulder-width apart.
for 60 seconds (stay strict Start from a dead
with rest times to keep up hang with your arms
the conditioning element) fully extended.
and repeat the process. That Pull yourself up by
pattern is the same for both squeezing your lats together.
4a/4b and 5a/5b. Once your chin is higher
than your hands, lower
yourself back to the start.

86 JULY 2021
REPS: 10-12 REST: Straight into 3b
Lie flat on a bench, holding a barbell with a close, overhand grip. Aim for
about a fist-sized gap between your hands.
Keep your head, shoulders and back supported by the bench, your core
braced and your feet flat on the floor.
Lower the bar slowly to your chest, keeping your elbows close to your
sides to keep the emphasis on your triceps.
Push back up powerfully to return to the start, taking care not to lock your
elbows at the top of the move.


REPS: 10-15 REST: 60 secs, then return to 3a SETS: 4
Grip parallel bars, keeping your body upright.
With your elbows pointing straight back, lower your body as far as you
can comfortably go without stressing your shoulders.
Keep your core braced and don’t swing your legs for momentum.
Press back up powerfully to return to the start, but don’t lock your elbows
at the top.

JULY 2021 87


REPS: 12
REST: Straight into 4b
Stand tall, holding a dumbbell in
each hand by your sides with your
palms facing your body.
Keeping your elbows close to your PRESS-UP POINTERS:
sides, raise the weights to shoulder Stay ‘tight’ throughout: clench
height, squeezing your biceps at the your glutes and tighten your abs,
top of the move. as if you’re about to take a punch to
Slowly return the weights to the stomach.
the start, flexing your triceps ‘Screw’ the heels of your hands
at the bottom of the move. into the floor. Doing so will stabilise
your shoulder joints and give you
more strength for each rep.


REPS: To failure
REST: 60 secs, then return to 4a
Start in a press-up position, but with
your hands close together so your
opposite thumbs and index fingers
touch to form a diamond.
Keeping your body in a straight line
from head to heels, lower your chest
as far as you can.
Push up strongly to return to
the start.

88 JULY 2021
REPS: 12-15
REST: Straight into 5b
Get into a press-up position
with your feet on a Swiss ball.
Keeping your core braced
and body straight, lower your
chest towards the floor.
Press back up to return
to the start.


REPS: 12-15
REST: 60 secs, then return
to 5a
SETS: 3-4
Start on your knees with
your forearms resting on
a Swiss ball.
Photography: Tom Miles

Keeping your core braced

throughout, slowly roll the ball
away from you.
Once your torso is parallel to
the floor, contract your abs to
roll back to the start.

JULY 2021 89


Melt fat, fast, with this high-intensity bodyweight workout from Train Wright
Fitness has always been a big part
of Mark and Josh Wright’s lives. 2. JUMPING LUNGE
Since the first lockdown, they have
REPS: 45 secs REST: 15 secs SETS: 2
been sharing the short-but-sharp
From standing, step into a forward lunge, with your front knee in line with your front
workouts that keep them in shape
foot and your back knee just off the floor.
all year round. But what began as
free training sessions on Instagram
Drive through both heels to jump up, switching legs in the air and landing in another
back in April 2020 has since grown
lunge, this time with the opposite foot forward.
into fully fledged fitness app Train Jump up again, switching legs once more.
Wright. Promising ‘real people, Continue to alternate legs.
real results’ this fast-paced session
provides a taste of what to expect
from the new platform. Get your
sweat towel on standby.

REPS: 30 secs
REST: 15 secs
This is a simple but effective cardio
move for raising your heart rate and
torching fat.
Think sprinting on the spot: stay on
the balls of your feet and drive using 3. KNEE SLAM
your arms, only lifting each foot a few REPS: 40 secs REST: 20 secs SETS: 3
inches from the floor. Imagine you’re holding a stick between your hands and want to break it over your knee.
Aim to keep your feet moving as Standing up straight, lift both arms above your head, before quickly bringing your hands
fast as you can throughout. down towards your right knee as you drive up.
Power through with the right knee before standing up straight again, lifting your arms
above your head and then driving into your left knee.

90 JULY 2021
REPS: 30 secs REPS: 60 secs
REST: 30 secs REST: 30 secs
While this exercise will work your entire body, the Shadow boxing is great cardio
quads and glutes get special attention. that will really get your shoulders
Starting with your knees bent and body leaning and triceps burning.
forward, push sideways off your left leg and hop Stand with your leading hand
onto your right foot. and foot forward, your body turned
Focus on balancing by using your core and glutes sideways and fists raised so they
to stabilise your body, before pushing off your right are level with your chin, as if you
foot and hopping onto your left. were protecting your head from an
Repeat the movement and allow your arms to invisible opponent.
move naturally across your body to help balance Jab forwards twice with your
as you land each time. leading hand, before following
through with an uppercut from
your rear hand – using your legs
5. BURPEE to generate more power.
REPS: 30 secs
REST: 15 secs
The daddy of full-body fat-burning
moves, burpees will get your heart
rate up quicker than just about every
other exercise.
Stand tall.
Drop down into the start of a squat
thrust, then jump your feet back to
a press-up position.
From here, you can either drop
your torso all the way to the floor,
or go straight into jumping your feet
back to your hands and returning
to standing.
As you stand, jump up before
landing with soft knees.
Gather your breath and repeat.

REPS: 45 secs
REST: 30 secs
The ultimate bodyweight exercise
for upper-body strength, stability
and core control.
When you lower, you should keep
your elbows tucked into your body.
If you let them flare out it will place
extra strain on your elbow joints,
which could lead to injury.
Make sure your hips are level
throughout the exercise; if you let
them sag it will put strain on your
lower back. It’s also a sign that
Photography: Train Wright

you’ve lost core control, so keep

them up to make sure that you’re
staying stable.

JULY 2021 91

Work every muscle from the waist up with this 30-minute workout
Complex training plans and muscle group in your upper to hit three to four sets each of ten quality reps on the bench,
plateau-busting protocols have body. It can also be completed dumbbell chest press, dumbbell with a lighter weight, is going
their place in any man’s lifting in a mere half an hour, making shoulder press, lat pull-down to improve strength and size
programme, but there’s also it the perfect workout if you’re and seated row, before finishing far better than half reps of
much to be said for keeping short on time and/or energy, your arms off with a biceps/ a weight you haven’t got full
things simple – especially if or simply want to add some triceps superset. control over.
you’re not long returned to variety to your usual body-part While the workout is
the gym. split routine. relatively quick, that doesn’t THE WARM-UP
This six-move session After a quick warm-up – to mean you can rush the reps. Rowing Machine x 5 mins 
– from January cover model get your muscles and central Keep every movement focused High Plank x 30 secs
and bulk ambassador Alex nervous system primed for the and controlled, and leave your Press-Up x 15
Crockford – targets every major work to come – you’re going ego at the door. Pushing out Dead Bug x 15


REPS: 10-12 REST: 60 secs SETS: 3-4
Lie on a flat bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. REPS: 10-12
Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back against the bench. REST: 60 secs
Press the weights directly above your head, but don’t lock your elbows SETS: 3-4
at the top. Set the back of the
Slowly lower the weights back to the start. bench to vertical and
take a seat.
Grab a dumbbell in each
hand and position the
weights on your thighs.
Now ‘kick’ the
dumbbells up so you’re
holding them at chin
height – with elbows out to the sides.
Brace your core and glutes, avoid arching your lower
back too much, and press the weights overhead.
Once arms are extended, lower the weights back to
chin height and repeat.

REPS: 10-12
REST: 60 secs
SETS: 3-4
Sit at the pull-down station
and take a wide, overhand
grip on the bar.
Look forward, retract your
shoulders blades and keep
your torso upright.
Use your lats to pull the
bar down to chest height.
Avoid leaning back to aid
the movement (drop the
weight if you find yourself doing so).
Squeeze your lats at the bottom of the move, then
return the bar with control.

92 JULY 2021
REPS: 10-12 REST: 60 secs SETS: 3-4 REPS: 10-12
Sit with a flat back and slight bend in your knees. REST: 60 secs, then repeat 5a
Grab the D-handle attachment with a neutral grip. SETS: 3-4
Sit back to get tension in the cable before you begin. Stand in front of the cable, with feet shoulder-width apart.
Pull the handle to your sternum, keeping upper-body Grab the bar with both hands and pull it down until forearms are just
movement to a minimum. above parallel to the floor.
Squeeze your shoulder blades together, then return Slightly lean forward from the hips and push the bar straight down,
the cable with control. keeping elbows locked in and focusing on the contraction in your triceps.
Pause for a second at the bottom, then return your forearms to the
starting position.

REPS: 10-12
REST: Straight into 5b
SETS: 3-4
Hold the cable
bar with your hands
shoulder-width apart
and your palms
facing forward.
Keeping your elbows
close to your sides
and, without leaning
Photography: bulk

back, curl the bar up

to your chest.
Squeeze your biceps
hard, then lower the bar.

JULY 2021 93
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Here is my step-by-step guide to creating
an effective system for yourself, without
risking overtraining or imbalances

I always programme around three main

focuses: Power, Endurance and Control.
They can be further split up into stamina,
MF’s new strength-training columnist James Griffiths explains hypertrophy, strength, power, speed, flexibility,
skill, balance and coordination. Whatever your
why you need to avoid mix-and-match training methods goal is, you need to focus your training on the
relevant components, but my advice would
his isn’t going to be an article The ‘best’ training systems aren’t always be to have phases where you at least check in

talking about how I think the best way for you to achieve the results you with all of the above to make sure you don’t
Frankenstein got massive. want. Those two things aren’t necessarily the let your strengths get too far in front of your
Instead, what we’re going to same, because a lot of the time people aren’t weaknesses. Big imbalances are a fast route
look at is people creating mix- ready for the most advanced training protocols. to injuries, and injuries stop you training.  
and-match exercise programmes by piecing That’s based on a lot of things, like fitness levels
together lots of different ideas. These different and how long someone has been exercising • Start with endurance (stamina and
training and nutrition concepts come from consistently for. Ask yourself, are you skipping hypertrophy), as you get to hit light to
different coaches, athletes and influencers, a few training phases that have definitely come moderate weights for a lot of reps. High
and unfortunately most of the time they simply before the advanced training concepts for the reps mean you get more practice on your
don’t work well together.  writer or athlete you are reading about? technique and the risk of injury is lower.

96 JULY 2021
‘A life with no limit’ Look at training systems
is James Griffiths’
that are new for you, but aren’t
creed. He has
recorded the necessarily the toughest or
highest altitude most advanced workouts.
workout ever,
completed 1,000 Programme in phases
24kg kettlebell of training that cover all
snatches in components of fitness.
under one hour,
was Southern
England's Work through the phases in
strongest man order to give your body the best
under 80kg in opportunity to progress safely.
2018, and (best
of all) even Vary the amount of time you
graced the cover spend in each training phase.
of this very
Spend more time in the phases
magazine back in
November 2020. that relate to your primary goals.
His obsession
• After building up some skill and specific with my programming. So if
isn’t with his own Focus on one goal in a phase.
resilience you can move on to I’m working on endurance, most of
fitness, though: This is especially important as
everything he’s strength, which involves higher my workouts in that phase will be built
you get fitter, so your body isn’t
done is about intensities and bigger weights. around supporting that adaptation.
getting mixed signals around
learning how to Just don’t get stuck on strength, I won’t do a strength workout on
how you want it to change. Be
help others push even though it’s great for your ego. Monday, endurance on Tuesday, and
past their limits. specific and you will achieve
• Hit some power by building a flexibility session on Wednesday –
Wild Training, your targets faster. 
more explosive training into your your body will just get confused.
which he founded
programmes. For most of my clients, What are you trying to achieve: fat
in 2015, is all
about sharing the power-based training is where loss, muscle growth, increased strength, DON’T
the joy of health they actually feel and look their best.  or better stamina? Your body can’t do
Mix and match programming
and fitness in it all at the same time. So when I’m
concepts without getting some
unique ways Dipping your toe into a different style talking about changing up your training
that challenge
good coaching advice that can
of training for a month will be good for focus, it makes more sense to do it as
traditional norms. check they are relevant to your
your fitness, great for your motivation, phases of training, rather than trying to
goals and level of fitness.
and your body will thank you for the create a weekly workout routine that
change of pace, which is good news does everything. Give your body a clear
for keeping your nervous and hormone stimulus to change the way you want
Compare your training to
systems happy. it to change. Once you hit your targets,
others. They aren’t the same as
For that reason, I tend to be pretty move on to the next phase.  you, might not have the same
If your focus is strength goals as you, and won’t have the
or muscle size, you might same background experience
go from a phase of stamina as you.
training that might be as short
as four to eight weeks, into Get stuck on strength training,
a strength phase that could even though it’s great for your
Photography: Ben Machekanyanga / Getty Images

be 12-24 weeks. After that, ego. Exploring power, speed and

have a few weeks working on even the lower-level stamina
control and then start over and hypertrophy programmes
again with new targets. It’s will keep your training
about understanding your interesting and help you see
body, when to push and sustainable results.
when you need to ease off.
Read everything, but Disregard training
don’t add it all into one programmes you haven’t done
programme. The less goals before. Try them before you
you prioritise, the faster you’ll potentially miss out on some
achieve your targets and the easy gains that will transfer to
less time you will waste. your primary training goals. 

JULY 2021 97


Comedian Tiernan Douieb enjoys his health apps as much as the next man, but argues
their advice should be taken with a pinch of salt and sometimes outright ignored
ou’ve not done as DATA OVERLOAD in the real world so are ultimately just apps – they do not and will

many workouts I can’t imagine what it was like useless. I got one for ‘getting not know everything. As it pops
this week as last exercising before health apps 8 hours sleep’, which to be fair, up to complain I’ve not walked
week’ one of the arrived. I must have done it, as the parent of a toddler is a or worked out enough today,
apps on my phone as the only app in the 90s was genuine achievement. I hadn’t me yelling, “I’m in bed with a
bleats at me. ‘Last week you did 7 Snake, and that could only tell actually managed it, though: chest cold!” won’t help. As it says
workouts’ it says, ‘and this week you how many apples you’d I’d just turned my watch off I simply must go for a run, I’m
you’ve only done 1.’ eaten. Now it seems an alien idea overnight. I’m a fraud. aware it has no idea our daughter
Yes, I think, because it’s to do a workout not knowing The other two apps monitor was awake four times in the
Tuesday and you, the app, start exactly how many calories you’ve how many calories I’ve eaten in night and the weather outside
the week on a Monday. (I won’t burned. I can’t remember what it a day and what weight I’d lose is biblical, so I’m going to drink
mention that two of those was like to run and have no clue if I didn’t have the metabolism seven coffees and stare at the
workouts were strolls to the shop how fast I was going, or how far of a tectonic plate, and the last wall instead.
to buy crisps, but I insist that I’d travelled without carefully app connects to our weighing The hardest bit about
still counts). However, it feels a plotting the route on a map after. scales to show I’m doing all exercise is always summoning
bit much for the app to assume No wonder the first marathon, this hard work to maintain the the willpower to actually do it,
that having spent a week doing, supposedly completed by terrible shape I’m in. Then all and a nudge from your phone is
ahem, ‘seven workouts’, I would Pheidippides in 490 BC, had him four connect together to give a very good reminder to get off
then be incised to start the next running until he died. If only he’d contradictory results. One says your bum. But also, as a non-app
week cramming the same into had a watch that said how his I have the health of a 21-year- human, I’ve got to remember
just Monday. heart rate was holding up, while old, which is flattering, while to prioritise working around
“Sorry,” I’d have to explain notifying him that someone the other says I’m the weight of my life and how I feel. I love
to my wife, “I can't pick our on LinkedIn was already aware a 45-year-old. It’s lucky I don’t health apps and how they make
daughter up from nursery as of the battle victory and had have one that stares into my exercising so much easier than
Photography: Getty Images

I’ve got to do ten more hours in recommended ten ways to win eyes, or it would report back that using guess work and ordinance
the gym until I’ve worn my arms it better next time. I’m not far off my 150th birthday. surveys. That said, I just have to
away to dust.” Where would it I use four different health make sure that the real reason
end? I had no idea the rise of the apps. One connects to my fancy NO CONTEXT I’m doing it is for the human me;
robots would mainly be them watch, records my exercises and The information they collect not because a robot tells me to.
insisting on a gym schedule that rewards me with badges that give and advise on is very useful. Also, if you turn them all off and
renders us so knackered they can me a false sense of achievement However, I do have to keep on every now and then, you can
simply stroll in and take over. – but can’t be used for anything reminding myself that they are sometimes get a badge.

98 JULY 2021

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