Lease Kebede Mekonin
Lease Kebede Mekonin
Lease Kebede Mekonin
JUNE, 2021
Table of Contents
EXCUTIVE SUMMARUY...........................................................................................................................i
1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION...............................................................................................................1
1.1. The Promoter...................................................................................................................................1
1.2. The Project.......................................................................................................................................1
1.3. Current loans with other banks and MFIs:...................................................................................2
1.4. Purpose and Amount of the Lease Required................................................................................2
2. Project/Firm Description.........................................................................................................................2
2.1. Vision of the Project........................................................................................................................2
2.2. Mission of the Project......................................................................................................................2
2.3. The Project Goal..............................................................................................................................2
2.4. Project Objectives and Rationales................................................................................................2
3. Market Study............................................................................................................................................4
3.1. General Over View of the Market for the Products.....................................................................4
3.2. Marketing Analysis of Coal Mine....................................................................................................4
3.3. Marketing Segmentation.................................................................................................................4
3.4. Business Target................................................................................................................................5
3.5. Competition......................................................................................................................................6
3.6. Marketing strategy of the project..................................................................................................6
3.7. Marketing Strategy for Mining Company......................................................................................8
4. Technical Study........................................................................................................................................9
4.1. Area and Project location................................................................................................................9
4.2. Geology of the district.....................................................................................................................9
4.3. Climate, Rainfall and Soil................................................................................................................9
4.4. Machinery and equipment Requirements...................................................................................10
4.5. Pre-Operating Charges and Contingencies.......................................................................................10
4.6. Total Capital Cost.............................................................................................................................11
4.7. Operating & Maintenance Cost........................................................................................................11
4.8. Availability of utilities and infrastructure.....................................................................................11
5. Personnel plan........................................................................................................................................12
5.1. Company Staff................................................................................................................................12
6. Financial Study.......................................................................................................................................13
6.1. Total Fixed Cost.............................................................................................................................13
7. SWOT Analysis of the project..............................................................................................................17
8. Environmental Impact Assessment.....................................................................................................17
9. Socio- economic benefits.........................................................................................................................18
10. Conclusions and Recommendations................................................................................................19
10.1. Conclusions.................................................................................................................................19
10.2. Recommendation:......................................................................................................................19
Project Title: This project may be named as “Coal Exploration Project Capital Goods
Leasing Business plan”.
Project Owner: Kebede Mekonin
Project Description: This project Business plan assesses the viability of Coal exploration
Project Capital Goods Leasing Business. This coal exploration project capital Goods lease
project is found to be the most appropriate business through which Kebede Mekonin aims
to undertake the exploration of coal project, to play key role in implementing the Growth
and Transformation by taking the leasing service in the form of “Hire-purchase” to
stimulate the economy and improve livelihood, create economic asset by transferring
ownership at the end of the agreement period. Accordingly, this project calls for purchase
of Machineries, trucks and Vehicles.
Project Cost: During its first year of operation, the total project costs is estimated to be
Birr 33,702,212.00 consisting of Birr 29,100,000.00 as project capital costs, and Birr
4,602,212.00 as operating (working capital) costs.
Source of Fund: The above specified project cost is supposed to be financed as: 80
percent of the total capital (Birr 23,280,000.00 to be financed by bank through lease
financing, and the remaining 20 percent (Birr 5,820,000.00) to be fully financed by the
project promoter.
Statement of Feasibility: - The financial projections computed reveals that the project is
financially viable and liquid enough to smoothly finance the planned operations. The
income statement exhibits a net profit during the first year of the project is birr
21,402,526. Overall, the project is found to be viable on all aspects of the study.
1.3. Current loans with other banks and MFIs:
Kebede Mekonin Coal Exploration Project is a newly established Organization and there
has been no any history of credit from any financial institution as of to date
2. Project/Firm Description
Kebede Mekonin Coal Exploration Project is a private-owned organization in sole
ownership legal form. After getting license from Oromia Mineral Development Authority,
the organization has already secured land size of 58 hectares from East Wollega Zone,
Haro Limmu Woreda, Gorba Gudina Kebele, Godo Raasee Locality.
following strategic objectives. These objectives are also considered as justifications
(Rationale) for giving priority of these projects.
The key to bringing the Ethiopian economy into the 21 st Century is the development of
a reliable power generation system that has adequate electrical power to supply the
needs of the population and attract industry to the country. Without a reliable and
expandable power generation system, the country cannot support modernization or
industrialization. The benefits of the revitalizing of the Ethiopian coal industry and
expanding the electrical generating capacity can therefore be evaluated in terms of the
contribution it will make to:
increased job opportunities and employment;
increased national income via corporate and personal income tax and
increased capacity utilization of existing industries;
reduced deforestation by discouraging cutting of trees through burning of
coal as an alternative to wood for fossil fuel; and
Added raw material base for enhanced electricity production for domestic and
industrial use that will enable Ethiopia to improve upon its performance in
many sectors of its economy.
The project will also result in the improvement of infrastructure as well as the
enhancement of the social-economic structure in the surrounding communities, as it
will provide employment during its operational.
3. Market Study
3.1. General Over View of the Market for the Products
Ethiopia uses coal in its cement and textile factories by preserving heat at times of
power interruption and to replace charcoal by coal (briquette) and for the production of
fertilizers currently in Oromia region,
Inter-Trappean coal and oil shale deposits are distributed on the South-Western and
Central Plateau of Ethiopia (Delbi-Moye, Yayu, Lalo-Sapo, Sola and Chida, Chilga, Nejo,
Mush Valley Basins) (Figure 1). Coal and oil shale-bearing sediments were deposited in
fluviatile, lacustrine and paludal depositional environments.
3.2. Marketing Analysis of Coal Mine
While Kebede Mekonin is thinking about owning a coal mine and selling coal products
as business, he must first carry out a detailed marketing analysis. Marketing analysis
can help the owner in knowing the current status of similar businesses and ongoing
trends in his target market. Moreover, it can help him explore what challenges he can
face while working for his target market.
3.3.1. Power Production Companies: The biggest consumer of our processed
coal will be power production companies. As bituminous coal, sub-
bituminous coal and anthracite are used as thermal coal to produce steam.
3.3.5. Others: Individual buyers and other companies who require coal products
will also be our target customers.
The overall plan of the market for the products is to sale 80 percent of the project
output in the international market and the remaining will be provided to the domestic
market. To access the proper market, the promoter will make detail assessment on
marketing destination.
Table 1 ፡ Projected annual Sales revenues
Description 1 2 3
Coal Price (Birr) 2200 2200 2200
Production (ton) 20,000 20,000 20,000
Sales (Birr) 44,000,000 44,000,000 44,000,000
3.5. Competition
There is no barrier to entry in the industry; as a result, firms that have taste towards
coal mining could meet the industry provided that they fulfill the requirements.
Concerning existing firms in the industry, when compared with the existing market
potential, competition among them could not be a threat for the profitability of this
project. On top of that the promoter has developing relevant experience that helps the
project to become competitive enough in the industry.
3.6.1. PRODUCT
Product quality is the basic and most important marketing mixes that affect the success
of a product. Product quality has two dimensions, i.e., level and consistency. Level
means the producer must first choose a quality level that will be acceptable in the
target market and in a level that comply with the quality of competing products.
Consistency refers to the consistent delivering of ones established quality through strict
quality control measures.
Distribution refers to the distribution of the product to the consumers by the producer
while channel of distribution is the network of producer through whom the products
flows till it finally reaches to the hands of the actual buyer or consumers.
Pricing a product is an important and critical activity since it is the major factor in
determining revenue. If a lower price is fixed, it will affect the profitability of the
company, and if a higher price is fixed, the product will not be able to stand in market
competition and may be forced out of the market. Therefore, the right price has
depended on the timely market of the product. Our prices are almost the same as our
competitors. However, we’ll provide a 10% discount on our products for the first three
months. Under the going market price condition, it is evident that profits will depend
very largely on the project’s ability to minimize costs.
However, it is important to realize that, on its own; market promotion will not replace
selling, change long-term trends, or build long-term customer loyalty. It has to be
supported by quality and quantity efficiency.
plan for a major coal development company, you must clearly list the methods, you’ll
adopt to reach out the groups of your target customers.
4. Technical Study
Finfinne and 165 km away from the Nekemte to the West north. The specific site of the
project is Gorba Gudina Kebele, Godo Raasee locality at 22 km from Woreda (Haro).
The project will be established on 58 hectares.
Machinery and equipment required by the proposed project are shown in table
4.7. Operating & Maintenance Cost
Here, the operating costs refer to these costs which are not included in the project
capital costs and hence are not subjected to periodical depreciation. These costs include
such costs as labor costs, supplies costs, costs for equipment operations and
maintenance such as fuel cost and repair and maintenance costs; depreciation costs,
utilities expenses such as water bills, electricity bills, and telephone charges, employee’s
salaries and other miscellaneous expenses.
The major shelter of the area is a grass-roofed house that is used for protection hot
climate. There is no restaurant and hotels for logging and for food. However, the
residents of these villages are the most generous people to share what they have with
their guests.
5. Personnel plan
6. Financial Study
Table 6 ; Projected annual Sales revenues (at the production gate price in Birr)
Product 1 2 3
Price (Birr) 2,200 2,200 2,200
Coal Production (quint) 20,000 20,000 20,000
Sales (Birr) 44,000,000 44,000,000 44,000,000
Total Sales revenues 44,000,000 44,000,000 44,000,000
Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Principal loan 26,961, 24,265, 21,569, 18,873, 16,177, 13,480, 10,784, 8,088, 5,392, 2,696,
outstanding at 770 593 416 239 062 885 708 531 354 177
Periodical loan 2,696,1 2,696,1 2,696,1 2,696,1 2,696,1 2,696,1 2,696,1 2,696, 2,696, 2,696,
repayments 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 177 177 177
Outstanding Loan at 24,265, 21,569, 18,873, 16,177, 13,480, 10,784, 8,088,5 5,392, 2,696, 0
the end 593 416 239 062 885 708 31 354 177
Periodical interest 3,100,6 2,790,5 2,480,4 2,170,4 1,860,3 1,550,3 1,240,2 930,18 620,12 310,06
expense 04 43 83 22 62 02 41 1 1 0
Total periodical 5,796,7 5,486,7 5,176,6 4,866,5 4,556,5 4,246,4 3,936,4 3,626, 3,316, 3,006,
payment 80 20 60 99 39 79 18 358 298 237
Strength Weakness/Limitations
The project has been initiated by an experienced Limitation of working capital
individuals and management engaged in related
Strong collaboration with different service providers, In adequate profession in the project area
traders, business organizations
Opportunities Threats
Increase in population and urbanization would mean An expected Natural Calamity
a growing demand for the products under
To benefit from the development of the “gourmet” Market fluctuation/Inflation/deflation
Supportive government policy Low production due to unexpected change in
weather condition and inadequate facilities
Infrastructure: There is improvement in basic Increase in the incidence of pests and disease
infrastructural facilities in envisage project site which related to climate change
includes road, telecommunications.
High demand for the products Change in government policy
Increase in population Existence of competition/similar products
Increase in labor cost
8. Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an integral part of the study of Coal
exploration of Mr. Kebede Mekonin Project. The main objectives of the project are; To
earn reasonable income from exploration of quality and demanded coal mineral, to
engage in the mining of standard quality coal mineral, to supply large volume of coal
mineral to address an increasing demand in the market, to create employment
opportunity to the local labor force, to generate revenue to the public and government.
The main potential benefits of the project are employment opportunities, improving the
economic growth, and improving living standards of the project area beneficiaries,
promote infrastructure of the area, tax revenue and promotion of linkage between
industries. Above all, the project helps in rising living standards of the people of the
project area and the promoter.
Conversely, construction and operation of the coal exploration project can result in
adverse environmental and social impacts. The major identified adverse impacts are
related to occupational health problems, airborne disease, downstream pollution,
impacts on environmental sustainability, etc. Off all, the major adverse impact is related
to soil erosion.
The identified impacts were evaluated based on impacts type, duration, nature,
magnitude, reversibility and significance to determine effectiveness to minimize or
eliminate expected adverse impacts through the project development periods. The
study also investigated environmental monitoring plans based on the project area
environmental conditions.
Therefore, this EIA study identified and evaluated those environmental impacts both
during construction and operation phase and suggested & recommended mitigation
measures for the sustainable use of resources and estimated the amount of budget
required for implementation. The overall, environmental cost is rated to be lower with
respect to the identified impact indicators. The environmental monitoring and auditing
strategies has also in placed in order to follow up for effective implementation of the
proposed mitigation measures.
10.1. Conclusions
The project consumes some of the area’s abundant resources (land, labor, money and
water) in a way that maximize the economic contribution of those assets to local
residents. When evaluated in terms of the project impacts on socio-economic, physical
environment and biological environments, the positive impacts of the project are long
lasting and have multiplicative characteristics while most of the undesirable impacts are
likely short term in nature and can be easily mitigated by proper implementations and
timely monitoring of the recommended environmental management plans. The strategic
objective of project is highly consistent with the national development objective which
calls to “Sustainably increase rural and national incomes, which embodies the concepts
of producing more, selling more, nurturing the environment, eliminating hunger and
protecting the vulnerable against shocks. Furthermore, this project is expected to create
job opportunities for these potential migrants at their nearby village and hence alleviate
the pushing factor for migrations. By and large, from financial perspective the project is
very impressive when measured in terms of all forecasted financial statements as well
as ratios.
10.2. Recommendation:
Considering the Viability of the project, as aforementioned, the project is recommended
for implementation. Hence, the project deserves to get the necessary lease financing
and the technical assistance from the development Bank of Ethiopia.
The investor has got exploration license on 58 hectares of coal exploration site from
Oromia Mineral Development Authority. Accordingly, project implementation is worked
out in the table below. The overall implementation schedule for each major activities of
the project is shown as below:
Table: Implementation Plan of the project
Period in Month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Topographic survey
Refinement of the detailed geological mapping
Core drilling
Sample Analysis
deposit Evaluation
Feasibility Study
Third year progress report
Final Report