1 Tell Me About Yourself
1 Tell Me About Yourself
1 Tell Me About Yourself
During my research into your company, three things stood out. Firstly, the way
in which you strategically manage and run your business is exemplary. There
are lots of positive comments made online about your organization, and this
demonstrate you are a great company to work for who cares about the service it
provides. Secondly, the ‘latest news’ section on your website tells me you are
innovative and forward-thinking, which makes you even more attractive to
work for. Finally, I want to stay in a management role for a long time and gain
stability with my employer. You are clearly a leader in the industry and that fills
me with confidence that I will be able to thrive in the role of manager and be
able to contribute positively by leading the team towards achieving your
company goals and targets.
I have a solid work ethic. When I'm working on a project, I don't just want to
meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.
Last year, I even earned a bonus for completing my three most recent reports
one week ahead of time.
I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve
potentially difficult situations. With five years' experience as a customer service
associate, I have learned to understand and resolve customer issues effectively.
On a related note, I also have strong communication skills, which help me
to work well with customers, team members, and executives. I am known for
being an effective team member with a talent for giving presentations
You might think that since I have never worked in my life, and this is only my
first job, my inexperience is my weakness.
I assure that I do not carry any pre-conceived notions regarding how I feel I
should perform my job.
I work too hard sometimes and care too much about my work. I take my tasks
back home and work even during the weekends.
You can call me a workaholic, but my family always points out that this is not
Slowly and steadily I am realizing that speed and working smartly are the key.
When this is coupled with an award, I feel all the more motivated.
All in all, I like to achieve milestones, so that I can look back at them and say to
myself, ‘Yes, that was my achievement.’ Visible results also motivate me
Anger to me means loss of control. I do not lose control. When I get stressed, I
step back, take a deep breath, thoughtfully think through the situation and then
begin to formulate a plan of action. For instance, when I am given multiple
projects to complete in a short amount of time, rather than feeling frustrated, I
come up with a strategy for how to complete the work in a steady, methodical
manner that will not overwhelm me.
To tell you the truth, I think I work the same if there's pressure or if there's no
pressure. I try and take out negative emotional factors and work hard regardless
of down time or busy time. I always prioritize and organize my work, and from
there, work efficiently. If the situation involved pressure due to a lack of time,
then the only difference in my work would be the extra time I would need to put
in to meet the deadline on time. Since I believe my normal work is great work,
then I suppose I work well under pressure.
11 Do you prefer to work as part of a team or independently?
Motivation often comes from smaller recognitions, rather than large gestures. I make
time to thank my teammates with phone calls, emails, notes and simple conversations.
I let them know how much their hard work means to me and the rest of the team. This
technique has made a noticeable difference in productivity and deadline management
since I started using it
13 Have you ever found it difficult to work with a manager or other team
I have often worked with managers and co-workers, and I rarely find it difficult.
Sometimes it takes some time to adjust to a new manager or leader in a team
environment. However, as long as we take the time to connect and clarify
expectations, I think everything will work out. I expect an adjustment period, just like
any other relationship
16 What is your great failure, and what did you learn from it?
18 What are the three things that are most important for you in a job?
Professionalism, growth and a healthy work-life balance are important
First and foremost i write down my goals and objective before i begin and take
some simple steps like decide exactly what i need , write it down, set a deadline
on my goal organize the plan and many more . i make short term planning’s
like monthly or weekly plans and implement those and tick mark the works i
have done . This gives a visual picture of accomplishments.And at work, get the
highest possible return on your investment of mental, emotional and physical
energy by planning and implementing
Stress Is Very Important To Me. With Stress, I Do The Best Possible Job. The
Appropriate Way To Deal With Stress Is To Make Sure I Have The Correct
Balance Between Good Stress And Bad Stress. I Need Good Stress To Stay
Motivated And Productive. I React To Situations, Rather Than To Stress. I
Actually Work Better under Pressure and I’ve Found That I Enjoy Working in a
Challenging Environment. I'm Not a Person Who Has a Difficult Time with
Stress. When I'm Under Pressure, I Focus, And Get the Job Done.
27 How long do you think you will work for us after we hire you?
I believe in long hauls. I have been with 2 organizations in the past, and my
stints have lasted for 5+ years. Being an experienced professional in the IT
sector, I have done my homework and believe this company will surely offer a
best-in-class working environment and a rewarding career.
I plan to stay for a long time here, or at least for as long as my services will be
valued and required
I am now looking forward to more challenges that can push my limits further
and open new learning opportunities.
I believe the job role offered by your company is the perfect scope for the same
and I assure you I can surely add more value to the team as well if given the
29. your interview is more or less coming to an end when the interviewer
asks you, “Do you have any questions for me?”
how has your journey been so far in this organization? What excites you the
most about working here? How long does it ideally take a person to prove their
caliber here? Where is the organization headed in the next years? What are the
next steps of this interview?
30. What is the difference between hard work and smart work?
Hard work is what every breadwinner does today, including a rickshaw puller or
a daily wager.
Smart work is what the educated masses like us are supposed to do, and some of
us are actually doing it, like my father.
A well-balanced combination of both hard work and smart work is the secret
formula to success.
I have friends who study all through the year and yet have 10 back papers to
They do not have any interview calls in their kitty, and what do you think is the
reason behind this?
All year through, they were only working hard, but not smartly.
Again, there’s me, I do not have any back papers and have a decent CGPA. I am
also attending this interview today.
Whatever might be the outcome, I feel I have prioritized my goals correctly and
have worked both hard and smart.
That is the difference between hard work and smart work.”
Hard work is delivering work on time with more effort and smart work is
delivering work on time, with lesser effort.
Most of the times, in the corporate world, I feel a combination of both is needed
to attain excellence.