Mulualem Molla
Mulualem Molla
Mulualem Molla
JUNE, 2020
First and for most, let my endless thanks and praise go to my God who helping me attain this end
rant, I would like thanks to my advisor, Engdawork Assefa (Ph.D.), for his immeasurable and
priceless support, guiding, correcting and motivation to succeed my paper, I would like thanks
my family especially dear brother Gizachew Molla and Sewalem Gizachew gift of advice and
encourage, which enabled to accomplish my study and also thanks, Afework MekeberiawWorku
Specialist / GIS and Remote Sensing Sustainable Land Management expert in Ministry of
Agriculture to advocate complete my thesis. Finally I express genuinely acknowledgement for
all my instructors and staff member of Environmental and sustainable development help me,
share experience and giving materials to complete my thesis.
Soil Erosion has been a serious problem in Ethiopia and Its impediment on economic development
persists more than three decades. This thesis studies to quantify the impact of soil erosion on crop yields
using the results of a Machakel woreda, East Gojjam Zone Ketech watershed catchment. The research is
to assess the extent of soil erosion and its effect on agricultural productivity, the perception and
knowledge of people on soil erosion and gully. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected.
Quantitative data was collected from satellite images and household surveying and qualitative data
collected from focus group discussion, key informant interview, and field observation. Descriptive,
inferential, and econometric were employed for quantitative analysis while description, narration and
content analysis were engaged for qualitative analysis. The findings of the study deal with the amount of
average annual soil loss by using the RUSLE model used in Arc GIS images converted to quantitatively
measurement of Ketech watershed 612, 561.3 t. yr‾¹. In the study of the gully erosion, AGERTIM
(assessment of gully erosion rates through interview and measurement) has been developed. It comprises
physical field measurement of the current volume and monitoring semi-structured interview techniques:
womberet, Ketech, shembeqogelebet (a) and (b):Womberet, gully started around 1979, gradual change
from cropland which started from fox digging small holes and grew into gully which increases rapidly
and the average gully erosion rate in 33 years was found to be 168,921 m²/yr, the amount of soil
loss.,Ketech gully incision in 1984, small rill canals to grown gully through farming practice formulates
in two adjacent croplands average gully volume erosion rates in 29 years was 9093 m²/yr, the total soil
loss estimated and the total soil loss of the other two-volume of gully erosion rate is estimated to be 3,500
m²/yr. The perception of farmers to pertain the vulnerability of livelihood to consider food security faces
to challenge soil erosion demarcates different reasons through the nature of demographic, level socio-
economic, institutional and topographic factors significantly related with soil erosion was established
determinants (sex, education, landholding size, experience, access to training, credit access, soil
conservation, and extension service and family size) logit statistically significant association of analysis
variables employed to determine for farmers‗ perception showed that landholding size, condition of
education and farmers experience were significant factors of determining farmers` perception of soil
erosion in the study area. To explain in the Agro-ecological zone, high land areas assure to field
observation sever rill erosion, sheet and gully erosion comparatively aggravate in high land areas, high
rainfall/high run-off and steep slope (>0.5%) down-land based on the nature of soil type is luvisols of
high possibility of eroded(0.35), its severity increase from time to time. so, community integrated
participation soil conservation practice is the priority concern.
Key words: soil erosion, gully erosion, agricultural production, RUSLE, GIS, soil water conservation.
Table of content
Content Pages
Acknowledgments................................................................................................................................ iii
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................... x
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ xi
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the study ................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 General objective .......................................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 The specific objectives .................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Research question ................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Significance of the study .................................................................................................. 6
1.6 Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Limitation of the study........................................................................................................ 6
1.8 Organization of the study ................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................ 8
2.1Conceptual Definition Soil Erosion .................................................................................... 8
Global Concept of Soil Erosion ................................................................................................ 9
2.2. Types of Soil Erosion ....................................................................................................... 12
Gully erosion .......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Effects/consequences of soil erosion................................................................................. 16
2.5. Soil degradation effects on crop production and yields ................................................ 17
2.6 Causes of soil erosion ........................................................................................................ 19
2.7 Perception and Knowledge of people on soil erosion and gully and its determinants 21
2.8 Review of methods of assessment of soil erosion (such as RUSLE) .............................. 23
2.9Analytical frame work ....................................................................................................... 25
3.1. Description of the Study area .......................................................................................... 27
3.1.1 Location of the Study area ..................................................................................................... 27
3.2. Research Methodology ..................................................................................................... 29
3.2.1 Qualitative Method ..................................................................................................... 29
3.2.2. Quantitative methods ................................................................................................ 29
3.3 Data types and Sources ..................................................................................................... 29
3.4 Sampling frame and Size ................................................................................................ 30
3.5. Methods of Data Collection ............................................................................................. 32
3.6 Methods of Data analysis .................................................................................................. 33
3.7. GIS Data sources, methods of Analysis .......................................................................... 33
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULT AND DISSCUSION ............................................................................... 37
4.1. Description of respondent................................................................................................ 37
4.2 Asses and Map the magnitude of soil Erosion by RUSLE. ............................................... 41
4.2.1. Input Data for RUSEL .............................................................................................. 41
4.2.2. Methods and estimates of RUSLE parameter ........................................................ 41
4.2.3. Validating the model ................................................................................................. 47
4.2.4. Soil Erosion Estimates and Vulnerability Analysis ...................................................... 48 Estimation of soil loss parameters ................................................................................ 48 Estimation of mean annual soil loss .............................................................................. 48
Table 4.11: Soil types and their corresponding K-value and total area coverage ....... 48 The major Causes of Soil Erosion in study area .................................................. 53
4.3. To Examine the Extents of Gully erosion of different time periods in the study
area. ......................................................................................................................................................... 54
4.3.1. Womberet gully ............................................................................................................. 55
4.3.2. Ketech gully ................................................................................................................... 57
4.3.3.Shembeqogelebet ............................................................................................................ 58 Shembekogelebet (b)................................................................................................ 60
4.4. Perception and knowledge of people on Soil Erosion and Gully and its
Determinants ........................................................................................................................ 61
4.4.1. Perception on the extent, magnitude, coverage and impacts ................................. 61
4.4.2. Reasons for perception variation among the People .............................................. 65
4.5. Impact of Soil Erosion and gully on the reduction of crop production on
households. ........................................................................................................................... 68
4.5.1. Erosion impacts on agriculture practices and yields .............................................. 69
4.5.2. Direct Impacts of soil erosion ................................................................................... 74
4.5.3. Indirect Impacts of soil erosion ................................................................................ 75
CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 78
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................................... 78
5.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 78
5.2. Recommendation .............................................................................................................. 81
References ............................................................................................................................................. 82
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 91
List of tables
Table 4.11: Soil types and their corresponding K-value and total area coverage…………48
Table 4.12: severity classification and annual soil loss (t.ha‾¹hr‾¹)......................................... 50
Table 4.13: Annual soil loss of micro watersheds within the Ketech watershed.................. 51
Table 16: Total area coverage and total volume of sample gully……………………………61
Table 4.19: respondents think Problem of soil erosion on farm land .................................... 63
Table 4.21: thought of soil erosion impact on the farming activity respondent .................... 69
Table 4.22: Soil erosion impact of farming activity distribution of respondent ................... 70
Table 4.24: Impact of soil erosion on crop yield distribution of respondents ....................... 71
Table 4.25: Soil erosion seriously impacted crop type show table ......................................... 72
Table 4.26: Trends of impact soil erosion on crop yields distribution show table ................ 73
Table 4.28: Consequences soil erosion on farm land shows respondents .............................. 74
List of Figures
Fig.1: Conceptual framework the mediating role of institutions in land degradation and land
Fig 7: Slop Length and Steepness factor (LS) map of Keteche watershed--------------------------------44
MWRHH Machakel woreda rural households
NGOs Nongovernment Organizations
ONRS Oromo National Regional States
PASDEP Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to end S poverty
PSNP Productive Safety Net Program
RDPS Rural Development Policy and Strategy
RS Remote Sensing
SLM Sustainable land management
SNNPRS Nation Nationality Peoples Regional States
SPSS Statistical package for social sciences
SWC Soil and Water Conservation
UN United Nations
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
USLE: Universal soil loss equation and guess estimates
WEPP Water Erosion Prediction Project
WFP World Food Program
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WOCAT World Overview of conservation Approach and Technology
1.1 Background of the study
Soil erosion is a main global problem for the 20th century and international agenda for the 21st
century (IUSS, 1999). Ethiopia has provided a means of livelihoods for the majority of the
population agricultural land; Soil erosion is greatest on cultivated land where average annual soil
loss was 42 t/ha/yr.(Hurni, 1990). Soil erosion or in any other forms, to the soil is an indirect
damage to agricultural production and ultimately food security. Crop emergence, growth and
yield are directly affected through the loss of natural nutrients. In most developing countries,
especially Sub-Saharan Africa 60-70% of the population in the rural areas depends on agriculture
to earn a livelihood (Loulseged & McCartney, 2000).In Ethiopia 85% of the population lives in
rural areas and they depend on agriculture to earn a livelihood (Düvel, Chiche & Steyn, 2003).
The major causes of land degradation in Ethiopia are rapid population increase, deforestation,
low vegetation cover and unbalanced crop and livestock production (Girma,2001).Topography,
soil types and agro-ecological parameters are also additional factors playing significant role in
the degradation processes influenced by man ( Paulos 2001). The major driving forces for gully
erosions are high population growth, lack of vegetation cover, overgrazing, intensive and short
period rainfall, improper land use cultivation steep slopes, wrong diverting ditch, and soil
characteristics (Jahantigh and Pessarakli 2011; Tamene and Vlek 2008).
Gully erosion is an environmental problem throughout the world. And its effect on soil, land
functions and sediments (Ionita et al. 2015).Gully erosion is the most serious form of land
degradation process and accounts for 56% of the degraded soils in the world (Sohan and Lal,
Elirehema, 2001).its estimated 10 million ha of cropland worldwide is abandoned every year
because of problems associated with soil erosion alone (Pimentel, 2000).Gully erosion is a
highly visible form of soil erosion that affects soil productivity, restricts land use and can
threaten roads, fences and buildings (Nyssen et al. 2004; Avni 2005; Carey 2006). It is the most
prevalent type of water erosion in Ethiopia and it dissects the fields, impedes the tillage
operations, damaging agriculture, residential area and restricts free movement of animals and
human beings in different parts of the country (Daba et al. 2003; Woldeamlak and Sterk 2003;
Awdenegest and Holden 2008). Gully erosion causes extensive socioeconomic and
environmental impacts, and most of them are negative (Valentin et al. 2005; Marzolff et al.
2011). (Zgłobickiet al.2015) Gully erosion also decreases agricultural land, farm
productivity/crop yields and grazing land. Also gully-based valley sediment yield accounted for
10 to 94 % of the total watershed sediment yield (Poesen et al. 2003).
Rates of soil erosion are still very high on cropland, erosion rates have been significantly reduced
in several areas of the world in recent decades. The reduction of erosion rates on cropland in the
United States. Average water erosion rates on cropland were reduced from 10.8 to 7.4 t ha‾¹ yr‾¹
between 1982 and 2007. In a study conducted near the end of the 20th century (Pimentel et
al,1995) estimated that approximately one-third of the world‘s agricultural lands had been lost
done to erosion in the previous 50 years, with about 1.0 × 106 ha of additional agricultural land
lost annually as a consequence of accelerated soil erosion. Soil losses to erosion were estimated
as 17 Mg ha−1 year−1 in the United States and Europe and 35 Mg ha−1 year−1 in Asia, Africa, and
South America (Pimentel et al., 1995).The fear of soil erosion, especially the associated removal
of the most fertile soil layer as a prelude to mass starvation has been revised lately.
The 13% increase in production rates for the most common crops between 2001 and 2012, due to
technological improvements, more rigorous land management and an increased use of fertilizer,
might have masked the ongoing degradation of soils and their ecosystem service delivery
capacity. Feeding Earth‘s growing population with increasing dietary preferences towards
livestock products is undoubtedly enhancing the pressure on fertile soils thus exacerbating the
erosion problem. Sustainable governance of soil has therefore become a topic of fundamental
Soil erosion has been regarded as the most serious and wide-spread forms of land degradation,
and itself a cause of fertility decline, through removal of organic matter and nutrients (Young,
1998). It extremely widespread in areas that have been under annual cropping and consequently
opens the way for serious environmental deterioration (Young, 1998),vegetation becomes
increasingly scarce, water resources dry up, thorny weeds predominate in rich pastures, footpaths
grow into gullies, and soils become thin and stony. All of these manifestations have potentially
severe impacts on the environment, for land users and for people who rely for their living on the
products from a healthy landscape (Berry 2003).
Soil conservation is the preventing of soil loss from erosion in the appropriate land use and
management practices that promotes the productive and sustainable use of soils and minimizes
soil erosion. Slash and burn and other unsustainable methods of subsistence farming are
practiced. Techniques for improved soil conservation include crop rotation, cover crops,
conservation tillage and planted windbreaks and affect both erosion and fertility.
According to the Ethiopian Highlands Reclamation Study (EHRS, 1984) soil erosion was
estimated to cost the country 1.9 billion US$ between 1985 and 2010. According to Mesfin
(2004), Betru (2003), the annual loss in grain production due to erosion in 2000 was 170,000
tones and successively losses 2% of the annual grain production which is roughly equivalent to
120, 000 tons of cereal per year. This shows the loss of income in terms of lost agricultural
production of US $150 million. The Ethiopian highlands have been experiencing declining soil
fertility and severe soil erosion due to intensive farming on steep and fragile land (Abegaz,
In the Ethiopian highlands case, the decline of soil fertility and severe soil erosion is due to water
outflow on steep and fragile land that have been under intensive farming (Amsalu and Graaff,
2006). Soil erosion, with its associated loss of fertility and rooting depth, water resource
degradation and loss of bio-diversity (Eyasu2003), erosion is particularly serious in the high and
low potential cereal zones 50 % of the agricultural lands have soils with depths less than 10 cm,
which make them unsuitable for farming (Eyasu2003; Kidane 2008).The key problem of
research the additional expense of farming activities of soil erosion.
Assessment of soil erosion is expensive and time consuming in field measurement, the
complexity of the soil erosion system, with its numerous interacting factors. Models will take
into account many of the complex interactions that affect rates of erosion and can simulate
erosion process .Models can be used as a tool for understanding processes, interactions, to
predict where and when erosion occurs and to estimate the amount of soil loss per year used as.
Gully form of soil erosion causes extensive socioeconomic and environmental impacts, and
(Valentin et al. 2005; Marzolff et al. 2011). According (Zgłobicki et al, 2015) gully erosion
decreases the agricultural land, farm productivity/crop yields and grazing land. Also gully-based
valley sediment yield accounted for 10 to 94 % of the total watershed sediment yield (Poesen et
al, 2003). According to the (Hurni, 1988) estimation the average erosion rate in infertile crop
land are 70 tons / ha / year. Gully erosion is a highly visible form of soil erosion that affects soil
productivity, restricts land use and can threaten roads, fences and buildings (Nyssen et al. 2004;
Avni 2005; Carey 2006). It is the most prevalent type of water erosion in Ethiopia and its
separate the fields, difficult plugging practices, damaging agriculture crops, residential area and
restricts free movement of animals and human beings in different parts of the country (Daba et
al. 2003; Woldeamlak and Sterk 2003; Awdenegest and Holden 2008).The major driving forces
for gully erosions are high population pressure, poor rangeland, clearing of vegetation cover,
overgrazing, improper land use (cultivation on steep slopes), improper irrigation design, and soil
characteristics (Jahantigh and Pessarakli 2011;Tamene and Vle2008).Therefore, due the
existence of gully how much impacts on considering person.
Assessment of gully erosion uses different sources; aerial photo and satellite image analysis,
unpublished documents, archives, statistical abstracts and reports from different offices were
used as secondary sources. Using different technique ;object orientated image analysis (OBIA),
extracted shoulder line of gullies from high spatial resolution digital orthophoto map (DOM)
aerial photographs classified by remote sensing and points measured by RTK-GPS along the
shoulder line of gullies lacking historical documents and also aerial photographs are not reliable
in considerable gully, this paper consider as using AGERTIM (assesment of gully erosion rate
through interview and measurment ) technique to quantify the amount of soil loss.
Understanding of Farmers the problem and causes of soil erosion and its consequences will help
to motivate farmers to use soil conservation practices (Amsalu & Graaff, 2006). Different site
specific research confirmed the majority of the farmer aware about soil erosion and its impact on
productivity (Teshome et al., 2016; Tadesse & Belay, 2004; Jaleta M. et al., 2016;Tefera&Sterk,
2010; Adugna, 2015) but they did not invest much in SWC measures because they do not
perceive a significant advantage to their use and lack of short term economic benefit ( Mekuriaw
et al, 2018). Additionally to this, farmers perception about the technologies be able to shelter for
pests, difficult to tillage , and rats, need much labor, need incentives to implement, difficult to
implement and reduce farm size are the factors affecting the adoption of SWC technologies
(Mushir & Kedru, 2012).
Soil erosion has a detrimental effect on soil quality for agricultural production because erosion
degrades soil functions for crop growth such as the supply of water, nutrients and rooting space
soil erosion can be covering of productivity in other soils. Soil erosion by water is the dominant
degradation process and occurs particularly on cropland, with annual soil loss rates on average of
42 tons/ha for croplands, and up to 300 tons/ha in extreme cases (Hurni 1993). Other degradation
processes include intensified runoff from grasslands and related gullying, as well as high soil
erosion rates from badlands (heavily degraded lands).The problem is due to the severity, extents
and duration of impacts; farmers has taken prevention measures of loss of productivity address.
Therefore, this research identify quantify total soil loss the severity of soil and gully erosion and
area coverage and also evaluate real perception of farmers problem and causes soil degradation
and gully erosion and impacts on yield production and rephrase more implement of conservation
practice and its profitable of conservation measures, as the case of Machakel woreda.
1.4 Research question
What are the extent and magnitude of soil degradation (sheet and gully erosion)in the
study area?
How do farmers understand the extent, causes and effects of land degradation?
How much does land degradation affects farmer‘s crop production?
1.5 Significance of the study
The impact of soil erosion on the productivity of farmers is manifested through its remove the
soil nutrient contents, this land cannot suitable to crop. So, this creates reduction of crop. This
study identify the yield is reduce in Machakel Wereda, and specify underlined determinant of
soil erosion diverging consequences in crop land and direct and indirect Impacts of crop
production and perception of Farmers to understand causes and consequences of soil Erosion. In
addition to the extents and trends of the gully the prevention measures of land degradation apply
land use management and value ads in direction of government to SWC practices.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The thesis focuses on the effects of soil erosion on crop production. Farmers were understand
causes and consequences of soil erosion on the farm land and estimate the amount of annual soil
loss by water erosion and quantify the history of gully and amount of soil loss and to understand
perception of Farmers on sheet, rill erosion and gully erosion, analysis of data , discussion
,conclusion and recommendation to layout direction considerable person and institution based
on the findings of research.
discussion cannot give enough time and enough this condition were influences to the
finding of the results.
1.8 Organization of the study
The thesis is organized into five sections. the first section the Introduction part which consists of
the study‗s background, statement of the problem, objectives, significance, scope, limitations and
of the study. The second part is the Literature Review which revises around the same as the study
literature is reviewed. Theoretical, empirical and analytical frameworks of the study are also
combined in this part. The third section of the thesis describes the Research Methodology of the
study. It combines description of the study area, research design, sampling technique, sample
size determination, data type and data source, methods of data collection and methods of data
analysis. The fourth section data analysis and data interpretation; and also, the fifth and last
section contain Conclusions and Recommendations from the findings of the study.
2.1Conceptual Definition Soil Erosion
Soils have played important roles in the earth‘s life support system through the provision of a
multitude of essential ecosystem services (i.e. provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting
services) to humans and the environment (Keesstra et al., 2016b; Schwilch et al., 2016). Soil
erosion refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical forces of water and
wind. It can be a slow process. It is relatively unnoticed or can occur at an alarming rate, causing
serious loss of topsoil. Soil compaction, low organic matter, loss of soil structure, poor internal
drainage, salinization and soil acidity problems are other serious soil degradation conditions that
can accelerate the soil erosion process. Soil Erosion, whether it is by water, wind or tillage,
involves three distinct actions soil detachment, movement and deposition. Accelerated erosion is
largely the consequence of human activity. The primary causes are tillage, grazing, and cutting
of timber. The rate of erosion can be increased by activities other than those of humans. Fire that
destroys vegetation and triggers erosion has the same effect (Wikipedia).
Soil erosion is the displacement of the upper layer of soil; it is a form of soil degradation. This
natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of erosive agents, that is, water, ice (glaciers),
snow, air (wind), plants, animals, and humans. In accordance with these agents, erosion is
sometimes divided into water erosion, glacial erosion, snow erosion, wind erosion, zoogenic
erosion and anthropogenic erosion. Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues relatively
unnoticed, or it may occur at an alarming rate causing a serious loss of topsoil. The loss of soil
from farmland may be reflected in reduced crop production potential, lower surface water quality
and damaged drainage networks. Soil erosion could also cause sinkholes. Human activities have
increased by 10–50 times the rate at which erosion is occurring globally. Excessive accelerated
erosion causes both "on-site" and "off-site" problems. On-site impacts include decreases in
agricultural productivity and on natural landscapes ecological collapse, because of loss of the
nutrient-rich upper soil layers. In some cases, the eventual end result is desertification. Off-site
effects include sedimentation of waterways and eutrophication of water bodies, as well as
sediment-related damage to roads and houses. Water and wind erosion are the two primary
causes of land degradation; combined, they are responsible for about 84% of the global extent of
degraded land, making excessive erosion one of the most significant environmental problems
worldwide. Intensive agriculture, deforestation, roads, anthropogenic climate change and urban
sprawl are amongst the most significant human activities in regard to their effect on stimulating
erosion. When a raindrop hits soil that is not protected by a cover of vegetation and where there
are no roots to bind the soil, it has the impact of a bullet. Soils particles are loosened washed
down the slope of the land and either end up in the valley or are washed away out to sea by
streams and rivers. Erosion removes the topsoil first. Once this nutrient-rich layer is gone, few
plants will grow in the soil again. Without soil and plants the land becomes desert like and
unable to support life (Wikipedia).
The condition of the soil is one of the best indicators of land degradation. The soil integrates a
variety of important processes involving vegetation growth, overland flow of water, infiltration,
land use and land management. Soil degradation is, in itself, an indicator of land degradation.
Hurni et al., 2005).Land degradation may be defined as the loss of productive and ecosystem
services provided by land resources. It is defined by the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification (UNCCD) as the reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity and
complexity of pastoral, agricultural and wooded land due to soil erosion, soil impoverishment
(such as nutrient depletion) and/or the loss of natural vegetation. Much of the world‘s land
surface area is degraded, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where it is critical to the livelihoods
of poor farmers.
Soil erosion includes all process that diminishes the capacity of land resources to perform
essential functions and services in ecosystems (Hurni et al., 2010) are caused by two interlocking
complex systems: the natural ecosystem and the human social system. Interactions between the
two systems determine the success or failure of resource management (Berry, 2003). Principal
processes of soil erosion by water and wind, chemical degradation (comprising acidification,
salinization, fertility depletion, and decrease in cat ion retention capacity), physical degradation
(comprising crusting, compaction, hard-setting, etc.) and biological degradation (reduction in
total and biomass carbon, and decline in land biodiversity) (WMO,2005). It is a continuous
process and has become, however, an important concern affecting food security and the wealth
of nations, and has an impact on the livelihood of almost every person on this earth
(Bezuayehuet al. 2002).
Soil erosion and land degradation in Ethiopia and their connections with agriculture are a
prominent environmental concern, as this is one of the most important causes of low and
declining agricultural productivity, ongoing food insecurity and rural poverty in the country.
Around 85 per cent of Ethiopia‘s population relies heavily on subsistence agriculture for their
livelihoods, and their activities contribute to the increasing degradation and vulnerability of soil
resources. Soil erosion occurs naturally due to processes of erosion by water and wind in the
landscape, but it is increased by several orders of magnitude above background rates by human
Institutional Land user’s
environment (e): resource
Drivers of
allocation (L4):
LS (d):
Based on
Population pressure, Informal rules &
customs (L1) :
climate formal rules,
Fig.1: Conceptual framework the mediating role of institutions in land degradation and land
management (Nkonya et al. ,2011)
Crop production is sustainable if the productivity as well as the ability to function (among other
things the regenerative power and the buffering capacity) of the open system within which plants
are cultivated, are permanently maintained to the full extent. Neither the agricultural ecosystem
as a whole, nor its components (principally water, soil, air climate, flora, and fauna), nor other
ecosystems which are directly or indirectly affected by crop production, nor the interactions
among these ecosystems and their components are altered irreversibly over the long run.
2.2. Types of Soil Erosion
For this purpose there are different sources of soil erosion in varies processes:
Soil erosion by water: the removal of soil particles by the action of water.Usually sheet erosion
(more or less uniform removal of a thin layer of topsoil), rill erosion (small channels in the field)
or gully erosion (large channels, similar to incised rivers). One important feature of soil erosion
by water is the selective removal of the finer and more fertile fraction of the soil.
Soil erosion by wind: the removal of soil particles by wind action. Usually this is sheet erosion,
where soil is removed in thin layers, but sometimes the effect of the wind can carve out hollows
and other features. Wind erosion most easily occurs with fine to medium size sand
particles.Erosion is the detachment of earth material from the surface. Once detached, agents like
water or wind transport the material to a new location where it is deposited. The most ubiquitous
form of erosion is that done by water.
Splash erosion is the detachment and airborne movement of small soil particles caused by the
impact of raindrops on soil. Rain splash erosion is caused by the impact of water striking the
surface. Rain splash erosion generally takes place in two steps. As precipitation is absorbed by
the surface it fills the pore spaces, loosening soil particles and driving them apart. The impact of
subsequent rain drops hitting the surface splash the particle away from the point of impact. The
effect is to give the surface a dimpled-like appearance.
Sheet erosion is the detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact and their removal down
slope by water flowing overland as a sheet instead of in definite channels or rills. When the
surface pores are filled with sand, silt or clay, overland surface flow of water begins due to the
lowering of infiltration rates. Once the rate of falling rain is faster than infiltration, runoff takes
place. There are two stages of sheet erosion. The first is rain splash while the second stage is
movement of the loose particles down slope by broad sheets of rapidly flowing water filled with
sediment known as sheet floods.
Rill erosion is a shallow linear depression or channel in soil that carries water after a recent
rainfall (Stocking and Murnagham, 2001). Rill erosion are especially common on bare land,
whether newly planted or in fallow. Rills are channels small enough to be smoothed by normal
tillage, but the drainage is already done and the soil is lost. In addition, tillage loosens the soil
making it more susceptible to rill erosion and every time they are destroyed the rills can reform,
resulting in much more soil loss. Rill erosion is the most visible, most common and serious form
of soil erosion. It is the intermediate process between sheet and gully erosion. If detachment of
soil particles continues, or flow increases; rills will become wider and deeper.
soil erosion affects adoption of soil conservation measures positively. Therefore, Machakel
woreda were saw the nature of land scape steep slope and aggravated human induced causes .So,
we will expected exist land degradation.
Gully erosion
Gullies are relatively permanent steep-sided water courses which experience ephemeral flows
during rainstorms. They are almost always associated with accelerated erosion and therefore with
landscape instability. The main cause of gully formation is too much water, a condition which
may be brought about by either climatic change or alterations in land use. In the first case,
increased runoff may occur through higher rainfall or if less rainfall produces a reduction in
vegetation cover. In the second case, deforestation, burning of vegetation and overgrazing can all
result in greater runoff. If the velocity of the runoff exceeds a critical or threshold value, gully
will occur (Lal, 1988; Morgan, 1995).
Land degradation caused by gully erosion is a serious problem in many areas around the world
(Poesen et al. 2006). The formation and development of gullies results in a whole range of
phenomena that are unfavorable, from the human perspective; i.e. reduced acreage of cropland,
increased risk of flash floods, covering of crops, farms and roads with silt, and intensive terrain
and road network fragmentation (Poesen et al. 2003; Valentinet al. 2005).
The major driving forces for gully erosions are high population pressure, poor rangeland,
clearing of vegetation cover, overgrazing, improper land use (cultivation on steep slopes),
improper irrigation design,and soil characteristics (Jahantigh and Pessarakli 2011;Tamene and
Vlek 2008). Gully form of soil erosion causes extensive socioeconomic and environmental
impacts, and most of them are negative (Valentin et al. 2005; Marzolff et al. 2011). According
(Zgłobicki et al., 2015) gully erosion decreases the agricultural land, crop yields and grazing
land. Also gully-based valley sediment yield accounted for 10 to 94 % of the total watershed
sediment yield (Poesen et al. 2003).
In Ethiopia dense gully erosion is typical parts of the landscape (Gebrehiwet 2004; Frankl et al.
2010). According to the (Hurni, 1988) estimation the average erosion rate in infertile crop land
are 70 tons / ha / year. Yet the (CRSPT, U. 2000) report has indicated that, the average annual
rate of soil loss in Ethiopia is estimated to be 12 tons/ ha /year and it can be greater than 300
tons/ha/year on steep slopes where vegetation coverage is little.
The wide range of estimates in soil erosion rate is indicative of the complex patterns of spatial
and temporal variations and conceptual and methodological difficulties inherent in making such
estimates. Obviously there is considerable variability of erosion rates over time and place
depending on agro-ecological zone and soil type. Soil erosion occurs at varying rates and with
varying degrees in different parts of the country. Deforestation, forest burning and expansion of
cultivated lands to marginal lands have also contributed to the widespread problem of land
degradation in the country. ‗About 70 % of Ethiopia‘s highland population and an area of over
40 million ha are affected by land degradation‘ (Melaku 2013), indicating the scale and extent of
the problem confronting the country.
2.4 Effects/consequences of soil erosion
There were a number of shocks and stresses that trigger livelihood diversifications among the
farmers in communities though farmland shortage was the top most important of all as access to
it could have positive effect on others. Factors like soil degradation, population pressure,
deforestation, low level of rural economy diversifications have complicated and, directly or
indirectly, contributed to land scarcity as result land degradation (Feyera and Tsetadirgachew,
2015). Being land degradation was the common environmental problem in Ethiopia; land
degradation puts disastrous impact on the socio cultural environment and ecological setting of
the country (Temesgen et al., 2014) Land degradation had also an effect on climate change by
reducing carbon sequestration and increasing accumulation of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere through deforestation and soil erosion. It also can cause loss of bio diversity,
ecosystem services which are difficult to measure as they are not normally given monetary value
or bought or sold and thus are poorly reflected in estimate of losses (Mohammed and Teshome,
2015). Land degradation reduces agricultural value to 7%. In monetary terms, this decline is
equivalent to $7.63 per hectare. If all of the agricultural lands are degraded, the loss for the
country as a whole is $267 Million where 85% of the population depends on agriculture, this loss
is substantial. Type of energy used in cooking stoves and bequest variables are good instruments
for land degradation. The significance of type of energy used in cooking stoves suggests a two-
pronged policy to stem deforestation and to disseminate more efficient stove technologies (Maria
et al, 2012).
Land degradation was a complex phenomenon influenced by natural, social and economic
factors. It generally refers to the loss of the land‘s biological and or economic productivity. Land
degradation remains an important global priority issue for the 21st century requiring renewed
attention by individuals, communities, and governments because of its adverse impact on
agricultural productivity and the environment, and its effect on food security and quality of life.
The land degradation process appears particularly severe in developing countries, which has
significant implications for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This was because the loss
of biomass and soil organic matter releases carbon into the atmosphere and affects the quality of
soil and its ability to hold water and nutrients (Mohammed and Teshome, 2015).
Degradation included yield losses may become more significant in relation to yield growth in the
future, as yield growth rates are projected to fall below 1% per year over the next few decades.
Land degradation‘s effects on more sever in some regions and local areas due to a combination
of resource factors (soils and precipitation) and economic factors (poverty, insecurity and lack of
infrastructure) (WiebeK. 2003). Among main factors that affecting the crop production in
Ethiopia was land degradation, which including soil erosion, deforestation, reduction of
productivity, reduction of pasture land which affect the crop production and economy of the
country. Other related factors like farm land size, education level, sex of household heads,
experience of farmers, family size and quintals of fertilizer are also used the most issues
underlined to contribute for crop production (Feyera and Tsetadirgachew, 2015). Continues land
fragmentation and degradation disturb the balance between crop, livestock, and forest production
(Assume and Shigedaf, 2014).
2.5. Soil degradation effects on crop production and yields
Land degradation affected more than 3 billion hectare of the world land (Lal, 2014). As a result
more than 3 billion people suffered to this problem (Nkonya, Mirzabaev, & Braun, 2016).This
notably challenges influencing agricultural productivity and affected livelihoods of more than 1
billion people (ELD Initiative, UNEP, 2015). African agriculture remains most threatened by
land degradation and more than 60% of its cropland is affected at various scales (Muchena et al.,
2005). In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 75% of the population derives their livelihoods from
subsistence agriculture Soil degradation induced by water erosion and its consequences are the
main concern (Tully, 2015). Soil degradation is any process that reduces the current and
future productivity of soil. (Abrol and Oman ,2002) defined soil erosion physical removal and
transportation of top soil from one place and its deposition to another by various agents such as
striking and moving water, blowing winds, strong waves, snow and the forces of gravity.
Bewket, 2007; Shiferaw and Holden 1998). The considerable diversity of Ethiopia's highland
areas means that many factors influencing the adoption of land management inputs and
investments are highly sensitive to the local biophysical and socioeconomic context. The
settlement pattern of the population is influenced by environmental factors such as altitude,
climate, soil fertility and by the economic activities which altogether skewed the population
distribution towards the highlands. The highlands of the country are densely populated, resulting
in over-grazing and severe degradation of the vegetation, while the lowlands, being affected by
insufficient rainfall and high temperature are sparsely populated. Human population distribution
is one of the important factors that have impacts on the productivity of agricultural lands and the
conservation and management of biological resources.
Water may be considered as one of the most limiting factors in increasing food production. Over-
extraction of water resources from aquifers and rivers has led to much loss of this resource. River
discharge has decreased in many areas mainly as a result of human action and use. This water
scarcity is likely to reduce yields of food grains, as 40 per cent of world‘s crop yields is based on
irrigation. Invasive alien species pests and diseases are another threat to food production. Pests
and pathogens have had particularly severe effects on crop yields in the world‘s poorest and most
food insecure region of sub-Saharan Africa. Grazing land in dry areas is considered degraded
mostly because of overgrazing, compaction and erosion attributable to livestock. Increased
demand for meat also results in an accelerated demand for water, and feed crops such as maize
and soybean. In addition, large-scale industrial production of livestock products tends to be
located close to urban centers and could lead to environmental and public health risks.
Effect of soil Erosion on Crop Production in Ethiopia
Soil Erosion and Improvement in Ethiopia unsustainable land management practices cost the
country (via loss of soil and essential nutrients) about 3% of its agricultural Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) or $106 million. (Bojö and Cassells, 1995) also estimate that Ethiopia loses about
3 % of the agricultural gross domestic production due to soil erosion and nutrient loss. While
modeling the impact of water erosion on food production in Ethiopia, (Sonneveld ,2002)
reported a range of potential reduction in production of 10–30 % by 2030. The most critical and
urgent onsite impact of soil erosion to the farmers decline in both the current and potential crop
and livestock yields which translate into income loses. The consequences of soil erosion may
also be viewed in the need to use more inputs to maintain soil productivity so as to attain the
same level of yield (Wagayehu 2003). The impact of land degradation on agricultural
productivity represents an on-site cost. However, soil erosion from agricultural fields has also
serious external or off-site effects, which indirectly affect the rest of society.
Soil erosion has a negative implication to household food security status and contributes directly
to the reduction in livelihoods among the rural communities in Ethiopia. The immediate
consequence of land degradation is lower crop yields, leading to higher poverty rates among
agricultural households. Based on experts‘ opinion, (Dregne1991) recounted an irreversible soil
productivity loss in about 20 % of Ethiopia agricultural land due to water erosion. Ethiopia loses
an estimated 1 billion tons of topsoil annually as a result of soil erosion alone (Berry 2003.A
study by (Teketay 2001), for instance, estimates that ―reduced soil depth caused by erosion
resulted in a grain production loss of 57,000 (at 3.5 mm soil loss) to 128,000 tons (at 8 mm soil
depth) in 1990 alone. It has been estimated that the grain production lost due to land degradation
in 1990 would have been sufficient to feed more than four million people‘‘ (Teketay 2001).
Deforestation causes soil erosion on the account of exposing soil minerals by removing trees and
crop cover, which support the availability of humus and litter layers on the surface of the soil.
Vegetation cover primarily promotes the binding of the soil together and soil formation, hence
when it is removed it considerably affects the capabilities of the soil such as aeration, water
holding capacity, and biological activity. When trees are removed by logging, infiltration rates
become elevated and the soil remains bare and exposed to erosion and the buildup of toxicities.
Some of the contributing activities include logging and slash and burn techniques used by
individuals who invade forest areas for farming, rendering the soils unproductive and less fertile
in the end.
The rates of soil erosion and the loss of soil nutrients, as well as the topsoil, are highly
contributed by overgrazing. Overgrazing destroys surface crop cover and breaks down soil
particles, increasing the rates of soil erosion. As a result, soil quality and agricultural
productivity are greatly affected.
forms of the fertilizer‘s chemicals are also responsible for denaturing essential soil minerals,
giving rise to nutrient losses from the soil. Therefore, the misuse or excessive use of fertilizers
increases the rate of soil degradation by destroying the soil‘s biological activity and builds up of
toxicities through incorrect fertilizer use.
Urbanization has major implications on the soil degradation process. Foremost of all, it clears the
soil‘s vegetation cover, compacts soil during construction, and alters the drainage
covers the soil in an impermeable layer of concrete that amplifies the amount of surface runoff
which results in more erosion of the topsoil. Again, most of the runoff and sediments from urban
areas are extremely polluted with oil, fuel, and other chemicals. Increased runoff from urban
areas also causes a huge disturbance to adjacent watersheds by changing the rate and volume of
water that flows through them and impoverishing them with chemically polluted sediment
2.7 Perception and Knowledge of people on soil erosion and gully and its
Farmers` perception of soil erosion refers to individual farmer‘s evaluation or awareness of soil
erosion which is caused by socio-economic, demographic as well as others like topographic
factors (Alemayehu, 2007) Although soil degradation is often acknowledged as an insidious and
slow process (Ervin & Ervin, 1982; Odendoet al, 2010), farmers need to perceive severity of the
problem and associated yield losses before they can consider investing in soil fertility enhancing
technologies. In particular, if farmers underestimate soil fertility status, they may fail to replenish
soil nutrients because they erroneously view such investments as unnecessary, unprofitable or
both (Odendoet al, 2010).
Farmers` perception of soil erosion refers to individual farmer‘s evaluation or awareness of soil
erosion which is caused by socio-economic, demographic as well as others like topographic
factors (Alemayehu, 2007) Although soil degradation is often acknowledged as an insidious and
slow process (Ervin & Ervin, 1982; Odendoet al, 2010), farmers need to perceive severity of the
problem and associated yield losses before they can consider investing in soil fertility enhancing
technologies. In particular, if farmers underestimate soil fertility status, they may fail to replenish
soil nutrients because they wrongly view such investments as unnecessary, unprofitable or both
(Odendoet al, 2010).
Soil erosion and fertility of crop land indicators that farmers are able to Know as being linked
with the problem of soil degradation have been identified by studies accompanied in Tanzania
(Vigiak et al., 2005), Kenya (Murage et al., 2000; Okoba and Graaff, 2005), Rwanda (Steiner,
1998), Ethiopia (Corbeels et al., 2000), Latin America (Barrios and Trejo, 2003), India (Kerr and
Pender, 2005) and Nepal (Desbiez et al., 2004). Farmers‘ occurrence of soil erosion can be
classified based on the frequency of observation by the farmers challenging. Classes such as
‗most frequent‘, ‗frequent‘, ‗occasional‘ or ‗sparsely occurring‘ can be defined (Vigiak et al.,
Effective protection and conservation of SWC can be realized only when farmers accept and
deicide on the benefits of SWC technologies and actively involved in the implementation and
maintenance processes. The decisions of farmers to use and manage natural resources highly
depend on their perception of the landscape (Assefa& Bork, 2015). Indeed, farmers can modify
the technologies to their own real situations (Teshome et al., 2016). Their perception and
participation also varies from place to place and from household to household due to different
interactive factors. Thus, a better understanding of factors that influence farmers‘ perception and
willingness towards SWC is very important for designing and implementation of efficient,
effective and people friendly technologies (Derajew, Bekabil, &Wagayehu, 2013).
2.8 Review of methods of assessment of soil erosion (such as RUSLE)
Review of Soil loss assessment
Estimating soil loss is significantly more difficult than estimating runoff because there are so
many variables, both occurring naturally such as soil and rainfall, and chosen management
practices. As a result, models, whether empirical or process-based, are necessarily complex if
they are to include the effect t of all the variables.
For some purposes, meaningful and useful estimates can be obtained from models, and the best
example is the estimation of long-term average annual soil loss using by the Universal Soil Loss
Equation (USLE). On the other hand, estimates of regional or national erosion are of very little
significance or value, and the classic example of this is the three different estimates of suspended
sediment yields within Africa compared by (Stocking, 1987).
Constructing a model based on physical processes is possible for small components of the
erosion process; for example splash erosion involves only the energy of the rainfall, the extent to
which the soil is covered and exposed by vegetation, and the soil type. Similarly, sediment
transport requires only an understanding of the effects of particle size and velocity of flow. But a
model of erosion in a field situation would require equations for both of these, and also equations
to predict deposition and delivery ratio, none of which are presently available. If the boundary
conditions are limited, for example to soil loss from arable land of moderate slopes, it may be
possible to set up an empirical black box model, and this has in fact been done successfully with
the USLE. But there are other difficulties. The effect of extreme rainfall events may dominate
the total amount of soil loss, particularly in the tropics and subtropics. In that case, the prediction
of soil loss is heavily dependent upon rainfall probability studies.
R is a measure of the erosive forces of rainfall and runoff
K is the soil erodibility factor - a number which reflects the susceptibility of a soil type to
erosion, i.e., it is the reciprocal of soil resistance to erosion
L is the length factor, a ratio which compares the soil loss with that from a field of specified
length of 22.6 meters
S is the slope factor, a ratio which compares the soil loss with that from a field of specified slope
of 9%
C is a crop management factor a ratio which compares the soil loss with that from a field under a
standard treatment of cultivated bare fallow.
P is the conservation practice factor a ratio which compares the soil loss with that from a field
with no conservation practice, plugging up and down the slope.
The units require some explanation, particularly as they were originally derived in imperial units,
and the conversion into metric or SI units is the source of much error and confusion,
compounded by the fact that the official USDA SCS reference on the subject (USDA, 1978)
contained errors which had to be corrected in a supplement of 1981.
The factors L, S, C and P are each dimensionless ratios which allow comparison of the site being
estimated with the standard conditions of the database, the erosivity factor, is computed by the
erosion index (EI30) method which is the summation for each rainstorm of the kinetic energy
(expressed in MJ/ha when using metric units in the USA or in J/m² in Europe), multiplied by the
greatest amount of rain in any 30 minute period expressed in cm/h in USA or in mm/h in Europe.
K, the erodibility factor, is the average soil loss in tons per hectare for each unit of the metric R
as calculated by the EI30 method. In effect, the units of K are arbitrarily chosen so that when
multiplied by R in its unconventional units the product is in tons per hectare.
Review of RUSEL model in Ethiopia
The RUSLE was specifically developed for conditions in the USA. Therefore use of RUSLE in
other areas requires adaptation to local condition. Thus, Hurni (1985), made a first attempt to
adapt the RUSLE to the Ethiopian-Eritrean Highland conditions using the data available at that
time. Other researchers like (Helden, 1987) and (Nyssenet al. 2006) examined and adapted the
different factors of the RUSLE after Hurni (1985) to the Ethiopian Highlands.
Figure.2 Analytical frame work of Land Degradation ( Nkonya et al. ,2011)
3.1. Description of the Study area
3.1.1 Location of the Study area
Machakel Wereda is found in East Gojjam Administrative Zone of Amhara National Regional
State, Ethiopia. Geographically located at 100 19‟ 75‖ to 10041‟ 00‖ N latitude and 370 16‟
46‖ to 370 45‟ 42‖E longitude. It is 330 km from Addis Ababa.
3.1.2. Climates of the study area
The average annual rainfall 1200-1800 mm and average annual temperature are 27°C. Main
rainy summer season has duration of from June to September and have different agro-ecological
zone, Worchi 2% ( The northern part of worada), dega 58.76% (The northern and central part of
the Worada), woinadega39.1% ( the central and Southern part of the worada), and kola 0.092%
(Southern part of the Worada) (MWAO,2012).
Altitude of the study area has between 1800 and 3300 m.a.s.l. ranges, with undulating
topography. Its slope ranges from > 1% (Arc GIS). There are also seasonal and intermittent
streams, with steep slopes. Have different rivers that can be used for irrigation purpose (Jedeb,
kulech), spring water shade catchment ( ketech, partial Temcha) and have micro water shade.
Most of the rivers and springs flow down from north to south influence of the undulating
topography towards north (GIS, MWAO, 2012).
The study area has different topography including mountain, forest, grazing area, crop land,
settlement areas. Due to these different topography of the land, there exists a number of plant and
animal species, Livestock(cattle, sheep and horse), Cereals (barley, wheat, teff, maize,), Fruits
(apple, peach), Vegetables (potato, carrot), Wild Mammals(hyena, baboon, fox, monkey, wart
hog, rabbit),Reptiles( snakes, lizards), Amphibians (frog), Birds (francolin, guinea fowl, falcon),
Insects(termites, ants, grasshopper, butterfly), Tree species( eucalyptus, Acacia sp.,), grass
species (Bermuda grass, Mech, Adyo, Asendabo, Sinar, Engcha, Gortebe).have different water
shade catchment (ketech, Jedeb, kulech and partial Temcha ) and micro water shade and also
have four major soil type, leptosols, luvisols, nitisols and vertisols different agro-ecological zone
,Worchi 2%, dega 58.76%, woinadega39.1%, and kola 0.092% .
3.1.5. Socio - Economic characteristics
Machakel Wereda is divided into 25 rural Kebeles with a total population of 141,290 in 2011
E.C. 70,041 are male and 71,249 female, and also have 2,339 women headed household and
17,864 are man headed households, people are highly dependent on agriculture subsistence
mixed-farming socio-economic activity, mainly produce cereal crop products wheat, maize, teff,
barely and potato in uses staple food of the crop was produced. Cattle, sheep, donkey and horses
are taken as source of labor (MWAO,2012)
collected from different governmental and non-governmental organizations. In addition,
Global Positioning System (GPS) data collection was carried out to generate primary
information regarding the ground truth for image classification and soil loss vulnerability
Secondary data sources were collected from Machakel Wereda Agriculture office, socio-
economic data and published documents, researches, articles and books.
3.4 Sampling frame and Size
Sample Size Determination
Three Kebeles, namely Degasegne, Debrekelomo and EmbullyYewubesh on different agro-
ecological zone of Machakel Wereda (high, medium and low altitudes) respectively selected.
About 100 households from all selected Kebeles were selected.
So to get important information, the sample households were proportionally selected with related
to the number of total households of each Keble used as the following formula:
n = N (S)
Where, n= the number of required samples of each kebele
N= Total households of each kebele
S= Total sample households
ΣN= Total households of the three sample kebeles
S is determined to be 5% of the total households of all sample kebeles (ΣN) =130.
Degasegne = 680 = N1
Deberekelemo = 780 = N2
Amarieyewebesh = 800 =N3
Total = 2260
Then, based to the above formula, sample respondents were proportionated as from Degasegne
30 households, from deberekelemo 35 households and from Amarie yewebesh 35 households. In
addition, three focus group discussion which was composed of farmer‗s development group
members living around gully areas and selected aged farmers were conducted.
Sampling techniques
The sample study area was to select Purposive sampling methods Wereda and Kebeles, whereas
three Kebeles were selected based on agro-ecological classification. A sample size of 100
household farmers studied. The sample for the design areas uses a probability multistage
sampling technique, both probability and non-probability sampling.
Table 3.1 sampling techniques
First, non-probability sampling will select East Gojjam Zone, Machakel Wereda, and three
Kebeles using purposive sampling technique methods. East Gojjam has Agricultural suitable
land and agricultural base livelihoods‘ used mixed farming, crop production, and animal rearing.
It is a large number of survivors and highly affects eroded cropland areas causing summer high
rainfall to formulate soil erosion and have different water shade catchments. Secondly,
Degasegne, Deberekelemo, Amarie yewebesh selected three kebeles Sample sizes determined
100 households for all selected Kebeles. So, from Degasegne 30 households, from deberekelemo
35 households and from Amarieyewebesh 35 households have titled certified land tenure.
Focus Group Discussions
Data were collected in FGD structured and semi-structured questionnaire supplemented with
interviews. The survey was adequate with its locational characteristics, size, and population.To
understand gully erosion formation and problem, it consequences, and measure for the reduction
of crop production. Farmers perceive to have the causes of how do create the gully and the
impact of ecology and reduction of productivity and how do you use prevention measures to
protect removal of soil loss were addressed different groups of elder farmers to form four age
intervals. Direct Field Observation I would be observed the condition of eroded cropland and
sustainable land management practices on the ground. To analyses, the level of eroded cropland,
and the major causes of soil erosion estimates the soil's physical behavior, the moisture content
residual crop. Identify the slope of land estimates the runoff flash floods. In addition, farmers
land management, a measure of conservation soil erosion and measure the length, the width, and
the deepest of the gully and to estimate the trend of the gully.
3.6 Methods of Data analysis
Data analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS vers.20) software
interpreted by descriptive statistics mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution, percentage
and used the as chi-square test. And, the qualitative data obtained through key informant
interview, field observation and focus group discussions were analyzed by narrative analysis, it
makes to sort-out and revised shape and triangulate with the quantitative data. GIS Spatial data
visualize and explore geographic information and analytical results that pertain to the question.
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of RUSEL modified Saha model
RUSLE model
Gully erosion with sever high land of Ethiopia ,Machakel woreda is a part of central Ethiopia
which is located at 10°35¹.26 N /37°41¹.22.88 E, has different agro-ecological zone dega 58.76%
woindega 39.1% , kola 0.019% and wurchi 2% . Total area coverage 79,556 hectar and the
average cultivated land is 41,584 hr. and average crop yield produce in the woreda :wheat teff,
maize, barely and potato womberet ,Ketech, shembeqogelebet (a) and (b) gully is source in
woino streams and Mekalem spring respectively center of Degasegn, Amarieyewebesh Kebeles
its elevation 2760 ,2245m.a.s.l and annual rain fall is 1200-1800 mm. steep slope of land scape is
>0.03/3% soil type is luvisols and nitisols high possibility of erosion, the community were mixed
farming livelihoods animal rearing and tillages.
Monitoring of gully erosion comprehended four parts. Two are treatment (womberet in
degasegne Kebele and gelebet in yewebesh embuly Kebele) and the other two are non-treatment
gullies (Keteche in Degasegne non treatment, at the back of shembeqo glebet gully in amarie
yewebesh kebele). Measurement of gully in the history of gully and physical measure of depth,
width and length of each treatment and non-treatment gully and calculate total area coverage and
total volume of loss of soil and the interviewer told absolute / relative age of the gully calculate
the total loss of soil relative to their age and it helps to evaluate in agro-ecological zone ,dega
segne is high land and Amarie Yewe besh is low land zone, it to examine to high and low land
basic differences in slop factor, soil erodibility and erosibility factor and land use land cover
determinants and identify severity and extents of gully ralative to change conservation practices
done or not being to saw the differences. This founds wonberet treatment gully and non-
treatment ketech new gully its creates perpendicular to katech stream/springs forms to create
Amanuel to Degasegn transport road bounds forms collecting summer floods to make diverting
road construction flow floods. Ketech gully ,was aggravate highly steep down slop exposure to
cutting land ,it begins the beds of the gully joint Woino stream banks flow North to South
direction and the ketech gully flow floods East to West direction ,It co-joint and collapse in the
mouth of flood endings the medium of woino stream banks.
Womberet , Ketech were located in the high land areas and Shembeko,Gelebet were located in
low land areas in this physical measurement results ,high land area more severe than low land
area ,evolution of gully were diversified age the effect of age not influence in this gully but there
aggravate causes and community implement of conservation practices.
Interview technique
Gully erosion is determine specifically selected in different climatic zone ,high land moderate
and low land climate .In this area primary join Kebeles trained development agent collect
necessary documents and discussion formulates high impacts of community around the villages
and long years revolution history and short term dangerous to life and difficult mange
conservation practices characteristics selected in two Kebeles .Second to determine the sample to
selected different age farmers in the village and personal affected by gully erosion farmers in
Key informant interview to discuss the history of gully ,age of gully. in addition to, the behavior
of gully disturb ecology and environment in this case affects human beings and animals in
working and walking of disable and elders the participates community survivor in focus group
discussion age category. To understand the age of gully not expected to absolute calendar time, it
is useful to consider seasonal happening related events and changed to normal calendar time.
1970 Qeyshiber
1966 revolution
4.1. Description of respondent
The plan of researcher has 100 household participants in the tree Kebeles. Succeed to 100 % sure
collected all addressed questioner. In the study area were community culture unaccepted woman
works, so from to achieve the objective of researcher were more of the respondents has male so
to achieve target. From the total the respondent 29% female and 71% male were selected
participants. So to achieve our objective majority of male participants are focused in agricultural
Table 4.1 Age distribution of respondents
Age Frequency Percent
18-30 18 18
31-40 20 20
41-50 24 24
> 51 38 38
Total 100 100
From the instance of table 4.1 38% respondents has >51 age, 24% respondents has 41-50 age
intervals, 20% respondents has 31-40 age interval and 18% respondents has 18-30 age intervals.
So maximum age of the farmers has more experienced in the work area the respondents more
advantage accuracy of research results.
Table4.2 Show educational back ground of respondents.
Education Frequency Percent
According to table 4.2 61% respondents has un able to reads and write, 34% respondents has
were able to reads and write, 4% respondents were attends to grade 10 certificates and 1%
respondents were above attend to grade 10 certificates .To show the results of above table more
of the respondents has unable to read and write so its impacts understand new agricultural
technology simply it affects productivity of farmers.
Table 4.3: Experience distribution of respondents
Experience Frequency Percent
0-3 7 7
4-6 13 13
7-9 11 11
>10 69 69
Show table 4.3. 69 % of respondents farmers were experience were greater than 10 years,13%
respondents have 4-6 years experienced to farming practice ,11% respondents were 7-9 years‘
experience to farming activity and 7% were 0-3years experience to work agriculture . as we
show the result of the above table more respondents were express >10 years‘ experience of
farming practice and experience is real to profitable of livelihood So, it assures advantages to
improve productivity of farmers though practical experiences guarantee to food security of
Machakel woreda farmers.
Table 4.4 Credit distribution of respondent
Valid Cumulative
credit access Frequency Percent
Percent Percent
No 24 24 24 24
Yes 76 76 76 100
Total 100 100 100
From the total respondents, 76 % respondents favored to credit access, while 24% respondents
could not access to credit. From the above table, most of the community members were having
credit access by government available on kebele administration to improve productivity of land
and improve crop yield. Farmers challenge was to pay birr in cash for special seed .But available
credit access solved this problem.
Table 4.5: Extension service distribution of respondent
Extension service Frequency Percent
According to the above table, 64 % respondents took training by DA while 36% respondents
were with no training access in the woreda. So it indicates more of the respondent access in the
Kebeles development agents and additional assure in focus group discussion to any community
participation works selective villages development committee members trained by NGOs or
government organization. This team leader was given in the team members in community work
in practical.
Table 4.7 No. of livestock distribution of respondents
<2 42 42
>2 58 58
Total 100 100
According to the above table, 58 % of respondents have greater than two oxen, while 42%
respondents have not own two oxen. It indicates majority of respondents are poor because the
first property of farming activity is oxen. Those who have no minimum two oxen farmers have
difficulties to farming activity which in turn affects productivity of crop yields.
Table 4.8: Land holding distribution of respondent
land holding Frequency Percent
<1hr 50 50
1-3hr 30 30
3-5hr 12 12
>5 8 8
Total 100 100
From the above table, 50% of the respondent has less than 1 hectare of their own land, 30%
respondents has six ―gemede‖ 1.5 hectare of their own land, 12% respondents have 3-5 hectare
of their own land. As a result, half of the respondents‘ access of land holding is less than one
hectare. This amount of land is very small own land tenure which is the basic land holding
property of agriculture. There is no land means, there is no crop productivity.
Table4.9. Distribution of family member respondents
no of family Frequency Percent
< 3 21 21
4-6 families 47 47
7-9 families 27 27
>10 families 5 5
Total 100 100
According to table 4.9, 47 % of respondents have 4-6 family members, 27 % of respondents have
7-9 family members and 5% of respondents have greater than 10 members of family. This result
indicates that more of the respondents have greater than 4 numbers of family members to
advocate productivity of their family and prevention of soil erosion.
The result of this research assures that the socio-economic analysis of the respondents express
minimum amount of land holding access, medium members of family, average property is low
access on pair oxen and average group of age is in medium level age >45 and more households
man managed family but special to government qualification (credit access and training access
.from full of government employment right positions to logistics artificial manure). Then to
improve productivity of farmers more focus has to be given to determine the interest of farmers
in labor intensive SWC practice.
4.2 Asses and Map the magnitude of soil Erosion by RUSLE.
4.2.1. Input Data for RUSEL
Quantitative Analysis from GIS data satellites images capture data. Soil loss is most identifying
by USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) for satellite images uses of GIS and RS (Geographic
Information System) technology for quantitatively evaluating soil loss by erosion. Satellite data
were analyzes soil type and land use land cover (LULC) maps and slope length/steepness in
digital Elevation (DEM) model of the study area and additional secondary soil data and annual
rainfall data are the primary inputs use in USLE for formulation of how much amount of soil
A= R* K* LS* C* P
Where, A is the average annual potential soil loss (t ha‾¹yr‾¹); R is the rainfall-runoff erosivity
factor (MJ mmha−1 h‾¹ yr‾¹); K is the soil erodibility factor; LS is the slope length and degree; C
is the land cover management factor; P is the conservation practice factor then we computed to
each micro water shade of Ketech watershed.
Rain fall erosivity (R) factor
Daily rainfall records from the watershed rain gauge stations covering the period 1995-2019
were used to calculate the rainfall erosivity Factor (R-value). The mean annual rain fall was
first generated for getting continuous rain fall data for each grid cell. Then, the R-value
corresponds to the mean annual rain fall of the watershed was calculated the R-formula
established by (Hurni,1985) to Ethiopia condition:
Where R is the rainfall erosivity factor and P is the mean annual precipitation (mm).
R-factor was computed using conversion tool (above equation) in raster surface using spline
(Isohytal) interpolation methods in Arc GIS software. As shown in the map below the
maximum R-value is High: 1007.27 whereas the minimum R-value is 956.188.
Soil Erodibility (K) factor
The soil erodibility (K) factor for the watershed was estimated based on the vulnerability of
soil washing rain fall and resistivity of run-off soil unit types referred from soil database
adapted to Ethiopia by ( Hurni,1985) and (Hellden,1987). Finally, the shape file results were
changed to a raster with a cell size of 30x30m. The raster map was re-classified based on their
erodibility value as shown below.
The 30m spatial resolution DEM was employed to map the flow accumulation and slope gradient
the study watershed from Nile basin DEM data by using Arc GIS 10.2.2 software. Then by
using spatial analyst tool map algebra- raster calculator in Arc GIS 10.2.2 we could calculate
and map the slope length and steepness (LS) factor based on equation (01) as defined in (Griffin
LS = pow [(flow accumulation) * cell size/22.1,0.6] * pow [sin (slope) * 0.01745/0.09,1.3] . (01)
Figure 7: Slop Length and Steepness factor (LS) map of Keteche watershed
A land use and land cover map of watershed was prepared from Landsat 8 through supervised
digital image classification technique using Erdas Image 2014 software. A field checking effort
was also made in order to collect ground truth information. In supervised image classification
technique, land use and land cover types were classified so as to use the classified image as an
input for generating cover management (C) factor and support practice (P) factor. Based on the
land cover classification map the corresponding C-values obtained from (Hurni,1985) for all land
use types were assigned in a GIS environment
Figure 8: Cover Management Factor (C) Ketech watershed
Erosion management practice factor (P-value)
The P-factor was assessed using major land cover and slope interaction adopted by
(Wieschmeier and Smith, 1978) for Ethiopia condition. The corresponding P-values were
assigned to each land use land cover and slope classes. The P-factor map then was produced
through analyst tool, extract and the intersection of land use and slope class map in Arc GIS
4.2.3. Validating the model
RUSLE model parameters process occurring in Ketech water shade represents in annual mean
soil loss responses various out puts. Mean annual rain fall around water shade district
meteorological station in Dembecha, Rebugebia, Dingaybere, yechereka & Amanuel. The
distribution of input rain fall record data station, Amanuel has high annual rain fall records this
display more closer to Ketech water shade area, the dependent annual soil loss highly induced in
rain fall availability. But to calculate model in average rain fall in region based results its affect
the result in output soil loss. In addition, during the field observation all sample Kebeles crop
land areas, high depth gully forms in short distance coverage in high steep slope nature,
moderate slop and slight slope of area (eg. Amarie Yewebesh) of different land scape soil type,
so our result RUSLE of not cover soil severity class because depend elevation based
classification of severity classification is limitation of this model.
Using RUSLE model to R-factor using Daily rainfall records from the watershed rain gauge
stations covering the period 1995-2019 were used to calculate the rainfall erosivity Factor (R-
value) using (Isohytal) interpolation methods in Arc GIS software. The soil erodibility (K) factor
soil data base adapted to Ethiopia by ( Hurni,1985) and (Hellden,1987)
werechangedtoarasterwithacellsizeof30x30m.The raster map was re-classified based on their
erodibility value .The 30m spatial resolution DEM was employed to map the flow accumulation
and slope gradient the study watershed from Nile basin DEM data by using Arc GIS 10.2.2
software. Then by using spatial analyst tool map algebra- raster calculator the slope length and
steepness (LS) factor based on equation-factor of watershed was prepared from Landsat 8
through supervised digital image classification technique using Erdas Image 2014 software field
checking collect ground truth information, corresponding each land use land cover and slope
4.2.4. Soil Erosion Estimates and Vulnerability Analysis Estimation of soil loss parameters
It is classified into five rates of erosion severity classes (t ha‾¹yr.‾¹): very slight (0–5), slight
(5-15), moderate (15–30), sever (30–50), very severe (> 50). This parameter indicates to risk
prone areas and to respond priority areas to soil conservation practices (Hurni, 1985). Estimation of mean annual soil loss
Average annual soil loss rate was determined by a cell-by-cell analysis of the soil loss surface by
superimposing and multiplying the respective RUSLE factor values (R, K, LS, C, and P)
interactively by using Spatial Analyst Tool- Map Algebra -Raster Calculator‖ in Arc GIS 10.2.2
environment as shown in equation (02) adopted by ( Hurni ,1985).
A = R* K* LS* C* P (02)
Where, A is the average annual potential soil loss in t.ha‾¹yr‾¹; R is the rainfall-runoff erosivity
factor; K is the soil erodibility factor; LS is the slope length and degree; C is the land cover
management factor; P is the conservation practice factor then we computed all micro watershed
of Ketech watershed =101.97ton.ha‾¹yr‾¹ or 612, 561.3 t. yr‾¹.
Table 4.11: Soil types and their corresponding K-value and total area coverage
Soil type K-value Area -Ha %age of area Color of the soil
According to table 4.11, Vulnerability of soil erosion is associated to the nature of soil type and
becomes decisive; Ketech watershade has leptosols, luvisols, nitisols and vertisols. These soil
types are highly erodible in simple rain. Due to Machakel woreda agriculture office documents,
Machakel woreda have 79,556 hr. total area coverage, and 41,584 hr. cultivated land, Ketech
watershad 6007 hr. total area coverage based on GIS images map information. 64.4% and 32.8 %
of this area (leptosols, luvisols), nitisols soil, its erodibility factor was 0.35 and 0.25 respectively.
It is high possibility of washing by simple rain drizzle rain (0.5/0.02) mm diameter of rain
More of the water shade catchment is crop land 3521 (see table 3.2) total hectare cover and 12.85
ton.ha‾¹yr‾¹average soil loss in the result of amount of soil loss assume crop land per hectare
vulnerable to crop productivity of farmers under risk of food security of community.
LULC of Ketech water shade catchment, 59.7 % was crop land area and large area coverage, it is
highly vulnerable human and animal induced soil erosion, improper farming and improper
diverted ditch , more means of livelihood of farmers soil erosion affects crop land reduce quality
of soil ,reduce moisture content, disturb organic matter of soils ,its result of difficult to plough
activity ,reduction of crop growth it results reduction of crop productivity and affects livelihood
of farmers consequences of Environmental changes. Vulnerability and prioritization
Annual soil loss of area Vulnerability to soil erosion is concentrated to the nature of soil type is
decisive; Ketech has leptosols, luvisols, nitisols and vertisols. These soil types are highly
erodible in simple rain. Due to Machakel woreda agriculture office documents Machakel woreda
have 79,556 hr. total area coverage, and 41,584 hr. cultivated land, Ketech water shad 6007 hr.
total area coverage GIS images map information. 64.4% and 32.8 % of this area (leptosols,
luvisols), nitisols soil its erodibility factor was 0.35 and 0.25 respectively it is of high possibility
of washing by simple rain /drizzle rain soil large coverage and also have 3,521.34 hr. area
cultivated /crop land, their slop were 0-50%, of area is erodibility factor if it also more
probability to wash simple rain about (0.5/0.02mm)diameter.
Figure 10: Soil Erosion severity map of Ketech watershed.
Table 4.12: severity classification and annual soil loss (t.ha‾¹hr‾¹) percentage and priority
Total annual soil Percentage of Conservation
Soil erosion severity Severity class loss (t.ha‾¹hr‾¹) soil loss (%) priority
0-5 Very slight 32.34431 1 Fourth
5-15 Slight 144.39 6 Second
15-30 Moderate 48.1 2 Third
30-50 Sever 0 0
>50 Very sever 2185 90.6 First
Vulnerability risk classification of the RUSEL model classified in to five categories in terms of
annual soil loss: Very slight (0-5 ), slight (5-15),moderate (15-30), sever (30-50) and > 50 very
sever ,so in this category classification of severity (90.6 % ) of water shade was very sever
covered areas it is highly vulnerable and priority to conservation practices .
Table 4.13: Annual soil loss of each micro water sheds within the Ketech Major watershed
Micro watershed Area in ha Min Max Mean Rank
DegaShote 227.728 2.97 111.65 16.57 1
Womberet 410.377 2.48 120.72 16.24 2
Meskamba 527.162 2.14 114 15.37 3
Lay Damot 261.966 1.76 265.59 14.83 4
Quacherie 576.923 2.49 159.31 14.74 5
Wikl 479.833 1.76 208.6 14.52 6
Merechit 564.169 3.02 105.03 14.11 7
Jingidir 323.672 1.67 113.88 12.41 9
Armit 374.521 2.09 159.29 12.2 10
KedusYohannis 692.443 2.11 158.63 11.1 11
KosoAmba 415.59 1.78 106.15 11.07 12
GebtoAmba 522.701 2.93 129.68 9.95 13
Dimuhani 330.949 1.74431 87.078 9.23 14
DingayAgur 299.237 1.73 80.43 7.38 15
Total 6007.27 1.67 265.59 12.85
Figure 11:Soil map of ketech watershed
According to soil map, soil type classification was leptosols, Luvisols. Nitisols and Vertisols,
The total area water shade catchment 64 % (3870 ha) land coverage of land erodibility factor is
very high (0.35) it aggravate to erosion. So, sever vulnerability to erosion prone area and high
area coverage and 1971 ha of land is erodibility factor is 0.25, it is also with high vulnerability
and affects crop yields and productivity of farmers to priority to conservation practices.
52 The major Causes of Soil Erosion in study area
According to RUSEL model results, the causes of study area soil erosion with high vulnerability
of soil type are Leptosols, Luvisols, Nitosols and Vertisols with high erodible factor (0.15-0.35).
The basic thing to aggravate the causes of soil erosion and the topography of land is those with
high steep slope area classification included area >3% it is sever vulnerable areas and erosion
management p-factor is ( 0.1 -0.33) very less to soil prevention management practices to control
soil erosion and land use land cover management C- factor (0.001-0.4 ) almost none of cover
management more of land cover is in the catchment crop land (3521 ha.) cover poor management
conservation practices its aggravates of soil erosion . Perception of people on the causes of soil erosion
To identify the main causes of soil erosion in the perception of farmers prepared eight common
causes of soil erosion and addition to select more than one option and open end to add exclude
this option.
Tables 4.14: causes of soil erosion distribution of respondent.
improper plough 5 5.0
improper plough, deforestation, over grazing 1 1.0
The occurrence of erosion by respondents assured to be 90 % and the indicator perceive different
understanding of community and we asked the main causes of this erosion and 30 % of responds
replied the main causes of this area high rain fall and high run-off summer season (June-
September ) the annual rain fall of this region 1200-1800 ml is caused, 20 % respondents thought
about are the main causes of this area erosion is the topography of the land naturally steepness of
the land is aggravate to high run off flash flood ,16 % respondents the main cause of the erosion
deforestation the clearance of forests it cannot reduce/prevent the run-off water ,6 % of responds
the main cause of erosion is over grazing unbalanced livestock and grazing grass land .To
conclude result triangulates to three focus group discussion participants express the main cause
of soil erosion was focus high rainfall and the steep slope of land and the behavior of soil type is
erodible to aggravate non-conservation practice land which risks to future life dangerous to
survive to food security.
4.3. To Examine the Extents of Gully erosion of different time periods in the
study area.
Gully erosion has high challenges of Ethiopian high lands areas. In the reasons of land use land
cover problem the nature of land scape the behavior of soil type aggravates of improper
utilization of resource so to understand the gully history, extent, trends and patterns of gully its
impacts of community, the managements of gully cause and treatment, perception of
quensiquence uses AGERTIM (assessment of gully erosion rates trough interview and
measurement). The analysis will apply on analyzing data through descriptive and inferential
statistic method were be used for data that will be gathered from interview, and personal
observation and physical measurement. Gully will identify areas damages to know their current
area, these gully will measure by on the two sides and length of the gully using by field measures
and. Both observers on the sides also estimate maximum depths of each gully visually at similar
points and average values were field measure for each point. Following this, the maximum depth
of each gully was summarized.
This method, allows assessment of long term gully extension. It combines with current
measurements of gully, the evolution of estimated gully dimensions rates could be calculated
V=∑ (1)
According to the equation the total current volume of four gulliesis,181,514 (m³)
RL =V Bd/T C (2)
RS =(V - V0)Bd/T C (3)
where RL=area specific long term gully erosion rate (t ha‾¹ a‾¹), RS=area specific short-term
gully erosion rate (t ha‾¹ a‾¹), V =total gully volume (m3), V0 = initial gully volume, at the
beginning of the considered time span (m3) T=time span considered (years), Bd=soil bulk
density, 1·2 t m³ (Nyssenet al., 2000b) and C=catchment area (ha).
the gully is Ketech streams very small flow of water almost null in the observation time, and in
the south side the mouth of gully the flow of stream banks and in the West side of the gully is
good wheat sowing crop residual land in the edges narrow roads. Before the re-settlement of
community, seven households were surviving, after settlement the residence of this area were
that of ―seferatabia ‖ places with no erosion and gully formation , in addition, this area is covered
with sowing , teff, wheat, barely without artificial fertilizers. Ato Mekuriaw said, Woino gully
starts in Zemene Derege around in 1979 E.C. fox digging in small hole make small line in
streams edge leading to high flood in the summer and the Zemene Dereg this is area is crop land
change to Amaga / grazing land in the Kebeles administer and in summer season being livestock
home in the night aggravate soil erosion cutting the land / making land slide and intensification
of in the width and in the heads of streams and then in the short time creates of high social
impact and the cattle was loss of grazing land the owner of land tenure is substitute is far
distance and difficult to walk on San Gberel Orthodox Church‗s they were not every walked
Sunday (is dedicated in the resurrection of Lord).
Figure 12: Images of Womberet gully in different time extent
managed by anaother persons in rent of yields ,this case highly effects to aggravate soil erosion
and also land slide and gully formation .because they cannot feel owner ship /privatize and
monitoring and conservation to soil erosions.
In the other key informant interviewer to manage the land temporarly in rent to yields , he said
the awarenes of Ketech gully the owner of the land tenure and family member and the begning of
the gully started before 1983, the owner went to Addis, sowing the farm. During begining the
plough beteween the two adjucent boundary of width 80 c.m at the center small canal compare as
ox- drawn tillages line/fer/ like cannals. After two years this cannal changed to small gully which
is difficult to child walk or pass but high adolecent walks . But now a days forms high gorges
with the total area coverage of 11 ha. and volume of Ketech gully is 9093m²/yr.
Embulie yewebesh have different gully in the nature of soil type and the nature of land scape
Ketech water shade catchments were the last tail mouth to tributary to Temcha river many cubic
metere floods flow in the many direction creating canals steep slopy topography covered long
distance. Shembeko gelebet gully have around this area different gully happen in different time.
This research were selected Shembeko gelebet (a) and Shembeko gelebet (b) ewre respectively.
To understand these gullies we would selected impacted person affected farm land tenure two
person in type (a) and type (b) key informant interview and one five members focus group
discussion deployed data so we will discuss detail:
4.3.4. Shembeqogelebet
Embulie yewebesh have different gully in the nature of soil type and the nature of land scape
Ketech water shade catchments were the last tail mouth to tributary to Temcha river many cubic
meter floods flow in the many direction creating canals steep sloppy topography covered long
distance. Shembeko gelebet gully have around this area different gully happen in different time.
This research was selected Shembeko gelebet (a) and Shembeko gelebet (b) were respectively.
To understand these gullies we would selected impacted person affected farm land tenure two
person in type (a) and type (b) key informant interview and one five member‘s focus group
discussion deployed data so we will discuss detail:
Forms East to west flow of Mekelan shite small tributary spring . Based on data process I was
join in the key informant tri sect walks collect information this gully begins 1974 in crop farm
lands tenure (Ato Ademe) in the causes of Mekalem shite floods .during the beginning of erosion
the canal of tributary approximately 60 cm width and 80 cm depth to saw sample canal to living
around observation time starts .the owner of farm during show landslides saw ignorance because
the bed is the foot of grazing land used as being control of cattle/like a fence. after a year cutting
two dimensions made huge gully soluble move many segments like circle in the north and south
sides .The home of the land tenure in this area in the north /left side a fare from 100 m .Then he
is very exited it crack sign to slide part of surface .so this person apply to government of offices
in the Woreda and kebele administration high risk .At this time RCC project join support
community in2002 E.C. farmers in conservation of natural resource and prepare planting plants.
During this time the owner is former planting trees and made gabion .the gully were relief
through treatment .this practice appreciation and learnable .The gully total area covered 2.5 ha.
of land was damaged in erosion .
59 Shembekogelebet (b)
Shembeko gelebet (b) located the back of type (a) 200 meter length and average width 12 meter
and depth 4 meter depth total area coverage 2.4 ha to understand the history and behavior of this
gully selected personal impacted farmers uses in the key informant interview join and trisect
walks around the gully to discuss begins before 2008 E.C. edges Ato Meselu Birhanu 's land the
causes human induced action of conservation practices to relief type (a) diverting floods made a
ditches above the type a gully hills collected round catchment floods ,land scape normally steep
slope and around crop land farmers made canals one direction. Left and right side tillage‘s canal
collects in center cone shape flow make rill erosion in adjacent farm lands. In the focus group
discussion the participant‘s information there is no different from key informant farmers but
gully before two years were relief but aggravate the gully in short time to impacted Ato Amare
Tilahun's land. And the whole Shelel –Sedeye ' travel roads were damaged the village elders and
animals very difficult to walk high impacts to society movements to market, jobs any social
This gully unlike to different others, created fast high impact untill now. But to the next summer
to avoid huge area coverage to save two adjucent lands it is required to apply integrated
community participation coservation practics and above the gully implement conservation
practice terracing mainly diverting canals. It can be concluded from key informant interview and
conscutive focus group discussion that conservation practice was not done in common good
resources roads, after relief was restarted and happened it is important to implement gabion and
trech stop simple unavoidable resource and labour.
Table 16: Total area coverage and total volume of sample gully
4.4. Perception and knowledge of people on Soil Erosion and Gully and its
4.4.1. Perception on the extent, magnitude, coverage and impacts
In the Machakel woreda has different agro-ecological zone from 2000-3300 altitude, 58.7% of
area are dega, 39.1 % of land is woinadega and 0.092 % of land is partial kola areas .From this
different classification take three sample Kebeles, Degasegne has high altitude, Debrekelemona
middle altitude and Amarieyewobesh low altitude areas .This three Kebeles represent Machakel
woreda whole agro-ecological Zone to understand the perception and knowledge of farmers
indicates. So to identify the perception and methods of symptom of occurrence on soil erosion
crop land prepare four close and open ended survey questions to ask100 households.
No 9 9
Yes 91 91
Total 100 100
According to table above, 91 % of respondents understand to happen soil erosion their farm
while 9 % of respondents do not know soil erosion to happen in their farm, the majority of
households assure soil erosion exists in their own crop land. But it not conclude only this result,
then triangulation qualitative data ―explain‖ Or add depth to quantitative findings , (Dzurec And
Abraham ,1993).Focus group discussion and field observation on around crop land , majority of
focus group participants told us more of crop farm lands have sever soil erosion in the summer
season laying the reason the nature of woreda topography is steep down and there in no land
cover ( deforestation, the nature of soil is red color mererie / leptosols it is less resistivity droplet
of addition to average rain fall is 1200-1800 ml/year .it creates high aggravate to soil
erosion .due to the field observation time .we observe in three Kebeles around crop farm land
there is difficult to walk different size gully ,and I will digging to in small depth ,the soil was dry
and stiff stony soil and understand soil was washed deeply make rill erosion exposure to floods
we assure in the summer season have highly run-off flash flood. As a result the researchers
conclude that in the sample Kebeles exist soil erosion selected Kebeles was different agro-
ecological zone, all of zones have seen soil erosion all over woreda has assure soil erosion.
Table 4.18: The occurrence of /indicators of symptom of soil erosion of respondents
The respondent of the interviewer are assure soil erosion exist in their farm, how to identify soil
erosion the indicator of soil erosion seen in the farm listed simple 8 choose the option. So the
symptom 39 %of respondents are to occur the reduction of crop yields, 14 % of respondents are
sandy occur on top of farm land ,13 % are rill observed on the farm land after rain remove of top
soil to form a canal like line seen,6 percent of respondents indicates the whole symptom occur on
the crop land. The topography of Machakel woreda is steep the slop of land is in the Ketech
water shad 0-50 percent and the formation of soil is highly erodible less resistivity of rain
droplets 01-.33. This is highly affected to summer floods and less land use land cover practice in
the woreda.
Table 4.19: respondents think Problem of soil erosion on farm land
Results of respondent Frequency Percent
Yes 90 90.0
No 5 5.0
Total 95 95.0
According to table 4.19, 90 % respondents replied soil erosion being problem to farming activity
while 5% respondents replied as there is no problem with soil erosion consequences. Majority of
the respondent‗s soil erosion creates problem in the farming activity. We conclude that based on
the above results and the evidences of during field observation time high problem plowing
activity of farmers to create high gully and forms landslide between adjacent lands.
The extents of soil erosion increases from time to time as 82 % respondents expressed, 10 %
respondents expressed the decrease of the extent of erosion, 3 % of respondents replied as there
is no differences now and before. Due to the GIS images results indicate the slope of the land is
very high to susceptible to erosion and the nature of the soil (Leptosols, Luvisols, Nitisols and
Vertisols) is also high erodible access to simple rain fall and the result of arc GIS information to
support the house hold survey evidences and to assure in the field observation time the extents of
Machakele woreda erosion is increased time to time, it is of high risk around the community of
Ketech watershed.
Fig 16: The severity of soil erosion in study area
According to fig 10, 33 % of respondents the severity of the erosion is high & moderate impact
to the crop land and productivity of farmers, 20 % of respondents the severity of erosion in their
crop land low impact of land and 14 % of respondents express very high severity of erosion on
farm and average severity of study area 60% degree of severity risks and field observation and
the result of focus group discussion and indicates, evidences the severity of soil erosion of farm
land very dangerous condition and high risk to productivity of farmers diversified different size
of gully the consequence of livelihood and Environment its priority SWC practice.
impacted. To analyses this determinants use logit Econometrics statistical methods after adapting
them to the problems of economic life and personal aspect.
In the econometrics literature, logit and probit models may be used to analyze discrete
dichotomous variables that influence farmers‘ perceptions of soil erosion (Verbeek, 2003). These
models use a binary choice variable as the dependent variable. As (Baidu, 1999) point out; there
is possible loss of information if a binary variable is used as the dependent variable. This is
because knowledge of whether a farmer perceives or does not perceive soil erosion may not
provide sufficient information about the farmer‗s behavior as farmers have various extent of
perception on soil erosion. The use of ordered dependent variable is very informative because
severity of the problem such as soil erosion is likely to determine actions taken to alleviate it.
Following (Verbeek, 2003), the general ordered logit model can be specified as;
Yi*= β'Xi+ i……………………………………………. Equation 1
Yi is the underlying unobserved (latent) variable that indexes the level of perception of
soil erosion,
Xi is a vector of explanatory variables describing farm, household and institutional
Β 'are parameters to be estimated and
According to the above graph to know the level of perception of people53 % of respondent‘s
high perception of soil erosion, 32 % of respondents the level of perception is moderate and 15
% of respondents has the level of perception is low being assure to the results. To indicate the
results more of the knowledge of people is high, so farmers to understand the causes and the
occurrence of erosion to solve the problem and the consequences of erosion and conservation
[perception=1] -353 2.729 0.17 1 .879
**Significant at <5%
***Significant at <1%
The perception of farmers assures in the parameter of likelihood ratio, goodness of fit test shows
a good fit for the model. The confidence of interval (χ2) statistics testing that the coefficients of
the model excluding the constant term, are highly significant (at P<0.001) supporting the
specification. The signs of five (50%) explanatory variable show non-significant (p >0.10), two
explanatory variables (extension service and training access) indicate marginal significant to
perception of farmers on soil erosion and also two of them (Education and Experience) indicates
significant evidences (0.01<0.05) estimation parameter. Land is highly significant explanatory
variable to this research estimation parameter. Half of explanatory variables have estimated
parameters assure expectations. As the result one value of odds ratio add in significant
explanatory variable change on dependent variable on perception, positive sign indicates positive
effects of perception and negative sign indicate influences of dependent variables. To conclude
soil erosion of farmers perception to increase in the values of positive independent variable and
negative effects have suggest reduction.
4.5. Impact of Soil Erosion and gully on the reduction of crop production on
The degree of soil erosion is expressed in all erosion subtypes in qualitative and quantitative
terms as an impact on productivity (negligible, light, moderate, strong, extreme impact).
Classification is based on estimation of the changes in quantity of yield productivity and also
takes the level of management into consideration. Changes in productivity are expressed in
relative to current crop average productivity status of farmer‗s survey compared to the average
productivity in the secondary data of Machakel Wereda agriculture administration office.
The data analysis of this research depends on both quantitative and qualitative approach. The
primary data collected from sampled household were be processed and analyzed by using the
Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS).The survey data will be analyzed and interpreted
by using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution,
percentage and will use chi-square test. And, the qualitative data obtained through key informant
interview, field observation and focus group discussions will analyses by narrative analysis, it
makes to sort-out and reflect up on them, enhance them and present in a revised shape and
triangulate with the quantitative data to analyze effect of the reduction of crop productivity in the
cause of land degradation on household.
Then to evaluate the perception / awareness of farmers, I ask related to the above question to
invite 100 households from three Kebeles the result of descriptive statistics summarized in below
table.92 % of the responds of participants are there is impact in or disturb in farming activity ,2
% respondents are there is no problem creates in the farming activity . But not this result only
enough to conclude to assure seem like in other discussion this question is one parts of focus
group discussion title on the discussion time speaks difficult to farming activity ,in addition to
this we express in the above field observation trisect walk in the three Kebeles farm land areas
.as time of this observation seen many places too difficult to plowing huge, as a result I
conclude soil erosion is in the study area are highly impact of farming activity.
Table 4.22: Soil erosion impact of farming activity distribution of respondent
Soil erosion impact of farming activity express Frequency Percent
plowing activity 71 71
All 8 8
harvesting activity 3 3
plowing activity, sowing activity 2 2
sowing activity 2 2
weeding activity 2 2
labor loss , reduction of crop 2 2
According to table 4.22 Soil erosion conclusion, the impact of farming activity, farming activity
takes place from preparation of farming /plowing to harvesting of yields which activity is more
difficult to work to assure this activity prepared open and closed ended question invite in
households , Between of 100 households 71 % participants respond difficult to work /farming
activity is plowing activity is difficult to work, 8 % responds plowing, sowing weeding activities
are difficult to farming activities, in the open ended questions participants express impacts in
labor loss and reduction of crop ; in addition to this results of statistics in the group discussion
between the group members for example , one of the participants Ato Mekuriaw Minwagawe
said; it is too difficult to the activity of plowing , during plowing oxen afraid off the gully to
close end of a side and back to the center it is time taken .the other 13 % responds sowing,
weeding and harvesting activities are impacts in farming activities. We concluded that soil
erosion impacts of farming activities and tillage are labor intensive.
Table 4.23: Time Duration soil erosion tables distribution of respondents
Time Duration soil erosion tables Frequency Percent
Yes 92 92
No 8 8
Total 100 94
As shown in table 4.24, soil erosion also impacts on directly and indirectly crop yields.
Productivity of crop in their farm it gets fertile soil suitable moisture and suitable whether
condition in this research to assure soil erosion direct affects farm land in loss of nutrient.
Decline of nutrient's land it can affect quantity and quality of crop .according to table below
show results indicates 91 % of respondents agree to soil erosion impacts on crop yields but 2%
respondents soil erosion cannot affect crop yields , ewe conclude this result from the above
results of this paper in the study area soil erosion is exist in the three focus group discussion and
household survey results and arc GIS results of Ketech water shade catchment area as show this
result soil erosion is exist and affects Machakel woreda farm land, we conclude that it can exist
soil erosion it also decline nutrient happen so exist crop yields impacts on quality and quantity.
Table 4.25: Soil erosion seriously impacted crop type show table
Soil erosion seriously impacted crop type
Frequency Percent
Teff 54 51
Wheat 20 20
Barely 13 12
Potato 4 3
teff , wheat 3 2
All 2 1
Maize 2 1
teff, barely 2 1
Total 100 91
Missing 9 9
Total 100 100
In the above results, it is shown that soil erosion impacts on crop yields .In Machakel woreda the
main produce crop are wheat, barely, teff, potato and maize, widely suitable for agro-ecological
zone. In this crop type which is seriously impact by this soil erosion. identify to this affected
crop ask you 100 households as an shows above table 4.25 and cross sectional to focus group
discussion, 54 % household respond seriously impacted crop is teff,12% household respond
highly impacted crop is wheat. Less impacted crop type maize 1% respondents express. As
indicates teff highly affected in soil erosion and highly susceptible to climate change its found
fertile soil and depth, favorable condition but very necessary to community stable food suitable
to health.
Table 4.26: Trends of impact soil erosion on crop yields distribution show table
Trends of impact soil erosion on crop
Frequency Percent
Increase 90 90
Decrease 3 3
no difference 1 1
Total 94 94
Missing 6 6
Total 100 100
According to the above table result of erosion impact on productivity of land serious products of
local of crops, in duration of soil erosion happen results above maximum one decade and half
years. so this impact were sequences year to year to know the trend of this change were
understand to this research ready to this close ended questions to surveying in sample households
.respondents are given 90% household responds the trend of soil erosion impact were increase
time to time, 3% household respond are the trend of soil erosion impact was decrease time to
time .1% household respond no differences impact of soil erosion in crop productivity. As a
result of this table the trend of erosion increases year to year and relatively the impacts also
increases. Soil erosion always exist a decline of soil fertility, no proper plant growth and we
cannot get good result of crop.
to year we prepare closed and open ended survey question to sample Kebele household and
discuss focus group discussion. We ask household survey question invite 100 sample. From
sample respondents 54% of respond 1-3 quintal per hectare reduces in one product seasons and
34% of respondents 4-6 quintal per hectare of product reduce in one product season 7% of
respondents 7-8 quintal product of yield reduces per hectare per year and the other 3%
respondents there is no differences year to year will respond.
As the result half of the respondent assures the 1-3 quintals per hectare of yield is reduces
annually. This number is high impacts of food security in the community in addition to majority
of respondents less than one hectare land tenure,1 hectare by local measure instrument 3 'gemede'
from this plot of land 1-3 quintal product was reduce the livelihoods of community is dangerous
to survive. In the community land holding capacity is less they cannot access to enough land
tenure especially in adolescent managed household because land was reform and distributed in
1975 E.C. After this year there is no land reform, becoming this year born residences they cannot
accesses enough land so in this amount of yield would be decline of products the community
food security of this means of livelihood will be challenges. In addition to this this household
survey result cross-section to Machakel woreda agriculture office documents average cultivated
area 41,584 hectare and five years crop yield data collects in secondary data, 2007-2012 crop
yield season, 2007-2008 as a base line data relative to becoming years, as show the table 6%,
3%, 13%, 18% reduce year to year respectively and the amount of yields reduction.
The consequence of soil erosion reduction of fertility ,loss of nutrient ,acidity of soil , reduction
of yield, difficult to farm activity additional labor west and influences productivity of farm and
farmers. Generally to prepared three common criteria to identify the consequence of the study
area. the surveying respondents three clear closed options questioner and additionally specify
inviting open criteria of consequences, from 100 sample households 89 % respond properly the
other 11% is not answer given; then 49 % of respondents the consequence of their farm land is
saw reduction of crop yields , 22 % house hold responses the consequence of this area reduction
of soil fertility ;11 % response gives all criteria of consequence‗s (Reduction of crop yield,
reduction of soil fertility and reduction of crop growth) express this way,3 % of respondents
reduction of crop growth and the other 4% respondents,1% for each grouped consequences
,(reduction of soil fertility& reduction of crop yields), (reduction of soil fertility& reduction of
crop ), (reduction of soil fertility and reduction of crop growth ) and( reduction of soil fertility &
reduction of crop yield) selected responses , so assured other researcher the consequences of soil
erosion in the study area results reduction of crop soil fertility and reduction of crop growth all
are the last result of land degradation is reduction of crop yields its indicator of loss of soil
fertility and its affects the normal condition of crop not enough content /mineral and moisture
retention depth of soil to deep rooted crops like maize and potato items highly affects its simply
dry and strong soil cannot productive sowing of this area . we can understand this house hold
survey and arc GIS documents of Ketech water shad high vulnerability of topography ,behavior
of soil the LULC management of the woreda and SWC of farmers conclude that don‗t doubt this
result divisible to focus prevention methods .
Crop yields increase by half indicates decline soil fertility. Reduction of crop production
different reasons have in this case I would ask professional crop development officer in
Machakel woreda , he said the reason of this reduction of yields to be 'soil degradation, soil
fertility decline, climate change, optimum rain fall, variety adaptation , lack of special variety ,
disease and pest invasion ' being gives technical suggestion. This concludes that relatively the
focus group discussion, statistics, and office secondary data in the average productivity /hectare.
Table 4.30: measure taken to prevent the reduction of crop productivity respondent tables
Variables of indirect impact Frequency Percent
The reduction of crop yields assure uses the three data collection instruments, household survey,
three focus group discussion each sample Kebeles, Machakel woreda agriculture office in the
source of secondary data. Farmers‘ to improves crop productivity in the world use inorganic
fertilizer, use special verity, special tilling equipment, done sustainable land management, and
uses different technology. In our study area severity and trend of soil erosion very high and
impacts to also show very high so, farmers as this condition they cannot simply saw/sitting
admirely, temporarily or sustainably solve them ,therefore, to assure by research this solution
prepare open and closed ended survey questioner ask sample household .As show in the above
4.30 table 76% respondents the reduction of crop yield solve to improve uses artificial fertilizer
temporary solution, 12% of respondents would respond to prevent reduction of crop yield
changes crop type would be a solution for example to sowing teff seed to substitute wheat, teff if
not productive yield to relative to wheat and other cereals natural agro -ecological selective
(1700-2200) but teff in Ethiopia staple/delicious food item source carbohydrate in the woreda
enjera less productivity and fiber contents of grain important to prevent diabetes in assisting with
blood sugar for this advantages it being produce yield . 4% of respondents said uses artificial and
organic fertilizers, artificial fertilizers almost appreciation more respondents, organic fertilizer
more divisible to fertility of soil prevention of soil nutrients but it cannot satisfy quality because
consume large quantity too prepare. As a result cross checks to focus group discussion in
household survey result show more of farmers uses artificial fertilizers in the focus group
discussion results the participants told long aged persons in time of adolescent stage none use of
artificial fertilizer but land is fertile and many access of land alternative tillage land and then to
improve crop yield land fallow and crop rotation. But now days it is not enough farm land .this
owned plot of land to improve crop yield productivity the last option is artificial fertilizers it
cannot use more labor. In addition to this once year sowing with artificial fertilizer in the next
season without artificial fertilizer none of planted seed. So we conclude the temporary solution
of loss of productivity measure by farmers is inorganic fertilizer.
5.1. Conclusion
Soil erosion was severing in the Machakel woreda with in source of different causes the result
food insecurity and affect central part of Ethiopia in East Gojjam zone, living mixed farming
practice (animal rearing and cultivating land) community. The socio-economic analysis of
community were minimum land holding access, medium members of family, average property is
low access on pair oxen and average medium level age >45 managed family and more
households man dominated managed family but special to government expected logistic access
(good credit access and training access, has trained DA officers right positions to logistics
inorganic fertilizer) .
On the other hand the perception farmers on soil erosion to analyze the occurrence of symptoms
to happen in farm land differentiate their understanding and experience exist soil erosion indicate
in decline of yield productivity compare to last decades and assure farmers understand the main
causes of soil erosion is known lay out in their understanding high rainfall and the steep slope of
land and the behavior of soil type erodible was aggravates of non-conservation practice.
Land to measure the extent of soil erosion increase and increase time to time in the history
information before three decades the extent of soil erosion and gully erosion is minimum because
this time assure to field observation ,key informant interview and focus group discussion
minimum population number non-degraded natural resource high forestation coverage less
agriculture explanation, soil was absorb rain water in the ground flood reduced and flow
distributed and farmers fallow farm intercropping and crop rotation conservation methods .
After three decades gully the extent of gully is increase the history of majority gully is begins
back of three decades and evolution severity is very fast happen everywhere different level of
To explain in the Agro-ecological zone high land areas assure to field observation sever rill
erosion, sheet and gully erosion comparatively because aggravate in high areas high rain
fall/high run-off and steep slope down land and the nature of soil type is (leptosols possibility of
erosion is 0.35) and medium and low land areas has different topography combine to high
erosion risk to moderate erosion risks because its steep slope is ( between >0.5%) of farm land
and also change severity increase time to time.
Assure the impact of soil erosion on crop productivity of farm land was changed 1-3 quintals per
hectare of yield is reduces annual this number adds artificial fertilizers, so high impacts of food
security in the community in addition to majority of respondents less than 1 hectare land tenure,
1hectare by local measurement instrument 3 'gemede' from this plot of land 1-3 quintal product
was reduce the livelihoods of community is dangerous to survive. In the community land holding
capacity is less they cannot access to enough land tenure especially in adolescent managed
household because land was reform and distributed in 1975 E.C. After this year there is no land
reform, becoming this year born residences they cannot accesses enough land so in this amount
of yield would be decline of products the community food security of this means of livelihood
will be challenges.
In addition to this this household survey result cross-section to Machakel woreda agriculture
office documents average cultivated area 41,584 hectare and five years crop yield data collects in
secondary data, 2007-2012 crop yield season, 2007-2008 as a base line data relative to becoming
years, as show the table 6%, 3%, 13%, 18% reduce year to year respectively and the amount of
yields reduction
More of the water shade catchment is crop land 3521 total hectare cover and
101.97ton.ha‾¹yr‾¹or 612, 561.3 t. yr‾¹average soil loss in the result of amount of soil loss
assume crop land per hectare vulnerable to crop productivity of farmers and under risk of food
security of community of study area because high steep slope and high erosion management
factor un available of land cover affected soil erosion on crop land and this area is more sever to
erosion based on findings the above data .then priority to soil conservation practice terracing too
because aggravate in improper farming practice rehabilitation of crop lands to improve yield
Soil erosion depends on slops of topography and land use land cover, in Arc GIS images in the
catchment slop is >0.5% and their land use land cover factor is 0.1-0.33 value in crop land soil
erosion is highly affected in rill and sheet erosion and also gully erosion, this indicates land
cover management is poor so, farmers to prevent their land from soil erosion and degradation
works Conservation of SWC practices because the Ketech water shade catchment arc GIS data
total annual maximum 265.59 t/ hr, minimum 1.67 t/hr and mean /average lose 12.85 t/hr in soil
lose the four Kebeles of Machakel woreda
LULC of Ketech water shade catchment 59 % was crop land areas and it large area coverage, it
is highly vulnerable human and animal induced soil erosion, improper farming practice and
improper diverted ditch canals based on steep slope land, frequency of high rain fall and un able
to conservation practice aggravated this condition the of crop land soil now sever by the erosion,
land to improve crop productivity necessary for fertile soil, depth and moisture content. In
Machakel woreda farmers livelihood affects by rill and sheet soil erosion because crop land
reduce quality of soil, reduce moisture content ,disturb organic matter of soils ,its result of
difficult to plough activity ,reduction of crop growth it results reduction of crop productivity and
affects livelihood of farmers consequences of Environmental changes (I was saw in observation
time) because reduce productivity of land farmers is planting Eucalyptus tree (absorb ground
water soil is change acidic nature.
Gully are severe in the sample kebeles and also in the Machakel woreda ,in the nature of land s
cape steep slope topography and the possibility of soil erosibility and erodibility factor
aggravated human induced factor improper farming and uninteresting non cashed conservation
practice it is very sensitive to rill, sheet and deep gully erosion and forms of land slide .according
to in the key informant interview discussion sever land degradation were show in the farm land
loss of nutrient, moisture and loss of soil decomposed matters. we would discuss the informant
experience at the head of Shembeko gelebet (b) gully Eucalyptus tree was planted the owner
sowing repetitively with artificial fertilizer to improve yield productivity after few years the land
was not planting any crop type , during this time farmer's would advise Wereda agriculture office
test soil ,soil was test show acidity it treatment to lime but not productive then he was plants this
tree. So farmers knowing and understanding the behavior of land to private property but not
worry communal lands/ common goods, grazing lands, roads. To assure that gully begins in
common goods inter to private land uncontrollable power .So to change this attitudes devoted to
minister of Agriculture to the head to the foot,
on the other the objective of the research is to measure the extent of different time : As I report to
this findings before three decades the extent of soil erosion and gully erosion is minimum
because this time assure to field observation ,key informant interview and focus group discussion
minimum population no. , non-degraded natural resource high forestation coverage less
agriculture intensification ,soil was absorb rain water in the ground flood reduced and flow
scattered and farmers fallow farm intercropping and crop rotation.
After three decades gully the extent of gully is increase I show in field observation time and
assure in the participant discussion average age of interviewer >40 years old tell you the history
of majority gully is begins back of three decades and evolution is very fast happen everywhere
different level of impact .
To explain in the Agro-ecological zone high land areas assure to field observation sever rill
erosion, sheet and gully erosion comparatively because aggravate in high areas high
5.2. Recommendation
This result indicate the findings focus stakeholders on soil erosion impacts of crop productivity
recommended to focus direction.
1. Agro-ecological zone of the study area has different high steep slope topography high
rain/high run-off floods it forms high gully, farmers are seriously integrated community
participation of conservation practices soil erosion and gully rehabilitation.
2. Farmers has perceive productivity crop farming only uses increase artificial
focus on decompose / organic fertilizer expand manufacturer and creates market
opportunity input for farmers .
3. In household survey findings farmers‘ implements conservation practice terracing,
gabion, diversion ditch, planting trees and improper farming on their farming land but
during the field observation time I cannot seen expected responses. Government
representative or Development Agents thought and advocates monitoring of farmers.
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Addis Ababa university college of Development studies center for Environment and sustainable
development this questioner is prepared for the research partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the degree of master, Environment and sustainable development on assessments of soil erosion
and its effects on agricultural productivity in the case of Machakel Wereda, East Gojjam Zone.
So, please participate contribute given supportive data for me and give open discussion for
advocate question!
List of land coverage Amount of size in Proportion/percentage factor, C
Grazing land
Living land
Forest /wood land
open water
Bush land
1 Light: there are some indications of degradation, but the process is still in an initial phase.
It can be easily stopped and damage repaired with minor efforts.
2 Moderate: degradation is apparent, but its control and full rehabilitation of the land is still
possible with considerable efforts.
3 Strong: evident signs of degradation. Changes in land properties are significant and very
difficult to restore within reasonable time limits.
4 Extreme: degradation beyond restoration.
8. The degree of soil erosion of crop land
a. Light
b. Moderate
c. Strong
d. Extreme
e. No difference
9. The rate of soil degradation of crop land /rate of areas
a. rapidly increasing degradation
b. moderately increasing degradation
c. slowly increasing degradation
d. no change in degradation
e. slowly decreasing degradation
f. moderately decreasing degradation
g. rapidly decreasing degradation
10. variation of soil erosion : spatial
high land
middle land
land use land cover in/( time variation )
F. Deposited soil seen on tree root
G. Deposited soil on level land after rainfall
H. Specify differences ------------------------------
3. What do you think about the main causes of this soil erosion? (more than one response are
possible )
A. Heavy rainfall/ high run-off
B. Deforestation
C. Improper plough
D. Overgrazing
E. Steepness of the land
F. Soil being to erodible
G. Improper construction of ditch
H. Others (specify) _____________________________________
4. What is the extent of soil erosion?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. No differences
5. What do you think the severity of soil erosion of your farm?
A. Low
B. Moderate
C. High
D. Extreme
6. Do you think that came the problem soil erosion on your farm land ?
A. Yes
B. No
7. If the answer Q 6 is yes, what is the consequence of soil erosion in your land?
A. Reduction soil fertility
B. Reduction of crop yields
C. Reduction of crop growth
D. Other (specify)-------------------------
8. Do you think use conservation methods to prevent soil erosion?
A. Yes
B. No
9. If the answer Q 8 is yes, do you implement conservation methods to prevent soil erosion?
A. Yes
B. No
10. If the answer Q 9 is yes, what the major soil erosion conservation methods is to apply?
(more than one answer are possible )
A. Terracing
B. Soil and stone bund
C. Check Dams
D. Diversion ditches
E. Contour plugging
F. Fallowing
G. Intercropping
H. Crop rotation
I. Planting Trees
J. Others, specify______________
11. Do you think about doing soil erosion conservation methods conservation measurements
are profitable?
A. Yes
B. No
12. If the answer Q 10 is yes, how the result of profitability is expressed soil erosion
conservation methods? (more than one answer are possible)
A. To prevents soil erosion
B. Improve land productivity
C. Improve soil fertility of farm
D. To increase moisture retention
E. Other, specify _________________
13. If the answer Q 9 is No, what are the disadvantages of soil erosion conservation measures
do not apply in your farm? (more than one response are possible )
A. Reduction of crop productivity
B. Loss soil of crop land
C. Difficult to cultivates simply
D. Consume to more labor
E. Other is specify___________________________
14. If the answer Q8 is No, what are the major constraints to implement conservation
technologies? (more than one answer are possible )
A. Do not understand of advantages conservation
B. Difficult implement technologies
C. Required too much labor to construct bund
D. Decrease farm land /difficult to plow
E. Poor agricultural extension services
F. Not understand erosion impact on crop
G. Others, specify______________
15. Do you think that there is gully erosion in your farm land?
A. Yes
B. No
What is the name of the gully_______________________
D. 0-5 years
E. Other specify___________________________
19. Do you think that affect the gully erosion in your farm land?
A. Yes
B. No
20. do you any practices soil conservation methods to protect gully erosion?
A. Yes
B. No
21. If the answer Q20 is yes, what the major gully conservation methods is implemented?
(more than one answer are possible )
A. Terracing
B. Soil and stone bund
C. Check Dams
D. Diversion ditches
E. Planting Trees
F. Others, specify______________
22. Is a difference before implementation and after implementation gully conservation
methods in your farm?
A. Yes
B. No
23. If the answer Q16 is yes, what are the differences implement express gully conservation
methods? (more than one answer are possible )
A. To relief gully
B. Increase crop productivity
C. Improve land productivity
D. Improve soil fertility of farm
E. To increase moisture retention
F. Other, specify _________________
24. Determinants of perception and Knowledge of soil erosion and gully erosion?
24.1 Age :
a) 18-30
b) 31 -40,
c) 41-50
d) d) >50 years old
24.2 Sex
a. female
b. mail
24.3 Educational
a. Unable to read and write
b. Able to read and write
c. Attend to grade 10 certificate
d. Above attends grade 10 certificates
24.4 Experience
A .0- 3 years
B.4-6 years
C.7-9 years
D.>10 years
24.5 Credit access
B.No acess
24.6 Extension services
A. good extension service
B. poor extension service
24.7 Training
A. has access training
24.8 No of livestock
A. have ≥ two oxes
B. under two oxes
24.9 Land holding capacity
A. have <1r hr.
B.1-3 hr.
D.>5 hr.
24.10 Family size
A.3 families
B.4-6 families
C.7-9 families
D.>10 families
25. How much the extent of perceptions on soil and gully erosion?
A. High
B. Moderate
1. Do you think that there is soil erosion in your farm land?
A. Yes
B. No
2. If your answer is Q1 is yes, do you think soil erosion impact on farm activity?
A. Yes
B. No
3. If your answer Q2 is yes, how do the express the impact on farm activity? (more than one
answer options possible)
A. Plowing activity
B. Sowing activity
Weeding to activity
Harvesting activity
E. Others (specify)---------------------------------
4.If your answer Q1 is yes when soil erosion occurs in your farm land?
A. In the last five years
B. In the last ten years
C. In the last fifteen years
D. In the last twenty years
5. Do you think about there is impact soil erosion on crops yields?
A. Yes
B. No
6. If the answer Q5 is yes, which type of crop is seriously impacted by soil erosion and gully?
A. Teff
B. Wheat
C. Barely
D. Potato
E. Others specify----------------------
7. What is the trend of the impact soil erosion on crop yields?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. No differences
8. If your answer Q5 is yes, how much quantity of crop product is reducing?
A. 1-3 ql./hr.
B. 4-6 ql./hr.
C.6-8 ql./hr.
D.>10 ql./hr.
E. No differences
9. What measure taken to prevent the reduction of crop productivity?
A. Use artificial fertilizer
B. Uses organic fertilizer
C. Change crop type
D. None of uses
E. Others (specify)---------------------------------------
10. Do you think climate changes impacts decline of crop productivity?
A. Drought
B. Flood
C. Pest invasion
D. Air pollution
E. Wetting
F. Other (specify)----------------------------------
11. Where did you come this climate change ?
A. Deforestation
B. Unable to work SWC practices
C. Increase population
D. Over grazing
E. Other ( specify)--------------------------------------
IV. Focus group discussion questions
1. Do you thinks are there soil erosion and in your woreda ?
2. What do you express the occurrence /the indicator of soil and in your woreda?
3. What type of erosion is occur?
A. Rill erosion
B. Sheet erosion
C. Gully erosion
D. Other (specify)
4. Whento start soil erosion in your woreda
5. What do you thinks the main causes of soil erosion in this woreda?
6. What do think the impacts /consequences of soil erosion in farm land
In crop
In plugging
Crop growth
Soil loss
7. Do you think affects crop productivity of farm land?
How much quantity /hectare
8. Which type of erosion is more occurrence?
9. What do express the extents of soil erosion on farm land
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. No differences
10. What do express the severity of soil erosion on crop production
A. Low
B. Moderate
C. High
D. Extreme
Please specify the reason--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. What type of crop is more affects by soil erosion?
12. Do you implement any conservation measures to reduce crop productivity?
13. Do you understand control by soil conservation technology?
14. What type of soil conservation technology was applied?
15. Do you profitable soil conservation technology?
1. Population number the woreda --------------------------
2. Demography of people
2 Male
4. Education of population?----------------------------------
1. Land hold/household land tenure? ratio
Number of Woman managed land owner/tenure-------------------
Number of Man managed land owner/tenure ---------------------
2. Land use and land cover of the woreda in percent?
3. SWC practices in the woreda?
4. Extension service
1. Area coverage of woreda /hectare-----------------------------
2. Area coverage of cultivated land /hr.-------------------------------
3. Soil type --------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Crop type--------------------------------------------------
5. Average annual rainfall of woreda--------------------------
6. Elevation of theworeda in agro-climatic zone classification
A. Specify High land Kebeles and its elevation------------------------------------------------------
B. Specify Middle land Kebeles and its elevation---------------------------------------------------
C. Specify Low land Kebeles and tis elevation-------------------------------------------------------
1. Family composition
No Characteristics Age Total
<18 18-35 36-65 >66
1 Female
2 Male
B. decrease
4. How much amount of quintal of crop reduces per hectar-----------------------
5. Do you know the cause of reduction? Please discuss---------------------------------------------------
6. Farmers training institute?
A. Yes
B. No
7. Credit access
A. Have access
B. No access
1. List of hazard vulnerable land in this woreda?----------------------------------------------------
2. List of flood vulnerable farm lands in this woreda?----------------------------------------------
3. List of vulnerable gully in this woreda--------------------------------------------------------------
4. List of selected vulnerable treatment gully in this woreda--------------------------------------
5. Do you any suggestion on soil erosion and gully erosion---------------------------------------
I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my original work performed under the supervision
of my research advisor Dr. Engdawork Assefa and has not been presented as a thesis for a degree
in any other university, and that all sources of materials used for this thesis have also been duly
Name: Mulualem Molla
Signature: _____________
Place: College of Development Studies
Addis Ababa University,
Addis Ababa.
Date of submission: June, 2020