Chorus Fall Syllabus 2020

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Wilkes University Division of Performing Arts: SYLLABUS

Course number: MUS 125 (All sections)

Course title: University Chorus
Semester: Fall 2020
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00-5:30 pm
Location: Gies Hall and Lower Lobby of Darte Auditorium
Instructor: Dr. Leesa Levy (Darte 310, 570-408-4432, [email protected])
Office Hours: MTWThF 9:00 – 10:00 am

Course Content
The Wilkes University Chorus provides students an opportunity to practice music skills and to grow as
musicians through the regular rehearsal, discussion and performance of a wide variety of choral
repertoire, both a cappella and accompanied. Through the rehearsals, individual practice, and team
sessions, students will acquire facility with their vocal part and will learn to sing it expressively, as part of
an ensemble. Through team participation they will also research and learn about the composers,
compositional styles and performance practices of the selections studied. Students will continue to
develop sight-singing skills and proper vocal technique though class exercises and practice outside of

1. The chorus has been divided up into teams of 4-6 students each. Rehearsals are every Tuesday and
Thursdays 4:00-5:30 pm. The chorus will rehearse in teams with two team each alternating every 30
minutes between the Darte Upper Lobby and Gies Hall. While two teams work with the director, the
remaining teams will be working on their repertoire projects in separate locations. Rehearsal schedules for
each student will vary during the semester so please pay attention to emails sent from the director.
2. Please be in the scheduled rehearsal room or team session room with your music, a pencil and project
materials five minutes before the scheduled beginning of rehearsal/session so that you are ready to go
when the rehearsal begins!
3. Mid-term singing exams will be held via Zoom/acoustically during the 6 th week of classes.
4. The fall concert is scheduled for Saturday, November 21, 2020. The concert will be held in the Darte
Auditorium. No audience will attend the concert. Rehearsals and performance of each selection will be
held from 9:30 am through 3:00 pm with a break for lunch. Recordings of the concert will be made
available through the Wilkes website or through a future download.
5. The above outlined plan may change due to Covid 19 and it's effects on face-to-face instruction. Please
be flexible.

Accumulated points Quality of Work GPA
93% - 100% Outstanding quality 4.0
87% - 92% High quality 3.5
80% - 86% Good quality 3.0
71% - 79% Satisfactory quality 2.5
62% - 70% Acceptable quality 2.0
51% - 61% Minimum quality, below graduation standards 1.5
50% and below Unacceptable quality below graduation standards1.0

Points will be added for:

Mid-term and concert singing evaluations. . . . . . . .up to 5 points for each evaluation (10 total)
Singers tested in duos or quartets
Positive contribution to the ensemble at each rehearsal and team session …
each rehearsal and team sessin are 4 points (100 points total)
Including but not limited to: singer shows energy and concentration in rehearsal,
exhibits good posture, marks music with a pencil, participates in class discussions,
rehearsal evaluations and team sessins. Exhibiting leadership within the ensemble and
pride in membership. Absences result in a loss of points.
Points will be subtracted for:
Unexcused absence from regular rehearsal, student given 0 points for that rehearsal
Tardy to regular rehearsal........................................................... -1 point per tardy
Negative contribution to the group, points will be subracted at the discretion of the instructor
Including but not limited to: music not prepared, talking in rehearsal, attitude problems
or lack of concentration in rehearsal, exhibits bad posture, forgets music, fails to mark
music with a pencil, fails to assist with setup/strike, fails to get notes from section leader
after an absence, fails to fulfill team responsibilities. Any continued negative behavior
...........................will result in the student being asked to drop the course.

Section leaders
Your section leader is there to help you! Section leaders are expected to set up a regular time outside of
rehearsal to which you are welcome to come if you need help with your music.

Singing evaluation
At the singing evaluation I will hear you with the section leaders on the other three parts, sing selections
from the repertoire in order to make sure you have learned the music. If you do not pass this evaluation,
you may have one additional attempt. I reserve the right to prevent you from singing the concert if you do
not know the music.

Please see the Wilkes Student Handbook class attendance policy regarding class absences. If you are sick,
please do not attend the rehearsal. Students who miss a rehearsal due to illness will be reported to Diane
O'Brien, Director of the Wilkes Health Services for follow-up. Practice your parts to the assigned
literature and record your practice to submit to me for review. Attendance at dress rehearsals and
performances are mandatory; any singer who misses a dress rehearsal will not be allowed to sing the
performance, and any singer who misses a performance will fail the class. Any student who misses more
than two rehearsals for any reason or who is late to rehearsal more than three times may also be asked to
leave the group and drop the class. Any singer who misses a dress rehearsal or a performance will not be
allowed to return to the group the following semester. Attendance and participation requirements are the
same for all sections of MUS 125.

Anyone who was not in the Chorus last semester must sing an audition for me. Returning singers
interested in switching voice parts or who want individual feedback may also sign up for an audition.
These auditions will consist of singing simple vocal exercises, singing a prepared piece if you have one,
and sight-reading. In addition to determining whether or not you are ready for the Chorus, these auditions
will help me determine your appropriate sight-singing level and gauge your progress over the course of
the semester.

Concert Dress
Concert dress is formal: tuxedo/black tie for men, long formal black (uniform) for women. New members
will need to see the Chorus Manager for information on ordering the Chorus dress/tux. Concert dresses
are also available from former chorus members.

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