A DND Bloodborne Compendium For 5th Edition V1.0
A DND Bloodborne Compendium For 5th Edition V1.0
A DND Bloodborne Compendium For 5th Edition V1.0
This document contains a variety of inspiration and guidelines for running your own
Lovecraftian, Victorian or Bloodborne Adventure.
“Oh, yes... Paleblood... Well, you've come to the right place. Yharnam is the
home of blood ministration. You need only unravel its mystery. But, where's
an outsider like yourself to begin? Easy, with a bit of Yharnam blood of your
own... But first, you'll need a contract...”
Character Creation
Characters in Bloodborne are those of the hunt, where physical prowess tops the power of the mind.
In a land where the power of the gods have faded, Great Ones are the source of most arcane power
and such the choice of classes and subclasses is limited.
The Classes available are all but the Monk, as the art of Ki is lost and the stillness of mind is
unachievable with the presence of the Great Ones, feel free to substitute the Monk with the
Homebrew Pugilist class or import your monks from a faraway land. Just make sure their stillness of
mind holds up against the madness of the hunt.
Following is a table of all the subclasses thematically suitable per class:
Beasts, aberrations and the horrors of Yharnam influence even the most pristine Hunters,
Adventurer’s on Yharnam have an additional ability score named: “Sanity” and will suffer from effects
of madness as described in the Dungeon Masters Guide on page 258, 264-265 and 266. Sanity checks
will be used for determining the origin of certain beasts and aberrations and will test the Hunter’s
resolve by forcing him to resist the madness inducing Great ones.
The point buy score suggested for this material is 33 points.
By Sapherion
Races of Yharnam
Yharnam has been losing genetic diversity for hundreds of years leaving but a few races standing, but
with the Hunters nightmare closer to the waking world than ever, some different humanoids have
risen.Following is a list and a short description of the races prevalent in Yharnam:
Almost every Human capable of fighting has joined the Hunt, but with no exceptional physical prowess this
hunt must be doomed. Or is it? Humans have a certain knack of learning things, things no other race
divulge in…
Races: Human, Halfling, Dwarves
Tainted were some of the first people who have survived the mark of the beast, although they seem awfully
malformed, their tough skin and horns prove them capable combatants. Perhaps there is truth in the theory
of the Vilebloods…
Races: Tiefling, Minotaur
High-ranking members of the Healing church are often revered to as Palebloods. Named after their light
skin tone and the substance they so desperately seek. After all Paleblood could be the cure to the beast
scourge, but at what cost…
Races: Elf, Half-Elf, Gnome
Castle Cainhurst is the last frontier of an ancient race. The race that was rumored to have walked the lands
at the same time as the Old Ones ascended. Vilebloods seem unaffected by the scourge of the beast. Are
they naturally more resistant or is this the work of an ancient curse…
Races: Aasimar, Changeling
Sprung forth from the Nightmare are those of feathery appearance. There is very little known of these
“Humans”, but they roam the streets of Old Yharnam, searching for something unknown. Although they
seem capable of speech, there is something incredible eerie about it…
Races: Flightless Aarakocra, Kenku
Light blue skin and an alien like facial structure makes one wonder if they are even human at al. But there’s
no denying the cold intelligence that lies within their eyes. Where they came from is unknown but they are
most capable of the Hunt. As if they know more than anyone else does about these beasts…
Races: Gith, Vedalken, Symic Hybrid
Those who have willingly accepted the influence of the beast seem to have more control over its bloodlust.
Even though their appearance is haunting, their humanity remains, but their bloodlust might take over one
Races: Shifter, Bugbear, Tabaxi
By Sapherion
Combat in the streets of Yharnam is fast paced and deadly, the beasts know no fear and chase down
hunters tirelessly. The pace is such that heavy armor has no place here and medium armor that makes
too much noise would be unfit aswell. To compensate the Hunters of the workshop have developed
new armors and coats to protect one against the beasts.
Practically this means that heavy armor is unavailable in Yharnam aswell as medium armor that has a
penalty on sneak. To make up for the loss, Medium armor now gains an additional AC from dexterity,
upping the maximum to +3 from dexterity. Light armor remains unchanged.
Combat in Bloodborne rewards and encourages aggressiveness. Shields have been made unavailable
with the exception of the wooden shield, but only a madman would try to protect himself from the
beasts with a wooden plank.
To simulate the fast paced game that it Bloodborne, a whole new set of weapons has been introduced.
These “Trick” weapons have a special property that allows them to be transformed within combat to
another weapon. This can be done at the same time an attack is made. Additionally every singlehanded
weapon has the “light” property, which allows the wielder to make an additional attack with another
light weapon as a bonus action, like a dagger or a pistol. Every Trick weapon counts as Silvered for the
purpose of overcoming resistances, as they are the tools required for this forsaken trade. Every hunter
gains one trick weapon at his arrival in the Hunter’s Dream.
Firearms are a staple in the Victorian setting and are a replacement for the bows/crossbows of
Dungeon and Dragons (the Bowblade excluded). These simple yet effective weapons have a special
property however: Using a firearm does not use ammunition nor does it require the weapon to be
loaded, but instead it drains the user’s hitpoints an amount specified on the weapons page.
The ordinary weapons of Dungeons and Dragons are all available to the Hunters, but who would use
such archaic weapons when the Beasts are about.
The Blood of the beast fuels the Hunter’s frenzy, killing an enemy grants the player who landed the
last blow temporary hitpoints equal to the beasts CR x 2. Any remaining temporary hitpoints after a
combat are converted to hitpoints. Temporary hitpoints gained from slaying beasts stack with other
forms of temporary hitpoints, but other forms of temporary hitpoints do not stack with themselves as
By Sapherion
Trick weapons
Trick weapons were developed by Hunters of the Workshop. These weapons are the tools of the trade
for Hunters, made to be as flexible as the hunter itself.
Trick weapons have a special property, they can be transformed within battle. Right after you make an
attack with a Trick weapon you can use the momentum of the weapon to change its mode, you can do
this after every attack. For example: “you’re a 5th level fighter with extra attack. After you make the first
attack with the Amygdalan Arm in its Greatclub form, you can transform it into the Flail form and
make you next attack using that form and the associated stats.”
To be proficient in the use of any trick weapon you must be proficient in both weapon types it’s made
off. Weapon types not listed in the Players Handbook are automatically Martial weapons.
This will be a summary of the key words not found in the Players Handbook.
Pistol is a light onehanded firearm, ideal for the high pace of the hunt.
Firing it drains 2 hitpoints from the Hunter.
Blunderbuss is a middle-ground firearm, usable at long and short range.
Firing it drains 3 hitpoints from the Hunter.
Church Rifle is a heavy long-barreled firearm, sporting the biggest range of the firearms.
Firing it drains 4 hitpoints from the Hunter.
By Sapherion
Weapon Table
By Sapherion
By Sapherion
Weapon Gallery
By Sapherion
By Sapherion
By Sapherion