Mapeh7 Pe 4th Quarter

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Physical Activity and Physical Fitness Assessment

Name: ____________________________ Grade level:__________ Cluster: _______

Learning Competency: Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments (PE7PF- IVah-23). Specifically, you
will perform the activity and physical fitness assessments.

Hello learners! Let us prepare for another physical activity. Before we go through, let us have first have this activity.
Let’s do this!
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the ability of the heart to provide oxygen to muscles during physical activity for a prolonged period of time.
a. Agility b. Health-related fitness c. Cardiovascular endurance d. Skill-related fitness
2. The ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining a constant, rapid motion
a. Agility b. Health-related fitness c. Cardiovascular endurance d. Skill-related fitness
3. It serves as baseline and identifies the current fitness level of the body.
a. Health-related fitness b. Skill-related fitness c. Physical Activity d. Physical Fitness Assessment
4. It is the ability to do well in everyday life activities and sports.
a. Agility b. Skill related fitness c. Cardiovascular endurance d. Health related fitness
5. This is the ability to become and stay physically healthy.
a. Agility b. Skill related fitness c. Cardiovascular endurance d. Health related fitness

LET US STUDY: Physical Fitness Assessment

Physical activity is a movement of the body that requires energy expenditure. Exercise is a type of physical
activity that is a planned, structured, and repetitive activity for the purpose of improving or maintains physical fitness.
There are many benefits of being physically active. It produces long term health benefits, it burns body calories, and
maintain energy balance. On the other hand, physical fitness is the state of health and well-being and connected to
physical activity since fitness assessment involve movement. Physical fitness assessment serves as baseline and
identifies the current fitness level of the body. The results of fitness assessment help to set goals for staying active and
improving fitness outcomes. It is a must to keep track of the progress on the improvement result of your fitness.
The two major components of physical fitness are skill related fitness and health related fitness. Skill-related fitness is
the ability to do well in everyday life activities and sports. One of the examples of skill-related fitness is agility. At the
same time, health-related fitness is the ability to become and stay physically healthy. Cardiovascular endurance is one
of the examples of health-related fitness. Both fitness components are equally important because it usually work
together through various fitness activities.

What is the physical fitness assessments related to dance?

Skill Related Fitness
1. Agility - is the ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining a constant, rapid
Test detail: 10 meter Agility Shuttle
Purpose: this is a test of speed, body control and the ability to change direction (agility).
Equipment: Two wooden blocks, Marking/Masking tape, Measurement tape, Stopwatch, Flat non-slip surface.
1. Mark two lines 10 meters apart using marking/masking tape .The two blocks are placed on the line opposite the
line they are going to start at.
2. On the signal "ready", the participant places their front foot behind the starting line. On the signal, "go!" the
participant sprints to the opposite line, picks up a block of wood, runs back and places it on or beyond the
starting line.
3. Turning without a rest, they run back to retrieve the second block and carry it back across the finish line. Two
trials are performed.
Record the time to complete the test in seconds/minute to assess the performance. The score is the better of the two
times recorded. A trial is void if a block is dropped or thrown.
Health Related Fitness
1. Cardiovascular endurance- the ability of the heart to provide oxygen to muscles during physical activity for a
prolonged period of time.
Purpose: To test the ability of the body to use oxygen as an energy source. Test Detail: 9 Minute W alk/ Run Test
Equipment: Flat oval or running track Recording sheets Marking cones Stop watch
Place markers at set intervals around the track to aid in measuring the completed distance. The test requires you to run
or walk for 9 minutes, and the total distance covered is recorded. Walking is allowed, though you should try and push
yourself as hard as you can.
Note the time, in minutes and seconds, it took to complete the activity.

It’s time for your performance task. Please wear proper attire, proper stretching, and keep hydrated before doing the
fitness assessment.
A. Instruction: Perform the following physical fitness test with an assistant. Record your test result by filling out the
record sheet.

Physical Fitness Test Assessment

Name: Grade/Section:

Fitness Test Trial 1 Trial 2 Result

10 m et er A g i l i t y
S h u tt l e
9 M i n u t e W a l k / Run Tes t

Good work! This time, you are tasked to assess your performance based on the result of your fitness assessment.

B. Instruction: Assess your performance by checking the box that describes your performance in the physical fitness
Fitness Test Excellent Very Good Needs Poor
Good Improvement
10 m e t er A g i l i t y
S h u tt l e
9 M i n u t e W a lk / Run Test


Good job! This time, we will try to check your understanding. Let’s do this!
Direction: Analyze the following situations related to physical fitness component. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. James is a Grade 7 student who always feels tired and sometimes cannot participate in vigorous activities like running
because he cannot breathe well and lacks air. What component of health-related fitness will he must improve?
2. Ruth is a Junior High School student who wants to join in a volley team. During the training, she cannot pass, set, and
block the ball easily since it is difficult for her to control direction. What skill related physical fitness must she develop?

Let us do this! This activity will check if you gain understanding from our discussion. Take your time and begin now!

1. The ability to do well in everyday life activities and sports is called_______________________________.

2.___________________________________is the ability of the heart to provide oxygen to muscles during physical
activity for a prolonged period of time.
3. The ability to become and stay physically healthy is_____________________________________________. .

4._____________________________________ serves as baseline and identifies the current fitness level of the body.
5. The ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining a constant, rapid motion
is___________________________________________ .
LET US ASSESS! 3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about
Amazing! Let us check if you could remember the physical fitness?
lesson. a. Makes all body organs function properly.
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. b. It makes us at risk of developing illness.
1. Why agility important in sports? c. It is a state of health and wellbeing.
a. It helps to control the position of the body while d. Promote and maintain a healthy life.
maintaining constant and rapid motion. 4. Which best defines physical activity?
b. It monitors the oxygen to muscles during a. Increases oxygen supply to muscles.
physical activity. b. Identify the current fitness level of the body.
c. It mainly activates muscles in the arms and c. A movement in the body that requires energy
shoulders. expenditure.
d. It can improve heart health, increase bone d. Controls the body while maintaining constant
strength. and rapid motion.
2. What is the importance of cardio vascular
endurance? 5. Why do we need to engage in physical fitness
a. Engage students in setting a goal to improve assessment?
health. a. To determine the capacity of the body to do a
b. Develops the ability of the body on strength and task.
flexibility. b. To boosts endurance and improves muscle.
c. It inspires to set goals to improve health. c. To measures the ability of the body on strength
d. Increases oxygen supply to muscles. and flexibility.
d. To identify the current fitness level of the body.

Good job! To check if you mastered this lesson, fill in the boxes with letters to complete the word.

1. It serves as baseline and identifies the current fitness level of the body.

2. It is the ability to do well in everyday life activities and sports.

3. It is the ability of the heart to provide oxygen to muscles during physical activity for a
prolonged period of time.

4. The ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining
a constant, rapid motion.

5. This is the ability to become and stay physically healthy.

Anwers Key



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