0 Modul Kelas Regular by Isbat

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Arranged By Isbat
WA: 082301820755

www.taretanbeasiswa.com IG: vocab_level

www.taretanbeasiswa.com IG: vocab_level

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarkatuh

Demi menghormati teman-teman yang lain

dan menjaga amanah dari author serta kerja
keras team Vocab Level, kami melarang
semua pihak untuk menggandakan atau
menyebarluaskan Ebook module ini kepada
siapapun. Ebook ini hanya untuk peserta

Semoga ilmu yang kita pelajari dan yang kami

berikan berkah dan bermanfaat bagi kita
semua Aamiiiiiin


10 May 2020
www.taretanbeasiswa.com IG: vocab_level
Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Jadwal Belajar Regular

Meeting 1
1. Adjective = kata sifat
2. Preposition = kata depan
3. Conjunction = kata penghubung

Meeting 2
1. Verb = kata kerja asli vs palsu
2. Pronoun = kata ganti
3. Noun = kata benda
4. Countable vs uncountable = jenis kata benda
5. Determiner = penentu

Meeting 3
1. Noun phrase = susunan noun
2. Modifier = penjelas
3. Complex noun phrase = frasa kompleks
4. Subject components = komponen subjek
5. Gerund = kata benda buatan
6. To infinitive = kata benda buatan

Meeting 4
1. Adverb and coma = kata keterangan + koma
2. Clauses = kata benda buatan
3. Adjective clause = klausa adjective
4. Noun clause = klausa noun
5. Adverbial clause = klausa adverb

Meeting 5
1. Ellipsis = peringkasan
2. Reducing = peringkasan
3. Omitting = penghilangan
4. Abridgement = peringkasan
Meeting 6
1. Subject verb agreement = kesesuaian subject verb
2. Parallel structure = penyusunan setara
3. Pairing words = kata yang berpasangan
4. Other determiners = determiner lain
5. Passive voice = kalimat passive

Meeting 7
1. Inversion = inversi

Meeting 8
1. Soal + pembahasan = praktek
2. Tips and tricks = cara cepat jawab soal

Meeting 9
1. Soal + pembahasan = praktek
2. Tips and tricks = cara cepat jawab soal

Meeting 10
1. Post test = ujian akhir

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
(Sentence Elements)

Subject/Object = Pronoun
= Noun
= Noun Phrase
= Complex Noun Phrase
= Gerund
= To Infinitive
= Noun Clause

S/O Components = Prepositional Phrase

= Appositive
= Adjective Clause
= Participle

Verb = Real Verb

= Intransitive Verb vs Linking Verb
= Transitive vs Ditransitive
= Certain Gerund
= Certain To Infinitive
= Causative Verb
= Subjunctive

Adverb = Common Adverb

= To Infinitive
= Adverbial Clause
= Participle

Clause = Adjective Clause

= Noun Clause
= Adverbial Clause
= Complex Clause
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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Other Related Materials

Coma (Appositive, Adjective Clause, Adverb)

Subject Verb Agreement
Parallel Structure
Pairing words
 Bound Verb
 Bound Adjective
 Bound Preposition
Progressive Vs Gerund Vs Participle
Passive Voice
Conditional Sentence
 Zero
 Type 1
 Type 2
 Type 3
 Adjective Clause (AC)
 Noun Clause (NC)
 Adverbial Clause (AVC)
Ellipsis Sentence
 Reducing (Red)
 Abridgement (Abr)
 Omitting (Omt)

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
The Eight Parts of Speech
Adalah 8 bagian dalam pembicaraan baik itu oral ataupun tulisan. Parts of
speech adalah dasar utama dalam bahasa inggris yang harus dikuasi
untuk mempermudah kita untuk speaking dan writing ataupun belajar
Grammar. Adapun anggota the eight parts of speech adalah:
1. Noun = kata benda
2. Pronoun = kata ganti
3. Adjective = kata sifat
4. Verb = kata kerja
5. Adverb = kata keterangan
6. Preposition = kata depan
7. Conjunction = kata penghubung
8. Interjection = kata seru
Dengan menguasai part of speech kita akan lebih mudah untuk
memahami structure, speaking dan writing. Sekarang mari kita bahas satu

1. Adjective
Adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberikan deskripsi atau
gambaran singkat tentang Noun dan pronoun. Artinya adjective
hanya dapat menjelas NOUN dan Pronoun saja. Adjective terbagi
menjadi 2 yaitu: Original Adjective dan Modified Adjective
 Original Adjective
Adalah adjective asli yang selalu terletak didepan noun.
Contoh: good boys, a cheap bag, available space, a
beautiful scenery, cool pad, a hot day, dll

 Modified Adjective (V-ing / Verb-3)

Adalah adjective buatan yang terbentuk dari hasil reducing
adjective ini biasanya terletak didepan ataupun di belakang
noun. Contyoh: a crying baby, the boy standing, the stolen
car / a car stolen, dll.

Untuk kata yang berwarna merah, akan dibahas di chapter berikutnya
agar tidak mengulang materi.

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
2. Preposition
Adalah kata yang selalu berada di depan Pronoun, Noun atau Noun
Phrase. Contoh: in my house, on the table, in Jakarta, at night.
Adapun contoh preposisi lain adalah sebagai berikut:

Prep Meaning Prep Meaning

Aboard Di atas In spite of Meskipun
About Tentang Behind Di belakang
Above Di atas Beside Di samping
Across Melewati Besides Selain itu
After Setelah Below Di bawah
Against Berlawanan Beneath Di bawah
Along Sepanjang Between Diantara
Amid Di tengah tengah Beyond Diluar jangkauan
Among Diantara By Oleh/Dengan
But Tapi Because of Karena
Despite Meskipun But for Kecuali

Adapun preposisilain seperti:

Other Preposiitions
with of without except
at to under but
from in within up
into for along out
during on across around
until by behind down
against about between off
among like after above
throughout through over near
despite upon towards beyond
dalam part 1 preposisi dapat menjadi Clue yang sangat berharga
untuk menemukan jawaban dalam soal: contoh apabila ada titik
(_____) lalu di ikuti oleh preposisi, maka kemungkinan besar
jawabannya adalah VERB 3.
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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
3. Conjunction
Adalah kata yang menghubungkan 2 verb atau 2 kalimat. Artinya jika
kita menemukan 1 conjunction dalam sebuah kalimat, maka pasti
akan ada 2 verb dalam kalimat tersebut (ingat conjunction hanya
muncul dalam clause). Saya akan membagi Conjuncion menjadi 3
 Conjunction dalam Adjective clause
Conjunction yang masuk dalam adjective clause adalah sebagai
 Who = the boy who stands here is Adi.
 Whom = the man whom I meet gives me money.
 Which = I lost the book which I borrow from you.
 That =
 Whose =
 When =
 Where =
 Why =

NOTE: Conjunction Rumus dalam kalimat

 Who = subject orang = who + verb
 Whom = object orang = whom + S + verb
 Which = S/O benda = which + (S) + verb
 That = untuk semua = that + (S) + verb

 Conjunction dalam Noun clause

Conjunction yang masuk dalam Noun clause adalah sebagai
 Who = I know who you are.
 Whom = whom I miss is you.
 Which =
 That = we believe that you are right.
 Whose =
 When =
 Where =
 What =
 How =
 If =
 Whether =
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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
 Conjunction dalam Adverbial clause
Conjunction yang masuk dalam Adverbial clause adalah
conjunction selain yang ada di Adjective and Noun Clause,
namun khusus where dan when masih bisa masuk pada
adverbial clouse:

Conjunctions Arti Conjunctions Arti

After Setelah As Soon As Segera Setelah
Before Sebelum As Long As Selama
When Ketika So Long As Selama
Whenever Kapanpun When Sementara
Whilst Ketika While Sementara
As Ketika Where Sementara
Once Ketika Eventhough Meskipun
Now That Ketika Although Meskipun
Since Sejak Though Meskipun
Until Hingga Since Sebab
Till Hingga As Karena
Because Karena Whereas Karena

 The carnaval show will start after the sun goes down.
 I was sleeping when my sister arrived
 If you need me, please let me know.
 In a week, she reads books as many as i am.
 I like you like you like me.
 I will love you wherever and whenever you are.
 He will work wherever he is sent by his company.
 She is saving her money so that she can take a vacation to Bali.
 They went to the cinema in order that they can sit in front.
 She came to very few of meetings, not because she thought they
were unimportant, but because she had much work to do.
 Since she could not take her son with her, she decided not to go
to the conference.
 We can swim in the beach as soon as we put on plenty of

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Tentukankan jenis clause pada masing-masing kalimat dibawah ini
dengan cara memberikan tanda AC (adj clause), NC (noun clause) dan
AVC (adv clause).

1._AVC_ = actually, lisnah is as high as diana is.

2______ = anywhere my girlfriend wants to go, i will take her to.
3______ = by the time i am here, my ex-boyfriend will be leaving this
country already.
4______ = the hand phone that you buy is expensive.
5______ = Henry did not know what he will cook for dinner.
6______ = I do not know whether lisa will come or not.
7______ = Lisa whom i live with broke up with her boyfriend last night.
8______ = he run as if he were heading to the heaven.
9______ = that man whose car is ferrari likes to play casino.
10______= it was the worst time ever until my father came.
11______= Robby believes that her mother will recover from her disease.
12______= I like the t-shirt that you sell.
13______= she was, as we remember her, a very honest girl.
14______= Lisa would like to thank me for what i have done for her.
15______= the land which you work on is very fertile.
16______= what i want is not what you want.
17______= why they ran away from lisa is still a question for me.
18______= I like to travel to places where you can find freedom.
19______= harry announced when he will get married.
20______= I know lina whose father gets involved in the corruption.
21______= the cat whom you abandoned has found a new owner.
22______= if lisnah meets diana tomorrow, she will be happy.
23______= jimmy understand why his girlfriend left him.
24______= kevin has not decided about where he will work after
25______= lina whom i love always prepare the dinner.
26______= the mirror which you sell is very big.
27______= I want to know how kevin finished this puzzle.
28______= luki who hates bugs got allergic yesterday.
29______= whether i can pass the test or not will be known next week.
30______= I will tell you the location where we will meet later.
31______= the loser will be whoever get pointed by this bottle.
32______= our team leader has decided who will be responsible for the
camping preparation.
33______= the car speed as fast as fighter jet does.
34______= what she said was true.
35______= rudy who loves to eat has put on weight.
36______= she stays close to the park where you pass everyday.
37______= that she can debut as an actress is her dream.
38______= while yayan is very popular in the class, her sister makes very
few friends.
39______= should I wait for you until you come?
40______= the man that confessed his love has received a positive
41______= you whom i believed have betrayed me.
42______= the question is how those kids can finish all of these foods in
30 minutes.
43______= we will start our journey from where we have decided before.
44______= the cat which lost its way has returned home.

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Good Luck Gengs….!

Kunci Jawaban
1. _AVC_ = actually, lisnah is as high as diana is.
2. _AVC_ = anywhere my girlfriend wants to go, i will take her to.
3. _AVC_ = by the time i am here, my ex-boyfriend will be leaving this
country already.
4. _AC _ = the hand phone that you buy is expensive.
5. _NC _ = Henry did not know what he will cook for dinner.
6. _NC _ = I do not know whether lisa will come or not.
7. _AC _ = lisa whom i live with broke up with her boyfriend last night.
8. _AVC_ = he run as if he were heading to the heaven.
9. _AC _ = that man whose car is ferrari likes to play casino.
10. _AVC_ = it was the worst time ever until my father came.
11. _NC _ = robby believes that her mother will recover from her disease.
12. _AC _ = I like the t-shirt that you sell.
13. _AVC_ = she was, as we remember her, a very honest girl.
14. _NC _ = lisa would like to thank me for what i have done for her.
15. _AC _ = the land which you work on is very fertile.
16. _NC _ = what i want is not what you want.
17. _NC _ = why they ran away from lisa is still a question for me.
18. _AC _ = I like to travel to places where you can find freedom.
19. _NC _ = herry announced when he will get married.
20. _AC _ = I know lina whose father gets involved in the corruption.
21. _AC _ = the cat whom you abandoned has found a new owner.
22. _AVC_ = if lisnah meets diana tomorrow, she will be happy.
23. _NC _ = jimmy understand why his girlfriend left him.
24. _NC _ = kevin has not decided about where he will work after
25. _AC _ = Lina whom i love always prepare the dinner.
26. _AC _ = the mirror which you sell is very big.
27. _NC _ = I want to know how kevin finished this puzzle.
28. _AC _ = Luki who hates bugs got allergic yesterday.
29. _NC _ = whether i can pass the test or not will be known next week.
30. _AC _ = I will tell you the location where we will meet later.
31. _NC _ = the loser will be whoever get pointed by this bottle.
32. _NC _ = our team leader has decided who will be responsible for the
camping preparation.
33. _AVC_ = the car speed as fast as fighter jet does.
34. _NC _ = what she said was true.
35. _AC _ = Rudy who loves to eat has put on weight.
36. _AC _ = she stays close to the park where you pass everyday.
37. _AVC_ = that she can debut as an actress is her dream.
38. _AVC_ = while yayan is very popular in the class, her sister makes
very few friends.
39. _AVC_ = should I wait for you until you come?
40. _AC _ = the man that confessed his love has received a positive
41. _AC _ = you whom i believed have betrayed me.
42. _NC _ = the question is how those kids can finish all of these foods in
30 minutes.
43. _NC _ = we will start our journey from where we have decided
44. _AC _ = the cat which lost its way has returned home.

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Sebagian besar materi dalam chapter 1 ini merupakan materi untuk part 1
namun adapula beberapa materi untuk part 2 dalam Structure
Sederhananya subject bisa didefinisikan sebagai “pelaku dari sebuah
pekerjaan dan biasanya selalu terletak di awal dan sebelum kata kerja”.
Sementara object dapat di artikan sebagai “hal atau orang yang terkena
pekerjaan dan biasanya terletak sesudah verb atau preposisi”.

Dalam materi TOEFL, subject (S) dan object (O) selalu tersusun dari
komponen yang sama. Artinya jika suatu kata/hal dapat berfungsi
sebagai subject, maka kata/hal tersebut juga akan bisa difungsikan
sebagai object. Adapun yang dapat menjadi subject atau object adalah
sebagi berikut:
 Pronoun
 Noun
 Noun Phrase
 Complex Noun Phrase
 Gerund
Sekarang mari kita bahas satu persatu:
Adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda atau
orang agar tidak terjadi pengulangan kembali. Adapun pronoun
adalah sebagai berikut:
Possessive Possessive
As Subject As Object
Adjective Pronoun
I Me My Mine
You You Your yours
We Us Our Ours
They Them Their Theirs
She Her Her Hers
He Him His His
It It Its Its

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Pronoun yang bergaris bawah adalah pronoun yang biasanya
masuk ke dalam soal-soal TOEFL. Artinya tidak semua pronoun
akan masuk kedalam soal. Jadi berhati-hatilah saat bertemu
dengan Pronoun dalam soal terutama di Part 2 karena biasanya
pronoun tersebut bermasalah atau tidak ada rujukannya. Ingat
semua pronoun mempunyai rujukan.
 Obama has launched a new regulation to enhance their country.
Disini kita dapat melihat bahwa “C” salah karena tidak punya
rujukan terhadap kata yang berada di depannya (Obama) maka
seharusnya “Their” diganti dengan “his”. Jadi hati-hati dengan
pronoun dalam soal TOEFL yaa.

Noun adalah kata yang menunjukkan pada benda. Ada dua ciri-ciri
noun yaitu:
1. bisa dirasakan atau terdeteksi oleh salah satu panca indara
(kulit, mata, hidung, lidah, telinga). Jadi jika salah satu dari 5
panca indra kita bisa merasakan hal tersebut, pasti hal tersebut
adalah kata benda. Contoh rumah (house). Rumah bisa kita
lihat dan rasakan dengan kulit, maka kata house pasti adalah
 My cat drinks water every day.
 The book is on the table.

2. Dalam bahasa indonesia kata benda atau noun biasanya

diawali dengan kata “pe, per, ke” atau berakhiran “an”. Contoh
pekerjaan, pertengkaran, perasaan, makanan dll. Jadi jika kita
menemukan awalan atau akhiran kata tersebut berarti kata itu
adalah Noun.

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
 She got a job yesterday. (Job = pekerjaan)
 My relationship lasts forever. (relationship = hubungan)
Hal yang juga sangat penting untuk dikuasai untuk menaklukan
Structure TOEFL, adalah penguasaan Countable dan
Uncountable Noun karena jenis noun ini selalu menjadi
penyebab utama kegagalan kita saat mengerjakan soal-soal
TOEFL terutama di part dua. Oleh karena itu mari kita bahas
Countable dan Uncountable Noun secara mendetail.

A. COUNTABLE NOUN (dapat dihitung)

Adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung jumlahnya. Untuk
memastikan suatu kata benda Countable atau tidak, kita dapat
meletakkan “angka” di depan noun tersebut.
Contoh: 2 books, one car, a cat, 5 houses, 3 trees, 2 chapters
(2 buku, 1 mobil, seekor kucing, 5 rumah, 3 pohon, 2
bab) dll.
Jika angka dan noun tersebut akur, cocok atau dapat diterima
akal (atau tidak terasa aneh), maka bisa di pastikan Noun
tersebut adalah Countable. Namun jika tidak cocok atau terasa
aneh maka kata tersebut pasti “Uncountable Noun”

Perlu di ketahui bahwa Countble Noun ini tidak pernah bisa

berdisi sendiri dalam sebuah kalimat. Artinya Countable
Noun selalu membutuhkan determiner di depannya atau
tambahkan “S” di blakangnya.


Determiner adalah kata penentu yang digunakan untuk
menentukan jumlah dari suatu benda. Dengan adanya
determiner kita akan dengan mudah mengetahui apakah benda
tersebut tunggal (singular) atau jamak (plural), countable atau
Uncountable. Determiner ini biasanya selalu berada di depan
Noun (khususnya Countable Noun).

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Adapun determiner terdiri atas beberapa katagori, yaitu:
 Article (a, an, the)
 Possessive (my, your, his, her, their, our, its, –‘s)
 Quantifier (some, any, many, much, littel, few, dll)
 Demonstrative (this, that, those, these)
 Number
Ordinal = 1, 2, 3 dll.
Cardinal = the first, second dll.

Itulah determiner yang PASTI ada di depan Countable Noun

(noun yang dapat dihitung). Namun jika ada Countable Noun
tidak diawali oleh determiner pasti akan ada “s/es” di
belakangnya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

“My mother buys car (x) and she gets helmet (x)”

Kedua kalimat tersebut salah karena “car dan helmet” adalah

Countable noun dan setiap Countable Noun wajib di
temani/diawali determiner atau ditambah “S/ES”. Contoh:

“My mother buys a car (√) and she gets a jacket (√)”
“My mother buys _ carS (√ ) and she gets _ new jacketS (√)”

Penggunaan A/An/The
Article Hal Penggunaan
a/an Umum Gunakan ketika ada banyak hal dan kita tidak
tahu atau tidak peduli yang mana.
the khusus Gunakan ketika hanya ada satu yang kita rujuk
atau ada bayak hal tapi kita tahu yang mana.
Ringkasan Ciri-Ciri Countable Noun:
A. TIDAK bisa berdiri sendiri dalam kalimat (i buy book = salah)
B. Selalu bersama determiner (the book, some book, dll)
C. Dapat diawali “angka atau a/an” ( a book, 3 books dll)
D. Dapat ditambah “s/es”
E. Bisa berupa tunggal atau jamak (a book /books)
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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
Adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung dengan angka
contoh: coffe, tea, water, money, gas, dll. Artinya kata benda ini
tidak dapat ditentukan secara persis berapa jumlahnya. Oleh
karena itu Uncountable Noun selalu di anggap TUNGGAL
(artinya Noun ini tidak bisa ditambah S/ES) dan kita TIDAK
dapat menambahkan angka sebelum kata ini atau “S/ES”
setelah kata ini. Contoh: 2 water, 1 teh, 3 money, a salt dll (2
air, 1 teh, 3 uang dll). Jika kita menambahkan angka (misalnya
angka 2) sebelum kata tersebut, maka akan terasa aneh dan
tidak cocok.
I buy a salt (X) / they drink 2 teas (X) dll.

Uncountable Noun sebenarnya bisa dihitung tapi dengan cara

“TAKARAN” seperti “a cup of, a glass of, a litter of, dll.
I buy a pinch of salt (√) / they drink 2 cups of tea (√) dll.
The will need a (great) amount of water. (√)

Dengan metode sederhana ini kta dapat mengetahui apakah

noun tersebut Countable atau Uncountable.

Ringkasan ciri-ciri noun ini adalah:

 Bisa berdiri sendri tanpa determiner (I buy water)
 TIDAK bisa diawali angka atau a/an ( 2 water, a water = salah)
 Tidak bisa ditambah “s/es” (waters, moneys = salah)
 Selalu dalam bentuk tunggal (tidak pernah PLURAL)
 Dapat dihitung tapi dengan takaran (a cup of coffee)

An amount of = selalu diikuti UNCOUNTABLE NOUN.
A number of = selalu diikuti PLURAL NOUN (Countable).

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Let’s Be Awardees Together By: Moh. Isbat Ali
kalau kita menemukan dua kata yang bersamaan dan mempunyai
makna yang pas tapi bukan berpola S+V, maka 2 kata tersebut
disebut Phrase. Setiap phrase pasti terdiri dari satu head (1 inti
tidak mungkin lebih) dan 1, 2 atau 3 modifier.

Lalu apa itu Modifier dan Head? Modifier adalah kata yang yang
berfungsi sebagai penjelasan atau keterangan tambahan bagi si
Head. Sedangkan Head adalah inti atau topik yang sedang
dibicarakan dalam phrase tersebut. Jika Head-nya terdiri dari
NOUN maka phrase tersebut akan dinamakan NOUN Phrase.
Noun phrase tidak pernah sendirian. Artinya selalu terdiri dari
minimal 2 kata (Modifier + Head).
A boy, a car, the big store,
a book shop, 2 clever girls, dll

Adapun modifier terdiri dari 6 komponen yaitu:

 Determiner = penentu (a book, the car, much money dll)

 Adjective = kata sifat (a good boy, blue books, dll)
 Noun adjunct = noun kembar (a book shop, a table leg, dll)
 Gerund (verb-ing) = verb yg dibendakan (a learning process)
 Pr Participle (V-ing)= reducing (a sleeping baby, running water)
 Ps Participle (V-3) = reducing (a slapped boy, the boiled water)

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Adalah Noun Phrase yang dikombinasikan dengan komponen lain
seperti Appositive (_,__, ), Adjective Close (who, whom, which
dll), Prepositional Phrase (noun/NP yang didahului oleh
preposition) atau Participle (V-3/V-ing) sehingga Noun Phrase ini
menjadi sangat complex dan panjang serta membuat kita bingung
untuk menentukan HEAD Noun yang menjadi SUBJECT dalam
phrase tersebut. Perhatikan subject kalimat berikut ini:

“the small boy left by his mother in the traditional market

yesterday is crying along day.”

Seperti yang kita lihat, “the small boy left by his mother in the
traditional market” adalah subject dari kalimat ini. Namun subject
tersebut masih memiliki subject inti yang menjadi patokan dalam
kalimat. Nah sekarang yang manakah subject inti (HEAD Noun
Phrase) dalam kalimat tersebut? Yups jawabannya adalah “the boy”

Complex noun phrase biasanya terbentuk dengan 3 cara

menambahkan Component Subject sebagai seperti berikut ini:

 Appositive / 2 koma (penjelasan tambahan)

Soekarno, a president of Indonesia, was from Blitar.

Adi, the cat, has stolen a fish from my kitchen.
 Adjective Clause (AC)

The boy, who has visited me just now, is my friend.

The boy who has visited me just now is my friend. (no
 Prepositional Phrase (Prep + OP)

“the youngest son of Queen Merry buying many books

invites me to visit his kingdom”
“the vaccine of a severe disease has been found in
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 Participle (Verb-3 / Verb-ing)

“the broken bottle thrown into the sea by my friends has

been collected by environmental volunteers. ”
“the man inhabiting my house without permition was gone

Ingat jika subject kalimat terbentuk dari complex noun phrase,

maka pasti subject intinya terletak sebelum Appositive, Adjective
Clause, Prepositional Phrase Atau Participle.

5) GERUND (Noun Buatan: Verb-ing)

Adalah kata kerja (verb) yang dijadikan kata benda (noun) dengan
cara menambahkan “-ing” pada kata kerja/verb tersebut. Karena
telah dijadikan noun secara paksa, maka gerund inipun mempunya
fungsi yang sama seperti noun pada umumnya namun
karakteristiknya seperti Verb. Perlu diketahui bahwa gerund selalu
dianggap TUNGGAL sehingga verb yang digunkan juga harus
tunggal atau di tambah (is, was, has, makes, hates dll).

Eating chocolates is my hobby. (gerund as subject)

Collecting stamps makes me happy. (gerund as subject)
I love collecting stamps and eating chocolates. (gerund as

Gerund biasanya memiliki ciri-ciri tertentu seperti:

 Selalu dianggap tunggal
 Berfungsi subject, Object atau Complement
 Kadang memiliki modifier (adj), kadang tidak (a good teching
is essential., jogging will keep you fit, dll)
 Kadang diikuti Object, kadang tidak (buying books is my
hobby, selling is my daily activity, dll.)
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Verb adalah kata yang menunjukan aktivitas atau movement. Dalam

bahasa indonesia, verb biasanya mempunyai karakteristik: (1)
Berawalan “me, mem, atau ber” (2) Menunjukan aktivitas/movement.

A. Real Verb or Fake Verb

Perlu diketehui bahwa tidak semua verb dalam kalimat itu asli
walaupun bentuk dan rupanya sama dan inilah yang sering membuat
kita salah atau terkecoh saat menjawab soal-soal TOEFL. Lalu
bagaimana cara membedakan verb asli dan palsu? Untuk
membedakannya kita harus benar-benar tahu verb yang asli itu
seperti apa. Verb asli hanya ada 6 macam yaitu :

1. BE (is, am, are/was, were)

2. Verb 1
3. Verb 2
4. Have/has/had + Verb 3
5. BE (is, am, are/was, were) + Verb 3
6. BE (is, am, are/was, were) + Verb-ing

Jadi jika kita melihat ada verb 3 atau verb-ing tapi tidak di dahului
oleh BE atau have/has seperti yang tertera di atas, maka bisa
dipastikan verb tersebut PALSU. Ingat verb-ing atau Verb 3 yang asli
tidak mungkin berdisi sendiri.


Corona is a virus found in china in 2019.

Yang manakah yang verb asli? IS apa FOUND atau keduanya? Yups
jawabannya “IS”, loh kok bisa kan IS + V3 (FOUND) masih boleh
seperti di atas? Memang benar IS + V3 (passive voice) tidak salah
tapi dengan syarat tidak ada pemisah (a virus) di antara keduanya.
Sementara di dalam kalimat “Corona is a virus found in china in

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2019” masih ada kata “a virus” artinya kalimat ini bukanlah kalimat
pasive tapi kalimat biasa (nominal sentence).

Contoh lain:

 The man standing over there tries to flatter that girl.

 The bag taken by the young boys was given by my father.
 Visiting you everyday, She feels so happy.
 Beaten by her father, indah cries for a long day.
 Dairy farming is a leading agricultural activity in the United States.
 The dawn redwood appears to have flourished some 100 million
years ago in northern forests around the world.

Verb yang BERPOTENSI menjadi VERB PALSU hanya ada 2 yaitu:
verb-ing dan verb 3. Jadi hati-hati jika bertemu dengan verb-ing
atau verb 3 karena bisa saja PALSU.
Ingat semua to infinitive dikatagorikan sebagai VERB PALSU.
Yang di cetak TEBAL adalah VERB PALSU, sementara yang
Bergaris bawah adalah VERB ASLI.

B. Gerund and Certain Gerund

Gerund adalah kata kerja (verb) yang dijadikan kata benda (noun)
dengan cara menambahkan “-ing” pada kata kerja/verb tersebut.

 Listen + ing = Listening

 Make + ing = Making
 Work + ing = Working
 Love + ing = Loving
 Read + ing = Reading

Karena telah dijadikan noun secara paksa, maka gerund inipun

mempunya fungsi yang sama seperti noun pada umumnya namun

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karakteristiknya seperti Verb. Jadi jangan heran kalau Gerund
kadang mempunyai object (object of gerund/OG).

secara umum Gerund memiliki bebrapa fungsi: (1) sebagai subject

(2) sebagai object

1) Gerud as subject

 Eating chocolates is my hobby.

 Collecting stamps makes me happy.
 Cooking is something that so hard to do.
 Calling you as my boyfriend will never make me happy.
 Thinking too much of problems will make you stress.

2) Gerund as Object of Verb or Phrasal Verb

 we enjoy reading light novels.

 Kenny just finished baking the brownies. It smells so good.
 He delayed paying his phone bill.
 He denied stealing the money.
 Please, keep/continue telling me your story.

Adalah verb tertentu yang sering bersama dengan gerund
(menyebabkan verb menjadi gerund). Adapun beberapa certain
tersebut seperti berikut:
 Admit (Mengakui)
 Anticipate (Mengantisipasi)
 Avoid (Menghindari, Mengelak)
 Can’t Help (Tidak Bisa Menghindari)
 Complete (Menyelesaikan, Melengkapi)
 Consider (Mempertimbangkan)
 I enjoy travelling abroad by myself
 Noah finished reading this book
 her boyfriend will quit smoking.
 I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
 The baby keeps crying.
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C. Certain To Infinitive

Adalah verb yang hampir selalu diikuti oleh to infinitive setelahnya.

Dalam soal TOEFL certain verb ini biasanya sering menjadi jebakan
(terutama di part 2) dengan cara membuat kita bingung antara
apakah verb ini diikuti Gerund atau To Infinitive. Contoh:

Merry and ranny hate________books in the superstore because the

price is too expensive.

(a) To buy (b) buying (b) bought (d) to be buying

Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A meskipun B juga bisa

dibenarkan. Hal ini karena hate boleh diikuti To Infinitve ataupun
Gerund. Tapi tenang saja, dalam TOEFL jawab yang benar hanya
ada satu.

Perlu diketahui bahwa jumlah verb yang diikuti to infinitive jauh

lebih banyak dari pada yang diikuti Gerund. Jadi hafalkan certain
gerund maka sisanya pasti certain to infinitive. Adapun certain to
infinitive sebagai berikut:

 Decide (Memutuskan)
 Try (Mencoba, Berusaha)
 Mean (Bermaksud)
 Need (Butuh, Harus)
 Want (Ingin)
 Agree (Menyetujui)
 Appear (Tampak)
 Attempt (Berusaha)
 Choose (Memilih)
 Claim (Mengklaim, Menyatakan)
 Demand (Menuntut)
 Expect (Mengharap)
 Fail (Gagal, Lalai)
 Hesitate (Ragu-Ragu)
 Hope (Berharap)
 Intend (Berniat, Bermaksud)
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 Learn (Belajar)
 Offer (Menawarkan)
 Plan (Merencanakan)
 Prepare (Bersiap-Siap)
 Pretend (Berpura-Pura)
 Promise (Berjanji)
 Refuse (Menolak)
 Seem (Tampak, Terlihat)
 Tend (Cenderung)
 Wish (Berharap)
 Would Like (Ingin, Mau)


 She decided to get married at 23.

 Nobody is trying to wake him up.
 I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.
 you need to drink more water.
 I’ve wanted to see Brian so bad.

Ada juga certai verb yang diikuti object + To infinitive seperti:

 Advise  forbid  persuade

 allow  force  prepare
 ask  hire  promise
 beg  instruct  remind
 bring  invite  require
 challenge  lead  send
 choose  leave  teach
 command  like  tell
 dare  motivate  urge
 direct  order  want
 encourage  permit  warn
 expect
 my mother asks me to eat rice regularly.
 Please allow me to speak Indonesian.
 They do not permit us to bring our pet.
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3. ADVERB (kata keterangan)
Adverb adalah kata keterangan yang mampu menjelaskan Adjective,
Verb, Adverb, dan Kalimat (tapi Adverb tidak dapat menjelaskan Noun
dan Pronoun).
A. Common Adverb
Adverb secara umum dibagi 4 yaitu:
 adverb of frequency (often, seldom, never, always, rearly, dll)
 adverb of time (now, yesterday, just now, last night dll)
 adverb of place (here , there, in jakarta, on the table, dll)
 adverb of manner (slowly, beautifully, softly dll)
namun yang sering masuk pada soal TOEFL hanya adverb of Place
dan Manner sementara yang lain sangat jarang.
The city tried to be developed slow by the goverments.
Yang Bravo salah harusnya Slowly. Karena slow (adj) tidak dapat
menjelaskan kata develop (verb), dan yang dapat menjelaskan verb
hanyalah adverb (slowly).
B. To Infinitive
Selain berfungsi sebagai Noun, to infinitive juga berfungsi sebagai
Adverb. Adverb tidak selalu terletak di belakang atau di tengah,
adverb juga dapat terletak di awal kalimat. Saat adverb ada di awal
kalimat maka akan di tandai atau diikuti oleh koma (,) adverb.
 To get a good score, you must study hard. Atau
 You must study hard to get a good score.
C. Adverbial Clause
Adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adverb. Adverb ini kadang
berada di depan kalimat kadang juga ada di belakang kalimat.
 When I come to this place, i feel so happy.
 I want to eat rice because I did not eat rice this morning.
 Because I study English every day, i can pass the test. (Abr)

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D. Participle (Verb-ing / Verb 3)
Adalah hasil Reducing (Red) atau Abridgement (Abr) dari adverbial
clause oleh karena itu ia juga berfungsi sebagai Adverb.
 Coming to this place, i feel so happy. (Red)
 Studying english every day, i can pass the test. (Red)
 When coming to this place, i feel so happy. (Abr)
 Because studying english every day, i can pass the test. (Abr)
 I want to eat rice because not eating rice this morning. (Abr)
 The water will be dangerous when boiled.

Adalah rangkaian kata yang tidak berpola S + Verb. Klause dibagi
menjadi 2 yaitu: Main clause (induk kalimat ) dan Sub clause (anak
kalimat). Induk kalimat (main clause / MC) tidak pernah diawali oleh
Conjunction, sementara Anak kalimat (Sub clause / SC) SELALU
diawali oleh CONJUNCTION. Contoh: I sleep (mc) when I am tired (sc).

A. Adjective Clause (AC)

Adalah klause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective dan selalu menjadi
post-modifier bagi sebuah noun (artinya conjunction ini selalu muncul
setelah noun atau Noun Phrase). Adapun conjunction yang digunkan
adalah sebagai berikut: Who, whom, which, that, whose.
 The boy who stands here asks me something.
 The cat which is bought by my father sleeps in my room.
 I buy a new car that I like so much.

B. Noun Clause (NC)

Adalah klause yang berfungsi sebagai noun dan oleh karenanya, NC
dapat berfungsi sebagai subject, object dan pelengkap
(complement). Adapun conjunction yang digunkan adalah sebagai
berikut: Who, whom, which, that, whose, when, where, why
(5W1H). Yang membedakan dengan AC adalah NC bisa muncul

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diawal kalimat (menjadi subject) tanpa di dahului oleh Noun
didepannya. Contoh:
who i am is not important.
What i want is you.
Noun Clause juga dapat muncul setelah Verb atau Preposition (jadi
object). Contoh:
I Don’t know who i am.
We understand what you feel.
I am proud of what you did.

C. Adverbial Clause (AVC)

Adalah klause yang berfungsi sebagai adverb. AVC bisa terletak di
awal kalimat (harus diikuti koma) atau di akhir kalimat (tanpa koma).
Adapun conjunction yang digunkan adalah sebagai berikut:
conjunction umum seperti because, when, since, while, although
(atau conjunction lain selain yang dimiliki oleh AC dan NC)
 Although i don’t have much money, i feel happy.
 If i have money, i will go to jogja.
 I cry when i am sad.

Perlu diketahui bahwa setiap Clause pasti memiliki conjunction di

dalamnya. Artinya tidak mungkin ada clause tanpa sebuah conjunction
di dalamnya sementara conjunction sendri sangat erat kaitannya
dengan verb, bahkan bisa dikatakan jumlah conjunction akan
menentukan jumlah verb yang ada di dalam kalimat. Perhatikan
rumusan berikut:
 1 verb = 0 Conjunction
 2 verb = 1 Conjunction
 3 verb = 2 Conjunction
 4 verb = 3 Conjunction

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Normalnya 1 kalimat hanya memiliki 1 verb inti (asli) saja namun jika
terdapat sebuah conjuction dalam sebuah kalimat, maka jumlah verb-
pun akan berubah sesuai jumlah conjunction dalam kalimat contoh: jika
ada 1 conjunction dalam sebuah kalimat, pasti akan ada 2 verb asli
dalam kalimat tersebut. Contoh:
 When we arrive here, she has gone somewhere.
 He always plays football every day since he was a child.
Dalam TOEFL part 1 permainan verb vs cojunction ini akan sangat
banyak dijumpai dan jika kita tidak menguasa Verb (verb asli atau
palsu) dan Conjunction, maka pasti kita akan terkecoh. Contoh:

Although Emily Dickinson is now a well-known American poet,

only seven of her poems _____ while she was alive.
(A) publishing
(B) to publish
(C) have published
(D) were published

Jika kita perhatikan didalam soal ada 2 verb dan 2 conjunction.

Jumlah ini tidak imbang karena jika ada 2 conjunction dalam sebuah
kalimat, maka harus ada 3 verb asli dalam kalimat tersebut.
Olehkarena itu kita harus menemukan 1 verb asli lagi dalam pilihan.
Artinya semua verb palsu dalam opsi akan lagsung salah. Verb palsu
dalam hal ini adalah A dan B. Maka tersisalah C dan D. Coba
perhatikan 2 klu ini (1) jika subjectnya adalah noun (benda mati: novel)
maka kemungkinan besar kalimat yang akan terbentu adalah
PASSIVE VOICE. (2) jika setelah titik-titik dalam soal tidak ada noun
yang berfungsi sebagai object, maka kemungkinan besar verb yang
akan digunakan adalah verb dalam bentuk PASSIVE. Jadi jawabanya
adalah Delta (D).

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5. Ellipsis
Adalah metode peringkasan untuk sebuah klause tanpa merubah
makna dari klause tersebut. Ada 3 metode yang dapat digunakan
untuk meringkas klause seperti berikut ini.
Ellipsis Hilangkan Hasil
V.ing (aktif)
V3 (pasif)
Reducing (Red) Conj + S + Aux
Being + adj/noun
Koma (_, ___,)

Omitting (Omit) conj --------

Conj + V.ing
S + Aux
Abridgement (Abr) Conj + V3
S + modal Conj + To inf

Namun perlu diketahui bahwa tidak semua ellipsis dapat diterapkan

terhadap suatu clause perhatikan table berikut:
Ellipsis +
Reducing Omitting Abridgement
1A 1B
√ √
Noun clause 2A 2B
(NC) √ √
3A 3B
√ √

Kita dapat membaca tabel di atas ke arah samping atau kebawah.

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Ke samping = adjective clause hanya dapat di Reducing dan di
omitting namun tidak dapat di abridgement.
Ke bawah = reducing hanya dapat di terapkan pada Adjective
Clause dan Adverbial Clause. Contoh:
1A. AC + Red: (conj + S + aux = Ving/V3) (hanya Subjct)
Adjective clause yang bisa di reducing hanyalah conjunction yang
menggantikan Subject dalam anak kalimat (who, which, that).
√ The boy who stands here is Adi. (normal)
the boy standing here is Adi. (Reducing)
√ My cat which was beaten sleep here. (normal)
My cat beaten sleep here. (Reducing)

1B. AC + Omit: (conj = xxxx) (hanya Object)

Adjective clause yang bisa di omitting hanyalah conjunction yang
menggantikan Object dalam anak kalimat (who, which, that).
√ The boy whom I hate is Adi.
The boy _I hate is Adi.
√ I met the cat which I always want.
I met the cat__ I always want.

2A. NC + Omit : (conj = xxxx) (hanya that)

Noun clause yang bisa di omitting hanyalah conjunction “That”.
√ I know that you are right. = I know __ you are right.
√ I don’t say that I hate you.= I don’t say __ I hate you.

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2B. NC + Abr : (S + modal = conj + To inf ) (harus ada modal)
√ I know what I should do
I know what to do.
√ She told me when I should go
She told me when to go.

3A. AVC + Red : (conj + S + aux = Ving/V3)

Adverbial Clause dapat di reducing jika subject di MC= di SC
√ Before I came here, I had seen you.
Coming here, I had seen you.
√ After they drink water, They eat rice.
Drinking water, They eat rice.

3B. AVC + Abr : ( S + aux = conj + Ving/V3)

Adverbial Clause dapat di Abridgement jika subject di MC= di SC
√ Before I came here, I had seen you.
Before Coming here, I had seen you.
√ They eat rice after they drink water.
They eat rice after drinking water

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Tentukankan (1). tentukan clause apa saja yang terdapat dalam kaliamat
dibawah ini. (2). ellipsis apa yang dapat diterapkan pada clause dibawah
tersebut. (3). Tulis ulang hasil kalimat yang telah mengalami ellipsis.

1.Ac/Red_ = actually, Izal is a teacher who is respected by many people.

2________ = when my girlfriend was child, she was always crying.
3________ = the boy who lost few years ago when he played football is
now coming back to his house which was destroyed.
4. Ac/Omt_ = the hand phone that you buy is expensive.
5________ = Henry did not know what he will cook for dinner.
6________ = She does not know that Lina will come here.
7________ = Aries whom I live with broke up with her boyfriend last night.
8________ = when he cry, he run to the river which is full of crocodiles.
9________ = that man who lost his ferrari likes to play casino.
10_______ = I was afraid until I see that my father came.
11_______ = Robby believes that her mother will recover from her severe
12_______ = I like the t-shirt that you sell.
13_______ = she was a very honest girl who is known by everyone.
14_______ = Widya would like meet me who have done her homework.
15_______ = the land which you work on is very fertile.
16_______ = the dragon that attacked you will come to this city tomorrow.
17_______ = while they are working with me, they always perform well.
18_______ = I like to travel to places which offers me freedom.
19_______ = Isbat will give the report when he gets here.
20_______ = I know lina whose father gets involved in the corruption.
21_______ = the cat whom you abandoned has found a new owner.
22_______ = if Widya meets Mafida tomorrow, she will be happy because
she never meet her for 3 years.
23_______ = we understand that this condition is tough.
24_______ = kevin has not decided about the party which he will hold.
25_______ = lina whom i love always prepare the dinner.
26_______ = the mirror which you sell is very big and makes me difficult
to bring it to my house which is located in the corner of city.
27_______ = I don’t know how I can finish this puzzle which confused
28_______ = Luki who hates bugs got allergic yesterday when he slept.
29_______ = if it is done well, it will bring many benefits for us.
30_______ = I will tell you the place which we love so much.
31_______ = my father will tell me what I must do before I come to
32_______ = our team leader who has a good influence has ordered adi
to come to the camping preparation which is held in USA.
33_______ = the car speed is amazing since It is supported by a good
Engine which makes it faster.
34_______ = what she said was true that I did not go anywhere since I
am so lazy to move.
35_______ = Rudy who loves to eat has put on weight because he is
36_______ = she stays close to the park which she always visit.
37_______ = that she can debut as an actress is her dream which looks
so amazing.
38_______ = while Yuli is very popular in the class, she makes very few
39_______ = my brother told me how I can operate a computer when I am
at the workplace.
40_______ = the man that confessed his love has received a positive
response that make him happy.
41_______ = you whom i believed have betrayed me.
42. Avc/Abr = we will start our journey after we have decided it.
43_______ = the cat which lost its way has returned home.
Good Luck Gengs….!
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Other Related Materials
Sebagian besar materi yang ada dalam chapter 2 ini adalahh materi untuk
part 2
6. Subject & Verb Agreement
Adalah kesuaian antara subject dan verb dalam kalimat. Artinya jika
subjctnya tunggal maka verbnya juga harus tunggal atau ditambah
S/ES (is, was, has, makes, loves dll) dan jika subjectnya jamak
(plural) maka verbnya juga harus jamak atau tidak boleh ditambah
S/ES (are, were, have, make, take dll).
 She eat rice with me (X) = She eats rice with me (√)
 The goverment of west regions are good (X) = is good (√)
 Plural noun/subject biasanya ada S/ES dibelakangnya (books,
the cars, houses)
 Sementara Plural verb tidak ada tambahan S/ES (have, take,
make, find, drive dll)
 Jika subject meakai S/ES maka verb-nya tak perlu ada S/ES
dan begitupun sebaliknya

7. Parallel Structure (and / or)

Adalah pola atau susunan kalimat atau kata yang setara. kesetaraan
yang dimaksud adalah berdasarkan kelas kata (noun, adjective, verb,
dll) ataupun bentuk kata (verb1, verb 2, verb-ing, tunggal, jamak, dll).

 I just want to buy a car, handphone and telivisions. (tanpa S/ES)

 She looks so cute, beauty, and clever. (adj = beautiful)
 I plan to rent a car, borrowing a motor, or go on foot. (verb 1)
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8. Pairing Words
Adalah 2 kata yang selalu bersama dalam kalimat. Artinya jika ada
salah satu dari 2 kata ini (contoh: more + than), maka pasti
pasangannya juga akan muncul dalam kalimat. Adapun anggota
pairing word ini adalah sebagai berikut:
A. Common Pairing
Common Phrasal Verb in TOEFL
 More /-er + than  Both + and
 Less + than  Between + and
 Whether + or  Not only + but also
 Either + or  From + to / until
 Neither + nor
I want to study both English and Arabic.
She is nicer than Marcella.
B. Verb + Prep (Phrasal Verb)
Common Phrasal Verb in TOEFL
 Depend on  Ask for
 Count on  Struggle for
 Insist on  Apply for
 Reflect on  Distinguish from
 Spend on  Differ from
 Agree with  Result in
 Associate with  Succeed in

C. Adjective + Prep (Bound Adjective)

Common Phrasal Verb in TOEFL
 Afraid of  Famous for
 Aware of  Suitable for
 Proud of  Ready for
 Jealous of  Familiar with
 Careful of (with)  Identical with
 Good at  Popular with
 Expert at  Different with

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9. Determiner
Dalam TOEFL part 2 biasanya kita akan sering dikecoh dengan
bebera determiner atau modifier dalam noun phrase seperti dibawah
Det/modif Pola contoh
Many Many books
Few Few books
+ Plural Noun
A few A few books
A number of A number of books
Much Much water
Little + Uncountable Noun Little water
A little A little water
An amount An amount water

Det/modif Arti Pola

Like (adj) Sama/mirip Like + Noun
Alike (adj) Sama/mirip Linking verb + alike
 Two girls were embarrassed because they were wearing
like dresses.
 They are really alike.
Like (prep) Sama/mirip Bias terletak dimana
saja, namun jika ada
Unlike (prep)
Tidak Sama/mirip di depan harus diikuti
koma (,).
 He is like my father.
 Unlike other students, he is really diligent.
 Like me, she is really beautiful.
 She is really beautiful Like me.

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10. Passive Voice
Adalah kalimat yang verbnya bermakna “di / ter”. Ciri-ciri kalimat
passive ini adalah BE + VERB-3. Dalam kalimat passive, Subject
dalam kalimat aktif akan menjadi Object dalam kalimat passive
sementara Object dalam kalimat aktive akan menjadi Subject dalam
kalimat passive. Contoh:
 They visit my mother

 My mother is visited by them

Dalam TOEFL passive sering sekali muncul dalam part 1 dan part 2
baik dalam bentuk Normal ataupun bentuk Reducing. contoh:
 The boy who is visited by his mom is adi. (normal)
 The boy visited by his mom is adi. (reducing)
11. Inversion
Umumnya dalam sebuah kalimat, subject selalu terletak sebelum verb
(S + V), namun dalam kalimat inversi (susunan terbalik), subject
muncul setelah verb (V + S). Ada 7 hal yang menyebabkan suatu
kalimat mengalami inversi diantaranya:
 Yes/no question
 Adanya So atau Neither
 Adanya here / there
 Adverb of place
 Negative adverb or expression
 Conditional sentence type II
 So + adjective ....... that

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Namun kita hanya akan membahas 3 diantaranya (yg di cetak tebal).
A. Adverrb Of Place / There & Here
Inversi dapat terjadi karena adanya adverb of place dalam
sebuah kalimat dengan syarat verb dalam kalimat tersebut
adalah INTRANSITVE VERB (verb yang tak punya object e.g.:
sit, sleep, is, am, are, dll). Contoh:
 Andi sleeps in my room. (normal)
in my room sleeps Andi. (inversi)
 My mother stays here/there. (normal)
here/there stays My mother. (inversi)
 The cat sleeps here/there.
here/there sleeps the cat.
 The boy can sit there.
there can sit the boy.
B. Negative Adverb Or Expression
Apabila dalam suatu kalimat terdapat negative adverb, maka
kalimat tersebut akan mengalami inversi. Adapun negtive adverb
sebagai berikut: never, seldom, rarely, barely, hardly, dll.
Adapun cara membuat inversi (negative adverb) sebagai berikut:
“we never steal anything.”
1) Letakkan atau pindahkan negative adverb ke depan kalimat.
“never we steal anything.”
2) Datangkanlah Auxiliary sesuai tenses dalam kalimat tersebut
lalu letakkan sebelum subject dalam kalimat tersebut. (Aux: is,
am, are, do, does, did, has, have)
“never do we steal anything.” (inversi)
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 They never listen to what i am saying.
Never do they listen to what i am saying.
 Not only does he love chocolate but he also smokes.
 Seldom do we see such an amazing display of dance.
 Never had she seen such a beautiful sight before.
Beneath the streets of a modem city _____ of walls, columns, cables,
pipes, and tunnels required to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants.
(A) where exists the network
(B) the existing network
(C) the network's existence
(D) exists the network

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Tentukan kelas kata (part of speech) dari masing-masing kata yang
bergaris bawah berikut ini.
1. We have to count on ourselves if we want to win the game.
2. You left home just before five o’clock in the morning.
3. He first came to his grandmother’s house to make sure that
everything’s fine.
4. They had a lunch at a restaurant where they met for the first time.
5. My sister wasn’t weak to lift her heavy backpack.
6. I tried to help my father paint the wall.
7. Your coffee is already cold.
8. My mother said, “What a hot day!”
9. I can’t spend the night with you.
10. We were late to have dinner but we could cook something and eat
at home last night.
11. Gifani can play the guitar very well.
12. Do you love to eat pizza?
13. We heard strange sound yesterday.
14. He is a smart man.
15. The team is getting busy with their project.
16. This is an old house.
17. They did well in the soccer match.
18. Fifi can’t drive slowly.
19. Have you ever been to Australia?
20. The game was not interesting to watch.
21. We have already reminded them to come early.
22. Don’t miss me when I am gone.
23. Giano and Jerry are falling in love.
24. That is an expensive gadget.
25. Let’s make it great.

Tentukan kelas kata (part of speech) dari masing-masing kata berikut ini.

1. The weather was very cold, therefore I run quickly along the way to
my house.
2. While Jeane hurriedly ate ten big bananas, we wondered whether
she could finished eating them.
3. They made a special guest come to their show and the audience
felt surprised.
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1. Verb, Pronoun 14. Adjective, determiner
2. Verb, Preposition 15. Noun, adjective
3. Adverb, Preposition 16. Demonstrative, Adjective
4. Noun, conjunction 17. Adverb, Noun
5. Possessive adjective, Adjective 18. Verb, Adverb
6. Verb, Noun 19. Adverb, Noun
7. Possessive adjective, adverb 20. Determiner, Adverb
8. Verb. Determiner 21. Adverb, Pronoun
9. Auxiliary , Pronoun 22. Conjunction, Adjective
10. Adjective, Conjunction 23. Verb, Preposition
11. Auxiliary, adverb 24. Demonstrative, Adjective
12. Verb, noun 25. Verb, Adjective
13. Verb, adjective


1. The weather was very cold, therefore I ran quickly along the way
to my house.

 The = determiner
 weather = noun
 was = verb
 very = qualifier
 cold = adjective
 therefore = conjunction
 I = pronoun
 ran = verb
 quickly = adverb
 along = preposition
 the = determiner
 way = noun
 to = preposition
 my = possessive pronoun
 house = noun

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2. While Jeane hurriedly ate some big bananas, we wondered
whether she could finish eating them.

 While = conjunction
 Jeane = noun
 hurriedly = verb
 ate = verb
 some = quantifier
 big = adjective
 bananas = noun
 we = pronoun
 wondered = verb
 whether = conjunction
 she = pronoun
 could = auxiliary
 finish = verb
 eating = noun
 them = pronoun

3. They made a special guest come to their show and the audience
felt surprised.

 They = pronoun
 Made = verb
 A = determiner
 Special = adjective
 Guest = noun
 Come = verb
 To = preposition
 Their = possessive pronoun
 Show = noun
 And = conjunction
 The = determiner
 Audience = noun
 Felt = verb
 Surprised = adjective

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Number Answers Number Answers

1 B 21 C
2 C 22 A
3 C 23 A
4 D 24 A
5 B 25 D
6 A 26 C
7 B 27 B
8 C 28 D
9 A 29 A
10 B 30 D
11 D 31 C
12 D 32 C
13 A 33 D
14 C 34 D
15 B 35 D
16 B 36 A
17 C 37 C
18 A 38 D
19 B 39 A
20 A 40 D

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Number Answers Number Answers

1 D 21 C
2 A 22 D
3 B 23 A
4 D 24 C
5 A 25 A
6 C 26 B
7 B 27 B
8 C 28 D
9 A 29 B
10 B 30 A
11 C 31 B
12 B 32 D
13 D 33 C
14 B 34 B
15 A 35 C
16 D 36 D
17 A 37 A
18 C 38 C
19 A 39 A
20 C 40 B

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