Theoritical of Call

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First published in Language Magazine, (c) 2004 Journal of Communication & Education, www.languagemagazine.


Lance Knowles
DynEd International

The Evolution of CALL

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an emerging force in language
education. Despite its awkward beginning and the on-going resistance of many in the
language teaching community, it is maturing and showing that it can be a powerful tool in
the hands of experienced teachers.

In its early days, CALL was driven by technology and technologists. Proponents
of CALL tended to focus on the “Computer Assisted” portion of the acronym rather than
the “Language Learning” portion. Technology seemed to offer solutions that could be
plugged-in and delivered through a box and game-like interactions. Learning would be fun
and relatively effortless, and the role of teachers would diminish.

However, technical limitations and the lack of a reliable delivery and support
infrastructure led to an adventurous but unstable environment where much money was
wasted. Institutions invested in systems that were either underutilized or were used in
ways that had little if any benefit for education other than to keep students occupied and
labs appearing to be modern. As for teachers, they were seldom consulted or provided
with training, partly because there were few in academia with relevant experience and
partly because teachers, with justification, regarded CALL with scepticism and fear. There
was an implicit belief that teachers and CALL were competing for the same role -- CALL
versus classroom-only -- rather than in a partnership where each approach “assisted” the

What was missed by many was the recognition that the most effective use of
technology is not just to do old things in new ways. Rather, the real opportunity was to
examine how the new tools of technology had broken through the page and text barrier,
First published in Language Magazine, (c) 2004 Journal of Communication & Education,

allowing the development of a new range of listening-based interactions. This created

theoretical opportunities for fundamental changes in language learning, including a
rethinking of the relationship between the four skills and the learning synergies between
them. What was needed was a learning theory and a model to guide the application of

Multi-Modal Learning

Recent research in the neural sciences has provided many insights into how
learning takes place and how language learning may be optimized. In particular, it
supports the view that multimedia exercises can be designed to take advantage of how
neural processes work together in the learning process. Figure 1, for example, is an

Long-Term Memory


Visual Auditory Conceptual

Processors Processors Processors

Figure 1

oversimplified diagram that shows how various processors in the brain communicate with
the working memory, which is instrumental in the learning process. The key point in the
figure is that multiple processors, such as the visual, auditory, conceptual, phonological,
orthographic, and many others, are involved and can be activated in well-designed
activities. Research shows that these processors work in parallel in the unconscious and

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interact with the working memory and long-term memory to piece together and interpret
language -- along with the sensory input that accompanies and supports language.

Neuropsychologist Donald Hebb was one of the first to hypothesize that learning
involves the alteration of neural connections. His ideas are often summarized by the
phrase: “neurons that fire together wire together,” and this is just what CALL allows and
promotes. For language learning, a key element is the synchronized activation of the
auditory, phonological, and visual systems in the brain, especially important for listening
and reading development. These distinct systems work together with grammatical and
conceptual processors to decode sensory input into meaningful language. Damage to any
one of them, or the connections between them, can severely limit the ability to learn one or
all of the language skills.

Laboratory research has revealed that much of this sensory and language
processing is extremely fast, especially for listening and speaking skills, and is beyond
conscious control. There is simply no time to reflect on or search for rules when one is
listening. Automaticity is required, and this kind of skill learning requires practice of a
kind that has not been provided in sufficient quantity or quality by textbook-based

Practice Makes Perfect

The neurolinguist Steven Pinker says that competence comes from practice, and
automaticity comes with copious practice. When learning to read, Pinker says, children
need practice at connecting letters to sounds, not just immersion in a text-rich
environment. He goes on to say:
Without an understanding of what the mind was designed to do in the environment in
which we evolved, the unnatural activity called formal education is unlikely to succeed.
(How the Mind Works 342)

Without question, effective practice is the engine that drives long-term learning, but what
are the elements of effective practice? The nature of how neural processors work together
and how long-term memories are formed provides valuable insights for both designing
lessons and coaching learners how to use effective practice strategies.

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First published in Language Magazine, (c) 2004 Journal of Communication & Education,

The activation of multiple processors at the same time, for example, increases the
probability that neurons will wire together to form the neural structures and neural
pathways necessary to lead from comprehension, to automaticity, and to long-term
learning. This rewiring takes time and is an unconscious process that involves both
declarative (i.e., memory of events and facts) and procedural memory (i.e., skill memory,
especially involving sequences such as the playing of a piano scale).

Research shows that long-term learning generally requires frequent repetition over
an extended period of time. Long-term learning doesn’t happen overnight when one crams
to pass a vocabulary quiz or consciously memorize a dialog for the next day. Short,
frequent practice sessions repeated over a longer period of time appears to be the most
efficient way to increase language proficiency.

Of course language learning also depends on the quality and comprehensibility of

the language input being practiced. Language models need to be at a suitable level of
comprehensibility, and this is where placement and on-going testing are essential. If
students are not working with language in an optimum range of comprehensibility, their
practice is inefficient and in some cases counterproductive.

Once students are placed, a well-designed multimedia lesson can deliver optimum
language through a fluid combination of visual, auditory, and contextual inputs. It can
present and coordinate these inputs in ways not previously possible. In addition, it can
interact with learners and gather data about their level of comprehension and activity.

With careful sequencing and extension of the language models, students can be
guided to where they recognize, comprehend, and can respond appropriately to the
modelled language patterns and to variations of those patterns without the need for
immediate text or translation support. Then, if they practice saying and recording the
language models, they can activate yet another processor, the phonological processor,
though this processor would also have been used to some degree in the listening phase.

As listening and speaking fluency develop, the student can then focus on text, both
reading and writing – the 4 skills path. It is interesting to note that in comparison with
listening and speaking, reading and writing processors are relatively slow. Listening and

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speaking fluency can support the learning of reading and writing skills, but reading fluency
can slow down and interfere with the development of listening skills, in part because the
slower but stronger reading processors will dominate and cause the listening processors to
swerve off course, interrupting the automatic decoding mechanisms that must be

Following the 4-skills path provides repetition and multi-modal reinforcement that
leads to long-term learning. It can also increase motivation, especially if the content is
varied and extended at each step. Taken together, and repeated over a suitable length of
time, these multiple inputs facilitate long-term learning, not only of vocabulary, but also of
the unconscious decoding mechanisms that break down and tag chunks of language for
their grammatical and syntactic properties. Without these mechanisms, few sentences of
any length can be understood even if the definitions of each word are known.

Blended Learning
Guided by research, learning theories, and by actual classroom experience, CALL
is now moving toward a blended model where the multimedia computer provides the
necessary optimal input and practice activities, and the classroom provides the human
element where the language models come to life and are extended in a social context.

Viewed from this blended model, both classroom and multimedia activities play
an essential role. Without the social environment of the classroom, learning is tedious,
unmotivating, and too restrictive to meet the needs of learners. Typically, drop-out rates
are reported to be 80 percent or more in e-learning environments where little or no
classroom support is available. On the other hand, without the effective practice provided
by well-designed, media-rich courseware, language learning is slow, painful and
discouraging, a fact borne out by the results of traditional language learning models which
suffer from a lack of practice and an overemphasis on memorization and conscious rule
learning that is soon forgotten.

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First published in Language Magazine, (c) 2004 Journal of Communication & Education,

In our experience, the blended model can reduce language-learning time

significantly, in some cases by 50 percent or more, depending primarily on the following

1. Scheduling of practice sessions for optimum frequency and duration.

2. Quality and design of practice sessions, supported by coaching, feedback, and
suitable learning tasks.
3. Sequencing of content and an appropriate mix of skills so that the strategic
support elements of language are developed in a well-designed learning path.
4. Classroom sessions that provide extension and personalization of the
language models, including the assignment of reading and writing exercises.
5. Suitable technical infrastructure and support.

Once a suitable infrastructure is in place, teacher training is generally the most

important factor in the success or failure of a CALL initiative. In the blended model,
where practice is emphasized more than ever, students need to be coached and monitored.
The quality and design of practice sessions must be supported by coaching and feedback,
and this is most effective when provided by a teacher who knows the student and has a
good idea about what differentiates effective practice from inefficient practice, the kind
that wastes valuable time and de-motivates students.

Well-designed programs can assist the teacher, both in providing coaching and in
pointing out practice strategies and materials that are useful at various stages of the
learning process. A good records management system can also analyze the study data to
identify students who are practicing in inefficient ways, such as not recording or using
speech recognition exercises often enough, or those who have other problems that need
early intervention. This can be a big time saver for overworked teachers who deal with
large numbers of students.

In our own courseware and in our Records Manager, we have developed a new
metric, the Completion Percentage, to assess how well students are utilizing each lesson.
The Completion Percentage is a measure of the number of micro-learning-steps (MLS) that
a student has completed. Taking our cue from the neural sciences, we define a micro-
learning-step to be any one of the following: (1) listening to and comprehending a
language utterance, (2) recording and monitoring an utterance with comprehension, (3)

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processing information and completing a task in the target language, and (4) reading or
writing a sentence or phrase with comprehension in the target language.

To further assist in the monitoring and coaching of students, we have developed

specialized software, the Intelligent Tutor, which combs through the details of each
student’s learning activities and summarizes the results so that teachers can identify which
students need additional coaching. In addition, the Tutor provides specific suggestions
about how the class and individual students within the class might improve their practice


Given the problems inherent in implementing large-scale CALL programs, price

and accountability are also important factors. A higher-priced product with value can end
up being much less expensive, per student, than a lower-priced product with little or no
learning value. Quality and effectiveness matter and they can and should be demonstrated.
This can be done in a well-designed pilot program or by examining data that supports the
claim of a courseware provider.

For CALL courseware developers such as DynEd, the challenge is to continue to

create and support lesson designs and activities that can optimize language learning and
show quantifiable benefits. Feedback from well-informed teachers, students, test results,
and study records from around the world continue to suggest new patterns and provide
ample opportunities for further research in this very exciting field.

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Adams, Marilyn J. Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press, 1990

Feldman, Jacob. “ The Simplicity Principle in Human Concept Learning.” Current

Directions in Psychological Science (2003): 227-232

Hebb, Donald, The Organization of Behavior Wiley, 1949.

LeDoux, Joseph. The Emotional Brain. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1996.

Lidz, Jeffrey, Henry Gleitman and Lila Gleitman. ”Understanding How Input
Matters: Verb Learning and the Footprint of Universal Grammar.” Cognition 87.3
(2003): 151-178.

Pinker, Steven. How the Mind Works. New York: W.W. Norton & Company,

Pinker, Steven. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. New
York: William Morrow, 1994.

Pinker, Steven Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language. New York: Basic Books,

Shukla, Mohinish. “Revealing the Workings of Universal Grammar.” Journal of

Bioscience 28.5 (September 2003): 535-537.

Ulman, Michael T. “Contributions of memory circuits to language: the

declarative/procedural model” Cognition doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2003.10.008

Lance Knowles, President and Director of Courseware Development

DynEd International

Lance Knowles is among the world's foremost experts on the development and use of
multimedia ELT courseware. As the founder and President of DynEd International, he has
personally led the design of more than ten multimedia courses, including the world’s first
interactive language learning program on CD-ROM in 1987, and the award-winning
course, New Dynamic English.

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First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

Lance Knowles
DynEd International

On the Cusp: New Developments in Language Teaching

This is an exciting time in the field of language teaching. Yet many ESL/EFL
professionals are either unaware of or remain indifferent to developments in other fields that
are of fundamental importance to language teaching, such as the evolving role of computer
assisted language teaching (CALL) and recent learning theories based on neuroscientific
studies. New areas of research outside the profession have barely made a dent in how
ESL/EFL teachers and academics approach the classroom and materials development, while
language teaching conferences and journals continue to focus on many of the same issues
that have preoccupied the profession for many years. This inwardness, I suggest, threatens
the integrity and competence of the profession, especially in relation to those countries,
such as China, where more efficient English language teaching solutions are being sought.

Evolving Role of CALL

Nowhere is fundamental change more apparent than in the area of computer assisted
language learning. This is a major breakthrough because it allows learners to interface with
the target language in new ways, especially with listening-based activities that should be at
the heart of language learning.

Well-designed multimedia lessons can now coordinate visual, auditory and contextual
input in ways that a book or language lab cannot. It is now possible for true beginners, for
example, to receive and interact with optimal language input from the very first lesson with
little or no need for text support. By displaying a simple picture or icon, such as a book, a
triangle, or a number, the learner can process the foreign-sounding phrase and immediately
know the meaning. No need for text. No need for explanation.
First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

Using CALL, visual and auditory input delivered in a well-ordered sequence can lead
the learner to understand the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the target language with no
need for text support. Learners can interact with the presentation, and have their interactions
recorded into their study records and even influence the pace and level of the presentation.
This is not an insignificant development given the role that text and textbooks have played
in traditional approaches to language teaching.

For years people in the profession have said that listening is the key skill, yet most
ESL/EFL classes remain dependent on text-based and reading activities as their primary
source of language material. Even during listening exercises, many teachers still ask the
class questions while those questions are displayed on a screen or in a textbook. A better
strategy would be to reveal the text after the students have answered each question, or not at
all, depending on the situation and student proficiency level.

This dependence on text is unfortunate because research shows that reading and
listening skills use different pathways within the brain. In addition, the auditory pathway is
considerably faster, involving language processors rooted in the brain’s cerebellum, which
is far more involved in auditory processing than in any other species. According to one

“At the rate words are presented in speech, the speaker or listener must be able rapidly to
generate associated words and avoid letting earlier associations interfere. The cognitive
search process must be as rapid but as shallow as possible. Any slight tendency to
perseverate would entirely derail the process.” [Deacon]

Exposing students to auditory input along with text support sets up competing sets of
input, making it more difficult to develop the auditory processing speed necessary to decode
incoming speech. As another neuroscientist, Richard Restack says, “Competition between
sensory channels can also prove disruptive.” [Restak]

When students are studying a lesson, they should, therefore, be coached not to rely on
text until after they have developed their ability to understand and repeat the key sentences.
However, many students (and teachers) find the use of text to be a comfortable way to learn
because it gives them time for conscious analysis. Though it may be comfortable, research
indicates that it isn’t effective. Again, with well-designed CALL lessons, dependence on

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

text can be reduced and the effects on learning can be measured with a fair amount of

Listening and speaking skills both involve complex sequences of neural processes and
need to be developed in a step-by-step sequence, moving from short, simple phrases to
longer, more complex sentences. Students who say they need to use text as a support have
generally been placed too high and should be encouraged to focus on easier material, at a
level where they can process the language input without text.

Wiring the Brain for English

Learning involves changes in the brain. Electrochemical changes and new connections
between neurons must occur for learning to take place. Some of these changes happen
quickly, and some happen over a period of days or weeks. One
very important advantage of multimedia study is the fact that many
parts of the brain are activated at once. Having students
listen, look at a visual display, process the information, and
then record it can activate several areas in the brain and facilitates long-term learning. This
is far different than looking at wordlists or sentences and then trying to memorize them. As
the famous neuroscientist Donald Hebb said as early as 1949:

Neurons that fire together, wire together.

CALL multimedia language exercises can provide this kind of learning activity, again and
again, with detailed record-keeping to monitor student activity.

Multimedia is, like the name implies, multi-modal. A media-rich lesson gives students
practice in using visual and other contextual clues to process the incoming language. The
rapid integration of visual, contextual, conceptual, and auditory input, all within the
constraints of working memory and without the distraction of text is the basis for
developing listening and speaking skills.

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

Memory, Learning and Practice

Neuroscientists refer to two different types of memory: declarative (explicit) and
procedural (implicit). Declarative memory is used to remember specific events or facts, and
procedural memory involves the learning of a sequence of actions or skill acquisition.

Though much of the mental lexicon of a language depends on declarative memory,

which deals with facts and events, the mental grammar of a language depends on procedural
memory, a “distinct neural system”[Ullman] which deals with motor and cognitive skills.
Procedural memory depends on a network of neural structures, including cerebellar
structures, that execute relatively automatic subroutines. Neural research suggests that
these subroutines are instrumental in rapidly pre-processing sequences of rule-governed
sounds. These are especially important in developing listening comprehension, where
processing speed is critical. There is simply no time to reflect on or search for rules to
decode what one is listening to. Automaticity is required, and this kind of skill acquisition
requires practice and operational understanding as opposed to conscious knowledge –
which can even interfere by diverting one’s attention and losing track of what is being said.

Learning techniques that develop procedural memory and unconscious routines are
therefore central to effective language learning. This is especially true for listening and
speaking development. Practice is the key and should predominate in any language
learning environment. Repetitive, interactive exercises, though seemingly mechanical, play
an essential role in this type of learning and can better prepare language students to more
confidently participate in classroom-based communicative activities such as oral
presentations, role-plays and paired activities where well-practiced language routines can be
personalized and extended with relative success and confidence.

Language Learning is Skill Development

One of the failings of traditional language learning practices is the attempt to treat
language learning as a body of knowledge to be consciously learned. Though conscious
learning certainly plays a part in language learning, studying grammar and memorizing
vocabulary is not the way to learn language efficiently. This approach fails to address the

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

larger issue of procedural memory and skill acquisition which is at the heart of language
learning and which CALL can address.

Learning to communicate in a second language is like learning how to play a musical

instrument. Primarily, it involves a set of sensory and cognitive skills interacting with
language input and long-term memories that are retrieved and utilized unconsciously in the
working memory. As pointed out above, skill development requires effective practice, and
this practice must be done on a regular, frequent basis. For language learning, the most
effective practice involves multi-modal, coordinated sets of input that progress from
listening to speaking, to reading and then to writing: the 4-skills path. CALL lessons can
play an important part in providing this kind of practice, especially the repetitive practice
that is at the heart of skills development. Listening to a sentence several times in
succession, voice recording and playback, and speech recognition exercises where students
practice making questions are all examples of this kind of repetitive practice.

Studies of the brain and long-term memory formation show that repetition strengthens
and even builds neural connections and subassemblies that process language. But repetition
needn’t be defined as parroting the same thing over and over. There are different kinds of
repetition. One kind of repetition, “shallow” repetition, is the repeating of an exact phrase
or group of phrases. However, since language processing involves the use of a large
number of processors to decode the sounds and syntactic elements of language, it is helpful
to recognize the fact that though sentences may vary on the surface, their underlying
structure may be the same. This allows for a different kind of repetition, “deep” repetition.

Deep repetition involves the repetition of the conceptual content rather than the surface
details. For example, when focusing on one aspect of the life of a fictitious character, such
as their daily schedule, one may repeat the content at a deep level without using any of the
same content words by shifting the communicative focus to the lives of each student and
their daily schedules. This kind of deep repetition involves many of the same conceptual
processors and helps to wire in the neural assemblies necessary to process that set of
concepts in the target language.

Varying the learning modality is another way to get useful repetition. By following the
“4-Skills Path” students can practice communicating a set of concepts (information) in

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

different ways. First, content is introduced in a suitable context through multimedia-based

listening and speaking activities which are followed up by classroom activities. After going
through a lesson several times on different days -- moving from limited comprehension to
full comprehension -- students begin to summarize portions of the lesson, ask and answer
questions about the lesson and then make oral presentations or do role plays. These
activities are then extended through paper-based reading and writing exercises, either by
adding details or by personalizing the content, while still respecting the underlying
conceptual content. Integrating the 4 skills in this way provides deep repetition without
boring students with repetitive tasks that are needlessly tedious.

This 4-skills learning sequence provides repetition that employs many of the same
language processors, brings in new vocabulary and grammar, and brings in additional
neural processors (orthographic, etc.) that lead to long-term learning. In other words, the
linking and sequencing of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities can provide the
type of repetition necessary for skill development – but without the sense of mechanical
parroting – though a certain amount of shallow repetition is also necessary as well.

Shallow repetition can and should be provided through interactive exercises that employ
such interactive technologies as speech recognition, which students return to again and
again, despite the fact that the tasks are blatantly repetitive. Using the music metaphor,
shallow repetition is like the practicing of musical scales and should be done frequently, as
a part of every practice session.

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

Sequencing Language Models

Perhaps the most difficult area for teachers to develop is the language syllabus itself.
What is it that students should be practicing? What is the learning path? Should the focus
be on vocabulary and situational phrases that must be memorized and then pieced together
somehow when someone needs to communicate? We all know students who think that the
key to language learning is to learn as many vocabulary items as possible. Yet we also
know that even if one knew every word in the dictionary, one still couldn’t understand a
single sentence if the underlying rules of syntax and grammar could not be applied
unconsciously. We also know that learning vocabulary items is often an exercise in
frustration, because so much is forgotten so quickly.

Again, neuroscience has something to teach us that supports the work of previous
writers such as Wilkins (1976), who looked at the underlying conceptual and functional
structures of language. In particular, brain research shows clearly that there are highly
localized parts of the brain that are conceptual in nature. Poke someone in the brain at just
the wrong place, and that person will not be able to determine the relative size or shape of
something [Restack].

A key factor in the success of a well-designed ESL/EFL course is the selection of

optimal input so that language kernels are presented and developed in a learning path
supported by student experience and knowledge about the world, including knowledge of
content areas such as math and science, not just daily life. Whether we are requesting,
suggesting, or explaining, language inevitably involves the exchange of information, much
of which can be broken down into concepts such as time, manner, frequency, direction, and
degrees of certainty. These concepts are generally marked by a relatively small set of
words and grammatical constructions. This set of language elements has great power,
because it governs how words and phrases are combined and interpreted – and they occur
with great frequency.

Rather than focusing on the uniqueness of each utterance, learners need to focus on the
similarities. This can only happen if the language presentation is designed to show those
similarities – especially important at lower proficiency levels. Order prevails through the
application of rules and markers. For example, the verb markers have+V(n) and be+V(ing)

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

always occur in the same order: have been arriving. There are no exceptions. In English,
one cannot say: is having arrived, where the markers are reversed. And we cannot use
more than one modal, as in will can go. Instead, we say: will be able to go, which has the
same meaning. Regardless of the verb, these rules still apply and tell us how the verb is
being used and interpreted. This ordering or concatenation is done unconsciously by neural
assemblies that operate like a chain of little subroutines in a software program.

It isn’t that language diversity or richness comes from a large vocabulary. Rather, it
comes from the variations and combinations of a smaller set of vocabulary and language
routines which are processed and applied automatically and then adjusted and interpreted to
meet the situation. Fine adjustments and interpretation are based on other sensory input
such as visual information, context, vocabulary, and previous knowledge – and employ
symbolic thinking of a kind that is unique to humans. But in terms of processing speed, it is
a minor adjustment to something done before, like shooting a basketball, or picking up a
telephone. Each action is unique, but is appended to a learned sequence that functions like
a template. The action sequence is the same, but the final adjustments, though critical,
allow for learning and memory efficiency.

To see the power of combination, it’s useful to point out that just five numbers: 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 can be arranged in 120 distinct sequences. With ten numbers, the number of distinct
sequences grows to 3,628,800. This illustrates how powerful a small number of language
items can be, since the combinations are enormous. However, the application of a single
rule to the above set of numbers, such as to require that larger numbers must follow smaller
numbers, reduces the number of possible combinations to just 1, a clear example of rule-
governed simplicity.

In the search for a Universal grammar that underlies all languages, the evidence mounts
that this grammar is largely conceptual, and biological in nature, based on how we perceive
and experience the world. Organizing the world into time, space, properties, motion, forces
and causality are universal and are how we construct the reality about which we

In this regard, we must also not forget the essential role that visual input and context
play in language. The visual display of an icon such as a triangle activates many areas of

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

the brain. The recognition of a familiar object (or icon) activates knowledge, concepts, and
associations about that and similar objects – which are utilized to decode the meaning of a
string of sounds. Examples of this ‘iconic’ approach can be found in First English and
English for Success, multimedia courses which were designed for school-age children and
take advantage of what the students already know to help bootstrap the language learning

With repetition and appropriately sequenced examples, a multimedia lesson that

employs a visual, “iconic approach” can be particularly useful in helping learners
comprehend and acquire the underlying grammatical-semantic language structures that are
thought to be universal and embodied in the brain.

From this perspective, the grammatical-semantic underpinnings of English are like the
trunk and branches of a tree. In contrast, the vocabulary and expressions are like the leaves.
There are many leaves on a tree, but without the branches they just drift to the ground.

The trunk and branches are therefore the key elements in a syllabus: the grammar and
syntax related to the concepts we need to express. And just like a tree, some branches are
offshoots of others and deal with higher levels of detail or abstraction not suitable for the
beginner. The key point here is that developing the trunk and branches is far more
important than piling on lexical items that have nowhere to go but short-term memory.

Furthermore, from our experience, it seems that the branches, when exercised, become
sticky. When specifying size or shape, for example, the brain seems conditioned to look for
lexical items that will fit onto that branch. Once there, these items have the tags necessary
for quick retrieval. This argues against the traditional use of word lists to be memorized.

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing

Instead, lexical items should be presented so that their grammatical function and conceptual
meaning are clearly marked. Once the main branches of the tree are established,
elaboration and extension of the language to suit the specific needs of the learner, including
the building of a rich vocabulary, becomes increasingly efficient.

Emerging Blended Model

Countries with a growing demand for fluent speakers of English are increasingly
impatient and dissatisfied with traditional methods of instruction. This has led to large
scale, government-sponsored research initiatives that are redefining the role of language
teachers and looking for ways to use technology to increase efficiency and cut costs. With
the rapid pace of change, teacher training programs will need to redefine their curricula and
bring in new areas of expertise.

As the advantages of multimedia and CALL become clear, language education is

moving toward a blended model -- a blend of computer and the classroom. The computer
provides the necessary language input and practice activities, and the classroom provides
the human element and language extension. This combination allows learners to approach
language study much more effectively. With training in how to integrate CALL into their
lessons, teachers can finally put into practice many of the theories of language acquisition
that have developed over the years and which are now finding support in research from
other fields, particularly the neurosciences.

First published in ESL Magazine, 2004. (c) Modern English Publishing


Deacon, T.W. (1997) The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language & the Brain. NY:
WW Norton
Hebb, Donald. The Organization of Behavior Wiley, 1949.

Krashen, Stephen. The Input Hypothesis. Beverly Hills: Laredo, 1985.

LeDoux, Joseph. The Emotional Brain. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1996.

Pinker, Steven. How the Mind Works. New York: W.W. Norton & Company,1997.
Pinker, Steven. Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language. New York: Basic Books, 1999.

Pinker, Steven (1994) How could a child use verb syntax to learn verb semantics? Lingua, 92
Pinker, S. (1984) Language Learnability and Language Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press
Restak, Richard M., M.D. (1994) The Modular Brain. Macmillan, New York
Shukla, Mohinish. “Revealing the Workings of Universal Grammar.” Journal of Bioscience 28.5
(September 2003): 535-537.
Wilkins, D. (1976) Notional Syllabuses. London: Oxford University Press.
Ulman, Michael T. “Contributions of memory circuits to language: the declarative/procedural
model” Cognition doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2003.10.008

Lance Knowles is a pioneer in the design and use of multimedia ELT courseware. As founder and
president of DynEd International, he has developed over ten multimedia titles, which have been
approved by several Ministries of Education and have won more than 30 educational awards. He is an
internationally featured speaker at language teaching conferences. Lance can be reached at

pending publication in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

Lance Knowles
DynEd International

Recursive Hierarchical Recognition: A Brain-based

Theory of Language Learning
The advent of multimedia computers allows for multimodal input and practice,

where learning activities can take advantage of the hierarchical structure of the human brain

and the interplay between listening, speaking, memory, and the pattern-recognition logic

that is at the heart of human intelligence.

Listening and speaking-based activities can now be coordinated with visual,

conceptual and phonological inputs not possible with textbooks, or even in classroom

activities. This creates opportunities for fundamental changes in language learning,

including a rethinking of the relationship between the 4 skills, with the skills of listening and

speaking elevated to playing their key roles. It also brings into focus the realization that too

much precision and language ‘knowledge’ may work against the learning process. In fact, a

tolerance for ambiguity becomes a predictor of language learning success and guessing

becomes one of the learning skills to be encouraged in the language learning process.

Recursive Hierarchical Recognition (RHR) is a learning theory that addresses these

issues. It has been developed to guide the development of learning materials and activities,

and is supported by the study records of thousands of students studying in diverse

circumstances in over 50 countries. As more data is collected, it continues to evolve.

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

This presentation offers an overview and key concepts of RHR, such as Multimodal

Input, Hebbian Learning, Temporal Tension, Conceptual Chunking, and Language


Procedural Memory and Automaticity

From the neurosciences, we know that there are several kinds of memory systems.

Episodic memory is responsible for explicit memory (event and fact learning), that is,

learning with awareness. Procedural memory is responsible for implicit memory (skill

learning), that is, learning without awareness [Restak: p 79]. Procedural memory is used

for carrying out a skill. A skill involves the activation of an automatic sequence of actions

that have been acquired through repetition and/or practice over a suitable period of time.

Procedural memory depends on a network of neural structures that execute relatively

automatic subroutines. RHR assumes that unconscious neural routines – not knowledge

about a language – do the heavy work of breaking down, chunking, and reassembling

language for comprehension or oral expression. These neural routines involve pattern

recognition, and follow the learning sequence: (1) familiarization (2) recognition (3)

comprehension, (4) mastery, and (5) automaticity.

To accelerate language learning, we must facilitate the above sequence. This is

accomplished through the multi-modal input of language models that follow a learning path

that makes efficient use of Long Term (LT) memory. Language input and language practice

work in a recursive, circular manner to wire in the pattern-recognizing subroutines.

Multimodal Input

Also from the neural sciences we are learning about the nature of brain plasticity, the

kinds of changes in the brain that occur when learning takes place. We know that

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

multimodal activities in particular enhance the creation of new or strengthened synaptic

connections, which is the stuff of new memories, especially procedural memories. As the

famous neuroscientist, Donald Hebb said: Neurons that fire together, wire together. This is

the basis for Hebbian learning: that repeated excitations of a sequence of neurons modifies

the synaptic connections between those neurons.[Hebb: pg 62] As a result, RHR stresses

the importance of multimodal practice: listening, seeing, speaking, acting, and processing


By multimodal, I mean the coordinated, synchronized activation of visual, auditory,

conceptual, and other systems within the brain – something that well-designed multimedia

exercises can provide – unlike textbooks, which are page-based, non-temporal, and require

initial orthographic processing.

Language processing requires many neural systems to interact, with information

flowing upward and downward within the brain. Figure 1 is an oversimplified diagram that

shows how various processors in the brain communicate with each other and the working


Long-Term Memories

Working Memory

Visual Auditory Conceptual

Processors Processors Processors

Figure 1

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

Well-designed multimedia exercises activate and synchronize the appropriate

processors in ways not previously possible. These processors work in parallel and interact

with the working memory and long-term (LT) memory to piece together and interpret

language and sensory input. A well-designed multimedia program optimizes this process,

both in the presentation of language models and in the interactive exercises that support

them. In particular, long term (LT) memory, visual information, and conceptual processors

work together to help decode and fill-in comprehension gaps.

The process begins by presenting visual inputs arranged so that the general meaning

can be inferred without any language or auditory input. This takes advantage of the brain’s

natural ability to make sense of things and fill-in details or

patterns to fit one’s expectations. In Figure 2, for example,

the brain instantly and naturally fills in the expected

pattern. In other words, it takes incomplete information

and extrapolates, fills in, or infers the rest. RHR takes Figure 2

advantage of this natural ‘learning force.’

With well-designed multimedia exercises, we can develop the oral skills, step by

step, taking advantage of how brain systems work together, how memories are formed, and

helping the learner facilitate the learning process by using what is known to fill in gaps and

discover rules and patterns that lead to more efficient processing, which is the key to oral

fluency, and ultimately to all 4 skills.

During practice sessions, students are coached to listen multiple times to a language

model in context and supported by synchronized, visual input of an iconic nature, such as

geometric figures, charts, or arrangements of pictures designed to express causal

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

relationships. These kinds of visuals help learners to infer the meaning of an utterance, or a

series of utterances, especially if they are animated or brought into focus so that the visual

and auditory inputs are appropriately synchronized. With each passing sentence or question,

the underlying language patterns and gaps are perceived, with or without conscious

awareness of the patterns themselves. As this process is repeated over several days, the

familiar patterns begin to carry meaning even into novel situations.

To accomplish this, the language models must be carefully arranged to help learners

to discover the underlying language framework and resolve ambiguities before they lead to

frustration. Learners can generally guess the meaning by using their knowledge of the world

and the conceptual logic that is wired into our brains. This guessing process, followed by the

elimination of wrong choices, appears to be a much faster way to learn than trying to learn

every detail and then piece things together.

Some neuroscientists believe this conceptual structuring is done through millions of

tiny cortical columns in the brain’s neocortex, each one of which processes a specific type of

sensory input. When groups of these columns are switched on repeatedly, they wire

together to form a networked assembly that can be instantly activated as a whole, thereby

increasing the speed with which language input can be processed and chunked. RHR

predicts that appropriate multi-modal practice activities accelerate this wiring process.

Chunking and Temporal Tension

When developing the oral skills, RHR follows the “4-skills path” [Knowles 2004].

Listening comes first, supported by visual, conceptual, and LT memory inputs. Oral

repetition follows, with the aim of developing the skill to organize language into phrases, or

chunks. This is done by having the student focus on parts of each sentence until the parts

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

can be grouped together and repeated as a whole. For example, “The person on the left is a

woman” may be broken into three units at first: (1) The person (2) on the left (3) is a

woman. Then, with practice, the student can break it

into 2 units: (1) The person on the left (2) is a woman.

Then, with more practice, the students can repeat is as a

whole: “The person on the left is a woman.” Once the

student can do this, over a period of several days, the student will be able to process the

entire sentence even if spoken quickly.

During the above activity, RHR suppresses any text support, especially for older

learners and false beginners. The use of text can interfere with the listening process and

reduces the temporal tension that activates the pattern recognition logic of the brain.

Temporal tension, provided that it’s the right amount, helps to develop the chunking skill.

Another disadvantage of text is that it often causes graphical interference – where the

learner’s previous phonetic model of the text distorts what is actually heard.

Once students are able to listen to and repeat the entire sentence – with confidence

and relative fluency – they can begin to look at the text for confirmation. This provides

another form of repetition, and additional orthographic input, which reinforces the memory.

Beyond this, writing exercises can provide yet another opportunity for practice, input and


In our experience many students who consider themselves to be at an intermediate or

advanced level are surprised by their inability to process language without text support.

Their oral fluency level is much lower. Such students have never developed the

automaticity necessary to chunk language. This explains their lack of confidence and

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

limited oral fluency. In RHR, chunking ability is proportional to fluency, and chunking is a

skill that can develop through frequent and sequenced practiced.

In RHR, listening and speaking are the primary language skills and should always

come first in the skill acquisition process. Though learners and teachers may find the use of

text a useful and comfortable support, this comfort comes at a high cost because it

eliminates the temporal tension. An appropriate amount of temporal tension leads to

attention, efficient practice, and language automaticity. Learners should be encouraged to

leave their comfort zone.

RHR predicts that reversing the order of skills – which is the common practice –

delays the language acquisition process. As argued above, relying on text support short-

circuits the process of developing the gap-filling, pattern recognition circuits necessary for

oral skills to develop quickly. Therefore, students who are uncomfortable or unable to

practice without text support should be given lower level material to work with, and coached

so that they can develop a more efficient way to practice.

The temporal nature of oral communication is fundamental. Oral communication is

temporal, not spatial. Unlike text, which is static and visible, speech input flows quickly

through the brain. Language processing must be done quickly and the input must be held in

memory buffers that are limited in size.

As the cognitive scientist Steven Pinker points out: “Phonological short-term

memory lasts between one and five seconds and can hold from four to seven “chunks.

(Short-term memory is measured in chunks rather than sounds because each item can be a

label that points to a much bigger information structure in long-term memory, such as the

content of a phrase or sentence.”[Pinker 1997: p 89]

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

The pressure to hold auditory information in limited memory buffers creates

temporal tension, which can engage and motivate the learner – if done in short, frequent

sessions. However, too much tension can lead to frustration, so it is essential to place

learners into a learning sequence where the length and complexity of the target language is

appropriate. Hence a good placement test, monitoring, and frequent testing are important.

These only have utility, however, if they can assess the chunking skill of the learner. An

assessment of vocabulary, for example, would not be appropriate.

In addition to placement and ongoing assessment, language input should be designed

so that the key patterns are in abundance and appropriately sequenced. Without this

preparation, RHR cannot work, or will be severely limited. The patterns must be there to be

recognized and acquired. Without that, the language input becomes noise to the brain, not

music, and tension becomes frustration and defeating.

Conceptual Sequencing

In RHR, language chunks are built around concepts – which express elements of

information – or language functions – which signal the type of speech act (e.g. request,

suggestion) being expressed. Examples of concepts include: point of time (after arriving,

when it started), frequency (several times a week, sometimes), and events (the car went off

the road, they practiced).

Teaching discrete words is avoided. Instead, lexical items are presented in phrases,

such as ‘a book’, ‘a red book’, ‘a green book’ ‘open the red book’, etc. Presenting

vocabulary in this way – without text support at first – facilitates conceptual chunking while

also teaching the vocabulary.

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

Processing a single word or number is a relatively shallow process. It’s fast and can

easily be remembered for a short time. However, research suggests that as the level of

processing deepens, more neural linkages and associations facilitate long-term learning

[Craik 1975]. Abstracting and generalizing are natural processes that are conceptually based

and provide a means for storing information and consolidating memories. Routines,

templates, and conceptual ‘patterns’ seem to be the building blocks of thought and language.

Many of the most common words work as indices, or switches, to concepts or sets of

concepts. These marker words switch on various concept areas. The preposition ‘at’ for

example signals location in time or space. Such marker words head a phrase that can be

chunked around a concept. The brain anticipates that some location in time or space is

forthcoming: ‛at her house’ or ‛at the end of the performance.’ Similarly, the word ‛for’

activates a set of conceptual areas, including duration (for a few minutes) and purpose (for

her school). Depending on what words actually follow (e.g. few minutes), the alternative

concepts (purpose, etc.) are eliminated.

These examples also indicate how the meaning of a word depends on the words and

context around it, which is another reason why RHR rejects word lists. When acquiring a

new language, the goal is to facilitate the recognition of patterns, not discrete lexical items.

The hierarchical structure of memories and concepts is a key feature in RHR. RHR

suggests that the optimum learning sequence moves from basic concepts such as object and

event to complex concepts where many concepts are embedded within other concepts, such

as “while he was driving home”, which expresses duration but which has other concepts

embedded within it (process, direction, etc.). Optimum learning sequences should resonate

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

with how memories are associated in the brain and how concepts are organized in our


Iconic Presentation

In RHR, multimedia presentations make extensive use of icons to support language

input. Icons are visual objects that alone or in combination with other icons communicate

information independent of language input. RHR uses icons to provide visual cues that

work to activate LT memories and associations. This process stimulates the brain to guess

meaning which can then be used to fill-in language gaps and identify language patterns.

Examples of icons include: numbers, geometric shapes, symbols, pictures of objects

or actions, and charts. For an icon to work, it must connect to the long-term memory of the

learner so that it activates a set of concepts in memory. Shown a triangle, for example, the

brain immediately activates a set of attributes associated with a triangle. If we now say “A

triangle has 3 x,” then one anticipates that x means either side or angle. This is because the

attributes of a triangle are inherited in the target language. If the next visual input shows one

or more sides highlighted, then the meaning ‘angle’ is eliminated in favor of side. There is

no need of translation, provided that the icon is age-appropriate. Obviously if a learner

doesn’t know what a triangle is, then it isn’t appropriate as an icon.

Multimedia computers facilitate the use of icons. Animation and the sequential

presentation of iconic visuals cannot be done in a textbook, but is easily done in brain-based

programs like those developed at DynEd [] where we specialize in this type

of design. The essence of an iconic presentation is simplicity and clarity – to work as an

effective mental trigger or mnemonic device. In contrast, the presentation of too much

information becomes no information at all.

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

LT Memory and Language Bootstrapping

RHR makes extensive use of Long-Term Memory. Experience and real-world

knowledge is systematically used to aid the acquisition process. Steven Pinker used the term

‘bootstrapping’ when he hypothesized how children use meaning to acquire language syntax

[Pinker 1994]. Unlike an L1 learner, an L2 learner has an extensive LT memory of

academic and professional subject matter that can be drawn on to facilitate inductive

learning. As a result, learning can be more efficient and motivating, because the brain is

solving problems rather than memorizing or communicating about generic content of no

consequence to the learner.

An interesting example of how this has been applied is a course for airline pilots:

Aviation English [Knowles, 2007]. In situations where an airplane is about to land and the

wind suddenly shifts, we can predict and use the knowledge and experience of pilots to

anticipate what course of action to consider. This knowledge and experience is language

independent. Therefore, a Chinese pilot learning to speak English will use this knowledge

and experience to fill in the language gaps and ‘bootstrap’ the learning process. However,

this can only happen if the language input is designed with this in mind, and with the

requisite aviation knowledge that the pilot has.

In other words, a student can use knowledge of math and science to learn English;

because this knowledge is language independent. If I show you two parallel lines and say

“These two lines never X”, you know that X means intersect or cross. An example of this

approach is seen in the DynEd course, English for Success [Knowles 2004]. This course

uses the knowledge of school subjects such as math, science and geography to help

‘bootstrap’ English language acquisition, in particular academic English.

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

RHR Blended Model

In relation to the classroom, RHR supports the notion that the most efficient

language learning approach is a blend, with well-designed multimedia programs and

coordinated classroom activities working together. There is no evidence to suggest that

computers can or should replace the classroom.

In the RHR blended model, both computers and the classroom have roles to play.

The strengths and the limitations of each are recognized. Language models are introduced

and practiced through multimedia-based listening and speaking activities. This is followed

up, personalized and extended through classroom activities, and then extended again through

paper-based reading and writing exercises in an expanding spiral. Learners are active, not

passive, and work at an optimal language level which is adjusted and monitored by the


Compared to a classroom-only approach, the advantages of this kind of practice are

manifold, particularly in the total amount of productive time on task. If coached properly,

the number of learning encounters per session is significantly higher than in a classroom-

only scenario and can be monitored.

In addition to computer-based lessons, the classroom provides the human element,

accommodating the needs and lives of learners in a social context. Through communication

activities such as oral presentations, pair work, role plays, and discussions, learners extend

and personalize the language previously presented and practiced in their multimedia

sessions. And in the best case, the teacher guides and facilitates these activities, with very

little lecturing.

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

In this skills-based approach, multimedia practice activities form the core of the

learning process and provide the conceptual framework for communication activities. The

teacher is in overall control, not only in the classroom, but in setting and monitoring the

learning paths for the students, who now rely on practice and acquired skills rather than



RHR makes predictions that can be tested – under the right conditions and with an

awareness of the large number of variables that affect language acquisition, including the

teacher and testing instruments, both of which have built-in biases. Some of these

predictions are:

1. Delaying text and following the “4-Skills Path” accelerates fluency development.
2. Frequent speaking practice which focuses on chunks of increasing length and
conceptual complexity without text support results in accelerated fluency.
3. Vocabulary is best taught in phrases rather than in isolation. Word lists should be
4. Oral fluency facilities reading and writing skills.

RHR offers a new and practical approach to language acquisition and materials

design. Brain-based CALL (BB-CALL) materials used in a blend with classroom activities

take advantage of this approach, and are now being used by several million students around

the world. The traditional, text-based approach needs to be challenged.

Whatever approach one takes, testing, monitoring and accountability should be

expected and systematically utilized. Now that computers are available and connected,

opportunities for rethinking language teaching principles abound, with plenty of data

available to test assumptions. And the insights from neuroscience should be a part of every

language teacher’s training.

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

“Human children appear preadapted to guess the rules of syntax correctly, precisely because
languages evolve so as to embody in their syntax the most frequently guessed patterns. The brain has co-
evolved with respect to language, but languages have done most of the adapting.” [Deacon 1997: p122]


Brown, R. W. Learning, Hierarchical Storage, Assembly and Recall / R. W. Brown //

Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE/WFEO International Colloquium

Craik, F. Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory / Craik, F. I.
M. Craik, E.Tulving // Journal of Experimental Psychology - 1975 - General, 104, 268-294.

Deacon, T. The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language & the Brain. (T.W.
Deacon) -NY: WW Norton, 1997

Feldman, J. The Simplicity Principle in Human Concept Learning / J. Feldman // Current

Directions in Psychological Science - 2003 - pp 227-232

Hawkins, J. On Intelligence (J. Hawkins) New York, Times Books, Henry Holt & Company

Hebb, D. The Organization of Behavior (D. Hebb) Wiley - 1949

Knowles, L. On the Cusp: New Developments in Language Teaching / L. Knowles // ESL

Magazine, Issue 40, July/August 2004 - available
Guides/TGTHEORY.PDF [accessed: 08:05:2008]

Knowles, L. The Evolution of CALL / L. Knowles // Language Magazine, August 2004

Knowles, L. English for Success (L. Knowles) DynEd International - 2003 -

Knowles, L. Aviation English (L. Knowles et al) DynEd International - 2007 -

Knowles, L. Mind Blocks / L. Knowles // Language Magazine - August 2008

Krashen, S. The Input Hypothesis (S. Krashen) Beverly Hills: Laredo - 1985

Kuhl, P. Early Language Acquisition: Cracking The Speech Code / P. K. Kuhl // Nature
Reviews/Neuroscience |Vol 5| pp831-41 Nov. 2004

Lazarus, R. Autonomic discrimination without awareness: A study of subception / R.

Lazarus, R. McCleary // Psychological Review - 1951 - 58, pp 113-22

LeDoux, J. The Emotional Brain (J. LeDoux) New York, Simon and Schuster - 1996

First published in FEELTA/NATE Conference Proceedings © 2008

Lidz, J. Understanding How Input Matters: Verb Learning and the Footprint of Universal
Grammar / J. Lidz, H. Gleitman et al // Cognition 87.3 - 2003 - pp 151-178

Palmer, H. The Oral Method of Teaching Language (H. E. Palmer) University College,
London - 1921

Pinker, S. How could a child use verb syntax to learn verb semantics? /S. Pinker // Lingua,
92 North Holland - 1994 - pp 377- 410

Pinker, S. How the Mind Works (S. Pinker) New York: W.W. Norton & Company - 1997

Restak, R. The Modular Brain. (R.M. Restak, M.D.) Macmillan, New York - 1994

Shukla, M. Revealing the Workings of Universal Grammar /M. Shukla // Journal of

Bioscience 28.5 (September 2003) pp 535-537

Snedeker, Jesse. Cross-Situational Observation and the Semantic Bootstrapping Hypothesis.

E Clark (ed) Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Child Language Research Forum. (2000)
Stanford , CA Center for the Study of Language and Information

Ulman, M. Contributions of memory circuits to language: the declarative/procedural model /

M. T. Ulman // Cognition 92 -2004 - pp 231-270 available at [accessed:

Wilkins, D. Notional Syllabuses. (D. Wilkins) London: Oxford University Press - 1976.

Zajonc, R. Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need No Inferences / R. Zajonc // American

Psychologist 35 - 1980 - pp151-75

Author’s bio:

Lance Knowles, President and Head of Courseware Development

DynEd International, Inc. (
Mr Knowles has pioneered the development and use of CALL for more than 20 years. His
innovative learning theory, RHR, is based on neuroscience, and his award-winning programs
are used by students in over 50 countries.

Executive Summary
DynEd was founded in 1987 by the former director of the Language Institute of Japan
(LIOJ), Lance Knowles, and a team of engineers. DynEd created the world’s first
interactive multimedia language learning CD-ROM in 1988 and received a U.S. patent for
this invention in 1991.

The learning theory behind the design of its core courses, Recursive Hierarchical
Recognition (RHR) [Knowles], is based on the latest research in the neurosciences and
provides a clear alternative to traditional approaches that have failed so many learners.

DynEd has also developed an award-winning administrative software system that monitors
and assesses student progress in great detail. DynEd’s Intelligent Tutor provides study-path
management and quality scoring for all students, and serves to improve the implementation
of DynEd programs in a wide range of circumstances.

In recognition of its quality, DynEd products have received numerous awards and been
approved by Ministries of Education in several countries, including China, France, Korea,
Malaysia, Mongolia, and Turkey. DynEd’s BEAS course series is the only ELT program
that has received ASTD Certification.

However, the most important testament to DynEd’s quality has been the test of time,
during which DynEd has benefited from many long-term users who have provided
valuable feedback that has guided subsequent development.

Pedagogical Framework for DynEd

Fundamentally, DynEd courses are based on research-based approaches to language
learning and curriculum design, extensive classroom experience, and advanced human
interface design. Evidence for the effectiveness of its courses is based on over twenty-five
years of experience in programs from around the world and on recent findings in the
neurosciences. In addition, DynEd has access to and actively utilizes the real-time study
records of thousands of students from around the world.

What makes DynEd different is its unique approach to the design and use of technology in
a blend with teacher-led classroom activities. However, wide variability in the
implementation of this blended approach -- particularly its dependence on different
teachers using it in very different circumstances -- makes definitive studies difficult. Small
sample sizes and questionable test results mean that many formal studies are either
misleading or unsubstantiated [Ioannidis]. As a result, a more action-research approach
has been taken, with feedback from clients incorporated into courseware updates, Teacher
Manuals, Mastery Tests, the Records Manager, and the Intelligent Tutor. Teacher-training
seminars and focus groups have been another valuable source of constructive feedback.

As with most educational products, differences in implementation matter.

Theoretical Basis
Some of the publications that have influenced or support the design of DynEd’s core products

Adams, Marilyn J. (1990): Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print, Cambridge, MA:
The MIT Press

Asher, James J. (1981) The Total Physical Response (TPR): Theory and Practice. New York
Academy of Sciences.

Ball, E. W. & Blachman, B.A. (1991), Reading Research Quarterly, 26, 49-66

Bear, D., Invernizzi, M., Templeton, S. & Johnston, F. (1996) Words Their Way: Word Study for
Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Bruer, John T., (1997) Education and the Brain: A Bridge Too Far Educational Researcher, Vol. 26,
No. 8 (Nov., 1997), pp 4-16, American Educational Research Association.

Brown, Robert Winston, (2003) Learning, Hierarchical Storage, Assembly and Recall. Proceedings
of the 2003 ASEE/WFEO International Colloquium

Cabeza, R., Rao, S. M. et al (2001) Can medial temporal lobe regions distinguish true from false? An
event-related functional MRI study of veridical and illusory recognition memory Psychology PNAS,
Vol 98 | No. 8 | 4805-10

Canning-Wilson, Christine, (2001) Visuals & Language Learning: Is There A Connection? ELT
Newsletter, Article 48, Feb. 2001

Chomsky, Noam, (2000) Linguistics and Brain Science in A. Marantz, Y. Miyashita, & W. O’Neill
(eds) Image, Language and Brain (pp 13-28), MIT Press, 2000

Clifford, Ray. (1998) Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Reflections on Computer Assisted Language
Learning. Calico Journal, Vol 16, Number 1

Craik, F. I. M., & Tulving, E. (1975). Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic
memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 268-294.

Cummins, Jim, & Man, E.Y.F. (2007) Academic Language: What is it and how do we acquire it? in J.
Cummins & C. Davision (eds) International Handbook of English Language Teaching. (pp.797-810).
Norvell: Springer Publications

Deacon, T.W. (1997) The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language & the Brain. NY: WW

Downing, John (1979) Reading and Reasoning. New York: Springer-Verlag

Feldman, J. Current Directions in Psychological Science: The Simplicity Principle in Human Concept
Learning. © 2003 American Psychological Society Blackwell Publishing Inc. 227-232

Guo-Qiang Bi, Huai-Xing Wang. (2002) Temporal asymmetry in spike timing-dependent synaptic
plasticity. Physiology & Behavior 77, (2002) 551-555 Elsevier Science, Inc.

Hawkins, Jeff. (2004) On Intelligence. New York, Times Books, Henry Holt & Company

Hebb, Donald (1949) The Organization of Behavior Wiley

Honig, B. (1996) Teaching Our Children to Read: The Role of Skills in a Comprehensive Reading
Program. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

Hurford, James R. (2002) Language Beyond Our Grasp: What Mirror Neurons Can, And Cannot, Do
For Language Evolution in The Evolution of Communication Systems: A Comparative Approach. The
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology, MIT Press, Cambridge MA

Ioannidis, John P.A. (2005) Why Most Published Research Findings Are False PLoS Medicine Vol. 2,
No. 8, e124 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124

Joos, Martin: (1967) The English Verb: Form and Meaning. Madison, Wisconsin: University of
Wisconsin Press.

Knowles, Lance (2004) On the Cusp: New Developments in Language Teaching ESL Magazine,
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